Newspaper Page Text
WEL WIN JERSEY, sAy WOMEN HERE mta ijMla? Isserts Suf ?tgt Hope Across Hud ?ou?sBased on Canvass. ajru VORK '1 U)ERS ??PING M FERRIES . I, ? ??;. Ing ? oaated \;-. i arrie ( hapntan cut ? -? -? ? Hudson ? ? - .,- motor , ? Ison tob? ? ? < ,. ?' a ??? 1-7 - ! < Hop*? i*. M o? ' aavooBOs - ? II a.' I ? ? i? on," ? lin. H ?' proai ? . ? - ? i . ? ? ? Take? ' - - . V.rnt\y. ' ? ? ? . . T h ? ? ? ? ? ' 1 he, '.. ? ' Mti inri ? ... Lu? B ??? ? i way ?o ?peak. .- ? SPECIAL EXCURSION SUNDAY, -OCT. 24TH vi? ROYAL BLUE LINE *?*>* Jenev Central, Reading * Utuoar? <5? Ohio R. R. ?, '*' :* ? 11 uore. ?*-r Ejicur.ior?., Nov. 21 at, January 9tl?. I* M Sal -i ? .. - - ?V 12.1 ?. . .. WFEtf HAG -AfFElWE FREE Cut r - *0T A SUBSTITUTE ilJ?" ???????.I..1rs B el? h er 5? tarn ,..., ..?,, tm? ttZL^'y* It llir ?,,11, ,? *?*? asa .?,? atVM h.r.. ?,, J!, __*Onm ta Um ?*?> ? all rtral,,. A jrse Gnr-??. Cooi ?el it g rli wh . e ?sir paifZI ? , no I N. v ? i cars trj g ta pledj moro VOl ?. ..rren SurTragi?!- a Little \>r?..?j. v ' ? ??> sa M ? ? ? thoug the ?uf I nervou they ? 1 \tx '. think the pol ? ' p, and i ? I '? " l of eoui ? 7 . . ? r ? ? ? ild be th< I .- tato." ?Olli Think SulTracr. \\ ,|| lose. A I I I , ? ? ? e ?- ?.* . loi? ne of 1 j ' ? ?-.? Nev ' . \ VVoi -?? tooeh rani Well, I rj loot thinl . over np vote. Bol ?' .? ? ' ? ? aigu Man) ...... they have been holding meet -, doing . ? :.?-, am! so ? the othei ? ' ?- ??(?? worrying the soffrng ?m?; p. Nev York aathority, at*?? the fnct that the ? ? n bared and I ? . ? the san? day a? r h ?? rot "Th. , tvoald not ? ? ' ? id this the Leg sad it ii ? ? he has bo right ? thoul in a ti thai the ballots ? me not non i ? r the I ? ? gl? ? i . es end given -, ?otes to es rhether he ? Rots ?ratchets in wh ere Mother Breaking Down; in Need. ? -' ? l ? ; ? t the ag? teen, ah? eceived hei ? never beei mum? ? i ? * ... end repudi tO| - . ? . i ? .. ? , i ? - than ; - , , ? ? ... The society ai-knowledgc?. ? ?? : if :?? R K -" A Kal . II -1 H " Il MORE POLLS FOR S?FFRAGE ? lu in-<1 fron, i??..?* I -.* the theatr? hn'.'.i.' box, ballot in hand ? d with hi? w fe :?- to how he vv:t? jroir g | . had been little d lion Le twei the t? - ? i borne. Sodden - man turned to hi? wife aad "I have made up my mil *'- ? : ? arked ;. cross in th? ? ? bollo! ?, OW, See., BOW I ? rol ' g to mir i.e ? ; sod m ?preai I Man.? CofaOteatS Heard. ? if ... i. . ei ? . itrd in the "I am ? ? ' ' ? '? ' lie BSC ? "I voted 'no.' on? ftlm fa ? i ? on i ? . ' t an I at think ? ? ?f ?he ? . ?? ? i - ' i mei won so heartily ?b favor . . . womoi ?. - :ri an .ce. i evening aodlence ?vat vi I hi ? ?? ? for worrmn loffrsg .... | -, ? ? vote for it. ? : ? Intel "Hut," replie? . a te* ? .