Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE Your Money ?Back If You Want It ?4,?. Miterrsl P?se. Fire? LolumTa. -D?aCttl ffl0tl{ .- -. A jk?aatT2 *^"^-A^"'fl?1f ^Twtt?Vv WEATHER T?> I'AV A*?!? T?i SJSjBBJBBW, F .IB; ?????, ; N s It) v ttisi?? Veal" .... II .., i ? ?t? e Frrgf to Last the Truth : New* - Editorials - Advertisements ^ T.xNv... \... swrn _L ? r>?.?rl!h?. Ifll?, Ri The Trltitme Ass?>,? 7a,linn! SATURDAY, ?OCTOBER 28, 1915. ? ?. i? In < 1?) "' *?'*? ^"r'-i- **?*?> ,rk termes t It. anil 11 .?.okas?. PRICE OXE ( l.N > 11*.??in i<> r-i.??.M 30,000 ?WAIT MARCHING CALL OF SUFFRAGE Clear Skies Promised for (liant Parade Up Avenue To-day. THIRTY HANDS TO CHEER LINE 20.000 Women and 10.000 Men \\ ill Crowd Ranks? Beaut> Squad a Feature. itX/, ?.eath. r man ?ve SI >f Bas with ,. - for ira.-* |W_tB?t parnde. that '??- ' ::'' ' r ^e roffrii* K?r\ ? i Dgfcoat the eitj waj. ? ? march, and at 8 ??ty. ? the order erill ^ f M -v Bead the rinks ' ?y jj0- - - n*-. rompiste, the Is?' recruit! lied. .-. - r, and purp> - ?..ere ' ??' Wj ,,i?" ,^-., ? who will carry them. ?uner*-,:-- thai nske * ind ?'? jj0lt ?' ? ?S el ' Brill march ssvs bei ?jUhberl ?are |t ? . ? irerei * \p ?'?-'.? | In 1 Fifth A'-?" *? *' ' - **har* thej fall fate sir plaees in th* Firsd? ' ' IfTand division of the Won*.?* i Polil Bill ?a? BSSjds r ' \ Avenue . ten th ? ' ' '*''"* ? AV.-L where ? main pira.- ?' ?O.iOO Women, 10.000 Men. Th* that tl wcrner. an. the ton. tl_? par;.-.- . ? under WBJ anch Fifth A w' thi ng ? ?*? int erill be itipe: is 1 ..t.r the Pis rhe thirty i _____ ? and co-durt? I !?> womet . ' ?'?> rule 'v The SSI - par.. * Arst is ths - *r sal, I march repre ??*'.?? stars >. ? TO'.t. \ . trt!!?, the ? "ha ?*.'.'.c?'. - -? this division wi . the float ei a ? ths 'en womer. who _pr<_ t: ? Joitic. at i tin-nt- will ride. As SSCOI rill represent the l aiteo Bti f the countries, and will be c - ' ? ?, g i a bers of Sal Xsl rrace SBSsslal | :t. a formation At it? o*- : ?? || -. will be ?slevlri | ai(B I'nmr. ?hith h Yei ??BBSS! Se>rral Hundred Auto?. Th? following rill be *??* '^r,:*.-. .M the ?asssai I? of i ... r*!1*<l ?i n? of the WorE?7 . .,, ?\. ?Mm ?* ****** Buffrai ilxth will in **S? ???? . . . ? "d 9***t* ? - . The Won ? i ?hl'-r?1 ' ? form th? folios . 'rill--, ? rated aut ^*** ???? ch will be 8 l,:' . rear. The *?tc?T^ ' barners of '""l *_hu-h have ir? tl"1 * r whirl ,./' A ,... ' ration of Worn 4?* ?'.and, from wl ?>. " ' - ? I I t).< v* ___' A' ?ho . ' " among 1 V. , ' ?eat? ar?. ?i_??. _ ' t Attorney Pei ?.i ' ?___"_ " ' ? -??..' " ' ?Harki, Sute (_:V . on, judii? fcJSi '."-"t r?tk, r',r and Ralph M. _, tv " oi i b ?t4ii_*. ?" eviewini Hi*?.. ' the -? a Usais s,m Harrrd. ??I or. " ?;*tl<'?ii not to . .. lei? ,'? ' ? I'ncl? ??**._ v. h flaure **? set.. k' ' ?ucl? a sol ???t in? " _NtaeB_?_ i ' ktM,f ??11 ??! he ?Ww.ii- ::d-hr ? ,-,r' ? Si -?__._' ur"*<1 w:Ui ?? IshJSM rf *r ' rn?r<h'nK with the OI PMIbsj vetes fei nasses ______ 11 -1 SB p__? ?, oaJuttu? 4 "I'm Delighted, Mrs. Shepard's Delighted; Finley's a Great Boy" Foster Father's Smiles ?Spread ITirough Broadway Offices \*. hilt* New Gould Heir Goes Swimming in Lyndhurst Pool. 1 ??? of Flnley J f-hepard, ?r . ?n the eiirh'l loot of she ?'Ity Bg, a* 168 flrr-edway. vest one 1 .- ?- i . a-?'.'....v. Mr. S'.epanl'i .-1 TV.?- blende sten^g* ?? led. Th. r,ep-?-.? oftice BO}1 Broa th? fa'. hr?.?t k-ob on Ml Shet/itr,.'? private room ?er than u?aal. and sa?-, back S ? : nr.d paternal a-r'.i "The hon 1? ?