Newspaper Page Text
SALARIES UNCUT, MAYOR RUFFLED i, , nds Bureau of stand ard.zatiofi \\ 'ion More ishes Are Ignored. ? \im NO! Kl PT, y \ \ S VIR. VTANI NY imraitti e HasiTi OiveB ? mil I'' Ho tlti vir Mitchel. - ? ? ? t * ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? The ? ? ' ? OP- SB) ? - - ? ' ? ? ? com- , _ ? _? rr HOST DC is DETAILED .eteaaj a. ? Hi rt Disease ITsasss D?aih, but i - \r.- HoM ..- w Itaesai - ' - ? ? nial. - !__ KINGS CHAUFFEUR IS FREED ?liiiigr ^c-.wnd? *?enlen<e on Dri. er for r-!?_rd 111 \m.ent .?tor ?nd Other? v ?.-..- ] n .n?, ? 11 loi i Kiag Ed ? h ?a? inspei e_ bi .!?!-?-? . . '-nrne WS? BT - . | . . from ,1 Thor- ' ii but i _ clubman had . f| , r?. to whom ! ? -. ' r rive yt r?. id been i ? ? ' - ? ? i ? ? ? ; MELLEN HOPES FRIENDS GO FREE ? ?nun?.?-.I fr..m |?'??e I ITe ?ad bel ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? - .. rd tof ire a my fi i ' ' - .war.. . |y man, wl ? ' | that ?pi I ? two re of l ? i _rtl ; ' ' which I .- ... ?-- - . ? only Ideal i ? an hour o rted by .? It ha '?Mti'.r ;r. 1S7. two othei the '?rand the government n? ihow the .l"1- ten o? I ? Ir. i ... - Iced ii t th? ?. leal it he ? Bt it 1 ; lace ? " . -.e , .?ar'.v indi ? tecedenl acts lea -.;.--.- could lie g-.'. ? J I1 ,. _ Brei G ? gomen! ? ... - I ? -'orce the g..-. ? rnmei lo prove th? ? ? ? ?<?? be disputed, of course," ... ,.. .,;...._ ? ? ? me coi ? .ute.i tted the lost I e the i -diet : v. '? I v. .??. on Februnrv if anything th? * .' ?I only relevant - i throw light ,.n - lag of 191?. . ' i ? apon which the efoi en throws the ? irr, w?nt back to the *na' of Ann.' :. for a precedent ? port hii argument. ? _ll ruled." nu''' ed Mr. Milhurn. "that it is essentially ant .. the .-age? of court? and ? f the book? by suthorit) ? ich testimony i? re borativc or confirms ild precede thai ?,.'c ..i- eoaflm. mpl) to jass on WBI con.:: tted ? I a wilderaCBI of .. ? ing on the ? ? ,: ? a '-,.? \ or We aie Start i Bg "You in to contend thai the ?? birth in : 1914?" naked Judge Hunt. ?: I ra, "The i x isl i.?- shown in ? ?.. .... v. ? ? in ex . go furl tl a ? ???? ???> that the ? m Uli be || ?' - : i < n." . - . rule thai - ? - . ? ?? ei eginaiag ? 1872 and the peno? eovsreo bj ? ? . ? ? . iraey is hatched . .e. ten, ft en Bgo " i . g< . run- along, aid ' _' 01 Ij ? -t year, 'A,' of < ricted of ).._vii.(f joined at he ,? charged R ;? the origin <.f the ght I be shoo n m i i lei Paris the exist? . ? ? ?? ???.< ? - i.1 v a to the counsel foi Ifort | ca-e 1 been planned a' .i el for ths efeaei re, and was eoua! LETTER OF HENRY VIII SOLD Pare of Vellum Sent to Pope Clement Bring? $120. I BBS BSfS Sttol on thin -ellum from Kinr Henry VIII of .upland to ? Clement VII. <;_? .,-,.. ._. : May, l.