Newspaper Page Text
"Xht? Wages ?of Summer Baseball is Death to Marvy a College Star ???Shot club holds golf tilt ON TWO COURSES ?rjowle* Carries Off Hon? ors on Rock ami ' i I Inks fjjD ( \PTURES THE " dill 1 NET PRIZE 5 ?-t Eatry ! ixture. ? : | Kock ? on the In? for Yale at ? ? carry . i ? ? - en vu ? ? t? vai ? Trow , '. A. 1. ? ? - with a -. ? ? ? - ? ? ,- ? ? ? . ? . ' ' L>.e i. a^. may : ' .-?? I ? ; t a ? 1.: . - I - I. * ? ? ? ' ? WESTPORT Cui? COH*ECT VUT'*-Wav 8HAHL *A-? " <-oemtns T?o-r m r It'i a a lt-"'t1*\ m"^'^m.)<_mtf Two Backs of Dartmouth Team Duhamel and Gerrish. Wilson Quits Commerce Football Squad in Huff Lot*?* of Fullback Anc Handicap for the Tean Clinton Eleven Show. Steady Improvement. ? Cann wai the the all tenm rVilaoi ?. ma ? a rushing back, bos quit team ? , Isogroi Blaklnd, the head coach, one r??..- -, pi snothsr, Bisttad .-on from ti e bacufle? avor of ? larters, <ir< f an?. and ter, the tried to i. ? D? tea la working a ? Itvll ? , . rti fr??m ( the Red and Black indi n unded, poa ? ? ? u?ual ?tardar-,I. ! Hooka (inn I] > ? ? - - a ? Commtrei on 'i ? . . Ted ! : Training E ton by the '. York Military Academ] ' u even In defeat It ihow? tione of great power, quarterbacK, !? or,e of the mo?t li) looking youngster, ?ten in ?orne ti end will le board from before the I ion li over. Ted faddell, the tackle on the 1 gO tool |l playing hi? u?ual g? and bracing h il al la of the line. T low'l range I? wide and hie grossivenesi carriea him through .- a play bet. -e it fret? i .1er way, Moore, al?o of Pav Itidre, li on1.? t he's a migl ? Prasri wna of high grade, and be ?cored < of the M arson'a two touchdown?. It '? ?aid that ?conta from ?eve rea Bl er the work ng, the centro of v?nual Tra ? -.. ' ? ? ? a* Commer hue a ? ? been do1 ? . ... af a,-e, y.t he ? la physique and game a? th come. Babe *,?. ? ?.. formerly of r?e Wi si, BOW plavi' r? rsity, i? ??o attainli At last r ? ? ?. . : only M4 pound? ar r.e? in heigh? Duteh fsehlaohtor, the sao-tlms Baal playing 1 -? .? ? it ?? big a? V. | ??. SULLIVAN MEMORIAL GAMES POSTPONEI Newark Track and Hold Mee To Be Held on November 7. The Newark Jarnei E. Sullivan Me morial track and Bold gnme? will b held at the Newark Federal Leagu. bi?.eball ground, on Sunday, 7. lasteod of Election Day, a? fr?t an nounced. Patrie? T. Power?, par owner of the Newark Fed?; John F '?'liara, cl I - i-imittee anc Frederick W 1 lb ? n, w i o are member? of '.!?? ? ? e, bave an moatery ticket? isd. ?? be made to obtain the sorvicos of a number of champ??,r ? of the I.:?-'.. m- tel ?I ? already having Mat t? rod th, 1 "in Haipin a...<! Joe H .-. ' er?. The programme ? *?ed of hard?. - race, one ?pec la. i.. ? d tu -, wa? tt u I Handicap, race?, 100, one mile , . . ,; ftiiir u...e r.i] sad Itandlag high jump, and all aU V -l*M ?t ?.?aal. laaJVWllag <A.l?al?UUtlla. QUANDARY OVER HORSE SHOW CU1 Canadian Challenge Tro phy Cannot Be Found as Fixture Nears. Hows that the Canadian Cv I Cup. one of the most valuable ti of the Nntional Horse Show, ha?, lost through the war in Europe Is caui n to offlciali of the Ni tional Horse Show Associatioa, I ? i.irie army officers baviag , . ? Red I eompete tot the trophy which ?1,1. Nomination? have been r. , from cavalry poatl all tr.e wa i'rom New Vors to Arizona, i.nd ri, ? ? - a a auandai y i bal thi a 'P?l. 1 D lowing the foil i - of l ird I'ecie to send it from England, a direct ar, t ?I : SOB forwarded to th ?' e for li formation cor cernli.K thi press?t a I irai boats c ? ant Baroa nc- Meiloa, the las winnei of th? cup. The perturbation o - - .abilit top the prise - d feel. While Prance, Holland. Pelgiun ds snd K: gland havi , omp? ' ? loni for th ai >;e i up m other yean the I ? ISBSOB are for I ?..