-ir? pleased." ??id iim. the office ? ? | a row of white "YoSSUh, he li lur. plehied. Walk rlgBl In." Mr Shepard ?at a' a big: mahogany doe onsweriaa ? talephoae call. . ,- ? Bks, Bill." h* told the at rhe other and of the wire. "i on* around and ?ce him. Hring tour MA F.-'-v B II take a fall out -, vou bet he Brill. ToB ouch, to ?ee that arm." He h il c :i- the receiver anil wheeled around ifl his chair. "I'm a proud father." he announced BOt nshamed of ir, either. Bhepord and I have slwsys ?? J ? child, and now w.'ve pot -ne. ? sas we're delighted de . - K-.ew a healthier gOBBg? IB. "or ft better BBtured thoroug] ? ? - bv a physicien and he'? ?<pu*:d a? a ? its .??? ? ?.tv laborer and epord "fa? a.ked i the fiither reluc :, u'.i'e, possibly, but nga are hurl He's - 'he be?t jisooai I age I know. Mr?. Shepsrd aaya the lam? tl Bg." Belletrea in Public School. "Hove roe made any plai.s \et for I .? e ;?? - ? - SO] ." be replied. her :.nd I ?re strong believ- ' 'em In the public school BtStOlfl ?? a pe?era! priBclpl? lallj can't ?av whether woll ser.d h:iri there or sdoeats hlai '.i vatelj J isl boss be'a under the et re at i Ft ??(??. s-o-. araneea He'? pieked up a good den! of the Ian KJH^-e j..-e?,i'. Me ;,.?. \ie '.is ?vmplth,. t- Al? lie?*" "?le-. BOOtral -lenatd lautrhrd. "At iea?t he't '.a - i.erm?: ratteroL "We try te he with him a? much ai [ we car.." r.e COBtlBBed "He ta>:es 1,:? , meal? with n? ?rhenevar are cnn arrange ?t. Naturally, hi? hour? are ?i from mini He gets for one My wife and hod boated argument! about what he ous/ht to eat *? o ? - . -:ii ?u I ',;i would a groo :*-u; | "No. we hp.-en't employed n dietician to asa menus. Mademoiaelle, his govfraeaa, aaually ?f?? to tl . C .r?e, tve all take a hand si t. Ami low Mint boy d?os ei-*' It make? me ? r,tri, ifl to watch him. 'Mr?. Shepord r.iid I don't - ? the Multhusian theories of Pro - Johnaon, of New York I'n:-. erv.'y. He said the o'her day, you remember, that a special tax oufrht to be put ?..1 mar? ried men with fouilles, That ceein? queer queer. It'^ not easy to , ?tond h - Doiol of \ leu. On the ? I think I prefer Mr. Roosevelt's. "Yes, sll that's onnstursl. It can't be nr' ' I oy call? me father not? and Mr?. Shepard mother That's worth theory n the world." At d the head of a half dozen railway m and ?he hueband of one i richest women in the V\ ed round to h;s de-k Sgoln, as ..? a? any fl5 t week brakemsfl B '-. ? kid or two a* home. Flnley. Jr? l?ot? f?t?Immlnu. While hi? fo?ter-fathor was ?caller in, ?miles abo-i? hi-i office Finie? S'piepard. jr., went Bwimming in t':.e warm indoor pool at Lyndhurst, the es? tate of hi? parente, overlook? the Hodion, near Tsnrytowo. Hii footer ir, formerly Si iaa Helen (roultl. went in with him. and a-'--: th? ? ontlnne.l ??it pi?.*' t. ? .?luntn S WAR GIVES WOMEN RIG Lloyd (ItNirire Announce? r?|ual fur F.qural Munition? Work. "r 2J. Pnvid I Goorge, M ? MbbIUobs, ? thnt women e-gl ' and over encaged in * irk received n mini ? 11 : ?reek! y. *? 1 or irk, or. time or by r - ' pay as men. ree. . ? '-ion of the : ?? ?? same ps i aanso wo;-, - -iffragi have long been AUTO FOR $10 FOT SPUR? I'eeorder Hefu-e., to Relieve Arre Own?r ?if I'.oiMerou? Car. '??? h< Angelo coaxed .- power automobile d .root, i', X. J., all ? ? i to the wiiidow.? ? at perion wi? disturbing el by rattling tin car... ? night Mr. Angelo was arrei ? having the proper light! on and. after the car had mad i h.: ' 'range ? -. driver v...? arraigned be? J. Nott, Jr. : il' ," sid the recon ? the car inatead ?" gerly. Mr. Nott il un ardent ? ? . Bad he looked the machine o .'