Newspaper Page Text
0ACCRACKEN INAUGURATED stable Oatheriii? Sets Him Made Head of I afayette. .INfTH\ HONORARY OEOREES CONFERRED I v ve Speak! m "? o? and -\d\?> cate** SpfCi?liittlo?. ' ? '. . Voi ' "mbers ' -, and ? ; - p ? an.I he rol acken then . es ? Th. State and Edu.ation. It Mi .. - e the re!a ..- . . n, ?rid tle . _? - the con ? America?; - St . . - ge w-a? to adding It tbe cor ' ?? . - ? - I i ? ? ?aro! ? ? ? ' r? prof? I .. '. . ??? ' ' -." ? '. ? I ? S H . a ! ? ? ? ' ' ? R ' ,-?-,? . . I ... .?,, Pre?! - ? ?' ? !' ? ? SCHIERK.\ LEFT $3.528 385 Maa? laatltatioai l'em<mh<-ret! h> Ex-Mayor ?>f Brookl) n. arle? A *.'.-,*, or of ? terda ?? receive? { - " ' ? ? ? tat? '.ire of New ' ? - - ? ? . .-' rl = receivi K. Schieren, jr.. Ar rrie V "ichieren and May M.the bei .- . m?- from a ? 120,000 DEMOCRATS URGE NEW CONSTITUTION Petition Calls on Party in State to Support It. ?n? TVBerai i iTbeT A'.banv. Oct. 20 Th.- Committee for the Adoption of thi ' nil tutioa il sending out an appeal ti t?te t? ipport the proposed ? -. - -, Dem - 1.7'-.,?ne ? Cody Her and sever, other memberi of '.he i ? on of the coi titutioi ? eei -? I will work "The flrsl of ?hese cr??t rc'orms," ssyi the petition, "con i the rea! executive and ble lesdei of the si r of i.p . ? head? of ?idmir, ?tivi d partmeoti srithoul - nom ri.r: eflate. It provides that all ting i -'? ..... t be regrouped n! ,-reat functional departments of ? ' "Thi ' ,-rrat reforn, ? ?-. ? nd our ? . - ery mu jrestei ? , | ? - ? . ? , the power of the ?Legislature by ca? pricious legislal in loc Geo.C.Flint Co. R^.J.Kornrpl Co, EXCLUSIVE EXHIBIT OF WINTER STYLES Seventy-alive ?/ears of unswerving loyalty to the high f?t idea.- ol thr cabinrt -maker's art have carried the ?tandard of I I INT & HORNER QUALITY to a point as near per!' lion u expert skill and modern facilities make possible. Insertion of our vast exhibit of Winter Styles of the combiner! ??? ? ?f the f?*o oldeti Farniture Hostet of A makes indisputably plain two things: the painstaking care given to every detail in thr manufacture of FLINT & HORN! R Fl RNITURE and our constant endeavor to meet the individual needs of a large clientele at prices ?.tractive to all. FURNITURE, DRAfT.RIf.S, RUGS, Flint ? Homer Coinc 20*26West3?thSt. Newjferk_ saaaaaH I wmt P B M___m ' "*"* *V rf" ^?nT ?*?? ? *?* ? _ret aV ottrK~'_\ ? California Expositions Closing | I S?n H HII?T- - - Dee^^|. 3*?J Ig I $94.300ut and aBack g I Rota?, met-mncm ttmcmtnhtmr let. ?9 I Southern Pacific St*eam?hips B H ConnoctlnB with .Httftataa? Rout, to th?. Co??* t| BERNHARDT IN l-'II.M PLAY DESPITE OPERATION. .loarme Poro (Sarah Bernhardt) and bor Bon, bi they appear in photoplay soon to be released. LETCHWORTH HOM CORNERSTONE LAI Whitman Handles Trowel Ceremonies at Village for Defectives. Thlella, X. Y., Or? Co Parti prorrre.? toward ?he completion Lotchvrorth Village. In Rockland Civ ty, the state home for mental defi river-, which will be 'he large?* lastit tion of It.? kind In the country, w made to-dar when (iovernot Whitm laid the cornerstone of the attendan home. Many In? d gnostl BBtl thi hundred <^f the Inmotei Bitni COremoi Dr. ? harlea S, Utils, super gave a luncheon for the Governor si Mrs. W] . 01 g the other gu? - '- ere Prank I Vanderllp, pre id. ni the board of managers, ana Mrs. Ms A. Harri man. Following the lunchei the narty made an inspection of tl icrvoir, the Di?brc I, and the four do ? ? (. \ ??