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Bvickirvg the Line in Football Is Mvich Like Bucking the Line of Life Yale Not Crippled by Loss of Le Gore Harvard (?ot Al?n?? Without Charley Brickley One View of Frank Hinkey's Coaching Policy at Neu Haven. By HERBERT. Ha '? ??-?.-.?,? ?,, Yals football, bul his dis ? ? * ttm tot a \-i(?latiori of one of thr* rule? .-.. ?lot itcr or doctn the our * Princeton and Harvard. His place ? an It * I J BCe was lilled on that oronderful Harvard usait of ? :? ? ar 1^- G ?ro btm b bi punt? .-. rr* Bsarkal ? tl - ????? r f tl but, n? {?oinie.l out and h I i-onrral piny a bit to?. ? ? ;, of i-1 irse, bul ? ? opinion ? :' ?jes he ?I all-important tog in thr . al? It I ine. Harvard *.-? ? ? i thoul T.rir-: ??? | rarely nuboriy will nilmit that I^> Gore oral ? greater er mer" val?a BI than this- wonderful ?irop kicker. Th- : ? I plenty of tima before the ? .'wkfie'.i and dc-velop tin . II ttei " ? lack of some indi? idus who?* ri?-o to expected heij ? : . . i-oa-h ing policy at New Haven anp.-. ? hare beer. mi?ur.der'- on the onetime great er.d assumed the . of head roach a year ago, he ?1er de'" that ? ireneral reorgfir.iration wa? r.e rossory, __d aritl ths fall approval of ' 7 slbott, thSB en; ? :raged the rot ? ' gradoetei 'or 'he pur ? ?- ? th? field, be i, that es ? ira ???-?rire? more harr 'er. from a player boiag told "re -, ?V and BB01 Ihs ? ext, depet.dert to a large extent 1 hie? of certain individual?. In order to ?stabilst this policy it ? ? co to ?ome ex* r players felt af ?roo"* ' n to lend - ? ? i mo?* mportanl Hinsi confine the actual cor.r- ,- - ? e-r.her; of the re?:dent ?taff. and II '.irned out Job than anticipated in reconciling the old co-c! '? n s with the He wanted and -1 the ?dvle.. counsel and eritielam of tho?e Ya'e me- ? ? ? football, but he want? | II his way and not theirs, and eon?equen''- some fl '"ion grew up. M SSOB, i*'-- ' ? ms rumor? ntrai the i sms policy Is be ? form. Some graduates at least have been ? 11 seondaess ol the theory, and while tome r.te still op ? ? ? the method? in force. Hink? | much hein : ! he wants in building his 'earn. Eddie 'Ha. ?. a gtea' forward in his ' . n capable ??"re n I Tom .herlin; Johnny K:l . .;. Hutch lason and Johnny Field, than whom no (rooter defensive i-?- ? i si rod, in ? m to a number of other?, 1 a'-e been at New Haven from time te I B ? not to do much actual coaching. * ? ? . ? A. e | . o ~ - ? I , ? ? ? Saturday Ra;. Tl mpkins, Vai ce MeCormlch and lim Roger? were amo? p U aoe CI pa*? hide ment on ?he work of the tlSTOB, which lite enough to indicate that a wrong --f" lion ha? gone forth a- to the question of one-man rule. Krsr:_ Hinkey and hll OBI - itOS have only one thought ar,'-. ? rpOOO in I mind, and that :? to put ? winning teim on the field, and any r.?-'p which t'.ey can get i? eagerly ?ought as long as that help ???) not misdirected or doe? not interfere with the policy Und down a policy which, right Of wrong, was adopted only after \m,g and rnreful ftudv. Hilly Lash, Stl tor at Ford ham I '? ' Bto the of" t re lav night and, among other tl ? ? rdhan Holy Creas game ol Fordham Field 01 urday were os sals si bath Spalding ?tore?, m Na'?an Street and on Fifth v - .e, and al?o at Alexander Taylor'?, on F<>rt\ second Btroei Thi?i game will be well worth a ney to The BrOBX, Holy Cro?? played a tie srlth the Army, bal is not feared l,\ Pordl sn S - ich, under the dir "f Harry Vaughan, the former . ? i player, h_? - ? ? slong 'a?t -.n the la?t t ? n days, Member? of ths I olffOte football team, which de'r-ated West Point last Saturday of 18 a nice compliment to l.arry Hankart, their roach, on their return to Hamil ed te give him the ' hell won fl " ,le trmy n? a birthday gift. and. ? so]. H w m great rt'l blrthdsy f? 1! . the 'ia-, ol the game, which made gift the n -? priate Bankart ha? beet? coaching the Col n.'e eleven ' ? three years, counting ?hi? a? the third, and in that time only three game* have been lo?t two to V.e?t Point and one to Yale. In the ?ame ture, however. Ya!, wa. beaten once bv k of lfi to 8, in 191*7, while 'Vest Point now has fallen a victim. At lee?t two '.id gBBBM are ahead of the team thll MOOOU, ?? Tale ?nd Syra? cuse mua*, be m?' Frank CavaOOOafh, head coach of l'artmouth. i? aera OB tie 8l*St year of secor-.l three -.ear contract, so that the ?ussestion maile two day- ???o that Tom Ke.dy ?? uM be otTeiwd the job hat ?tot the lllghteet foundation. Charley Murphy, ?or. of the late Mike Murphy, 1? j"l?