Newspaper Page Text
TORCH, VILLA'S REPLY TO ?. S. ARMS EMBARGO shops and Bridges of Na? tional Railways Fired Tnnnels W recked. ok[\ CARRANZA GETS MUNITIONS ml ckkl May Run for Prosi* ?onc\ Thinks ReCOMtmctiOl " Will I It? ? Voar. - ,ta. set p? and . ?re wreck ng s I - OB the C to the arrivals. - -i . ? . . ? ifi March ... forbid er lal 1 .mi ? h - of domes . ?uch ?h:p - h ithoi Ted -o, _a?eseei restrict * ' e order ? ?pri.on ! etary McAde reas 117 De embargo only the states ol I the terri No arm? to 'Smart I eatherware" n of ( ritical people has led us to greatly enlarge nur stocks of smart small bags. Reliable Luggage Wardrobe Trunk* 14 West 40th St. %.. 154 Fifth Ate., at 20th St. ^^^^^^ 177 Broadway Crouch & Htzgerald - 4 le region? muni be allow?-'! 'o pe? whether the M ri of satrj ,ed by l'art r; El I I The Pre? dent st i sf, I ???? ?.' -!.?- Sta Peps Men i ? le fnc ? ' ' ? .... As as ? I th? \ hoi con .<? '. aturda ? en cot sgenl v r ? 'her? - - C_.f__.ll2l I rti* .0 Run fur Presidency, Mc Say Gobi? ? a of form . ? Mexico in ? '' r Adentll .-? I ? ? i v?:i . r.?Ve i I ? Pre?: "I I of i ? ? i and 1 ? ? f of tho i BI ist en .-???' rer of th? \ ? he a rat: ? W II ? . o bs a candiih.'e "" I ? ? ? ..i know; T mi^-L* sccepl ?? ? ?aid. i . ? ... t expect tha? Pre? - I that the foi B vear. - ill not cali ?i. election until ? itori d," he . ued. "The fir?-, stop will be municipal ... - that genei iperrisod properly. Con? gressional election? will follow. Thi?, congres? trill be largely tor the pur decrees and proclamation? promu bitted by the Con ? It will give way m tints to a i ect? i Inter. . the Prssi' ? onsihillty for l.f" and proper- red throujrh just a? it would be in r. ? try." sred that all the Cath' I beoi panishod wore ??.?eau??' thev ha i tekea part in po! I ?_ made only a br.ef ?top at Gomei- ?V?. re hs re,-..-v.,I mili 's'v beners. Ir. ; ??? n, where a great part of General Obregon army i? mob? ilised prep.'i toi .... es into ?e wel? come ci si extended. The oflleia] BOtiee from the .^tate De portmenf ws ed to Conanss in Torreofl bj J W Belt, of the Sta'. -7nent, at a room in a hotel ju?t as ( ^as preparing for a ride. Mexicans Just "Hopeful." Archbishop Tells Gibbons Bl I? --? 11 I I. * Tribun? | Boltim? re, i ?? it, 20 I or linal c?b bons _ .- vil ican Arch I bel ly over *he s--un tion In Mexico. --li..; | i not i? thusiostie," Is the ws the Mexic ressed the attitude of th? ? teward the ever- v are glad that les .il he said. Recognition by the United Statl by them ax the one thine BSeei -. to -- .- Its the new gOTSffln*ent. -?-s,-.-*- ,.: TRI BUN?_~ V.*vy.M\_ DIREC7?7/?>^ Note?The following New York C ity hotels ore advertisers ?O The [Mew ^ ork I ribune. As surh they offer to their -' BBja. pro! ' on froill undesirable surroundings, since sat? isfaction in B< I tiinrnodations and service is fullv guaran? teed. S?ee I he 1 ribune Graphic Section eveiy Sunday for complete } lote] announcements. 1 ?Fev ft Bach. Ij?Family. E?Women Exclusively District No. 1, 14th to 42d St., bet. Fourth Ave. 'nd Seventh Ave. Hoir!. Addreti. ?| \Xe,r 2Sih St. I ? StOtvay and 29ih St. At Si .nd Broadway I me? Square, at 42d St. 26 Gr.merry Park. 12-16 Fa.t )lsl Si II MS J.aon Ave. M I ?.t 2*>th Si 7th Ave. and ?r-th S* 2?th Si aad RMi Ave. ..,r>th Si .nd M.d.? n Ave. 9 II F..H J9* Si. 7rh Ave., cor. 36th tt. Mr?! F? I iaai ?? ? . ... ' Het.l || ? - " MbOjI MaaBa? Sqaaro, Vi?? Wasl n-jltn. ? Navarrt . I-BjWI Sn - rasai Tasiaisi. ? ? -i Rtlei. $9wk F..i..$24*.?k.Am.for2 5 I n day and u;,. $l pe? day up * I 50 pe? da?, *nd up. -r we-k up. 2, 5 I 50 per day up. On application. $130 per day up. $1 pat day up $1,50 per day un. District ?