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c_\ \ts^ <lDi ^ARar m a U 4OnoO$ ^CtUAL MA***-* Henrlh-rug Virtues At thi? season even,' home ia brins: rid of those numer oua ?article? which la?t year were eagerly purchased as being indispensable. The "latest novelty" ha? long ago found its lonely way to the attic?via th- guest? room. For whatever win? its vogue by lome trick of nov? elty or caprice?ages fast Nothing i? durable but what is consecrated by rea?on nnd good taste. Smart Fall Hand Bag Hand Bag ? Of ??nett pirtateaJ leather, ?hirred design, in black or color., with in.ert and tab of black patent leather, .triped .Ilk lining, covered frame and .oft handle. Fitted with attached mirror and leather change pur.e in pocket., 6 inch?, der;.. $10.50 Monogram?, two initiai., ready for immediate delivery.75c * ELgg Set and Jam Jar Egg Set- . ?-left I Rack and ?tand of Prin?e ? ?ilver plate, egg cup, ?alt and pepper ?haker? and spoon of ?ame metal and a white and gold Royal Worce?ter porcelain plate, complete.$8.50 Jam Jar ?(at right) Crystal jar, with fro?ted "Grape" design, Prince', .ilver plated cover and jam ipoon ( with handle of colored enamel representing grape.). Jar 3'? inche. high, i% inch diameter at bottom, complete.$5.25 Breakfast Troy ?a?. Breakfait Tr?v?Of whit. ? namel woven wicker, fiaed tray of cretonne under glass, compart? ment al each ind for water-gla,., table ?ilver, newspaper., and ??*?? $10.00 Tea Set _(?, .how.) Of AlUrton chili?, ira white with flower panel ?latteoration, t tea pot, I sug.r baain, cream pitcher, bread I and butter plata, and cup and l**Ue*r.$6.50 .Bt Toast Rack?< ,t left l Of Pence'. Bv.ilver plate, to hold four pieces of ?^n loa.1: 3V, ? IK* loche.. . $2.50 Mail Order. Will Rece,?. Prompt Attention ^^)?^v^,*?^m^^ World's Create?! Leather ?Merci Now York Boiton 404 Fifth Ave 145 Tremont St. (01 I7IA? Sf.rri London 253 Broadway 89 Regent St Dealer* Throughout the World AMERICAS HAIL CARRANZATO-DAY AS MEXICO HEAD Six Nations Join United States in Accepting De Facto Rule. NEW AMBASSADOR MAY BF FLETCHER Other Countries to Follow with Recognition- Fmbargo on Arms for Rebels Soon. ? . - Th? Trt- ana R-iras-I : Washington, Oat II Oeneral Car irill be recognised to mom , : !.. Ire- lonl ' " ' -lco by the trgentina, E . - e envoj i Latin-Amei pros? . ? ? of the confer?. ,. "-ued this ?taten I "The eonferre? ?' -tlons from *.he-.r several h^it- i i ?. fi ?? -o-morrow the d* ernmeat of Mexico, of which G? ? arr_- - Karh of the co- ess ? ,-.,.. .. | .. - .??.?. oi do. I arransas eonfldential ug?-nt her? i _ h;rn , i of hie chief The ?oven nal diplomatie ? All the South and Central Amei republics have be? ? peeted that they will recoin is? u- /? , ? ent in a short tima European nationa al.?o, it i.? undirstood, I the lead of the '? > I a 7 e | Secretary Lansing ha? not yet cor. aidered the appointment of an . to Mexico, It ie bel <*ved he will choose or.e of the pr< :?'? in America, probably Henry C sr, Ambas-.- Am r Stimson, at Buenoa Ayr??, is elao mentioned. The .Secretary prefers :i of a trained diplomat, and eularly on? who apeaka Bpaniah and is familiar with Latin American ? "ns. The State Department understand? that Mr. Arredondo, who has been Cur ransa'i personal repi.tatlve here for almo.: a year, will remain as Am Mexico Mr _rri is already occupying the Mexican Em* baasy Ar. embargo o II - il I Bts to VI Is and other rebels again?*, tha ?n government will in a few days The Treasury ?, ment ha? already eFtablit-hed hi-: . i Uve embari pe?al-"n of an order detaining ah.j Hona until - lation can be se* eurately dot? In many consignments have been delayed sev? eral wee's?, seriously hai ? the X.'.'.a armie?. The reuiogntt or of I arransa by the I Sta'es brings an end to the long hostility of the State Depart? tow-?rd the revolutioniot. For a? months < arranse has been fi?r atronger than the oppos: tions. The eietery of I regen over ;? pa! _rmy et Celera, ne.r thl iigo, was the climax of trie campaign tha* lias alowli accom ? ?