Newspaper Page Text
MATRIMONY TAX URGED TO CHECK CLIMBING RATES Professor Johnson Blames Large Families for Pres? ent Burdens and War. LEVIES ON INCOMES LOSING FWULARITY Mill - Ho_Hn_ . cots Opponents (o Scheme Pi ofessor Selig? man's Mat a New Problem . . .-. h Johi ? ? - ? to .. ? too much rnat - ? a il He ev? rears or i ? mer. - - married "I I j Un. i Mr to I ' ....... 0 w. Income Tax Opposed. "Tob v ? t r e ot 11 ? force itei - -1 ' ? ? human ? the lessoi . | ? ? - mmit ? ? ? r?t blow ' I I ? ? ? i Peraeaal A low l . ? f th? ? thirty ? .* ' i ? ? ? . ? lep rooted ? ? A - I - - ' "I - FOUR BOY ADVENTURERS HALTED IT MILK SPREE Now Loi-ton Ruuwayi Trapped with Bottle from Doorstep. milk frei on a . it | a. r " too, ?i the Waltoe Avena? \ , , ? . mask. SO freight tr_in I th? aniel Sti _? .lack ? ? ? freir ***** ? ?es. ?Il rig- ? ? ? ? d STRAND ROOF GARDEN . ' 'a_ ' Tae 4 l? te a ?I. *******> ici.. H r. i. ? m u rOLOXEl ROOSEVEI ( IS KS WITH GRANDDA?TvI?TER ? ??* ? -? ???'.,*.?? ?x-Presideni and (?race Green Roosevelt, child of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rooeevelt, Jr. BRIDEGROOM ARRESTED AS N. Y. C. SAFE THIEF Bride, Learning <?f ( harn;* on Honeymoon, Tells Parents. ? '.ears . Id, I ronx, ; ? ? ? _ i ? employ? Hli thai s month, formerly Molly I 57 Wast "f his arri - Acc? her story, she wa? igno eged ? ? ? mil home Tui time I had Ml through ' ?ought When hi- the ? him to The lia because h? . ? .. d .' eke ? ip I POVERTY FREFS ALIMONIST Joel ice Bays Be Is Satisfied Maaidan Caa'l Pay; order? Rea-SUM?. ar. a singei from . ? I ? I ? ? th?- court's com - ? ? ? i ? ? . un the ] ? SING SING ESCAPES BEFROE GRAND JURY Willi'tt No! To Be Called and No Other Charges Iahen Up Now. ? ? ? ? ? . p f ? ? rning ? ? ? ? ' ? ? y, which n ? TIED HIMSELF TO TRACKS "Don't Knii- \\ h> 1 Did It." i-..\? \ outh \\ ho?.- I oat V |i i m Off. '. N V , ii. ' In u ment ? ???'??? I In ye?i - - .. tvoi ' ? ? ' at he ?' ? Actresses to Aid Poland. ?' ? ? t r? ? ? ?atei ? I'oiisL Victiu.?' Reliel Fui.d. GIRLS EARN $5 A WEEK SLAVING ON GARMENTS Tell Chicago Investigator'* They Go Hungry [because They Can't Afford Food?One Got 78 Cents a \\Vek in Dull 1 i mea. ' Mrag". "?*t SO, Pothel ' ries o the i ? ris wl ?ihooi . ... s nnfol ii ,c Commit ause? Manuf.-i ? ? ?re I i ? sk, ntid only su preti;, . from daylight ? Hi] man, niitiona! in-, I ?he Osi ?? ' that In "the eelved $12 s week for such work. To ?he cheap i shops. Poor! Km] dull t:m?-s the i ed ai low ? i buy theii el A ,,;, ,,. ? ',**., Department I!? ??mini-, for. eo Hunger. T :.'