Newspaper Page Text
Kern 5crrk ?Trtfttntt. First lo la-I?th. Truth: New .?Editorial? ?Advertisement?. Tin _*?!? it <?< ">"? a St I'M ... . .... ? ' - - w To-* ? - .i..,.'. 0 New fort . . ? ? , . A ' I? I 'A , .... ?car > - . ?.?TT!? ' tl *?"- SAT* . I .. . I .. " * * ? ? * ? 4 - . ...... ?- I Ota . ?n rtn pnrcht?e i_rr<handi?e adverti?r.l in 'IHK IK I HI NE ?ith ?--...lute ._fet>?for -'_<lu.n result? in any ?as* IHK rRIBl'NE foaroateso to ee. ^eei ssoas. bodl up?'n rf-jucat. N?> red tape, no ?iinl> W e n .ike good prornjillj If the ad ?.rrl lot r does not. Those Who Cel?brate*. ? -al mochil.?-- In : ?-.-?>?? to def? nal amendmant permitting Thar? ? -??nccalment ?.f the purpose or the activity of ths ; l ians; not the smalles I wat? * ' fssct that every party me- ibllcan or Democratic, 6 lash or the word ..f th> ' - "instructed" in his The i ** ras not the only vote -, the amendment. It is open to ? -.ion whether it wus the I ? ? m of the total vote. But what ? ? . ?.Strocti.. to note is * that the political boss could do he did that he rec"f_i.77ed in the woman vote a peril; thut he caw in the extension of the franchise a danger to himself, and he acted ? i Thousands of men who do not believe womtn should vote expr? I -onvlc one or. which there la bonas? different of opinion, ar.d it is neither accurate nor fair to tie I - ? : .I . ' ' . ie. .vomen have, in their New Jer succe. sf-. 11. that r. the ranks of those who oppose them _U the elements which have in recent ??d and received the punishment which the community ha. felt the proper ? *'i the machinist, the w_: . d the cor: Jersey will not ?' the vote cast iffragi e of the popular ? half victory. If intry **hm continue to is opposed by the ] tlcians as s unit, OW that it is the the bosi fears ttle will be W01 the face of the evidence. All . the country there must be of men whose opinions are hos? tile or lukewan WOl an suffrage who will -five the whole subject a eecond ' it is th? ?hs, the precinct - - who are their ? ! that In opposing the a franchise they for whom they have no ? ? re that the 8 for the d' ? n. New Jersey. I- or this .luce argii ? if this bo to doubt, ? - i amaina that the t-- i the res alt as their own victory, and bosses of the Nu ; mod tht'nselvfs th" sic? 1_WM facts will not be forgotten ?.fter, nor will they contribute to mak ing th? decision of Tuos lay enduring. Sir Edward Carson's Resignation. A'ht of Sir Edarard Csuraoi They will argue tint he ought never to have been appo .it his pre.? ?i the first m ?? ?? and that his departure i t the Si ? the coalt '- But it to tall r will the Radical journals ' rea i ne up the discovering In the No OM __SS t,-e part Sir 1 hoard ? er -7-, eras playing up to the very moment the war began. There was idden or obscure in bis methods. He ?ii | * | g, and had act? ?i fol a year, in hold and frai.k defiance of the government. ? " aahoi ? ? Pe ii i I sad ? Privy CosmcUIor, he had d.-l.l.era*.*ly raised an tl <? will of the -meat He had openly challenged the ? mass?t to coon-<< him. They made light of him at first m?% a Issasgllgas Md fanatic ; th.f ".; || ...m Rl),j threat ?? him In turn; but rever for a i - ho shaken in hi? purpose, and never did the government darf to discipline him, 'he highest legal authority in Eng. tterly onoonstttut-oi I II a p!_. ,? ? had ? ? him *' ' Of all ? m st the time ?- bis api Beans of tissa pro ? i Ui la unable to justify it on a.-.y rear?.r.alile | Hut. upon the winde . ?. | it with woi.d.-rfiil ? .?;??,-. m ! tits reason Is plainly np Edward Ca? i tmi n bi , , ? ? ignore, and It ? member i i ild bo leoi ? .- fully roe? : ? : ? ??!? il opponento. The r ? ? footed a? a mere torn had proved hinwelf, if not an, ut hast a Strong :?r.d d?-ter mined leader. If I '.v to recognize tentinlitii retm?at, t'?.r H afely bo said 1 ?? ? ?? more at Ca ' than agues. At the Irish 1 rded by his . if thi ? I ovei in his ; -.. It was not till he went 1 ? . nd that I tod sbilities were made manifest, bul before long he itation and thai w),< he sacrificed hip future to ? FJlstei . ? . . ? reaaon and aens. Yet the van! il might have proved his ruin established him more securely tha*. ?