-:c, brought SCO at th? ? ond BBSSiea Sf the .lohne asle Bl ... . ?"er be?r? arhat Is regarded a s mo ? 10] example o' the K.? ft a to Hem .," George D Smith wa? the purchaser He a'ao gk. , [ .or a parchment document writt-n h srd iv of taa-aad, dated Api . and 1112.50 For a lettei in '?? i-irabeth of England to th. ?l'erg ' iba leeoioB ?.-a? th? tots I - II af tei ? 500 MASONS AT BANQUET Bl <e,,le UdfS Lather? Actor?. **.rii?t? ?nd Musicians. sttei ?ore thai r< I res in the . ? ? A Intel Gsrd? i I - F _ a -.: Rig ? \\ ? ... *'..:.. INI Chorlei G P Wohls ? ' Worshipful Colonel John W ? Bl R gl ? Worshipful William Robiosoa ai?d Worshipful Charles . Brodio. ' TIN HORK SP?K> SHIES AT GERMAN Mystic Trumpets,Abashed at "Hello, Grossmutter!" ! Irge Weird Cure. CHRISTENSEN, PSYCHIC LEADER, is HELD Hi?. \id. I ike, Also Arrested b\ W nman Detective, W ho Joined I heir Soi let) e only thing th? , tenant ? gai '? lhat ?he wai ?? ? . ? ? ? -, , eteci charge ? ? rharg? a liceme aga ??????? ' ? ? join;*,.- the . : I : ? ? '.'. r.en I bad ?prcial meetll lid aM ' I. " 1 li. took me Into ??? where rhere were two I phonograph ?. -v.p.. ippoaed < ? 'Marie, Ma I, and the voice . and V < . Bol then ed aptrit-sa bettei ? .? back att? ?? -Sha' " 'No,' ii 'see a m< ? ? and M gh him I < ? any one elee ii two of u? ?? \r iel her lome thin?, and 1 tter?' hot I gui undei ita an, for I ? lite, roo. foi th? ? ? w her, Lak? "A eurioui . ? mu?i hav? ? . tinjrer? -.?-?-* back ? WH? - ; be. '". '.. ? ! tvr* for ? ? 'No,' he ?r 4 ? H -, brushed I he i trumpet - I took th re? I h< menta." Magiatrate Murj ? ? ItSOO bi ? yeaterdsy sftei retun ad 1 Wedaeaday meeting, %i ? trance paych c," th? ? . calleo hin ? I wBI intercepte, ., ? ? ? ' g al i," he ei ? -, also refused *o HAMMERSTEIN TELLS OF BOOKING COMBINE Fought It Until Zone Distribu? tion Made Him Enter. n?, ? . I nited Bool ? med, ? ,. bj ?'eici V? ? rival i, I .? ? inner impi ? ? the brougl i oil ? ? ? l ? o .. rat, Mr. Hami when he learned the i ? Brook Il. ne foi he Viel ? ? ? ? m? ? ? i ? I Vvenue Mr. then I Vi*;--.n lie?'k. who us',;?-.! hin lea-e ut t :.?? Viel : i fi ? . i r. t h . agre? mi near Loi Square Mr, Hamm? ral Mr. B. ' a EX-POLICE CAPTAIN DEAD Stephen i . Browo, ?'?.'. Koows as i riend ?.f "Bill" Peter?. Polie? ? ? A The Bronx, fron h? He four daughti re? ! ? Cap'., .r, Bi DB n ?