-Hoi.' 7 . Mfcr,| F. ? ? H - Mfeit! *-H?iel Mai i i No. $1.50 to $5.00 per diy. On applit ali.iii. _ $I.S0 I Washington Square Section, below 14th St. 51 per day and up. |9 v-k. Eau, li? wk. On application. $1 F.U.. $2.SO Am. ? in applical'tra. Htfi Si and University Pi. I 13 IOS VUvrrlv Place. '?. Vlaihington Square. 53 V. ?il?in((ton Square. ^^^^^^^^^ 3 3 Wen 8th Si. D?trict No. 3, 42d St. to 63d St., bet. Madwon Av-. anJ Broadway, Mb. miso ?. ? Hoi.| HutkmiKwa. H*1 *?????. M. Earn (0? St ^--l Csaol Northern, ***? Laagdcn. J hoi.! Uurelior?. ' "?t?! Leonor?. -Honi Log?,,,. i^"- Urine. rj"*l N?*S Wlton. V*** -VtKe,l.nd. HuiRi Am *~n??tl Soa?er?ei. ^stW,, 122 24 Vve.i 49tr? Si Fifth Ave. and MM Si t>3d Si and Bro.dwa). I.?de? ?Se BatVock. II? \7?e.l 57th Si. Fifth Ave and 56th Si 147 149 Weil 55th St. 6 Id St. and M.diton Ave : J7 Wen 47? St. Faf? Ave. .nd 45th Si. M.dison Ave. ?nd 49lh Sl 59th St. and Fifth Ave. 70 Waal 46th St. ! M VUn 47th St. 109 II 13 Vim 45ih M. ? 'n application. $2 per day up. $1 per OOy and up. 'in applit ?lion. $2 per day up On application. $2 per day up. 52 per lay up. 51 p. r day up. On application. On application, 52 per day up. $1250 per day up. On ?pp!,cation. $1.50 per day up. *** ??? 4, 63d St to 110th St., bet. Central Park W. and B.oadwsy. rj*1 hadante. Mj*- Ma . is ?A"*1 km. N.rr.nj.nieil MWt*1 Brtllo. H.!l gill Berkeley. ?A*** 0*atiening r^Ca.u.1. r*** BBBBOB ?J?j i*?.?, A"*1 atij?iiK, ?"***? Mu?. Mil. ?(H M.,^|k ".n S-u.r*. An lometle, ?S?? 9oahe_p, ti__?*-. ^ W*_ l'\Alfl. I rj Vle.i 80fh Si. 77lh St. ?nd Bro.dw.y. Broadw.y at 94lh St. Bro.dw.y. 155th lo 86th Sl. ?70 VI ?i 74?h Si. 202 Wen 10 Id St, "lit Sl. tt Columlnji Ave. 81 it Sl. .nd Columbus Ave. 201 Wet! 79th Si Central Park W.. TLA St 50 58 Wen 77th Si 66th St. and Broadway. Bro.dw.y al 103d Sl. ,. H Vte.1 64th Si Bro.dw.y. 70th to 71*1 Si 104 Uetl 70th Sl. Broadway and 76th Si 'in ?ppluation. $2 per d.y up. $1.50 up. $2.50 up, I or 2 perton?. ? 'ri ?ppl.c alioata $50 up for two. ' >n applit ?lion. $1 per day up RaoOB ?nd bath. $2 up, $2 per d.y up. $2 per dsy up. $1.50 per day up. $|J0 BOS d.y up. $|. ?0 up. 51.Ml per d.y up. On .iipbction. Rat? .nd t-?t... $2.00 uP. '"Sl*, tai at. BROOKLYN HOTELS. St. Uliaol.ii lleishu. h*? stti ?oaiii. I .sm-a*. FEARS CARRANZA WILL Fi Pari? "Temp." Sa?, s He Nee-d? He. nillon h> Europe. Poi .General ? arra itroBf i i mamt.-. in Me. ? . . 1 sd li lerto. sdministrat powers," ?ay the T? ? . ?' ing that inten ' the f. ?,i a is that anar. . ? ?j und ?hat tl notion fos lorded 'hen later? ti gnarant? ".I Mo do the Unit tot? ? i -.ich ?rill determine h result in hi? roeognitii powors. i b? I : ICO." BLAMES CARDEN'S RECALL ON U. "l'ail Mail Oazette" Says I (r?gties ?iroke f-.nvoy tu Mexico. London, "r- _n U.ider the !.. adl " ! he i f Sil Lion? I ird? ? i? "i'.. ' Goxcl??." comment on th.- death ?>: ti,.. ]h ; ?? '?'. o. bot? rsly critieisot b? i '? ? British n' en.ment for trie 1 ?..? : I . ? ? ? 1914. ? ' :..?- Sil l.ioi went to Me t the request of : i For si of Briti . 11 roken, it celares, b? ted o? tion ol Huerta P . ? dent at the Fore ?.mi. ; .1 to be tl. ! I OC- or. vv hi he split, adds *h?- "Gazette." "The i tripues of the Washington adrnmlsti tion were Loo Btrong ior him, and, he was not supported by his own gc ernroer.t, he wag compel.ed to retu to Kngland. ?