- nor V,: man, In his addre? ..* \? s > orh srai obi of ti pioneer statei In providing for tl I? d, and that ooly thr. Cs fon s, MassBchs Minnesota exceeded New York In tl ratio of ?tions provided in li'- said that he thougl . i mon l,e rag) tore ?ir.,1 those who wer? without mean? ? for by the stal Th? G< ernoi sddcd I bat ths i saos ral il of health was not a ma'ter ? but should be indorsed by a ' ? -ocial end humanitarian wor of the State of New Yoik." he Stil "ha' ?..-?urncd an importance and maj er h ich i?. in my opinion, r>? realized hy the average eltisOB. Ne.iri one-third of ths state's expenditurt arc made for these purpe.res. "To-day we have a system of ?ta< rare for the insane, which ha? roplac? the faulty and barbarous method? < past generations, splendidly organic? ??r.d general!) regarded as a model fr the whole country. We ha?e come 1 realise that feeble mindedness is a dii ease, no' :? dime." Mr. Vanderlip, in an addre??. gai more than |7ft0,000 had already bee expended on permanent improvemen' for the vil! ge, and 'hat the total eoi ?rill be sbi u ?3,600,000. ? -, , ... ? #- ? -. - LOWELL OPPOSES DRILL IN SCHOOL! E\ President I.Hot of Harvar Also Says It's Un-American. in. t,sem?? ? i -ti.i ??' i Boston. Oct. ??0. Presidsat A. I.sw rence Lowell of Harvard and Charle W. Eliot, pr?sident cmeritui of th same institution, objected to-day bf fan the State Commission on Militar Education to making the public school ?t part ol th?- militia. President Lowell WOI of the opmio that the (?real need of the army 1? sufflciencj of officers cajiable of deal ing with the varions problems involve. m massing troops to protect the bb tion's coast Bgaiast invasion by a for eign power. I h<- colleges, he said could, and undoubtedly would, cooper ale in the educar ion of officers if the, wore asked to do so. The training o officers '"or work like that, he eontin lied, war B great W01H and one that th? colleges might easily undertake. Th? eollegos, he said, might teach ths his tory of military art anil surveying, an? Harvard, he added, would be glad t( take part in such work. Pre Ident Lowell loggostod that th? Navy Department might also svsl ? ? lervieei of rooug men who sit attending techi icsl schools, each o whom was fitted *.. give valoobli ser \ Ice os bat? I? ihips. I>r. Eliot, ?th?--. ashed regarding his opinion of militar] drills la the pobli? schools, rep ? "I>r <ary. ? ': to -ay. and he say. ild tall a Bastos Latin School boy the moment he MW h'm ?tripped, principally by the wrooi ilar developmeat displayed." Drilf lag, he said, was one of the least va'.ua bl. parti ol a soldier*! training. "One of the wont things anybody can do tO I boy is to ins:-? or. Implicit obedience," he Insisted "That mean? SUbjei. . of the boy's will to that of another ( have beca ruined be .?. ISO boys hate had their wills Broken a traiaiaa bagias with break lag th. man's will an?l 'ha' is not a g.i B?aj to tram Americans." a K. of C to Emulate Y. M. C. A. A |600,000 Catholic hoadaoartai ' young meo, planned along the I?BOI of the IOUng M b'| ChriStiSB Association, will be erected as BOOO a? fund? are available. SCeordiBS to SB announce ii..i* made lasl nigh! by William P, Myhaa, of the Knight? of I'olumhu? Building Fund Mayor Mitchel, Jus? tices (lofT, Dowliag an?) Coholaa, Col< lector of the Port Malone. Controller Preadergast, John McConoock, the Irish tenor, and ft, Hourk?