Newspaper Page Text
DEMOCRATS PLAN TO HOLD UP NEW REVENUE BILLS Hope to Block Republican Search for Party Cam? paign Material. CAN ISSUE BONDS WITHOUT NEW LAW Administration Expect! Disc.i-.vion. but I ran Harm from It. *..'??- BgtOl ? . the admin ?-?? the l*emorra'ic p? I ? ? ?? ar.d in I paigr. No tar If re? >?? -.. BO Demo? crat?, a"' ' | - ? ? . 'her in <~ongre?? or in the nrimpsi.n wish to !?emo ? h\ ?, ; ? I definite rever.ue-rai? ? ".eir own. elltvos.wll give ? ? '?venue raicn. The ? r.??ed by the ? are eithei stovsr yltin ., - ? i or. the de ? ret foi Repuh ea corn par?* ? ** 1? Tor* Illt.OOO^ ? ? s?ry up prop: ? rorol erodlt p-ehern? a* d ' he 1 '? ? ssury has : ? went into of hond?. ? 'ponds, larpe.. andei ' ! .ni' ncreasiag the '.ever loi tratioB Is al ? cartment ??vie? and to re gar, which, under ? il aid go l OB Muy 1. Democratic Strategv. Thi?. lo briol ?'err.ocratic j ? ader? There | . . . ? ? ? - . go far 1 the H "?ce to campaign material r.ut coming session of ? ,-:? - it will ry of the rev? ?aos mca-'-.ire? sll . ? d. .'?me of St ar.x 1..-J? to make es ? 'i.nt of a!'.. a I rhe I>emo t ehanei ' > ?vpatiare on their 1 for COI ? .! heirir; i* I by rax pn\ ' ? ro ci makes no ' ?re of the great defer. me which ii being pur forward a- s 1 winch ? ? , 4 ? ? . ? . kept up to the plan the Don ?? national .a? . . 'o give the ? nancinl coi But?the el? soar. ? ISOSO, the I? ?der -ome way the, ?ill ha\e gs ? There is, ? pe of keep? ing the ?? the tariff ??I . -ure.a. Des*?. ? . ? - ? . ? u UHng to l.av? the tariff brought to the Bgaia, aad ask 1 tha; could he carried 1 Issoo. They 1 l.eepii.g rev? un |:.? ? m?] ,),.'. pi,\e ? i ?? ?? sd i-.-- poini teiet,. to t* . . , y __,. Cl'Sf H.n of 1 ? l th?l V-'.Uon at:*- . down to a min? imum. SI lear th. huiuen ai | tneir own tOSBOl ? Tariff No r?an Will Be Attacked. It |a ?. | ; loa will be attacked I ,n'* u** ,hp parti ! i van, in an n ? .?elf ??> ' ' ,?r?" will ( . f,ce ? Is. The fact that ? ? bBVS 10 he met Ib tl k- the elec? tion ?? on i ? B, though it i, not !.. ?. ' ivll will have B?B ? eh weight wltl voter- a rOSOBt, Bfld 'he very lode ?'? the programme will a? . ? of a line up by tho?e wBe ?Bald BO hit by ?hatr\er plan might be ad ? ? AM the?e evil? are believed to be much lef? than that of launching a definite revenue programme, with the certainty sf facing rovoll from the lar,:, e.a??? ? ?ho ?ouid b. a!??-. BBS plan th?', would produce |2M,000,. tt*M ? year. ty of raising fund?. The Tribune Ir.rn?, ha? be,.n th?- el sf que-* plaaalag the a?l tnin" . ? itive sgramoto, ilifludmi: ng ?an. ?ion. It ?ah? ??-allied early ia the sum? mer that tkl putty would BO?) dure go ?, balers las pooals althoat having pro I st?sd la i ' crease of tr.- BrasS and navy, a; ?j the ? en wa? ht?w it could I I ? 4 ? ? ?ild make ti latisfacl moit a An? tariff was i e?rr SSI pla adof,'. ? ? un ad ? .? ?as ? >a?t I In. BOSS 1?? < ?.nsidered. ?So? rots piled to iii.o ho? . ils t?v raised ''. |...r- >p *'-" exemption 1o |M ?ep : | | This i lai el ? th m... ?? ?... re fa* hut it ha? not hem decid' i ai would open the whole revenue 'piesti ii | ' .. ?> i .? r._ke esrtaia ' - - o_ ; nu-??<-? lv e i?et?_t.n ? ?- ? ion that could , m| .. t-.. , ?mount of n enue ?>' "Hi?1 produce . ? ' r^eney w ar i ?ir? ?_.- ?-? ?n?_th. n BSTerol pOOSihle OO-l laipOBtl " v '?ed. hv.t ;<;.:?? from ta- ? ; beca ?up. ' ? e , ?f-t-ier,? Bgoinat these ta-" the w-v t_ ?he discar?! for ' ? ; i ? INCENDIARY FIRE OVERCOMES SEVE f irr mon Face Blazing das ( ?llar of WilliaMtb-irg Tenement. Sever ArOBIOS ?ere overcome by t ' ? tr n 8rS of ?? fin la a crowd ?ory tenement hour? At I WIlllosBsburg, U ? ght Six were revived hy bal the ?everi'h Henrv Gallagh .... Mori ?? fV .lliomaburg H< -. cond lion. ?..,, r .. ?*? plann . ... ne neighborhood. T firemei vi ipped up n getting a ran a ladder int.. the baeeasent, whi . e ).ad Itorted. Nearly a doz. ?? n. w tier, a ic d and tl ? ' : e. . ? their way 01 and policemen and othei ii?. Th? Actmpr Battalion Chief l.?aac Lu ?' 