-n? bon. ifl Vor n - \ty ? tt ,, J "a: I ago Me thirty-flvo j P? ee ment, and r? ? he had bei ? ,.,-. a ? Y-,r,. B itchi ? II?. ... ., 11? ? i ?.. Me t of a. D?nohue of l A ? ? , hi|?'h ... . ii, IWI "Aii?usta Special* Btartl Oct. 24. Ir-..?. pecia ? ; ? ?bsu| ? ??j y sei Ne? York, Augi. ta s tik? on Oc er 2. eleel ? satten t? Pulli It ha ... rann ? wil 0. H. Kahn to Direct Art T otio 11 K? of rhe En? An cieiy, ha? contented to at*' n chairman of the next competition, which a announced in a fe** ?lay?. 1 he ?ubjcci will be i.lected to- hirtv. AMBULANCE HORSES WIN GREEN FIELD PENSIONS i jve, Oro? ' ? lid In Service, \_ ill .nswer I ast Call? r<i t'av .... ? ? .>'d -n bo mast? their d ? ,. tilf I the asphalt ' . r. i the dean of 1 ? ,...?? thrill to bun. Ii, I broki n for tories foi rill be reel hi? .... . the fen? ? ? ?ut on r\< Mil *T/n <?) HYCiTV Q| COUNCILS^ 50 MA_?_ON AVENUE ? it appear p ? ? - lioner. Ill Mii'l Mil RS m M? E8. General Ordei So 19. .... ? - ' ? i takln. ?I , ? . .... . ' ? . . - .- - ? ? - iik?. ? pen ?. iu_n . ? -- ' ! I I I i ' ? ' i" ? . - . rl-ln? I I I , ? ? - - ' . , \ 1 I ? .1 Not ?re.. ?, - ? ? THE WEATHEB REPORT Koreraat. and Re ords ol the last Twoaty-foar Boon. ? i i ? > i ?? ? i ? i i -.-.i ?" ? I >.- a a '? i \- . ? I ? i. I | ? - ? P ; l . ?" v . . .. ? ? . Ilaro-i.trr _fi_in|i. ? ? ? I ; p :n -, .1 - Mur : ?V ? ? ? ? a FOLICE DEPARTMENT j ii . ? ? - . ill: ?? . I K? i Mutua' .... -, .... ? I. - ? a- *? _ I ? I e?, < 1 I ? - a ? ? - ? - Be?e?aei _ ??__? ?... I ? (M FIRE RECORD - / ?. . . , ? . ? ?. . . ? i > ? - ; ? ? , ?i... r i ,i ?-..-_ - , ?? . i . j ; ?? . ' "a ?. _ Heu in... . I a_ '-. __al 7ai_ at. _.___.. !??? tail Tt(l:r_t Shipping Information and Marine News of the World led Arriving si nn?l Ds> p.irtinK from Port ol \Av Y?irk. 8 a ?' ? ? 111.,'. ' a IN? oMIS?. - I EAMI RS I ? -8 | ' ? I :>? -;.i li ii? ' ? : I .? p.. ? . . - ? 4 tl I |l ' ?? ??' ' 1 , ,. . ? - I'..'? ? ? ? ? a )- .... -i I I A' I Oft H ? ?,. ? - ? a ? BES " , I? r? -.,??.;? -.- \'.-'- | . A - ,..,.- |>n H ?I la i* rief M ' '??? OUTGOING STEAMERS. i?, i si M.IU i ? . ? II , - * llaisnt ?? s II I , ,- , . ? ' . I iiiiai ?" rol SB U -'? Fa.'-a ? ?0 pm . . . : ?? am II In!. I : U OS in I. (il -c a . - i-lt^.?. ?IT nr.jkT OCTOBEB r a aia-. . : mtet A llitm, S T I (Tuba I in.i I? Ble. ? ? - ? ? ? , -. ? Uriel - i'a. ? ?? -a .a ? ? 1 -4 ? -la !? i '1 ? ? i R IX8PA. il l? MAILS. . ?? ? T Usa i . . '??? ' ? . ?la ? ? ... ,.. ? . Alii.' . ! ?t ra- ;?? LEGAL NOTICES. - ? a,.i ?1 r ?b. 1 Com mi.... in tor I f the a - ? . ? nen ol 11 ? ... ? . tal I I l , ? . ? ild? of Hue? i .-.:? ol Bea? red for nte< '. a ? that 1 ; r. ,. ?? ? p imaebei . l.roi ?? Uns - ?? . - ? al th. ol New 1 i th. 1 it!? - ' -?porr ?o the ? York, i-;pr- ill tl er. if be . t hi I ? ? en anil ? ? . , ? : llll ? '. p . hum? iMUH*in COUPANT. I ? ? ? .....* IB. in- ? of Be? \,,i? ???. the i . p . I ? , : - , f f,,,. it,. ?.- I. ua i Ultra. , nil? i 8?at? - I at ...,-? .n. cf us . of New 1 ? .,in In? ri i., ("i ni ?a a? mi -' isui ?p., * por.tloi ? ? .f ii l- . Ity end ?urei) , ? : n 'it of th. loi . ? U '?? .. ? ?Ml I . Th. i . V i ?? .. .p ? Hundred and ? ' i of Han? oi New V' . ?? - '. tr 21th, llll R ,i. o . AHEL1.. CLARENCE B ,. ..? JOS T WAl'.l) ? |, 1-...11M A KENNEDY CHILD, ,;i s 111 HARLEH PETKA8, f C HORWARTll ALFRED J B/OLKaY, A. li? "M.MKI.. M I . M i 1,1.. H. <? HERRFi ?RTH, JOSKPH ??i SK I i;,,.\ i .*.???. : p. Tir- Sew I ' nal !.?? It, f New Ha la ? ha S'ala- ?>.' ? ,".p.ii , ? lora of the ? - ?,re?.nt ?i ? ?In?, for p. , : ? r? , o ?o.? I're? tni Dated ?uiuil 4 1 ? i a >l MMO.NS. ? 1 p roi ' A 1 n a-nl of Arthur J I ? ? ? s . . ii.r. ? being c c I ; ? : ? . ' I I - rhomaa a ' ? ??, .'?? -a ' " ? ? a, mil In th. ? - - - the complain! - - plaintiff.' .tl a - ? ? I Your? ? ? ' Office 4 reo?. 1 I a I a ? Hlld? H nd?. hi? ?!? 1 -, auanl ? ? ? ' ' I ? ? ta of ! * L Net? 1?16 ' ' ? -QUA HAM A'.'-rn?*? for r ?latlgi Office I f ?? A-1-lres? J" ' ? '.?r Street, Horouea .( ?Uanh.tian. New York ClUr Hun? ' I - ? ? '. ? ' * S ? - I rr" ".-?'. i ? o i * ? a. ., . - ? ? . ... ?. , - i, .??. -.- p i ..-..,??.. ?- ? A \. . I I ' , >| -a ?. | t l?a_? ? BSI I' m ? I H ...-.. -, . _ ? im- ?? is a o ? r' *"*? ? * .a l ' ? . . . A ? ?? | . ? ? . ? *, i . ? ? - B_i il .. , . . la IB? (Hi ?. -. ?> ' ? st I > Ml M> X*\* i ?' . ? ? ' I i '? . ? I . karat i i .MERfl II FOREIGN POUTS, AllKIVI H , ? ,. , i ? . ? v_. T ?? -?'?;??. , . ,.??... -, -. See _T?fS. ? -'-.., ? r-.?. Sew ran WOMAN CONFESSES MURDER s.-in Kranclacas tdoiila I bopplag Rod. ?>f Ui\cr Inlo Piece?. Praac eo, I lei 20 Mrs. Mai -, ? tr? evar conductor, ?irr'-'d.,. ' t" the police today and . connection with the mur ? Michael Weinstein, ? crippled .. boss " ?' lated I"?.I ? a a? in ? bos eo ich n Mrs Pamias'i 'i hi :....i'.-r'- i i :ut into set . ? , : . . ; ' piece ra rrepped in newspapers. weinsteiB. wooden leg a* 'I er-.ich were placed on top of the couch Fragments of torn letters were found un del i ?' ' itharred ver" in a' ^??.-. f Mr? Pamiaa, according to *he police, '. te 111 with an ;ixe la--, night when he attacked her after d '.. . >;?'? with h m,. When ihe ha?l staffed Weinstein's bodj into thi eoueh, Mrs. Paralas Red the apartment and rented another sway, accordiag to her The ped?? r ihowed Mr?. Psmioi .. hod saved, she .aid. FORECLOSURE SALES. .IT1" H'KT COUNTY ' >F SEW ?l ' . '' . : I " I : > ami- ft* ?? . ' '?'?fis lese i ? f? ei *\ , l.e f- ? lu pu ..- ? ? r . udgi ?nl of fore? . a ?? .,i . n??re.l I ? ? rntltled action ?nd b*:.r;n. f -?;??? ?? ? ? '. II I the - - ' ? ? . ?aid |u?_c I, ?a lu ??il ?t pit--: ?i? '?'. on, .it ?!.< i . .? ? No? 14*18 ???? . in th- Borough of Mandat. the 18th '.?? . o . '.<?? _ ni lUCl AOOT, ! be i I to b? th? ' follow?: - or peri ?I of ?nt? erected, all ? Ins ?? ? ag H i f M-.riI._i tan, ' 'it:-. ? f \' o Ti rk, bounded : ? I H-c r Ing at a polni on the norlh'rlv , ? .i Twentieth adrad * nd I ? rn er formed ? ?? -? if -i:>- weoterlj * ?!* ??( the i ? ;? ..f One II Htreol ; run , . . ? ? Ith K'rst .venu* i f the distance through Ired f?e| ter. In he? f th? block let-.?"-:-, ? me il u rwenlteth _n.l On? H ? ral Streets; thence ntl- Um of tha I .1 la? he?, then, e, Piral a ? e pa i ? ? a p\ ??'-?ich. : - '? I t? :.-ule of one Hun.Ire.; a:-..I ? - ? ...-er ?long foot tight In ii-- to th? ?re of bei i together with . tember __rd. 1915. HARRY A OOIDBL. H?'er?e ..A" >ri ?>?? ior i ? . ? It reel Borou _ h - *?? V..rk . *'.ty. j f ?:? ? prop Its streol numtier i? 33? ' ?| 'eth ?treat N < m Lino of B 14; i" w ? - r ill STREKT. *n-.e appros it? - lint of ihe ii?n or sal la! ? bl h th ?bove*4e? perl i 1 ? told i s Pour mi dr?d Bt? and i. io. u . i ? with in taras? ?h. r? on I... : Til-. .? ol .-'? ptember, 111 _. . ? I ? ? with > ost? aad ?llowaac? ro hundred ?ev< nteea and Dollars, with Interest fro.? s?pt.m. ... together with tha ?vp. ns?a Th* approximate amount .f ? ? a i ??:...?.. ? ? bl. b ara i ... t., th? pv baso mon? ... Rotere?, .? Three hund? s i .1 ? ? ? I eubject te a en "f Throe bundred ?nd fon.-_.. ? - i '.i and Inter?? I '..' f?>l k, B? p??--.!.?r -3r.1 1"I5 HARRT A GOIDEL ll.-f-re? Th? foregoln. sal? i? hereby ?. ? | ? i . Octol er :-.?! ISIS, at thi ?am? ? .11,1 p-,H. e Date i Vas v rk, I i tobar i.ih. IStl HARRY A UOIDEL Referee CITATIONS. ROWLAND, SAMCEL P THE P*_OP__l of th? S-ate of \. >? V.ik. h> the ?.Ir*,-? of ::ee ?nd Independanl To JOHN o HOWLAND ntANK H HOWLAND ??RACE il m TTLHR, WII.I.IA*. A HOW LAND HARRIET H SWAN EMMA M . MXKY l? Ll'EY, II"? LAM', ? li w LAND, HERHERT R LEE ii. Ill ?WI.AND, ADA i: PARDEE . HANK, iXnCWAY, M.v.-' S Ai-11 I* - ME1 ER? \ IBOt'lA. ION . ''oN \\ W M \.-.- A ? ' IH t-E-TH III',H Si lliiol.. v 'III K.-H .'. I.VWAY - S' Hi" II, ' I. ? ;. .S - .. 'il: ."..'il Ht fC t ET Y "i .HE l?l ? - r? ? tV THE PII IOHN ROWLAND, MARY I PER III IBLD HCHOOI-S, ie* J In th? Wl ta persona ntereoted -i? ?gal. '. ...:. f srwlM 'i EL P HOWLAND, su ot ' - leal, re s.r?. r?or...i.h of ?*'.l .r?ei!n. fpon II? ? I Or.'. ? re ,i,lln. _t Borough of M?nhat i Sow Toi ?i:! r?, t, of ?,(,,, are b*re_o ctted -e ? ri."? sut - gala of 'h? t] of New Tork ?t th? .SurroKa.?, I at th? Hall <*t - ? '. ??- ?_??_?. - US. al a.' .... i?? ' ' ? a Eie. ???r'x "f ? tail leceased ? In is s eaueed the ? be ?aid be hereunto ' ? ? i ?*- il m ? u-i? John P *urrogat? of our ?aid th? "?h ?' ' - '? I. -t cne i n. nina I ' .n Pfteen IV- ... ? ? ,, i. nVET _' ? ? ? - - - - . , .. si KKiK.ATK?. NOTICOL : iNC_ "I AN ORDER OP ",,; ? - ' a a ? i >,|. rogat? ' I . .... . , o ?. peraon? ' avlng ? . . aar. I B -t* 0f the n or *> a York deceased, !.. pr?-??nt ? *?'? th-rer,f ?,, mo ?uh?cri ii ? f trans? ? ng i, ,.|. A -nur la The ' it . ol ; ?for? the _.>th _j> of r e \ I DatadL Ne? York, 'ha 4th .tav of Mav ISIS ASToll Till BT ' "III'ANT. I. ?lecu'or. WHITE A i-?v?F. ? - i- ,# atar, No tt w?n Btr?al I Manhstisn. Naw Y rk " I BBI a ? ? >" .'I ?\ "Hi.| rt i.r I!??? i.l'V I- . Ill , - -,...-??., ,, N? ? - - ... t - a 11 i? r> , ---,.- Ha-r? .'. - ' ? .?-_! ?_ perm, i ? ? ?????. ita. r,?_:. at ' i -. . ? , .1 ? - ? . ? ? . ? ? _????? e u-?, \ ? . . . ? . -r. ... ., ?i' .... \ -. ?-- I a of A r ?I PIJ i rtlMs ll-'.HY s IIAHII n IIAHITB SIU.IMAN MIS JAMES rilt_ VA JOHN i" rijUW ABwan ' <r _i___-r?, 714 .?-??? aau PPIOtt B--?-_h a. Via- ' .1 :. _? Tar* nt?. FRENCH LINE t amgOSBle r^n.rsl. Trnna?ll.?rillr|ne l'l??l \l sf.Rt |( g Sailings tor bO.^Ur.AUX I.A TOURAINE, - - Oct. 26, 3PM ROCMAMBEAU. - - Noy 6. | P M I.A TOURAINE, - - Nov. 20, I P. M. THE WEW QUADRUPLE SCREW S. ?S. LAFAYETTE Maiden Trip from N. Y. Nov. 13 pos rus? -i matiom apply. COMPAN?A OFFICE, tA*!^ntZhanl CUNARD r.?tbh*h"t ttvi EUROPE via LIVERPOOL ?TUSCANIA, Fri., Oct. 29, 5 P. M. ? < ' i ?? M a M-: ? "- ? i- m r ? . r. Nov. n i - ? ?? ?Tl'Si'ANM l RI '.' , I P. M *!7n f\.;in le Ol...ow NEW YORK to LONDON ONI \ > * ? I. If A. M i so/ inn mi riu \???Ki n i?.. K-. P '- l|' .-' ,. In 8 [? -,, p,,. , ?.. ,-. 1 Co?tp*'.y s ifric?. 7i :? iTATt :.r n y AMERICAN LINE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag New York to London ?TNI -NU ?a,,,,,! O.l M n ? n N. Y?Liverpool fier 62, N. R., Nom H r ml Orl M Nett lorU N..t ?*. WHITE STAR UNE N.Y. Liverpool Pier r?0, N.R., Noon BollkV ?let ;; \rlrmtio *?.,, 1 A/ore*? <iib-a't?ir- Naplc? (icnoa < r-ll. ??rt HO. 10 \ M <sn?.|,lr N?v. IS O* I l( I . r? |? -, \v. >. y. T?-l r??0(J Kartor RED "?" LINE !"" :1 F'* Hemmm ? IUW la? klltb ptim, Skipm.. 1*1 >oeo. F-r Porto 111? o. (orals'. 4, \e ?? ? a ? aha. a- N'tw I PHILAOtTT.rHIA Vos -- /' Mi ???-t ." MAT.A? All..? *. .? M -? r A, ,-oro--.o1ail, ? for I'sss?- t?-a BUSS r?AI i.r.rr a ? <>. <;? Ban I - - l_H. >-r I. ?Vail ?'rs*t The pub!!- b? p!ea??d BOSTON S2.65 tl,i l?..Ht and Kail. ROI ND TRIP, $:..1?.. PROVIDENCE ,.*.,*. $1.60 u?n M? Tun*. BUS. Colonial Line i ?K? it., ? \v-,'?. ?:? ? aaS Was. tars II I P M from V.r. It, ;. R fool Weal Kouaton r-t .til Out?.?..-, ?ion to f.l.OO. H ireles? equlpmrnt. If town OUI ?. Broadwa? ?na !t?j it l'r-.on?. hprliiK??4SI. Kart.r? I?,il. r.??*?pt ?pb^1t |,r. ,r ,_^-^-^-^-^-^-^ : ? ?? >-..'," " ' " ' - I ???-../. _ line Hit ?Ill? i IP. 8 tn p.i.nhkesBat, v ?...ri;li ..r ?teal point '" Disri? ver ne YTR?Y S.S."TR0JAN"4 "RENSSELAER" l^-?ve pirr ?2 N R, Foot C.n.l St., r> SO P M ; ,.A ' ' ' ,p?t ><'? 132,1 St, I P. M. S.S. "C. w. Morse" & 1 'Berkshire" ???ve Pier 32 N. R , 7.00 P. M | W. ?32d 7.30 P. M. ?100 1 fc 51.50 R??M 1V| M .50 ?2 50 ' : T'\ !?>-? t t ,-t... ,.. ???.,. ., HUDSON NAVIGATION? FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.0) La rinn : ? N S . fl Palteo st.. bbSj M - ? T M N^<? Iatn.l..n lins: L? P!??r I ', S : ' ft. If O UK I , - IS P. M r -: m gt; 6 -.0 V M Bn a t | i r.Aa.11. a , ,? fa? ,-.-, LLOYD BR*aTILE*lflO 17 Sral.S?.. M. Y. CM> I l??l Fa: ' ?I I?. , .- MAR -: Oil? IIOMINl??*? l-INS Ti sii p BB I em ?.-.i Baa ???.-? BBS d?j st 1 . m Plsr .i s a Ti. tlOO r-t/IUi. Bermuda RKS0KT8 KF.MIKTS TfaRoral Ganvc ii\t?v_?Rig?.tPJ?cT_ i \&?j?!& _?_ * ? i A brilliant mornin*?. a snlty air like s strength J? ????*?_., ?Jrf4'gmj?, en'w.g. tonic coming straight from the ocean, ami "^^**-__>*----^ ^>\ the links in perfect condition. What more can the heart of man desire ? And this is <?nly one of th. n any attrac? tions to be enjoved in Atlantic City, the popular All-the-Year Ke"sort of the World. Annual Fall CMf T<??irn_ment. Oct. IS. -9. SO 1'HK LEADING mil ?F.? ARK ALWAYS OPEN And will f urni?. full information ittoteii are all Amerirsn Plan, e-, ?pn ??'.on ?>th?r _ ise noted Hotel Dennis On tbe Orear. Kr?nt Walter J. Buihy Galen Hall Hotel i F 1. - . Sanatorium Young. Mg-, Motel St. Charles. The Shell?,.me Ot || ?Orea- I ... Ki:ro[ ear Flan j Wc bel, Mgr j Seo side Mouse ? i? ? I ? ? ',..?:? f r. r . P. P. Cook's Soot j The C? irai: Near _#_? H_n ?Darnell ! Motel ( helse.i Cen'ra. . Near B.-ach. Or -h- <~? .?r I -? ? r.? r i. I Sam-.e. Elli? fr.nn New \..rk Oltf rla CENTRAL IV l?. of N. .1.. or t**-.*.*-. \. K. R. Consolt local ticket ?cent? for further information. Marlboro'i__ Blenheim O.-i tbe O.ean Front Arr.eriran and Kuropean 1- ans Jo?'?. Whi'? _ Onlr ?hree ho.i On the Ocean Fn l'.t , New'in Hair.?? ("_. Molel Strand On th? Oeoas* Kr.r F II off si>d H <* K.lwsrd? The Wiltshire IN'STRI CTION. W.W 1IIKR-Ma .ihattan. Mil. BROWN SCHOOL Ol? li TORING Rot?' School at OlWre. ??irl?' -?rliool, MIW.IMBM. . ' BUM ?;mh.;.'i|Iim. l'ounil.d IMS, l*o?lt!vely only ore .t a tun? allB a t?a ;i?r rniibl-s brilliant, hand!, ippe?! and t?