?" o. m. to 5:4 ind that i ho . d on ? ? complained "f I fron re Ian ? ? i mi I " ?? ? ked how th? . Berg ei . ? ? month for I am oft? l I ean't pend moi s ' ? t have . ti ers been riANENY'S RESIGNATION PUZZLES POLITICIANS Despite Denials They Expect Return to Politics. I'',: tics res li ed in <-"-i ? ? ? este] be at if the l>": ? Tneaday. Mr. iry I, ?? a batever, r future, H.- --aid he ? felt he raetivi : ?rhicl fei ed to him. ? .. . _l turn. geated I \ ? . froi . tral ?i' and might I ? He/ rem | nadei ? thesi McAn? . . - doing ?r.ce you went on ttriko?" Anna ?.a? n?ke?l. ".. bt iting up s.'ahs," -, ? . ? 'Did SBl "re ever toll vou 'o do that? Dia ? ? ? natruetioBi hesdquartera to do tl ? over 'old m--. I knew .eins told." told of an alleged ??? ?en-hour Is? "I . |,o?ed 1 7:30." aha Be ? ?all 14 s week, laid that Ithlfl her inroine bv walking two '? from work twenty-five cent? a day for fond. Fined for ?ny Damage. l'ur.nie Her?; told of a sv-rem of fine?. "If damage i ? i ;. 1,-itrrnent, the -l.i or 7'-'. If the of . we all ar. ? ? ? -i*, spieee," - ? ?aid Meyer Kominahy, ? trimmer, ?a* 1 ? 1 to work ftj bul frequently it woe eighty ?? i Simaky, of the aame shop, tes? ? from ?i.'fi"! n. m. t.. 7" p. m. "How much lime did you take for ? ?n usiger. "N" ? ' -Mirk rii:b* rhroui?'h .... i... :r !.. eauae I can't lit?? sa "I east ? ? I hel] ,,.,.? i ar, who I ?.'..??? ? more , ; ' I .. il ?vit] .. i ! i,. ? . of her? i cob net pleat* of ? o work for t.iat money.' " Vh.- -? ? ? ? , ol ? he v. us paid by rid I ' ' lag a' top ?peed ,'.'-- .-he , ? "Do .-."'i mean to lay that vou woik day in the week ' the year busy ?eu?on and 'a lermsfl I'tpatel. "I ?? li i, ! the t-me all ... ... remain. I no idea of hi*. ? ? . :? "., I, r. Pi- ihiPa" ? neu ?: .,-,. .,?' Aldermen, to he d next month, will appoint a vire -, oed Mi Mc\neny a? until rhe no.; general I : r lie i use control ! mmany majority - 1 Dowling, . lead.-r, may be ' AOVEUTISEMEXT. _ IDVERTI8EMENT. 50c and $1.00 For all Or chestra Seats Every Evening*. 25 ?'nul 51 )c all {orchestra Seats rit Matinees. TRIANGLE PLAYS ?. -.<__ I.KHOrKl.R u*mm*in& r I gi - ?? Knii THK WF.K - :i?- a_ o,.-.*-, n .. ___!_ !;_.-,..?.. U. I..? (-__ La...a- Il?'' ?!__.__ u . lain | ha.-. L. _M I". :?.r * MRS. WILCOX'S ADMIRER SEIZED "I Love Her," Says Writer of Letter Arrested on ?Complaint of Poetess. < >n ?he comptai i ? of Mrs, Bobi ri W eoi of hort B? ich, ? obb . I.? ' know ? i Ells ?. heeler Wile .?, 'he "poetes* f,f paja ?or ," a man who ?.v? Edward Cet ' Mo bj waa ?nest ?ht In I Ki'iir-mer.t at ?ISO el . enth Street > barged with irndi hei Uve lareotealag ?ud snonymoui I? tteri Arraigned before Magistrate Ten n 'he men' night court, Mosby tted t'l'i. ling ?? !c?ter to Mr?. v.'ilcox at short Heach ob October li "Hut I have no animoi aga ? I her." he ?aid '?hen loterviewed by reporten i love Kl'.a Wheeler Wilcot and I her to *?am her that, uni?