160 New. i ? i ? ?,-.<.r>, of ::_ liriez? Av ? Thomas C ostcllo. of 4**9 Graham Av Henry Gallagn er, of . _!' Morgan Av. nue. G Ho!?wor.h. of 14. Shore Avi Jame? Kennedy, of 207 Winthr. ? John ( . Myer, of PIT Greene Avens 1,000 BUSINESS MEP FOR C0NSTITUTI0. Ex-Secretary Stimson and Judgi O'Brien Address Merchants' Association at Luncheon. More than a thonsand busme?? met i.pplau'iert the exposition of the pro ; ?od "' BBtltUtlon by two who had i ?urge part, in 'ts making?Honry I. ? n. former Secretary of War, ?ni ex-Justice Morgan J. O'Brien of the .*-.-.rrerr.e i'ourt f.t the luncheon of th? Merchants' Association at the Hotel Astor yesterday. The relation of the proposed orgtr.ic of the state to business -.vas the ? ? ipeakai Mr. S'imson explained how the scientific budget the short ballot would resul* in printer e'-Viencv and economy in the - tnte government, and how million* v. ould be saved in the building of pub? lic work? by the issuance of ?erial bonds instead of the present long term bonds. Mr. O'Brien, one of the Democratic >8d'-r? of the convention, said that ?rit h the exception of the question of ? the deliberation! of the mtT* devoid of partisan feel :'e._..<-r&*?, in the minority, "Mir views on the f---ea* ?n? :.ta! auestions of government," continued Judge O'Brien, "and they took part in the frnmine* of some of ? reform proposals, es itisro budget, the home rule feature and the short ballot which re ?ver- committed to by tl... Dem? ? platform. ? i ; >sed constitution wa? ? i neiples snd aras of helping and ? th? ?? -}.r itate, ' that if you will ?* attention to the ' ?? ' . f'U Will SIIC i. giving ? te i. Bel of or? ganic law? worthy of the state, ar.d ? beel ineti amenta for the ad f public _7fiiirs that is enjoyed bj an. state n the i'nion." w -Mian Hamlin Chllds, who pre? ssed, said tl .-t If the proposed con??i tution was rejected than sraa not ? manee in flftj that there would be another convention in lf'17, as th" question of holding a convention would be submitted to the rotors in 1.1''. _..,i would probably be lost sight ??f in the ' vr-.'emer.t of a i'ro'idential camp-i.-.-: AMERICAS FREE, SHERRILL'S IDEAL U. S. .Should Ask -Europe to Give l!p Colonies, Says F.x Diplomat. NOW IS THF TTMF "TO ASK FAVORS" Seeking of Loans and Credits Held to Create the Nation's Opportunity. Ruffalo. nft 2<*t The tlm. i? rir- 'rT the t'nited State? to ?sk European countrie? to relinquish po??e??ion of thl - SOlonlei in the We.'ern Hem; ?here, ?aid ("h.-.r'.e:- ft St. rri'l, ex "?? *et S'.ire? VIl i?t?-r to Argentina, in an nddre?. befoie the Ualversity of ! Huff?;o *>, laj "It -.? very doobtfol if ever ?fain the 1'nited S'ate? O?11 be in a better con - to a?k fsvori ?f Europe than it. ? at preseat," commrr.'ed Mr Sherrill in referring to the fart that European' Bl were seeking financial a?al?t i.nce in thil country a? never before; r.r.d he declared the 1'nited State? - sod It to her llstor republic? to a?k Kurope "to release to the sovereignty ..f the themselves nil colonial territory la the Western Hemisphere." Mr Sherri!!, who?e subject was "Rnf ?'? Is and '1er OpportUBity in Pan ?VtneriesnisTn," did no* r.iiiV?. it satlrsly r'eur whetl M he would include Canrida the bargaining for independence, -?vim: - ( anada in Empire by Volition. "Canada enn have her independence whenever ?he like? it, but continue? her cor necrion with the Rriti?h Empire by her o..-n volition." Mr. Sherrill psrticulsrly of freedom for -. l<r.'ish Honduras and iitch European ct.lonie?. "In *h? life of a aatioa, just a? in Individual," said Mr. Sher? rill, "there may come an opportunity io obviously one for u?eful lerviei n? to make of the opportunity a prrs'ing duty, ! belli ve tha? such an oppor? tunity i-- BOW ours by reason of Eu . ? wish for vast credit! and loans in our country. "I bel eve that because of thi? un preeedented ?tnte of international af? fair? we can now perform such a ser vice for r??r .Americanism as ha?, never been possible since Monroe pronounced _Z______?