Newspaper Page Text
enriar,. Il w?. .ri? that the BolgOn had ?ucee? ,? ? i ?? ' the selghborbood da I ? ? ,?ny, which, ?Thile S, "lade -? The legation all ? Itt thol verbl?r? were 11 ' . .--?..fu :?, re? h g th. n?*sder? on ; ???*. dOSf 'e tremendous ?. adrooei f tbo 4 tro-?3oru?ooi i , si ir.i seas ver) ? | 8 ? r'rr. r-? ret ?>ier ga' sooerts that 'he % a BBS are BOOl . grade. ?--I that thi I s have hi - . - - .a VOOs Wl t-?r?*l hO? e ? . - - aecopyiag Bul tas Tepe t. ka, si irs ? Report Bulgar? at l?!ip. - ? and th -' a? gIVI .w?i -,re pu? ?i .. ? -. 1 r. * . . - a . lef? .*e I By ? - a . ? *.er? and cap e cannon. ? ? t f lowoi - e f . -11 i i IS | t. ' ?Shaha'z wait of B? s throv ? ? ? ? ' Belgrade ? toiaed 1 ? ? la the Timok Va N ?'? ata the y 100 . - . ? i capturad M ? I ? i ?ki'f.i I ? ? atvgi . Kumanis Alarm? Bulgaria. Ar '* ''negro i? api ' ? g to u ? I '? ? - ? ? ? hst. Bolgai i? i alarmed at the :t cor -lent of ?' . ? ? e Crap: hastily in Dodi ? cause ? Alii? ??.. G reel - eut i ? m Rumania :*? object i? not kno-.i -ere that ?uch .. Ils he undertaken un? ies? Rumania contemplated action on the side of the AI Premier Zaiml? ha? agreed. Bit? ( ? from A'hen? Indicate, to the re?-> : of Serbian refugee? in Greece, the stipulation that Serbia guai SCO C, re.. ?r.e Serbios [fir* of Mao? as far north as Istip have a'.re. reel towai hav? ? a?, . ??, ... -.. Balgors ?floe rosss Cooot ,. 4? "d to .-:..,- h the Large DOI r ? ?-? , . ???.. ' ' ' i an rget me?? aa| and ?re Planting | behii ? ? laly'i ? ' ?.. - . ? ? h.. * t pel ??r offensive ? ? ? ' - ??. so i. ? , Mac T! n ri?. ? ... ?atening Roverel n cr n.mand of the railway - ' ? ' the Gei If hief of tha ?. ? ral the I i ' . - . lia? . ? ? f the Uni an fleet, that 11 . ' 'ii n ? < /ar Denoaaees Hulitar?. tiOB to the impel tl e past and ; ?if K r?g rerdt .? nert i ? ? Part ol t?. Bulgaria, ? ? 'garia . Ruaaia ? ? ? ? ? r ? ? it. i ? niinand Wracked Coaatrj ? tl .- ited emy, . . ...... an hone:. 'i.mily. i ' . ? - ? rman eagre s ol ? ? hurg . Bui . 'I hi? : ? . Ferdinand gulf bi ? . ? ? "The defeat of Bulgaria and the pun ishrn? ? t h e 1 t T rea all the f'r ? self*.-si He beeime In BBt oi re? p hia ? ? ? ?. the A ..and?, - Wait -, Oel - Tha Bulgarian I Black sea? ha? been mine-:. . I ; Steh to "' ? ? ? ? .. i ? ? ??*. c.iaed to ? ??: : iaed to op? BRITISH GUNS HALT ATTACK Heavy Fire Fortes Back Enemy's Infantry at Hulluch. GERMANS BOMBARD FRONT NEAR RHEIMS Prepare for Neu Assaults Ar? tillery Duels Rage in Champagne. T.? ' ?' ? ??- T-M TM' i' a ' London. Ocl sternias el I to loosen the rlnti?h ? : north of Lens the German? are ?__"" _--_c_ _? the Br:'.?h for?ai i- ' Hulluch. Sir Johl Preneli reporl af'er a heavy bombardm?-- I ? trs ? ? ? A.i't.g 'tie front , the quarries to Huliuch, the enemy in? fantry attempted to attack acros? 'he iopen ground, but the heavy fire of 'he h infantry, machine guns and cheeked the _??a . I Driven back here, the Germans next pted to fore?- bach 'he British po .- ? Dt_ near the Hohensellern re: A large force, armed with bOBBB SBgSfSd in the effort, but failed *o gam frotad, and suffered heavy losses. Along the rest of the front there ha? I been nothing except artillery duels. ! The German guns hare opened a vio b itnbardmaat on the French front . . ?vhere an BBI B? churge was made yc.terday. Appstr | . . '- treepa plan another assault in this sector and the henvy nr tillery is paving the way. 1 ?;i '.ill OFFICIAL. The War Office in Paris gave out this communication: The artillery ?ctiors during the eouras of the day were part . violent tr the north of Arms, in the ?e.tor of Loos, the Givenchy wood and in the neighborhood sf tha road frr.m Lilla. The cT.centrated Ars of our bat ?? | Bl exploded Urge depo's of muni? tions in the German lines to the ncrth of the Aisne and to the north of th*. Navarin furm. To 'he ea?t of Rheini?, on the front extends fion 11 i B il i de Tir Pi BBS] . u new and v. I ft ten 1 ? ' '. with shells of all calibre? and projectiles of a rt| nata i . is : sported. ' 'ur bt tillei : ' ? ? ergel In the si ctor t.f Lihons our srtll d rested BgaiBBt the German ? ??).?? r? repressive bombardment which silenced the machine guns in ?? trsaehSSi whieh had been at? tacking our liai GERMAN OFFICIAL. The .tptement issued by Germany Arm-. Hen,?quarters says: | h re? . noitring advance north*-** of Prunay, i tas b ' ? i riaonera of foui lucera si I :-. and <"-,i Kims and thre. ton, together with much mate? rial. At Middelkerke a British Hyinft machine was shot down, and the , e eupontl ?vere captured. BRITI8H OFFI'TAL. A r*:ort from Field Marshal Sir John Trench ?av. : An enanty attack v*sterd?v after? noon was mads against our front from the quarri'-s t,, Hul.ur!. a heaw bombardment si ? i el nfai t- attempted ts - the open ground, bs SILVER Sterling & Plate \ Ca>" $??? ...u-.; ?^__rt-___^^__?^?At "fytmMt" Cof?ec ?et OF SILVER PLATE, HAND-HAMMERED AND CHASED. 4 PIECES. $44.25 This superb service illustrates the refined and classic beauty of th? patterns in Silverwares at the International Store, and is a commentary on the moderateness of the prices. Of heavy quadruple plate, hand-hammered and chased, ?graceful Coffee Pot with patent heat insulators in handle, Cream Pitcher. Sugar Bowl and 14-inch Trav. The 4 pieces, $44.25. Or separately: Coffee Pot, $15.75; Cream Pitcher. $8.00; ?Sugar Bowl, $8.00; Tray, $12.50. International Silver Company Sucr?e?.::. ?? Thi MERIDEN Co. lAaniisheil 1X52 49-51 West 34th Street, through to 68-70 West 35th Street, New York ? I ""r ''"r^h", a g .-. snd .'??? si ... ? til tbsss attests wi ropulsi i - ? ? i . ? ? re TENSOR CUT BULLETIN Deleted statement About Italian? fro testrlst Atinourii einen'. re,,-., to Be rill?, Loni oilslel stet ? ? ?. Aasti -.v.. . ' ft? deeeribing the r*p.?! ? attai .k?, e I r?d 'Av?n*i .trsi This sentence did not appear In tl v itement ' yaeterd by way of Loi don la" '? ***** dl appt. I "or GRENADE KILLS 52 IN PARIS FACTORS I .plosion Caused by Carele? Workmen Wrecks Plant and Injures Many Women. Ports, 11 ?' 2fl ! rty t' i i>er?or ore r*- irted to hare been kil g in a factor ie, while one hut Bred Many ? .??ere wom*n ? :????; loyod I the foi i :b was wrecked Pi ??? ? ' Poinesr. ? i Ministe^ I terior Malvy visited the ?cer and gave direction? ts ths >**---iri An auto truck wa? being loaded ?.he ... Idsi tells ..: ' ? . eanaing an explosion, whlc two others 1b quic ?i destiove Poctoi as rith It, but s g within a 0 yards, an sged buildings five hundred ysr. iwed bv fire, fvhic n ng ?!.*d. .? be USB recovere ' hose Of women. Fort ?nju. troetod at th ? hieb m ??? qui? ?tl othai were removed to another hospital 1 i >-<-d would excee | one ban Report si tha explosion was th f Spiel were _| ? V. ILSON FINISHES NOTE FOR BRITAIf Protest on Stopping of Ships Ti Be Sent I his Week. IVeBl I SO Prcsldsat Vt'il ?on hi practically completed hil ei of the draft of the 11? ts * Gr*?it Britain lebmltted by Beereter Lansing I' Il stated authoritativel that ihe no*e will not be delayed be yond this week. ? the complex nature of th sub,-i-* and *h? ?-xtierne length of th document, the Prs Is ' hoi icen ob to ?lev.*?