-! Rec-ulus, he had kept his oat gong to Mexico much against hi? wi like that brave RoKOfl who we back to CsrthsgC o foes pur.ishmei Sir T.ionel re'.urned Home t-? find li influence unde-mined, his reputa*.:* a -ailed and his appointment fo - ? The appointment was the po al K h le Janeiro, which never m ? "Th'is was sacrificed," continue? tl sotte," 'one of England's most ab! active and accompli'tied publie se vants. By hi? own governnent aloi did hi? great abilitie? seem to ha? been undervalued." $10.000.000 LOAN TO MEXIC I nrrania \dministratlon VVill Get Gol from New Orleans. New Orleans, Oct. SO.* New Orlear bankers announced to-night that a? result of the recognition of the (hi ranza government they closed contract to-day to lend : "v 0 in gold t 'hi- Mexican administration. It _lso was announced that arrang? ments hud been made to handle ?he et tire Mexican sisal crop through Ne Mexican capitalists are to et tabliah a new transportation line or ereting six steamships be*wren Ne Orleans and Mexican Gulf ports. 0'RYAN URGES ONE MAN HEAD FOR GUARI Inability to Leave Country Wit out Act of Law Decried. In a spei-ch advocating before the Technology Club yesterda: afternoon Major General John F O'Rjren, head of the National Guard o New York State, said that the greotOSl WOOknoOB of the militia In the event ol war would be that they could not he out of the country until then status had been changed into that oi volunteers by act of law. "?he result would he that the militia would have to remain at a standstill for a considerable time," continued General O'Rysn. "It is a vast under .- to change the itatus of mor? 100,000 men. This I regard a vi r. s< rioui defect." Th> Bid another great weak guard is that it is without a sing!'- bssd Without saying ?-... * was thought he sdrocated the *i-'lcrali .;' the citizen soldiers. MThs NetieBal Guard of the United States," hi seid, "i? composed of fortj sight little snnies, Been army has iti own :':?! ' d lal method of enl what i- p'. eribod by the War I1 ment. This violotei the ?.: c ; of control, so valuable in lory weri For ?he United Stat? ., a position of making known ? - ami Indicating its ,i., . . -e fort;, eight little arm is wrong. Thsrs should be a one man had " ASKS 144 MORE CADETS GaiTtssSI Wants ( ?ingress to Set Knrol mrnl Total at 770. r- ? _b?1 rfl i i S-BBM ] Washington, Oet SO. Secretarv GnT'son, in hi? recommendation? to i ,,. ^res?. ask? for 114 more cadets at We?! Point. No extension of th" physical equipment will be necessary. At present the enrolment is large. than ever before in the history of ' h - BCadeag SSS bat the buildings can accommodate 770. CeagTOSS -?ill have to determine how the additional men shall be Bpp as well os the 260 additional ml ' a^keii for b) ."'? cretary Donlsls. An enlargement ol the academv equipm.nt, it il BXpOCtod, will be SSkod for n?.t year. Army ofticc*-. say that with the new continental army and the large im lease in the regular? the problem of officers will be difficult un? ie- , m.i quote un.I pormani at pi ? :? made .'or training then BERLIN EXPECT! PEACE BY SPRD. Thinks Britain Will Yit Because of Her Sensi of Business. BUT ALLIFS MUST MAKF OVERTURI Qoverntnenl Circles Will ! Discuss Terms Until Foe Is Ready. ". ? I -? | "Bal by spring ?ball probsbly hove ? tmet Tbii remork of s stat- official ii very h fh i . -->- taken ?.? ? : i Gem government i ? : neid? during a ? i ? i tal Pressed to give a reason for hi? .?plied that his expectations inrgelv on " sound business tense of the Britis which would lead them to move poses ?s ?non a? they ?aw nothing v t.. !..? trained by COI .- 'he war. '.'