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?The Dollar Ditiner ?? ith V? ix A!?-.? a lo Carte. / / iP 1 ' troubles dive to-night at the \\ 3 Iht?iu?nh A LAWYERS VOTE PERKINS SUPPORT su aun ?i "Respectable Nonentity." ?Says Wicker sham ai Meeting. a | tt looryen s1 '' .. , ? ?? ?ham, former I'nited Stotoa | ? - ? iathrla i Jr., former A nounced the c. ward Swann, of Oeoersl 9i ? any canditiate, ar.d made a plea e lawyer? I Tammany from gettlog control of the ?HI |s g loflg time I SO Tammany I ' ' ?'? tl ? able 1 ? i? veil ? ? ? ,n." ith rio i ? . Mr G It! Bids for ?riminal Note. "If the BOOpl? l loi - f a ca? I M r i hu ..t he , ? ? ? .: ? ? Tiamr ? f-ich tann'.-, ' ' ? tan! ?? to aool - once ?: pro ? I... n U.iul.l BO Wide Op?-n. I thai ? Mall ' ?? tel office," aaid 1 . . to I ? ? ' ? I t*t:on Day foi . : : ? .-? ? lawyi -men' Lawyers' I.? more than 200 meml ?? ? - ng In ? \ ? ? the '? "'there ? Attorney'? office." he said. trary, ?here are ma* .? ? . there BBoald be to The eom ? i mature of ?om* of the rat?. ? ?ew man and hi? a??i?Ur.t? unless they ? the ground already Covered b] mv itafl The lm. and money ?.* thl Uipayen will oo aacrifleed if ? ehanga i. mude Il IBa interett of the eittsOBJ of this county. I urge yo-j to l,t m, continue t'e va-r,. n ?>h;rh I am now engaged " ROUND TRIP To Yjsmma AN0BALTIMO22 SPECIAL EXCURSION SUNDAY, OtT. 24TH vu ROYAL BLUE LINE New Jrney Central. Rr.ding tl ?St Ohio K. R.', i th? boon la B.ii timor?. Other Lit union., No?, list. January 9tl?. - - ' ? ' St . ? ?> ?? ... ? ?..?. a?! a. JERSEY WOWEN FIGHT ON; TURN TO LEGISLATUR Right to Vote for Pre! dential Electors One of Their Goals. TO ASK WILSON'S AID TOWARD AMENDMEN Dr. Shaw Says Defeat H (liven Movement Fresh Impe tus Throughout Country. I B ' imejred by The adver?' ? f. - ? .v Jsroey women's pica lor ihe rets, ?i?-.iay Bad i . . Hefore, it had . BIS kno badlj ? ? er pitch ?' . the Ji . ?nting I ng almost .term,:-, ? i ' . entir? ht Troi to bo i sd by tl ?' | ,v.e Legislaturs has the power to : low the v.'.- ? I Presid? t?a] electoi the eq '.'< w- .1. : ?< ? are 'hat th partial luffroge shall be graotod tin In the tWI B Elect 'aj a coi pisto canvass will ? f all ca Isseml ?ho favor the - ? I ? ?? iy, it II >??>., in tl ?' . and will aid the equal fra: . jammir ? \..r do the womei : s ho Bpok ? ? ? rred np the hoi : bein lor years I tl i ore attacking l ? ? hosiasm _ : _ . tl I I ? I t by the < ? luestion Of ' ? . ? irs, the already laid i i ? it i Fedoi . i ' ? .. ? ? ? i? new carr.pbik'n for '. ..nin? to fe in cam . ? _ hirh the , ' vvopi ? n the stet? ? ? ? ? i - ? .,-? - . ? i - baa em - ? Mi ? tei cotnmi't?.e from an sltcred tries ? ? ' ? ? ? . A ? I u i h ? ? .. . he politicians of the ?I int bittei their i ? ? ? to the ? ? | flghl ?-?.* .. g to the ml? -. ? ths ' I . ... ? ? s to 1 ? e 1. ... s for si ... ? ' ? . bed? l hern. How * i hi be anti stand tect influence of party 1 ty to tha cause cannot be counted. Yet while the machines turned defeat Into well-Big}) S calani'ty. - - mijfht heve been cru? ? . , suspicion of all radical rofi -. . *Ap 1-BpOBI ? ' pethcr oiKaiuiation, dire?-*.-.! by I * irlei ? sd la the olios of p? to build up for itself SO Strong _ , ?tttveney tV_t It would ot. coaso-rretlsfls. Mae. of th.