- i'orkran are among those setting BB 'he committee Cardinal Farley has approved the projeel Hollis Won't Contest Divorce ? ??? cord, N H Oei tO Doited Statei Beaatoi Hoary F Hollis, of New Hampshire, in an an.-wer filed her?- to? day to the suit for divorce instituted by hi! Wife, declared that he would not eontesl the suit, and asked that Mrs Hollis be awarded maintenance and the custody of daughter, Anne. HALTS DIVORCE PLEA Coati Pela.*.?. V.tli.n on Husband's Charge of Fraud b\ Wife. that his wife, Anna I.en rietta Roberts, had consumption when he married her and deceived him u to her real condition, John Henry Rob ??rts, of Mount Vernon, yesterda?, brought an ?.et.or. foi :? divorce before Justice Moi ehauaer la the Supreme Court st White flam?. In refusing to gram the plea now the JadgC "If this -v,'man's hr-t:*- bod, I think ir would be more charitable . ?r lum t.. delay pressing ?? . sumption ma) be , irable, and I will appoint B pi ' ? :iniine this defendant before I ?rill set is I ease?" The coup,!.- were married or fcpril 80, 1911, end lived togeth? day?._' VraOEC0.1n*EN IN ELECTRIC STRIKE 300 at Long Island City Out. Joining Demands with Those of Schenectady Workers. More than 300 skilled worVmen are on strike at the General Vehicle Com pur.y'? plant, ??? Re len ar.d Starr kai nues, Long Island City. Th? forty-eight hoars u week lostead of I gat, and will reiniiiii oat, ?,. .i. until the General Electric Com. ; siij. which '.- i.ed t., be sfl ? ?? ? I with the C.eneral Vehicle Company, surrenders to the claims ?f the strikers at its Schenectady alai The (?enera! \ el .cie Company, ac? cording t.? William 1'eane, business manager of the International Me? chanic-' Association, is turning oat lev? eral hundred thousaad dollars' worth Of gasolene truckl fol ti.e war. A meeting of the strikers was held yes? terday a*. Divine'" Hotel, in Island City, and the men wer? directed to keep order and use persuasion in getting others to quit work. The plant em? ploy? l/.rifl men. Forty thousand employes of the Gen | eral Kiectrie Company will ?trike within a few day?, Vice-President Kep ! pier of the Machinists' Union, pre d ,'eil yesterday. Six thousand em? ployes at Pittsfteld, Mass.; 10,000 St | Lynn, Mass., and iJOSO a? Fort Wayne, Ind., will ask for the eight-hour ?lay, ' he declared. "The shrapnel department of the General Electric plant at Schenectady ;- completely tied op," said Keppler, "and the Iiavis 4 Riker Company, of Rochester, making shrapnel in ?arge ! quantities, is also badly hampered by I a sinke. Itoth tirrns have big orden for war materials." Riots occurred in Brooklyn yesterday when striking koshT butchen tried to drag strike breakers from the kosher shop ?t ISO Second Street At 71 Moore Btreal striken also broke in and Roed an employer |'_'T> for employing non-union men. ? Sixty men at the wood pulp plant? of MeEwan Hrother?, at Whippany, N. .1., are eausiag .sheriff William II. Thomp? son of Morris County much anxiety. Many have been drinking heavily, Thompson say-, and his deputies are looking for trouhle. Don't be deceived by the size of the roll. In toilet paper it's easy to make 500 sheets look larger than 1000. He sure of quality, then look on the label for number of sheets. "It't the Counted Sheets that Count " Scoffisstic J toilet Paper has 1000 sheets to the roll? 10c. Soft,white and absorbent. Sani-Tissue. Treated with Canadian Iialsam. 