-ver i the rkmI form Is figur?e In Bril Any resignation from the Cabin?** Bi BUCh f critica! mom?nt as the present must be disconcerting. It is idle to prel that l.ecause Carson is the man it does not matter. To say that he ought I to have had a place in the Cabinet is . and it is beside the point to talk, as "The Daily Chronicle'-" P< mentary correspondent talks, of his Oppo sition to "working class opinion." The uneariness and dissatisfaction so apparent in England will not he lessened by tho of one who wa? recognized on ol] hands as a strong man and a man of determination where I j are timid, ?ranting in any I That Republican Bureaucracy. Insir?ng that 1 I reorgani? zation ?? tion is .rah, "The ." which a few day.? ago was positive the present Governor WOl ih un? der it a Republican bureaucracy, now ad? mits that "this power may be discretion? ary." It quotes the following section of the document to hack up itl a. sumption : "At trie session immediately following the, adoption of thi.? constitution the Legis? lature shall provide by law for the ap ment, to take effect not earlier than the first ?lay of January, one ! seventeen, of all the civil administrative and executive functions of the state goven ment, except tanto in the office of Gov? ernor, to the severa] departments In this article prov: ? To assuage "Tho World's" doubts and dispel its fears, the following fact?s should be w:thin its know!**.lire: The foregoin?? section refers to the enactment of new laws reorganizing department powers and duties. Its phraseology wai made to con? form to suggest made by Mr. '. E. Smith SJ ' ? Wagnor, well known Dem?crata O? this city. It satisfied them and the other Democrats; in fact, it wan defended in debate by Democrat,?. Those rats, accepting that wording. showeJ their understanding that it would be suffi - ? ? prevent any 1916 office dispensing by the present Governor, even if he had .such e purpose. Perhaps the following quotation from Mr. Sheehan, a distin? guished Democratic delegate, speaks suffi .-I that point : "Mr. Chairman, 1 Bssumi the now Governor who takes office will no! be In office till the 1st of January. That, of course, is the point of Mr. Tan? ner's amendment and that is the point of Mr. Smith's suggestion that tho distribu? tion ol hould take place not as a ?? . ? of anything the present officers may do." If Mr. Smith, of Tammany Hall, and Mr. Sheehai r of them lacking in hard political experience and neither averse to job-gral bing wherever possible, werf satisfied that the Democracy was pro by this clause against Republican rapacity, even "The World" need hardly Too Good for Tammany. Tammany Hal i oppo e the new const illuminating ? ? Und? ing up to th? ? f the I ?oni titut ention this year. The proposal for a convention in 1916 instead of in 1917 Hall the I- te p.? ted to continue control. There b*i much opposition t?. it, on the ground that such ha.-te was un ? - ary, on the score of expense, even because of th.- origin of the proposal. Hut it went through the Legislature, and ... ? ? ?-.on t?. decide tl was held. In that oloction there was tin grant ballot t., | [n favor i proposal, the moot tlagrant being in Mr. Murphy's own Assembly .. Whet tier a.? Um result of such frail lc*cause of hor.e-t ?Jooire for the early ' - the queel n tvai ca? ried by a . | ??? ??id not ele,? a majority "f ??? ' had boon hoped. A I ? put the ' - The eon not t?. th?- com] ? ? action of every? extent ol prododng u Tlawl. but g B-bU S an sg si .?? body, ? ? y .u ?i nithoul pari ?J t?. do it. ?it-tl in the ? ea wtaastituUoi ? | of Democrats ??? ajonty of Kepulili '?ans. ?In its. chief feature-, there wa ftubsUntia! s?rveinin.t by the lepre-sei.ta-I ? when it came to the The n? ??