- _ VOtS w_h ca?t through a heuvv If] ,, ranee of the aim? of the ?ofTrag? rather than an intelligent diaapproTal of it? creed. Ad.'e . to m?cbin? SBpSSltlSB and the rol unreasoning disapproval of ?u? !r_re is a third factor the liqoi ? ?? . . It any ' rj I ' I foci that in both of | ? prel -s w.r? B OB onti-l if?rpgp ti .- .a- ... v Ith the ? I ??'.- i ?at std .iquor i manu won! element wa? not so strongl) fluentls . , oral ? ? e ottitads tbroBghoat ha? be?-. tlj the cause. ? ?. dl? tod before the i -, ?here it ?.. . ? ? b> a ni? lotit 10 ^r cent of the wbs l * . - rets c??t. This rteleel reps SHADOWS OF HAIKaS Thee 1? ao bsdr so ba(S Hi ?haOow." SOMX title defects may stem very smaH shrBil ows of lialrs bnt they loom lsrgaT when they prevent a sale or a mo* (?la*!? on yoar property. When vo?n lK*ltl our title policy there can he no i.nei ptrcttMl trouble for you. Such, trouble will h ?land to us. TiTlE GUARANTEE AND TRUST C? Capital . . $ 5,000,000 j SurplusCan e??r?e?n 1 1,0<X),000 176B*wey, !.. T. I ?'5 Renti-r? *??., B*kl|r*a, ttM> t-iunt St.. Ja-.?-?.?. I, ?uffrag:?"? BBBOBOeed I ??.??.. ? '? . ill ?? itlei '. agoi '-. Demoeratli . vord ? N'ewark, the Kighth, gave ?ur!r?g*a ... ?i the . . goath Oi / . tory of the id, was more K.arpy wn? the only retors a lufTrage ? .? as well i. ? ? . and thil an axpreaaad it vei ? ,: ? srtj - I iprei ? -y by n Limping into ? n ,]uan- ? ten Ifrsgiita ai er the i i g them the) loable erossii cr" I ? ? ? illegal i waxed . 'hat such a ? ?-.' -? as | . . ni.e tima i II j of Jersey City, and aid to Otto H Wltt ? ,' i- leader of 'he Bixth Wind and ?. inpporter of the c.v.: ? s statomeal yeaterda? regarding 100 ma oiity again?? the i? ? * "Mr BBl cannot be blamed for the re lit,' I I said. "No man shorn.! for It There seem? to huve : t i. ??r *t agalaat woman ?utTragc, lj could have prevented toe i, This doable erossii | talk Is fair." Issl night 118 diatrieta out of a ? re ?till missing from the re BfltiSS, i elievi that the i until a time I : i ooi ' , tain lag h.r?re citiei '?i - ex, ' ? Pa lie nr.,1 . , . * ? ? ..?]??? immuter eoanl ??? " 8 . ."d'il us and parta ?f I i ? I.' i?were a ?f? etioB. Oraage, ted on aa cei Bant agalnil it. Bo d thar exclusive eommu . ? thi ameodiBOBt, d? ? In the ai i tiaa of Hoi :? Gli ? . i? <. Mon I Cumb? rland the re -. ? ?? Bverag? proj I againal . er county ol < ape Ma ? 1,781 to 1 I by a proba - I 00, Equal Suffrage Only Postponed. [Bj Is .. Adrii-.n. Mo . Ort. 20. K.-ual suffrage may I ad; !t cannot be de ? ma we lose an aloe Ifiagiati The loai ? i Bor. Ufa have ? . : impel that shn.l r all eti ? si re is im ? ? radii . ? * in lenl - 'ion of Denver Encouraged by Defeat. si sas a, Maho. net M. The defeat of add? to th>* teal rk< fiai tata It a tratlon of er.. ? \ I . SUFFRAGE LOSS SPURSBAY STATE Workers, Undismayed, Set Out with Renewed Vigor in Final Fight. JERSEY RFACTIONARY, IS GENERAL VERDICT Defeat Meld Incentive to Men of Massachusetts to Shake Off Machine Grip. . n? T?:??rarh t- Tha TW ?__?.. Sestea, Oat - Defsat of the suf? frage amendment in New J?r?ey pro h comment among suffrage leaders in Massachusetts. Alice BtOBS Hi.'.