- a ant all American. The lit I sited StatOa ( avalry, from Fort Ogle thorpe. (,a., will ?end eleven mounte horsemen, including Colonel J, Lock? tr Lioutenaot Colonel Henry T. Allen Major S. D. Kockenbaok, Captain! A N McClure and Frank Parker, an. Lieutenant! H. L. Flyr.n, H. S. Be , J A. Pearson and W. P Jeme,-an Captain K. R, Wallach, of the lOtl Cavalry, li eomlaoj all tas era; Furt Huachuca, Arliona, to eompete ..-.> h run West Point Wul , . n? R, Q, Alexand?-r arid 1?. C Card. Captain (.ordon John?tonf o Governor'i l?!and, und Capta::. \'. ell, of the (?enera! Staff in Wash ., are ottlceri of the r> | fcimy who hav. entries for th? lost trophy. The National (?uard o: New York, New Jersey and Kl.uda Ifcl and will be i.'presented. Riverside Tennis Club Wins Match The !?>wn 'erinis playeri sf ti." Rlv erside TobbIi ClttB, of Kiogabridge led the team of the Mi 'leur,is Club, of Weit New Brighton lalsno, on Sunday, in an inter club tournament, by a acore i II to none. gloa Th.mpaon defeated Hull II .'. I 4, n'i oanof defeated Heatb M, M, 11 P; French defeated Bedir.ghau?. C 1, 6 -4. Ilouble? Thompson and French dt feated Heath and Bedinghau?, | 1 6 4; P.eese and Howard defeated Hull and Cave, 6 I, 6 3. The fouith annual lawn tour ? mi ..t of the PaaTBuMe Tennl. club, of I ... I lib, was finished on Sunday, when \V. B. Wild anil Mortimer N. Johnson defeated B. I1 France and W. N ': Lean by a ?core of 6- 2, ? 4, the r team work offsottiog the ladivi lual ancy of the oppoung pair. Ri I Wlliofl won the club championship in the ?infle? by defeating J. OgdOB Holly at 0 0, 6 1, 7 6. Fawn Tennis Tilt On at Columbia G. Jame?, a ?ophomore, defeated (1 | her.yen in a Spirited match in the first round of the Colombia 1'r.iver.irv lawn tenu;? championship tournament yeaterday. Jame? played a brilliant game and defeated hi? more experienced opponent first I ??: '1 H I' 0 !'?r ?ls/aita-l A H I'*" a, i | ; ii ll.p, ?.;, ap,t ' A ?fSMr. - ! r I ? s u I' ? liai J I . - -t t 1 ? a a a - ' ' K ? ? S t * * I ' I - Itarj ?? .. ? " * at. T Dai ? :?'??? ' H : M th-a'ar ' '??ti , , . j e i il m. .. ? .i j r ??, ' ??? - W J Mai ri . . i J C l\ete. a il i a ; ? i i. a i ? l. ? - ? : AtmSt't t* I. _ fc rt a -ssmte at wewas. j? atwa?% t-a, t-o? HOW REFEREE SAVED COFFEY FROM INJURY Boxer Out on His I cot \\ hen Bou. Came to an End, T'- ? wnvs of a man a * ? borOS msy he .-.,,- ? II ' box? ing : um is win libsoB, : .': . thi 1 sos i led Dub woe still smltl bis man hsd '??d by - . I S| 1 in and ? It Is ths ' many thi' Bill n i out. of the reii-.' M thl But to grai t, fi sako ef argument, that '?t * apaed 'inair.s that % B] Hi rroui sad incai .... had .'?' i.tion, : ' ? e heat that ? ? 1 to go on uni .it out that ! 1 ' - in Co Ihe WOB ' ubi? to I ths tins in ths si ..-.-. to bis tion ?* the I imane ? to stop a | the other li I Jured. Al more : m, when ? . lly for him and for boxing In thi? ?-ta*?. When grais ha? grown, ever- 7 hen.-,, pr?s?-,- person is hav? ing 0 fis or ?11 that, the y was pres7ig*d I Reich and Jim Flj on. Hi -? 