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in thi I ng to . at peace ii ratd to h? ' I ' ?! - ?s ? riel lt8,.k?n operat. r ed t B u I ga ris, i ? ,, ,-*r -v> ? er ft aid ia th? redxi,-" ? SS4 that the I'ardsr.e:.?? altacl ? ? ? ? |?n Hs " ' tootloo . t th? I -a- . Berl a oloa I si v*?' I 'i-'1* ?*? *?" hpo'.i ffc" ; . . a corresr-*- ?:? ' ' tele* gr.rh.: "Vc.r eoi mt learoi >? ? ?? - ' hat tl dor.rrr I r-, Frar.ce ?- rj ha? 1 M '-ir-"" R? ? , ? . ? ? ' ? ? >f I .'.r.tente ; ccd of the hope ? I I sad of I n and ? | ? . ? . ' ? - , . ? ? ? ? ? ei " ? ava. Th? *' . ! ov - eriflg th? ? ? ? ? ib? of ? here, is a? fo?nw? : . : ? th? ?i i art ? in a ?OUtl ? ward I'azarevatz. For the ?ame :? position a shor' on t ? ? ana demi .? S. ir.e: li? the Jesava River. After ?vacuai arrvat? to IB? vnrd j, n< ? ' Iding them ?n check h'.I along the Ha? the *'t.e H . dis? order. Hulirar cavalry succeeded in enter '?/??-. ? ? ? Morava River, Bortl f it hridpe. I'n pn ?he ?ne* P?'?.u.Ht?on ut ail point I the (.ermann l'rai-e herb Valor. That ?he Serbian ? wai much great, r th? Mackensen or the Gen ?tall is lnd.eated in the ?he "Lokal '? the "< olotrne ? ? the oroi] . 'the German and ' ; era ?;. ; : ? . fully alor.c: I ? ? movement com ?' ? ? \ acuate 1'ozare i at the ? i and the advanced tion? pupa' ? it a dently hsd . here "After the e*. retir?- ' ? loathe ?stv which si ? ? ? day? I ? ting occurre : eootour of the v. ? ..i the German !.< avy ai tlie fcfoui taia of Vrs .r?emy fight desperat . ., after long Vhteil BO? ' f the Bo. burg rogimeati An..- ? ? the Vrai ?teeper than the fume. ? Saar \ '.he .? fren-, the 1 renen in 1870. ? ... Anzeiger i.dent, ? -tance ? ? . . ?portant v.? .?? -. ? ? . ? - ? ? SVSI of of the ? I aban? donment The ??lo?.?: v - , respondent popu' ? I patll I A Reotei ttinle. Moateaegro, l?yed i-, trantn - ? ,r p\. ?aek? delivered the i ti.e Au.triaii. agi ?ition? on 'rr Drina Grahovo front wers repulse.? with tiertvy -....,., One of three si ? ?' . yu.'. ?entgrin poiitioni fell ne.r he the pilot sad sa sAeot ?vei ? CZAR WORKS LONG HOURS AT FRONT Consulta Generals Dally from 9 A. M. Until 7:30 P. M. ?k P.trorrad. Of, ?. Tv... f?nowlnf ? authonted .!rarri*t:on of the life of F BOapOtO? MiehelBS ?t the front hai reaehei. Petrograd: "Headtjuai'a e?tabli?hed ha ?. sosal] ?_ . .tor, h tat la a elt. of White Kj-s'a, th? BOB ? of O is 00000001 ?la? noor. or.? at a ss an office __\__ ' " - rniog too ?i form, walk, to tl ' r? of the i accompa- ed ' With Geaerra I ?he Emperor r. ? ?? ? ?-,. T,.. ? _*** 4W* ' himself foncer-ling the c< ? all psrt? of th? immense 'ro- ,, ?mines map? ?? 1 a loi ar* Il and ti MOOUMX S d.atT. ?HHJUa, ihe lutaCh-, ' le. Ne wine I ser? e,' \ ?, 're. f?iperor ehnt I guSStl reporta I?. - hour 01 til ?linne I ? ? ? , the luncheon. 4 ? ? * Genera \ ? ? . for s or The ger.?* ' *-k? nirh |aj * 24 LANDED FROM SALERN l^>?s of \or*?cgian Teosct, Reported " British. < milirmed. LondOB, 0? ' - Lloyd announce . i. that teen mei hat - - ' -. . ?. ?. Her are ng n ? l?i ? rds 1 ist I a Lin? ?? ?ib? i ? SEE IN BALKANS KEY TO VICTOR. Oertnant Relieve Orient Offer (he v. a\ to Strangle I upland. r - ? : i "All German; thsl ?he complications in th . :?.?,-? ? ? || I they ;iri - litustion . ? rmli have ti through Ser ? ? ng with I ? ? , | tor? The; | - BC "These words were used in the cour?? . l to-day wit Ii -, i ? ? month? 1 ? ? ?es and mi ? . mpars .... ra'?'l, and I".*':; matiat *hink they . 1 < ? ni; thai end :. iiiniition or ? 01 ? ?' ' ?? : ace. ?? ?; ? e eon? ?ration ol . :, im tached to this. It mo of th? G?-' ? i that . - mas | to th?