2500 ?htrtrti in carton or 3 rolls. 25c. A?k vniir dealer. SCOTT PAPER CO. 30 ?"hurch Street Mahtr* of abtoebent Nra* York ?> ..?/,. >???? Touel* LEARN BY DOING Tn?- .... ? -? ? -a. ? ? .??? a f ? , UM .-? - 8 .1-. '?oto -la ? s.? I . . i ? mis ? ' ? ? - ? ? Il I HI USSl A a a . '? 81 ' a '-. a ? l'a a I ... ,. ? ? Baa No prepsrat rd?t4 lo btcoa-i a ' leartier" In tins ichool 1 - ? i C] ??tar! th:?, COBfM IB] thrOBghoul the whole ?rar. Prop a pet , , . i? - ??' ? ifa'-. ??, .,, ?? , , -?? . ? . - "a I ? .?'? ?? II- - ..? 8 , ?? ? . ? B T BUB TBICalt SCHOOL 35 Wut 17th St., New York SARAH BERNHARDT SEEN IN PICTURES "Jeanne Dore." Made for Uni? versal Company, (liven Pri? vate Showing. " Dore," s plcturization of the Bernhard) play of th? ran "iT si a private ihowiag by the ? *-sai Film ? iriag Com? pany yesterday, with Mme. Bernhardt in the title role. The pict ? ire tas ..:' liai iriteiest In that -t was the OpportUflitj te -. ? ' J since her rec-nr op?rai le effect upon her acting. HmS ' : ? ? ' ' II lid, p'-setl f?>r the picture si soob i. ; she had recov 'r.-m the opera', ...n. She SppeSIS in more than one hundred sceoes in the p: sad it was BOtiCl that ?he walked but little, and then with difficulty. To art extent consnlera blj ffOOtOI thau on her last appear kere ihe ihowi -.,-> to rely B] ob " rnitore for sup? port. Although she retained bII of her great oowei as sn actress, It wss the il belief thai her physical dis? ability would greatly hamper her in the event of her return to the stage. The story of the picture revolves . the ?on of Jeanne llore. The Dim, which will be release.! IOOB by the I'r.iversal cor?ipan>. was taken with bibbs sf the mombori of Iternhardt's company in rhe,r original ? According to the latest plottl of the BCtTOSS, announced ?y i;< r AmericOB nonager, Mme. Bernhai II il to ?tart her American tour li tin. city on Ko vemboT 9. Her departure from Paris hn? no? yet been announced. filmt Is the Gary Plan) m/ By ALICE BARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers will hnd in this department ? clear und authoritative account of the Wirt school 'system, proposed for this citf. Questions of parents find teachers will be fiadty answered? The de partntent will appear on Mondays and Thursdays \\ hol I be PISB Pos. Il lakes Children of*, the -?ireel? Bod keeps them tvholeaomely bus? at work ?tiiilt sad l?la> for sis or -even hour? a ?la*.. It gives -ill cMltdreu ?? mu? h srsdemic work .is rbe Iradltiousl hool, but (.? I. ngiii?ning Ihc ?chool ds) Il fit?-? tune lor practical ?boil ?i.rk. -.ienee. dnwiag, mu-.i<-, audi? tor un .uni pla? tor ..II ? liildren. \\ hat the Car? Plofl Means. I., et.-ry parent?a chance to give bis child the enriched e In. ;?l mnal op portaaltlea u?uall> r.-?.-r-.ed for the childr? n of de favored few. In teachers?aa more hour? of teachiaa; BMire rongealal ?orU. I?, (he rommaaitj?better clli/en?; bitter schools lor Its. COOt. '?'.\ - 01 h I."* entritt, Commission? er of 'h<- New Vork Hoard of E turn, ?aid in an interview yestertiay! "I believe that whatever opp , the Cary pian Is IB measuri das to mis ind ><? At first it was said thai the - ? rj srould H-.' givi aa much chance for sesdemic ? ss th? nary school. ill know no? tl I I Vgain. th? man:, years hits been 'a ichool ?cut '"or every ch ;.: . srhei the Gary plan was ? ? ? proposed It was i ??? cau?? it did no1 give ?? school ??