-.?? ? ? ? ? ich a Den rat ? s Re| ibllcan ? nt. Undt ? . to bass f It meani ? | ' r Tammany. What I for Tau many ought to bo just ? f the state a i I Legally Sane. 8 'i.'i*- last srseb S patient from ? \\ was brought before a ? <? of the Suprei el art on a writ of . ? corpus. He had been placed in the ? opathic ward provi itonalty at the in ? of In wife and his brother, who ? hire committed t_ a hos pita! for th? To support their ap ? on they ha i ths <?? r phj : ? : ? ' ' nrnn tal di esse . besides 'he expert testimony ard >e_ t.? k Bs a man of lav. ' I ? Ide whether the patient COul 1 prop er!y be ;.'.'i'-i-.| in tho class that hears that - label "Legally insano." The and apr - of his family : I medical me*i wer?- manifestly of r.o im it is true thai one erho hs abundai ; opportunity to observe the pa . t in the lasl few days was quite lied of his mental unsoui 1 de clarad that it would not be safe to let him go. But on the other side wm the testimony of one of the patient's old I . This witness wa? not a medical man, but ore of those plain citizens whose good . ns we learned from the Judge who led at the latest Thaw trial, is so much more valuable than the musty opin ?ona of doctors arhoes head? are - with psychiatric fancies and their mouths full of hard word?. He had seen the pa? tient and found him in his right mind. I-or instance, the man who was said to he deranged had a clear memory of some? thing that happened forty years ago, and whe'i he heard of BOn 6 | ? ? IS?ness venture he "wai ed to gel in on it." What further proof was needed of his sound? ness of mind? "He struck me as ration? al," laid the witni confldently, "and I Vlieve he is, no matter what the doctors say." The soundnssa of this observation evi? dently appealed to the court more than the judgment of all the doctors together. The physician of the psychopathic ward ? knowingly of a manic d? p ? ? r a* d I ? "' "th, but when pn he declined to quibble about th?- r of "legal" insanity, and I that if the man was let loose he would probably be back again in tarent; So the judge decided that tl v not a case of what lawyers call lunacy, and thai SC of the physicians aras irrelevant. When counsel for the patient's family asked timidly who was to be responsible for him while he was at large the judge, .-welling with indignation, broke forth somewhat as follows: "Responsible I Pray, who Is responsible for you? Let me tell you this man is an American ettisen and he will he responsible for himself. His liberty may prove an important I in his recovery." Three days after this memorable decla? ration the American citiren was back in the psychopathic ward. The responsibil? ity for this unfortunate relapse was un? doubtedly his own. The judge In grant? ing it to him as an American citizen had made him promise to ho good and had sent him away with the liest advice, "< ion trol your nerves and acticbs," he had said, and the patient solemnly vowed he m How was the judge to know that !.?? not be trusted, unless, indeed, he had given heed to the opinion of the physicians? Of late physicians have been much ridiculed for their notion of what insanity consists in. It is plain that none of them has a clear understanding of the legal c<?nception of that condition, but are they altogether to blame for their ig norance? One thing is certain: that if a useful reform is to be compas, ed lawyer - as well as physicians must be included in it. Lord Haldane's Miscalculation. i From Th. ? Lord llaldane was never a pacificist, and POVOI willing to sacrifice the interests of his country to those of Gel ir,:?ny. His fault was U believe in the e\ --.-,?? ? _ .- I party in lirrmany, or rather, I i 1. t?o? nre ?ros worth b moment's eonsidei fard his n dation as unp.. . however, gro It . lually ? I i the Army by Lord HaMane, It is t" hun ire ! ??' -.rial organization, a: . the organization of th.- Expoditiol Again, it ia to him we owe the system of Voluntary Aid Dotaohmeata InstitStiOBS without which we could not have dealt with II wounded. Lastly, it Is to him that we ..we the National Reserve. If be did not orig 'hat force, he made it a living thing - recognition and encourag-rncnt. It ...'