-:_-..on of the north? ern army. Villa Chiefs Denial of Order to Seize Smelters Doubted El Peeo, Tex , <><-? - G en < r Avile, of Chihuahua, a Villa adh? :'. a -i ? "fr\ mant aK'?-m ed the confiscation of planti i American Rl . ? -:ing Com - : irted. Ir. minina ever, it v_. de claied that th? on of the ? ? . ...... ">? ? ? nment It wa? state.' ? ? - rester Ter 'iered \ ilia repre? sentatives. ?. a denial followed the an ? of General V Ilia re 1 .,? iie had not .? ons after it was ted to him thai I i probat a ould r< 'uarez ?o ex; urtatior. of nres and o i.e. n trates. JERSEY ENDS ITS SUFFRAGE FIGHT (onltiinnl from i.ia.r 1 him?elf with b?r.g the power I the throne, but l.e his - when a letter B] .... 7he county. ? paternal ii and nraetli low the lea ? ... ote as lie them. Appeal Issued b> Nugent. After a paragraph devoted to the privacy a I BO u,-r-,ir Of 1 '?-inn cratic destinlea . Toeaeay next the eye? of the s'ate ea< , la fact the < the thr.e great states who ? I - SI. tO \ lova ar, f.xed on K*^e\ Counl :< i igh no choice of 1 have been mude a cen? tral figure, as your r tha abu.e, rilllfleaUoB and character as ?aisinatlori earned on by leadership !n charge of the votes for women campaign. "In this instance I ask you to ur apt ? '.dgmer.t ?hen I State te ... ood can come to New Jersey, to the ome?, nor to the Individu male or female, by giving the fran? chise to the women. We ?To not want le make another Colo-udo of New Jer? sey." If a ?ufficient number of voter? break free fr ?m th? thra'.i of Nugent'? "judgment" to sweep suffrage to vi? tory In Essex County the chleflv upon tha slender shoul I? Mrs M tria C. V.r. the V. omen'? Pi litical ; r OB | ? : aadei of the vetee fer arern* Bwerh S IBB and dark and girlish in appeal anee, afra. Van Winkle has built up un ? ' ????? B, which i? the ears and da . . ? ; have the b It 0 o'clock y< fa euf f-..a-. .ry Park, and a I eeri? equal fran ? ?ay. I ho speak era work?-.: a mon ' ? iy or night whi of t);? piing a erewd Amo-If ? e o:a a Lveritt Coll -, , e the V\ e | | Elle Reeve llloor ana M loi Ohio. I Otn.r of speak-r? clambered ? Suffragists Still Fight To Win Hostile Newark All Last Nifjhl Speaker* Pleaded in Markets? To-CaWj Women Will Guaid Polls and Electioiieer Till Ballot Box ?Seals End Battle. Il? EMMA Bl '. 111 1". Nets -Jersoj soeiogist? ?r? still light ag Bill not s'op iVhting until > r tote i? counted ai..i e??r> i ' bed, hound with t-a?-e, seal' : ?. . lets to Mirht. ko? all the ? ... This wa? Mr. to her V ;.<i?? last night. ?,het-|i ? . . .-. ' ? ? .. ? - ? ? . ? . ? ? M ? ?' be t* ? IBCsk ? Talking :? ni| h all da> SI ? ? I ?? ?uf ..." ?men'?" a. ves ? al *? ? elock :h;s n-.-r; : Inigh 11 . rnarkel men who th? centre of departure for '?? ? ad? up I aadicotei "8o a nan awake In ... u svori the Inatructioaa. Cltj Hummed Suffrage. It L' o'clock last sight there wa? a parad? eeorate mir! !?? ? V"0l for V. .'inen" Newaik'l itreets. It g All ? .'?: was ailve with ?UlTrSg?. I:. ? cti there m ?r? g ?-? the gates when th?' out from work a* BOOB. There ? ? handbilla, - from promu.ent r:;i ? nt? of William T. Hickey, the anti ,?" < oloradi lai.tir lea.ier. The j apei rai ed "W hat 1? Bickey ?" .1 .. D i annon, organiser of the Wool ern Federation of Miners; Samuel ? rs i : rank I?. Walsh, ?-hair of t!ie Induitrial Relation? Com? mittee, were union ; those auoted At ? women bad s peak sr , too. Their little sutomooilea. parolo, grOOB ami ' ML--, were everywhere. ''If there were another twenty-four hour? of rlus I think we'd all go erazy," - Maud Swart?, tucking a lemon in a throat, as she aroae to addr I a* l we can't ito] Ev? counts." i Through the long, h.etic afternoon . 'he city ran re 1 with tale? o In rhe Kogont district an. . r\ flee 'r?-n the i of argument, Mrs. Mm. \';>i .