- ?, great den! of time t. He w orked :? i ? again turned hi st to has I eet ?? *s on account o new Botet from Great Britain, and be cause "*' the acute nature of the Gel man Bontroversy. Twice it has beer .?i.v to r'-.lraft it completely t? locorporata the State Department' conclusions on new developments Ir the eommereiol situ?t'. loll of the Stete Department saj that tl ' aspect any new eofl .r?a* Britain as a re lontatlons Ther? i ?:, that the ? . rsstrs sreo will to arbitration WOULD QUIT BRITAIN TO ESCAPE SERVICE Shirkers' Desire to Emigrate May Hasten Conscription. t la-?' r 1 I - Loi I the hacli ? I ? ? Lord Doi ' ii. r uiting is unsuc? cessful Hritair. will adopt conscr at tha end of ?ix week? appear start? ling indication? that a great number of men eligible for military service are making plan? for emigration to Amer? ica and the British colonies even to Ireland to ?scape service. That this is no idle minor i? proved by the fact that half a dozen letter? were received this morning by Th? Tribune eorre Icnt a-king for information re Or authority need? d by emigrant I ? There ?e.-m? to be ro doubt that this outflow will reach serious proportions unless it is checked by government ac? tion, and the authorities will deal ? -h bow prob!? Bod itoly, It is point.-.I OBt that grovs damage i iie done to Fr.gland should any great number of her sons pour into \ I idle, which have men and SB] ? thsi souatry. Asids lid bs ths :i irai ? ff - r- it Brits i alii? It is ?.tion may ? . ticipoted, for *;? pereatly there is nu legal method of Stopping ?migration until it if adopted. In order to release men of military age in London, it was announced at the Department this evening that hereafter licenses would be issued to Bromen to work a? omnibus and ?treet car conductor? LANSING CONSIDERS PAROLE VIOLATIONS German Crews at Norfolk To Be Kept on Their Ships. - ? - tmtemt ] tVeohlafftea. Osl M. Franklin P P.oosevelt. acting Secretary of the Nnvy. referred to the State Department to-day the case? of breach of pan !e of eight ?????: i ??cr.iary Lansing ha ? : i what a? tuken. but i* is : ? I I ???',. ' man gor? S mea il they reach ths Fa'her . The Saw Department ha? no trace ?f the :: If I pos hae* i been notified of *he flight of the yacht Ed | ? Precedent for a demand on the Ger I man government for the return I men exist.? In the case of two P.-.-- _r. i officers whs e^. _ped from internment - luring the B.BBSO .1 ui I mads th? v?y i?ac_ to !.. _ Ihe I. . Brament, at ? - of the State Deportment, lent tl back, ' Departsaefet Is determined I German? ?hall ISCape. It ? ..- the paroie? ind 'hat the officers ard ? : ? Priai Eitel i i ? ti el and Kreoprias Wilhelm will be confined i. their ?_.?>_. GERMANS SHELL RIGA RAILROAD Von Hlndenburg Pushes on North of M i tau with New Forces? RUSSIAN FORCES TAKF. CZERNOWITZ C./ar's Troops Will Not Evacuate lli*s?.arabia liattlt*s on the st>r Coitlnne. a.. a ? ?-? TT*. Its ? ' Petrograd, Oet M i'i^patch to "The I'aily < hrur. j . - ? i I'.iitn froBl a.- grow tig n ? riou?. The Gen i 1 rought ap reaaseats, partly from ?he livira frmit and parti) frutn reserve? in the ApporoBtl* tha latead one? more t, ? ? . . ;. ?If flcult task of forcing the D .?r kiga. The country along th<? left BOI the Dviaa toward *hr mouth la tl I aad ' ? nspoasibla to - an "ii u iront at once broad an : pact. The OemslU are advancing in ?er.arate column? from the MitOB Win dau BBd the Mitau Nt-ugut section of the railway They have advanced about two mile?, but are being actively en? gage?! by the Hu??ian ti Ne.r FlaOdrlchstodt 'i., r artillery ha? 0: ??:,.?,i Urs from the lei the Rigs DviasB ralltrajr, arl eh here run? close to the nor?! river. The Ruaeiaai are tha lui.'