.]??.I some two kaadrod thousand men t> the Army. To folget til this, and to pursue hin with what Murk?, called "a hunt of ob Ignobla a COS .ame to all ? *.ig men. The Tax Question. I To the Editor of The Tribune. ?sir: I notice in to-day's Tribune tha' s.nce the millionaire i? SS poor ;i? to ha obliged to ?w?ar off his persona] tas ths prepesti made that every OBS B th an income of | or more should !?? I to an inco It strikes aie th? together anil have I tas a ; The barden will set ? It entirt for the poor to | Propart] I bs tosed ?m.. prcdaetlea. l"r example, o boOSe renting for |80 a i ??n?. Bsoath's real fei I ? thre? months, as wi ? t bo eoasl ?nd expenses. VI.. A B. 1KN KV? K Aaterts, L 1, Oct. i_, ttlf, I THE SHAM" A Sorry Exampl* Should T?'iich Us a Leason. To the ? :n'v :,? I Baassailabla '.A.\er in '?. ? ni' g'- I r I >01 I r.r.-?s cl'*ar ?a a clarion call to all thinking men. Th?* *..????, ?o sdmirahly ?tat?.) by :-'U. ?osl nrc esearlly forea UieBssalvai on th.* ^m n.1? of .-very ?tu.lent of pant, p.^-siru; an.i future tVOBtO. Are we ?o ob?e??ed with our petty, pr.r ? Ki itrei d >?? i sy, sell il desire f.-r ths sham? and luxuries of our commonjA ?.-..? i| we f.,rget tho great p.... ? bj us in the world and th?* raspeosibilil I i geaanl placed Ib "ur band ... t?-: .- enough to pi ., wofally placed i.efure u?. Th< .?<? an?l Moo.i now I"- Bg I'-.tir-*?i ? ? . ?? gros s ? ? -1 ? .,.?<? and BBtlOBSl ?i,,in which BS ?? Ifer, ihoald give us "11 rhe taint of "muddling through" seems te ? Itself sere Atlsutie and to be taking root in the apathetic, one might ??1 ij be aawmie, attil : ths m^jii '!l the itreet. Is there bo aatioaal leader w.rh a .?oui above political parti ? '*?* strong enough to voice in? cry, "Wake Bp, '?? . .-..* ?:i your apathy an : : . ion .-?. sppar? Ol m >?ur ? to the appr?ciai I your supin?? Sttitode. Patriotism mean? lacriii.-e, BOt th>- more salutation of bunting, and ?should be a sa?r> ?i . --..-r eoBssioasoess, prepared at a;. :?? give iree-handedly of its BOSt in thought and iet .1 Pray urtcpt from one of your readers s slB? orr appr?ciation si ths ?-? sad ib a ??? en hauntn. we are "ci- ? | ... ? ? :? snail, un ? -, L,t*t*r SO? boa n clearly, as a writiog :. th- Wall, that he who runs n-.ay read. V. M INTHKOP NEWMAN. New York, Oct. SO, 1911 Sham and Shame. To the Editor of The Tribune. G r: Please let me express my deepest ad? miration, assent and thanks for the enlight? ening leader in your Journal of this morning. editoi sttaifl such ? ?ruth and trun: ?SI II ght 10 ? v.,pi- ;,..? twei Brii ? and I can fal- *v si d blindness tl a- deadly as it is ?'awful " ? i o? Bhsn ar-.,l Bhsme, both i land mid America, are smOBg rt.>- chief I letl of the "three Turkeys," and to thr>m, as much Teutoois battailous, Brill be ?lue the victory of Wilhelm If *l.? ' the fute of Sodom and Gomorrah upon the miserable lands whose ions contii ??? to lap up lies and wallow in the mire of cow? ardice. When we contrast the organized effirleney ?; n*y of the Teutons with the wholly r?pp?.?itc qualities of Englsnd and ? a philosophai st least won dot whether or not the law of the "survival of the ?ttest" should no*, requ.r.* suit Ormany * grant us mercy, open our eye?, and give to America and to Kngland ? ne man equal in real "force" to Wilhi BENEX AMERICAN Brooklyn? Oet CO, 101.".. Two Thoughtless Nations. Tc tho Kditor of The Tribune. Fir: T have often a -\pres? my appreciation of your wonderf-il edit? rial page, of which I am a constant reader. As a Tana ? N'ew York, to me The TrlbaOC is typi eally "American." I write now to ?hank you most tv.irmly for - u? ?o rlav the ?plendid letter from ".Tohnny Csauek" r. raiding 'he ini rieai patriot? and the r-", | umpire Loya That bo*h bodies, wer.