-? ? el ber Bosh a* th< terra of the Women*. )'?? ? ????? She is i . . aroman, ?vito th? eosaeea that belongs to pink tool an [ olitlool i-ampaigns. If ?rau.-r ?? the right hand of h.i WBI n baadls of papei-, amonf eopiM of the paper? which rom rorkers ffl th? anti sufTragi te prisas. Paper? To Be Held. "1 do not latead to bm those paper? sie | aid. "Wf do n-. ? ? id ll Bgiag. Thi? ? ? c ? SB if ?T? keep ? ?' th? women con ? families I ?V0 . '.. imke them publie unie?. SOI -? r;.." The campaign tras kept clean. N'o'n Ing car ? ..-?? I eodqoarteri si te of th? f the thsss women bum lure, which women of other states will have | plain away in their campaigns. Evi ' then a man dashed in wirh a copy of I .:.! Jama? Nugent tvn- -end Ing to MfiOO voter? last Bight, Mr?. Van Wlnkls kept on ?miling. In th? lottoi Mr. Nugent referred to th? "vieioui I? idarsl Ip in --'".urge sf th? tai ?i Women campaign." nir." ?he shrugged "W? are ?orry if Mr. \ugeri? feel? that way about us This ha? not been a cam? paign of viliflcatlofl and abu?e an I character BSBassinatloO, a? he call? it We have never ?aid a word ahout Mr SBt which* we didn't read in the papers, and we have never said thip??. 11 h? had ma !<? ?OBI? ^.ich at. OB us a? this. From the beginning .?? tried to conciliate Mr. Nage?t. re '...H? .mut IS? paSSBg? in the letter which occasioned comment from the women. ''In this in??anee I ask you to accept my Judgment," it read, continuing with advlee to his "i!?-ar friends" to vote "no" on the amendment Crooked Work Thrill?. "Ther'.'t -he ho?? for you," cried one wotnaa. "Who is he that the voten of N.-w Jersey ihould accept hii judg Can't they form their own opinion? 1 f?r if thev can't do they to go to him /or advice? Let look to the other side. There 1? Abraham Lincoln, Theodors Roosevelt util Woodron Wilson agaiaal .inn Nu ? ?? n soy m.-n would neaitats ,o choose there." CHOOSE .'_"'?? AND 7 SAFETY The expense and loss of time often attached to making invest? ments reduce maierluly their earning capacity. If you are holJln . your money In the hope of g.itlnj a higher rate later on wc advise you to in? vest It now at current rates. A posslhle higher rate to he oh lalned will not compensate you for the Interest which you will lose by waiting. Our tax exempt guaranteed first mortgage certificates yield -',% Income clear, and, what Is also Important, you can Invest without expense any amount at any time. No invettor ha* ever lott a dollar ?0f__r/^RJ<j/.(E ('UAfyNTEE (b Capital fi Surplus. .10,000.000 I 70 B'way. N. T. 1 .3 Remsen St., IJ'kljn 35. lulton S... _?m.k?. Headquarters was thrilled from time ? time wil round "f their opponent.. Delicious ahudders ra? througl the ..-'ves fu.-., to f?'-" for ? me in their ? ? ? '??." "Do you renllv believe thes will do ng wickeu?" whispered one to er. "My near, Mrs. Holer,i Weed, 'ha' Connecticut speaker toll me" ?he lowered her voice to tell the 'ernble thing "tiiut her colored chauffeur told i.. r _ man told him he wus go:.1:;.' to vote 'yes' <.:. the auffraga aueeiion, bu' he would be ? 5 short for doing it." The trail :' I eve:, into si:-1 headquarters, -here at least one bun ired me-. ,,?>.? . their ervicoi to bend out beer an.i i-._ar. for the WOBM day. "Needless to ?ay, we refused their ' offer," ?aid Mrs. van Winkle. MWe't offer.r-.^' anything to our friends, except pink ! : t ?- r r. * ure Oh, ... I, Some of them will get a tree ride to the polls. We . hnll do everything in our power to gel our vole out, even to ?ending eutomobilea for "'?r *"r That is the worst of ths friends of right and jutice. They never tab trouble, While the forces | - always or. the job. Autos to Carry Voters. "However, we have sixteen BUtomo \ biles, one for svi ry ward. Some of . these we own :. huve been hired by pri\ -.t?? indh duals for a whole week, so we are . a them. The In I sa ' must not be hired to hi- rig voters, but nun wer" hired for general is.