. ? BOS hold 11 th? Wi It," he ri . "a stro.u -i line aclnve of I i each s Belgian territory. W? shall soon hi a similar '.me fortified in the Ka?t. 1 hind -hese two line; we ran sit tif and defy all efforts of our enemies brosk through. "I have much confidence in the bu if<? sense of the British, and thi that when once they have found t Dardanelles cannot be forced this vv Uad them to take step? in the direct: of peace." It Bros SUggSStsd that business m usually ire unwilling to make a co tract wherein all the advantage? Conditions ar? With the other parti? and that this "businsss" would facilitated if the opponents had sor definite information as to the man mum terms on which Germany wou be ready to discu?s peace. The offiei replied that for Germany te make ll temenl Bt this time on the rond ?" peace DO ?ibly might be inte pi ? ? . as ?i confei ion of weaknea and that for the present he proforr? t?. awail overture? from the other sid People l)i?cu?s War \lm_. The vigor with which the series political group? and big indu, tria commercial and agricultural organi.i tion? discus" th? tabooed topic of th "aims of the war" Indicates that tl government i? giving serious consu eration ?o the subject of peace. Th dihcussion and the Bttorancos of I' Karl Helfferich, Secretary of the Gei man Imperial Treasury: Sir Edwar Grey, British Foreign Secretary, an other responsible porsOBOges give cole f.. th? sapicion thai lomething may b ii behind th?- curtain. No statem^n* whatever as to Goi many'? peucc conditions can i.e ol tinned, nor is it eren certain the gov rrnment ha? reached any final conclu sion. From observation! and remark dropped from tima to ???>.e in oHeis Circles, one would say that Germany' preeei * terms laclada neither the ah Sorption of Belgium r.or o'hrr whole ?ale annexations demande?! by th "blue sky" enthusiasts, who seen bound on adding to Germany praetl rally everything now occupied by man armies. Demand I arge Indemnity. The cardinal point in the desires o official Germany, If these assumption ?ii" eorrSCt. il at pif ?t.* a largS Ifl demnity. This is demanded not on . t?. eompenaats Germany for ?he -tend ily growing war ro?t?, but to provida 1 guarantee sgaiast future sttaek Th? ?ecotid cardinal point Is the rostoratioi of Germany'l colonial empire in un diminished form, with certain . presumably at the expense o1 Belgium. France is looked to to pro vide a large of the expected in demnity. Russia will be asked to give up Poland WOULD TRAIN BOYS IN ARMY MECHANICS Women of Navy League Also Plan Camps for Girls. ' mm Th? Triem ? ii.r. a.; i Washington, Oct. _(V A plan for fitting boys for the highly 'echnic.l branche? of the service in the army and navy is being worked out by the wom? an's section of the Navy League, Mr?. Irone II. RflBSSll. chairman of the com? mittee, announced to-day. Mrs. Russell, the wife of Colonel R. I; I h sell, "f the marine corp?. to right that the plan provided for mil? itary and manual training COmps ?t p'.iiit- near big Citiei t in such num t ei -!,.t m? bo; who wished to sttond would tind the distance to., great. lostmction WOUld be given by armv and navy officers who had no impur tant :. .- ? at the time, and slss by retirad army and navy officer?. In the pract'ca! branche? instruction would be given by muster mechanics from the navy. 1 lie boys at the camps, Mrs. P.u?se'.l Mid, WOUI ! Ye divided into two groups, those between ten and ftfteoB an 1 those between fifteen and twenty. Th-y would be taught to repair small arm?, automobile? and other machines us**i by armies. Mrs. Russell is also plann.tig cam**., for gilis, to teach nursing, first ai?l, sewing of the kind necessary fot arm!