>.nr foothi.ll a? Peddle ?* 'ute. and from all account? I. up im?; the name p*rk, formerly of Pawling* School, I. ? ? ? ? rre?ence felt as centre on *'??.'.-- critic? " eady ?r. ?? a place on ?': A"r: u In reply to two or three queries, d isj that Cher ? -, cap ?-.f tire Cornell team, w? :gh? l>..r. ? . i? ,-iist abort cf : ? ? ,- ? fe? ? e-.jfh' Bbeltoa, the daaking end, gha about 170 pound?. All-American Nine Wim. ???hko?h, Wi?. Oct 2o The All *.-nrr:t.-. baseball te.m asfeated the ?.ll-.Vatior.als brr- ?' . ? Tbe >c?,i R H r. ? e.eieieee? - c I . I i I 1 ; . ?*?? a 1 alt I Here's One Way to Get a Name -*-'-?_?. Oct. ?.?The mri-bee? ?f tit? Chi -ape tea-" ?f t'e r?_?e?l Le?..? will be pr_ente_ ?It- m?_?l? b? Tee l?afu? c)e_-l_'l_o f. ?ti rhafjil?-? ef th? world fer lliS. ?coenllnn. t? a letter mtrntrei) today b> i<_ Tl.ker MSSSW a MM 1MB BMI limm A. Gllmorr. pretlnrnt et t?ie l?a?ue "Inaimurh a? th? National C? ?-"?l.tlon fall?- I? ?cept ?_' challen?, ?or ? terlet te ?ecld? th? rhan-cl??.. I? feet tea?. It the unnuntl?nrd cna-plon ef th? _?rld." t?>i the ..... RACE WITH YALE NOT OFF, SAYS RICE Coach in Talk to Columbia Crew \ . .ures Men of Struggle. '>.'?>?. .a. R_ re??- all tnlk of aban? don'. .g the race which the Columbia 'varsity eight i? slated to row with Yale on November 12 in a talk to his oarsmen after a long row on the Hud? son last night. "I don't wunt any of you boys to feel that we're not going up to New Haven determined to beat Vale," he said. "Wl haven't many men, but the stuff in von II nil right. We'll ?how Y_!o the . have, and if they win they'll ? to row mighty fast *A boa! you. Remember that no matter whnt ha? ? rowing the la?' week e Y_le ta beat, and ! for "n? am forgetttag all rri'ici?m and will do all con to help you win Bt New Haven." Rice made no more than a passing reference to 'he criticism? of his sys rhich have been made by "The Spectator," the student daily. Norman Rrattan ?en* at.other ettei I paper yesterday reafl-irring ih* t] 0_ the crew ?quad to Rice. He concluded by saying that every Student who wonted tO row would get the op portonity -vms winter, This ha- been one of the objection? to the pn system raided by "Th? Spectator." Sharkey to Box in Amateur Tourney T? m Sharkey will try a "come back" in the ring at the open boxing tourtia mont for the James F. Sullivan Me al Fund at the Crescent and Mow Tori Athletic dabs on October 28 and 30. But thi? is not the onetime hea? ? weight boxer, but b lightweight from Worcester, Mas?., who has requeue'! -o i,e entered in both the 188 snd 148 pound classe?. In the?e division Sharkey may meet Charles Simonson, of the Union Settlement, and I'ick ? ? in, representing Hamilton Ly? ceum, who hold amateur title? ?if, ,.. trios for the tourney are com? ing in rapidly for the eight el -.???'. -he lureivori of 'ry,-!*- In other Cities aie still to be bejird from. Mid-Week Scrimmages the Rule at the Various Football Camps Yale Team Puts Mon Fight Into Practice Since Loss of Le (iore. 'B? T-'afi: ? T ? '. - :? ' ' Xew Havsa, Conr.., 0? * 20. The lo? of Harry La Core ? . the falo footbal team seem? ?o have put more fiph than ever into the member!, at lea? in prnctice. What the rssolt ?lili b in a real football came will he appar ent Sstardsy In the eonteil aritb Wash .*?? ? lefTei ft irnooi >av,- the iqosd put through a han drill. A Mt-hr rain fell at Intervall g ?h.- afternoon and the heat WOl ir.'er. ?e Captain Wilsosn drove hi? men ui and down the field in signals, and ther they were sent it: for two ten-minur? periods of scrimmriu'e. The Arst HOI again.1 the Ineligible?, which H?.rrj Is Core joined to day in an effort tc help SI much a? he coul?! toward mak Inp the fir?, team f? lUCCeia. 