- and by or; ??? will use 'r.e-e auto ? to .firry luncheons to the era nf the polls, und there will he ' street meotincs und electioneering ?;,er< We must ke?p up the '.. ? minute." At | o'eloek yesterday there w ? < far the IM women who ai wi.trh at the polls. '..jr enemies will challenge risrh* ?o be 'here," she fold the **? . ? ??! _\ ,|,,.,'> ..o-j move, BO BM tell? you to get sol Dool ad of o ly m th? world. ob'I ? ? I hi. th r,L- ':??* I? g^-ng to hur' i, ?.a- . . ?JOS || that we Y .,, protectloi Bgslast last mlaota Irai ? A By man run SOB?? ''. ??i -i, -ill- afternooB nr,-l rota -.ame rn-.u'e. We have i checking him up on the r \ 0 is to chsllengi ., looks aospielotts. 11 ...? n -..r' bal i ??< id ei .. ? ? challenge him. He stay be ?fi i-ir?, h ?? wi ting erith ?he ?*? Ina ?f ?be man under who?, name h? toting If bis baad is bandaged, m ? ke ?he bandag? off. Ir il loi sun-, s?*c if ?? ha? a fake ?cab made iri? seid. "Challenge for Lock." "Don't let ?hern go ?o the poll? ah? of you. lie thsrs >.r 8 o'clocl. an?l ma them unlock "h>- ballot hox in ft I and ?low yea there ar" ballots already ir. ?t. Keep ye ?ya on the boa all day. If you are n bail distrir' throw a hiuff now a 'hon. ' hal'.enge u tarn jU?t for lu? I' will put the fear of the law it: ?heir heart?. Bat dott't ?hslleng? * many, or you will get your??lf d.?iikr The Ia?l time I w,:'c>iei! ? ? ?h" polls had them ail brittgiog me i<? crea ?oda by night. V?.u g<-' more votes I ?han by frowaa. Doo't ch>i ? . ?? : . jui r ii.tea ?. :s overalls. You may hurt tl ..< of a friend. I a!! day, no ma'ter how mi you are." i predletlBg 'he ou'rome of tl . most of th? Newark ?ulTn irists w.-re too buaj keeping up wit the antis to do much 'alk;ng. Th? ? rking rather than propheaylni ? m 'he face of slflSOSl defeat, at ?heir town. A pol ?i the WeatinghouM factor] ? n an?? meeting? hive beei hot? ?! a m..?? diseouraging ? il 'or 'he '? omen. There v. i favor. "X op posed and nine indiff?rent "You he* I'm against It," laid on truck driver. "Suppose the nit I, 'hen 'here's uno'her dollar on t? the poor man." Bg m..** lounging in a grocer' ?to*-?-. >'.;? r a ?'irt "Ye?, I'm for l\" he derlared. "if tmst a woman t.. n urry her, I I cur let her vote." The majority of the factory worker only grinned at the notion. They ?alii : ?rait and -e?> what happened ? Bight he'ore thoy said how they would vote The luffragista knew all this. Thev '.ha' Newark was an unfriendly Bad that th?- machine politician? ? I ?th parties were agii.v?' them, as well as the normal indifference of I -non on this subject. "'I" ;. can't ?ay we didn't di? scame," Ifr . Vari Winkle at the last rrin ute. "Wall BO? l> OB fighting to the end, .id we arc .'* ev?B going to cry if wo are bea' II into automobiles and were driven nd visit? tO tie !'.r tS of the county. S^xty fa?-'' ??vero } a '-e^ni.. noon time and u? many more a' o'clock in 7 During t .-n a school of i conduc'i d at hi tors for i men and -.?'.rr.?i ???? , are ? ? leader Afraid of Fraud. "I am not overconfi-'.. I - " a shall hir . agairat fraud in this county v.hich w he hard to | ma j or i tj ? ? I . ppy." ? ?? in_ a ruling made by Supreme Court Jusl ? Bwayze, It was learned tl n .' 1 be morning * . 7 at nii;ht. ? ? ratloi ? for I \, w Jem . ? i until 9 o'cl ?tral ? ? re unab their p ? ? - ?] talon inci fraud, and go 1 te, cl airman i ? ? . m k a cano I tors ii effort ilt for a mi more than one ballot. tterne S, never ahaent from tr campaign, has grown stronger !"?" roe the t_o par':?--, as the fights near '. .. ? . ? -, . t" anonymous rumoi bave been stalled an d ?mpt action of tha Barrett L. Crandall, publicity mam ger for tho antis in Newark, publish? ye-terday morning an Interview pu ? / to he with Newton A. K. Mu1 Doe, Republican state chairman, i which Mr. Huirbee wus allege "1 opvct the liepublican party to vo1 : ?gainst 1 otes for women." wA thl wee called to the attentla of th? I I rman lie said : "It i? absolutely and unqualified) . -id you eai 't make - too strong. The m ling bin be the ] ' ? : ? ib the ar.d I 'old h;m ? ol 'uking any ? main. h?id nothing whatever to sa about It." I report issued by the oppc : ? ts of suffrage announce,1 that th Cati, bound b ? thelr creed '. ? ?'