01 that he lucked the ? '.'ke a punch on the chin, but .gains' particular men he was saved by circum s tances. Fam? Is fleeting, and to be a public ? ' ? gunr ! ? the foight, me bve ?" Why, Coffej d r? ed 1 bs I tell knows 11 L "Oh, H?y," com ths passenger, "V'-run knocked bina out la three rounds." ?'.i. roe rounds," repeated the guard, dully. ""-A never could fight." Frntkie ! - ?Terse] ? sr ol ' t?-n i Dute- B tan. Young Mike Donovan, ?on of the former r, I mpiofl of America, m '?: OBI? litl 1 WBS ' , rat? the rank ? ? . of El tsi ? meet St thl D01 public SB] I : ,:.?. lie || -. d only ii toi ft bottle which ?aha eraellj It was '.he nov? ice against the ma?ter mechanic, _nd ths Bl Ps ' young Mike with greatest ease. In the mind? of th? boxing enthusiasts at the time, rificed to th? ambi? tion? of an I manager. The 1 .'"1 teveral s thai place, aad I'onovan h_? p careful training. He has been working si del en of his fother, at.d It is sold that he has leurned much of '.he iore of the ring. He Intends te re-establish himself in the middleweight lleve? that the ex cowpunctier will pro\e an easy \I Tlatt?ng I.evlt - --oa? glove? for 7 ?? Main?, 1 ', I lows Of ? 1 ? n'e per gs .. I Ith his ? ? . the ring ?.: I rest I Ites, ?nd then re tur i ito 1 roundi Hilly r.ibaon announced last night Charley Weinort, of Ne Jock " ? ells hops wri-cker, will 1 ?' M lison Square en on 1 * **- time mea met ? ? s in m two Jim Savage n- MeMahofl are to meet ?; the An ? orting match w?? -her I, ? 1'illon V,', match. Al McCoy, who insists he >? th? be-*, of th? lg ( lull or. ' Tan .;_.., the world'? th s chal to wres* e George Bothner again. ind 1 1 the Amer can in en hour. He gamed one fall. ?.- d Bothner ? rales thst 1 ? 11 Miyu, ? hosreier, ?h. r?geme- - Bothner won. and hid the full time been BSOd h? Il lists f- wool i hav. won. ? m Yale Freshmen eTam Chooses a Captain I ? Ir a,--. -? 1 New HaVi ..?A rford, of 1 w?. rapt 1 I ? EaotOf tor two t._a-i.i _?_.!. _? e_ laxad a ____ BAN JOHNSON CALLS ALL-STAR TEAM A JOKE Says American League Will Pul Foot Down on Barnstorming Trips. Pr JEROME HEV1TY. ? ?on in. never Bgail '?-.:.. k!--. pern.:??!ori f r a barnit : ? J.?hn?on"s Ire ws? ?r >ussd yei ? aai team which lef* ? ? ? ? ? the t ?', tifio i c^llt 'h? Amorieas I i : .on game. ' ? he sal il too much . I am st .1 tOraat In hasel.all i , -., ? ? of lnci-ea-in? the quantity and Bg the qur.. "Nothing like a repre?en'ative team hai been ; ..: e that of the ? '.... ; . ,-. -.-.. Amei li ? ' Jake Ds ?' '. Jeff , Lev ? ?nder. ? II billed to re? an L? '? ? ? . : . ? ' ? ' ,' : I ?. ?v? the player? perml? trip, which been officially sounteBOnood tional Commission, " - Johoi - B ? hovs I rd time ..oing New \; rk fan? has b? a The Vr,- ' nr? have anr.oi 'Ontrnct ha? a. ? ? -> and ? America * I neteen nu-'l m ;, n Mill . rare sad why, of all ? 186 Canadian ?rs in 80*. Inn'.nir? and . ktl lie played l?verai game! in *.!.e ? ? ? ' , I '" pOUfldl ?:.,'. ? '".Id. In New Jersey, where 'he ?urTrag!?'? . Yor?, , p'.aolnetHoi thrdluihralu. Which ihowi yea can tell. | Bodie ha? ?tolen nearly for'y l,asea In v . ?'. ..* League to ? sod the f- .. ?'?;? i ? ? i st yet t adc 1. There must be lome*.. mate, after all. -,,mlao? to he a fine wir U - dream . : a long pull at ? I I 1 ' J. McQraw v ' . I it? had bought the club bll id ?uriied in hi? re? IgnatIon to the (?iiint?. NEW YORK PAIR WINS ON COUPTS .Miss Pcmo and Preiticc Spring Surprise at I.awn Tennis. | n. ltaBstaaB ?