YoUV Iva-rOftSjy BlJi
If'You Want It.
l'?je. 11? >t Colassa
*N \ \ i,l 75.
*<\ !
FiVal /o Lost the Truth: Kews - Editorials - As'vertisement?
t ,.,.. rl(hl l?l
Il . 1 | e I ' \ a a , , t , ?,
n. ?. ? ? i-.i it ? ; . -, .. ? ? i n \i* -
1 -i BOB84IB ? I '?I I??
\|?>.|rrp. e | - ..??,? ?? r.?'?
v-???-,.u* ? I
li th ; ; . I . n
I . . i -
la ? it? ..r s?-?? v.. eu *..? ?i. ?? .r ??,,?] nem.utm.
rjar.wHr.BK rso ?ems
Squadron Leases
Under Sealed Orders
For Aegean Sea.
Bulgar- ! ?ze Railroad at
Vranja and Wove
i/ard Nish.
:-?? ?
A it
-a ? . . ?
? ?
? '
... . ? i alone
ran?' I
? ( orholi
? ?
ti- 11
ed a
ihm a
?tit th?
I -ii.
>?.rc ;
A military men
? ?
. throw
It *?. ? .
. ?
'??lian Poll?) a MtMrrv.
. ?
' ?Os Bai' ?r *?'*'
the lim
s, L*. ''
i? A**' ? remain?
"*?-, "i
| , !
?BBVj ? k' "' ?
I? in th.
? '
mta*-\'\'*' '?>?'???
...T^ t lnt?TT4.a.?.. .. . 1 4
???is,.. '','",' h*'** '??
?Ha. tl? ' "" " '-? OB Of her
?' ??7ord:r.H ?
0 ? r i tarn Ihs --nie
? . . k ga? r The
Bsioal ?lie laforou?
* ? '? il Si Uli I ti? art! ( ar.on wi.nltl
. <*iii? ? llie i ?*?> ? lh?t an?.Hi. i
? ...n BMj be especiad ?vlthia
. I ..t/..m .-.f r?e?l!eM..n. 1 ?,?d
' ..I H la iimlervl. ..,?, I,as d,..
< iil?.l I" I. .??? lh<* ( al.inet neit.
- .. a) r. .it- ? oooci Iptiool it, he
is enlirel? at odd? wilh the ;,r.??-nl
stood i'? Iht- go? ei nine:.! ?>n l!?o
qaoatioo, ami at leool i??<. Biher
minister? will prohablv relire ??ith
It i m.
i ord Derby Calls for Present
'?-. 11> Be Opera
A Subsequently.
' It est stoti
thsl ? ?
ichemi 1
? ?--?-?- a '
? . ? 1 of this 1
.gai ral ob i? certa
Derb] ifforta ara ?acc?s?
? '.". Th? rSarl of Derby,
i eminent h;
. ?.
: -i "-.?.?s meeting
"ay pa?'- tb?
rhich h?
that evsi na
e thai th? ?..??
= tr\ ?-a.? fr.r hei
a at BBC? I
. f;t and wi.hing
? ..
? -
call when
l'ami ? ?
? ?
? called lat?
.. ?* inch i yatem, ha
it, there wou
??-= needed h;. Karl
iksd th? ?poaksr, he
rs? an urgent ne
' ?? ? ?p . 'i : "Look at
?Bid a fortnight
? ; men arhs
; ate alTalri H?
hope.; it proper rsapoflS?
ir.arr:' -
? I nr-dical and 1
a ? ? ?? stt? IB" " -le
l.r rd Deri .
.... ?
?r;. service I : . ,
th? - ? tern can be
II bul there
( rews of Vessels Torpedoed Off
Oxeloesund All Saved.
. Oct 19 I our German
? nsmbuco, Soedei I
sad ? sfvsn, hav?
in the Baltic ."--ea o:T
. s Bril
?. ; Delalfven ?v?
till afloat. 'I lie en
:. '?- Ii ch
- ?? i . nai ' .
.??'., -.s of 1,788
. : hamn >.t' 1,4M
IS. The "
that tl
Stockholm thai
h.i? h. en
? . ? .? Mr.- .- !.
' . . hl
Gen ci. ri.- p
taken 1
Pleads for ?t'-'i I rencli Persons
Condemned to Death.