-*? and ambulance corps, and ?imilar wor... Peco lento OorBatOBS J.t?._.- _?_ _? ' ? 'nannmanmT~~^ ? , '' 'i l' 7<?i a. ! _ ? ? ! m ,' ? ? u.. *i_???t ?___^^^^ _???_?_m ^^^^^?mm Ana fram 'Ht,mot'*kt si olea J??o?oJ? - ;.'i-i?i: re* OBvae BMaaB Os The artist).? playing of pianissimo BOtfll demands uniform softening of ton* volume throughout the entire scalo. The only Orand piano in ?1! 'lie world in which this emi he ae.-omplishi-d is tin- Kranich i Baeli. The "Isoion??* lofl F'.-.i.ii" of the Krarii.-h & B??*li mihdiie*? every not?* from the low*.! F-a-ss to tin* highest treble, with absolute evenness. ^RANICH^'BACH PK|^-?*? zfiira-Quality PIANOS 1 WBitP and Player Pianos I "sStteJ tnto a rea! piano factory and make \*u> (MtS?m 233 East 23d St. rnSm--, 16 W. 125th St p \___l " aim. }>/> *' I mm . ?- 'i - ?" "~ '? r--^--"-"**~ AMERICAN HIT BY SHELL But M?tlle (reek Man F.arnesllv Denies Thai He i? "Mleetasj." P?ns. Ort _" Ha I 'hat his seas 7. ?? Inelflded la .? list of Amerieani - . I i _? n-1! ? ? French army who sre missing. Frederick W. f ' . sent to Pi.? ? i .? front a Isttsi *<k Mi? that t. ? ? orrsctsd Mi Zinn, a vi intei - the -erond Regimen! sf the Foreign Legion, was ?truck I.;. _ fragment "7 a ..!i-;i m the recent battle in ( hampagn?-. He is re? covering. BRITISH HOLD GERMAN WIFE Hu?hand. Ft M P, Dwells on Coast \\ hence I -Boat was l.uided. I.on.I?m. iirt. ;'" A MB Mtion ha? eousod a thi north to -.-.? .. ays "'1 ho Evei :? ! re i," i.-. ?' i ? | .??' the wife ..' v. uiom i l' D **'. who wa? a Liberal men.'., r if F ment for -Vhiteheves from l-" ?' te ls.0. Un Burnysat is a Germoa and the dSBghtei of I'olorel Retsleff, of Berlin. iple own a fine house on the ' umboi..-. ,\ coast i ? si '?' ... which recently i Gor man - . ??:,?( the that the ?ubmarine had heen guided b? BURIED THREE DAYS BY TURKISH MINE five British Soldiers, Working Underground. Diij Them seh es Out. p. 11 I ,...?.. '.-? ; sula, wh ????? -"m<- of th? ....?? in;: .it" the woi has been itagod, has become 'be kobs of underground but? tling The infantry and tin- artillery have been comparatively inactive f'.r the last week, but the miners have been busily engaged. The staunrhest nerve and the hardi? est 'ortitude are needed for these sub? terranean aii-. anees, for the men work? ing underground may find them ? sudd? nly buried alive by the wreckage wrought l.y the enemy's shells One of these instances occurred on Montiay. The Turkish gun? had beeo pounding on<- of trie Anafaita ti.nches held by the British so heavily that it become ni -cess?t', to withdraw the gar n-on. Hardly had 'he troop.; fallen bach thai tbe-eaemy ? ices? led n ex? ploding a mine under the trench Working under it were five Brll ih miners digging inward the foe's The dl of lbs trench dislodged by the explosion covered the pal igea iy, and the five men were dosed in the tunnel. So completely were they burled that their comrades gave them up as lost To-day the five miners rtpor'ed to their eompeny. After three days they had Aug tnemaelvei out of their tomb, subsisting mi-anvvhile on the little f. od they had with them. They were none the worse for their ordeal An official statement issued to-night says : The general officer ??onitnamling the ModiterraaaaB - ipedition re| ?? that duiing th. .. | week th?