_________7_______________l THI INITSU.-MT CVOUaUir? onot CL1AB AS A BELL ?l f INI IK. -Ifici?! recogmt|..n h?i been given by the I'snem. Pacific Fxpouhoc to fhe ?upr*mary of ?he Sonor. Pbeno trapf? m Tone Quality and Tone Control Tat. .-?.nr-ro tTf.a atrartl^l ?I. high ??t s?-??r. far Teas vu?i'?.?, ?n?i wi? ?!?? on!? photr rraph Ulfen t gold ni.ilal for ttil? f.ntur?. l*Tlc?esi taS, ?.'.O. ST5. BIOS, SIX.-.. 11 Ml. $2:.', nts.l ?-.?Mi 1 ?M ?Jiil ?.? will gladl? rJ?n?<?D?rr?t. th* .uparl'-r't. 1,'. our ph .tiograp).s, sn?1 ?>i.n ?r-u .re reiir to aur ? li?.e too ?till ' Ni? th? hest." Sonora Phonograph Corporation '.on tr R"ietht*in I'-?retele?,\ 1'lfth Avrrp.i. Sal 11-iin 11" . - .11 ?t .-.itd ?.free?. lie. I'.,?.mi (?rand, in Mahogany or Oak, any finish . $225 WeedssChains ^^^^M w Necess-crpy as'Gasoline ?WtaiVr ?**' \ V M \ 11 if Weed Chains ancDocony Motor Gasoline are sold by garages and dealers listed in the Standard Oil Company advertisement on this page. The Motor Car Fquipment Co.. New York. So/a WhoJmamta Distributers Qf Wet'd Cn**?na/br A.? Metropolitan District Malfl Oflcet 33 VNnircn Street I plown Bren.h _.3fl\\ _6*Street-Nawafi Branch 21 Holsey Street i? warnirg te r . r *-r"'? ay bo? igalo." . i. *he IfoBroe I ' ? ' - *-?? ? l0!* Washlnctaa's warn ing >4g.?in?t iBtaagting Sh? rrill . si Might (iffer Miliiary Eiruie*. ? t*ir?t point to corsider i? how s requett for n.utraltting Tat? An ' <-?n wafers mi^-h? Itrlkl "-ir friends in Europe aid -?.'??? tor' of -ej -, thOf would be Justified ?n maki'ig. '.*... ? ot a proper rep';. I" ?h?r b? ?tir.dry 1 . ? eesesBS- t< .-..-? ? . 1 01 .... ? . . ? '; ey live ' . -erri ?ory ?? militen In the water? thereof " A r . |SSJ. it there-, -e 'he du')- of ??<?:? rSBtfbas -.n thi? heir, i - [her?- to realce that if sasb I ? ? fair ?ne, 'hen ?he principle "f Pan Amer e-i n.-..rer a 'll i"- sn sssured ana until i ? v of all "ii. -i' i? relieved th? ?overeirnty of any I'lirop. . I -... ? - et, 'her"for?. ?t to OBI Isi 'In SBT sptfliOB a ?ful 'ion ?if ?11 w. are do .ng and ?ha' do for you ? grarefil ? d noble reropn I ion in whose appre liation sll 'v'?. A*T.?rlcas wi.-ild join ? ould be to release to ?he laveroig f ??T people? thern?elve? a'l colonial I -orv now owned by you in the ?\ ?? i Hemliphtrro'f '? for ?uch a release of colonie? the European powers should ask financial ' ifl there i? no way in which i es Of our gr?at (OUI ' TJ hotter Y,p expen-Ki in *h? cau?* I ? free hemisphere t^ian b> psying ?urn rompen?atior. " PAYTON IONORED IN WILL Wife K?tate To Her Son and Her Mother. Kt?a Reed Payton, the acre?*, who l-ed a ?hor? Mme ago. \.f* her e???te ?o a ?on by . former msrrteas itj ? -.her. Carrie L. Reed. CoE^i?* >'? "?? not m.nt.on., ?TT'' -lor,men?, which ?? AU? fof A?? in Surrogate', Court, Brooklyn ?*'* lay. ' ' M"*' In ?he petition pret.rted to th. . ?be esta*. w? valued ,t m, ?" K.OOO. ?rd w.? ,hown ?, fn.,t?* diamond, thestrieal robs^S?if teres! ir Keeney'? The?tre. ? WHERE YOU CAN GET _^y^y__A? I %Appt%m*\ LL _-___.___ __v *? REO. C.B. PAT OFK MANHATTAN and BRONX Acme Gtrag?, I _ We* Mtb !t A?on Garsge ( . 7611 A ? ?>. lwt\ Aero Oarage, 13 W? -? ?' '?' 81 Aitket. II E , 133 Weol ' itl Albambra '.ar?.-. 66 Waal 118th Bt Amatei l\--i (.?raj?-. 248 Won S4th St. Ali- .n.? .ar_/.- _? . ' ? it i Apthorp Gtrag?, '214 Weit Si Kh s_ Ar.-na Garag?. 3.1 West .Mtl. Bt Ard_!ev 'lar???. 159 Last 7"t!. St. Arfruan s Ga?ajr.-. ??'-"?? 1?" -Oth Bt Af-n > 79 s| E?f| S*OD0_ St. As bor, .1. .1 . 214 Wei Astor iiarage. 807 W??l 44th 61 Autorno. ile Club o? Ai_-ric*. 72d St. dt ?.a?- Riv*f Automobil* Clubof _m*_ea._47W Mtl Si Auto Ecoaooay AecaetorieeC . 174.1, Beetee Road p B..uievard Auf- Realty Co . 177 ! ??? 73d Si Auto S*.-.-..-? 4 8 . 1810 Bdwav. Auto Truck A B to rag? ?".. . 3.1 Ave. A. i: * B Garag.