. ? . i boa he i hook hi? head. NO $25 TO BABY "W00DR0W Heiter Name Triplet? After Vnc than the l're?ident. Da, -r-i . <? H iraau 1 Washington, Oct. 22.- N'amins bob aftel the l'r?silient, even when th ? triplet?, 1i not ?o prol 'nrr.irg them after ?omr ?pi 01 bachelor uncle. Hepoi from llattoOB, 111., that the Preiide eks for $2.r> each to triple -? ? r. ? after hini, anil purpo? -, ; a-, for *'".r education WO rally denied at the Whi ? to-tiay. . might hnfe a hra thrill .. th pride in having bi by named af'cr ?hem ?utTlcient open h ?mall bank account for tl race? eding t'hn? ?i, Is) mighl oriBg forth f th? ?. I? COI : favorable aid there were r ? .? the diplomatie relations Mi ? . i, Idren ivill get froi ,, letter of appr? nation. Perhaps nut even that. M -, w l p t e . t. DUKE OF MANCHESTER FAIL i'erelvrr Appointed fur Man Who Mar nod Mis?, /.iinmerman. London. ?>ct 22. It was announce, here to r.igl.l that M order for a re ? had been Issued against the Duki .-.;: ? hi StOI <?'! the petition of I ?or. The Duke of Mancho.ter marrier. He i": Zimmerman, ?laughter of the late i IgOOe Z ii rut rnia.'i. or Cincinnati. ? ? 8> POET MUST GO TO WORK I hat or Jail, Say? Judge, to Whom Wife Appeal?-?!. ,! si ? Itjrtee, Of Z19 Nepperhsn Av? foakers, wb? givoa the alternative of gon.g to work and ?upporting hi? wife or going to jail ye.terduy by City Judge Heall Mr?. Style? complained | e WOttld rather write pu.try than ga to work -4. -- Exchange Seats Still Soaring. A furthei mercase in the price o{ BtOCk 1 change membership? wa* lad pasterda) whes n ?eat ?old *t j an advance of $1,00(1 over the 1??' | n v.ouo sale. The ?eat wa? tl ll of th? late Edward vTasaeraasB, wlnrii a diapoied of for the third time ?'ii the tWO previous ?ircuiiiori? 'he rn.i ^ chaser failed of eloctioa to m.nib.r i t In th? ???...',?' I ARSON GANG CAUGHT AFTER GUN FIGHT Fire Shot and Three Detectives Injured in Baltimore. ' . ? T->JT?. 1. tr, T* ? T ? Baltimore, "ct. __ Werklag under orders of Btate'i _tten ? , Hroening, eteetivei ronaded up to? night what they he the big ? rson ring: in the country. Three mer. were esptared after a heavy gen light, In which State Fire Marshal Ed? ward J, Meyers wa? ?hot, probably mortally. Two ?ait ca?e? ?aid to con? tain highly inflammable gase- nr.d oil?, and an "arson bomb," | !..ri'<? glass eighteen inches in diameter, were eonflaeatod by the police, of the detectives were injured in the ? ? I thst followed the exhsBStion of their sBimnaitiea. The prisonsra are Gottlieb Freund. Harry Ifillef BBd Harry Goldberg, of mere. Just as the detective? surrounded two men. who. they say, were nhout to "plant" a bomb under the wagoi of Geeras M. Marras & Son?, canner?, f the men llred. The ball -truck Fire Marshal Meyer? in the (inly to day : I I D_l I 1 _ 1 pieced 126,000 y on the property. The itate 1 1 ?? ?j- I 1 I learned of their Intenl 01 ? end ths go ? th? itats's attorney, who joined the gang, posed as a bad man, and laid the plans thnt led up to the placing of the InBBfSBCS RABBI KNOWS BAFF SLAYERS Ferkln? Refuse* to Tell Reault of Talk with Wit neo?. Declaring he knew who killed Ham?t P?_" and who put up the money for hi? killing, Abraham Whiskin, a rabbi em? ployed In killing chicken?, was closeted with District Attorney Perkins for half an hour yesterday. Captain Carey, of the 11 lad, and two detective? were called in, hut Mr. lVrkins refused to tell what Wh'.skln had divulge.. Whiskifl i? twenty-nine year? old and lives at R0 Market Street He was ar? rested on complaint of Albert (iarlick, a poflltry dealer, of 447 Hater I who sayi Whiskifl cashed a cheek for I4M after rtcfiving the BS_BS SlBOUnl in nonsy, -. CURE SKULL'S OLD FRACTURE Surgeon? Lift Depresaion Made IS Year? Ago?l'atient Safe. After living thirteen years with a sis inch fracture In hi? ?kull. Robert Oswald, an ex fire captain, fifty-four yean old, of ..12 Wast 112th Btreet, Was operated on -,??? terdsy at Wash lagten Heights Hospital by Dr. I I Sichel? of _io Riverside Dries I was under the BBBMthetis saly tweaty minute?, while a depression in hi? ?