.? ? 'Ht. Oi tl:'- Trento iterday, aay thel ? - B clas ?_( privileged - ?? vot? - tl ? ? -aw- Si Aid from Labor Men. v thai l m the "antia1 " of ?? ? imbled away yeeterdey, whei Coloi ado repudiate? .?:. i Hickey A lettei ... bed by th? ? '.in.:' of sul ? last, in weich h? ba aeeretary of th* ? ? of Labor and said, "1 ron ? al t of tabor woaaaa laffragi bas beei a fi ? . eaptlon "What 1- Hiekej "' print? I yi -*>-rii;?y Ml eral - Joe D Cennon, or tern 1 ration ol . |1 William T. _ secro'ary :-. ? [< lie d.i hold tl ' ; ? ?: u-e.l it t( th the rot ? I ipport from the ol i lo. lie never deserved .. ? ? ' erado im T. Riekei expn ? ?we, not those ,,..,? - I .?? Organis? fly favor and believi ' ? rty a 11 had ? iffrea i only comment Mr? I Henry M. Darcy. president of the New ark branch of the New Jersey Asiocia Oppoaed to Woman Boffroge, would make. . r iiixht Si;s?ex County, hith led B? n Htronia-hold of the bowed sign? of ?veak | .11 :rs stand a*, 'ho la.-t moment : going ov.'r -.o th? vote? for Influence brought to ? 1. ministers OB Sunday is partly I for th:?. rotOXS ho hail previously SB suf ? r to the equal franchise party, whose lea,1er? claim a : '. y. In most of the other eountie? of th. II :? prob . a suffrage majority, while it is id thai Trenton and the political .u there may swii.?- Mercer th? eooso. I?r. Mary Walker asod her influence to huid Hudnon County t.. ?affrsg? cvei ag, Btaadiaa ob th? ?too? si I i? . . ????!.-. Hall iho .??:?;??? ? ?. ws? ? ? th? Constitution men and n 1 . Winklo issued a final state merit 1st? la I Bight, in which ?he 'We await the count of ?he ballot denes. Wa recognise fully . faith an?! sinct-ru conviction? . . cam Bot, ? ??rever, frank and ? ?" the rac'ics of ? . be? . difficult to re with the eooaiderotloaa of fa.r p "exposed promptly, ai they fortunate? ly have been, they can have, and have ., as offset aatOOOt, through the re? sentment they have arouied among men, to add to the number of our supporter! mar.y who were in the doubtful ciass. "I make this statement in the hope that men oi the ?tots may be fore? warned against like deceptive effort? that may be made in the last houri of the campaign and too late for answer and expoiure." Camden. ! Bj T- ?araj>l. t?. Ttia TYthun? J .aniden, N. J., Oct. 18. Suffrage ?adir? declared to-night they woul.l ? ? ? ?I in the counties of Isa, Qloucester and Salem, com . ? ? . lonal 1'istrict. bert J Irving ?aid the city ?? urn in a majority suf ? . . ut that this probably would b. overcome I... ..".- of the county where the aehioea are not ? ? si. Botl -.des were active all day, hut the ?affrsgista put in 'he i eai the battle they l staged with vigor for many week Burlington. If) T. rira;.' ? .' - :n? ; Burllagtoa, N. J . I let It Suf :? . ? sty c smpoign I |i raoel ga Miss fl :-;.!<,rr..?" I hav ? a ma'jonty of 2,000. The suffragist credit the liquor men with a full pag? ? ? te sdv? ir eoonty aewapsper? to- luy. '.he word h has excite ! w-.ple comment. ?ha: if the amer.dment i? ted "'he wive? of the Polacki and ? will rota with yoot ?rife, an.I UN ? and I ?au rhten I the Kevolu ar.d brown ;iay." Bergen. tS " Ort. II Thlrtr loeoi ? | wits erithusin-7 young and old. ' :'rom one ?l in a whirlwind I - ??? paigB. The foot ea la many town? commuters ?'??v. Yor?. d:tin't i . ? ? be - " ig ' ?? bald to sight in - i - i.sack. - ? ' Chariot ?:>?->.:? Ma? - Platt, of IS Frances Coo Reott, Wslter < ? mmerce, Mr. and Mn. J F.! f New York City; Mr?. 1 V.:? StillmOB < hurchil! and Mr?. Bab f Colorado? K A. (Stumm, a Civil War veteran and a retlre?l member of the I'nited j S te? military telegraph corp?, lal Ireolo, sear Hackeasaoh, la?t niitht ?poke on ?uffrase in the ArcoLa Jale'h odist Church, and offered a suggestion very man pencil in ,? and, n in or le ? as a souvenir. Middlesex. B] 11 >-.