*-', prosidoat of the llaSBB-hBSet-B Woman'? Suffra* Association, ?aid: "What leaders ?ike I ?? ' -ti and Thomas Ediion seo now, the ran_ an i Bis si ths reters will s- '.ori_. ? >> defsotod . BB-Trags la, bat that had 0 effect or. Kansas, Oregon and An The failure in New Jer?ey doe? not mean M SttS, Sam Y <m k and . * . defeat su:fra_e. The ? n l. much better BBdS ? ste '' ? i . -. said: "I belle, e the loss i fsrso? will b? ? men of Massachusetts to be the first to i iffra I Mrs '. rtnidc Leonard ?aid -he was BOrry tS heal of 'he unexpected defeat, bu* did not think it had aas special bearing on th? questiOB in Massachu? setts. Joseph Walker, former ?peaker of the liassael usettl House of Represent? atives, said: "The action of the men of New Jersey is nnjnst and unsrener uiik ?.n question should be settled until it ,s ssttlsd right Their action conl rolliag effect on the v. ? Ittl ami other 1 believe the question should be settled on its? merit? in each state, and 1 hope for B iplendid victory in .. , November I According to Samuel L. Powers, i ongrsssman, ? the defeat ?i equal suffrage in New Jersey was not Niw Jer.-ey, he .-all, BSV? .1 been progressive, having beer. e Civil War to ? the Bdministrotion of Lincoln and rots for ths Dsaiocratls ticket. Thi ,-?? cause, like every other re time and would take a tins in New Jersey than Other state. Machines' (?rip Shown. William Shaw. Prwhibition candida - ?'.. Governor, laid: "The defeat ef Kew Jersey em ? . "s that the state ha? be?n ; 'oal machines. I 111 ?eo her oppor end k'1vi- woman her eqnol place man in making and helping 0 rce the laws so vital to the .;.. m en1 of th s ch ? in?. ?nen in Msssaeh ICOUrag? I by ths action of reac? tionary New Jersey. Rather Isl ' neentivc to them -, hardest work during the next twi lory in rill more tha- 8 Si ' I '-..'. . . " William H M. Master?, publicity ?srybody knew trt iaterOBtl thai were airam-' the Wi ? x Jersey, and that th* ? torSOtS vvere at work in 'h ? tat? bu1 ?? ?? 'n,- nu-n of hfsssochu .oasiaated by them " "Thors i- lu- ?? i New fersey n It," - I Mrs. Sn he ?d of the Political ". thai a hie thine doesi '? .is of tr? l '-; the result ?n Jersey woald bf Meeoecbaoetta fool they mus? gel out sad wort and do I itter from now until elr-eMon. 1 - . but ?he is a ' ll "Ai -. , the n ill should an iwsr ntis" claim ihat ?, rote for suf - .-. I for socialism. I I i ilist, went against BL Tl It although social seller? in ?uffrage a? n prln if the saclollata '" ' the eonaerval lam of ?i ? 'T<*r:? one" .?:d ?iffrrig? m batch 1 rears the i ? ? ? ? .. r..r. v cnmi were tvti ?al. I have juat r-c - ihowins ' I tl key, ?e>*re??i the W ara, under the rail r h. ? '.'. ? ? ? sTobb LawioB,' which .??, ?>f cour? Impreaiion mtl -aulTragiit lie i SI err 1 -. ??: ? of their material to voy a; Impn ioIob to arliich thav ro nui ? " WOMEN UNDAUNT1 IN PENNSYLVAN Jersey Result Only Stimuli Them to New Activities, I caiiers Declare. |Br T-.-fTa; ? i- RM "- ir: ', Barrisbai-g, Pean., ?.?ct. CO P? ?ylvania suffrage's are not at all 1 ?? I to day ,,v r the result? of .l<r*?,;. elertlon. In place of depres, tl.em it ha? stimulated their activi in nil parts of the -*H-e Officials s'ftte headqoartera here ?aid they I ar.prec ated that tha political eonditi Neo J - ? -o had that women rhere had ii'tle chance of ov coming the corruption. Ranee fh<. ?ul's. .