- wesl '" ? - ? ? - they ? their plans for i . ? i lue ? troops baek mi., the wesl ? "'Rassis'i mecen esasod th?. elab n, and to ? forced . :n be they were n ? . there ad : ? eviag th? Turk- snd in tne '? ''I hat theii ? ? ? in. i hey Kation, ? . north snol problem. ">*? sr ? Germsi p. ? give be ? ?< ' 71 LOST ON SHIP SUNK BY U-BOAT Austrian Submarine Gave No Warning and Shelled Crew. Is Report. Tari?, Oct. 1?. The Marseille? cor? ner si del t of th? "Petit mal" tele grapl I thai th? mail boat Eugen? Pe hai arriv? -hirty three me-i ? ? ?, ,?, ,,f the . .'iielin, which was sunk by a ?ubmsrias. A from the Havas cor respn ? The Amiral llame,in Wal under gOV? | 'o the ? wa? toi ib i ibma? . : ? t. .4, ?,. . ? *erred ..nlrd ? The ? .- ?uliin??ririe ... ? . ' hi? attack ? ? ? | * respondent. Bil ? ; drew a French ? ship ? ? ?? fled St th? i 'Ar, tor? pedoes inte th? a .: klag her. I four trans? ? . sunk ? ? . ,, th? -.? rrsn? an during th? - ?ed from Berlin by i i.err.stcirff. Th, me--,lk... rseetved by th? Genoan says that the vessel? hj. gregate H.?'..nOO toas No statement was ruade as to lost of 1:'. ? ,0 the reopening of the ?uhmarine cann.i. new water?. TO CUT PARI3 FOOD PRICES (...? eminent May Resort to Tatatlon, Met-Iare? Minister. Paris, Ocl 1*? -i b? litootloo i? ie * ?i i laid Loaii J -. to a -. dis? . loi bock price? l ? i ormsl, ? ? . efforts on ' ?-up . r.?r> . ?d at pi ? which ?:ve. ?.ade to make the price o*' bread in . r os a ment ?rj i r,,? boaitoU to l?a?e r. 10 IkJUt'.a.U." M ?MA KFFORTS TO RELIEVE BELEAGUERED SERBIE 1/ALIfV *____,]. L "?SJ? BOCEVAC E\R Bv . MITROVIT/Av -(K ^%L( tSTMJHr*. r ?i ??" '^A'o^r_#~ X__ - \ A V^ ..&_/ evV/KU-1-ltr-t.l through ligar?a and t?? ii.?- Ni Saloi ice ru.,:.,ad to the ?real ?allied expedii at Enoa, which threatens the Dodeaghatch railroad. ;i Bulgar thrust at the vital Sal?nica Sfiah railroad al Uranja. ? ! ? ttack near Pirot, alone tha line of the Oriente] ?'.asi.m of ?Serbia by B gars ai Zajeeer. ?' Von ktackeneen'a thrust, ?rhich has reached fifteen mil? a the frontier. GERMANS GAIN ON RIGA FRONT Berlin Reports Progress in Hindenburg's New Drive. B i si > '.. nw Tl Ion, Oct. is. Field Hi Hindenburg, who baa sbandona ? i.i ? i. t,?-?)<?.? ?? :.-. ... , rta. A ? he i '? .n fi onl i'- .. I'. . liana i tac. ing. bul w? il of I pture o ? | along a g thi ? ? front the I ?ire on CO. Her! in repeated Russian a'!-. .rith strong lores in the region of ? ? . '.!.ck- by the enemy along the Ru man?an border. GERMAN OFFICIAL tement issued by the Berlin " Marshal -. on 11 Indei b rg la ith of Riga i ?' ? ? ? ? . aed m our ban lobatadt were repu ? ?.f Illouk.t wa captured en en.- | extending ei ;. front of ai re? Icilometrei ? r south, in the n i Smor| , repel und? r fon heavy loas . ? ] . Acers and I I I m< :. oners. Army Kroup of Prince Leopold, of Bavaria, A Russian attack on both ? ? ' hovitschi-Barano ? . r_..ubj broke doun under "ur at a distance of WO par? t of I I i ' "ri?. \ -trian OFFICIAL The communication given out at VU nna folio a : There wire no i-p<-t-.;i] events ves? tir dit.1, m Eastern Galicia oi Rika ? and the rtgian of the Volhynian fortr? ? i tha Korn I brook and the low ISty r the eneraj made strong attacks i.?-ar Kulikoi Novo Sclki nr.d Rafalowka. 'IT-.?, bat? tle continues, At all ?ihf ; enemy jresterdsj was rep great lei I-. _u ?:.. Hungarian troops on nppei Sscsere also repu: strong Russian ?