-a*, to every child. Now it i? geaerally recognized ? the i.ary plan i u? onlj . icho ! eat t<? children when they nee,! bul givei them raanj. other thing.? The oppoi '.'in has apparently died down now to tho qaeitioa of rii-ii v.uik. sad ploy and religious ? i'-tion. The s'atement sometimes mad?, in ?lie press 'hat the auditorium take? the place or' cla-sroom work is . and cannot he too often SOB tradicted. The suditoriun is a fine socm! . i ? fo? Iren. As fur play, i?. li high *:::.'? thai ?ur children in New York had a chance to really play. As to., man) ?*o..k.? ?poil the broth, so too many adults ?poll play. Mr. Wirt'? plan is in line with the best und tradition. A? for religions . I am In favor of the pr?> mede for it in the Gary plan DOCS tse it will k?*.p ir!igiofl out of the ?? Religion Instm.-tioii Hutslde the School?. Thi? itotemeot of Commis?' Leveatritt about religious in?truction ?va? arrived at after a thorough study of the subject, but the amount of mis raation sad miounderstaading i? deplorable. For example. I>r. Samuel RabiBOWitS, rabbi of the South Fifth Stceel Synagogue, Hrooklyn, write? to -.?, evidently lincerely convinced that "That feature of t''1'4 i.ary plan which Couples religious instruction with the public school system i? decidedly un Amencan anil fraugh* with great danger. It may be taken for granted that :hi? will prove an entering wedge by which religion will be introduced into the public schools themselves." , But wha? are rhe fact-?? In the first pi?.*'*. It li for l ?? pareats sf Sow v rh te -I?Is ??? ? ther the? as I to h live theli ? ? ? ' to go to ?- ? not. The ? ed ?' .i? to Irei Is be school f??r . i r <? ??? :, ...;. ., ,;?;.. jf irenl 11 reel -. i i Second, children whose paren?*? wi?h to attend relig i ins1 met -on for ? >ur a da) ':..-. r I . bat never from any i . .. : - are 14 wl r ..v. - ? ?? itreet, IB church or s -m port.?:.* remember, beraasc ,?. thi. ?: . is spporeotly ..s ; ri a-e a? 7 receiving any re? ligious m.- ?reek days The tr-ie. Then, are many de nom inatioi ? ? leh eai | si religious instru? -, u I the <.h:l?!ren ..- ? rtd them >.-'? ir pul ?I from S to ?'* p. m. The ? ? limply makes it p - ? to dlsti bat. I hours during the dai if pareatl M de sin- tea 1 of ha\ .rig a thou? sand children leave school at ?. p. m. to attend rellg ?>:< I , as il deas bow, Il - pass ble uader the Gary plan for part of thi? number to lake loch instruction on their way to ?chool in the morning, others on their wity home to lunch, and Others on their way home from school. How this is bringing re? ligion into the school? any more than tl ?? press?t pian it i? difficult to under? stand. What is taught in thi? religiou? in? struction outsiile the school and how it is taught is no concern of the school. The churche? must provide the build? ings, the teachers and all the I - up nient. Elisabeth, H. J., snd the ( <??t of the l.ary School?. 'The Glob?-" published this erool se lections from the report of a comnnt'e? of ?chool ?flic.i*.';? of Elisabeth, N. J., on the Gary schools. According to the account, this eommitte reported that the Gary school system was not eco? nomical, that its holding power i? not greater than in other school systems, that there i? a great increase in per capita cost of instruct!?.I Ifl fact, that the annual per capita cost is 60 per cea! -iig'ner than that in Elizabeth, and that, therefore, as a relief for the tax? payer- the Gary system will probably