/> V . r-1 Hot k .-?. Va., Oct. 20 Marion Ferino, of BostOB, and Ht:.or, B. Prentice, of Now fork, won the mix.-d doubles ehomplonsblp yea i ..? annual invitation lawn * tournament of the Country ( luh, ,?e i? Mlaa Eleanor? * i '.?ton, a, by a l The result of the match came a? a large ? ?' , an I Mr ? ?idle. The losen started out a? though they were gopr ? I match ' ? ? ' ur game? in ? r' could the tide. Thereafter tl I ' oat of position HARRY S. H?RKNESS BUYS SPEEDY AUTO Bob Burman to Drive famous Blitzen Ben/ on EledlOl Day. Harry B, BsTBUl M, pi ' -thed all WOI : ?-nthuiiaita may 1?.? . car whirl arou - ? 120 mile? ar. hour. Mr. il. r'r.r.c? purchased the car . S A i turn it over to ?tr.d make ready foi the roes Day 'hat the Blitzen - p ear or. A; 1911 . Beach, be i ? - H at a rate far fa?ter than * .7 The I0n-mi!e race ?rill I>ario Pesta, J, : A :? . I : ar d ISVI I UOB BUM t fc ? I Cohrn Wim By O.i- P.-int. each ' gam. of the bandies * ? with l.uuie oanawu-f aigu ruui o? a --* ?*? e ?hk ipornig & Gmntl?n? Wee we Wonder. Shnkeepeare nei *<r .__ to H-rife St af about a p?me; ? r penned a fight Or h>>:rJ of Wi?artTt name; '*._ ?.'?);)?, ays on tha job, i r h*ard of "dope," f Cobb. fin tr*> rf f. epin Poem, on Moran; ? r doped the l'hxln to ti in ??'rom th'* - -i elan; Shakespeare never ? -j "So. ' it with t '*??? I ' ; H''-, i if _T___.S th.;- is te_f // ?< stun was .?reffy pood. An smateur, la this )aonty commonwealth of our?, still appear? to b? ?. y guy who can g?t away with it. Ilr: 7 fOB gel hot what you can get by with that ei'ab lishcs tl ?bout nias case? out of eleven. ?i ? Lirrv Le Ciore. The ca?e of Harry Le Core and the four other Vale athlef? I? a striking 'led It of a similar case before. No one charges that I.e Gore i? Is any sense a professional at heart. It isn't charged that h* r? ,- ?tvod any money He merely received hi? board for a -I.ort period until he discovered that he we? violating a university rule, and for the rest of the per.'.-'. :e paid hi? expense? for the pleasure of playing a game he liked. Le 'lore, knowing the ways of oar araate.r rule guardians, ihould have moro carefully I * b?fete he was wil'ing to ?ccept an unpaid for ef bncon or a brace of eggs. He didn't so he Is a profess onal wh?re ? ?re gettli - _.!e out of the gerne through an ethletle ability that mnkee their written article? worth while. I he Amateur Problem. Ws .?ve beer, groplr.g with th's amateur problem for ? long while without | ar.ywhere with It Perhaps It Is besaase we are handling It in an ?m?teur way, where It 1? worth ths best servie?? of a professional. Th?re have been any number of amateur? In thl? country In ?r?ry line of sport who have mad? money out of their athletic ?bllltlea- out of their connec? tion with certain pastime?. Mo?t of these ?re ?till amateur?. And a good many of them are among the beet amateurs we have, In ?o far a? ? is concerned. In ?pite of which five Tale men ?re branded a? provisional?, whin th?y have never rer-ived as much ai 80 c?nt? for their ser. ice?. 1.ike? England. "We should hare our amateur rules and regulation? patterned after the English system," writes a contemporary ?cribe, "where they have a well estah ' system." Quite so. As in ths <*as? of one of their leading amateur golfers who re? ceive? $2,500 a year for playing with a certain brand of golf ball. There 1? also something to be said