?.-, bombii , Mitau and Neugut from their S anea aod at I i sa i tine oppoi ' rig ?trong a te tha o >,f the ein-lny 00 1 " Ifl -k. The BOW i .; . srotiOBI by the Gel mans ?eem for the pre?ent to be in a ?tage of rc-nr.riai.?.aance. The dl I - ni. nt nill depead on the taras of fort IB SB] The Russian authorltiei have ,i.'?-:'ie,| thai the favorable ;urn m Military af fair? ha? rendered it aaBocoaai i carry ou, the eonten] U : ava of the Ihr? i of the government of Beaaarabia. London. Oct. 20. Progr?s? northeast and aoithweal af Mttou in von Hindea burg'i driva at Kiga i? roporred by the Germai War i IIBeo. A report from Hucharest to-day said that I armies in the ?outh had been forced to evacuate Cxerno ????'. tal of th? AoatrioB erotralaad lovina, ?outhea?t of G?llela, and lying 146 mllei I f 1 The ' t town will have || aaia, for il le?s then I from ?he RbbsbbIbb border. Il; ?api ? *he proaaora of tl ? TeutoBie f,,rc^ ?,ji Rumania. GERMAN OITICIAL The official statement given out at Berlin ?ays: Army Croup of Field Marshal ron Minden?,'?rg Our tTOODI :-.a,le fur thci rthessl tve?? of Milan nrni eaptarod several po?ition? of the enemy. Army Oroun of Prince Leopold There il nothlog new to report. Arm] Groap of Geaerol von Lia* lincea ? ?ttlei on the Btyr ?till continue. AISTRIAV ?iFKiriAL. The official communication given out at Vienna ?ays: A RaSSiOO ?rmored tr.ln ha. been destroyed by the Aostro-Bungsrlsaa. machine gur.H i?r??i a ,,uar.tity of rifl? - SOd smmOOitlOB were captured. CARSON RESIGNED TO SAVE CABINET ( ?ir.tlniir.l from pn?e 1 ray presence in the Cabinet cou'. ! ?-? Ib tha critical iltuation . ? . "I n< >d hardly lay ! am nol I. h? rho ha? i U ;. e I held i I have expressed eery ?troogly and, ? : | eve. cool tiously and patriotically I did nit think tha: under th?. c.icumstancei [J could bo anvthintr but a ?ource of weak re?? a' a time requiring great strength and e?paiateacy. "That 1? all I can ?ay, and I a?k the House to believe that in the course I luv? taken I hove been BCtBOtOd bv no |?-r?innl par'v motive, but that I have acted to the best of my ability solely in the lat? rp?t? of mv country " sir Edwai ! ? srsea'a apoech wa? punctuated ?? ? v I -r? and was con iti sf spproval. Cabinet n*:r?i?rcr.? again were bom : with war question? in the House of Common?, but for the most par? they mitiiaged to escape an into-, led frontal attack. In the cour?? of the replies it developed that the offner who commanded the landing of Brit? ish troops a? Suvlo Bay. on the Gallip oll Per.?nsula, had heen ?helved, and that he hold? BO command Ifl the arm? ?t present. Tha lOggeatiOB made by William Joyasofl Hicks, ! nibniat member fo.* the Br stf? rd D viaiofl of Middleaax, of a policy of r'-prisals as a deterrent to Zeppelin raid? was frowned on b/ the War Off.ce, Mr. Tenant remarking that such a policy always hud been the rubject of comlderable controversy. The condition of Premier Asquith, who wss ttAwt ;'' footer-doy, wa? described bv hi? physician? at noon to-day a? p-at;sfactory The following ? wa? given out: -?-.- passed a istlS' ? ? ... . . improved. HS will be confined ??? I I t* i " i military r,,rr*vi n lent of ' g Sundai ' " .I . ... i iltnetlor "We are :-. a bols WS have '.,(??. |o th* sbillty ' ?er ???te? and Ib ths I -nr snd In th* willingness ai l ?.?? ... i?] . r- ths srari tbrss 01 l v,ry tlons riow threi to wie. . the gOI I ' ? ' "On 'he enenu-'? lids we And u of porpoti nglen? if control to '?T ? ? -.m risks. BRITISH LOST 183 SHIP 1' It'.at? Al??