-. 244 '?' ??? I Beaver A Boa, J. I' . 612 Weal . -'.?t At. B<-.l!ordP_r_(.a'-ag<-. I.h St .'. !_.-_ At. Belm'.nt G_r*g?, It'. Easi M -' Beinord Gar?.?-, 202 '?' ? Dei llay, I . .-t P? en v Gleetx \v<_t. .trag? . 141-1 St. III?. L'a ' ....-_<.. 209 Fnsi ith -t. I- ..? ; ? Garaat 242 I i_t I) .' Bpr .-t i.. . -*St. ;? Dtvbta Gara;;.- Co.. ithSl P. ' 1 ? G-rag?. Ill U'- ? - 1? ..?vard Auto Co., 2lil - il -_ B'lvl -..?Tm-n.S. B. Auto ( >- i ??-. Bt Revision Gartg?. - ?,.? ? P.r?_o?n A I'.iffv. 4?> V Bretton Hall Oai ... 15 l?n -k_.?r _ Auto Bupply Co., Broadway GaeolineBUu, I70tl BroniOntreGar??. ? 1' Bronx Par! '. ?. ' ... M uliner _. P?rk Ave . BrOBl Brook's Gartge. IS. I tie- 7 Brow?, Wrn. Bru?., 121 ? ,- ,1 St. Buckley, M . 182 W*?? '? (1 -- Buleh Motor Co . 832 Wei Burkhsrt Mills Garag*. 211 Wert Bid Bt. Byrnes Gt-age. W. I. , 447 I Ml |] .,; St ? a-. I. ' .11 i,--. IMS W-.- Si .'_s.n'. _ I , IAS Wal Bt, Cathedral Par? Carao*, I45W IlOth Bt ?avaaaogh, < '?'?' ,41? Et?! 55*1 -'? C-. Dtral i._r?k--. IIS 1201 _ . 2d. bt. ? ? ? <i. I_g' , . tVr.? 1". ? 3) ? - , ' l..-? u ' (Ml -.?nth At, Chevrolet Motor Car Co . 67th Bt A 11th Ave. t Motee Co. o? K. Y . Mtb St A We?t Ind Ave. Child? A Co.. B.W lac . 1550 Broadway Itl i .h-af i ?'-!-? (way Column ui ( ircle <_ I ,-.i Co., 50th ? ?th Ave. 0 ? at toa Co.. 87th St. A Brood woy ( ornt_?rc a! !>-?.?? ?. < _ ...2 W. 4.1thSt. Contour*? Garag?, IBSth ,-?. ?c Grand ? irs? < rat I larao?, 487 Waal 180th Bt, Corinthian (Isr?;;'-. 171 ! ? ?? I I Bl Cerraa. ?Tb? ? ' ? . i. I 1-1 '?' ? ?? Ith Bt Court.nudt (!?:._? -? ? I ijrtl I ??? Ave. Crotoaa Oarage, IS65 ' ?? n Are Continental Gars. ? _.-1 .\.IBtb St. ? i I Hambi, 1" In.-? 12 th Bt Cryd-r ? Co.. 583 Pa . Aw Dak Bros Oaaolla. Statioa, 13.d St. A Bt -Tiebolat _?? Dbv A Vifbl Garag' ISO Weal _____ Bt . ? ..i:?t[?, 1 2 ? V. <??? Mat Pi. lie Pa!:..:, A - -, 21 If?? Dins.) (?arace. I44tl .-? A Mor r?a Art Doebtmraann'a - ??,-..? S10 (??-?. llthSt. Dotphia . laisse. ??" ?a ? I I4tli St D IB l SI. - ? ? ?'? "- lltfa Bt Doty Dan ?Co., - " Weal I od Ave. Iirernv ' .a , ?5| ?realh Ava, Hiipre. E , 118 i I!?.!. Garag-, ? 18 W? ? 57th St. ' __;?? Garaga, 4-' .- ; ; h Bt ! tetera ' larao*, 71 Goerr l_eoaomieal Garage ( o 252 We?. r.mhRt. E-' notnical Garage, HoT .S-Ug?i^k Ave., Brou Bdaoa. M . 340 Wes- - t] ?? gmplt- (??ni.e. 248 Wjat IBtb Pt. Bo ii'?b!e (.nrage. S17 I'ij(h7l, A-.-?. Latling. !4 . Gtoaeon .' a'?at-l?e?tei Are?. Eureka Auto Btatioi 18i .. asAvt Bspreee Garage 413 Eaat 81*1 Bl Fabel'? Cat :- Bl ioo, 1._th St. A M-Combt Plae. Pederal Motof I r-..-'.; Gn . 148 W. ..2d fit. 1 ? trag? 81 I. Pot-___a Road Ford M ?Iot Car Co., 807 l'^rg-n A?_ Ightfa Bl i ?arage.315 w. 4m_ St. forty Ninth Ft n-.r-n:-. 1?7 W. 49th Bl PraaeaaMot ?,.-' ., , n". .W ".7-l>; Gan rd Motor Truck Co.,Loe.. ?17WeeS 43d B? Oariaad Garage. 20*? W.?' 3fith Rt. La- ::..? A "il Supply Co.. -7.4b St. A i.-no PU? i Oaee__t A Oil Pupp!- Co . Pe'.htm Park ?tv A Williamtbridge Rd. Otier. r-harlei, 80S We?l 841 Goff G'.sy'iu?? Bta,, ii'" ? ' NleholasA-Sh OordeD. E . .'.41 Waal l-'7-.'i Bt 8rainer, v Park (.arag. BS Ir\ ing Pin-, mad (''or..-. -ir?e Qaraga, 1 . .th ht. A Grand ' '"!'? auiae Grand Grr_g.,.l .1 O'Har?,, 201-203 Wit! 1.4-1, Street Gr'stT W.i'? v IH5tl Bl A IVwav Cirerlr.. - ?rage, 137 a'eti 37th Bt Greti N ? . I W, 7._th Bt Ha. I I ?re . ? ;. Bt Halaat G I ' ?? Ptrk A-. Harm?.-i \ int Co.. 15 W'etl .'?? 'th Bt Ha-'- ? i .a :. ( i 212 W *>vh St. !.. .-;..' . M M . I" ! ??? 7...1 St. Hetier Brae. Qerase, 24SW?_t( ithBt laraea, 447 Wael : -- H Tam-at Go.. MI fait _.?d St. 1 : I ?. A J. L . IS7tb .-t. A Grand Bollao I. 1 C. A J. L , 1 .TihBt AGrtnd . ,, ?r?a B ?? di.a-ag? C4*'-ict A Second Are. Bub Oaraga. 442 Eaat l-t *?? h _41_ Budeoa lara?e, 22 '?'? tat IM --t. Hudson I-vrr Gangs, f .;. L D, 1.1 Asselerdaai 41.?; B . - Garag? I ? laa . 252 Ft?? HTth 3*. [a4*paa_eat A -? ' ? 'r'^ I tat 7_11- St. tadepeadaal ?. - Reating l.'.''