Rome, Od ? Pops Booediet, at the
. .
th Emperor
?? Hell.-v ill?,
1 BOVOB other French
bava boea eaadeoinad ta
p . ? pnann, Archbivi
?d the Ponl thai
? -\ i hoi lospended the
? ??ice? ?l?a-..
. ? - ?
K?,*ter'ium, ?let IS ?I?iip?;ch t.? LsSB
. a." The execution of
,. Eng nurse, al Hru?
I ?..?.:>? a |art of the campaign B?
. intljf hm
eted la Belgium a? the re?
i I ui.rt?: among the lahabitanta,
?..?rrd immediately fol
, g . | . ? off? ? live. Not onlv
iiuge? and Sthsr
. ting lina many par?
la death aad
it I . BBtouee, all
I pub
At LUI? others aafferod tht
' ' lilty- > ..
, i, . . | ,- of th? .-' ' e .-? Mi>s
?li Amb?s?ud..r inter
?r. He vie
..,.!,'... ? .- ??? triad to
obtain .t reprieve. Th? (?crman civil
, howovar, rnat th.*
<lu?*?tioit was one for the B
alone. 1 I "--?' or
risltod ? >ry of ?
, , out failed to obtain a iryri.v..
With 3 Resignatioi
Impending Britisl
Premier Mus? Resi
Questions of Conscriptic
and Policy in Balkan:
Divide Government.
?London, '>rr I. Anxiety pr<*va;
when il s announe id tl
' - T | ? e ... ....
?ondil to over
. . -'.- ?B
, ' ?? '
g bulle! ?'ufd at l'iiu
jr?c Street:
"The !'?- m? Mlnistar I? ?ufferi
.'rom an attack of gaatro ? ?? ??? ?
catnirri, ?rh neeeaaltate a fi
the .?a; Hi .
... | ? ....
? -h <.f ili.m h?
..... ... | .....
rr ol
_:?'?? ng on was
lay thai I i
order? ima
In bed for several day? ?ri tbei I iks
rest of a few dayi
least 1
the Cabla
the end of tl
Wtetieaee? in l_e I abtoet.
I aasioualy
th? sot ministe
? ? V?
-irre? that vital diff.rences I I
have ariaen ovei "i*1 conscription i. si
and th?' .'ear Ka?', question. In tl
me party new-papers are carr;
(bate ai-?i richang r
accusation? of lack of potl
of plr.cir.g party and private inf. re
?? ci'Jiit r.*..
I the con try, a.?
. egard a si ?
on pa i aalty. If sue
a contest vor? foughl <.n thi
? ? i
foment great bitterneea and els
?en ?on
in Premier Asquith's absenee, Devi
Lloyd Geoi ft ?, Minister ol M i
ice of Commi ai
ore than
the day, deal ?ng
? i Eaatern affaira, th? I'm
?lanelie. and thi I of raisin
neceasary men tot the army, and ?rhil
the miniaterB anewen
in nu '"a?" ?ras the mlorniat'on w h i c
publ e wa. ani on Ij awaiting suf
Italian Aid for Serbia*
_j in ?- , ?ration in Serbli
'.;.? Lloyd George was only ab.? to i ??
?? Mr- I ? . i
In the com i mee an
mg tl Aliie?."
The i ? '
of recruiting without
. i
7-Mr Edward i *-. ?on, ?: ? ?
? on ? I ienai .?I a ?i ? an
I? ? . did ' pul in an ?i>
? mad
l ' . liouai wa
i the j rone am
. ...
. tu i
; . ? | .
? quer) ? ?
ng the Dardai
?y, ha?
give was a* '?'
v hether ? hi I - -?? . ei nment ?til
? ince to th?
: ?hei
the Bi k P
- had ii?-.
i l ol Ruasii
?7 a Tur*!*!
"It wo? .*..,? proper,'
?i.i?-?- Beere
tai y. "t. ment in reg ?i i
- ?
1 nr.l l'i'bert Hard PreW__L
Ad-' ...
? it the
be taken i ant of ??
? ? . nvoli ad, It ?a?
??i ii when notie? th?
? . gi e_ to bi ng oui
? ..f tln>
? Poninaula
. i ?
rdanelloe a
., |
the : which reigned e week.
? i ?appeared II li be :.-. ?