> ^unU 171 Fishermen to Octabst 11 London. 0?i 20 o".c;nl annom men* was made to dav that ths b ? r 0f British merchant ve?i 'xcluslv? of fishermen, sunk by ? marine? to October M was IS... Ths number of .shlng rSSSSlS ? was 175. SWISS PROTEST TO BERLI Demand ( ompensallon f??r Bomb Dr ping b) OSS-Ma Airmen. Ilerne, Oct M, The Swl-. go? *? mm', ha? Instructed its embassy Bertis to lodge ?'i ererget.c pro* ...., it the aes .' .ti of Swiss i by German Bvietora ?? |.r?test I? due to the art of i In dropping eight bombs o ... i? Poa Is ii- Buadey. eau? ., r- ..' foar i" raoBS sad eral!.' damage to property. Bwitl :? iiiainis eempeaaatlon a:..i punishment of the aviator. SAY BRITISH FLEET WILL DECIDE WA Balfour and Churchill See Pi vation Ahead, but Final Vic tory Through Navy. London. Oct. 20. "Germany aim? world domination, and against wo domination the British fleet from t time of Queen El zabeth to the pr?s? day has always been found the ?un and most effectual protection," is t contribution of A. J. Balfour, F: Lord of the Admiralty, to the N_ Lei.gue's symposium in connection w. to-morrow's observance of Trafalg Dav. \\ InBtOfl Spencer Churchill, Chanc lor of the Duchy of Lancaster, writei "For ?ix months no hostile flag h flown outside the Baltic Ws i stronger than SVi I "tnnarah !.. -er adapted for war cond.* great strategic COBClusiOBI upon whi I our naval dispos.tion is based i.u been -indicated. Tho gr,i-:l ?' iih*e? and will finally secure victory t our eanss. "On land good days have not y come. The rslisnt Russian front w _ tha French and British offsBS ? west has r.ierced but ha> n ruptured the Germon fortified Ubi our long dslaya tha oi seized a new initiative in the N'ear Ka? and the Oriental inclination in bis Wi policy raise? new perils of peculii ? gi | to us. A hasardes g!'-. -. ust expense and hard privation 1 before B < "I'ouragel All's well with the flee The de?tructioii "f German militai l i-? irr. i Under tl sure shield of th? > ?very mistal rotrisved rj neglect can I rod. isvs or to lose th free.lor; of the world rSBtS still - I ths British people and their leader The spirit of Nelson and the memor c:' Trafalgar .houl?l rouse us now t sastaifl BBwesrytngly ths dsrkenin conflict, and, by proceeding to all nee essary ex'remes and by laying as il every impediment, to rescue B ri tal .??..-honor and Europe from ruin. AMERICAN PLEA MOVES KAISEF German Emperor Postpones th( Execution of French Women Condemned to Death. Washington. Oct. 20 Ambassadoi i . sblsd to-day that he had t_ko_ up with the German authorities th? of Mlle, Jeanne de Bsllsvills BBd d ith foi :n Belgium, and tha* thl women probably would be reprieved R - message, of which the French gov? ernment has been advised, was In re IS to instructions cabled by Sec? retary Lansing at the request of Am? bassador Jusserand. The ease of Miss Cavell, the Eng? lish nurso ?hot by the German com? mander a* Brussels, has not been oft railed to the attention of the B I irtmSBt, although it ha? been reported that the British government would ask tie I'nited Stute? to inves? ti i'a'e. London, Oct. 20. The American und Spanish minis'er. to Belgium inter \ened to have commuted the death sen? tence passed by the German authori? al- at Brussels on Miss Ed'.th Cavell, a Ftntish nurse, but their .??'.?r-? u , frui'les?, Lord Lansdowne told the II taso of Lords this evening. I . the CH-e of two French women, also Ml 1 7,? dcaih. strong repre?