\ 4'tbSt. Ir. 1 ?[.;?_ (.ar_g. 42. 1 ??t lOStb St. lataraati.:._l ?,?--i.:- '.'-' iw.n ?:. 8i. Ili"-: tti ntl Wetrr Ca . 44th St. A W'eei EaJ Avs. .ItnoTic, Enail. US. I'?-?? tve. leronna Ave. (.?:?<? I' i 'eromt At*. d i ?-:.?-' " ? i.a-.'- an. L J . 178 l__a? etu -- K- .i:aan. L. J . 884 I a'? ?? -? Bl Kaj'mtn. L J . 4_-'. F.PMt 10.1 _t K? .-iaa_. L. J . 103 W*el .Mil -t. Kelly, J T . I8J Pa? R? A FordLam. 2138 W??i btatet A*e. Kemmmy, ' ? *M ''??' - '? ~l K-- - Bala? I a . Bl n_*e_ A niat -t Kaebe? Bales Ce . 187th St A hroslway K? Moa? Garag?, 184 W*et 31st Bt Kiig-t-.n Oerafe, 2 w?-?? ??'nt. Bt h ._ ..-?d '.?rage. 188 W?el I8U St. h_? .. ?. ??o ('.. KM '.'"? Blei -t. K? .? .a? m Bl. t*tk -t A B'wa. U:rd _ru? Garag? ??"- "?'?'. 807tk St l.a?..._'t Gt-o!ine .-ir.',?n. 11-th _t. A St Niebo-M \v. Lee Gtrag? U 1 SBI 7?th St I.-Tioe. M A < '?. .51?? loot 13t?t 6t. 'OR GASOLINE BULLETIN No. 5 This ?3t contairi? the names of dealers in Greater New York who sell SOCONY Motor GaBoline. That this list is oonttandy growing proves that the dealers are fast awak . o an appreciation ofwhat the public wu?t whs.i. they want good gasoline. I?ow about you? How about your dealer? STANDARD O?L COMPANY OF NEW YORK I'nu-.pal (i__ta Now York Albany Buffalo Boston 1SDJGG# (MO_ STAHDAR'J?lLC^ QJ.NY.I Lewis, S n . 20 West ?.nth St. .' - to Bros, Garag*. 111 Pro?-n PI. Lincoln - luare ' I_raae. __th S-. A Pdway l?a., 4.M BooS 79th *?'?? l.i, , : -tcwart Motor 8aie. Co., 13. Wesl Ti-., od '...i?.-'. 2.1 F??t 131'h St. ? ! M B. 2.9 W??| 55i . ?' Loooti . ? ' ? America, 25W._0tb8t ? ?Ajr.u 238 t? -?? '. th Bt Lotoa ',_.-!_?? i . . 123 V.-I' ' lib Bt Lyon'? G?. ,. . ' * J ist lCStl ^ Cook A C:.'. 2_S Eact 87t - It? Crala I ?ttotia? St?. J., BostSB A Etat - R !?. Mad ? . ir? ?? 83 E? I 7 *!. St. I >'ai? Motor rruek Co., 108 W??l ".?.^t St. , Mauri ? ? ' irai i, 2-! W??t 108th Bt , ittao Garag?, 828 _:??< I Stb St. ' MarU-t A ito Co . t..7 K?it 1'Mth St. .. '. C. 4v". Park .vs. ? Martial iua Garag?, 230 W?ei 31 "Hh 8t. Mao? d li- ?., 218 W*ti 7 ? Bl ? ? Gaa Btatloo, 204tl St A Ddway Melroae . Itrtg?, 4" I Rmi U Um Itrp.i.- c , ..;s i tel Mib St. M? --? . I. I.. 651 Hudson Bt. Mil fll-Edmon?l n. In... ?.. W. 62d S?. lodern i lartg?, 330 West 68th Bt M : ? Garag? - : ; W*?t Mtl -- Morri? Ave. Gtrtge. 1008 Morris Av?. 2800 Webet r Ave. Mol ?a Auto Co., 806 M II .?_ . ?B Co., Inc., L'7.? East . Bt. Moi - ' ? ??:'-.- . 126 Eaat r4'v Bt 109 We?t 51 tl . laraga, -^H vvr,? New il -.. Gai ige, _2_ Wetl 21?! Bt N-?..-!,.,'-r Oaraga, 617 Eaat 69th St. N V. Auto iisr.i-e, 3f ? Wael 6_tb Bt, N. V. Auto Packard Co., 021 W. N Y . itomobOe Garage. S?3 W. 3 .th St. N Y H?r?ld Gartga, 520 a*??| 37th St, Normal .uto Station. 20 . We?t U4-.. St. i .. t Co. o? S. Y., 225 W. s va St. ?.-':. > ..? .- 4'.-'. Ei ?t .'.ruh St. 1.17 t\'..?t I?.;'. --: (.aragi-. ln^. Opera Houm C ra<e. |46 We? 30?h St. : - !??:.?'?" .i,st. P?. kar . loa A Rapeii Co., I ...- ?t, I-. ???? . . .:-. 115 52! St. i Ptrtnaount Harage, lei'i Pr ?pact Ave. Park G ?rtge, I1 ' W? H 66t! St. ! '.-:....._. Taxi Co.. 154 V...I . Flau Garage, .12 Esst .2d 8t. 1 . i .'.v. Broadway 224 ? .?t 61?l S? Pi ? .rage :?42 K.vt 41*1 Bt Co., 114 West 64th ft. Y . id 1 ?rag*, 21S We?t -?th St. ' Gar..-. 848 We?? 42d Bt - i a? Co . . K:,n l-_d St. ? Club (.??rage, 1U05 MoirU At?.. Tnxl S-rrir-. 249 We?'. 84th Bt. Mol i . '? ' '.'.'-?t 63d Bl Salee I ? ?4th St. , ..'('., _?'. ,u.87th6t Bin ' ic*, 271 W. .7:oiit. U. .?.._? 21.2 B ?tor. Rd. We? 96th Bt )! yal Gt .... ! i Wet? 107th BS. 728 Eaat 212th Ht. Ru?..-'.!'? Gaaattos Stt'.ioa. Dyckmaa Bt A Br..adway Rvan. Joeeph A.. 211 West ?lit St. B. Af l _r?ge. 158 meex 84th Bt St. N: holai ?'.trage, .43 St. Nirholt?At?. lit. 1,'rbkn Gorage, 121 W?et 86th St. Snnford AutO G, . F T . 4SI Park Av?. Saratoga < o.rag.-. 4' - East 108th St. Sacurity ':.-.-i*e, 3"3 \V>?t 120th 8t S-rna. A., 337 K.-?t 41th St. Ti\*A St. G ?r_go Cor . 4"?l Fast 79th St.'