-i...- I? T _ T - i uno I New Brunawiek, N. .1., Oet II Ths eampaisna for woman luffragi n M .1 dl?B --\ i 'ounty eloaed to i igl I n : ? a paradi . !-. in B dos? n or more au? tomobiles covered with bai : ? I. m ?I. ballot Tl ? ? I by a ceyly deeorat? ! . *i-uck In which "-as a I the parad:? a street ? B ? ?? I ng wai i eld ? _ front of th ? local headquarters. The anti? had no demonstration, but flooded ths eity '?'? -th !-.'?r.. ifl their interests. Hudson. Suffrage worker? from Hudson < "onn ty K.M..led Neu York reaterdaj ? i the bom? - hound commutera a ? I hey ?-. ?? ? H adaon Terminal ren that. they will vote on woman suffrage to da] -he bu i I i ice a Jersey C of th.- De Hart Equal A rapid Are bution of suffrag * ? - ? con I ail day, ? tb tho -'? ???? ? ? at re working out the Anal detail of the campaign. Mrs. E. F. Pel? dent of th.; New Jersey Wi ??? ??? \-.oei_ tion, will be iaJei ej I '? most of to day. She is eonfidenl that the pro pesed amendment will be adopted by _ majority of at least ?6,000. Hoboken yesterday was placarded with posters directing the voters to defeat the amendment. Ocean. IBr Tal .rapi. ?-> I"*-? Trlbur.? ] Lakewood, N. J., net. 1ft. The elev? enth hour trend In Ocean County wa? decidedly pro-suffrage, anil leaders were predicting as high a? a 100 ma? jority in Its favor out of a possible 1,600 vote?. In Toms River, the county ?I at, a house-to-house canvass has been made by the suffragists, and tho result of this indicates a lead of over 100 In that town Impartial observers predicted that the lower end of the county would fa vrr suffrage. Tho alignment of Presi? dent Wilson on the su* side is ? BBCOgnlacd as an men asing fac? tor in favor of probable succe-s. Somerset. IB7 Talegrapl, to Tl.a Tni'itva 1 Bomerville. N. ... Oet 1R. The Women's Suffrage League of Somerset i OUnty i- laUfUins of success tonight. George M. La Monte, of Round htrook, president of 'he league. she wsa con. dent the amendment ...,._,.l i a carried On application of tha Suffrage !.. I ? County Board of Ejections to-day Is* aued permits to thirty-three wonim to watch at the polls to -morrow. There is BOW a errangte l?.rw,>..r. the women an.! ?? I -. teaoaa the member? of the league Waal te _.. the thin three permits ?erve for about ono hundred women. The lew provides that watcher may appoint a substitute. Sussex. ;nj Masrasa ut IB? tm. ?in? l Newton, N J. Oet IS. Su?-ex COS ty will defeat woman Suffrage 1 >' 7 votes to one. it ia declared here. T ? tent of the farmers is a ?I ad to the ballot for womi ave a list of I ? S ' ' ... more than one-hi QUml -r. who are OOBOa to the BO indmi at In spite of tl I _ ma E. Dunn, ?uffraga lead.r Newton, claims a victory. Monmo.ith. I |*| -.a: I I I lYB ? ? 1 \-v?::rv Park. N. J.. Oct. 18. Suffr gists continued their campaign in Mo mouth County up to the last hour t eight, It Is believed the result wi a Far1-, organizations are ta .r.g no dit-?-'11 pert In tha campaign Monmouth, but the fact that both Den ocreta and _? p iblicana are maki: preperatloas to got vo*ers out to-mo ? -. i ? ; tei ' red t? insure ? amendmei ti.m If the -??? il election were m i da gistry. Passaic. ? * P --.n. N. J., dct. IK Suffragist in Pesas I ''. are continuing thei ? | * minute. Dr. Mary ( Cummii i, president of 'he Paterso ige Onion, s;.;d: "We have fought hard and are con ? lent of victory. If we can get ou vote out and get a square deal we wil win in Passaic County by a large ma jority." Mrs. Garret A. Hobart, vice-presi dent of the New Jersey State Associa 'Ion Oppose.) to Woman Suffrage, said "I think the 'antis' will win. We thlnl that the majority of the men will stan< by us and will not thru?t upon m -omething which we do not want." Mercer. [Br __1??