- mefl of whom their deaeendanti may justly be pro-nl ?,--?. ".!,,, i t ? wi ?heir history will eOBCede To-day th., ? deaeendanti ? ? hack f the two great progressive oat ID World, MviBg side by lid? I * ??' r-, litary deferir? arraii. | and having the ?urn?- ??.-? tutiooi and ? r'eace and of personal freedom for the individual. thi differences of opinion of our nr. long ilaec t>en settled, i.? It no' a worthy aim to work for the high?"-? form of harmony ar i betwcefl r>:?. CanadlaB and American p? i liing your great paper the utmost |Ue ce?s, KT f: STEVENSON ? York. Oet. 1'.'. 1916, The Kaiser's Prediction. To the Kditor of The Tribune. Sir: Some ?Ix or eight week? ago reports wen published in the newspapeis to th< effect that the German Empsror, addre?slng the prominent banker? of th? empire, pre dieted peace in October. Inasmuch ai I doubted the veracity of this ? I *?? rit sn Inquiry to one of my Herman -pondent!, requesting ., tiofl of the kliovo statement, and just rerei-ed a reply und- r date of September || a? follows) That the German Emperor expCCtl the enl ?of the war In n?-t.?bcr, and that he have expressed him-ei | that efl -. t.? u?. We de ? .- effe? t very prol..' le, becaa ?- - ?ng to all sppearoacei the war is likely t,. - a numher of month-, nasmaeh a-, oar opponent? in their Miadaess sad self -?'.. ?t B/illiog to admit that they have lost the game." I quote the sbevc line? jnst as they have been transmitted to me, and leave H to your m ludgmeat to publish the sbova, should you .-?.r?s:.ier It of sail ? *o your rt-ader!. \. ALTEE B? UM IDT. ? : German Savagery. To the Ed *..r of The Trlbjne. Ifl r.ghrd to the r - - v f,,r the ihocklOf execution c . II a*. 1 Kru?sels. permit n?e to say that a :? ? il wa? held in a cla-. | SBS Si oar an ? t\h?r.- I wa? a viiitor, to ed case like that of the girl .ho use! her private telephone to e range to the fort, wa? tried i.v the SB court and ?hot. Our verdict was ? court founded on Anglo-Saxon law ^r-.-an or English would have done ?Y make her a pri?oner. The?.- , \r-. j* m are p.,rt of the heniz : ,'-r ? - el Mr BfeClellsB dis ? ? ? : B< a .am. AME1ICAN WOMAN. V?. ?'-.. Oft 19, Itli, A Bit of Historv. M r ? . .?? ??-.?? ? ? 1 ' ... II 'emo Tha last ?,nir ?he I'em. righl yoad the memory 0? >ay liviag paraoa FAMES WILSON. .. 1 .man.) New York, Oct. 17, 1&16. "HOWEVER, COMMA, MY HEART BLEEDS FOR SERBIA. TAXABLE VALUES IN NEW YORK The City's Financial Troubles Said To B?; Du?, to an Unnecessary Socialistic Scheme of Government, Destructive of Real F.state. To th? Editor of Tl - Tribuns Sir: M h -..??"? is repo-'. | to I -hat the prepo terous personal tax as?es.ments of this ye uise of New York Cltj l difficulties, which be ,-' . I^rge'y due to mandatory law? pa-'se.! at .. .?? f salaries li this I I statement of the Mavor is not warranted. New York's trouhles are not due to BBS ? liitory laws _7T. ?' - solsiies. T> chieflv das to regulaton,- laws the admini tra'ion of which h> siagls t?;x social reduced taxable i -State ti tent of BBS -? d_ of millions i lar?. Henry George, the founder of linffls ta ism, declared that private ownership was a cri'i?? sad thsl "*'*??? ^'a'" m ist mal land common property." Also that the sta .-houbl "co-??? While v? have no stagls tas l?.-'- ;'?? ' * ' pear to he in control <>f the city, Bl havo succeeded In eonflaeatlaf or daatroyii rental values and taxahle valnsa to an e: tent that Henri Georgs probably nev? drsamed po Single tax socialism could h?. properly de: : ent h ghbrow sodsliiB and it Is B greal to the c.mmunit than the red flag brand of socialism, ss it rs are highly educated and charmin men who are obs? issd with the idea that it 1 their moral duty to "rol Peter to pay Paul. Pot? ' in thl ease re; resents many thousand of ladastrtous, frugal, law-abiding citizen who ha*.-.- invested th li lavinga in real es t?te ander laws sad principles that hav obtained for hi of years. And l'an represents a million, more or less, of shift l<-^<-, incompetent, improvident people, huma par., i.1 sponges. As moths prefer th ? ? rpensivs garments to lay ?heir egg in, BO ' -,e taxer, an'1 half tux ? - g into the very best ?ocial and eh to propagate their ? The upstate member? of the I.egi are not to blame f'.r the mandatory a:. | 1 .