-?? ?he secopt? 1 rny Lnapired revelation? of ?;.,, riptures, ihe would be ?a danger Bra." In viev "f the fad that Mr?. Wileox ha?l sot ctivo Edward S. Me Avoy, of 'i ? ourtb Broach liureau. that be did not desire to ha\e Mosby pro acute I? Magistrate Ten F.yck di? cliarg.'.i him, with a warning that he would gi ; lato trouble if he continut.l ro furp-i hi- letton BBOfl the poete?! "You have no right to ..en.? U-'ter? to Mr-, WilcOS if .?he doe? not want to r. ceivp them," ?nid the magistrate Mosby promised to avoid writing to Mrs. IVUMS in the futur?-. In explaining that he had been an *.n ipired writer for years,*he volunteered ?he information that he believed in free love, that marriage i? decadent, ? Billy Sunday 1? a humbug and that BOWspopon ouirht to print inspired revelstioni instead of foor .rflvepogei Of war new? evei i da;.. lie said that he had been writing regulorll to sev? eral New York newapopera and one in Chicago. Mr-. Wilcox pent one of the letter? receive?! fron Mosb] to ileailijuarU-rs reaterdsy avith a reqaeat that the po? lice warn the write, ???> rOOSO his corre ?poodoBcc with her. Detective Me Avoy took Mushy to the Fourth Broach Bureau, where he remained until it itn time for his appearance in Bight .-our* He il a distiuguiahed appearing man about list* sight yean old, toll and ?.?'lure shouldered, wirh :? Windsor ?:?? aildmg the lost touch to the conven* tionsl Writer*! COStOme, Ile enter? tained the detoetivea for an hour by COmpoaiag verses from wordl int.r.i> i ? boot all record? as ja-? braahers. Accu.ling r., rhe police, in one letter Mosby reproached Mr?. W'-.lcox for not embodying In an article ihe wa? wnt iog loverai poems of h:?. author?hip. They refused to make public the letter lb i forwsrdod a? a ..ample of Mosby'i SBBOyiog corre?ponden?-e. Just before he left night court Mosby . u leventy-pogC typewritten ?am? ple of his inspirad works at the dis ?' the newapapei raportors. Hampton Furniture for My Lady's Boudoir THE touch of feminine per? sonality which should per? vade the Boudoir, ? most intimate of rooms, devoted to the froufrou of silken skirts and the kindly chatter of intimate friends? is to be found at its best in the dainty creations of the old time French craftsmen. The Hampton Shops offer, not only their Reproductions of the masterpieces of the days of Marie Antoinette, the taper-legged Writing Table, the Settee with its wealth of downy cushioning?, and the shapely backed Chairs, but also the most purposeful of suggestions as to accompanying hangings and decor? ations. ?MPTON SHOPS 34 ANE M WEST 32d ST/tEE T 2TEV7 YCRX ??X-?