-.11?.?? '_. RUSSIAN OFFII 1A1 The official communication issued at he region of Riga, on the River Am, north of M itua, enemi i : beyond Hi irs< BCroi - the river. ' in tt:> Dvinsh front, after the at ... ?? thi enemy remaineo paasive througno il Only iK'iir the village of Pochilini did attempt) to dislodgi .n the oe We re] ? s. Artille! ; fighting eontii : ' I ink. ? ..n m ? tha Pi Ipel region ami <>r-, the tyr our troops yester portai liur I . ? ?eupetion of ii"- ? hi hitsy, above Rafalovka. We captan d thirteen oil rs, lading two battalion commanders, snd hundred men. I'ftttchiTirnts of OUI charged the enemy near - i ei itehi, west of Rafa Tl.i. rtj offlceia :?? thousand men and BOBS . .: ... . ? :. int.? our hands. At dan b yoi tardai our ti kovicl Novoaelki. Tin - fa ?re ba a .-.'i I : over 1,000 pi so?era anil i machins guns bomb throwers. GERMAN PLOT IN CHINA Chinese Accused of Having Arms Dei lined fur India Bhaaghal, I lei '? I Three < I . i ' n placed on triel here before a 1 court, charged -Aith having ? i ed that a am to them a eonaig tins, doclai ing they c?.. ante being pistola and 1 ba (?erman was all? ear I to have the weapon? ami am tiea ?hipped to India, instructing to pack them I" twe? ? s, hewing and piecing the W? SUCh a manner that a pair i : glo plank. An il live ea_ penter, it wa i test ? I ?? S to Hf_r Father of "Spy." W si i Bgti n, Oet Ig <; . ..-." W Trient, ?Hther of Kenneth Tries! ? l'i ncetun .tudent t ? n the charge of BOpionege, ar ? .!?>? t?> discusa h ? ?? Mr Tr;. t\ was expect? for London la>t B?tardes with ?r. through whin; ' g 11.en's trial is set ?__ .._?______ i. SWISS TOWN SHELLE1 BY FOREIGN AVIA1 , . Persons Wounded Bombs Near Trench Bord? Choua de? 1" >nds, BwltserioBd, iroplani ver I ' ",vn. ? ? .r the Freneh border, sad dro ill ... ! p.r?e ? The ' ha? ordered nr ?? ? : v.?.l;r ? ni'i.ry by svistors. Berlin, Oet 18 'hy tvirele?? to 1 .?.. The German notomi passage of Zepp. over Du! ? ??? rdam given ob : - News Agency to day. ZEPPELIN VERDICT ANGERS PAREI Son Murdered by Kaise Order. He Cries Out ii London Court. Loados, ni- 18 An inquest on bodie? of th.* three victim? if the I bomb dropped in the Zeppelin ?-aid ? and of three otl who were killed oi rho died si .he . b imb?, i II <? . ? ? in .-ach c. sth as - r si 000 Of ?he vict .;. il? c- ,i- .. the lac,'?'.c verdict. ??My irdered by the or of the Kali? "1 ?umn ? ma before the ju nu-nt teal i ?sr for of those of On? lllod by the first bo was a railroad employe, both of wh rife, who v iped urihurt. The i und was a man who was ? I l.ri.ker. il eot 11 I tina wo? i? ? soi the loo - : ; smai-hed other dead were th? victim? a bomb dropped In the middle of a ide th ? ignfsr? Th.* mi? I a Hi.? which last .? cut off. A ?Iriver, a eonductoi iir..I special COI Itabl? -.vcre killed m a niot. bu? on winch the bomb plunged. [neend ? splosiv? bombs w< ?. The?.* pierc ii water main, sad the ru^h of wat .... ? eoosod .??.??ral p< i or injured. R. H. DAVIS GOES TO FRON Mrs. E. < . POO? AN?. :--ai!? t.. K-Iabli lleld Hospital in l'r;?n.e. Richard Harding Davis, sathor ar v? ar c terdsy < ' ? : ' Kuropen ? ?. . . . ? In-- re'urr. from 'lie front se' eral mon''-.s ago I p war?ai pomlent ?I'm | to take snot : Mr. Ds? .>. of the lat milli. ? on the sarne boat t ? ? ,.? . ? ? w?.r - ? ? Avenu ? Hl f'. Mrs. Wi?liai ? ill 'i ir*. B a s . Irs. 1 CUBA BELIEVED GOAL OF MISSING GERMANS No Trace of Yacht Seen l.asi Week Off Virginia c.n^x. 'A bosis mi??in| pettj . ? ? ' K .-iprinz Wil be mak rhe . -? ? :? Heach ? *? eh and ' ...or? re row? of _n .*' ' ? - "' Korfolk would -"-.ips and no more t, I. II l Brit ? -china ten. whieh, with ? ? ' ?'.?? 1 wo M with ?? '?ho left ??tors of sogsd from German i. Americaa r-HUiUju U. S. ASKS QUICK DECISION ON FRYE Requests Use of Sum mary Arbitration Forms in Case. ,'?.