-. mplsinod of. no were passed on tl-.'* insisl .nd of char ty WO! from this city. While charity and SOttlenoB worker? arc very charming people and de serve ' t praise i their good worl ot ?he best ads nuhlii polic-.- Mi -, tare, how OVSr, cannot b? 1 : ?_ givo thl full weight To soy thai boma rala will help us out oi oat * eery sectior of ? h" Stets : :n tli? ? k City, at'.' the upstate measbers ?.f the Logislotaro real pi BBSOt-Bg the city'? 1 tinos in the now in con ?rol of it., atTait a I ty. Th ot lacalcalabls velas to the people mf ? u ? |OOBI "f pro tection fr"-- slistS BOW in power. - WO ... ,,. a ^g?jnl ? r progr?s I SI I il - now paying the penal' B voted to put the city 0,1 a charity and social ? | and they They have al?o put it on I it Is tl nnical r . thi^ >ear :i :ax increase Bill !?? he greatly over . ? .. dallara of si 1 personal taxe.? on ths which must lii placed In future ! idgeto end i ' sed by taxa ? There ?re thr?. rOBBOBl why it l| imp?.- ;h!" ton ths cost of government to on extent that would atford substantial IS '*' to taxpayer?: Fir?t Short term of our elected O-icials. _-C_nd Divided au "horlty and responsibility. Third The civ isrvice law?. It is impossible to overeom '??'errent e-Teet of these condition?. And what is the net gain to a propert owner who save? a few dollar? on hi? ta bill if the selling value of his property i declining f> or 10 per cent a year and he i called upon to reduce or pay off mortgages Th?? most important financial duty of th to ;??? ??????- property right?, and thereb ???'? 'axable values, up-n which th al credit of the citv ll BBSOd There are rhousand? of parcel.? of land i ter New York eoverod by overdue mort that under foreclosure would BOi eol for more than the amount of the first mort In many eases the title hi lers StOI ? to hand over their deodl to the mort wi'hout a cont. I This mortgage situation furnishes furthe irrofutabls evideaee of the terrible decline II taxable real estate values. Theie lo.-s, represent the equi'ies of iBVOStOIS, many o whom have put the hard earned savings o a lifetime into real e?tute, only to tee i taken fr m them in their old age. Governmental policies that produce ?uc! conditions must be fundamentally wrong, an, there will be no permanent relief until safe snd "arier policies are adopted. The Tenement House Department i? th' instrumeatality through which the ?ingl, t.tx.-rs accomplish most in the matter of de stroying taaabls value?. Esperta have ds ciar.-.I that the cost and loss of taxabl. values due to 'he operation of this depar? ment alone amount to more than $!?00,000, 000. The department issued 190,000 orders ir one year, and it is ?inly one of the many ?!?? partmei I SIS admini-rered by ilngl taxers, who item to believe that propert? ... ? .-i - have bo rights. The natural Lut unfort'ina'e effer? or" thes? laws i? r?> diseoarOgS the small investor fron ito. Land is being more an. more forced loto the hand-? "?' , aculatora is a grave governmental error. Th( more the 'and Is divided up in ownership th? ?"or the city. Tenement house ollleial ' that tenements housing twer.-y four families were preferable to house.? bull' thlBC families. That is the attitude Ol : coemeat House Department, and pre umablj of the administration, and II rimer.-?.', to publie Interest. It would be fa* batter for tl eity if rhe tweaty-four families lived Ib eight houses owned by diff?res! citi lens. Another fad that should be taken iatS deration by city oflacisll is thin sad other form? of iavestmeat hav?* r-d to a point where th-ir yield is m that 'hey compete with real estate tC t greater extent than ever before. The r-.'y is not deriving the increased land II from the new $''.'0,000,000 ?ubway * hat would have resulted under safe and BBS ?on?. The reason i- 'ha' 'he bad ef - ? of the overregulation of real e.tite have offset the good effect of increased tran? 