*. ?A /? :? '\m?^^s.M r. _re?____. _">!?x M-:? .<>__> I I MUSI, 1||_\TK_. \ . I? ?it (< _.>_... EMPIRE, I >,; lOtl W WM. GILLETTE LYCEUM Ma-.? Sat a: 1 Wot SHERLOCK HOLMES. it, ro i'av i s?t ETHEL BARRYMORE '. ?^ . HARRIS l y r '-" ST f>' ""I* '*?'* ? ?? geo. >rr__i a _i?c _"*?_.. is. ? *-fn. ?is M LUnAll J Ma ? Bel a I We? 2 U ELSIE JANISlNFORMATION" lUUI'.I-i "-?.T ANYBODY ROAST BEEF WILL LIKE III a a. aj i m m _? , ? , . __?-.-- ku'si .ttr -ill _in_ S__PI___B__S_g YOUNG AMERICA HARRIS HEATilE TO DAY. TO-MORW. M 4 ?KTf KNiiOVR 1 . BISPHAM BEETHOVEN ?.?i inn mi BICAL ihuma ai>_iaii?k p* >1'1 ' | THK RKHEAB* Al. 'T .? M?l?e?-Y?--Y?.?|l 41 ?-AIFTY B'wai ?s -r mi Brrint THE PI-AV \ 1- IT DANSE DE FOLLIES. ZIEGFELD fe FROLIC P__t_-ior A- p Se* A-: >?.._._ r aatn?. T:_ WORLD -- ii.:n_/-_] w*m Mt_ St. __a__t? ?t > is. nUUjUr. B?nni_i B?i aadWeS I II -THE 8HENAND0AH OF ISIS."- ."?*__, MATINEE TODAY AT 2:10. a I ' | T_ B _?_ T? I ? 1 Tfl THE BOOMERANG I'hMnilJItn REPUBLIC '.-;,;'. _____xn______a Ktn M ? M -d _??. .' M ' III J.'IIN JANE ' OWL i-ATS SELLINl, I WEEKS AHEAD FUL'! OH "; ??jrit?__."gi g* ' . SOME BABY! A TUESDAY. OCT. 2?_SEATS TO-DAY. "SHERMAN WAS RIGHT." A NEB . All' K B1 I KAM. MAM'KI. ACTOR B'WAT ?'? STIIKIT llryant _?7 #? _? i V? I\ j .., | 0 su,|. tm s? 41i ? Hf j MS ?! Tre"-^ il ! 1 * i? ? J11B AS '.ll* AUTUMN LEAVES." I1II.I.T lldl.MUAT." CANDLER With WM. COURTENAY. _*t Mat livsi rs-ii il ?, W. GRIFFITH'S ('l.- note Sp-???.?>< ?J ur-i,- ,r? , I II m ?.' ST I ?a? ? 15 -harp . Utln__ Hat a'. 1 _ ?i. . 2 II. "THE HOUS OF GLASS' "HUMAN STORY DRAMATI :allytold ?ft. MARY RYAN. asp niK <;i!.ai- all _________ r__T ORCHESTRA SEATS, .1.50 and S2.00 500 SS FIRST BALC, 50c, 75c, .1 r\ fkRF EVERY NIGHT a _ ULUDt SAT AN0 WED. MATINIES. MONTGOMERY & STONE ?m.n Special CASTLE Mat. To-day A, AS AMI . .,- A'lrr- iy-n Wl.en ? ' i p I, \.r Piarlas. Ir. lull' ? S'," Uta a- 2 10. .,8.? R<|| la. V|! ?? a- ? '0 V" and Mr?. r TV Wtilrl vt Ut_" a r . Draata B I Parti Trlum.h ?n tu? ?arrasa. r ? pi ? .-? 'Va.. ? Oreei BaeMM ' I m i Sat'?? M a? V-rsa'JIH? ' Trillin? Tl.a I ?u.r,?8 Tr .'. l Thrllkv " r? ?i l?'-?*V7",i! AMD 11.00. NlfrP .MONTOOMKBT ?i I STONE : I HI** nuit. H.s mrj uljW ?v.M a, M M,i, SYMPHONY WALTER DAMROSCrir Conductor Kil.-T COB47CRTB To morro? ( Frida?? ? Aft nt ?.. ? ' s..- ? | Af?. Ootahet .?th. at J EL.MAN lll.-r ?l'I'KVR ?M F. IN TW?i *, K\KS | llrrthinrn. ByaipBOOl '? ? ??uliliiiarl?, ? r \I?,".n . It .4 ? Kv ?e?X .. ale ?id CBI ? ' ew? *lr?t iimti .r .la ?il Hoi nnice. \rolUn Hall. ANN AK'IIAN HUI T??