-kull waa rained. La.? t nicht he wa? i out of danger, Oswald was knocked uneon?ciou? by a falling telephone cable at a four alana St? in Brooklyn In 1901. 11 ?? fractuTi? wa? set discovered at th?? time. He was retir? ?J from t partnsal six year.? ago, a? physically disabled._ ENGLISH LOSE 2,500 A DAY October War r_BBSltlSS Una*. 1er than at Any l're?iou? Time. London, Oct. __. British catualtie? published since OstsbsS 1 total 2,_._ officer? and .0,072 non-co_imi?slon?d otticer? and men. The?e figure? ?how an sverags los? to the British army of nearly W00 men ? day. This i? sssuddersblji bearise than th?- sarlisi la 'be war and reieetS the ?o??e? of ths British in th? recent ?ever.- lighting in Belgium. Pur lag the Bummer the lo?se? average about l.ROt? daily? la April sad '?!..?, when the heaviest fightn.g the Dar? danelles was in pr.'gre??, the daily a .?ras? wa? about * *. >*j. KING ASKS WORE BRITISH RECRUITS TO MEET CRISIS "Grave ?Moment" Mas Come, Says George V in Plea to Nation. "KNDNOT IN SIGHT; MANY MEN NEEDED" "More and Yet More Wanted to Keep My Ktmiss In the Held." B| Cabas? I TIM r---.;r.? J London, Oct. tS. King George hs? n sued an appeal to hil subjects to ?nlitt voluntarily in | agaioot the Oormanic allies. "More men, ?nd vet ? ?>-?? wonted to keep my armiei in ; "'lamation; 'To t. P? iple: "A' this grave moment in the strug? gle he-.?, en my p, ople und a highly or? ganised enemy who has tarOBSgfOSSed the laws of nntion? and changed the ordinance I it elvillsod Europe ther, I appeal to you. 'I rejoice in my empire'? effort, ?nd I feel pride in the voluntary rOSpOOBS from my subject? nil over the world who 1 rod home and fortune and life Itself In rder that another may not inherit the free empire which BBcestora snd mine have built. I a-k you to make goo?! the?e ?acrifice?. "Tne end i? not in ?ight. More men, and yet more, an wonte?) to keep my armie? in the field, and through them to ?ecure tic'ory and an enduring peace. In ancient days the darkest mo? ment ha? evoi lead m men of our race the ?trrnesi resolve. I ask you, men of all elssses, r?> come forward voluntarily and take your share in ? iiht?. "In freely responding to my ?ppeal you trill be giv'.r.g y.ur support to our brother? who for long month? have opheld Great Britain'? past tra ? : ?? ; : ? ? ', ' '-.? r arm? " The eonserlptionists read into the K ; words a complete vindication of attitude. With the of th? ! ? .?.? ion in creased bv (?recce's ,. of Britain's oew offer, and the D menace in Serbia constantly ? ???'! for more troop? hat l he King's appeal, ,i it mot c bef?te com loptod S.x i wore -? * for Lord Derby'? reriu.1 lag campaign. In that time the ? " i'o-j: -rv ?T.: t usred h i task of ;.l!;rg the cap? In her 01 ,000 n '?*. h "1 h,- i? a* bonOBI attempt," de i Lord I'erby, "to give every mm a ehsnee ro do his duty, a last effort ? ulf of voluntary service. I be tory S] ?tern can be made an v access, but ?here is BO 1 me to ! Loo don i? a?kmg whether ?hat la?t edjadsed a . v. he. her a new plan is con? templated. LoodoB, Oct. ZS. The appeal i?sue?l pSStOldoi bt K?BS. GoOIgS tO aid the Karl of I'> ting campaign a? a final erf??rt to obtain Ihe required men for military service without re course to compulsion i? framed in a tone bringing home to the BStiOB the extreme gravity of Ita military posi? tion, snd the fin I the appeal *ln thi? respect is emphasizeii m the editorial eolumos of th.