'ies. o>. erregulation, which ha? such a effect on taxable real estate value? tu a large extent unneee-sary. Thi? statement is based upon a report mad? to the .-; institution at Washington, on ne and sanitation by Pr. S. uYoll Mitchell, John S. Billing? and I, H. Hergv; ipOB a report of Dr. I/eonard Hill, of i- the lea.ling pathologist of ?ir.-nt Britoia If Mayor Mitchel want.? to improve the taaaeial condition he can do so by tak lag the administration of regulatory laws out of the hands of socialist! and placing ?o in charge, with instruction? to domoad BOthiog from OWBOri that l? not ? leatiol for the protection of public th, moral.? and BOfoty, This ? ibjeet i? of such supreme importance that it i to be hope?) such influential orgsni as the Chamber of ?'omm.-rce. Mer AasOCiatiOB, New York Hoard of . la and Transportation, Manufacturers' iaaociatioa, real estate boards ?in.! raxpay ers1 a* s. elation? will give it their earnest - -?ration and unite in dOB?aodlBg a re? turn to safe and ?ane governmental policie?. Jl'DSO.N G. WALL. , New York, Oct. IS, 1916. A PLAGUE ON ALL A Seal Ifeutral Hopes All H ligerents Will Be Licked. Editor of 1 ?ir: : m my Ufe tkt! I have wri'ten a letter to a ne*?paper, ba' have ?een day after day thai V-i -_B-6_6] every one a chance to air opinions, 10 I??? goes. One rea.!? ?o mach sowsdsys of IsrSSl Americanism and British-Ajailllislm I one is heartily sieh of It vV? know or t?-.t know that- ther? Is no such thin, legally a?? hyphenated Amere.n. One Is ?__? O -an or one Is B eittsOB of ?om? ?_? country. I** ovary bsbb srho leaos 'o_ard the Ana nrd ?? who lean? toward th* Is m,n? be compelled to take s .un __ r fight yea ? ??* w9uM *itW neutril. M * are BBppOSOd to. I notic.l a sta* ??? _?*? M* days ac^. arrlttea h-- a RussUui .ont!?mi? * .orne prominence, wh i ? - *at ?? ? cietlei ??? thl raniied by d-haSM German birth hsvs OB hard over **** wat they wni fight for th.-r "Fatherland" and ******* -.?temen t. of coon-. the rai v * m*n wl ! m or with a vivid ir._ginst.oB ???? think of ?uch a thing. Let u? loo ? B S sensible ?I??' Why do you '' " '?"-mans hi? _ I not de sa to ?M thl| r, ? German rala Ir!'"1'^ ?ps from a eoontry that _<*??* ,.;,-, the poor people s .hones t? sf?^ wealth and position; they came sesv*? more will corn... 'o lecore 'n?.*d'*nUf?!f, ths grea'.T i I ?"-_ thii ?ww offers them; they come '?? aasaae I? w forts s t; they ? inted Is ha? lire govsrasd sssss laws t-, ' i tobasaasass-J dorn of speech and move. BBt V*jmi - ' "??i8 g ant 2 [00.000 wi ild'flght against the I nl-*? ... of any other ft V !*____ . _ ?*.*** *""?,___?5 ' " _".___! krtsE ?real! licked. Thai loanda feel*. ?*?? '"'? ,h' t,m_ .11 ?* an !- ?h? ' ukiBC _i__i aha '.._H_Tes# ? ?Me to tu.? war again fer tl s ? ?si !,u"'w11CT^^ tm M '*-,''?i --Hua? if England win, old Johnny BoU a? ^ cockv that yon won't he able to BJ ? tha Herman, wls 'he *??*?' ' |j bullheaded that you wont be soi? ^ bin. Th.- best thing that ran happea a draw, for no mat ? "A Vtl**i lag to soy it-at the people of the ' \7Tm_sH Thai ' ' ? fc___T*" ' *___Sslaa* Urged army.nd -i.^. at it be suri ? n'nV0,;fte? .... going to have a g?*?? f? %:e .?j able '-V-V' K,n?__-ti??* We Should see that b7 th,t \, t. _ . ,- least the second largest r7 world. I am an American of the sis ^ r j tion. New rerl Gel Is. It** An Anti Boss Democrat. To the Editor el The Trtb?aaa ^ Bin Mr. Salto,,'? letter in 7?^^ yesterday express ?? ', w r*?? same Wind of a Democrat I S* . ^ "The World," but when "The Wor'Mrtrf OVOI ' > Murphy I ?ail It and *"** The Tribune ?? |S* 1 like your paper l..c?u?e >o ^ ^ bossed and again?! the corrupt ter- ^ .rnment we ha%e in this ?t?^'wn. poT?a? Governor Sulzer aptly called 'th* ? ^ system of gra ty-ftfty" ' '-...blies crat who will continue to vete the ? t ticket until the bos?.* are d'P**~-aSfi. L. A. ??? New York, Oct. 1?, l?i?