Newspaper Page Text
SICK LEIB INTO DANGER BY OXYPOKQR Not Onl ure< I I DIAD I ' I v > \RY I Prove? . t ? ____________________________________ ^^^ here ? ? ? ? ? _be .' ___________________.-' _, ? ' three ' neh la . tiller con f|. . g ' ?ron . ? r, or I i slod, mak ct* ' I, he fe? ie P ia ? vary some ?y. ? IBM ? Make an O.y.ak'.r. s4- .. thus do? te: aokljr" i tat ' ? ornato cs:i with sand, U Kun . ? ng at ? | ;ck of your I i : i-. . liadactioi 7hed, . n alb -? B?artai l? m that . ? it: "O?;. ttj a ai."* " ? ? e B.l ?? * ttan to apply, retju *?<> ecr | I put tee tit _au r W _o_n tat J '? "* '" i :? ttmx* .. ? ' ' Kb ip) ? n released ?c ?hen ti-* ? ., ' ? I' ? ? -, any _-i army te.ti ox .?_____________________? .f.. ?' ? ,<*' .ans __*_. N lACc* . r .... 1 ? I ._________________________________? '' | " _________ ^^^^^^^^ H_____T CU' ?,f the ? **A%. **?tu_.*_._al I ? * i?-. ?_,,.?__d la COrNT MAX !,V\ .1. In! I);>N. -ami-1 and German -py, whose bail waa yesterday rai ad ta $10,000 on his plea of not j?uilty. He insdrts he is a victim of mis taken Identity. classe, hy the governmei Persons who imagine . when in fact they an BS whose r?eo\eTy is du? ti ?raoni who. e rec..- erj tur? sad locul or hygienic nnectTon wil agoni 'r' this ? it was obs Keneral a . ' .'? ? furnished in go<.<l fui ? ' ' Bts, -.v'r. ? I? . ?? raporai ... ? of CU' ? hi i I . als. ? Baneha app. i - ? ? ' to hir - counsel. In com. ' I? ? 'HI ..::;.! . . ._y wil * eod that his theorlei ?? :. to he by hir_." "No I? unafro" D-fenc(. .muter '.hers, the respondents ?m ti reason fot irgs against th? ? in don tho | - ? : :.- est f..m.. . r:_i.t_d ?.' ? I I -?..?? itljf tr_ e, and has \ ?i-.. 'istrati 1 in Bin this, that meml la ???._?'? il to a \ ? ; b^ uneonsc' ". . :. ? - * selling Oxydc trcatmeat of practically e\ d:sease, mai,y of which if ? i.-.:-.'.:. wlt!,..'Ut imiried ? i ? ?-.' ?al treatment r. ay pi Bat, und that th .. th? device are by the ? ! iiito a sense security fr..m all diseases, BOOOOSai many cases in a seri or even fatal outcome which mi have i . ? ? Bted had *'..*?:? ? ?orted to, th? c.< Bcomoi to such p IOBB 1 i.r'_'. Ui." r* Mr. Lai I that I I is a scheme tl rough the mails . ?.i ,i fraudulent p ? n and promis . recommend that a fra agalast the ? . included, besides 1 .?i ' . tloi Depart . . v.. th? I ittor havi 1 . * and Cl SB of th? 8aach? Co! Detroit aad i.s, althou . daffre? of the pare hi] ?al Btion of th> i vice, a- ? ' from furth open ? tho fraud order, ASSAULT ON PERSONAL TAX LEAVES $687,85 Figure? to Date Show Heav I by 1,171 Swcar-Offs. first eo_aplcte report? from i \Yt - ' personal property e tentative BASOS . - the first week, at to c|u,; ? : 9, were made publ I ra la a Ian tentative Bfl . a _ ? ? : .va boroufl .? the tenta1. ? . ?,. : down fr mi ? api eatioi ta. The borough Azure ? hattan, 4"7 applications with laced to $428,4M fei ? ...ons w *i. a tenta . ??'?? 178,700, i Hr applications tient of $11.'