,,i of mi :? Idea BXiatiag of aban?
doning the n:t. nipt to opea the Strait?
?.:..i ?ea route to I oaatantinople, the
? of General Mum" ?
u more strei.uou? ?-rfort, ?ml thut -hen
tha right momer* eoaeo the Italian
navy, If not the Italian troepe, ?
-? . i
Release \ul?i Truck'? Hrakr? r.nd tar
Kun? (>\er YoungMer.
. ng on an auto
ifti moon ?.re believed to be
' four year*
'i Uclntyre
?toi p<'' and brak? i eel ' " i
i lad'? i--.'' Bta, ? '
? ?
g over Hugl
.! e,i an hour lat.r a*. MOMVOIt Ho?*
pitaL - ?
'.? f?>r our intentions for
future. Mille <l.-'?-..te?l. v.? ?r.
a Btroagst Boaltloa than befe
?aid Mr?. II. I I , ?,;.,rt. ihe !
JersS] stale lea.1er. last ni|
"H ?* ?.ill ?tan ,:, ininiarro? 0|
BC * <-,:fTii|fe campaign.
''Is '? bOVS n?i lotOBtiofl ?if m
??"?If for li?e tear? to t..k, ?ur ,
.?nun ?i?-fi,r.> the .n.rr?. ?V ,. ,
s,-'-l ri|(ht ir. t?, ,:et I'residenl
hufTra?:?? Irinn (he ?.tale l.e-frislatu
The CoaatitatloB of lha Inl
Stairs d?.l/,r?*s Uia? (I.,. |, K
!..!nr?. ?,f e;,,h atsts BBU.11 ?let
mine who shai! x-r,. in Ihat st;
f?r Preeidetstlal and Vli 0 riesle.
ti.l elector?.
"With Hie ?frong organlzati
Ihat ?p have and Ihe many thoi
intl". ?,f voters ??ho took their sta
?1 1 our side, there Is no guesti
but thai such .1 hill ?till pa ?a nc
r-prinf?. U hen ? e bate accomplish
thai ?e .?ill then fight for full r
1 r.-i'ii-hisoment liv I e?!eral amen
Adolph S. Ochs, Announ
iiii? Change, Calls Alter
Hon (0 Progress of
His Paper.
Georga MeAnenr, Preaidenl ?.?' -
Ito-iril of Aldermen. BBBOUOCBd li
nighl *iia? he intended te re?!r-n 1
aille? enrly in .Tanuary and become
it? ef Adoh.h B. ucii? in t
?' ? . ? * of "The *?'???? 1 "rk Time
IcAneny ?ammoned ?h? mort"
-pen tS hi? hnire, |S !,;,
? th Street, lasl Bvenrna.
make the ?",,^?,,1 ?n rr?uncrm?nt.
Mr. IfcAaenj ?lenie?! emphat'ral
that any disSOBSlOB or mi?under??sn
iag arlth Mayor Mltchel or other mei
l.ers of the rity government had an
thing to do with hi? purpose to resi;;
II? ?aid he had lnfo*n-ed th? Mayor r
of bis intent!..n. li- iroald lea?
?STvies ui'h deep regret, 1
added, but COBSldersd that hi? six yea
of lorvlcs St th? Cil ila I m< su
flcient ?aariflc? Sf his per?onal for
unes, and th.t he should b.* allowed
Improva the pr?sent opportunity
better his arTeir? permanently.
Two year? as Presidoal sf the Roai
of Aldeimep under the Mitehel ndniii
?-. he deemed a ?uffi-ien? peric
in which to have fulfilled his campai,-*
promise? to the people. He rn,<\ tin
i? r of Mr. (?chs was made to hi
m;.-.? tune ago. tha? ho had give
it serious ?OBSideratian only during tl
ii ? two week?.
I imes" thi? morninr. prints tl
following anent Mr. McAneny lom.n
'? force:
\n Announcement.
I take pleasure in announcing tin
Mr. (?eo?*:;e McAnenv has accepted m
to become associated aril
me in the general management of "Th
1 k Time?." ar<i va..i come r
"The Titnea" sa ioon as he nn aotii
fnciorily transfer to other handl hi
dutii ai I'M-- dent of '-lie Board o
Aldermen :<r..i member sf th? H"..r 1 0
??? m..1 apportionateal >.f th
fork, and ?ievtite himse!
wholly t?? "The I me-" after Jai
next. ' ADOLPH S. mus,
her "The New York Times."