- newspaper? to "The Daily ?Telegraph" lays thai Kit i;-, ?voids are ensrged with "dignity ? ? r.f lofty purpose.' and . oei : "Let there he ro illusions. The pres . the darkest moment ?inc. the war begun " The same newspaper also protests sgslna' what it fmn a? the cabal igainst the Cabinet and th? agi? to mbatiUate a dictator of ?var council, and eifresse? the hope that the King's BPpeol Will have the effect ? ,- *he?e tactic?, which, it declare?. ?1 pie at homu and have a painful effect upon neutrals arid r : ' la abroad. ? <.f the other Iaondon morning paper? comment on the strikingly frank character of the King'* pppesl and the urgency of the aituation which produced It Ilaron Wimborne, Lord Lieutenant of Jr. land, hsi . ? -el!' at the hehd of the recruiting movement in Ireland ??..I :- appointing and orgoutsiag com mitteea, U. S. WARSHIPS FLY FLAG OF GERMANY Navy Honors Anniversary of the Birth of the Kmpress. NorfolK, Vs., Oct 22. Reception? In honor of the birth anniver.ary At Km pr?'-? Aug*.iste Victoria of Germany were held thi? sfterBOOfl and to-night on the German auxiliary cruiser? Kron? prinz Wilhelm ?rid Prinz Eitel Fried rich, interned at the Norfolk navy yar.l. Many German i I f this tion joineii a ? the shi| Bears and erews la thi and Austria merchoal reis? ? ? the war were decked .. ? ? Qora II "'? ' -?ere flown from the ?1 ; ? of tl - ITttltad State? navy here In recognition of the anniversary. A French Invasion \. r are being invade?! : Fren? h art is laying siege t?, OUI City ?n the person of a group of artists who rame, perhaps, fro? curiosity, hut who are remaining from aheer enthusiasm. America means opportunity to them _anfJ their artist friends in the trenches will come pres? ently A capital story in The Sunday Tribune tells who tney arP_Ma, Monnies. Duchamp and the rest?and what they think. i Does your newsdealer know he muatn t sell your copy to some one else? 31 _!? g>im?ag Bntattw first to I.ait?the Truth Snn?T.?itortals?.iattrtiiementi Miss Cavell Brave and Bright to End; First Slightly Wounded, Then Shot Dead Tl-1- - ? ?.n. Moritz Ferdinand von Biasing. German Governor General of Belgium, who let Mis. Csvell be shot to death while United State.. Minister Brand (Vhitlock ileaded for marey. CAVELL PATIENT LAUDS HER WORK | Columbia Student Tells How She Nursed Him in Brussels. Prohnbly the onlv person Is 'hi? slty j or perhaps in the whole ' ? ted .*_**., Whs had been nursed back to health in |Bel| I ..--.. Eag Hal woman executed by the German <??? tary authorities, is Prentiss Gil? ber?, .?f ?'.'J. W?_t 115th Street. Mr Gilbert, who is taking a po?t fradaats eour?e at Columbia 1'niver ? Bity, spoke of Mi?s Cavell last night as a woman of ?trong personality. Her courage and frankn?-*? in testifying be? fore trie German rotirt msrtial, ha *'.??? clared, were entirely in keeping with the iateass palr ol ---i is apparent h bei w.,rk, her speech and ber aim. gen ' erally. "Her death, and parr ?ruL.rly the summary manner in which her splendid cur> er was ended by the Germans III Brussels," he ?aid, "ha? dlstres?ed m? I greatly. "I met Miss Cavell for the first tint? ?n June, 11114, just about two months before the war. I was making a trip ? through Europa sad sras stricken with ?i fever in Brussels. When one i? ill and r.lone in a foreign hind, where the language aid the way. of the peo | pie are strange, a woman like Miss Cevell and an institution such an she ? managed is a boon to the stricken traveller. "I'nuble Is leave the Hotel Metre? 