-U'.?r'0, re ? .". application? with a ten } ? 0, rt ' :, .. applications w.'h i ? -ne:.', of $1.'.- fit i?, re ? . Manhattan up to det? . laminations bas*? ... . ? -ment of $;. of which i his make? Man at in all other bor r s ?r cent. At tl a ? op to . I and se1, en . tril *.o ths Mat ! I "un 1 "i Bad .-. with $: i ' ? ? , - iccei ful. ? i but the final amount ?ill U fo.u_.o-... DM)RCEB,SHARE5 MORSE MILLIONS II. S. Black, by Old Agree ment with Ex-Wife, Re? ceives $250,000. I'mler the t?-rm? of Mr?. Alton : ??'? will, fi'ed for probate In Min? ed:., Long Islsod, feetordoy, the aurr of $2(0,000 ii to be paid to her divorced husband, Hairy. S Black, chairman ol the Uoitod S'.ate. Kealty er.d Impro.o ment Company. The beque?', i? mini? in fulfilment of an r.,- ? ? at ? on I .eceml- if - Black ?hould accept th'? 1010 in lieu of all claimi against h? ? -ovlded ib? diod In 'ore Api Uro, lloras divo il hua bnnd ?n 1905, an?! wai married to Tylci ?, of Boatoo, : ? ? - :, Weatbury. Le Bor wi 11 ? u estimstod ??? - ?voa inherited from her t-rijiinator eol sky aorapor. Iloraa Lodge, her property Ib Wost ther husband on eo that if he remsniea : revert to Black si ? ..-, Fall?? ' 'An raoy. '? itborlsed to .ell or otl pose . srtjr, provided he doei ? remarriei. Half of the r< ? itsU left 'a Blscl ?s trail ? r, snd ?her half to Mor a exoentor i ? eh wa? on January IT. 1911, . . :"t.r h?-r BSph? .'. in the of Black'? d? ?' ? ii .bility. I'mler another agreement ??? I by Mrs. Mi ri-e, BlSCB and th? ???. Tmat Company, it wai agreed that should the nephew Ihre until -'?. l?'.O, he was lo i" ? of ? truit fund which th? truat rum BOOS hold! ai trustee. I'mier rert-rn Conditions, however, it was pr t .at :he beneficiary ihould not receive the fund until April 1, 1920 All Mrs. Morse'? moneys on deposit. Jewelry and oih. r persona to her husband. Her , ?r, Mr?. Almirs J. Pallor, 01 trinsvUle, Mas?, is to !-u psid outright iiiif CoBOdsOB who had . ..? :i ... Hurry .-'. th? o ;? dooghtoi it .'? A. Fui 1er in 1895, when ?h? WS? l SSV? '.-?ken into th.* George A. Fuller ? ruction . Isa] si y si ?ice prsa snd tseet ? m 1901, when i , law died. - ? ?'??,- th? com] say to N'eu xorl arranged to im rye the Fuller Interests, thi tral Realty Bond and ', ? i I ( "inpany an 1 the New York R? ration in the Uoitod States Realty and Im itr.y. the eonceri empital which 1 two rec? - ibwsy ? *.t?. B ich made r.o effort to COI tost nis suit for h .I .i: ??>. In 1905. Th? ground? upon action wa? baaed wen- aevei I ?c. It was understood that he a? . ? "ve sum of money upon her In heu of a mony ar..-. . FASSETT CHARGES DROPPED National Products !!e.*td Returned to l.tilevue bv Mairis? rate. Lawrooo? 