-. ? -1. Washington, Oct. 18. The Arnerlcai Bota scesptiog G?naaay*i proposa b le by arbitration "he problem? an.? ut nf th? Milking of the Will an P. Frye tras mads public at th?* - Depai ' day. II was dispatc u i to Berlin ob October IS. The controversy bos lasted severa u' i ? . notes. Bo h admitted esrly ib th. be si ' ? ?ted, bu this government I il ? :,, ihr t pro? ? dui -? :?? ndii % si tur from *..-. ould pursue with rsgsrd to Ai er - ? Germany offered to relinquish th. . ladet with ? eontraba ?d, bat in : thai th? ?'.?*-* r. ; ^- *? .on of earriei : i.h-..lute eoal be per ? tted TI - ?? n | ?rrsi gemen .-,. ? .I to, on condition that i - on such . r -it | irlft m lifeboats. Th Statu Department holds thai ?mal ha.ats are BOl "p.?ice? of Safety" withir ?the meaning of International law-. The n.ite points out that the ?lecUrri tion tif London, invoked by <?er many, is not in ^orce, unil ?rill not h? [ by th! rovernmoot evcep' ? ? destrnel contraband carriers. The pobl of the note ?hows for th? that acre;.tance of arbitrotlofl by Gar ?rould he equivales! to a promi?? t.. mi ? - ? md ? ions. Th.* smi ?? ' of indemnity to be pair by Germany for th? Pry? ?rill be deter nim.'.l by two exper'-, one ?pl.-et.-il hj l*he ' r. i'e.l BttataH bed Ib a previooi Bote that pro? be mod? f.-r tha aeleetioa of an urnnir? in the eveal at a disogroomeot. Ar msay took exception t<> this, becaus? her exp.r- ? i that disagree meat? ia inch casts have BOOB rare The present note sgTOO? to dispense wi*h thii provision for the Bross?t, bol u ?ame? that an umpire will be called in if the disagreement eOOBOt he reme? died by diplomatie negotiation. The QjB tioB for arbitration i? th' ?? rpretal OB of th? treaty of l*?2r" between the (Jaited State- and Pn??ia - that in the svool of one of becoming ?ngaged in a war ?I ?vhiefa the o'her is neutral, the hei? liger eat shall in no circumstancea de troj th?- vessels of the other, bat rights ?nail be limited to visit and learch and the eon: ?cation of contra? band. The t'nifed States insists on the lit? eral interpretation of the treaty. The ? ierman rovernment believe? that when it i? Impoaaiblc t.. ser?is? its right of cuti!'?cation, OVrlag to th? pre?ence of hoitile warshipi in th- vicinity, a? in -ye ra-e. rhe right of p|>-true'ion niurt be scknowledged. The State department is anxious to have the case passed 01 b? at: arbitra? tion court us IOOB si pe ilble. !t a-k?, therefore, that instead of -. to 'he Permanent Court at The Hague, which might require several mi rm- luggeited by ?he 1 ? ? ton be u-ed. party, under this form, ?e!.???*,? one arbitrator, whs agree ? t a third. While oAeisli hope that 'he prient note will mark the end of ;he contro ver | ?? - not generally believed ti al Germaay will eoaaent ro the tern ed. It i? ] ? it that Germany'i commerce ar;e lecessortly ibiaariDos,and tha- i*. ii im? b?li f.?r inch rrrsfl ? ? n ike other loo for the isfel of person ob anatmen than ] lue.:*.? I feboots. 'I he American Me? lion." therefore, is - . .s of - i Gonoaaj. TESTIFY TO'GRAFT IN ARMY AIR CORPS Witnesses at 'Frisco Court Mar tial Call Conditions "Rotten." Ft T- -. . : . - Fan Francisco, Oct. 18. Startling tiOBI ' OB branch of would ???gate the entire ? ? ? . rt mart ! ? . . idveeat? irti isat, by army ? ? cert ?in of of the aviation section who ? . ? ? ? roplsi ? pay, for 1 rk, a ? if the wil rofl \ i of th? ?odor of ?chool, I tan, sifrnal c.?rp?. Heer theii Ti rfdaioi ? boi presooted that i ?was ?id . ? thief of th liag and rel ng of ind thai men* t the p . i favor oi tl.c.e oihccis, particularly | ?Cowan. BIG GUNS CHEC TEUTON ATTAC AROUND SOUCH Germans Driven R Throe Times by t! Enemy's Fierce Fire BELGIANS REPULSE FURIOUS ASSAM. British Charge Trenches Vermclles Aeroplanes Shell Belfort. 