'I- i in eligible! tlid not have posse '..n ol the ba'l eroueh for I.e (?ore to ntar for th? regulars had th?- punch ?o-.iay and were not to be denied. Without resorting to aoy open playi ? - - a : n Wilaon'l eleven advance.! the ball from the kick-off f.-r t '?.irhHowr, MCativi plays, "Mai" Scovi! y,o':r.i' over for the court. 'Hie . down wp? alio made bj S*ovil, In much the same manner, The sec end 10-rainote aerrimmage period vaa between th.- Van "> - - ? ' i ?h, ICmb, hut the scrub never had a how to The rerjiilnr? tool, the ball over the I goal line for two touehdowna, Neville ? ith each making one. The Yale Coaching Fluff was BOg Tigers Improve as Dartmouth Game Nears Princeton Squad Works in the Stadium for First Time in Weeks?Ends Get Most Attention. [B, T>l?*r?I>ri n Ths Tribuns ] Princeton, N. J , Oct. 10. The num? ber of day? before the big game? ? g down and each day ?hi- PriaeOtOfl tenm show? a lllght im proveBsOttt over the day before. ?ley still kOOf hammeririir a*??iy at the fundamental? of the game they are alto taking up more complicated plnys arid ?lowly masterinf: them ?o that they can execute them with the same eH?e that ?hey display on an end run. Ju?t at present the end? ure ?.,: in for the lion'i share of sttoi I 1 hev were down at the field be'oie any of the other men this afternoon and were the last to leave. Following a long period of line coaching the Mu ?Ity and ?crub acrinanaaged t?>r half an hour on Vniversity Field and then Rash M-i.t *)-.e freshmen sgainat the ftrst team in the ?tail.urn. fhil ;? the Irst time the atedian ha? been used in ?everal weeks on account of Ihl condition of the turf, but the Iiar' mouth same will be played there. 'I he freshmen were i.o match for their older brother? and the '.ar?ity had BO difficulty la scoring ?everal times on forward passes and long rur.s : by 1 - ei* and Righley. The former was la 'he same form tha* BOB 1 two of Princeton's four game? so far ?? n :e one run 0? \ yogdl through the whole fresh? man team. This run *.\a? mude po< k?J the perfect interference Stoi ?? much a? by hi? own It i? only in rare case? that any in ?*.?? ??s out above the rest of the team this year. Princeton's I men are essentially a machine, And yet every man keep? hi? own laliam. To-day (iennert, the cen? tre, got a blocked kitk und roa ards foi lekdowa, and the whole ...? a. Keen on following the ball ?s a park of hounds after a fox. ie Bill BS at end part of the time again to day, and while it will take a Tot of time to change him from a ?nckfield mnn to a finished SBd, he improving rapidly. Irj ths ladis Bi ' ?u d H ighloy were ased si Highley eei ?? regaii ed '?? ability to <-:?'<-h and hold a forwoi pass. Brown plays a hard savage gan and never stops fighting. Law to? fullback posit ion to day, hi r;ili?-ii mi for many plsj* In tl ICI RM In foil ir 'hrcui'h the l'ne Fid Shea ?.n i he bsekfleld sad '-a? of his line plunges lofl s string < f r? 1.. I wake. The line-up WS 'eft end Latrobe, letl tackle; Nonne, lei ?? ('.?'M.ert, eentre; Hogg, r:i;i I; Kaiser, right tackle; Browi right end; '.lick, qaarterbaek; Shei halfback; Tibbott. halfback; Low. fall ? Three Hours' Drill for Dartmouth Mei .-?i la Ths 1 Hanover. N. 11.. i>c'. 80. Tha Daft mouth Varsity imlulged in light wot from 8 Bfltil ? o1 ere this aft>-r r?parai for th,- Pi incetoi : ..?? "f the after ? :i dl ? for i'i ii ceton : ted i the flrel team by th?- seconds un supervision of B loll, 1800, wh< d ths i Igen throe. I I hi ? I New plays also drew ?he SttOBtiOO ?1 i w ork on 'hese went oi 'he use <?f a whits ball Bfltil dark Barrewi aad Beulloj practised drop I from all angles and distance-, thl former being luce? sful from the rleta ' tha SO yard l.t.i. Gerrish took ? 'aw place kicks and exhibited consul ' i!,7. as did ?at ol Thielscher and Scolley, shewed improvement, thai i?- ierlag sbs sf the ??re, _'i greatesl won [< Ihe signal drill found Baxter back at i cei.tre and In ?.hap?- for Saturday's con? test, as are also the three quarterback?, McDonoufh, Worthingtofl sad Hol brook ihe end poaitiooi were filled by Emery and llagar, with Da Bassall sad runaiag a ele-?? sseoad The first ? substitutes likely to be put ? in Saturday ar?