1 Fassott, president of th? National Produc? I o re fa?? .1 to pai a toi ?.w.s token from Bollevue to !? court :r. SB smbulsn re ? ? ??? roto Corrigan i lettei I ? r Mensa s. Gregory, ? ? otl ?i Instil ?non |f 11 -.t...?.? d ? el i from ? Fas-en woo not arruii/.ned, but wai taken bark to the h n the ehsrges of lotoi Conduct wer? droi | COUNT'S LATES "WIFE" ROSSI Woman with Whom Lived When Arrested ?mres Promise to Sla HAIL UP TO $10.000 ON NOT GUILTY PI 1 oudon Denies Bigamy Cfcl ?is U. S. Agent Tells of f ( tut .ppearances. ?Ii of the m;. I'ery which c romai tleally th? I f1 I.ynar ! * ho pleaded ? '.re Judge ( Gei ? rday, . ... appearance on Fi . i -. ?-. This ??unan, who v. l ... 1 ..?e , see I of the _ lar him, [ with I eount * me, at I ? ? ? t to th. snt of Ju. ease n? h ? st I.oudon Row Boil? und asi sd Jo lent ?if th? that sha ar< uld ret within call. A detective from Mr, Baker's c went up to sea her yesterday. He told she was not at homo. A quey developed the BUrprlslag lafOTBU that on her return from the Park Building Friday morning she pack? su'tcaso and went away with it. the hasn't been back since. Hiss Jensen, who it ??bout thirty vears old. took her piare in the cou regar? a critical and in was married to ,. City 1 ? so the story ru i aras whai ?aid I The ma tri i i that the i partmei.t o? and the Dial A * * '. r : . a was married In P ? ? V . . : -- : -. ? ? ? r . ? o? N ? was married to Mrs. R O'Brien, a policeman's . V. ( ??tint's Hail Now $10,900. Ar'v, otar? ' f various kinds, by has kept loasen s in |i fe, Tw?*?'.? o yeai g ago : a th a young asan who 1 in search of furt'i I I I 11 - ? :. A few yeai i lui?*. ?'l amassed c -?? -" |1,000,C lis love for her C A boy ? t" ' ier::.-.- .. *>? I I I id, who U old. hiis become blind. He is si . I.oudon was linlir,ed last F - bail was set at $3,600. l'est? d ,y erben he b_u ' rain for ; ? r h ?.. Pi. ... Berg, ? ham? t\ bayed, but A Attorney Boetwiek a-_el that t increased to S1?.000. Mr. Berg began to aviate when tr made, but ?he court le ear to Mr ! .nnounc that he regarded 810 000 a high. ?.i r.f ?he Department of Ju tee," ,li; |f? r* rat Said, "have plac? Strict Attor::? prompted i sd. I thai! gi1 ><.ur client ten days in which to dccl? . !,?? ?rill change his pli a fro not guilty." Mr. Berg a^iain protested, saying thi iporta that London ??? a Oe y I ad liven circulated. Me--.. .i hearty laugh froi int. Had Trouble in ..ermany. Finding that further argument wi the attorney Bte| pod BS I : l oudon, who ? B bark t . ?..'." would soon put op th ? ..'int. The :. of which J_'!. . i .7 refei ? . | '?? : on Ko aber '" ????ry ?n Gei serra thre paj a 7.lie of -'? n ? itei Gei y on ?*bat churge Mr !':._. ?? . le to lean. ? ' et A' ? ? .;. that ::. April, 1894 lon deserte.; t Feld Artillery, at 1 ori iworth th? count was I dieted in the _ Btal I D Court in Brooklyn. Ona indictment . ?tul the other forger} on pi Loss l f 'ht >'? bits the Brook ' ? othei ehargi Louden weat to G? In the pe? riod in which efforts were Bttdcr way to have Louden ? ? be got into s with the < red to the . ' lav. | ' r. ? 'I.- B 91 D tarer said - si ? fi>r three 'mr- and thai " Ihil it hei ? -. '.ng her 'i.