*re he.s been little t" report as regards the operations above ground, but that on both sides mifliBg BCtivlty has been considerable. At Hill SO the Turk? explode,) a mine at an eviden'ly predetermioed hour. Unfortunately for the enemy, the mine exploded beneath his own line? and entanglements, es much damage to his own Tench, but 1 "i r to mir? RUSSIAN SOCIALISTS MAKE PATRIOTIC PLEA Declare Defeat Would Mean Loss of Freedom's Strudle. Petrograd. <> ? to. Widespread a' tention is being attracted to a call i? sued by leaders of all faction? of ?he Russian Socialist?, representing many shade? of opinion. The call urges Bo? lts to subordinate their persenal interests to the l tetn ' of the coun? try and ts lOppott the national cause again, t German) Tie call II Signed by men of such prominence si *?i*"i_e Plekanhoaf and liner deputy, QrSfJOrj Mcxil - "We, 'he lignera, represent various group- which differ in many things," sa;, s the call, "bu* WS are allied in the belief that the defeat of Russia in the war with Germany also would be the defeat of Rossis m the struggle for freedom. Having th1? conviction, we believe the friends "f Russia .hduld subordinats their differences sad uni'.. in friendly, loyal service to the country in our BetioBol daager. "We appeal to vv i.rkingmen, peasants, artisans, elerks m ?h?rt, to all vvho rat by the wool of their brow, who suffer material' went, vvho lUffST BO" litical oppression; all who are trying to attain a better future for themselves and their children." SPERRYS INVENT AERIAL TORPEDO Continue?! from page ! ripie In a man-currying machine and found that it worked perfect -. HoWOVOr, he go* ietO trouble when his propeller broke, away the ? i: of his mach.tie. The newspapers printed account1? of the accident, i .' tmg the blame "n the stabiliser. Sperry Bid that I ' ' ' let it go at tha' lather than ii elOSS the na'urc of his flight. Summed up, the new invention i? a ?elf-controlled aeroplane, lying with? out a pilot and loaded with Beet Practical sdmisoiOB of the fact that the Bperryi have tech a levies ?s the aerial torpid? was made fSStordoy t.? :? Tribune reporter at the office of the Sperry Gyroscope ComDOny, 21 '? ? -??? t, Brooklyn. An officei of tho com* pan.. ?'??'?t The Tribun- va? ? possession "f the far*-, a--.-.: that -v their publication Elmer A Sperry wes seen, on the ? ? . ? that "the matter affected ns tioa " Hut Mr. Sperry decided not to talk. "Miad. ! _ I nut admit thai we have such ?????'. this ? Acer. "Yon will have to publish tie ?Tory on your own responsibility " But * little later he commented- "l declare. I ?or I how in the world you got to know about this." ______-? NOBEL NOMINEE WAR VICTIM Slain Knglish Scientist tin a Candi? date? No Priie. This Year. i , . . - . ? Bteekbolss, Ocl _". The distribatisa of Nobel prue? probably will b. ? pended this year, a? in 1.11, owing to the war. It i? reported that a prominent Kng lish seiet tu? was placed a? a candidate. but the committee received BSWI thai he had fallen in battle. Wilson Proclaims U. S. Nfutral NTs . ? ? Oct M Pn id -.? .Vil son si.- , a Bree lamo t ton gis ? .; .if the neutrality of the t'ruled m ?he war between Ser? bia _nl Balearia. Tne proel-m_?.u was essertini, the same a? those rov .n__. '.?.- win bei.ccn other __*..-_?. Full of appeal to those who really know or want to know New York, it is not often that power and truth are so strongly brought out in one book. Intimately written by the well known author and dramatist George Bronson-Howard's Impressive New Novel ^(UAsna 11 . tUstH |. ? M . -i" Mmmf%I THE - ?i...?Mr"..:.:<!M. I 0 P ? --? DESTROYERS FAIL AS SCOUT SHIPS Naval War Game Proves That They Lack Speed and Range. - 7 m Tttpmm Sanaa ] Washington, Oct. 20. The uselesi nes? o'" doatroyora a? seout ship? wa? demonstrated in the recent naval wir frame, in which the at'acking fleet mad? a eonstru.