'R* CaM? In fhS t_ * London, Oct. 11 Striving to Joffre'-, ?"nibbles" towuri the Lens way, the German? are attacking Proneh fiercely in the sector of Artois front around Beaches. AI I en-Iiarr.e, northeast of Seeches, hardest a", aults bava been d There 'he Germana charged enemy lines thr?-e times last night, each tune the Preach artillery chn the attack w:th a Curtain of fin?, attempt at an olfei aive was reni again to-day With BB intense artii preparation end thi massiag of n troop?. Hut before the Germans c debouch Joffre's g'.i.'i^ opened a hi lire and prevented the snort. The British, who recently won _ si of trenches around Hulluch but l forced to retire by B furious eon attack, are once more fighting straighten their line north of I I'.erlin report, repeated enemy att v-i'h strong force.i northeast of melle.', Which lies directly we.?t of 1 luch, All these assaults Gern claim to have repulsed with h? lwses. Tahure Hill Bombarded. Along tho rest of the French f the tfgnting has consisted mainlj artillery duels. In Champagne the I mans era bombarding the French reneed i ositions. notably their trem on the Batte de Tahure, which threi the Challerango-Bssancourl rail? On the Vosges eres ta spirited com? , are bein/ fought with hand greno In Lorraine, at Leintrey, the Proneh tempted ?in assault, bet wen? repul On the Belgian front the tiirrri apparently are making an effort break through. The "Belgische .-.a sya that a terrible bombardrr was .n progresa along the Tsar Baturday and Benday nights. The ing was ?specially violent near I mude and Torea. This bombardment wn? the prel to an uttempt by the Germans to br the Belgian lines, Tha Hel.ian ai stunted tha :;r.-, ihelling enemy's communication tranches ring hia infantry aa they lea from the trenches. A second attack a smaller scale also was repulsed. Belgians Hold Their Ground. This offensive took place in th. L mude region at a spot known "Death. Highway," which has I stubbornly disputed by both side?. mowed ii"wn in rows, the F ? ive been holding their own i tiding BI ':rh of ground. German uir squadrons have nttacl the fortress at Belfert, neer the Al ?order. Berlin reports that i German airmen encounter? .1 enemy s atora near the s?r..;.iJ-.o'.d. Despite th ttompta tu drive back the vadera, the French weis forced to tire. The Germans then dropped ei?, bombi on I he foi trees, can- ng ievi explosions. PRENCH official. ? he communication issued at l'a this afternoon says: Three new attecks on the part the .nemy against our positions ..che, to the northeast Bout nez, were completely check lust right by curtains of tire, which both artillery and infant participated. To the south of the River Somn in the sector of I.ihon., there h been almost continual tigh1 - - i weapons, while in the me time our butteries directed an ? feetive fire against the Germ; Works, To 'he north of Verdun Germi forces have endeavored to oecui tl ?? ' rat? i_ of certain mines recent exploded between the lines. Thi everywhere have been repulsed. I | night witnessed very spirit? infantry fire between the trenches the vicinity of N'omeny. Our arti lery in the same region has di pel ed groups "f pioneers of tl enemy, particularly to the east i Eply and near Gremeeey and Bioi Court, and it has also bombarded tl railroad station at Hlamont. The statement given out to-ni?l follows: After an intense artillery prepan tion, menaces of Infantry attacV were manifoeted in the Gonna trenches at Hois-en-Hache and th valley of the Boaehes. where