- Bostnssn and McDon OBgh, anda; Piahback and Trier at ?-. Colby and Scuiiey ai guard, and Ponder, Lehssaa, Tyler Brd Harrow?, m ths backBele. I h?, Irani will leave Hanover at 6 ?o'clock to-moirow ceiling. mented to dav by the addition of Frnnk Mutter-- orth, 15, a plaagiag fallback, ?r| , made Walter Camp's AlT-Americaa eleven of the year easily. Rutte* is her?. ??? ??'-.?? "Mal" Scovil m haml ami teach him how to become a real ground '/ainer. Bcovil has the weight ??rid, part of the time, the <!n?h to make i i're;,r fallback, hut much of his energy In the pa?; hai been misdirected, !',?. torwortB, ir. "horn Frank Hinkey 'na? ris of confidence, is expected to into a hack who will fill l.e Goro'i poaitioB creditably. The line op ro-ilav WOSi Left end, Moseley: left tackle, C. Sheldon; left gaard, VOB Holt; centre, Way, right guard, J, Shehlon; right t.cK?e, Gate?; end, Chorea; 'inarterhack, \Vil lon; left haifback, Smith; right half hack, N'eville; fullback, Scovil. It began ?o look like -'ihe good 0\^ dayt" in 'he Yale camp to-day, wth Hinkey, But'er-.vorth, Rogers ami Hull on the field together. They all worked with n ?rill, and ..?"?er the retrulnr prnc tic? was o-, er stayed at the tie!?! for an..-he- half hour to drill some of the ?'?"'hs.ll fundamental- into the randi -?ho did not have to rush back to classes They had a (rood time doinrr t, too. an?! when th" !a<-? itraggler reaehed the gymnasium the eo wen ready to ca'l it a good ?lav's work. More Rncouragement for Navy Coache* TBt T-v,-..- ? T?- Tr" M 1 Annapo??. Md. Oct. 20. Wi'h Can tain Miles hick at hi? position of qi;_r terback, here today, but with no ot'n< change in the baikfield, the midship men presented the arrangement whlcl probably will start against Virgian Polytechnic eleven on Saturday. There wa? much encouragement ii the work of the regulars thi? af'ernoon Yon Heimburg, the plebe follbac. ??aught tlie first kick off and ran nine'; rardi f"r s teaehdosra, while Martin his classmate, showed speed and das' throughout the practice and made regu lar gain?. Westphal conipleti-d th backneld. There were two changes i' tl ? line, Bartholdl taking Goodstine' ii'ace at centre and Ker worthy, .lack'o'i out at left end. Jack-on and Harri-'on, last yeat' ends, guarded the flanks of the ?en1 ell -en thil afternoon. More Shifts in the Line-up at West Poini ! S) Te! .?.rai-, I/. T> ? Trlh'i le J \\ est Point, V Y.. Oct. ft. The ibift lag o? players an the Army slavoa eon tinned here to-day Goodaesa eras triei out ??t tackle m Porker's place. Kmgh going m at on.- guard position lOI O'Hare and Jone? at the other fo Meaeham. Goodman afterward worked _t .? : i ? wheS MeEaraa retired, and Timberla-e Who WBI off :he squad for a w.,| i account of scholastic dirticulti? nalized hi:? return to the game by fill ing the tackle vacancy. Holmes, Jonei and Murphy were other big fellows whr tilled gai'S in the regular forward Wol ?n 'lay Ml ?cram rct?d, SI did ' 1 - and Ford, of the backneld. This trio helped ?well 'he hoei l- with 7u::ior injuries, bal al. I I ? r? th? rgei -. cam? ? en Bat land and Britten were the ends, Oli? phant, Mitchell and Walker 'he back? " irrill at quarter. ?in.- toachdosrn came after a splendid drive from the scrul> M yard line. regular backs displayiag a geod offene? with pi? Sty of power. Secret Practice for Penn. Before Pittsburgh Game 11-.. 7. _-.. h. M T-e Ml . .e | Philadelphia. Oct. 20 Behind c!o??d k.-,-,,a the Uatrerslts of PeaBsylvaaia football team held its last seriBuaags this ufteriioon prior to the Pittsburgh game on Saturday. Sil coaches fol? lowed the 'varsity through a long and hard scrimmage with the scrub, which the regular-? won by a tourh?lown and n goal from f.eld. both of which were made by Perry, las quarterback. The ?crab took the ball for an unlimited number of down?, but 'hey could no' get it across. Ths play on which Berry made his touchdown eras intended for a forward pass, but when he saw there ?us no one to receive the ball he sprinted through 'a broken Raid fat fiftj yards and a score. Before the scrimmage Berry did ?orne gr??t place kicking lie boot 1 e-: the ball between the uprights from Wilson's Regulars Ro In?ligibles in Two Lively Periods. *he fifty yard Has six times in succ ??ion. The new backftold BTBi OBOd tO-dl and the inter I'd ence was better th at any time thli year. Ii . ?iik' men out h??s alu.y? been Herr great weakiieis, hut hs is now gol into every play with a VongeattCI the cripples are rounding Into eoB( tion rapidly, llsthows, the left tael ..