-.'though unpleasant, were , tirelj . expected Rome . o? eeptioB of the practical * t- ? ?? Psaasvlvsnfs lolTra/jrl i Jsrsoy de fest may gleaned from the following ';? Prank lent of thi Pennsj I r.i.t U ? al ion : "F'.r the i".pi?' of Pennsylvania thf is s str a in tha roeaits of t election held in Mow Jeraay yeetord? at which their constitutional ??men rrien?^ were voted upon. The sign: cant feature of the election as diselOl by the returns is that not only the si frage amendment, but all three of t proposed amendments to the New J?, Bay cons'.tution went down to defe ' "Here in Pennsylvania, on N'ovemb 2, four important amendment?, each i Vital interest, are to be voted on. Ne Jersey's example warns u? that thei four Pennsylvania amendments wi probably itand or fall together. F'.uc is meritorious and in strong demand I Important ilementa of the people; the frieod of each are wise they wi roaolva to support them with 7.ra! "In all other respect? the result i New Jersey :s without significance i rhs state, for there li ttle rasan blance between the suffrage csmpslg WBgsd here and the one which vva waged in New Jersey. In the lattc ?tote the suffrage movement -vas not s well sata 1 i-. It la here in I'eni: ?na, r.or were the women ther able to do the concentrated work whic has been done in this state. The resul in New Jeraay WM B?*t unexpected b the suffrage workers in this sta-e, an I of di.-eouraging them it ha merely itrengthened their faith in th vania situation. "The frieada of suffrage, and thi .11 ?.?her amendments to hi i on here, however, should taki thi New Jersey electior nothing to prevent then from going to the poll? and rastini Philadelphia Women to Tour Whole Stat, T.. : - I Philadelphia, Oet 20. That woman suffrage was defeated in Now Jersey ha? in no way dampened the enthusi? asm of ?uffrage workers here. On th? the Kqual Fran r*--?? - . noui eed to-night that leading women of lociety will tour the Blag to-r.ight, in the' famous "Hun.hum winner," distrib uting thousands of pieeoa of li'erature. II ?a Proaeoi (. : teem and Miss Char? lotte Hare, two of the most popular girl? in the younger set, will be the flrsl to publiclv lead off. They will leave the Equal franchise Society head quarters at noon to-morrow and con? tinue their tour until Philadelphia ha? literally covered with literature. The?, will be relieved from day to day by tWO Other society women, until the satire itate ha? been thoroughly enn JERSEY RESULT CHEERS LEADEF Ultimate Triumph Seen I Workers at Washingtoi Meadquarters. !_--? T'.? T ?' BM n??-"?il I Washington, Oct. 20. No ?l_n of prSSSiOS as a r?s'i!t of th? ?uffrage . feat In New Jersey wa? to be ?? ?roiir I the hsadqaartsi- of ?ry of I inffrogS bodies her.* ''?-day. ror a'r,<? any of the leader?. The advoca'?? the Constitution?! amendment plan ?i in this confirmation ?if their ram;a: methods, and all declared that th? fig woald b? carried on with even (.rea*. energy and with undimini?hed hope *li si success. " -? AllCS Peal, f'f New Jer?e chairman of the COBgreeslonol I'mo WOS cheerful "The OSfsat of In Now Jersey will greatly stimula th? movement for an smSBdmsnt to tl rational Constitution enfranchise worn? n." she said. "Mr?. Laura I'uffer !