. letobei 19, Itlf.
I 11-1 greatly pl.-acl The.? I have !UC
in -. -n . | Mr. (ieorge Mr
inen y to a t in the executive ma*.
? t ? rhe v-ew Tor? 1
Por 1 ? latrotive and ixocutivi
dutie? he tvill undertake ?rith "Th
I R| | B0 one v.h<
th? requlreB
l! ab - adminiatration for m ?
?t th? tjr.-rii affairs of *he CitJ
j th ich bav? beeB intruste.
-1 ha- ju?.tly won for hin na
fame at a man of lutrh id?ala 0'
? ? , .uralte an'
abilit) t.? praetis? them and put then
, 1 fu ?.p?rn- ioo. ne la I?
.? ?? with lh< aim? ai -
?'.:? Now York I
m, experienc? an?
; . ? n.1 ample scr.e for then
t .? B4 B dur lea, ?r-.l hi? op
for public service will b*
' ed
I bol i It to be no fault that " I hi
Tinea" cal!? Mr. McAoaoi f-raai un
imporUBl ethet ifl the eltj governmeBl
... a ploes ".; high 1. - ? ?
In "The Time?" aaanatgemei t aad
? Sai always BOOB tBS ?:?h and
I urpoae sf "The Tine?" Tu ??-rve the
publ c as be?t h might, "? n'v ?? ?
btnttei -erv.-e '.? the people sf the city,
? li,,. Ne-.v ?ort 'lmes" ha? become
B great institution and I? rapi.ll> K'?"?
ing IB importance and public ?karac
ter. Man? ? rated BtCB c
? :?-,. y, . York Times" the foremost
-.;,, r in the world Certain it i?
thnt it.? held and con?equen'ly it? in
? expanding, and it require?
th. ablest men that can b- BSCBred
men of brO?td ?vrni.athie?. f:e.. ,,f nar
r.r.v prejudice!, open-mimlcl. with a
...*:.,? aad iaretei I
I MstaMeS "n |>?|e II. mlnmn .1
Suffrage Loses in New Jersey
by h O?OO in heavy ml?oang;
Machine Vote Defeats Women
.Velrom .<1 by ?rom?! at the polls, he is shaking hands with the wife of Professor Henry . ine, of Princeton
I'niv. rsity. Tha Pre_i_e_fa own diatriet vote?! a_rains. the ameidment, 150 to 64.
Determination to \Yi
Only Increased by New
Jersey Setback.
?f i uffraga In tit <
d-.d not I", ?en the optimism of loc
'??ader. concerning the New York situ
? ven believed it helped
They declared the Jeree) re
due to ' he taetic ? of Jim
? would b?
of N< W - .
remarked that, no matter whi
pponed aeroa? the river, su?Truf
? a ? ?a ."> ?.. i in ? thi? state, chief
because Now Tort had been so well 01
ganised for the eleel inn.
"If are wet '? I, Jim Nugen
I? r? ip< I Mrs l i
, . ? eths
an v fraud? I -lor no'
... .
of * r> r ? ndous h i i bul I d
r it u
the eoi t? it for * 01 ifl fe In N?"j
York, I . i ?
i '
?tales ?ill vote as they ?e?1 v an
? .;.. |.v uhTi1 N? I
"It'? perl w?
cd il Ira. Harriot
itch. '
-, ?
'? ?
foui ir?. They h.-. I tw?
? it ?
m the polls was dreadful, but of .
remen, i
' It Will g.', e ?'
? . i direet
Neva ' ad Now Y. r_ *-?_??
No mattet ive will g.
" - i ' !' P I*.. Imonl a?. h?r honi?
: i, ? |( '. ? -
"If mo?t men realize what we hav*
suffered Ul BOt act a
v .? are '*???'ii g out tha1
ehivaln they have tall I I or m
Ion? we wIII go ea just th? ?.,.? ?
Il SITI b-.
Wher men look b.c_ af'e- a _h:'.
11 be a.hamed I have he?*i WOTfe*
ing for the New Tort ?rate '.-ampaign,
I el ? thin?, the en?l ???
of B Federal amendment f .