-; . ? i charge and 'hat he ig a r| eircumataaei i aad m itakei Football Captain's Neck Broken. ? tag High ? here I ' ? * sus* . .. . urday. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS [ Th* H * ' fl aa- I a :* l?1* A 11VI V ? '? ' ' ? I . A , .* . maus i H'.*?*? M BAT. , , _ u ?T i - " ? , ? - ? ? - 4 a-. ? !,."? H. II ?? ? ' - ? * _l_n? f\llTir-| ?? ?- *-"'"* ' I?. II .'- IJVMAH teUSmt Vt-T Tard. S T ? Sa.? Ta' I j- . . - - 'a '? <"*?? '. : ?? ? ' AllKlV i 7' I a*. ? . 4 . St ? . . . . - It Ynl ?' ? 1 ? * . ' i ...? ' , _. a. ? a* ,l?iit*i_ **.-__, *,. .J?? *?<*-?- in BBOOOj ?S ...? LfiX\-Jl-?^ ALaV 58TH ST. SUE Wife of Pre! ?denl of Cor nell University Buys P<? herty Dwelling. EX-Ji '?! V.AHONEY rRADES !.. I. HOUSES Rronx Park Retervatloi Com? mission Ac qui re?. Block of Scveoty-flvc Lots. ?1 < 're properties, tn M Ii yeo ? Mr?. H.-irhnni F- Sehanooo, ?if, of I ' -churrnan of Con ?Il Uni ?or f rear rhe . . f the f oui ? ? '? i o?um? ?-. If, th? tota i of tho proper! feel The | (| wa? r.-.. the Loch-*: *'?.r mur. ' ' ? Mrs. Srhurma-. i 49 West it?, ami the nin. ... 1 . ?? ;. ? .id 1 I l ? I El Judge fatal ???.* ha? bou.'lu tnrough J. I ' i ? r ;.' :?i art ? '.'.'? it l ? Itta st.. The buyer g.v navment a modern thrtM | with fc-ara?:? on ' ? .?>-, !<?? g Island, and a bow Co il house of n living roomi bath a, on Irving Place, ^,? ?chmi'-it & MrlJtvnald were BSSOSlotod brokers. W Frown, I-c, have told rkwa an for * in tho '.!...-k I... t 2151 : ? K. Stevenaon, of ( parcl t b <? : ? f it?, old . from Mrs. Laura F .'i mere1 tnt, tl ' o., sad 'i1 i ? ? ?m H. V," fa '. ' eitat? ? . mlth, ccupsi ??>. ' . ? . no dv -llint; house on ? . * Schwa - H ?? a is reported to have ?old !.?- ,. . ? *. w *.':i ? Low] Id 1-3 ? ? old 719 E ?tory tenement, with ?torea, on I -itor. rnardt ?? PodgBr have pur from H. A. Toung located ob tho wee) I feel ? v OB the c<>r Ii. A. Keiber negotiated U , lehliel '';a? bought from the 0? ting Bu ding l ?ompaay '&J9 Ani'.r. urtment, on ?? - 10x100 feet, between Huir.-.:'!.. ?-.*. SI ! ! 1*91 Daniel Birdsoll <t Co. have ?old for Mr?. Mir iluda Vloooal to Amoa F. Kno, 14.i Uscdougsl st.. a I bull I ? *. rsi - ( iver rhirty year?. The buyer : ? >' the blofk boOB ? ..-.!-?, ;??i ?t. u.1.1 u Tho Rer.en?"ri C 'iipnr.y ha? re I - ;. Ml Boma it., a plot 40.2s rregulnr. F ;, en? J leal. '.'? >r William I. Phe ' , on the east s de .-f Webb av., 200 feet ni I new owner will ?:ent. BROOKLYN SITES CHARGE HANDS Alost Properties Affected Improved with Dwell? ing Houses. Henry Agar ha? sold the property ISC Fast 69lh ?t., r.ear ? ! i7u??d, a two far f | Ml, to M, [aOWOO thai The Ale?.: i-r Q ? ildo? Bolldlog i poo;* I .t? ?old one of iti thre i detach?.! house-?, with rI juit built BO Ocean Parkway. . sol 1..* mil av., to Harry Kran.ei company ha? i.dd a leven room : go. io I to A . FUtbu.h, for hi? A Co. hai so. ag, 18slSl Park I for oceu ??- . \ ? three si .? si bat Id Meyer ha? told for P. J. C.rley ,- .