-h Bt (._-_.;.. Tth A Lesis?tt. _.ivin. L, 173 1" laa Bt 8(1 ?er Motor Co , C. T.. 57'h S? A Bdwty _i_ty-T::iril Bt Garage. 146 W??s ?v?d 8t _l_.dway Ga-?c-. 414 W??l IMth St. _t>-a#!_r Aut ?Co., 118 Eaat 7ftth St. ..ttada-d Auto ( . . 11?; Eael 73d St ??late ;_ru<v*. 171 Eaat 1-2.1 St. H'.. ;__ Garag?. 80S Last 81 th St. tit -u-uo Motor Co., P. B.. 417 W. 5.1th St. -trrni^rg Motor Co..12tl. Ave. A 182d St. ? -i i)\r?*-r.. 1 .4 K.a.? 12'ith Bt ?'?r Cor. o? Auicrtra, 86th St. A '. ? -.. Hoiiaeal Into Trading Co .224 E.9thSt. i4.:i?r.r Motor Garage Co. 2'j8 W_t rS_ Bt Bwt.-.z ', -skell Corporttlon. 537 W??t Mib " ? reel TtAs' ' . .:?fce, 45 Downing St. rd? Gsrage. 308 W?et Pith St. rd, Robert, 137 Wen 69th St. . .to Berri?. Co-, _-lW.68.h_-. -.. i F . Malo -' , Waotckeetsf arsgi-, ''17 Trinity Ara. T_?Iffta Bl ( .artg. Co . 24.1 W. a? 12th St. -?venue:!. ,-?r..t Garkg., 620W.20lbBt Twenty-1 ?fthSl Garage _-thSt.Al_-kAs. Tyi I A Co., G-.?. M., l.Jth ft, A \1 i!?r Ave r...| - . , . r D . 330 West 70th St. In . , a (??. II 17 l'aioo Ave. ? -a? C . It* . H'2We?tEnlAT?. Ii-. i '..-. -?..-[?. ._- Laityette Bt, : .- I?. :.d Bt Bi _d Get -tattoo, 250 We?tMt_ St. -. i.?rage. 158 Et?t 3?th St. . '.arage, 231 W 1 l_d St. Wall A Me? . -M Fait 37*.h St. . ? a Ueighu Gtrag?, 554 Wee? l-' V, ? too Square Garag-, 73 Wash .'h Web? . I Wei ~ter Ave. WeeS El ?'. * -'hSt V . 111.? 7th St Garag? .- \'. ?'07th St Wbi ' ( ? mi .? ' ? .' St t. ., . .et 37th --, S . imaa A Behier, - - ! ??t 2'"1! St .? . a Oarage 4M !._?? i . ? .. Willi?- i A Moi I. 205 Wept I ad A*. th Bl A fid V.. it? _ i ..rag-. . " I i.?a- !,'?.:h St. Yorkri ? < in , - tik 8?. \ ork? . ? ? iai ?<- -7 Eaat Sit!, .-'-. \ . 'a: ; 113 ] ..?? 7 7th M, BROOKLYN and QUEENS 1 ?' - ?39 Tnina Bt., Bklyo Ai .? ' ..-?i? : lie Ar? , halyn Allen Co.. I. M . 116f_ .... . - A ? ? gage, 3 ! Street Fl?__ing As a_. CI i? . 7'? 1 - . . V?t.irlt Ar SOS A- . :-r_, Itauibl-rsville. \ Y. 'ty Apex Garage. RlehmMd 1!--' A--". ... i .trage, WU__i A !.-__.:.n St?., Ast<?.-ia Astoria i'azi Co.. 369 Jaakooa Are., L. I. City At.a? Gtrage, 57 New York Are., Btlyn Aubinger. Harry 1 ? Jan.?:-t Auto Keptir A Ma. Bin? Works, Btyside, L I. Btk-r, C. A., I__BM_OS ''..-? i- i Gtiage, .14 DItmoad ct., Bl . a Bath Beeeb Gartge, 1. 07 Cropsey Are., BroeUya I.?-. Hi ?g? Garage, 36985th St . Brooklya Bayaida Garage, Foot Orean Ave., Man? hattan !'??_. P?av-r Oaraga. !,y1 n??-.-er Bl . ^-roklya ?3? : >i . A ?to Garag-, ?42 Bedford Ave., Brooklya ! ! Av- . Gtrage, 639 Ue_l_-d Are., Brooklya B*echhurtt Garage. WbHoetooi, L. I. b?rger-Ma.i ?en 'rarage, 4th Are. A I'oug!???? .-t.. Brookii n Beverly Garage, 141 I Ott Street, Brooklv? Blyth?bour_s Garage. ISM .linn St., Biosalys Bo?-r ira Pite? Gtrtg?. 27 Boerum PL, Breeklyo Boulevard Garage, E. DlebOO, Prop., Uu-.n? Boolerard AFiUiagSt.,Woods ?:de. L. I. Braedwaj Auto Co., 58 Buiboldl St., Brooklya Br . . ty P'r.n Garag?, Broadway A i'-:.n St., Brooklya Br.ia.1?-vv laii Co, .?S3 Loekwood St., Ai^rin Br ekl: . Motor Ctr Co.. 44 Sny_?r Are.. Bfoekji n Bkivn. Ri i'ng A -Vr in* Club, Flttbuth Av?. A Pi_i? It . Br toklyo Brown. C. i . Bridge Plata, [_, I. City BreoekAutoRepai-l ^>.,2_9LewieAv M?.l-.-n H dek M ?torCarl o ,324 (4 ?t!?r St.,B_lvn. Ctlain? Gtrage, 72 Had da St. L. I. City Can-roe, J. E . Riekatoad Hill C-r.trtl Gtrtg*. 693 Quiaef St . Bro .klyn j ? :_n ' I.'ag" 2? IEtSt.9l -? ? Coney [?land I ia; :.,(-._-"52 West 8t__U,C.I. Coper fiar-g?. 2".S Cooper St. Cornells Garage. Little Neek, L. I. Covert Garag-, 138 < o--r- Bl . li-o.klyn Cr-?? i'.?r_^'-. ??.! 4th Bl . Brooklya Croseman.? bai B,l 7M tro? Bt.BklyB. [Curt!? Auto Co . 70 Albai ? Ar? . I Dennis tisrag-.C E.,2.2 Mith 8t.,Hklyo Delona Garage, 1068o,6thfii . Bi D- Rosa'? Gtrag?, 4th Ave A Carroll _:., Brook! vu Dickorar, H. If efca.B-.ll Ne- Utrecht A.?., Brooklv o Diiger, E. H., 47C Itth St . B-joklru I'norow Bros., .T--mel a l)i?'arow3arajc.2'v. _,<.. ug-.. . '.v. HI !y__ l>lug_:ii !3r^c 90. :-.o .. vi i . . .;..