**4_? to Th. TY!' ..-_> ; Trenton, N. J., Oot. 18. Both sidci are conildent they will carry Mercei County at to-morrow'? suffrage elec Kesrton A. K. Bugbee, chairman of the Republican State Committee, to . an interview alleged to have bien .ireelotcd by the New Jer? sey Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. In this Interview Mr. Rugbe? was quoted as saying he expected the Re? publican party to return a solid vota 1 against the amendment. Mr. Bugbvo a .i ..:. al lute ;. Mae meet "1 don't see what they .an hope to accomplish by such tacnes." he said. "They will certainly <lo them - more harm than good." are. K. Varde Breeze, president of the "anti?" state society, gave out a ?tatemen! in which she asserted there I be ?. substantiel majority in the I anil ' ' rie amendment. Mrs. Jantei at. Br?ese, mother-in-law of the "ar.';s ' pre? dent, headed an ap ? peal issued by many women property owner? urging the men to the women the ballot STOPDARD-AMPICO Listen to Godowsky _~TtFTT I ET tlie great piano masters play for you *~" ?and your friends -in the intimacy of your home .4 7 YOUR PLEASURE Every shade of tonal expression is repro? duced on the KnAe Stoddird-Ampico 10 accurately that famous critics declare it is impoisiblc to believe the artist, in person, it not playing. No pumping or penonal effort it required. In addition to the Arti?t records, it will play any ?tandard 88-note roll, at the or? dinary player, or may be played by hand. Built in both Grand and Upright Modela. Daily Demonitratiom in the Ampico Studio. I/MAnr WAREROOMS IVil/ADil. 5th Ave., at 39th St. irrif? for our attrarti, e Stod.larii-A WtfitO booklet Sot?t-Sons Important Sale of Feather Neckwear Remarkably low-priced. Ostrich Feather Neck Ruffs, Tassel Finds, value 2.25 ?& ...50, for 1.95 & 3.25 Ostrich leather Hoas, values 6.00, I0.?00 & 25.00, for 4.4=50, 8.75 up to 19.50 .Marabou IVather Boas, in Natural & Rlack, special at 2.95 & 5.95 ?Metal Trimmings, a full assortment for downs or Milliner; Purposes; real value, 15c to 4.50 per yard, for .10 to 3.25 Opalescent and Colored Headed Trimmings, a full line, per yard .18 to 5.95 MEN PLEDGE 12.000 VOTES More than 12," gained for suff Day if all the ? ed Inte Labor Temple last night kee prom <e ... f Bei . (al . well known ?? an author ar.J. Be? rJ ??. imn to 2,000 persOBI I 200 of *. e-. - ?>n "Why Vo*. for Soff race?" He ?aid that a rot? sgaiBst "h* m., wai to cost a ?lar apon a Bisa'? ?rif#, mother or sweeth.-ar*., and that in, BsOB who Toted Bgaioat tu? men.,-? . i never agola ipssh te ? worasn. On View To-Day. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. at th-- '?allerlei of the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, 3 33 .341 Fourth Avenue, at 25th .Street AN UNU3UAL DISPLAY OF RICH AND ARTISTIC HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS listing of the entire FURNISHINGS OP THE RESIDEN? _ OF THE LATE William S. HanCOck, of Trenton, N. J., be .old by direct a l.i*_*.ee under h'.s arill) 1 oi.ipr-?.;:-. In part'? Adam, Colonial and Other Artistic Furniture, . 7 superior excellence Bed practical!) --.e Rich Cul Glass, beautiful Dinner Service, Punch Bowl, Pottery bull of ? leopatra, COItl) Draperies, Sui;d Silver, ...-:?'-!._ Plate, Turkish Carpets and P.?". Eiver-,-:; I':a.:_. with Tel-Electric Pliver, ? "?Id i Hall Clock from the Estate Sale C. Joseph Bonaparte, .Mirrors, P ' ires, ccc . fltC, To be Sold by Auction on Thursday and Friday, October 21st and 22_, commencing at 2 o'clock each day. Al Si i ' IN VIEW Propert) received fi ?ni l?verai I Individ lit, Including Jacobean, Louis XV., XVI., Empire and Sheraton Furniture. A".?*:- . ? 1 I ?'.alian Renaissance Bedstead -7.1 canopy top. a costl) Dining Room .;a**v, ? ?