against I?e Gore and his four mate?. Knowing, aa we remarked before, the intricate way? of our amateurism, they should have made it their business to find out exactly what the rule was and then fi ' they cared to play under a Yale flag. Cornell and Harvard. Cornell, under the Ir.structorship of Al Sharpe, ha? been coming forwerd more rapidly in football than she ha? received credit for. Cornell hasn't yet reached the football height that her track and crew le? gions have gained, but she has been well upon the way for some time, So Cor ,. | toast B hi th] satsids chance to b?at Harvard, and even in Invader? are repulsed the battis is almost sure to be a close one too i .msofl comfort. And If Cornell should win there would, of course, be no Jubilation at ail arouud Ann Arbor, Mich., where Cornell comes later on for the big 1. ?me game of the Wolverine year. These fellow? who are getting ?oaked for alleged professionalism should adopt old Hughey Fullerton*? ?y?tem. "If they paid m? $10,000 a year for play? ing golf," ?ayi Hughey, "it wouldn't make m? a provisional golfer. Nor ar.y 1 art of one." M.ixims of the Winter League. The magn.ite that keepeth hi? face cloeed tightly from October to April Is rarer than he that a world ?eriea. Ihe umpire may have no blltsfnl extatence up to October, but we'd like to trade Jr.l?t ??tth him from now until April 14th. Now come? along Prof. W. Tnmbull, who after looking up on two shot? OS plaiatlee melody entitled "I didn't ralie my head to Ifer." '?y, amateur sys'err. \n this country, anyway?" write? Fll '09. There isn't any. We have a:r. iteBf r-.'es but no amateur ?yst?m. Qioth the Raven "Lost L? flore. De Oro Increases Lead In Billiards Tourney Runs Out Block in Seventy four Innings, B<*ating Sloa son, Who Fares Badly in Match. By FKKI) HAWTIlttPNE Ufa*r?d B/he BUBOiaal ? ? world'? championship Util 41| | asome dettnitel] Ism Rasp, of Chicago who won the thi hioa billiard rge Moor", B, increa.ed hi? lead evei Lfl tho match Bt Doylo'l Billiard A ? -r-.y lait r. . De Oro ran out hi. block of Pi patata ? e seventy fourth while the '. A^ ? sames a 41 ? ? . *? re?. ? ? " raj . a pointa I .... m iba i al th? g.roe want Si-Joel a.--. \__n eilex Umm _a brought off brilliant ?hot?, only to find himself confronted by ?lmoet lmpo_ ? - ipa on his next attempt, m.d resetted In his ? many mi??e?. More than once, too, Slo??on ?he balls around the table in ?en SBtional st;,. making th? point bl a half's breadth Accustomed to the ? i.'l Stroke used in balk line ?he voteras failed to obtain the ;?h necessary in the three _ game, ?r. 1 this proved costly in more than one Instance. I?e Oro plodded along steadily, con? tent to hold the advantage he started with, and taking chancel only when .hie opportunities presented til.?. The lead alternated up to the sixty-rir?t inning, when the ch?m a run of ?'! point?, went into a lead that he never relinquished, sdd g another cluster of 3 and then a pr-'.'.y 6 in the eixty-slxth and ??xty ?eventh frame?. In hi? last four time? ?? bs table the Cub?n ?cored each time, while Slosson could get only a single point. Those who know ?he fighting finishes thai alwtys mark Siosson's work are ? g forward to some sensational p'av in the last two blocks of rilay to i ighl sad ' nurrow n.ght, when th? veteran i? e*. . .. _ to ...___? bio bid lo* -A? .?__. BACK BAY WINS IN THE MUD AT LAUREL TRACK Keen Finishes Despite the Sloppy Going in Sev? eral Races. [Ft T?'