-M?,HT SWINBURNE Seal - l_B.ii >B1 ?? M?- Wetfa? , i. lr.?U Asadas Hall Mas Aft.. Oct. B at 1 Pisas ? ? ?., Di M?Hi. le *, -?l. . , , LiSZNIEWSKA BW ?? I' ? Ouata Mi- w -. i -_. mai, SOB ttUASf CA.ocn mom f~ ,_ ?1 A rucias ?'?"?* *' - "" ?eaB |l .. |: ??? ?il, Sim MOTOR RAGING and AVIATION SHEEPSHEAO BAY SPEEDWAY Election Day.Tues., Nov. 2d IO0-mlle Championship Winning ?Invert of 191'i. Reit?, Bur m.n. ?Vtkrn, RirkenS.cher, Mullord. Ais?, ipectSCulsr exhibitions hv famous airmen. Flying upside-down, loop - thr-loop, jtui psssenger-ctrrylng flights, t.\ KM- -T aatf I I' M. Idmlaalea II, Inrluiltng ?eut in ??li'ii .luii.I. ?.ritn.l ".Inn.I. in. Indine ..1I11.I.8I..11. |!. limn ,r, leota', IM le BSC iirlil.l.n. H.lntla?l?ri. I'arlalng ?I?? e t?l?liin ot?iI, reserved ll'?i Uli - reserve?! .?71. not In. lu,lui? ?a?lniL??lon. PHILHARMONIC B " II7TT ' ?IP S BW T? .ItK -i:\T.NTyK.iruTii si:a?ov nu .??-FI MKINshV ???M?I?1(?K Oeneral Bubaerlpl ?< i mam open a- C rnee-li Hall Boa ? 'ffl<-? PALDING U_J ?Hill*? BECITAL T<?-I?\l %i:??i i \n i r?? s r. M. ! Tii-h.t? at Bo? Offlee oi IIIIAeol'an Ha tun i?.*? h w.i,7. a ... .? t :? .i s so FREDEldc ' MAR?IN ?. ..... ... te 11.M B ?? ."? mat * P ' ' t.altea tfall ?Tri -t-. I ?et It. at ? "??..'i Ha*, it'll \r. Mme ? i; Lovwlon 'harlton Aeolian *&_____,_*??? 0rt J: *U ' Violin Reel? al Ticket? ?Oe te 11 Ugl. Foet.r S DeUti. CADSKI Lomean i narlton ..-!-. Kri ?tve . Oel I?, at I M ALEXANDER BLOCK GRACE GEORGE AT THE PLAYH0.S. AMERICA'S FOREMOST COMEDIENNE J Jame. . .etcalfe. of Ufa, remarks that "GRACE GEORGE IS TW? AMERICAN COMEDIENNE." Lawrence Feamer, In the 8mm, comments, "DELIGHTFUL PU.Y-l*| COMMONLY FINE ACTING." The reviewer of the Eeemld conclude? that "NEVER HAS _U_ GEORGE PLAYED WITH MORE ART AND CHARM." THE NEW YORK IDEA ? MOST BRILLIANT COMEDY EVER WRITTEN I _BY AN AMERICAN | The often caustic critic of Town Topie* avers that "THE GOLD?A OF THE NEW YORK STAGE CAME BACK TO THE PLAYHOUSE 0 TUESDAY NIGHT." Louis V. Lie Foe, in the Warld, characterises .rice ?ienrge'i first ??a tire in producing management "A GREAT SUCCESS." And so on, from start to finish. WITHOUT ONE DISSENTWG ?1 PLAYED BY THE BEST COMPANY ORGANIZED IN AMERICA FOR YEARS _I THESE ARE SOME OF THE NAMES: OJUCI ?.-<>_?,_ MARY ______ NORM! I. IMIKO.V Erc.EME WOOWJI? JOSEPHINE I.)\ETT, ERNE.T LAW -"OKII, (?MIU IE-RLE. LISK? HARE. AMIKRT REEL!, JOHN I R?lM W El.l . ALL THIS IS WHY THE PLAYHOUSE IS CROWDED TO OVEMLOJ ING AND WHY IT IS HIGHLY ADVISABLE TO SECURE SEATSJM VANCE, AVOIDING THE DISCOMFORT AND POSSIBLE DISAPrXP MENT OF THE RUSH HOUR. f-___ -A i ?t ____aJ______Q___, Tir-_.vx-___ UiA'?*?