>I organ, of th Not anal Coagressionol Committee, ws emphatic 'n her oplnlea. "New Joras has a notoriously corrupt political ma chine," ?ne said, "and it has a ?malle percentage of no-licens.- area and greater percentage of saloon? to th population than ar.y other state In th. T.'nion. Saloon? and suffrage are incom patible. When I was campaign.:.,; .; NOW Jersey last June WS never spok? on a ?tr?et corner where there wa? noi at leas* one saloon. "I am disappointed, of co.r-e, bal 'hi dsfsat is only temporary. 1 the f'ir?t campaign that Nea Jem had, and it is almost unprece,i,.-ted for ? its to win Its _ ' ?' '' IB poig r ige. We had the Liquor Dooli Associatioa to contend with, and they announced their opposition to us in loud terms. Five years from now, if not before. New Jersey will have suf? frage. One of the greate.t victories lay in the fact that the Pre? dent of the (Jolted State? voted for u?, and it is an exalted thought that thereby he voted against the liquor traffic of the 3oWBaxaVA Son-Vion? SALE OF WOMEN'S STOCKINGS F'ure thread ?Silk Stocking! in Black, Whit ?Silver, (iold, Shoe ?& Evening Shades, pair Hi - ?, p?ir g. Three pairs for 2.70 '* Boot Silk Hose in Black, White, Navy, Bro Tan, (iold, (iray, Champagne, *V>penhi?en'!' Taupe; extra sizes in i.lack <Sc White, per pajr ? Six pairs for 2.H5 A lot of Black, White and Colored Stockin? I Cotton, Lisle, emhrdidered clox, also extra iluaL Black Lisle only, per pair, J Six pairs for 1.40 Complete stock of -Equestrian Tij?hts suit hi. for Motoring. 'lull Orders fromptI? hilled. Broa?way.?lVcsn? 9ft. Sti, ?t?te he is BaSC. interested In." Mr Roben Le Pollette, a Ifs i I oter I-a Kollett?, of W laid: "With only ?bout thirty or forty tl lesead rotes to wta ou- ' ? i of th? lets a he, 1 -?? com .. ?, . aay I I b_ ths . gemeot in 'he situoti? b, '??t I . | | eetoB tha grea* laten -? i the subject. Considering the short Campaign, tha work was wonderful. It looked Juat as di'couraging as 'hat In Wisconsin and Ohio, and as New Jer? sey i? the first F.a?terri ?t?te to be worked In just that way, it is really remarkable." Button's Rare Book of ip^ Origin??! chain intact B^ fully printed. (1550? ?81 Fifth Avant*, a lUK-?L *3.00 -3.50 !4.00 s4.50 & s5.00 SHOES FOR MEN A.\D WOMEN YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 32 years W. L.Douglas name has stood for shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price. His * name and the price stamped on the bottom guarantees ?w, ~ full v.alue. They are the best known shoes in the world, p * ^ W. L Douglas shoes are made of the most carefully selected leathers, after the latest models, in a well equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., under the direction and per? sonal inspection of a most perfect organization and the highest paid skilled shoemakers ; all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes in the world. W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoe? are the best that can be produced for the price. W. L Douglas $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 shoes are just as good for style, fit and wear asothermakescosting$6.00to$8.00,th only perceptible difference is the price None genuine unless W. L. Doug las name and the retail price is stamped on the bottom. It you do not 11?. ne.r on. of W. I,, iv ngl.s W. L. DOUGLAS WAS PUTTO WORK PECCINC SHOESATSEVII YEARS OF AOL HE BEGAN MAM. UFACTURINQII 1876, AND II NOW THI LAI CEST MAKER OC I, $3.50 ANO 14 .SHOES IN THI WORLD. r?ti a rs't'l ?' im, aa.l ? i- '..?I1.???