*? then woold sow o ballet : ... m B CBI .1 dne-l riving <,f t>A ? and ] ' ' I- on " Argument in .he l.tibby. Anothei . hi id?' loM tract. ? tenar? h asoo i , ... thai oar p ? ? . . holder II wai - coi tenth that while woibbi much entit . ? law- a? BUB, th? ?tiOB .,.i ?thica, nut ?f a practical nsture ?n, r .; ted the d i t ? _ Int-- ng. The Pat? at 41" Drive, wh .... ?venu? areepe into W,.?' Ill .'. near the - a ranva-- iisclooed 'he fad " th? spsrti tin-, Will vote ?n favor of the OOBUI 25,009 ?O MARCH IN SUFFRAGE LINE Women Flocking from All Stale-* to Join (iiant Parade Saturday. 6.000 RECRUITS WON: 12 BANDS TO LEAD Mayor Mitchel Meads Rally Speaker. "Stars" Predict Vic? tory in Jersey and Ne? York. ' ? njr, f_t. aaki : ' ? , k. . ? I -cil ?i'\.. ' ; ii ? ? ? ' ' ? ? . , ? ' Miss Dorotl .. l(v et th? ? >o th? j * rd with K? : .it the red ? ? There _> 1 -ti ;i pie tu i ?. i t| 'M- (OP _'? Irei for "Win should -...???; the a heve bei ? t_<- parade, th? ncecd y? -'? rday. 'i hi -< Hi-e in ? me adhen ? ? the movement, who, of eonrse, si sr thousand-, "This i. j.oi_j; ? . refnler parade," -aid an snthn I '--c young woman with a "Vote? for w ? -. ton on h?*r era 21 ,000 ?rill be in tine. twelve I rs * bandai Wornen to F?.ri_ Fin* AH? -;- .? mis. d aromen mei I th? twelve F.:i ?*'. rith . ; . ? ? ??.. The Will Wi h: .... ths ' 'her with blue, I ? . ?ton I ".rcln'il ?.n 1 ? Mrs. Ei retl I ... of '???"? J , . . . ? . i . ? ?' ?\ of N'oi . .. . will ' ?' Parkhurst, of Pln*l ? ? ? ? ? 'olun I ... ? will rnn t_ with Uncle ---?tui nany prol en 1 aaid they wish? I - ' ? ? ? - ; laes ol hi a diami ? '1 b ? , diamond?, with 'he outer row? carry* - .... the I points of I Baaiacss Firms Kiprr*. nted. Head? . - th? _9t1 R . menl Hun.I . have i i - M i- Arel er H i-.*. H -, amendment to th? te Con . tition to 'wo who will oppi k tots '?: 14 ?:.' n wl ? . <??' ?,!._' number 2G favoi? . wumnii suifr'iK''. '"' opposed II ?' 1 I . led how Ihey m oui I . ? they go 1 th? polli two ???? I to day. "Th? ?ven rea ons why I am . in \. te for th? ' " on? declared '. rvr wifej seeoi d, mj mother, and th? o I ? " <,??? . the a] i ' wer? ei en pied only ??. ? me? .?, i. not refi t< red ????'? ? : oi ? instai ? the i ale membi : . - b) birth, th?.-. ? --1 shall probab ote 'yes,' bul I h-u I open l if I heal ?ii- t I ?? any ?.....? . ? si well ti Cubans Oppeeed t<> Snffrafe. ... ?.. ?oui i sn i ? ? i of the 1 . ?0| ; ter? d another -- H, thai phe the h< If, oi her b? c ? ? ;-.. : I I ? > (rive I ? ?? . ? . . . ,i ?? there can I"- : ? . ... ? ?.. tho othoi . \ . ? i ?id ? isbei .- he could ? i vas i ? ? thi ... I'd i him up '?'? ???..? . "If I only km te ? . mu',,: the i ? t th? ? Made '."ml in * ililiirnl.i. i . Vork shou ? ? ? --l am 1 ? j i ? ? ?? ?aid on? ? - tenants of the I ly depend t affirms thine thai I cai tl ? i ?.._*.." One said h< I ? suffi . ? . ? ? . :. | ?'