larg masses of enemy effectives wei gathered. Our artillery-, by an enei getle and effective barrier fire, an our machine guns prevented the ad ?....; I? bouchlng. An artillery duel, in which we hu the advantage, took place to th south of the Sonur.e, in the environ of Tilloloy, Cesaier and Saint Leo ii. !??. On the left bank of the Aisne, ti both of Pommiera, our patrol discovered an aaemj ambuscade an? brough* back prisoners. fn ? hmnpagne the bombardment o th'- enemy has been very activ? a. a shure hill and trie rat n< of I.a (ioutte. Our batteries, in re living on the trenches and blvouaci behit'd the enemy'? front, caused ar explosion of a large munitions depot In the Vosges spirited combat, with grenades are reported on th? eies'- of Behretsmannele. and violent cannonading on both sides In the region of Hartmans-Weilerkopf and In 'he val'uy of the Thur. The H.-!t.ian official communication reads: There has been an intermittent bombardment of OBI po?itions. Our artillery destroyed an enemy obser -. post. GERM?N OFFICIAL. The statement issued by the German Army Head?)uarters staff follows: The trench w irk !.. r'heast of Ver melles, which projects far into the ? -ny positions, w_. repi'a'etlly at? tacked by the English with strong forces. All their attacks failed, with 1.....W looses, ar. 1 the trench work ail sd m our hands. .?'?mpts of the French to attack at Tahure were subdued by our fire. A BOU snemy advance, with the . ' recapturing lost positions ith of Lelatrey, was unsuccev-iu!. It goat the French, in addition to three officers, event? IB non-commissioned officers antl -? ant) three chasseurs as ; riaonc--.. On Bchratamanaets tl, ? enemy ci'uld r.ot recapture _? single foo' of groend by hi? attacks, notwith.tand? il,g the us. of a considerable ??uan sf ammunition. ! arda) G.rman air scjeadroni eked th? fortress of Belfort, drove off the enemy evlators and dropped aigl l I aba on tha fortress A number of tires were observed to have been caused by the explosiona. ????/ 564 ice ?-o seo l^ifthrAprnur.^* ?*??*??? 47*^ Qorjmmat?f?sclzciicxi Our workrooms have prepared exact reproductions and delightful varia? tion* of fofef/ Ptfrw roo^e/j together with origi? nations by our own designers. Evening Gowns?Dana Frock*?Afternoon and Street Atlirc?also Coats for motor wear. In these ready-for-service garments, we assure a workmanship and nicety of detai1 which do? credit to the standard set bv M?3^Mno." TWO INDICTED IN PASSPORT PLOT -.intelen, Accused Here. Be? lieved to Have Been Ex? ecuted in London. Edward Holey and Franz Rintelen, '.? ho has several Bliese:, nmong them Edward V, Gotea, Edsrerd V, Gasche and Fred Hansen, were inflicted by th? Federal grand jury yesterday, charged with having engaged in a conspiracy to defraud the government by obtaining a false passport from the State De? partment. The indictment was filed with Judge Bheppard in the Federal court. It is the beliif in government cir? cles that Rintelen, who came here to act ns a German f. ?cal agent, is one of the two mysterious spies recently exe? cuted in the TOwer Of London. Thi-? belief ?? th'- reaelt <>f the failure of the British government to forward paper, alleged to have been sei'. : Holland-America liner Nieua A dam, on which Rintelen sailed. Th'i oth r spy pat m ilea'h is thoug. - have been Hans Adam v< B Wedell, who I a? implicated in tr.e first fal~e puss port C itant United States Attorney Ray? mond H. Sarfaty said he knew nothing of th a belief ghl and added that he bed not made nor would he n.ake any statement regarding the POaa* i ?M eaa? , He declared that it was impossible for him 