- mpply writ? for Illn.tratrd Catalog showing DOUGLAS STORES I you, writ? tor Illn.tratrd Catalog how to order by raaii. W. I,. DOUOLAS, 190 Spark Str?.t. Brockton, M v? J W. L. 9.'t *.a?si\u Street. 1", Broadway, cor. ftth St. ?*?47 Hroidway. nr.r 14th St. '11162 Broa?lway,c?ir. 3i3th Street. 14.I? Broadway ? Times Squarei. ?9N4 Third Avenue. ?14.r>2 Third Avenue. ?2*202 Third Av., ror. 120th Street BEWARE OP SUBSTITUTES GREATER NEW YORKl ?2779 Third Av.. b<rt i.?tbit 147H1 Sts .147 F.lrrhth Avenue. ?2?V> We?t 12,">th Street. JF.KSF.Y CITY?18 N??wark Ave. ?l'MON HILL ?76BorgoBllBoA?r. ?NEWARK K.U Broad Street. ?PATERSOM XM'Z Market Street. TREN ION 101 K.StateSt.cor Broad BROOKLYN ?421 Fulton Street, ror. Pearl. 70H-710 Broadway, cor. TheraBt 1887 Broadway, ?or. Gale? At?!? ?4TS Fifth Avenue..-or. Utkitm? *K.~i? V] ?ri hat tan A venae. 1 771? I'i'kin Avenue. atormm markttd with s * cueey complmtm llmam ml W. La Oovglsm S3.00, 94.UU and $4.50 ahorna fee It's easy to learn the new dances with the music of the Victrola. Victrola VI, $25 Oak ;v*<*i:v <**.?*?-.??'? ?'*r***\% Leading Places WhereVictrolas and Records Are Sold Below 14th Street ideal Music Co.29 John St Owens & Beers.81 Chambers St. Singer Bros.82 Bowery Jacob Mandel.24b Bowery The Fox Trot and all the other new dances?all played loud and clear and in perfect time. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $350? at all Victor dealers. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. From 14th St. to 42d St. (Inclusive) ? Globe Talking Machine Co.9 West 2 id St Ludwig Baumann & Comp'y . .8th Ave., 3 5th to 36th St. Chas. H. Ditson & Co.8. 10, 12 K?st 34th St. James T. Coughlin.544 t\ 546 Eighth Av. Knabe Warerooms.5th Av. at 39th St. Michael Streamer..139 Mast 42d St Pease Piano Co.128 West 42d St., near Broadway ?->y"_f*-A *. Above 96th Street? From 43d St. to 96th St. (Inclusive) ? Mathushek & Son Piano Co.Broadway ?. 47th St. Bloomingdale Bros.59th .. Lexington Ave. Sol Lazarus.216 Last 59th St. Adolph H. Mayers.198 3 Broadway, near 67th St. Fuller & Bagley.210b Broadway, near 7 3rd St. E. De Witt.1397 Third Ave. M. J. Roth.3rd Ave. r-. 84th St. Henry Mielke.1680 Srrond Ave., cor. 87th St. Zion, Inc.2 300 Bniadway Emanuel Blout.2799 Broadway Theo. Arison.52 West 1 16th St. Buckley-Newhall Co.5th Ave. & I 25th St Kranich & Bach.16 West I 25th St. Albert Sichel.233 West 125th St. F. L. Steers Co., Inc.3496 Broadway Lenox Talking Machine Co.312 West 145th St Epstein & Berdy.2977 Third Ave. L. J. RooneyCo.1451 St. Nicholas Ave., Near 183rd St Brooklyn? A. I. Namm & Son, Fulton St at Hoyt St Subway Stat'n. B'klyn Epstein & Berdy.I 198 Fulton St. near Bedford Ave. Pease Piano Co.34 Fiatbush Ave.. Brooklyn B. Guy Warner.Brdford Ave. _c Halsey St, Brooklyn Out of Town? Hunts Leading Music House, Inc.. 52?4 Marline Av., While Pl.'ins, N. . Steger & Sons Piano Mf>. Co .74 3 Broad St. Newark. N I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle dancing the Fea Trot t) l.a L KHI a S_J*?. ? ?"? *