-.neu h : -ore there I ? V? my :.r a te: i o; year?. \ too? Orfar?. I It cor ? .klyn, Woel F.f'h ?IV . a' ; ? ? p . ? .. ? ft tax ?r St Co. lisv? I fiv? thoi parkway, - ?i sa ret J. Shield! to a builder. .?.It?r?t ioni. Manhattan. s?T- 11 ? te ? ? ? ? , . - . IJ4TM ST ? ? S * ' . - a I REA?C -T a . ? I I7ITH ST i .' i!| N J -?.*>. 18 a. s. .a.. A k I? an a.. ??. imBbwb. ?*s..?j REAL h> I ME AT AUCTION. HEAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. RBAI E8TATI .1 ll'l flON. TO THE TH?NKII_G MAN Who Wants to Make Money VVMhout Risk inVCSflQ&IC and you will find out that yon cannot buy lots at private sale in Manhattan or the Bronx within 2 or 3 blocks of Subwav or "El." Stations (of roads now running) for lees than ?3,500 tO $6,500 Lach. Go to the Dash Sale pick up a few lots in these War times around the 238th Street Station of the Subway tor llgOOO or $1,500 each, or maybe less (only .0* cash) Dont You See You Must Make Money? A Big Rise in Real Estate Is Due and Is Coming particularly along the line of the Broadway Subway. Tills ?s a Peculiar Opportunity, Take Advantage ol It. AT THE Absolutely Unrestricted Auction Sale of 329 Lots at Broadway, 236th, 237th, 238th and 240th Sta. and adjacent avenues and streets .?*_ Bowie Dash Estate TUESDAY, OCT. 26TH at Exchange Salesroom, 14 Vesey St., N. Y. 70'. on mortgage. Titles insured free. ! lor : ips and particulars applj to J. Clarence Daviea, 149th St. & 3d Ave. Joseph P. Day, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. Agents and Auctioneers. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS, NAME AND \I>I>KI.*>S._ THE PRINCETON ..; :..'. _*__. :r. i i? HTRKR. _ 1 Block trope. Broadway._ OSTEND _. E. tor. Broadway and . trr.t. GLEN CAIRN 270 Kirrraldi* 'Irire. Car. ft-tli **ir.-t. j_ NO. KlIOMi, S lar?., __|..lally -V.II Arranced Room*. On* apartmant l-l. I f .? ! Lient R ????_. . Batra. | BENT. Attr...tlY_ K-iila si.soe. Aur.NT. I Bupcrli ?? ..i-.t ! ? *"*. if ? Ni a ' I | Frf___t_ I. _??_ Ige. or -m*.. M I'-- ? I1 \K1 I? I I Ml*. Ae___. . ?. i. Int?- PI a A-l r- '. r?: *a . .a derate? ?. Istra tart? * . a a . - ; ... - .r R-S Room*. 8 llntlia. EL DORADO *9ss*tXi3s. 10 R-_m?. 5 Bait-.? 800 CENTRAL r\KK HEM, 90ili to 91 *>t M. art?. ath<. IS Raami, 1 Batha. Very Mod. rate R?ntala. Cu l'r-ml?-a. ?r Berlin " Aitea? r. Broad _ ny, Cot : . I Si BU|M I--. -rrt--o M __YM"M'. .0" ? ri. ..i si . ? ?.-.?? ? - ? ar..1 ?Urn ? . .. ... ? Il a Y .? - - ?*. of M'uh-tt NEW HOME FOR CHARLES H. BLAIR 5-ar.kcr Will Be Occupant of New 76th Street Apart? ment House. DoegUs L Elllasaa * Ce. h_v. leaded for Jallas Tishman & Sons th. lnst remaining apartment in their now ? g, 1 " - I' Mth st , to Charles II. Blair, of Schmidt I Gallatta, bank? ers, Thla eompletea the renting of all m boildinga opened by Douglas I.. Ellinaa _. Co., as at'ent., this year. which Include: S99 Part a?, ami ll_ - Ith -? . owned by Baasael A. ig; 400 Part av.. OWaed Ny S. F. B. 18 ! * . owned by the Potter-Mor local Syndicate. These boildinga contain IM apart ? Th? sane firm has leased an apart? ment In '.'"1 Lexington av. to Arling *"ii T. Bcott* aa apartment, furnished, .:. 