prove a delusion. As it happened, this committee was in Gory at 'he same time that I ??? visiting the schools last year, so that our findings fortunately cover the same perie ! of time. As the press accounts suggest -bat the Elisabeth report i? timely for New York, the following comparison of the cost of the school? of New York itself and of Gary may prove even more timely: In 1913-'14 the per capita cost of instruction in elementary and high schools in Gary was 183.80, 20 per cent less than New York'. $4J.'2H. With less per capita cos? for instruction the Gary schools during that bad financial year mere able tO .ccompli.h 'he fol? lowing ?h.r.g? : i Garv provided twice ?? many hours' reg .far school rg ?? '?'? York. 2, In Gary .'.0 per teBt more children went to high ?ch- thai s Nets ^ irk. There are a? mar;. "" ** 'ha gro do in G ? " e ?ev?n*h, i assay ia the first ye?- -. h gh tight ilemoB '-*ry grade. 8. Every child ?'.o five years , , . Gary, ? ' . ? ' ' .. teai i Gai reeded 1 ' *?' fi tenth of tl ? ii dred per ? Is schoe r plsyg I - ?n !? a. m ? ? ? g for i ? wher?-. ?-. and oi! ? tunities foi er - 1.7 of Idrei Elite KB can .";, ? ? - -, ; . i a ry '? I anda- I to be re they .1 id ? t | his In? - - ai", year? near eighboi s . ? ?wovor, ? r t h e El i sa the statt t that it Is ? the S) rot iso ' B I a? the ? ? e re port of the "It t'r.a* ?he number of t with a rea ? ?? ??-. ? tnen - :-.e de??. menti i Ifered by other? is e\- all Is every com? munity, sad ' ten-iency to reseat SUggeetioas or improvement? ma<le bv peon to h? ir.'eris Sod la the case of those intru?*ed wi'h edaca tional work. I have by no mean? given up the fight, becau?e I can see in tha*. Ides a ?'..uiamental proposition ibtedl] railed f-.rth by the glar ? ? -ampin of iarge education?.! planta itandiag idle daring three-fourth! of the time something which ba te -ia*.ed la any o*her lioo of human endeavor." And ahile we aduln ?on ?he hall of disCUSsiOB back tnd forth tnere ara childrcB in New York ( rtf on par' time. U S. AUTO RESERVE URGED Governor? Appro.e Protect, Motor Truck Club I? Told. A national reserve of automobile! and motor truck? tras urged at the meeting of the Motor Truck Club of America a' 'JIT We?* Fifty four'h Street last Bight by 0, T. Birdb.ute!, editor of "Motor Pri?t." who told M hatl letters from every Governor except one approving the project. Such a re sere, if properly organize,1, ... .aid, would put the I'nitid StBtOS on a war footing as regard? transport at a mo ' .ce. The work of the motor trucks at Plattsburg and Fishklll oral by II. B ? lark, a m ?i'iarn.i 01 transportation at the business nun'? Cam] The trucks, he said, I most anywhere ?.-?.. could be used all day a: # -? FARM HIDES UNDER PUMPKIN < ?u a -'arr**. J !?-.- 1 ?'? St I r ?ries Schwar, o.' 882 Fourth Avenue. Astoria, raised a pumpkin which ??? eitrht pound, and ' ? - in eireumfereie ;1 Sa? placed ih? pumnkin John D. Rockefeller, Jr.? who is just back from his picturesque visit to the Colorado coal mines, tells in next Sunday's Tribune what was accomplished by his trip. He tells why he went, what happened?and gives his theories on how Capital and Labor depend on one another. Its the first adequate explanation of the unique system of rep? resentation just inaugurated?a frank, intimate talk. Your news? dealer will see that you get it. A word reserves your paper. First to Last?the Truth: News-Editorials?Advertisements