-'ive landing in Delaware Bay. Navsl officer? ?aid to-day that the small craft ran short of fuel and had to leave the scouting line, und that they were unable to maintain high ?paod In a heavy ?ea. This revelation i? held In naval cir? cle? to prove the necessity of equipping the navy with fast and powerful scout cruiser?, such a? Secretary Daniels Lai recommended in hi? five-year boildiag programme. Boesose the scouring destroyer? of Admiral Fletcher's d""i?ri<l;ng fleet failed to find the "enemy," the at? tacking force succeeded in "<le??roying the Blue fleet piecemeal," effecting a Unding not only for the battleship? of the Red?, but for many transport?. Rear Admiral Fletcher'? strategy Is locked up among the secrets of ?he naval War i'oUoge at Newport. It is believed, however, that had hi.? foii-c been equipped with fast scouts capablp. of keeping the sea continuously in any aroathor the result might have been otherwise. Naval experts doubt the advisability of mounting l?*-inch guns on the new battleships to be authorized at the icxt session of ?ongress. At present the largeat on the ?hips of any navy ? *-?? lii-inch, and these are not mure effec five than the 14-ineh rifles of the American navy Hiplacing 14-inch gun? with the heavier. K-inch type would necessitate s reduction of their number, the ex? port? say, ?nd would give no advantage -uve :i ?light increase in range. It i? d- uhtful whether an mcrei.?ed ra Ige v.. |?J he of great value. At prop-on? i* i? impeaalble to op. rate at more than 18,000 -fsrtls, the limit of vision on the ?ea. Indirect fire method? in use or, lafld, it is declared, miv be adapte?! to naval warfare. Fly mean.? of a captive balloon as an observer's seat, ranges of tSfiSS ; uni? might be found p ae tieoble. The gunner? would he in? formed ol the accuracy of their fire by the balloonist, through ?he "hrack<*f lag" system familiar to tield : rtillery men. I'nder this system two shot? re Rrad, one intended to fall short of th< target and the other to go over it, iif'er the approximate range has r si calculate?). The ebsorvOf informs the gunner.? which ?hot fall? nearer, and the proce?s is repeated until the proper i ?i : ga is found. Bryan Man for Bryan Town. Washington, Oct. 20. Samuel V, Radaofl aras appointed postmaster of ?-. Neh.. to-day. His selection wig urged by William .1. Brvan. Of New York For New York By New York ' S.'iks Clothes arc made by S.uks it Company, in \ew York, and arc typi? cally N'eu York Clothes. ' To paraphrase eoln's immortjil line ///<?// <irc ttf New York, for New York and by New York. * They are metr?poli {?m in origin, metropoli? tan in purpose, and therefore truly metro? politan in character. ? They are authority for what's what in the Fall and Winter ward rohe of .Manhattan, reflecting in every detail of their treatment the taste and temper of the town. ' And yet Saks Clothes cost no more and some? times cost less than clothes whose origin is a secret and which can? not hold a candle to them for individuality and style. Suits.$17.50 to $50 Overcoati.$15.00 to $38 Broadway at 34th Street U. S. WAR PLANTS ASKED BY DANIELS Let Defence ?Millions Be Spent in Navy's Own Workshops, the Secretary Urges. Ral-?-h. 1ST. Cm 0e%, 20. What the r.avv exports to do toward preventing private manufacturers from reaping v.*. fiv. profit? on the expenditure of hundreds of million? involved in the ?I'lminiiitrarion's national defence pro i/rarr.,?