! have spent most of my labor
i >a? - "? no w-h> li? _ |
was Mr? Jame? !.. : ,, the
said :
"Why. ?<? e are not Ifl the lea*t wor?
ried' We have just had a meeting of
? . n'lniifcl im |>a|? A, ?-nlii'iin S
Authority and Understanding
mmce it Tint i subject that cm be conprentnd?4 b*. lapar
fld.1 e?amln?tiOB The cablea of rranc i VI H *-.. Editor o# tig
London *EcobobiI?I." t?ke vou beneath lb? ?arfac? mat show
,,,,, wh? the oatan o. loternitlo ?I inane, ira I ii-MoV-or
Hll regulir articlffs In The rriban? i:' M a.7li..r:tatlve ?
tsxtbooki ?nJ as ur.ticrstiidabi. as ?v?rydsj eonvei
Fra.l thrm (or timrlv observ?t,.?<? OB th? OWafS I I
markets. I here II one IO-dS3 M I*!? t I
?Ehe ?Tribune
Ftfit tt Lait?the Irutlt: Seut ? h..ttto> ials? AiotrttStmUaU
For the Amendment.
I Majority.
Ocean . 200
.jralnst the Amendment.
ItloaUa . s.ooi
llcrgen . I,.00
llur?iiRton . 2.000
I ape Ma>. 100
( amden . .1,000
I umhrriand . 700
Eosos .15,000
GloueOfltOf . .".00
?lutlson . 8,000
llunierdon . "Oil
M? rear . 3.000
Middlesex . '.'.OOO
MonmouMi . l.tSO?)
.I..h is . 1.20.?
Snlem . :>'? I
Bos Ml . '?01
Pasaak . 2.1-00
?oini-rset . . . 1 ..10 I
I'nlon . 2..'.on
Warren . I.UOO
Total . 50.I...I
living Manhole I.Id firings Ambulance.
Keserves and Firemen.
With her twin ttooghtars, Gartrods
anil TheresB, fourteen Bioath? old.
sleepin?; paacafBllj in the.r daohl? P> l
ambulator, Mrs. Sarah Cohon, sf S4S
Has". Pifty-lixth Street, ?topped to chat
with *? Bsighhar nt th? ?aathwsat c >i
i., r of Fifty-ninth S-r??'* sad Pirsl
\ ? ;e at 6 p. m. rMterday. She did
BOl notice that the pcn-.mbulator rested
v on an iron manhole cover
three fool la diameter.
A multl- d - ?I lOSlOB WS? heard, 'lie
perambulator jumpe?! thiee fee*, in the
sir with the manhole cover and the
? ? -1 ad lots the ?tree?
\\ ? . the early SVOOiog eiWWd ruahing
?he entrance of the IJueer.ab.iro
f ? gp reports of a ?er;ou? accident
soon spread.
Patrolman Schmidt, of the East Fifty?
? reel ?tatron boas?, ?ummoned an
aaibalaaco from Plowor Hoalptal, Bor
goaat Kobin?on calle?i ou* poli?-jji re
?er* es and Battalion * * iof Bherloeli
loot Engine 8 to add to the COOfuaioB,
With the (?cepfon of bump? on their
head.? an ! mul on their dresse? the
twins ."ere unharmed.
Luit) Outburst? Not Hoi?terou?, So
I'arenl! Are Not Evicted.
When in the cour?? of human event?
a twenty-months-oid buby crie! lustily,
laid cries do not constitute an offence
leriout enough to cause the eviction of
the baby's parent! from an apartment
houte. This wai Judge Your.g's an?
swer in th. Tth Municipal Court yeitvr
day to the complaint made by tenant.
at 47 'laremon' Avenue that Davtd, in?
fant .on of Mr. and Mrs. l.e?ter W.
BoaobOIJfc v?a? a boi.sterou? person.
After listening to witneiie?, most of
them unmarried women. te?tify that
the baby wa? th. bane of their exist?
ence, that he wa? abnormal in hi? cry?
ing and wa? a nuisance to the tenant?,
Judge Young dismissed the ca.e. "Wa
4 children cry; that .? part of the
scheme of things," he .aid.
England Stops Cotton Export?.
London, ?>ct. If, A new Order in
'ouncil ha? been gazetted prohibiting
rom to-day the export of B8J cotton
iroduct whatever, with the exception
f cotton lace and cotton waste, except
allied eountnci in Europe and Spain
n?i i'ortugai.