10 know who had Ieen put to death in London and was inclined to doubt the report that on. I 'eletl. Yesterday's indictment chnrges that the conspiracy "f Rintelen and Meloy was formed in thi" ci'y la-t July and that in furtherance of it Rintelen ap? peared et tha ,Tl<-*. of the c'.erk of the roderai court on July _-, representing himself as Edward V. Gates, of Penn? sylvania, and applied for a passport. It la also charged that Meloy in? formed Rintelen's voucher, Melville C Hurnard. that the applicant's name was Gates and that he had known him well as n wine agent and that Mrs. Gatea had enter! him at their Riverside Driva home. The passport wit? not le* s .ed. A month later Meloy, who is an American, and Rint.den, a German sub? ject, bat provided with a Swiss paaa* perl : meed to Edward V. Gasche, for Holland on the NieUW Arn? im. Rintelen was taken from the shim es an alien enemy at Falmoath and Meloy was returns I to I - coun? try. When he arrived her? he aras er* B of being concerned in the conspiracy to obtain a fraadu lenl pesspoi for Rintelen. He a . I leased In |10, i . bail. ! he Federal grand jury, which is un derstood to have considered comp!a:n*s .. i breaches of neutrality, took an the Rintelen pessport cas.?, and after Felix S ??mmerfeid. well Known in Mexican diplomatic affairs, and others had been questioned the indictments returned. CARSON RESIGNS BRITISH PORTFOLIO ( from |i.?_r 1 war, and have shown a much more crit? ical attitude toward the government than heretofore. 1' v? ? i reported yesterday that Win Btoa Churchill intends to join his regi? ment on the fighting line, in which case another recency would be create! In the Cabinet by h-s resignation from the office of Chancellor of the Duchy of Laneeater. With the con-crip'ion question at such a.. ., ia I II unlikely that Other offices in the ministry will be made vacant before the week ends. Careea's Appointasse! surprise. Sir F.dward Carson's position in ?he Cabinet has long beer, a pecullai When the composition of the n?'W coali? tion Cabinet was announced lest M .v. of all the appointments none ereated mere surprise than 'Ha1 of Sir Edward as attorney General, to auecee I B i John A. Simon. Jusl a year before. Sir Edwerd, as the leader of the Ulster Unionists, bitterly opposed te Home Rule :n Ireland, had been Premier A ? ; th'i il ongi il political opponent. 1! sppointi lenl * i I he cos I m Cab? inet was. therefore, a ? ha led as a trium] for tha Unionista and a bttt? r p i Prime Mini ter. P rhaps no other man in r . p. ; tics has been more n t'?-.- lime ghl during the last ft than Sir Edward. Long the champion of rister, he became the idol of hil people when he led the tight egail -' Hume Rule in 1914, and Wi .r as to raise an army of 11,"'"' W I Belfast to make war if Ulster.! wishes were dis r? garded. For many weeks in the spring ! only a mat'":- af days before the Irish province would revolt 'i'..i'-'- the leadership of Sir Ed ward, but compromises and conre delayed the ouOjreak until the F.uro pean war began and with it suspended 01 IWCpt BWey all internal strife. The moat '"'able cases with which Sir F.dward has had to ? I'*a 1 since his incumbency of the Attorney General? ship have been the Hoard of Trade's inquiry into th'- | I the Lusi and tiie pi .... ling before the pi./e court fei the eonoemnstioo of whieh had been I bv the I'ntish government on the ground that *.i,.-> were deatiaed foi Germany. Commends Carson. Condemns Ministry I.. ? a ?lOl London, Oct. 19 The Morning Poet" ?ays in an edil this morning: "Sir Edsrerd i araoa has rooigaod on the Near Kastern gOOBtioa. T'n. einment, against his strong advice and urgent coui.