*<? wr.s outlined here to-dav bv Secretary Dani?!s in a speech at the ' North Carolina State Fair. Mr Daalela said his annual report to Coagresa would recommend legislation to enable the government to ?quip it self to build naval craft, make its ? arfl armor slats and ereatlv extend its msnofactore ,.t' munitions. "1 he government has invested many million-. <>f dollars in navy >?ird?." ?ai-! the ?Secretan*, "?nd uni??? tni? invest? ment i? utilized for new construction much of it is watted. If the govern? ment is prepared to construct naval craft, privat" shipbuilding empane desiring con'iacts must compete vith , go*, ernrnen' yards." Mr. Daaiell pointed out that the go >*rnment paid St cents a pound tfl ;. private manufacturer a few vear ' ago for making powder, but the navy row was making it at a co?t of about nti a pound. "These cases coull le multiplied." ?he Secretary added. KINO HELPS 'RELIEF FUND Gtvee J-i.lOO to Swell Receipt? of Hrltish "Our Day." London, Oct. M? Throughout the Hriti-h Isles to-morrow, "Our Day." efforts oriil be made to raise a great food lor the BritiaB. Red Croas an?! the order of St. -lohn and .lerusalem. i King George hai subscribe.) tUfin?, ?r ?a ___y a* 14' . Street " Being specialists in Motor Apparel us \vc an*, and counting among our customers sonic of the most criti? cal motorists of \.w York and elsewhere as we do. there is Bp____h] interest in these Chauffeurs' Complete Outfits, Overcoat, Suit and Cap t $43.50 r Their correctness of style, perfection of fit and excellence of mak? ing and materials are such as only long experi? ence and exceptional facilities afford. 1 A ?ggjjg s r r t Norfolk or plain model, with trousers or breeches. Oxford pray whipcord. r A ?2&00 0 V g R COAT Heavy weight ( )xford pray whipcord to match the Suit. Double breasted with converti? ble collar, lined with wool suiting. r A ?2...0 C A P- To match Suit and Over? coat. Motor Apparel ?hop?Sllith floor ?* 50% REDUCTION *J LIGHTING FIXTURES, BRACKETS LAMPS. CANDELABRA. BRONZES, M TV? _BB-P(l__al ?___?_-? ?I -I'?.a . '? ?l ut ri"rilar Ha I ?_??-' .? ,. \ ? -, i-';-.- -???'. m ? liait W *..e re??'!??- ?a!-.a during th? .'??.p.--.. - 0> -_ ._ .- ..rna .:? ?h? a. ?Jro.nil FI... - . ' m ARCHITECTS BIILMNi. \ Park AS-BBB ?? 4"*h Pt. ? CA5SIDY <_ SON MFC CO. i mm a ?; Uelween *? I k rth A.aiii _ ^ Bsrasusaao ;??? t and by the ?ale of bsdjfes and many other articles it Is expected a .ery larj?e sum ?ill he realized. M?ny of the theatre? are to give the entire re? ceipt? of their afternoon and evening performance?, and the owners of h'.g K?me prSMITSS have sent gam? into the city to h,, sold IS the highest bid ders. There will be special concerts >i.ii>l exhibitions, the receipt, of which will be turned over to the fund. Since the beginning of the war more than $ has been raised by *ne>(. societies, not including: the funds lecently collected in the colonie?. The Gorham Business started with forks and spoons In fact, in the nomenclature of the table, (.orhain TablewaPt is ahno-t m well known a_ Iri-h Linen and French Cuisine? There is in everv fork and MMOU we make 84 Vein of ? umulat? ive experience, to eij-urc tin* quality and enrich the designa -iid .peaking of designs, perhap- the onlv fault with the (.??rhani ___eC-_0_t- i-- that the varictv i> apt to embarra**? tin* choice! There are twentv-s?*ven different and distinct patterns and each interpret*? .omc histories] epoch or influence with th?* fidelity of a genuine affection. But however the pattern-? and the prices ma. vary, in nowi?e affect., the quality of Goriuun workmanship, which is best described as a habit ofexcaUaiSC? which ice cannot turnotnel THE GORHAM CO. Silversmiths fintl (?ohisniiths FIFTH AVENUE ? 36A STRFFT 17-19 MAIDEN LA.NL