*ntat;on = mods by Pope Benedict and King A! Ip tin hud -he effect 07" noning the executions until the i,_ mon Emperor considered the report. Lord Lansdowne added that thl pie of this country were being contin? uity ihocked by such incidents, the la9t one always being more shocking than the one preceding. A full report of the Cavell case, he said, had |o beer, received from the American Mm Ister to Belgium, and would be pub ? without delay. Lord Lansdowne added that Mi?s Csvsll, hv her co-.,i-i,-', might bars re-. i*red herself liable to sever" pur We never have entertained the idea of a let-down in quality. To the contrary, whenever it has been pos? sible to effect an improvement in either workmanship, materials, or important de? tail, we have immediately put that possi? bility into execution and made it a posi? tive actuality. The results have been far-reaching in promoting the mutual complete satisfac? tion of our customers and ourselves. Brokaw Brothers Astor Place & Fourth Avrnut Si?trw<l\ SralHsn a? [J??Tf ... v'v .^ha'Ia\a\-iT \Y't?'Y^T!rTfy'_^r7ri'T^ .%m.(^>AnttSc(tii.-., i ?L?# bo* s?M meats Mill. h?SmtSt W Stm *-* aovara ?Aft linUoducing ?Many Now Id-?a* in r-f j?cnch 2 iiuiufietu t from model.*-; which have just been brought into this country? M .W 111011 -CR? rWNED Tl'RR ANS FROM RRBOUX /1 AND MARIA GtJY A MILITARY TURBAN FROM LUC? MAMAR A SMART i F.A?MLR-BANUF.D DkPEIJNE IR^.M TAI-BUT And 0? R OWN DESIChlEM iSove m at asad m?nv new -bbssI spmioti of ili^ Ion FieocB .!*-?? Wm. Fraacoi il Baksoj ?l | |,!TIIPFI Y IK.P.AN whi!? Mme. Goorootoa ? bbbbjbbbsbj a FaASHIONABLE WHITE MAIS sod CstOtld n FRUII aod ?FLOWER ??.IMMF.D tAjmt, ai??? BEH onnoaBi na ?maiim n rs ? kovbti SCAKffl POBO Btrra aaal ?kiis. LV \ww\ m* pilots- .?.rftliln? ?a7.l|,??OI. Sis '"PHIS :o a complexe offico ??jutfhtkaB atoro. 1 Wioot only ?eii the bee* amiss, chairs, tablea, ihcg cabhieta, ?bookeasee, etc, but aleo carry la nock a aar pajalng rartety of offtoo jrandriae. Plate-gtaee ??Vak tofxs, waeto beeketa, desk pode, Ink .?amtH, otwWstt. r.ts?, ,.)s?..Ti?rt,?.i?>hon??rmt aoal ?, ?!??%??Inns*jae .J-.ln? 10 COMPLBT? aai har-mnnm rear ?SBBa lis Moors ?tmotai ?. ???tip'??*? The*? Oo. :u*.o rtrt>?v???my?ao Church fit. T?l?phona, FVanlr'.tn 8g70 Daahsv T.blM, Htay OaMMSa, la Wood and keeJ - iestlMtal Beak neat. Chain, CaAtat* Haiea u i ? ": 1i f-ri? A^"?-I'A'^~^Ht^^-'?^^ : . . :-. .* : ::.-: ..;r.n ?- i .?m ?mM'* 4 '?*^:*a I P?a/Jmansmi?s\Y 6)0 HP HE Gattle Collection is replete with * exquisite productions in exclusive styles by master European Designers .ind Amer? ican Craftsmen at prices that command your attention. ( )ppositc St. Patrick's Cathedra! fshment. but he had no hesi .-ation in saying that she might, nt any rate, expected 'hat measure of mercy which hs believed in r. try would h?> refused ts ? 7-.-. whs i?ot only wss fl and d? B iin-1 * others. Berlin, Oct. 20 (via wir.l.-?? to Pay? ville, N. Y.I.?The Ov?r??ai Ni? Agency says that President Wllion, li I *o Pope Benedict, lr._rr?_.l??d on behalf of the Goun'e?? d* B.lU rhulier and sei is u'w.? ? . r mi who were c nrt msrtislkdla tte : if ha? rg ?bet ?M ."?'' Of He.gia.". SB4i nri'oner?. and th? execution if whoss - ntensss wa? poitpor.ed by Em? peror William. _5"~ Steinw?y For generations the Stein way has been the ideal piano?th? choice of the great artists. Its enduring fame rests upon its perfect musical qualities. Do you realize that for very little more than you would pay for any good instrument you can own a Steinway? The upright is priced at $500 and upward and the grand af$750 and upward. STEINWAY ? SONS STEINWAY HALL 107-109 East 14th Sl, New York Subway Expreis Ststion st the Door Al*o plano* fer rent el rtetonmtl* tot*** M city end country. j____U_____