__./_ Doyle, ?ee., 83 I.)..-? l.-ri^-r. ?iookJyn Iluerr Geo.. Callt.? ?"? ?.*-. I- _ Dsaas GaaoUaa mm .. i lat-__f, L. L E_?t ."?>- I-'-1. I??-?. . . > !'e__?riTa__t A-.-... Bro-M/a EgS?r?-?.''> t A?.?. C . . .?meiVot E. A t?. O*'?-:*, *.<. l?-.'- i** r_ YipAr* Osasf *-. M late ?*._ PL, "i:\vok.r? _^^^^^^^^^? E."t__._? (MeaaS) a ff^**.^.. J... ft?v.:'r? rer..g__. ?., ?>'1/k-''.i ??fa. I?*?*. '?? Elracao JJn-v, 5/* F^ ..?*. >"-_. ?*.-va Platbusk Amt??'_ jjttl,"..>-A*? .fct?ra.. r.a'.-ua'o Auto ?7.CIT.-?, I-- > ?_cv-. .'.??_., Ilrookly. riuibiaa A*?. Aoto Movtei _>>, IU lir. a . .-? I .__: ?.g ?r: .i..-..- Aulo Cltrag*. 107 Bm_i_w_gr, l-,:-_?Uag FoiJ Moto! Co., JaebBM Arc L. L C.ty Ford >?otor Car Co., 1174 Bediora Are., Brcok.yn Fores*. Bille Garage. Fore?' HU'_. !_ I. rur?3t i,ar?'ra\- .- ipj |? . \.' ...d.. ive:i, I? L Fortiar, G. W., 102 J. ff?-?... a. ... H. ..-c. Foster Ato. Garage, i-.??*. . tu Bt A I ? 1er Ave , Brook?j o Gedde?. John. L I. Gen-ra? Vehiele (Jo., Borden A Review A\?-s , I. I. G??htn, Frtnk, Woodhtren, I_ I. . ...T .I07Law-?o.?St.,__-o__:lyn Glaawood (?artg-, 6(.r? !'..2..*h3t.. Bklyn Grei-npoiiit Garage, Manhattan A Drigga A-.- . Brookb n Griaiu-r-, C W., Queen?. L. I. Ha_<-."-_ Gtrtge, 640 H an sooh Bt, B_ty_i. Ha .*? Garosa, (oront, L. l. Btwtboraa Oaraft, 1187 Nookoai Ar?. Et-oly-Proopoel Gtragt, 7.J1 l*r__poot II.. Brookl) n BI1I.R.A .'..120For.Ht___ion.-r*..B'klyn HobweieaerABon ?7> Venoa Av?.,B k^-n l? el. I'. Klag? llignway A Church A? i. Bi - ?klya ?ora A MeCrsiekea, Coileg? Point L. L I:it?rnaiiontl Garage, Jtrotioa, I_ I. Irving Gtrage, 1007 At?. Q.. Br.jo_i.v_l .Jaeai.?i? Garag- Jarkaon Ave., Corona Jonas, W. B , BpciagSal ?. L. I. Jvaiaea Otrten C. .rag- Surf Ara. A W?*t 20lb St.. Coney l?,knd Rammerer, Mrs. C. <J'i9*n?, L. I. Kaufman, L.J., 284 Flttbuih Ar?., B?!yn Kaufman, L.J., 2390 Bedford Ar?., Bkivn Kau.'mtn, L.J., 1.15 B-dlord Ave , B_lvn Ka-fman, L. J., 176 ( lyniar St., Bro. n Kauit_.n. !.. J., 178 Taylor St.. Br...,..!-. n Kaufman. IL 75 Jau.t:-_ Ar?., B(oo_i> n K-lier. K , Woodhtr-n, L. 1. Keonugton Garage, 712 Coney Itltnd Ave , IirooV'yn Kerr.oehen. f. K , Hi-hmond Bill. I. I. K'-?tl?r B.-o? , 1.7 Clj BMW Bl . Bi .-?klvn k.iliii'iil Garage. I'.?chu i. I 11 ill. t. ! Kirkbaat, 1 d, I36_ Bedford Ave.,_lfciyn. ? -? | 8 -, n . f--ii'ts. L. I. i-Ofuth Auto Etcht-ge. 14 Kottutb PI . 1?.-. . a ? 0 Eunars Gtrtg?, Flushing lid., Woodude, L. I. Lak.? A Sod. J. J , Rirhaoond Hill, L. I. Lemmsy litrage. Olivsr Pi .. IrnhU-rt, L.I. Leungtou Gtxtg?, 411 Lexington Are., BreeUyo Legiactea Motors Brooklyn Co. Ino. 1001 Bedford Av?. Louvet, A E , Weodharen, L. I. Mar.'-.a" >:: Av? iltrtge. 5(13 .M?_.?It?n Ave.. Br.. >alyn M?>".r ?iarage. Anthony Bi? . Prop., 1608 Jamatia Ave . K'.<-_nioo<l !! Manor Garage. 1698 Jtmtiea Ave , halvn M?rr> Qaraga,S-J Mare? Are . Brooklya Maujer 'iarage. 2'?.1 Mauler Bt. Brooklj o hlttwell Motor Sal-t Cor., Mthster Are., L. I. City Melier?, L . corone Park. I, t. Itidwood Gm Btali r. I on?v Ulsnd A' i ? i k? ?B :? J : i. Bt., Bh 15 Payai \ve., L. I.< n> '" >r' :.a. L I hi - - A th ?. ito Co.. Inc.. l'J.5 ? ?vr.. i Jaaiaiea, I L M i ?tou?h Are. A Duf i..--. | M rgaa A--- '^e Morgan Ave A '.; ??-? .,?? Si . Bt-Oi Mori re I itrtg : '? igltetoo, L. I. M?ller? I . ..;? i -.-.?".. !.. I. -- ' lar.g-, 7>l Cesiay Wand At?.. .. -. a Oran Are. G-.ragr. 2042 Orean Ave. Brookl' O'l ?a ? tarage, 42 Eleventh Ara., Whie iten?. ' ! O'Ntell, Patar C . 1424 St. John? PL . . ratoad PL, E klys O'Rourk? ?Garage, 161 'J 1st .-'., BrookI> n ?u'-ns. J 1 I! law _a_, L. L Park (itrtg?, I '4 l?-_ At* . Brooklyn ? trag? 1".' i'--?'..:- A e . -_'? -n P?._- :- ,.? - -'...'.:-_, BOM led) . 1 Ave. Brook ra Par'.wa- ' . .rag. ,80_0Po__th Av? . Bk'yn Pai-.-- \ n ? .. A. E. is Oeeea P?r? way, ! ... -i Mererill*. I I. Pe?rl"3 G l Ig? ,1.1 !'. .for..' '.^-v i- - . . St., Bkly? Pit kin Aul ? Co.. 2 ?' -.?n Bl . Bk .n ! g. 1_ n_ ?I .