- Braised in the Navy gan was on? in a suit and went through t preliminary practice. Th" eoochei ho to have him ready for St' inlay's gait Reinformed Scrub Team Ties the Brown 'Varsit Providence, R. I., Oct. 20 \Vi Jimmy Murphy, Coaroj and .lemail, the Varsity, Ib Its baekfleld, the Prov second team hel?| th.? regular? to a to 7 tie it, th" practice thi. afrernor, The icrinmage lasted full an hour ai Hal hard fOOght Andrew; scored t' touehdown for ;!ie first team and .1 mail, who is looking better every da far lied rhe ball aero.? for the seeon The first ream aaed straight fee ball all sfternooa, with Hillhoase ai Andrewi ihowing to advantage. IV lard played at end to day and had i chance to ?any the ball. Putdy did n get into the scrimmage, but ?pent tl afternooi praet ng punting and <lr< kicking. The concher were favorably ir pre? ed with the work o! ?he men, :l While they are not predicting a vicroi over the heavy Syracuse team on Satu ? lay, they feel confident that the Pr ?.otilan? will make a hard tight. Union hieven Hard at Work for Stevens Gam tHr Tslr.rapli *e T? ? Trll una I Scheneciady, N. V., net. 20. F< ?ixt] mloutei t?. ?lay Ualoa'i \-ar?H and ?cruli battled to a ?c?reles? tie. WOl BBS of the most gruelling serin BMRBI Of rhe tear and sent the men I the ihowen ?veil extended. A mud?! i?.'I?! reduced the <? i? nr eea of .-coring si psrhapi ave I rh. -t-nibs from a coup of touchdowns, for !??? Vanity bucks Stoller, Roieeraai and (lir'.ing tore u the line in g|? ..t style. Hallen, Tavii and Ueleplant, bad field for the MCOad ream, did ?ome har el .-.- - .- eil own account. It wa .;; to decide which line played th troager football, 1 nion is looking foi a hard gam w ith Ste ea ob at arday. Much Hard Work for Penn State Elevei p 1 ?. .,, ?? IB? Tr I I ] ??? College, Perm., Oct. ?SO, r.taliz lag ti-.e urgent Bead of a atroager tie ?'? ? ,-?., I'enti State's coaches to-d.iy de ?oti'l ?he entire practice peri' I to . defensive scrimmage against th?' fresh van rtrveu. l*he secondary line re reived ipecisl stteatioa, Bcrryssss in. ?lark luitalning the brunt of ih ?-HI,. Bad V,'l,:'n..> gave hi? time ezelfl Hai ??? Merry IBSI I tioi ' - v.-ho asuslly backe ip th? eaat defeace, vu withdrawn frai ?crimmsge * ?? M that Barrjrmai i.r.d Clark would bave plenty sf ? ... ? . ,.,,[, vidual stteatioa. Sloppy footing an? a wot hall prevented tail football, bal the freshmtn ?' ere able to l ?? . touchdown? against their ten-mar team opponents Right Side of Stevens Line Worries Coach BteVOSI had a long ?crimma-;e ..... II it!SB for the game with I'nion next Saturday. The Varsity showed well at running around *he ends, and the scrub wu. unable to stop this form of attack, but the line seeme.i unable either to hold the ?crub sa de? fence or open up hole, on the offence. Al! this SeaaOB the right side of the line ha? hen ,t c?in?tar;t ?ource of worry, and a? a loot resor' Rodger? 1? trying out Musk at end and <?r*. met at tackle, both of whom are far be OW the size of th men who iiave been ? playing these position? The ?earn re |slizei fully 'hi* ? will have to play better football than it ha? so far ihown to defeat a team of Union'? ciaaa. YALE MEN OUT FOR BIG MASS MEETIN We're Just Getting Togethe Says Capt. Wilson, and We'vi Got a Fighting Team. [Br Te!cir?p_ *_ Tlie Tr BBSb] New Haven, Conn., Oct. 20. Yale sti dents turned out 8,800 strong to-nigl to attend a mass meeting called -'imulate SBthBSissm in the fooiha '.cam, aad they cheered and sung fl nearly an hear. Captain Wilson. Frar Hin. ey and Harry I.e (?ore r"cc-.v? ovations when their names were me; tioned. N'ate Wheeler, one of the a??!?'