* _?! ' MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. St.. TO JI.3? ? :? It] Nlfht -:,??:? H. - .... !:. 7 > it? PRINCESS, i--?. c :- Ma? B 1 A ? >? .!,.;;-,:. THE MARK ,A. BEAST SHUBEST. K.i. ? :* -fita aras a _?t . 2 l.. ALONE AT LAST ??ST^-; Mm?? Fiiiarr?. r... ? n \u_ um *.-? -? r __5M'T)^ QUINNEYS' f VDir T-.atr.. 42nd . t . W ?* B'?rar Lia Kit Mal--.M We? _ I . 1). OPENING TO-NIGHT AT 8:10. ABE AND MAWRUSS JSTH ST. TI*?. Km I |l Mat? Wr. _Srt . 3 IS. THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN booth. _>i? i ? Mea ?..i _ i Bel : il H SOTHERI. VIRTUES. ' CASINO. _?? I 1! M?_l VT?. ?A.1 Bal, i . THE BLUE PARADISE ' ? CJ?HL 44TH If. fHIATRE A MANHATTAN OP. HO. ??j-lnia? ?1 A M to II p M All Vala /"____?.._?-, rer"- p* w ss im- r_ i is. Century m__.t--_.--__ ?a? i_i S?afa *r. 8a> I W v__ : \ >. i.V.. I.BEAT l.ll, HIT - V Y PRESS Ned Wayburrfs Town Topics MATINEE TO-OAY, 25?. TO 1100. SI \iul Ni'.IIT <?>.N?'I IT ?i -i,-ii. MIDOKTB >:._> _.- . DREAM DANCEH? ALL SEATS AL. WOHLMAN. I? Ot*??ra. RESERVED. fill I ??A _???_-. C<*_f._:a! .? 21?. _??? SO?. Bandbox. iraatA? i- .?.?i? r.r.. ? i rviMi WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS! ? m g IKOI.MN II \l I |f NEISELQUARTET 6 CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS i \ isisei. ?*.?? a Marts 7 Ma II , -i. . . ;*_ Sal ? '-I--- ?' V Hth Bl ILLEN irtlDAI RTKKINOI. N,,? ? |v 7 .??-. 11. t*n ?. -arch ' Mtrh 11 <??u??a! Hi.',? . p_l?-i s.i. n, * i i*n . _i . ? ll?. II Matan le??.. l \v Mil? St \ I,,11.i R-.ii_l M??n !?_.. \.??li_ii II _ll. ??ri. 1?. a? ?.o, ??m e 5') eia la ?- ?? UBOi Ian hail. Tasa an. o ? SO M? Kl.? IT\I ?eat? ?< ?o? <?m.? __d .Ir-a UUIa LawU- Alba. Art? ? T?_. ?al? , -_,.?.. ? -ta .-.? . _- i --? -- - D'ARNALLE CORT ??< tur, Bm?i Hen Mj r, | II Mata BM *??" mi PRINCESS PATS BUT COBIC OHU* .CT?.' ,?A*S*-Cr?*.~0*r*<**. --' LEXINGTON .ffifai?M v* '. ? \ati kal u?; STANDARD * \YkmW.1 \r.- . . ., ; ,? In <????> "' ,? ,~ n?s mow snor _ y; CBESTOBE '?1 I0RK.'A"A PAIR???.?! Sail t\. THf; I AVt ..P TIIIUW." LONGACRE "'A..,': "?jiC THECFRLWHOSMJ ?ssss. v?? MX!-??*? HIP-HIP H00EA1 ?w no*?'" i mi omm : s* ?a a? ) Nss^atr. ???a "*'' *L-al in nil ???aAni^j ICI lAlaiTT ?afa.1 -?I H ?*"?*, 1 rt .1.59 %__, , WO IIMIVIO H*-1 ?V SOUSA ?8* NlliHTA,' lili' HO..KAT- ???to . y iras saps. a*\po\ >TWICt TO OAT. l*J| ui'i.? ! r -? ? .^j - ? ?Va ? ? CMAR.II tK**_.i -:: . ,"?- '.?' -Il 1711 ?I r? .-....- EVELINA PALACE t?SSJS? l'ail? ?la. .1 . '?|P?*al COLONIAL j?g?jol MANHAnAN OPERAj<fl . ?lias ill IMNISO *?>?T nSaPM BOSTOK GRAMO OPEM WJJ ?.th PAVLOWA lALLET m Ht "' - ?,???* ^^ i'ia'JTS??-' ,,.? a,. .. ?a?? ?? j, c.?a ';.'?.*.? .????J CTRAND'v-, '.?-?jSjgl ^ Neat Week. Biaacbe B-BS W^