Forget Party Lines and
Get Aboard the Roller
to Crush Suffrage.
The ?-..rebine . machine? of the regular
Republican and democratic parti??,
augmented by the efforts of the antis,
\e-terd_y defeated the women of Ne"?
.1er By in their effort to obtain th?
NOW Jersey bosse? foTot their poll
differaneea and Joined in a eons*
nioti cause that of bringing about th?
of the -U'Trago amendment to
the New Jersey constitution. I'urty
. i | - were "b iterated aid the Repub?
lican mu? Democratic machines hitched
up into a bipartisan steam toiler
which area ? to flu*ten the ?uf
? "t?. ?ato a pancake.
"Davy" Hand, the Republican bo??
of South J er aey, and "Jim" Nugent,
the D?mocratie I"..?? of North Jenny,
.?re the ekief pushers of the stenri
roller when the BUffragN tight began.
As the contest grew warmer, however,
and the chances of the auffragist? 1,1
cr?a_ed other bOOOCO ?rid near bosses,
who hud maintained a discreet silence,
were forced to bestir themaelvea, so
that when the poll? opened ;, ?sterdav
every politic-,! bocc m New Jersey, re
gardle?. of hi? political affiliation, '*.??
lined up against '.he amendment.
At first the opposition wa? of a quiet
nature, but _s SOM a? th? confidence
of the machine men began to wear olf
word WBI sent to th? "boy?" to <?*
busy and bring out the vote Ju?t ai
though it were at. election for I'reti
dent. It ?'ain't long before such coun
tie? as ('aniden, l'assaic, MiddlooOX,
F.ssex and even part? of Hul.on sa.v
political workers at the polls urging
and eajoliag the intending voter to
ca?t hi*, ballet Bgaiaet the amendment
The political machines, of cour?.,
had the active asustanc? of th?
brewer? and liquor dealer?. Sotro
people ??aid the brewer? had the active
a??i?tanc? of the politician?. Anyway.
there wasn't a harder working cro-vd
against the ?urTri.e amennme-.t than
the State Liquor Dealere1 Association.
The Ha: rd-Nugent crowd had th?
active of such other bo??e?
* I 'red N. Dalryasple, of I.s.e_: Tom
"?'art', r., (.,' Hudson, sad <>eorge Wright.
if PaeeaiC Many other well known
politician? opposed the amendment
who, r.u doubt, would ob.'eet 'strongly
to being ?laced in the boss cla?s.
There wa? Governor James F. Field?
er, for instanc?. He Is the Democratic
r of New Jer.ey, and he d.d not
hesitate to tell any one who naked him
that he wa? going to vote Bgagsat
'.he amendment. In thi.? he was backed
up by Edward F (?r.'?. .;', chairman
of the Democratic ttate COBS SSit-OO,
ehe declared hi* oppontion to th?
? i in no uncertain terms.
The Republican*, however, were not
'o he Outdone by the Democrat? F x
Goveraoi I C stokes is pri-Uy jener
a'.iy acknowledged a? the Republican
'?iider of New Jersey. ar.?l Ilka hi?
D?mocratie compatriot, be announce?i
that he was opposed to the adoption of
tii? amendment. To ?or. of back up
Mr. .toko?, th? chairman of the Re?
publican State ('ommitee, \e_ton A.
< autln-?.! oa 4, c?_ .cdn I
Fisher Folk of Ocean
County Alone Give
Few Implications off Fraud
and Those Confined to
Nugent's Territory.
State's Average About Three lo
Two Commuters I ail t'i
Rally for Amendment.
Buff-tig. ?-as deeiai-tly .ef-_t.*_
in V m .)er?ev ye '.
mate I majority of 60,000, \t ii
? night, a th ' ll) a thud
of the paturna ?'., Mi - l '. i .??.?'.
ert, jirf?=i'i*. n<* af th?1 New .1? Iff
Aeac-iition fe>r Woman Su-'
acknoait-lgad that hor party had
Throughoul tha state tha rota araa
heavy .."?i fairly atan In h* ri -
Large bu i I
i m..: ii,.* ? 1.1 ?: randan'l ratun
' ''? ?tut : ; in ? hg a "rn,1!
proprrtifii of thre?' tn two.