?' coaches, called on the students to ha-, faith in the team. Captain V. Us?, said : "We have had our reverses. I., hi. had u? 11 to 0, and we wert h_? _ an trimmed '.h?-ni up, with new men in th line at that. AgsiBSt Spriflgfield w were penalized 150 yards, and yo never heard a complaint. That team the greatest fighting team that hi been here in year-?. "Monday, al'er the I.ehigh game, w he,i-ii from Vale players all over th country, It woo, Can ws hel. Aleck or '?'an wa help Frank ^ If w-e cai we'll come hack.' Last week we ha more eoaehe? on the field than ever b. ?ore. We've had a great week of pra< tice, and to day has been the best of al "We're JflSt getting together. Th team is a unit now. We've suffcre our reverse?, hut that team out thet is a lighting team, and nothing in Gad' world can lick a Vale lighting team." -.- . N. Y. U. SCRIMMAGES WITH F0RDHAM TEA!? New- York Ufliverslty's football teai clashed with Fordham en Ohio Fi?I ?e-tirday afternoon. Thi. scrimmag wai a hard one for both elevens, last in?- three-quarters of an hour. Bol M n--. Vaughn, of Fordham, _nd Tor Reilly, of N. V. U . kept right nf'e their men, and the eontoet raaomble more a battle for the city footbo title, as there was a large crowd o rooters on hand, than an ordmar scrimmage. Although no touchdown? were al lowed, Yule, of Fordham, and Frwig, o N. V. I'., probably would have r?gis fereil tallies in a real game. Uotl 'earn-? were decidedly weak on the de feasive. Reilly made several shifts ii the line to try to remedy this. Sonier ? nd Sokolower w??rked at right tnckh ?nd centre on the offence, hut wer *hift??<! to centre and right guard oi the defence. House was choBged ?vitl the ?ame end in view from ceatTS tl right guard Vaughn u?ed a number of ?ubsti 'ate?, while Reilly used only one Vaughn made a shift in the wing posi ?ions. Canklin playing right and whil? Corriden worked w-ei? at lofl end. Ren ?on ployed in place of Kane at righ guard, Tin? is the first time that Fordhan r.n?l N. V. C. have met in any sport foi a number of years. N. Y. ('. wil scrimmage at Fonlham next Wedne? day. LAFAYETTE MARCHES TO AN EASY VICTORY Outplays Delaware State Kleven in Game .Marked by l.oni; Runs. ? lia T- e,., ? -? . - ] Eastoa, I'enn., Oct. M In a mid week game played in hoaor ?>f Or. John Henry Mnc'racken, Lafayette defc-'od ?'-la.vare State on March Field this sfterooon ?y a score of 81 to 0. The Lafavetto team entployed Deia warefron i i tart. Lang ron. through a broken ricld, in spite of ?he fact that the ground was slippery, were features of *he game. Two of Lafayette's touch? downs were made OB lot.g forward M MS over ths goal line. \\ elilon and Taylor mad- ths llrsl play of this soft and Taylor and Blackbars the econd. Ths iir.e-up follow.: I _,'? It* ill). I_U??r? K| irn .!.. _, .PU 1. - . .1. . . - U?l,r ?. tea . u . . v .? i Iluminen . It. .v. I ?n . H K. . . . n. r i lenee i "ni .'?? I li Brat? n . .It. -I ii i'.i , , i. - .. ?- n i.'., 7 I ? . !_;?. Ta; r We Sea, BUI II a, a . . ' Nul >'t- l'e. la-. ? ? D a_MI 1 r r ,e to im , - ,' , I ..- ? r I _k. ?:?). , r ' .,, I ,i I,.a . '?i... ,. w,, f .- Sn_f_. I arria ? . Mi .'. .'."i* f, | liar- , I? .- i ? " l'a ? 'fer Kl i. ? -Manee fe? " i'? _ ___.?? Utmeii. _f ?->_e_he - Elegie? ,.f l'ei.i ??:??ala Ui.aii.aj. Pitee, of (--?rtrioaor?. T?a?? of ?Tan __-.-?._ *?__. COLUMBIA TEAM IN SECRET DR?L! Injury to Stover Compel Metcalf to Rearrange His Line-up. .??4rre? practice, the Brat that Ne'.?. Metcalf has ordere?), arai 'he da) programme at Columbia yesterdsy a ?ernoon. With the IXCeptiOB of Pi. Stover, the quarterback arhooe ahoald wa? ?o badly wreoehed Bear the clo of th? scrimmage with Wow York I'r rorsitf OB I 7?-. prevent h playing 'or more thin a fortnight, tl entire Blue sb I White ?quad c.n through ?he tttssls with 'he ?earn fro University H liahta in good eonditio Sto-.-er'? injury, however, has <'?r polled Metcalf to mak ? a eompletc 1 arroagemen! of *;i" eleven, and h en undecided Isat night as to last ho ?he team would line up in th" gan ; .. re ?