-c!. h.?s. as usual, allowed that auestloti to dr.ft, and Sir Edward, who aad strong eonvictiona en what he regarded aft the right policy for this fuses te -i are the reepea sibility for the resu't* of postponing , ainl a decision. I "We trust that Sir Edward, now that REDUCTION +t o?, a $? 50' 0 LIGHTING FIXURES, BRACKETS i LAMPS, CANDELABRA, BRONZES. I? ? Til? 'I"/'-?', sr>...-.l~l ' K-Va - , ?""'-? US S ???-?1 ?a J? ' Sssles .- I p.- r , p ?.? ; ? m,,^ | W ?'? ??! a- .8 .- : mi i Ita fr.D-.p^Oaa , g) ? ? sal??r it. in 'fu Grotuvd n'a? i>( ARCHITECTS P":i.D!NQ P?r. a?rut. s! ?Jlfc ??. CASS1DY St SON MfG. CO. Ill Wsart 11?.-] ?? ai r.??8?r, m t at OBBsm UrST?HLI?ill.7i -.M? %%t,%%%%?%%W?y?.| he has taken this deflnite itep ind h.t resumed hi! freedom, will uit h:i means to force upon the goremmtnt ?orr.e sense of the dangers into which it is bringing the country by Iti s> faaal to look plain facts in th. f.ct. Ha commands, WS feel sure, the eonS dence of the best part of the na'.i.r.. 1 Let him lead, and we can promu? hits i I i fing." U. S. MAY PROTEST IN BARALONG CASE New Note Would Be Mere Form Unless Proved That Flag Was Misused. .'frnrn Th? Trt? -.-.? B :????: ! Washington, Oct. IS Th? sct*?n ?f this government in the e??e of th. Brt i h patrol vessel Baralong, alleged to have attack?.1 and massacred th? cr?r? of a German submarine under cov?r ?f the American Hag, will d.p.nd on whether or not the flag w?t haultl down before the gum of the Baralon., opened fire, State Department ofllcitli ?aid to-day. Neither Secretary I.anting nor Coun? sellor Poll* had an opportunity te-ds; to examine the affidavits ?ubmitud by the Germen Embassy, U ta not known whether the charge is mide that th. American flag va? 'lu n at th* mo merit of firing, or was used to cover the approach of the British VOjovb I'nder international law the use of I foreign flag i? warranted, provided it il not employed during an actual ?ngsr* merit. As a ruse de guerre such tactic. I av? been used ami approved by n.?rl* all maritime nation?, Including thi do-man government. The Uaited State! hai alreidr pr? testod to Great Hritain agalnit th? at. of the American flag in merchant ihip?. a'leir Bg that ?uch uie, if habits?!, ii prejudicial to American shipping is terests. It is possible, therefore, thi' the present case will form the bull of a protest, whether the Ea?ra'ong ?t?-l the flag or not. The protest would be merely forts I however, unless an sctusl violation ?f International law Is proved, in whic,r OOae th i s government would view the a:tion of the Baralor.g's commsndir ? of the utmost gravity. Starts War on "Shyster?." By issuing sixteen warrant! yiltef day milling for th.* arrest of p.rtoni ?llegad to he practising law in thi? dty at s linos?, Chief Magiitrate M< Adoo took the first itep in a csmpaif? ?.. rid New York of ?t unsuthoriM "" who are said to be in bull* among the foreign population. 1'nlieensed practitioner? have be?? sble to play upon the ignorants o" Bowls arrived immigrant?, It i? sl leged, because the word "notan-" rutsns lawyer in many European countri*? STYLE WITH ECONOMY M atona roo ano? ?h.? r?*?*?**?? ?r. ?spr. I? ly ?o<??l this ?*?*"!.????? nu-..-.. Boas, r.nci... Tr oansm ? n.i u sv? ? - ? wat m Paahlon s Bdteti ._, m All .?f ?he?? thine? car. 0? mamo ?l.r ?inert?.? and pfttlso? . ?*_?, ttmmt row eM r?atOee?, ?ad ?' ???" r Th. M.'hni ?f aeammtan (i.,n tl i? allos? y?u to etmnnemmm i?l y.t i*t th? lOOsH menant *nr.u$m raer oit tmtmteemtaag ,? il t. ' ?S? _9__*__U t 8 01HIII h??, itaaooa ? a" H. METHOT 29 W. 34th St. New Yorh C__T