One co'inty nlori.. Oeaait, Ravi' .
majority to ?"p?.! franchiaa af ?p
proximatoly 800. The I irp. eil '
the Ktatp Jaraay ? it*. Ho
N'1. :? * . ! '
beth ari'l ? aniden?all oppaag. ?M
amendmr r.t.
I.atf? returna indicate,) that th.
agricultural counties 11 m ?
Gloucester, .a!em, Btiaaax, Ii II
ton, Cumberland would all rat *.
auhitatitial majorities; in favor of
the antis.
There were two other amerdment?
submitted to the voters ye?t. I ?
of which were defeated by big r iRjori
ties. One of the?e provided for easier
change? In the constitution, and hnd it
been adopted the stiff?, its would have
been able to br ng i.p ?he ?ufTra^e
question again next ;_r Now ther
are barred frotri a popular referen.lum
for five years.
The eouatloe in -hich eommutora
have their home?, counted OB By the
?uffragis?.. for a substantial maji I
wen Eaaet, Union, Boasereet, i'.'-rgen,
Pnaaale and Mom? They went
against '.lie c.'ise In BergOfl the \ot?
wa? close, ?ml il is probable ?' ,?,
omitting tho returns from Hacken
?ack. sufrago arould bai r* won t
Not only ?lid thoee eommnter cun
tie? rejec* ? inent. but BOSM
of the towns in them arb Ich bad In en
regarded as posltivi
suffrage, term f.-nled ta give the an'i?
a large rnajor'ty
Marhine ( aused Defeat.
Caldwell, Verona, Eeces Ye",, prii
ether exclusive comm unitie*, in K??fS
County voted against the e_u?e del
Ridge went for equal franchise hy a
margin of ?e1.en ratea, Baasfls * defeat?
ed vu'es fi.r women -}- tWO to
dr?nge, regard?'! as certainly pro suf?
frage, turned down the amendment,
Th?. vote in Fast Orange wai practi?
cally even.
Heaten 1 ack by city voter? and vil?
lagers throughout the ?t?te, ?uffrage
found support alona from the fither
Jersey City also wer.t aga'n?t th?
?ut?r_g:**s, the v.??e .em;;: F r,
133; aga'tiMt, 14,710 lei?.?- < *y nn.
Newark art? the lar??' - ? ? es in
the state. Hobokon " ll the
amendment by a voto o? ...
IVeehawken was th.- onlj H .
I OUOty ?".imu.-iity to favor lUfl ?,
its vote being: For. M_; agau.*
Newark, where J.rn Nugent, the T .
ocratic boas, ma ? it light,
gave a majority of nearly 10,000 again?t
th?. amemiment, the i 7.76.
for and 17.0. . against. In F?sex
County, in which the city i? located, it
WB8 eattmetl I ?t the majority against
suffrage would appro .in-s'e 15,000,
The s'ory of th? amendment's defeat
is the ?tory of ?cattere?l effort again?!
well-oiled political machines; or -ell
meant erthuaiasm ag_m?t perfect or
g.niiiation In spite of the ?trenuoue
struggle, there has been littlo bitter
lies, expressed, and only a few implica?
tions of fraud. These la?t all aprang
(mm Eaeea I'ounty, where Jim Nugent,
the Democratic boi?, wa? determined
that the amendment should be defated
and used every possible political wile to
carry throjgh hi* de?ire.
Accuiations of fraud hav? airead t
been advanced by the ? of
F??ex through their leader. Mr? M na
?'. Van Winkle, again?! th? oppo?ing
machine. In Newark alune through
out the ?t?te, a? far a? could be learned
lait night, ??omen watchers at th? poi.?
wer? ?o much annoyed bv remark? of
bystander* that it wa? neceasarv to
appeal to the police for prOtOCtiM
Numerous ca?e* of electioneering at
the poll? were also reported.
I'm aident ? 1 ?ampie 1 ?el?*??
Throughout the state, lack of ruf
frage watcherc Hinted I M 'fie defect?
tn the loosely-hung suffrage machin-;.
There wer? not etiough ?omen or BOO
of tr.e parti at man* of the rolling
places to ..'.low the watchotl a chare?
for rest or meal?. Many wom?n and
? ..un??.ie.i un -,'M<* l/.'oluaao a _^