? ,- I . ? ' the fact to I and n ? ' ' make ? | what I would ?i ' aa Section Day. rtoa ta. Wli ^,r" "? ' an. Mr? ArflM !. ? Van A ? ' ?? ? . ? * . * ? ? teachi f the Ce f i ' n ? i ? . I ' ? - f the P ' II . ? \ i M ? : I i ition of the Unit : ? ? iVorkera of A roads . ore than . . im? eo? . ii ? ? rom \ rg ? ,. part ii , . will i.r . I ngr She \ enui ; ? ... ?.. legate ? . ? I and reeru. ? . ? f Helei lire-, '?' . ? ? of tho .: Gusti liobokei . "seiet th< BBl il B*> eoti' ting again, and ?a. Sea ^'r>rk up ? HIGHEST MASONS DEDICATE TEMPLl Open New Scottish Rite Meac quarters in Wash logt OR. Wsah ?? - 'I hi new is milliofl dollar Mssonic Temple, hem qasrter? of th? Supreme l n R ? i reemoaonry for ti ? ?did on of th? lates, ed the Moth? Council the World, sra d?die ?'. ? ???.??? reremone ??.?I In the pros? re of a lai blag? .??"Mu- raany part? a lilding, fashioned after the f? moua ? eun er? lea fot h i ?ueei i at H . i -. ? ? a onders c ? tructioi nee 1911 It ?tanda la Sis from th ? lerioi on a *>!n tean ?.i.?'-. ?? j mb< I Nights of top taro presen! ; pyrsmid? ?.?ture sun. thirty-thre h ;i,- proBch to th I ? f step I ... ? and I'"-' er, are at the en th? -? figure >? .. and i bieroi ypl Jost i.eft.i :.. the psvemeni ro? d>, and l" I ?ptiOB, "The 'I en the : of the i ' th? Ancient n Pre? for thi th? ' llctioi God snd Dedi i ni h imanity : SUFFRAGE BOUND TOWIN.SAYSBRYAi*** If Not NOW, Some Other lime I \ Secretary Tells German American Women. \\ || am Jem Inl rodocei .? ? ii i?n office," v.a B 7li "lier tVsehl urn Rl ?ifl ?a hen be - ? I I ',;'- <i<rman . ? i enace Garden,] eighth Stre? * snd I ? ?? . I bos. A'- ? ng he lind heen makini ; tive ycar. .Mr. Hi ;. Mi .-aid : ??),.,., ,. ...... ??,-. i guessini ? h ink I'm thi "i 1 ? n Elec I he!p to ha.arii i?: | ?v..ii-?' !" ?ots thii . mber Hut l know this: if yoi -. ot.. for womsfl luffrsi ? '- ? ?? on ? ? .tVl * sre more in - of til i sat, be ralth in th? ..... Health con ? i ' ?? ? . \. ? ity ?econd tat? ei ? \ ? ... ? i ha? ? BOtiei that in th?. ' ' ? gly in th. \ ? ? ticed that a Ital. . ? tho pooit igk to go to flt I ?? I ? - 00 the . Why boI the ballot Women sr? ti ted isl influ rl .. "A u hen h. ? her i ? ? ? ... Day I .. MNo atate I . it TI the atat? go. Then ? ? ? "Two thini ; ' i ? . | th? . ?vornan Ib evorythiag sis? re i might n? ??"il tru?' , ? . . ona-e frog? it ?rill be u Ib eloi : g Mr. Brysn alla l'ui r ?' . IBtl r force and ? ' ? . . . -, a .ting ?n Katkeri ne s Dreier, ebsinoafl of the committee. ROBERT B. WARD DIES SUDDENL Was Head of Baking Con pany and Leader in federal Baseball. DEATH WAS CAUSED BY HEART DISEAS Pounded Or. at Bread uith Plants in Seven Large I 'ties. ? I ?! W ni.i. pr? B .