?.ra?*l ta? The M ?1 T.a-i-e'. *.:.;, ' -a . | ther rolo ,.,?. .... . , ._. ,. ..?,,-,[ into a ?loppy cor. | o ?lay that reeul tod rat ? rh le did BOt pr- - * i- ? 1 | ! ? h g crawl vit on hand. The best raee. or. progn wa? a affair, and it root 1 PotOC Sheridan'! good iprinter. Hack Hay, wir.n.r .f the lau? rel Handicap the ; ?? .- '???.. i here wa. s . ? of h.i ability to last I dioteOOO, hit he forced ail t!ie pr?i-e, s * a. in hand to beat Dr. J. B. Ijree'i Her bert Temple. fecor.d in Imp rtsaeo on 'h? card wa? a five ar.d a half forloog ha-.d.cap for two year olds, si i ? Arthur ?. Pro blbltlon, a soit that raced for Ci'.ffor.l A I the ???.on, wa. r II slag Jame? ? un a end, quit utterly in the last fui | f the ?f'err.oon earr.? I I a quarte I ?' ?.!.?? pre a? BOt After the rac? lier. ' tte I ir 01 ? 11,10?), st ? :,,Vire be -? I - -i ?.-?..1.- r-->1. ? I I th It I to;;!.er .1. ! , ei (,.??? g ? war.l for I i :i : a* II..'. ??:.a. ' ' ?'? ? ' ? dent of the Juanz Jockey Club, I day that he iii.'* ;f'.. .pa-. 4 I with the Currar:a adm?: tion in M? ?leo thll ? 'er. It wa? publlahed tl .- nloralrig that the newly recog: ? would ? ? The ? a follow: ? a . . -, ?? ".. s t s r-a ?tin. w> is : ?t , ? . ? ? - , ? . \ ..a. . -a- , ??i ... a ? a ? a .?... ?l ... . i. ' ? ! ? ? ? ?v. f, ..-?:? -i . ? i: -o ' P..? a ' . t , a ' 8 -.8 Hi a 1 a . . ; I' ..a ?It . .. ? . ? it -.-all...-. a ?',''' -a I I ?? ? ? a . . I ? < ? ? a -. -. a ? . . . - . . ? ?? ; i - ??er f two ?* i ? . I<- H " ' ? - I. by a lar.?! ? r a.- 1 > I a--- <? ? ' ? t I : A'.'.* II . . a" ?. . ' Tla I a - , a r ? : : ? . ?. , , , a i ? } ' pa a 111 ?? ' I? I v, 1 S '1 I'm nt ? ? ! . '. I t 4 -? '.- S I 8(88 - 8 ? ?. I B? s - f ? ? a '. a . ' Ten I. ? - ? i half W ItS II i I. 4,l8.( -Uli '? U ' ' I! t s ... ' ? a fall Bark liar, itralfl ? II? ,v?. ? . p a a M TI So third n. U .- a a Tin*! rse? i?'l*t fm ttins. js?r !? a ' wsp'I, ? ' ? a ' a . i'a? :'. -Tas? If IHsia.1, . vi , - : ??.??Ik 1 ? ? -? -a ..-?. la . ? . i I '.'.. a...I Tain.- ? it a - ? ? -I r a ? 1 ' ? M I'M I. ..??.?r, p ses. j? . It ! ? ? ? - Blllh ra ? ,? . . ' a- ?M? a ?arda, mil? ar.d a , * ? I? I- ??'* 7 ? *? : ? ... . ? , llajtai. I ? tl .a - I ? 1 I 1 ! ? ,:. - ? ? ? Williams Toys with the Freshmen F.leven ,... ? iBetMaoa] WUllomstotra, Ma??. Oct M The WUIIami football team seorod fear ? 'nag. the freahm? i. AI? though th i fi ' a ?trori?; <!? fence sgs - lloro, the 1:? SraSS ill "P poner.' ? ' , I ? ? U ? sd line ?1. .1 A Wt : ' renlaced Captain Tom kir.? a' ' I took the quarterback poaltiOB *'? plaved full. Fred Haly. the -, ha? introduced a new ?et of formation? which lav more empha?i? on th? open Style of Bio?. After the 'varaity na.I .MsrimOMgod fof ">'r an hour, thev ran through a ?hor* ? dr.11 ir, the du?k, which ci. .u'ed the day'? practice. There are cutaway* and cut awatvs. There's the kind that you have made at a custom tailor's at fabulous prices. Then there's our kind?same materials, same satisfactory fit? but the price is much less. On. anil t?i bottonad cutewere. braidad. black and dark oiforde, etrlp?d trouasrs Then there's our "Pedestrian" shoe. A prominent orthopedic eMt geon says that it's the right shoo for 85 ' ? of men. Every th ng men and boy? wear. Ro?,rns Per Com??bMI Brosdway Broadway st 13th St. "The .it 34th St Four Broadway Cornera" Fifth Ave. st Warren at 41st St