1 pole, where I was staying, I telephoned ! to the American ?"on.sul to find S hu.? i pital. Al ?i:,re he recommended the BS i tabiishmer.t of Miss Cavell. known as i the Institut Medical d'Bcrkendael, in ? Kue Bsrksadael, in the ?xelle quarter. Il eoflsistl "i two smail houses of the sversga Flemish typ?', with sccommoda tions lot uliiiut tWSBty beds. While it . is a philanthropy, in a way, a charge is ma?!?- '??, ? I i ? il I to the a-. Stags price paid for hospital service in New York." A Woman of Great Dignity. Mr Gilben ?aid that us soon as ha w_^ earrisd te the hospital Hiss Cavell , red I'"', and visited hi? room 1 daily. Although inured to hospital .' , r_ and little given to expressions o? needle.? ami deterrent lynaathy foi patients, her dsilj visits to 'h,- ? uffer ? r.s Bfldei her charge were CCSediagly welcome. "Miss (avail impressed me as a i woman of great aignity," be continued ; "Whenever lbs appeared I was ira I pressed by th:? oBUiipieeeal char ; ac-oristie Bbi sras a woman ?>f force i ful character a super!, r WOflSSB more i than a woman of magnetism. What I rep? rts ?aid of her before and a*, the -' exocutios vars sxactlj what I uld have expected of her. "She wa? a woman of medium height, ? <?? let and wiry, sad ? ipal a, 1 ira of much physical and Bieatal er. _ would be req-i N . ? I , | ?? ,| in her ?or', sf work She was s *d te getting up at all hours of the night and r.eve. ( ..?tinned on pa?e t. .-..! ,mn i Frison Burial at Brussels for English Heroine Despite Urgent Appeals. rpy CoSm ??. Th- Trtb?ir?l Amsterdam, Oct. 22 (dispatch to "The Daily Mail," London.. The "Tel ep-raaf" !tate? to night that th? Ger? man? executed a French woman, Mil?. Louise Frenay, at Liege, a fortnight aero. The tiring party purposely aimed low and she was hi*, in the logs. The off-cer then ?hot her through th? head a revolver The "Tel-graef" ?ayi: "The same thing happened in Ms; Csvell's rase. She was fired at by a party of twelve, but only one bullet touched her, and that did not kill h?w. ? It Wii after this that the officer of the firing party drew hi? revolver, and, patttag H to her ear, tired. The priest present at ?he execution was overcomo ?virh horror, and is now suffering from nervous breakdown. I have no hesita ? tion in ?aying that the execution of ? Covell has evoke.1 consternation among the people of Holland, a feel? ing that will prob.ibly do more dam to German sympathie? In Holland wherever iuch ?ymoathiea still, than any happening during the war." London, Oct. 22. The Britlih For? eign Orfice thi? evening made public the report of the R?v. H. S. T. Gahan. British chaplain in Br?ssel?, who Visitad Misa Kdirh Covell just before her execution, and a lerrer from Brand Whitloek, the Ameriesn Minister to BelgittOS, to Walter Hine? Page, the Ab .-neun Ambas?ador ?n London. In his let'er Mr Whitloek say? he roqaOStod that the body of Mis? Covell be delivered to the school for nur?'?? of which ahe wa? the directress, hi? re ? being referred t-> the Minlitry of War in Berlin. The Rev. Mr. GshoB in hi? report ?ays: "i':i Moriilay evening, October 11, I ten? admitted by a special passport from the German authorities to the prison of St. Gilles, where Miss Edl'h ? ave!! had been confined for ten week? 1 he Bnal seateoee ha.l been given early that sfternoon. Was Re-signed to Die. "To my BStOI nhn-.en' und relief 1 found my friend perfectly calm and resign-d, but this could not lessen the nie-? and intensity if reeling on lithei port during that lait Interview of almost an hour. "Her tir-.' words to me were upon a matter concerning herself personally, but the soiiinr. a---'-?ration which BC eofl ponied them ?was mad.