- . i isoae Park, L. I I- . - 72 Full 70 PaelBe Bt dricks Co., 3U Ot. Mark? Are . : Pull?,William,Ja.-_ooa Av-..E!mhurst.". 1 Pupki Gar .??. 4*-1? Ban _-k St, Brooklya Q i??#dj Auto l!?--.air S ioo, <..??_*. I I Quaeaabore Garage, f_ B'way, Fluthiag Qu*e_aBouler_r?TCla . .-,t,L. I Quiney Gar__?, .'I ,1 ;. \ .?t.,n Av Hm, 1'.. f . 1634 V _ - . Brooklya n m. r ; i7 i -?-? ????? !'- ? I Au1 Co.. Mvrtlo Are A New 1 ?i - IBill.I. l 1 ! -? -? Are. A N?-* Bi - ... H til. L. I. ? Av*., Bklyo -. I. I. ?: ;?,.. I.- oo ?rd, Cleo laie, L. I. .- ? rgeGs St., Bi Bt. Marks Oarage, 117? B*rg*n_. . Bklyo Sa-:?-' .'. Mara., 177 Yuu Dev?_tcr Av? . Astoria IT. C . 1 ... Fluron St., Brooklya 10 : b?r? ''?7a^.-, 1 .?: .:,g. L. I. Bebwarti Iiir??., 22Giio 1 Avs. As'oria Seagtte Garag?. V. ?? 67th St. A Mer? maid Av?. ? i. ;daa 1 8_*lbur_e Guage, l-->t Oeeso Parkway. Brooklvn si Ga-_g?, 316 71th Bt . : ?5.-?mu:.. F . I!:.:,land Bou?-Tard A Gil ta PI., Bro 1 . Buakwiek Ave. A Aberdeen .-? Bf i . Kute.-? Parkway A Somer? it., Pr _ A v.. G .rage. *>??' 1 . S.irV \ v?., B?!vn Bl ..a Engiaeertag Co . '241 Hall St.Bkl) a ,V .-.?..!. .7 ,558i dar kv? . P. .? Stepheaa, B i , 39..:?;..-_?Court Bklya _ i ? Co., 1044 Atltctie At* . B; sokl .-. Bill ?>.nt Height? I.a.-ag?, BB S'.uy naat An . . Sweeney 0 '? . Auto Co.. _'I_S Clarendon ild . Bro? - ? Bylrtn < ;.?r .^-. 623 Madison Bl , Bf I:.-?!' ty ' ?r...-?. 1 ! . 1st \v , I I I v The Hill Garag?.. .70 Cum^erltnU Bi. ._ Ivn M s? Fulton Bl . !' i ikiar Garage, 756 t Av? iarage, 7S4 1 i St., Bra L'i 1 I i( . R v.; it? r ?'. H- pair Co.i 860 : -i A-- , Br Er..- d eis Sthtioa. ii' ii :d Are. corner h ..?tern Park* ty. Baited Gag Sttti ?a. B .1 rd Av?. corn-r ?-.-?. Unit.d G-s Si ... : .t-n?..T. rorn?r I'rince .-1. Baited < i -' ? It-ksoa Ave. ee*__f Jar.-: . - . L. 1. i . V - Garag*. 2 .7 VaagUtbOl At? I?: . Vatki___ . Garage,3.).'..'?54 WatkinsS? Broo.. ? 11 Wo ?-Garag*,844Wav-rtyAt.,Bkl ? ... ? ..'.'. I M .. B Welch, F. R., Ocean I_ Ara., Bi okl 0 Wieg-ls Garage. Jaot_i_a, L. L Wi*a*r Motor W.,r_?. Nor:.? Beach. I. I William? .uto Barri** C_, 373 Si Brooktys w ..?.'c J. 278.3 l tiea tie Ato. Bklyo ? -. '??.-a;?. ! lutl ing, L. I. ? I? rMthaudCo., 1410Bed?ocdAto. 1?: ...tlya Wittenberg A n-'ntus, Arlington A M?h At ?. . D. ...a. ? 0 Wo? dt Gtrtge, 4 1 Lafa? ? tte At*., Bklyo 91 Ihareo ''?ra.-. '" '. aren. I. I Z?-Teg_ Gartge, 22 CoUatfS t,.. ?rookie _ ST ATEN I3LAND At'ant;,- i .ais^e, ( Ira:.t ? .'v, S. I. Brewer, H C, Gres IB l.i.rag-. Wool Brighton, S. I Columbian '.-r*4?, Wetl Bri^litoa. 8. 1. I)_nW.r. J.I.n, _;?.-h-no_d Granite Garage. Port Richmond, B. I. Inter lt.r ugh Oarsge, \Y, B.'igbton, _ 1 M?ller, .1. C . Btapletoa Nawtaaaa'i Utrag-, s-?plet_tj. S. I. Peto A H.vd. Tot.envi'.t-, S I. Pleaannt ?' alna ? ,ar_g-, Pnii.-e's Bay. S I Port Richmond Gartge. P,,rt RLhruond Pr .gr?s? Gtrtg?, M ?it Bi ignton, 8 I RieOBI .nd Garage, Por? Riehuoad, 8. I Stjpl-'in Gtrtge, S'aplcton, S. I. S henk's Gsrsgr. Btap i i-?n. S. 1. lo'.-nv?l? Gsrage I oM-BTflle,8. I. Lni'-i ?'o . nlO|>_.IIB. ?. I. Wsgmr s Gvtga, .itplctou LAUNCH SUPPLY Dealer. (Creator New Yorlc) Handln?. "SOCONY" Motor Gaaolina Anderson, A. I.. I'lmer Ptrk. llmoklye Atlantic Vt:ht C ?u!>. Sea Gat?. L 1 L i. w E iTamaqu? Club Bh??pob?ad Bay, Brookljn Catunoole, H M s-.ooner "Law ren-e Staple'.on, .-"..?.?n Island Jacob. Robert. City It!,nd. N. Y. Kerle\.C. J . City I?'and. N Y. Kracmor, H , ?olUg? Po?et L I. Law. Edgar. Platltud? Buy, H: - .klyo Malakoff. A .City Itlaad, N. Y. Mar.juardt. Frani. ( itv la'and Needham, Wi.h_ia. Cofloo. Point. L I Pt'tgh, John, Princess Bay. Maun Island P -lag, ? ., Ft flOth St . South Br. .kl) i. Q :inn. G. F . C! Point, Brnni Reeves. .1 H . ?antraie Brooklyn Rtbm.Jokn. Brom Kill?. N Y City Raid, P Howard. Rockaway Point. L I i ? .- u. C, N ? liret' Klilt. -"?.??: I. a : Welch. F R . West |40th Bt, N* Y City Wie? aptw A Sons. C. A . Princess B?y Wood A McClure, Gity Isttad. N. Y.