-?? on S tut da ? H chief worry is over the quarterbai With Stover out anil Mil. not in the best of condition beesnse 1 a had kne". he ?VI - for? d to ? | perimenting yesterday, and tried B1 Krkey ('?..,1er Si quarter. Th'i? ihift of Colder from left e? necessitated the revampim: of I side of ?h<- lioe, Healey moved I 0 tackle to end. Kennedy moved si ?r from gusrd to tackle, und Vbb -If* Bf tar, who ha? be??n guard on the leeon el"ven, went to left guard on the Va ?Ity. ?"aider ran the iMB. Wall, hi not up ?o the itaadard atrt by M 11? and Stover, and it is certain thar Me calf m ;1 use l-.:m ?o direct rhe slave only in the even' of Miller'l h.-ing Bl nble to ?day. There were po chlltiir? :n rhe rirht p-de of ?be line nor I the hacktield. ('?*,*'ain SitOOttda wi iiiiab'" to don hi? uniform ami ?Vitbu 'he giant tackle who ihowed m we eirlv m the week, ?a? no' out. ei?be Although the gnte? wore cln?e,| tl no undergradiutea wer" allowed bb th fi"!d. r!ie bars tepe not up for new paper men. and Metcalf explain.-d th? the chief reason for haviag the prrw tice in semi-secrecy was to keep th crow?ls of the field vt play, Mmethin ?hat ha?n't b?"n isna ever luccesi fully. Paul *tv*lthington, the old llarvar ?tar, gave the line men Individual in ?tru.-tion in charging, while ?'liarle lliinn, Ike Telfer. antl the rast of th corp? of coaches holped with the back field. The workout consi ted of ||| nal drill and wouml up with a ?hor drill in handling pun??. The Vsrsity team !;ned -m a? fo1 Iowa; Healey, left .-ml: lef tackle; Van de Water. ' ?ft Brown, eontro; Cleveland, ? eht guard Doaald ob, right toekls; Buermeyei right "ml: ('alder, quarterback; Mans bach. !,.?'? halfback: -tVatMtOB, rf?fll halfback; I.ittauer, fallback. 'iayor John Purrov Mitehol. i? wr announced at Columbia yesferday. wil oeeupv a box a*, all of Columbia*! foot hall 1;.irre? on South PH ?Id rh s fall The Mayor wa? graduate?! from Colum bin it*. IStn, and ?va? m -?.r?lent foot ball rooter a? ?in naderirradoate, Whs the game ?,???. abolished h?? w-?? aligne w|tl thst f?-?;oi of the alumni ?vh'c1 took bb nc?fve ?tnnd in oppo? ? foeul - decree. When the crnie arai -???or-.i lea? ?nri-g he wa? one of th' Irst o voles Ma approvol, ami hii ?- ha? been ?o purchase a ho*, "or -1! ?he ;.-ir*."!. "We wante I football, end we ln?i?t e.': on gettir - football We have foot I all BRuls r.ow 'et's support foot boll." Th*? ?? the text of a message which ?very Colombia grodoats ha? received from 'h?, l'r- i?'erslty Alumn' A??ocia tion this '"i-ai tad already the OB? mand for tickets ha? be^n ?o rre.r for the opealag gume a? to thraateti "he ?v.-anining of South Field i:nd?r ?en ?bou??"?d spectators The Rarlv Rightist will attend In a hotly with it? hand. Kiviat and Smith May Know Their Fate Tonight Po?roe C. Camphel!, hnndicapper, of Troy, will be the chief witne?? to-nigh? in th.?* laveatigstloB of the charge.? against Abel P.. Kiviat a id Harry J. Smith, in the club rooms of the Amirl can hxprcss Kmploye-t' Athletic Asso? ciation, a* H7 Mi.dison Avenue. < ampbell ha? notified the registra? tion committee that he will be on hand I to go on the itand. RAIN AND MUD CUTS SHORT A HARVARDDRIVE Fnri?rht ?n Signal Drill,bu4 Whitney Takes His Place in the Scrimmage. f ? '. ? ? dg> . Ma?. , lie*. >t) Hsr rard'S ?r.'.r-.pated mid-week footbt.l ?, wa? or ths card for ? ' rreptsi b*. ' ? ? r,?r\ ', - Uttri SCl ?*.??),? player, the baar-bil! ese?, aB? ,.-. bei ss Stua? on v . da Ii the ?ign? - ? ?,, .fc ths bsckffeld snd ri '.rough th? playt. Iviisble, bowsem; foi lim to t?*"- f.7-.'- with th* treaeheroui footing In the Stadium, when *v.i- ? into the' scrimmage aga;- - ? < rob Whitney ? a- n "r e v'i.r - Km? m_ ?' ' ???-! A*. . I *ot mi.? The regulir?, pn>.ct: rt tie ?or nell _am?- icers *v._ by a against 'ne second el*.*., attack were bo! ? * ; iei ee of Minet, the ' ig hack of several ?easons ago. The scrub, with the Cornell style ?f ???_.'_. made a lot of ground sgainet RoBghtOfl's first ?*r;ng players, bit ? unable to ero?? the go?! line, al .??i they came mighty close. ? ? ; ws in the baekfcl. sften oon, the <* ?re that Horv ? '*.