- expressedly in the light of God and eternity. She then added that she wished all her la to IcBOW tha? she willingly gave her life for her country. ->n<l ?aid: "'I ha*.?- no fear nor shrinking. I have BOOB dealh .so often that it i? not ?trange or fearful to m?.' "-'?... fir*her said: "?! thank God for this ten week? of quiet b. fore the sod. Mv life ha? al ? harried a-.d fall "7" dlffleul ?'?.e re -t hn-, i, They hsve a?! I ? ??-. ear ? *,i me here, bal Ulla I WObJ I g ?.? I do in ?. lew of ?.? 1 a: I etornlty! I rea'ize that BOtriotism is ? ? enough. I moot have BO hatred or bitterness teursrd say one.' Recehrs < hrt.tlan < onnolation. "We partook of Holv ("umrannion together, and ?he received the t.o.pel r.e.-age <jf consolation with all her I tort A1 the '-lo?e of the little ?er . ice I begi.n to reneal the WO r . M?-,' sad ?he m.r.ed ?oft.y in th? sad. "We -lit quietly 'alkir.'.' lin'il .- -.4. ?or ni** ?o go. 8h ? pan r relatioi Of her ???..- * at the -nd ?he received the i ? i. ?d'l word a? eel) u < hni ? "Then I ??:a goodbv. ?nd ?he ?m-lod and r-ui i, 'We ?hall meet again.' "A GetlOOB mili'-srv chaplain was with her a*, the end and afterward gave her a Christian burial lie told me: ?"She wa. brave and brU-V* to the la.t. She ? i ,:???? ! her ''h.* ?? faith and ?aid al ?? w?s a . i ? . .i.e. for her eountry. She died lise ? bereioo.'" ?Batial Near the Prison. Mr Whitloek, :n laclosiBg the le?te he wrote to Baron VOB der .a ek. .?. th?. liermsn Cover* or, at the reque?t| of President Foldor of the Court o* Appeal? is Brossais and th? president Caotuiusd ?? ptaS? a*, otlimi S U. S. CAN'T ACT IN CAVELL CASE Germans Were Within Legal Rights, Washing? ton Officials Believe. ir-Tira Th? MBBBS _i:rca-_ ) Washington, Get. 22. The State De partSBeat is powerless to act in the case of Miss Fdith Cavell, executed b] ths German authorities in Brussels. Impression, of horror were heard to? day in official circles, but in view of th. unquestioned legality of the a?*t it i* believed a formal protest would be out of place. Th? account of the activity of the American Minister, Brand Whitlork. in Mis? CavelPa behalf ha? created a pro? found impression. Many officials de? clare that the public condemnation i which Germany has invited will be far more damaging to her than any official protest. "We do not queution Germany's legal rnrht to execute M'ss Cavell," ?aid a high State Department official, "hut let , us hope the German government will 1 r.ot ?toop so low ?s to defend the crime on legul grounds. Disavowal of the art and punishment of the offending oAeer is Bel ? hope of escaping the of outraged humanity, There ii i.o nu ml law thai eould fustifj ?laying of Miss Cabell or the dup | of the Genas iritiei it Bru l ? I tOWSrd the Amer.can Minister." Secretary had no report te 1 day either from Ambassador I'age or Minister Whitlock on the execution of Mis? Cavell. A? communication, how? ever, is earr'ed on directly between American embassies and legations abroad concerning prisoner? and for ?ign subjects under their care, officials do not regard the p ibiished correspon? dence between Ml PsgS sfld Mr. Whit? lock wiihout reference to the .S*a,<? Department aH unusual. STAUT CAVELL STATUE FUND British Plan Shilling Gifts?Sculptor Offers "labor of I.ove." lardon, