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TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET plavcr"; in the War Stock Game Finding Admission hoc Too High. 0\l\ QUIt K PROMIS jlSTin "OVERHI \1>' Bfttist i : nntenl Boi ro*a in^? Qjva : Induccmi nt to v \ . -?? . " ri ? a - ? ca?e -eem? - iti.r '4 ' I ract it ? ? ? ? ? F' ar |tl MajVir the (.nine Hard. On tl.' I *ri sf S e01 - houie ..... ? klaallf >e? - u . - ire. Al ?-. 8. - - ? the daj ,?. . 1 a given mo . ? . ? thronging Hi ? - hier. I v ? Patri?.ti?m That Will Paj/. '? ? to borrow 1 ? ? Safar 1 . ? ? ? . - ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - - - ' ? ? ?ti any ' ' St n.1% ing. Block*, find ' v huy ? I Beekl for .... ' ? ' rrtri*. V i - iintry I ?a?e. if It Safe. ,' ?' 'V '*' '? ? '.-ich ?-e ?i-para ,8 " ?. ' 'it ... .- I . '--... ? then at luring ii :?. trie ,.'',', - a de ?,e cal?' ??_?, . Drid, ae agi nat 1 | er mute" " 1 1 . PB . '**? n. ??.. *H??i. ? ?or.,/ and lu-w BOND SALES ON Till: STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20. ion. Trading in bond? on the Ne?? ?orlt Storlt Ft. hange WodBOOdaj amounted ? Kt.OlKi. -again?! J I. 671, 000 T?i?-^?la> and ..'..'.'21.1.00 a ???-I? ag-> (Stocl l?.;?.l frota faaaan l la dar?-. M78.I68,8M, I ?. BOBffs ? losad ? yaor aga). against il?.,.?,.,.,, m 1H14. GOVERNMIENT l*?i\i?> * . - . ' ?v Ml \l( ll'AL i 1 ? ?v.. ly?. 101 . 1?! 1 RAILWA1 .AND MIX LI.I.A.NLOIS a .1 1. I ? . 77 ... HONl? ?? ?S?. 1??? . '. I -?? ?? ' a a ? ? . *. a * ? a * I , -. A.a .. | t ?? ? . . ?>? ? ? k < i s a m ?? S. , -?> '8 K - Tom tt *? . la. i ? 111 * la ?a ? ?ft Kar 1 * ? Ss ? , ? - a ?? ? ? a ' -. N ?:? MM ? . . a 1*1 ? ? a ?? ? ? . ... --? ? . : ? ? ?a I . IV? ,. t?-i . c A ??- i- ts '?"? _ lia. ... . ? ....11? I <!0 t ? ' ? . .,. M r *?/??. a. A . ?I* "1 ?.?a M ^ ? *? ? 8 . . . .- '.?. ?I ??i ' Si ? ?a ? I? lll\t ?'*?, ?. ? - .??-.? ? 8 . fil? I I* ?a .a. is ? do 41 ' . - II - ? I 14 00? I ? ' ?.? i r loo-, . ? ? I.SJ??, 11 ..?.' H*aj ? . ,. Mart? ? -? li II a. . ? -. . , ? <i . 4 B ? MihiI ?>?i ** . I. 4? I'lXl /? . . '? 11? 7 , a ?4 . -a. B. 7ITI? - . - . l-s H 's .- ., ..j ?? . a ? ?I dt, ?? ? "?H Del a i . *-- *, - , ? '-'. * ? S I A. S ? . 1 I? , ? *8 -.?: .100 111 de , S Artl 4*?8 ? a 1 4 s 4. ? > n *? ?8 ? 8 MB US ? ?? f-8 (?a I t?*> 3.01? 1 ?0?. T K I ?.KH 1KB). -. '?S ? *? ?. ? ' - ? , , ?'? ?s ? ? . a a' ?? ? . ? - a ? a a ?? . . M ? d. ,- i> ?. \ - 4 n Tirm ?s ? '< ??S M ?a jfa Uli . <? - ' * -7-J Mil s .. ?? ? ? ?j w i - ?. Se B?< li 2.000. U ?04... ? ? its . ? I ? ! Bat?, A 's "I II | Pan da) .- > T Btjr. . . 101?. pa .< ? I? .'a T ?% no-*? 7 07!?. '? a-'** Deiulti I la ?? , ?ilia ???It?-., nsiiit Basin Torm t? . tl . 11*4 ? '!*? riB 100 100 B I a - . 4 lllll. to m Im ?Hi i ? '? ? rt ? a let 4s IMF || Her 4 . * -- r? a ?8 ' "a - . -'S r?i r* ?H? m% .- ? ?? ?i - ' I- ?.? n ... ?Ha a ? ? ?-.. MS <? ; r . '?'-? H loo-'1 - ' ?? niiliSIMiJ *?H ?1o I?? llisa-.l? Mir. C? M j a-ar. 4l f ?. UH :? riB 73S jr. t - M K I T 111 ?s '.O.O0Q. ,1o id ?? r wo ? 7s :o ooo Sa ? ?r is . . M or.* a.', a Pa*ec Jl - Is, f p . ? ?Hi 4 4 II TV? A a '? II ' ? I 1?! B S*-'. mm: I'M 1?! ?? I 1 " ? a is y ? ? ? ? , - - if! i'.H ... ^ ?. . ? . iin 4? IM4 ? : . - ??a ? ' . I _, I S 1 ' ? "'I " . " . Rr .?I n i -. b a n wi ? C-8? t II ? . : .? t "a- rf M ' ? ?* 4 '? *. Ins? a> f ? ? ' X T I A W r'r ".. "'S ? ? . 8 ? a 7 . a a ? ' a '?> 4 . . 112*4 ' " -? . *' '? I? t CMII ? .1 ?8 ? ? . ?? - ? . Pe, a li ? ' ti\ - '?* .., ??H H .00 IIS .. I'.??, ?i -' - ? - ? ao.; ? ' ! ? ?- ? .'- H .?. V?T 48 ? ? ' '"' : - ? Pi ? I? IT? I ? ' ? ? ? ? I - ?Vs? P " ? '?' 4 Tr Tor fenl " t?S r ?-.?? *' ' *' tv : M II ' ? \v. - . ?? . MVi ?*H -. t. rip ? ? * ?. -,\.. r,- ? ?. in rir,? ? : -a ? ' t. ?. ? ? IM ' I ? -?' SM, H*4 -.- - ? -, , - . .. ,1 nr ? 14 !? ? W GOVERNMENT HONP*?. IM ?4 ?*, I ? ? I * - H I ? - ?a ?". ..,? ?-.,.. I Tei " 81 ? l' ' 1 r>'.l > 2 I P ' P P - - Pe? '1 ? . - ? M - ? MB - "i *< rday Tueaday. \ ked ' \ - ' 98 11 i?*? 87 ' ': 100 MOU 0'7 M ' '. 100 \\ 111) no \l I R..GB OF TH. TRiniM "? I I-I OF 1 M I I l\ RAH - ? ? - ?,, ,,?_?.?.,i .??- < laa? i IS ISS 11."'.fi:.. ??!,.? ?eel, i.n I1S.ISI nth i c? . 110, IS. ? 1014 . 104 l :.. fnr September. II-.' ?7? 1. I.,? f.i- Beptesnbos . IS..SSS High rw loasss .los.m 1 .... f,ir -iiK??-.t . ISS___ lilil? fot .inly. ?__.___ I ni. fur .lula. 101 ?MS II -_l? f,,r line . IStLtll I ? f ? lime . 1.7, .'?i? H .h f, r Mu. . 1 J 1... r. 70 I ..? f." Mi....104 S.'? II ,? !i fat Af.rll . II. .VIS I n.? f-.r _ ;.r il . Il?: |i,.h i ?? M ir.h.IOS 10? I ,,.. .,,' >:.t? rli. IBS-MS . I >!nu_ry .lOCT?S ! ,. fa. I ? l.r uai >-.101.ISt II ' Januar. . ISB-MI I ,,.? fur lOOQOfJ . I??.-t.".?T n._ti. thaa fur I01S . 11.017 I.m Mm- mi.". . loim: II ?E li. full 'Ni. I''M ,.,.12H 191 I ...w full ?r_r Hill 1". t."? wi::\?.i ??i ras tinusn un ?H I \l I I \ 1 IMU SI RI \l s. ? ?. ? -r in .rater.iay'? ?lo?e *)", _.| O. I..I er IS U.V.;.*. One ? rek aro. 04."S? ?in* mi.nth ,?|0 . 1!? .'10 J:.l. :'(?. l'?i? .S7.4?7 II Lli f..r ??? iitemher . St.9.0 I..m t*m .riit.mher. 8ft.7.00 II:, h f??r Ainu? I . S!? i.Mi 1 ?w f.,r ?uicuat . M IIS ||'_I? fur loll . H>000 | .... f..i . O. . SO.-.* IS jl,_I, f,,r Juue. s.', ?K? I ?x, fur June . IS HIS jl i K ii fas Ha.. s 1 ,,? t-.r Mu. . IS-IIS | fur -i.rll . S.V1S5 lor. fur April. 7.VS.4 llifli f?.r V'.r.h . M.1M I .,? fur M.rrh . 70 094 II.?li fur I rliruary. IS4M low for lehruar... ?S? Ml Mull f..r J_iiu_r. . IS '?I" I i.,. fi.r .1 iiiinr. . .0 * .? II,.l, Um. ?... IBIS . N MM 1 ..... tin?? far I'll. . ' 71 I ' lllKll full >--.r l!i!l - SI S-4 I ou, full >._r IBM tiM-7 'Frisco Plan Nearer. ?a for.the S-SSSB-Btlos of the St _ San Piaaciseo rooraoaisotlon ?e Missouri Publie Serv.ce Com m: ?si ?t, nre riearinif completion, and mBOlity srill ptobnbly take p!ace . | week, accord'.*-., to truat '.rmation obtmtied yes'er II aas slSS learned that 111 par er.?ted in the reorganization il sifreemet-.t, the Stockholders having withJrawu their objections. BW PAYMENTS ov .ANGLO-FRENCH I OAN $350,000,000 Out of $500.000. 000 Paid Tor. Api I t 'he ||.,000,000 Anglo French boi d were . -? | r I by the I il'??-, ihers U) ths lyadieata secordlng to tentative itoi mads by J. Y Morir?n _ Co, The ?Bal Afores have not been mado up, hut :* belloTOd they will not differ greatly from the current report?. Of the toUil payments between |260,? ? S - 0,000 whs with? drawn for Investment, ai.d _ ?artfe part of the SggtBgStS were full poymOBtS, although the terms of the syi agreement allow *.-..- n-'-n:.-r- to pay only 21 per cent of thsir lobserlption on Ost? bei 16, ths ftrsl late when pay ? The American n_nk Note Company has? nr, red the contract tor thi gro. Ina of the bond ths order srill hi Aliad at the tic.? factory In Ths 1 It is 1 ..? -hree or four months will I to complete the work. The rolBS of ths contract :. difficult to estimate, ,t, risa of ths diffsreal sub icriptiom which may be t_kei, in one bond by the big sub?cnb. rs. The coupon bonds are in $100, $..00 and $1,000 denominotloas, arhils ths regis terci bonds are in denominatiooi of 11,000, 110,000 and $.0,iioo and a ith ?I i. ?-ii multiples. inn .DELPHLA BTCH KS. H i I * I _" '.-?? .11 i ? M t6 13 11 4? HIS ? 44V, ?? .. 43 4) 41 ? S ? -, I ? . ; I . -, '-3 t.\ , 111 Rl?. Star Bat ... I II S 1*1 '?? -. i * - ? . rrai pr 17% . , 3 , - ... IHM 1 i . , - . ? , Rap _r_ii 14 , :?-, I? n ? . . !?-, M, i Tro? ?? * ...m*? - ? I . .: , SO l r K 4. ?. . ?, 4t ;: Oaa Imp ? M _ ?i?. >? _ n% - s I v: 1.1 2."t 121 - v ai ?*?'? . i a e wa ; . . . ro?r?i". _ *-?_?. 11 11 r. a _<___? 14 : * Am Oas ?. ? 1* ?? at? ? m 1, la i_a r?-* ? .. .? ??_ ? ' . ... ? . ... . ? ? _ BL i>. 1 . ... 4. *t% s? m m U.M. ?e Sa -Ml ??H i? ??H ENGLAND MAY PUT EMBARGO ON STEEL I"' reign Orders Ma\ B? I timed Here fron V-utral Markets Prices Advanced. ?? . ... ihlo that G muy place : . ...... * " toril 'rade publication? a? possibly in?; eating a larffi I I new ?-.fder! from r.eutral market?. The great I isiaosi no-tv hein?. taker, li ?anl to a? br | ag sat i i for plant en largos i ? . - ? ?. . ? \ ? ? 1 "Trie report ? ? by cable that I ? nay pisca n as export? of ?feel for the put isfefl BWfl rrer-uir. ::, DtS. This, I ? in h | . st ral eoaat -:r direction. "Reporta from every broach of the ? Iteel trade of ?h?' BIOSl Ifl piling eharaetei 1 bob b? loa i i ., i i ? pai the hi for de lit i.-ry In th? rter and half of 1918, mai that their ti argi ? itory. Amo:.,- the ] is a i an? ? are $2 a I un \? re produeta, |1 ob ?;< al l..r?, I ] . $''. on chair. 60 I ? on So ithern i a,- - "?" eata oa Chi Iry iriii and $1 60 on ?hi ciip.i ?.. that pig Iron price? at other poiats ?rill fall in line." "The Iron Trade Renew" will ?ay: v. ? ? steel ivorka' operat Iobs , ? - ? -, bo abate . f the pi e of "niera upon the mill?, plant for enlargements of re beg I i itioi tinuei : ,.-. - ? ?i t a rate ci in excess of Iti previoui high r? ? ? rgo 1 j,.:.:<? r'.a:.- Brill be bu 'it st Gory is be? lieved to be the forerUBBCf of an "X tensive programme of BOB SOI it tion, which had been in view for B P. time, but heretofore had been hi by unfavorable trade condition? ernl independent empanie? al?o sri proceeding to execute important en Il rgomentl of their output. ?Oi . . | the moat arholesooM feature? of the pr. Situ ?til r. Is the in , rj buj n?; by tl ? domastic rall There li a more divorsiflod la quiry foi ' ' ,,, ??., . BBI Seen th? ut evei .-n : ? A harp buy g 1 ? ?? ? nt in itoel making iron ha im i opod Ib I PitUbargh district and in the r Ul ,r tonnr.|?'ca are D .. shsod a; the ?econd quarter. . >?'? p*r pig ir?,n eei tree i ' n la b ii r" andi lag ?till la tt) and rn'her light STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. ?BOSTON STO? K8. Bata '- ' '-"' ;'?IBOOOOOOOOOOI ?. 8 1 ? ? : u ? ? ...... ] . ' ? IS South Lake . I Mai - ' -- .7 ,.i". BTiman * ' ?-:?-?? ? ? _ J ttmaltlm t?\ * \ ? 1 i ??:-? ? tah ' ? - - ; G} r" ... - Tl \II-F1 4- S IBM ? I ? II Boetoi ?1 10 Air. 1 ' * m a ? ? - ??? ? 17 M -Klwatn nr Fmlt . ? - i ?So tn ? ? .?.-. Venl ira Oll ? ? ... ? ' ? ? * BOSTON ? ' SB ' ' ' ? i . ..... ' ? ?- ' * 1 tah Met.:? ? .I'M TIMORE STOCKS Pal? H'sh t4m ' **' . : ? -. ? ? US So pi ' 1.2? ? . ? ?H - - ? ?'? A ni fa ?? .- * - ,.* ?, ? . .. . .? ?. . ? 4 ? , ? ? ' 1 IL'' ' I a ' I 8 . . . ,\ ' ? ?? ?t " * ' ' . ? j a * . ? ? ,? aeea '? ->* I'lTTSBI Rt.n STOCKS. ,,. Bsata aBaSr. 1ms ?-??* id ?m w Otoes g . *?'? . . i : I? ? : - . lien ."0000000000000000001 '? ?aa?l>>?B*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*?*a1 , .... ? SU& * * . -? ? - .,.'. 12%_, t , _m ? II io rr ?? ?? '? . a a, ?a- -. *? ?8 a a ? 'a - - ' I- . r v ?: ?. '-* ' :'*A ' :'' ? UK AGO STOCKS. Opari llllti ism ! ai V. 144 If' ICI Bv. tar I S ?** ?*? ;s *?' 'o? i ? L \r,_ 5a .-v : - Lai '? ? v* ? ' '' H .. J- it. '?a. ... i.i.m 1*4 I? ? ;' .. '.. '-a ?a? .* J / .' ?? (j, ?... a's ? fatt A ? FK.M'? Il MO Islas 14 Am Ra-llator ??---.. -.?,, _. ,.. I??."!!, Ins? :?'? *,S *;H ' ' ', -Wft 4 iX U. ??> ?n ?a *_? Mft^hia T*\*s ??a....l???4 l90?* ltm* !*^? $500,000,000 0-French Five Year *\V/% External Loan THE JOINT AND SEVERAL OBLIGATION OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND AND THE FRENCH REPUBLIC D.VTT.D OCTOBER 101 . DIT. OCTOBER 15, P20 INTEREST PWARI.F. APR?1. 15 AND OCTOBF.R l. Bolh principal ?ind interest payable In New York City in United States qold coin, without deduction for any present or future British or French Taxes Coupon bond? in d?nomination? $100, $500. ind $1,000. which miv be registered ll to principal. Registered bonds in denominations of $1.000, $10.000 ,.nd $.0,000 and authorized multiples. Coupon and registered bond? interchangeable. Convertible, si the option of the holder, on any date not later than April 15. 1020. or (provided that notice be |fcrC_ not later than April 15, 1020) -it maturity, par for par, into 15-25 Year Joint and Several 41 \ per cent. Bond? of the Governments of the I'nit.d KinHnrn of Great Britain and Ireland and the French Republic. Such .' .> percent, bonds will be payible. principal and interest, in t'nited States gold coin, in NA? York City, free from deduction for anv present or future BritMl ^r French taxes, will mature October 15, 1940, but will be redeemable, at par and accrued interest, in whole or in part, on SB) interest ?^e not earlier thin October 15, 19.0, upon three month?' notice. A large amount of these bonds having already been withdrawn for investment, we, whose names appear below, offer, on behalf of a country-wide group of institu? tions and bankers, the unsold balance, subject to prior sale and change in price PRICE 98 AND INTEREST, YIELDING NEARLY 5?. PER CENT. Payment may be made either in full on October 29th or at the option of the purchaser, 50 per cent, on October 29th and the balance on December 3rd. Application will be made tr> litt theie bond-, on *.h* New 1 g rk Stock EsCBOBSJS T'mfioiary bond? will he ready tor delivery on or ?boul October 29th. exchangeable for the definitive bond? when prej irrd American Pxchan. c National Rank Bank ol .merles !', ink of Sea York Chemical National Bank Chase National Hunk I irst National Rank Bankers Trust Company Central Trust Company . ?Iiinibi _ I rust Company Eqaitahlc Trust Company ,_g_s1 Belmont & Co. Chas. I? Barnej ?* Co. Blair ??: lo. William P. Boobrlfht <_ Co.. Inc. Bi ? b 11 Brothers ?x C<~>. Clark. Dodge & ^O. Marx ey Pisk & Sons Heideihach, l-kclheimer it Co. II a 11 ? a r t <- n & Co. N. \\. Hals?] ?Sc Co. J. P. Morgan & Co. llano? er Nati mal Rank Importers & Traders National Rank !r\ in-,; .atlonal Rank liberty National Rank Vtanhattan Company Mechanics <_ .Metals National Rank farmers loan ?_ Trust Company Guaranty Irust Company Metropolitan Trust Company New York Trust Company. Marris. Torhes & Co. .. Iselin & Co. Kean. Tay lor ?Sr Co. Kidder, Pcahod; fe Co. Kissel. Kinniiutt & Co. Kountze Rros. I.a/ard Preres A. B. I iach ft Co. ? ??? :_ _.. . Co. l.adenburj?. Thalmann ?_ Co. Merchant? Nitional Rank National Rank of Commerce Nation ii Cit\ Rank National Park Rank Seaboard National Rank Title Guarantee ft Trust Company I nion Trust Compan*. United States Mortgage _ Trust Companv I niii'J States Trust Company Maltlaad, CoppeJI <_ Co. Montgomery, Clothier & Tyler Hotter, Choatc ?? Preatlcs Wm. A. Read ft Co. ,i ..imofiu ?x Co, " ?ml k. Hod .es ?ft Co. Rhoades & Company -V illiam Salomon & Co. J. <_ W. Seli_man L Co. Spencer Trask _. Co. White. Weld ?S Co. V.T.STERN MD EARNINGS v ? <!.(.?? an lacrease of |1,9_4, Ilefirit Reduced. raings of |?,6_8,459 ?1 own by the Western Maryland in ??s report for the fiscal ? ? ,'ed Jons BO, 1915, SB i".cr?ai |415,728. The ?fain aas entirely to the Increase in fr-igrhr revenue _?? fell off 178,03 Economic ii the opsral ing I? . ... ? IBS "*" 18,11 ; : 147 f it the BI Othei i : .??'?m-? brought ? - ,124, from _ leducl - :. n chai , i . t of $907,905, eomp iUl the jireviou? year'? deficit (2,715.565. ? BRIEF WAIL STREET NE\. Stockholders of the Notloaol Su ? y, at a Bpcelol meeting ye? ippi ,?' cd i.n laereass la the c ?too ' ? 18,1 00,00* it ol - The Rutland Railroad Company, ths annual meeting of storkhold elected Harold S Vander. * . ':n-i tO ti.'-t- tl I place of William ?v. V derbilt, jr., who resigned some t ago. Pirectori of the International H rester Corporation have n^am omit lartorly dividend on the comn itock ?' -.bei It i-Brtor, i to -.he - onfevorahle exp trade. TnS las! d:?bur*emerit on ? shares ?BS made July 15, 18 W II. Kisrnss wa? yesterday e!eC a director vt the DlstUlers1 Securit i orporatioB, to take ths place of klii . -, i to tersa of otflcc ? : ind H. J M 1 u lesa eras elect to fill the eaeanc; -. the res ?-? Livings! urd of the 1 . ? The General Ordnance <~ompar.y h elected H R Uotid, secretary of t New I s and Kr.gme Coi pany, and Frank D. Potter to the boa Of I'lrecton. I"rect-ir? of tha MlddlO-OWS UaloaxriUe Railroad Compel y have H t fall -SSs/-SBBBal Inte l * of 1 per cent s the S - . able N sr l. 3 HELD AS BOGUS LAWYERS Ste._ma_i|) Man. Itealt. Itroker an |)ru(rg:i?t \c.-u?eH b> Agenta. Three men wera arrested rtSterds by agenti of ?he New York fount Lasrrers' Ass? - _*."*-, charged w?th _< They were ("arm? lo Amorti '. 809 llarry Tans? r, real ea tata broke) enta Street sph Lovitt, '7 Mafia trate Cebh, ? ths Tomb 1800 bail fo trial, and the ere parole? by Magistrats K *n:. is _.se_ Marke for s_sa_?Bat!OB to-morrow George R. Adasss, cour.iel for the a? ?oeiation's cotr.mitte? sa practice, vrg. the complaira.*-.* against the trio. B. R. T Earnings Higher. Ti.e le; -...?,_[: 1 r;.- ? ? , .-.'er er.d ed September M shosrs .ros? operat? ise reroBu? of 17.301,818, an i-.croa?e ? ' |?] .' 1 over the third --uarter of 1914 Surplue __t*r all .Large? wai II.-;4,3.'_. a gain of I.4.1S9. COTTON RECOVERS AFTER EARLY DRO! Market Eases Off During Middl of Day on News of Scat? tered Liquidation. Afrer rather ? ?harp decline, the <-o ton market turned Arm late yo??erda fully rocoverlBg it.-, losses, and elo?lr itnady, net anehsBged to 3 point? lo* , r. Jsaoary contr?ete, ?vhleb ha-l ??o] o!T to 12.67c, rallied to \2.fic. 2 polal above Tueaday'i eloalng, Last prie? were within I or 4 point? of the be? During 'he earlier trading the, mark? had IBOWB reactionary sentiment, o? in?, partly to the failure of Fester bolt ram new? to Inspire any gOOOIl rr BggreSSlve dOBaOad, bu? cotton WH ?roll taken on a =ca> down, and r? that a prominent Chicago an thority e?"ima?ed tl I yield at onl 10,000,000 hale? excluding liat?n ?'er followed by covering SBd ? renewal o ? * ' i* ? i''-- moon. The market opened ??* SB hrBBOS o ? ' : ! " .. ".' ? r bat generally to 4 points lower in response tO re!? Report! that heat rain? In th-- Fastern 1"'!? had damage, u: nicked cotton fir 1 talk sf ?mall j/in return? caused ?omc lrrefrtilarft ?hortly after the OBOfl Bg. Th" marke w?! more or les? onuttled and nrlce rosed off daring the middle of the da; under icatterini. liquidatloa, forei-,T local and Southern selling. The de cure carried December off to 12.52 an?! January to 12.88e, Or about 15 ti II point? ni?t lower. Foreign ?elllni order? estimated at between 11,000 an? I bale? appeared to have beei pretty well absorbed around thli level r.r.d when early ?euer? started to cove; there did not appear to be many ?eilen ? *h? There wai considerable Wal! Stree rig on the declina during the mid III si the dav, flfhlch ' av have BOOI ?' . ? ??? ; is ?i?a ? ?? ? bj the de rolOBBISBt of an easier tone in *h< marke* and rumors that th? international loan wa? hard'.y goioi ?BOOgh to encoura?.'?* farther ne got lati?os. It aoemed, too, that -wlr.-j Is the failure of receot onfavoraol? ?reather aod bullish crop account? tr create aggresilve baying, the trad? HOI mor? diaposod to discuii export pr? poeta There wa? little change in the trerenl BVOTOgS of *h? BOtvi from th? Sou'h. Clearance? for ?he day rar ???.- .er. reset hale?. Accord r.g to !?-.*.?? rei orU, th? BtlOB e?ti have beer - It tobor 18, representing per ? 60 per cent of ?he crop. The?, figure? leemed to attra." le?? attention ?he ?'hicairo es'imat.?-, [placing the yield at 10,000,000 ba??-s excluding and at 10,600,000 bale? including linier. Pro?pect? for clearing BrOOthof in th? South helped the early decline, whllt pre?? advice? reporting di??ati?fac?ion ?mong* Manchester weaver? owing to the recent rofssol to advance wape? al?o ?eemed to he against the eirly market Southern ?pot market? a? offi? cially reported ?Sit BBChaagod ts II Btl lower, aseopt Oolvostoa, which w.? 10 polnti higher on a imall volume of burrineii. Range of prie*?: Opar. lt\fn Le? C'.n?* 4?* O-.Thlt list lit! 11 'I It MBit 11 U tl N ,,.rc*4a- :. m I . ii eo ?? - ?r 11-? 1? ?! II ?1 II. j;i(| M ? Jai isa-? 1179 '.lit l? ?? 1<? f. 11? ?1 12 l? ??? - .ar? ? - u ?. I n ?. Mare? 13 01 U 01 ?1 M 1) liait M l]?r ??-:: > il ::<? nu Ma. Il 11 11 II U II 11 18?P U 1? J? ? n i? ? - ; *? n.i n J5 ltn a .? un A .tu?? n'.? a ?... f? ,po< Mua ?u itoeti taal a Tor mil ! '.:.. u;.an?l tata :. BtMBfA ?? iba pr.r-i sa ! Ir.'ar'.or p?.|:.-. ? ::, I ??"?sparta m ' I as! I.asl Praaant \amr\e\mm llh ???i '??tt M u ? : :*? ?-i k,tM Pavani:.:, >; il. 7 -"I 1 ?19 ' ..-,.? ! ; ? - ? - 1 o;. ?>-, ti- - i \orf__ . i *_< : m? ? B? -e . . ? Se* V.irk B.ton _ - - - 4 41? P_l.e_.iphl* . v ?_._?? . am I.SSI II T-??!? 43 .(0' U ?" "-1 A.?-,u"a . I 111 t.TTI 4 33: 119.. *_ Ucmpbli . : 710 c il? I.4TI ,i MN II ?--_t_n eirhaiife M?lai Lit? -, - l ? ? i ?'. '.??.. ? ?? . ei ? ?lin a?.a Hpoil 4 ' ?Il Air.e_.-a; M ? . . 'ire? op?. ei <i il?? bot .? . i ?, -, . peint? htfhri , . - ,, . N e? " Il . . ?.. I Ma> l'i .? "Il lul| Au? " >'_ ! M.. ?Ul -i , ? l'ilet __? ,te?4> , ri. i_> n; l?ra-a ,l_r.__ PAYS $150 FOR 50-CENT THEFT Property OwBSS Admit? Taking Half Dollar and l_ Fine?!. August Frank, of .12 St. Ar.n'i Ave nu.. The Bronx, owner of two house? and holder of a $12,n00 mort^a^e on other property, wa.-? fined |150 in Spe eial BoseioBS yeaterday after he had admitted stealing 50 cent?. The money wa? taken from a bakery formerly owned by the defendant at 391 Second Avenue, but which he sold. The new proprietor asked Frank to help h.-r during the rush hours, and said she caught, hmi taking the half dollar from ths easb register. He refused an al? ternative of sixty days in jail. SIX I UITIES AT AUCTION. The following securities were sold yesterday at friction at the Exchange ?salesroom h> Adrian H. M?ller 4 Son: For A ???._ t of Admli .U__tor IS a-are? ____. Apemmt K K. Co.. aa<_ lit-? till : ?_ar_ I...-.1 Hea.ii Oj . JIuO sash _.._ al. rlf_t, ili.c ?.._ of fht.?.p W Le !.. i! l?, Irin Et?.?-.? of L_!n:? B _?.,?._?/!? Ill ?<_ al.?-. __i*?__L _ar_?*?__a * V.'?aler.. K K .. Ml pet ,*.*r? I .-? ?? Ytt* UaraueU* K R. r?-.;.d..i i p. ?" f??r_nl?a 1 . % 111 ?.,< N la, ._,. < ,_.' lo __ [___r_.t ra i. |1(4 li' 0 Un?? I- B___ __rp 1(1 ml?? I per eKtl eeaOs, Im un t***? M?> _...: n.t s6 44? anara? Thai...,- i-, ? i ,.i..... ?_? |-.,, :<_ Im 4. aliae?? T.i? _?_-.; ?_ pref?rr*_. ?_.?! 11 ). Is? . . I. I? 9"" I.?? _.?aj. O Tr?t Co T>e? Moin* I ?? IK ?-i par ca_t bond? ,??_!__ bj rM. - -?' lat a.',? I _?_? IS IE? .1 I 'ei-'al I .!_<_? l.b._ Barne? <-o la- > I t _i< 9 p?r SON beoda rae 1-52 tic? 111 ""0 _l,*:i r?:.a T__';o_ _>???__ lat n.-?a * ?A- ? ?..! (Old -0..-J llM '.J!'/ 7. It I Waaurn .".?w Tor? r__i r? i?t rat?? ? per -, i I :. lue i?;? .4 ? i) Oes Co la? n.t?? I per cent | 14 .'a .r e_ A'. dl_ li?'. 7 l?e<- . HU ,e. _1 I ... ? a. i.u ra la? r. (a I per ei . ... - ? A - d_ ..... l?e_ . IBIS ? a- a r.e I M I i.aa a. ? ? lr_ U?_l r_ :,. . '. . ,e 1?41 II I. ? a.-.-'? ' ? .'4 ? . IM mtja ? pe' - _|. ! l?a. frit! (o rtf at d?l?_rft .,. te I. I.'U ...h ?I Keaa.Of. A Waa'i_ona.aiiil h/ 'O lit _.'?? .per r tl J,V 1 ;. Hi, ? ? r_U Tr-.a- ' ?> cU ?f depnalt ' , ._ 11. III'-) _-a-la-l (.-itr-ii*. Co ?_J_?Ui__l I per MM rte'm'.r.* ?'.la _ne 11-1 <l*l ?0 paid la l!.u! .* ' _ or. ea-_ II <_i . . _ 111 11.009 si?rr? Madre _a*4 * Uaiwr ?'? lit -. ?? I par o?c*. al-?'..'i ru-..- told borda du? ISi? t - - ?I IS ? J VT |I._. pall tu. a.-count of pn. r'.p?i ?.-.d !___?'. let IS IlO Tmi-p S'.?.rtc i'o la? n'4a ?per ?ri i ??* H du? IBIS: Mar. lila -eupo<_ ?i a -1 loi I-' II abare? a a. ama 4 Oe.,r?la lr,<. Co. ,-_?_>o:. a. i e'e.-el. aavh ll_. lot M ? ? . _ .?Talo Uu ? u -_?<? a-'d pi-ferrrd ? a ll_. ,<_ I '*** ; ? i,. r .- ?o sack 111 ; . lj 144 ilum f.W .?_!>. M-K-eap-'e! A We?inior?:v-d Hr ?___ I" ?o? II* ? sSaf-S We?-.?-:. Ma trt Ttrra? C? M prefarned tA^ti ll_ . . , I??? I al.arae *'?.da/C Cordai? <" ??v!. Il<4. I a! ???? ?!_._. Tm.13-1 Tra/_f?r R H Co eoear. ?. ?Sem Tjr? tr_?t Co ?f y leaoel'..'. ?*c_ f. M * e11 .tin, H. ??.a? A f-.l.r-. T.:._?l A MLj . ?al. 1_ ? ??? MU-n ?M _::-.;. i^o I. 1 ta ., ii?? 5 ?.?_? N?? T?f? A !i._-, I-.- eyga ?*o. ??.Jl 110. loi _ 111 M a_?r?? )l:dr-f?r Ce - New tnet ???_ 111?-' , . - ?. - le'-?'.?_?? ... ea I 1 ?E? . Il ? '? ??"-?a? * Fr-?ai:.? i'o ?Mil I'. J'- IH *:' .0 th_r?. H ffiiea 8?. A nie ?' ? . ??eh IIM . a-are? 1. ? a) Me., i ^ e?oh |?0 LOO inare. \e_ 1,,, A l'r?r.k;:,. OU iu eael 11 loi I 31 A *-?