1__ E, _2d st., to Mr-- W, ?I. BtOtt; an apartment in 21 _ I CI Sri ? i Jack, Inc.; tnl In IM E. 17th st, to V. \ sa spartment in 12_ K ? i I .... jr. leased, fur srtsaent of Miss Alice - decorator, la HI I in av. ta Dr. II. s. Better! a, '?-.'.r> Park a ? ?1, through the - r'. to W. I. Praaklin, and SI SWed the lease of Swift la tl"'- above mentioned \ ? i er. apartment in the i'.or.h?---:-., bI M W. Mth .-?t., t. Herritt Iv?s, 'he BUBagOt of th ? ??..?? g ??? -.!'ment of ? i El?n-.a:-; sablet for Frank ngfaam hi? apartment in 714 ? av. to Feruccio Vitale, and also . ? ?ho follow-, reaewala of W. Uth st Hearj ?'? J Te'.fa.r; in 170 W. ? to Meyer C. Jacobs; la M Bgton a? . to H. C. Loom:*.; ? . to Dr. Samuel Hrad bury; In I?6 W '-' '. '? V. Penda?; ? . *.. Mrs M B Kelly |f ' . : tral Park West, tho ....:?.? I Newkarger. City Dwelling Leases. **!awson _t Uoiib? have rented 819 ? it for ?i tarn tt year? to R. - fot p.. 1. Silbernsaa; also, fer a I ' ira, for a client, to Pr. -*?? st; aiae, Ml ? *? r Hoary Parsons to An? tre f? r a torta o' years, arid 1' IK km* to D. i>. I.yon US ? ? for a term of years | VfatSOa, I*..-, have leaaed I term u' ?? ? - '.-.veiling at th si for Kidaaaky 4 Levy to M Hiak; sis i, ???*?*? I fat a term of years the dwelling at 334 Past ..0th ?t. ? ?man Kahn to M Hakiger iva let, furnished, for Mrs. .John H. Seville to Lucius K. Wilmi ? ? lour itery and bas? dwclling, llllOO, at 32 Wet ? Tr. .e Notes. Hearj H Norn?, formerly irl.l Itera Urothers, ha* Opened I reai es'ate of* '..?? In :.?? Aeolian Building, at _. We?t 4M ?_ RENTS HEIDELBERG BUILDING STORE Jewellery Firm of Morris & Co. to Occupy Premises for Long Term. The HaH-Rsrwin Corporation ha? leased for the United State! Land and Improvement Company the comer store in the Heidelberg Building, iltuateii at the ?outhweit corner of Broadway and 42d st., to M*orri! 4 Co., jewellers. The lease is for a lung period of year?, from November 1, lyl5, and culls for an ag? gregate rental of SlrvO.oOO. Albert B. Ashforth, Inc., has looood the store and basement at 142 and 111 West 2'Jth ?t? to Vandeweghe Brothers, now located at 158 West 29th ?t. Ben? jamin Engl?nder was associated as broker. A. P. Coburn has leased one-half of the ?econd floor in the Scott 4 BoWBO Building. 409 Pearl ?t., to the ??ram? lich 4 Btooh Lithographing Company for five year-. Daniel Birdsoll 4 Co., a? broker?, have I th? tin ail g si "! Broadway to Ru?ld 4 Co., now on Spring ? t. Th? building eonUin? 25,000 , foot Snd SfSI recently rebuilt b? owner?, the eatate of Carson C. Peek, followiog the destruction of the old buildiog by Bro. The lessees will occupy the entire building for 'heir bosiaOSB The lease further ?BdiCOtOS th? ?u-rmaient I llihment of office furniture concerns in ild downtown wholesale district around PrsBkllB ?t. Several other cern? in th.s Fr.e are located nearly. URBAN H. BR0UGHT0N SELLS Client of May A Co. Gets City House Of of Late H. H. Roger?. The renderce of t'rban H. Rrough ton, ?on-in law of the late Henry II Rogers, at 16 F?st 7S*h st., has been ?old by the brokerage firm of William 11. May 4 Co. to a client. It i? a live itory itrueture, on a lot 25x102.2 feet, adjoining the houie at th? louthwe?? eoiBOI of 78th ?t. and Madlion av. owned snd occupied by Stuvvesant Fnh. Mr. Broughton bought hi? house in 1902. The property wa? held at 1200, Sales at Auction. At 1? ? ??-, St Rl 'aatpb f Dm LCItQ l?LAN0 CITY. Js/kamn a? SB 3 a I ....-a MlJJl 'itOlSt. 5 ?sa-sr.t, atlJoun.M U> >u? 1 ItWI? ST. ?t s ? !*?> ? ?"a-iiaan .t? ?lift?. I ,'i . ..-. ad i". va '.n th? for |jft fit NTH ST. 3'... Of t ? M ?? w?l fn.l .? ??ilOO V. 3 at; latcrnt ?rid slot??, to UM piali.US fix 1? lav? At Um It- p.? k't.--a- a? Bf J B. Bsronv ?. i?,..i tc a -, AV. ? . ?M tlatl** It. M aatt to th? 1110 IT, ? I ?. M I Ct/psriU? *(. ? rlres let il il. G A?7 : r 1 New Builrlino; Plan?. Manhattan. SOT H ?T MS ' ?'! W ??.. 111? tl. Ml to III fur '.?>? ; sU| ftajM s-aUp-Ja?. Ha Ti? a 10. N "a ? a v. sao? *?*???. iVmm, i'I w jcth ?a? tKLUtata?, U ??-. UK M. ESTATE I '0' SALE OH TO LET. ne*n i? _____ ATTRA?tTI. i. IAIN IN M DBRM * ? . ..... (i ITATg I - \ ? tee ?? ? ?? v [ I I ?-?'?a ?III gaina __r.r_a__ le. ... liIs and l?rm?. ? -a HAU?H - ?-I ? ? v I'' / i , ?I ' < 01 V I III I*KOI1. KTV. Caurfrv Mo*"? In??--itl*.n rr. ? 'a pf?a-?'?lT? .??? i I Ml BNI8HED HOUSES TO LIT. 11?.K"l ?.il ? ?! MIMIUIW Facing Park. Very handaoma extra wide pri* v?l> Residence for tale or to lease, unfurnished, for thro? years at most moderate rent. WM. B. MAY & CO., "17 1 nil? Av.. at .oui M. 16 East75th Street issue r? rant, r -, tern) <t ay_?pa_. " - ' I I ? _ ? ? ? ,- ?*_ UK.. I..-I . 1,1 I | ?a?,, t.rrrl?*? I \. .,- ??IB Si. -:.'.. uvoa . at mi..- ..i at. '??'??: - _?_*. Mat St l.-Ka_t. .___ WM B MAY i CO.. 7>7 Rt An. ?r. lata St. t . ?> $100.000 FOR ALTERATIONS New Qaarters of ("a. aid? A, Son Co. Will He Model Show Rooms. Alkert Whale, vice-president of the Cassidy _ Boa Manufacturing Com pany, whrh recently leased a floor In th? Architects Building at a rental In? volving f'2.. ,000, ?aid y??terday that hi? Arm intended to install in th? new ?luarter? showrooms that will b? fitted up with lighting fixtures of th? vari? ous types and period? of architecture and decora* I - IN m c:ty apart ,. I ..? aee The firm ei McKiflB. Meed <t Wh-te has been en? gaged to es? s of these i deeorat.ons Bad installations, which it - is estimated -ill Iks expend?- | tur?- of ?>? er 1100 0 -0 ?rd practically the entire reconstruction of the .our leased. The lea"? was asada by Earing, Bacon _ Henry. Another Searsda?e Sale. Angel? _ Co. has sold the Lawrence Churchill house, in the Mea'hcte Asso in at Scar-.', il I I -. _ Muh'. feld Tkia i lins a modem dwelling and two aviva of Und. It was held at $.-,0_\