\er*t?:- t,> do ?t !e?.t ? >ears' work u? or.? All .dvan'ag?a. , and more, of rlass ?,-h<?ol?, bur none of the iils.rjt anrag's Pupil? taught SOW1 i.? ?tu>1> Hiul s ip?r\T?lon. ?4??."'?.?(./,a>i?'/i ?t?. Atmosphere nf Work. ) LANGUAGES pm.^^k'IV,, Oar I i r- ? ll , ' RBMI ? a . . a I a. I.lngulstn qulrkl) tu- ?? .? r,a-l?: .. kaawtMgl > H|?nlsh Uon KUi ft* ... Hal a?, rou -? ... a \'a ? ? rl-i- ' r P. ?? r a * ,r Pr ,?'. Wir .'-ail - 0 to ' ?:?'.* ?iva rn 17 i \m?i AGB rihtM. mi tiioi?, ?9? I*.?im HU. . : B ?'.'!. S- . .far Mr. A.?. The Semple School 241 Central Park Weit, Cor. 84th St. Board as ?ad Dai I h-.o; fur Olrta College Prej.ara ir. and Spe.-lal Cours?e .peu Ort Itf The Berlitz School of Laagua^e*, t/f 213? Wt6T )4t? ?TBEET Ta lTsr..-n? Urs 1 III 1- ? A., m Uran I?. Jll ?1? UttBjjM B Phl'al.j la 1st II A t n h, iBltor B l| > ?".a.?.? a i Prt.M. tmeem l'a, a? i i.e.: % r?)lM?".l? l*.9 BTSaBMI ?>( nooi. ?r LANGUAGES ?M Mac!.?on At . HH W 7M St DANCING CARNIVAL *?,*?*_,?. r..a?n a.-. 1 NMrtaa l-i.-ludlr.g BMSaf. ?Irani ? ?n trsl Ptls.a. Uslnt?en ?. <..? tfli si c --a -a N* iif..?r Sait. MUSICAL I.N?TRL'CTt. N. M M la'IV XI **!< BCMOOI OP v. Y., THE VON ENDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC 44 W. ?".tit St.. N. Y. S/CBOOL ..i.ln? ils. ?tn'i.ran an.'. r??el.i> Iraihrr? A|rnrr.? Supplies ProfeaOOfl Tearhrrs Toi 'S Qe ar-aeema .?? lo Colisg?. ?? h ? s .ni Pawi lee ?n ? to lira M i tuI'nu PLI. l'ON 11 l.r.lon "-?u?r. BUSINESS CARDS. TATltfl I. iAr.P*7T .<> ? 88J.8 ?i rmtip-aaaad ill sif.n. sali d ?r ?4? loor nil h -.a 121 l.aal IBJ al IOI ? ? IA.M . Ml I.ICHAPII TTPKWIliTrvN IITMIU ?? ii - ihk ?! n il ? ..i... n ???TATH? LlmiH IM H- ,1?,. (.,..,!?:?,> Iflt ) TLoot 1.131 R.. tor MW T'.KK < tlflT ?XTANIM) BTOBatS Prints? als. T?L ?IM ?lit a-,ml Galen Hall in the Mountains wesNERSVitxe. pa. AUTUMN SEASON September I Oth to November I il , ..,. ? . ...".' t**m * _ . a? ?**. ? - s A': ,\r OALBM Mi?! -. rAISI ? ?> . i., temen. Otmett? Um a?* Cmirr?lfiouse iCakeiuO-H-.NfiU %?g|i___l coLf.POio.H^tH'r.r^f?U CVMURPMY.*?. .br _-*?UKWY AUTUMN GOLF At Stockbridge, Maw. Red Lion Inn?He.-ton HalL Ins! (Fading Surf ??? 5 ?S ??" O?anboidK-b- JSlcBlK? _Tl.\>TIC CITY, H. I JOaiAH V. MIYE A SONS COM PAE?. TRAY.MO RE -?S? II F.I P H \ VI F.I?. Male. B AMI ?? ' ? , ' ' ? it ???- a ill.i. : i b I * DOMESTIC SITIATION8 ???>tW _ em a le. --_*?_ 'AA*. AA?' ' '. ____TjasssTl y " ?s ?w i?,,. -, m.?itki ut? ?Jr^usa*' I... ill? ' ' _____ I-,. . I-? Aem ? ? Al I TION I. ALIS. 0* BY MSTl I ?>. |'?s 'i ' I ?"?.flftjiy ?* * ? '?' '* ' ____' -?.'?arts?"* ***** ;,_. a ai*.*-, akt* ***** gjgf tv? I J? a. ?a ?X ?? Burila. S_* ?' ?*?"" tn "ri?w m L B<^_lh?i