-r* *'r.e ("ornell gam* ii ' order to sdd weijh' to th* back_?li He is n trim, end a little more work to-morrow will help considerably. R. Curtis was si left tackle to-day. ?nd last : ??_'? subetitut? ??_ likely t? nsl th? :*'-.aear,s, althouib on surely will get into th* gam? it ' .me. SS was at ??uarter. and looki ind .ore I ke a AxtBIB, Hirt? -low ?s back in the gam*, ind Big? 1? he worked st |s__ni, handl-d ? r than at tackle. The 'earn has not gives up hopas of - -. rvieei of Willie*, list t. The ( rimsos feels th?t u!?1 be allowed to play, in. not ne oarr'l becaos* of his football ?vierience in Csli Harvard, however, ii willing ? the matter in the hsndi ef . sic snd Princeton, bot no objection t? tying '.? expected from t quarter. II be a real day. work for - to-morrow, and this even if cofldit ate no better than they w*n to day. Cornell Forwards Get Long Defensive Drill pre*. ?-;?'. t- ?.-? ; Iths ?'. N V . Oel M. Prsstiss for arsity this afternoon vu m ids up largely of defensive work. After ? thorough drill in the fund? mentais the ball wai given to th* ms> ond *'-;.:n on the 'varsity'i 10-yird !i_? for touchdown af* I n, show Ing tha' 'he t'orrell defence was n?t ?he mark. irimmsgs wss mostly for tin foi ward is I tt_ *.?_o_. nee arork hollowing thn drill Sll three teams took part in a .?nippy ? ths moonlight. ' I rss back a' left tackle infl hroke up many of the scrub play? ___? t .n and Eekley wer? an the ends. In the off,.naive wo?r'_ of the ?_r_k Hoffman, at halfback.' -*.irrer|. miking some line plunges which ?hittered th? Varsity's dof BOYS' HIGH SOCCER TEAM AIDS ERASMUS Scores Two Goals for Oppo? nents in Lea .ue Match. Boys' High School bowed to EnsB-S. in s championship game ?f the HilH Si-h??nt Soccer Leagu* at Prospect Pir_ laj afternoon by s >cor? of "> ??i ". Tws ?' ' IBS _r?t half snd ?hree in th* leeoad ?f tM pom*< scored, however, two ?er* put the ret b-, men f the Bot?' ? the gam? reialt*. : art ef Eras? mus. MePhee, the Erasmus ciptiin, made th? trv for goal, and th* b.'. though intercepted by Resigsi. ?f*?"* r- med off that player into th* soil. H thin five minute? of time, following a corner kick bj Da? ' ???.on? of the Boys' High h_._s. sent th? bill into his own goal R .;:?. .) tea I ? ?>__? '" ,, H??n? i -? .n i< ***>''*!** I II '*????* I! || l'*"fr__ i'-1- ????? .Jiiz \? ,-r " II V-l'.x ??. ' ? ?* ' " i 92 I. ,1 .- ? **?' Iterant I I M I ? .... I of. H ?em? it, ter-e I. Brr_n ?Vn'ral Y M C A Im*" - _ ! W .. ? . ? ???-?<_ ? ?? He! ?n l'i.r.-i H . II-? !-- ' ' ?I--? ********* ... \i- . ii?'_ -i x> tmomtt. 1 he 'irs* game m the 0. _L F. A. tut tie ?enes for the National -h-llsSSS trophy ployed m thl? viciait] will ism place next Sunday st Marquette O??. Itiooklvn. between the Clan McPonil? and New York Hibernian!. Entries for To-day at Laurel Track r rater R_CS-a___si i?? i? ?ia ?? **' m *?? , - art .m.? ,l Bob Itet-ell IN aft?*? C" 12 er Stelwarf I. ?Seattla Kn'.I1-' JJ I.. ,v Atkln 1ST ?Mr? '???* 2 ? ?j . ivaa J 4 *?*:. Up ' ? "2 ! .-.. It| t<- !'"__?r # ?King rn?,-en ... It- ?Bar?/ BlacBoaas...? r-er IOS , ... r _ < th-* raw v,a? *** ?" -..--. I-? ami ? I ?? tO , i.nel ?vok .. II? ?I-., tanier-JZ Herl .11? ?l-eur? .' lim !. ._.11? ...?nil .S !U-?_n . Ill Nathan B .. .+? l.^n Her . I'* ?Martin r*er* .X tlaiwa . li- Oevll Vieh 2 Kar?1eroeero? . Ill ?He<._gT?P_ .?*** t.llr Orme .l!l . nil'il? HAIE Uellln? ?!>.?. r?ar ?"'I* ***** i lit f.rloe?? ?jl C?nt? . 1? H?>?er <rf>r*.c.n JJ Inn . 11? ?Jim ****** ' m Induction .?1? ?Vi ?y .me . ?e . Ill Ml .?'rel .ft ni ilnaan? .n? "Boesi 'm Selon .HI "??..?ir . S Hermu.lln .1U ?*>i_ Ho? ^ i'oiitu b_?t, -HS aan aa?BJC-f;??Sj ??...I: !__- n?t elda ?_. up?_r?. ???* una ...i!? mUea ?_ fchert '','?-_111 A-ll? M .g r;e F-int? .111 Wille Hal"?**-*y ?,_i_?r .10? TaeHea "A'io KUTH IUCB- -kllini tit?? l?*'*'* *** i-.? mil. ?il ?e. an -?"*? sa ' R*\-ourn .118 ?'M Br.-em .-g i ?A-nbroe. .ios *Jeas? lasas. I ?Per-ner . IOS cm *m SIXTll HA' B _?>!_? (free ???/ ?l-** *"? ' "?? 'k m 'M ... I -. ,r i?n ?I 112 ?Ml? M?** - M ? '? Ht Solon . m* Mie? rovaneufh ni ._it>hu??a . *% lleenreet . Ill ?Siiif?"?**? **J? I ?l-uther .HS.SlnsI?1?? . I *_>i_-u. a._??_ija ?__SSi