>?.- ? F?. :.?_.- ?_o '_.- S1S0 ,1 Wi?3??2A_!_!*..^?. ^ PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES Hsan and earning? of \ arlou? Corporation!. Operating income of the Pacida Qai *nd Electric ?'ompanv ma?le ?ubstenti?' improvement in September, the In? crease in gro?i revenue! from Bli BOB reel being nearly 10 ner cent com i arid with that month a year ago, and surplus earning? were 4.1 per cent he? Il r * ia 1914. The company'! elec trie ????partment produce.! a gr?,n in come of 1848,187, an ::.crease of el !4 ?er ,-ent; ga? earning! to? talled $812,562, and earning? from ? th?r ?o'lrce? amounted to $9?,i'8l, making a combined total of 11,558/89, ?. gain of $137,055. Expense? fur oper? ation, taxe?, maintenance, reserve, for casual')?? and uncollectable account. and reserve for depreciation amounted to $911,354, H compare?! with $815. ??Ali in 'he \ear prOCOalOg, and th. TxtaB net income, including profit? on mer? chandise ?ales and other mise.llaneou? e, win .'i7",3??o. or $17,?3'"> greater than In 1814. Ir.tereit on bond? amounted to 1.129.801. and the lurplui avia.liable was $33.1,048. an lnoreaie of,* Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt, Th? lirooklvn Rapid Tranilt Com? pany, in iti quarterly report covering! operation for the three mor.thi ende?] September 30, ihowi gron earning, of *-7/<<;l,3l8. an inereaie of $61.631 over the lame quarter in 1914. After al? lowing for opera' ?x-^.naei the net income amounted to $8^39,161, a gain of $37,229. Surplui after lntereit charge!, taxe?, etc.. waa $1,974,89.?, or ',74.!?*9 more than tit earned In 1914. Cltlee Bervlea. Income of the Cltlee Servie? Oom ? a,- v for September made an advance of {70.043 in gron operating ravonoea, which amounted to 1149,460, and Bet earning! after ezpenaei were Increased from $268.88?* In 1914 to $888.151. DIt ?deads on th? preferred .harei paid and accrued amounted to $13',,833, and ??come applicable to th? common ?tock wii $!?3,488, againit $91.108 a ? .hi ago. Montana Power. Th? quarterly report of the Montana Pow?r Company for th? three montb? ended September SO glvee rroii oper? ating revenue! mor? than 18 per sent in exc??? of thoi? reported for th. same period In 1914, total earring. amounting to $1,082,319. Net after expeniea wai $"84,624, an In? crease of ov?r 24 per cent, and after ?leducTing Interest charge!, etc., the lurplui balance available totalled M87J80, or 1108.880 greater than In the year nreceding. Another Big Gold Shipment. It 1? believed that a ??.on?, ihlp ment of $25,000,000 gold loverelgni to J. P ilorgan A Co. will arrive next week from (lanada. Tueidey'i big cotiiignment taxed the f.cllltl.? of the A??ay Office to the utmoit, and It ?i umler.tood the f?cond ihipment wai pottpontd to alloW the clerical force to get that $25.000.000 unpacked and counted. The Ana? Office hat received $300.000 In Engllih sold from London, which wai depoiited by Lawrence Tumure ? Co. Jersey Synod Ousts Pastor. Atlantic City, M J., Oct. tO.-The ipecial Judicial committee of the New Jertey Pr.ibyteHan Synod to-day af? firmed the decliion of the Preibytery , .' Mo'imouth in removing the Rev John Calvin Scarborough from hia -har/e a* MaBtoIok Bg ' I I I '-? ' ' regular method? in obtaining fund? from hi? pan.h. A aimm-.ttee on evar.gel-.m will .hape plan- to bring | Billy tjuaday u Trenton neat Jan? uary?