- i ? ... . tl H ? ? ? , fee lays af1 ''? wa > ?? _ ? Mr. Ward ? ! .,..? York City, M i igh, an Irii ... ! S tl try, 11. ?ndiisti-. ? the tim? ras eig years old I-. ISM the < : 11 _ r- fathei ? ' . v. , . r moved I All? . l'. M. . ??. ? :' where the sob b ? sehoels and a buainesi ?' ..... t ovei e, he ei hts brother, George 8., ? p? ? m Pittabi i rh. I hi plant > pended inte t ranehi - wnii i-, a few year ago reached New York ["here are bos foui ak? i at ( ind oth? Boston, Providence, Baltimore, ? lev? lend arid Ni war_, ... .1. Revived Pederpl league. bei l B Wmt ! a ? ? th? man the Feden I ? ? ? ?hen i bout to expire b? ? I a la? I Jam? \ '? Imore, pie.!*1' of th? Mr. War.! .? er, J C, W ard, in the F< League eause in February, 1914. Mr Ward, ,?i ??? ays a bas? il ?he vor', enthuaiaal e lly, carrying It,000,000 with him, and bul foi ealth and I thting s| rit tin league would bei?? i? isherl. Mr. Ward owned stock in club? Otl ? " than Brooklyn. H? is said to hav?i backed the Buffalo Keii_ kh.i in :.,i i been interested in the Pittsburgh Um ch_r._c!.i ?ave the independ ? [ge. Baseball bad ..i?. honorable magnate. He al waj thai tha business ? team b. cot-.dui-t"u with abaeluta fail M?. signed H?b.. Marouard, of l Gl Is, last winter, aft? Marquard had all ? ? thai lie hud bo bin.i itiK contract with th?. New York club. ? ii ;i i Mr w.ii d leal ? ai Mai quard 'na<l tii:<-?tat?.ii conditions, th? r was turn.?I buck to organised baseball. The Brooklyn Federal) wer? bo! si I to j | "'i Sunday, ?? rula eost 'he Tip Tops many tl dollar* durinc th?- eason, I:, th? Wei whore th? Sunday games ur. ths draw tha big erowds, the Brook* rere idle oi eh I's most prol itabit day. Becaus? ?i bis idees regarding a babei . toaa ? . . aerevet . Ilia brother, J. I V. ? ? ? the ??'' ? ??Mi. ? ? Is Ek ratai Mnnk?. " Liberty Sal ? ? ? ' . ? ? I I ? '? ? .? ' I Pre burgh, and reel . R M r If I ? " ? HOMELESS MEN BURDEN ON CITY Passed On by Oilier Places, All Come Mere. Says Charity Official. ? ? 4 . ? ? harity ? ?dure? I . -? ?..:?! SI ' United ? ? ; . .. . ? ? . ,S'e*s - ?'Tii pi prob '?? ? York ' .- Hou e. Cil are ? ? request foi moi ? . ? ? . "If the : ? furl r housi ? i?; tenl ..r. of I ..'??Ili'V. a- ':- M . .. pi : : .-,:.-.?. ? ?died man ? K>d or ?'..p .? re ? are under tiofl i i teat, ho fTecl be sapplei "ThrouB fort the Charity ? gislal ihed a il -. f..r . ? .' ? ? i ? renter step tioi . . . . in'o opcrsl ??.\i pr?s? ... aeatei ri aaey, The ? i . ? ? 1er si ? ?? lha In the m< .", to which .. ?. i a burd ientl\ 0W the ro 01 ? ' :.'d tl . .. . ? ? ? ... i maint? f. inst< r the ? ? '- -h7 ? . . SCHOOLS ARTICLE DEFENDED BY ROOT Ne? Constitution Reinforces ?state Control, He Writes to Dr. I inlev. ? - * fowl -he argu* ? ; ? f thi al g made pue* ' ? laying to meat till be ? M : at for Ir. ed : ?*l ? our ander* . . ke no change . ? f con! led ii I .- | article ? Ed i* nta of . ere net ded fer *o : be found .r1*. which tedly held ad?? tete and Bot ? ? ?? ef the ni?? es mattere ef concern * ? education ' from *h?- transfer of power to local il ? ??rnmont of tl I it it? will ... t has berate* ftairs of < i . - an ; ' ii . ? ' igeney ?t of sebee ? to to 1 sards ef The ever wap 8a_ i n g war of right against might -as three young men, full of good intentions, saw it in this great city. A book that is nerd <1 to shock the city into mend? ing its ways, says The N. Y. Times of Bronson-Howaro'i impressive novel ??rW*. M.OM?* I arte 'lent, tloth .*7 ?I -el ?.' a'. sWatjW ?'?'? THI l'.'.B:-.'-N't.f?Pil I CO P asm e?i.;i-a* ? rr.i.v .'err: w;?e, ? ? ? I j it tO :?-? ? K rerOiffl con '. th? ? ? DIVORCE W0? ON A COUGH Ne.,1 Harris.>n Said It Itetra??*d Man in M it?*'-, a ardrobe. .]-..' et x. s rom| ins, at tha 1? pier'ie i . .;?. .,? \ ?... | /ned a de? cree of iivoreo yoaterday fur Neal Har? riton from his ?rife, whose alleire.l af? finity, locked :r*. a ClSSSt, v? .? h.-'rayed whoa he eoaghod. Harrison and hi? brother W.iliam went to visit the defendant at her \ew York home on Au(ju?t 2 She eOCBM ! fr:ghter.?.(i a*.d meaty. Then they heard some one co-iph in a clortet, ar.d, un li.rk.r-; It, they laid thoj foood J. L Klein, named Ifl the paper?. T-.ey al .??.-? Klein conies?".!. The flari:?r?nt i. ra ??si rl? ?? ?. H. V.. No ? 1-. I MO, and ha-, e lrved apart ??BOI February, ISIS. 5. 3>ii ease ?r/anos The quality that has made P.oee Piano, th. standard since 1M4 it incorpora* rd m our Petite-Grand. TUs grand takes up but little more .pace than an upright, but inrlu__? all of the ri-*h, ton. of the l_i.-T in .trurtier.t. Price $625. .1 * -OR CATALOO. PEASE PIANO CO., IIS .?it 4i_ .i mm ?in./ 3i ,.*?._ A?ar.? Ii. i ?? 5" Hum Ht \>_ar. N I i . . Lowering the Red Flag ?Samuel Hopkins Adams tells in next Sunday's Tribune how fake auctioneers plied a lucrative trade?until The Tribune Bureau of Investigation got after them. 1 hey were caught with the goods, goods not as represented, and nine of them were rounded up last week in a raid in which men from the offices of Commissioner of aAccounts \\ allstem and Police Commissioner Woods assisted. .Manhattan and Brooklyn have been honeycombed with these put-up games. 7hi?t? is the first real impression i in then;. \ our newsdealer will see that you learn how to look out for this particularly popular swindle. Tell him to save your copy it may save you money. Ufa ?utt?ag afr?ntw Fini to Last?the Truth: News- Editorials Advertisements