-. mplete Empire ; ? Room Suite, Victor v-.:r'-:?, riffan) Co i ? :_, i line speci? men of Moose Head. Small Collection of Choice Chineie Porcelain?, a valuable Japanese il ? lered Panel, and ma'., other objects of home adornment and itility, Alto j qua. ientleman'l Jewelry to be sold t.? close .'.:: Eli ite, bj -l rectioil ol the Executor!. Days of jales, Wednesday, Fridaj and Saturday, i ictober 20, 22 and 2 3, from 2 o'clock each d.i-. HENRY A HARTMAN. Auctioneer. TR\ BUNtT Y\_V._._. DIRECT^/.-' A? Note?The following New York City hotdJU are advertisers in The New York I ribune. As such they offer to their guests protection from undesirable surroundings, since sat? isfaction in accommodations and service is fully guaran? teed. See The Tribune Graphic Section every Sunday for complete Hotel announcements. Am. & Eu. B?Eu. C?Fes. ft Bach. D?Family. F?Women Exclusivity District No. 1, 14th to 42d St., bet. Fourth Ave. . nd Seventh Art. Address. "8 Weit 25th St. Broadway and 29th St. 3'st St. and Broadway Times Square, at 4_d Si. 26 Camercy Park. 12 16 3ln St. 37 Mbdison Ave. 29 Eaat 29th Si. 7th Ave. and 38th S*. 28th St. and Fifth A.*. 29th St. ?ad -Wit.--. At?. 9 11 Ea?l 39th St. 7th Ave. cor. 36th ?_ District. No. 2, Washington Square Section, below 14th St Hotel Albert, 11th St. ?nd University PL $1 per day end ?p. Hotel Earle. 103-105 Waverly Placa. Hotel Holley, 36 Washington Square. Hotel Judson, 53 Washington Square. Hotel Marlton. 3-5 V\e?t 8lh St. Hotel. ? Hotel Arlington, -Hotel Breslin. -Grand Hotel, Hotel Hermitage, Hotel Irving, -Hotel le Marquis. -Hotel Madison Square, Martha Washington, -Hofe' Navtrre. -Hotel Prince George, -Hotel Seville, Hotel Touraine, Hotel York. Rites. $9wk.Eu.424wk_Vm.f.fl $ I ? day and up, |l per diy up $1.50 per day tnd _p. $30 per week up. 2 peapk 11.50 per day op. On application. 11.50 per day s? II per day tp $1.50 per day up. 1130 to $3.00 per ftp On apt; i .itioo. $1.50 up. $9 wk. Eu_ $16 wk. Aa_ On a, a-? ... $1 Eu., $2.50 A? On appi?calon. District No. 3, 42d St. to 63d St., bet. Madison Am and Broadway. Hotel Bristol. -Hot?*l Rurkinghem, Hotel -14 East 60th Si. Hotel Greit Northern, Hotel I .any.i?m. Hotel Laurelton, Hotel Leonori. Hotel Longiere. Hotel Lorrine. H >'el New Weslon, Hotsl Netherland, Hotel Richmond, Hotel Somerset, Hulel Si jiraes. 122-24 Weil 49ih St. Fifth Ave. ?nd 50th St. b3d St. ird Broadway. Eager fit Bibcock. 118 West 57lh St. Fifth Ave md 56th Si 147.149 West 55th St. 63d St. ind Madison Ave. 157 West 47th St. Fifth Ave. and 45th St. Madison Ave. and 49ih S_ 59th St. and Filth Ave. 70 .lest1 46lh St. 150 VI est 47th St. 109 II 13 Vvest 45th Si. On applicatioB. $2 per diy up. $1 per .Jay and Up. On application. $2 per diy up On appl'-ilion. $2 per day up? $2 per day _p. $1 per day up. On applicai'oo. On application. $2 per day up. $1.50 per diy ?p. On application. $1.50 per Jay up. District No. 4, 63d St. to 110th St., bet. Central Park W. and Broadway hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel H t-i Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel B -I ?old B-Hoiel Anderson, Belleclaire, Bon ta-Nar rengan sett Breiton Hall. Berkeley, Clendening, Colonial, Endicotl, Lucerne. Majestic. Manhattan S?)uare. Marie Antoinette, Marseille. Mi nil? ello. "".-?m.??i Square, \_allon. _.!___, 102 West 80ih St. 77th St. and Broadway. Broadway at 94lh Si. Broadway, 6M_ to 86th St 170 West 744 St 202 West 103d St, 81st St. fit Columbus Ave. 61st Si. and Columbus Ave. 201 VUsi 79th Si. Central Park W.. 72d Sl. 50 58 West 77th Si 66th Si. and Broadway. Broadway at 103d Si. 35 37 Vlest 64th St. Bnadway, 70th lo 71 si St. 104 Wesi 70ih Si. Broad? ay and /bid Si. On application. $2 per day up. $1.50 up. $2.50 up. I or 2 {*'****? On appl cation. $30 up for tw*. On ippUitioo. $1 per diy up Room and bath, $2 ***? $2 per day up $2 per day up. $1.50 per day up. $1.50 per day up. $1.50 up. $1.50 per day <*? On appkaKoo. Roo? and _.*. $?00 * C- Hotel Margare!. BROOKLYN HOTELS. 97 Columbia Heights. $45 per moalb. 2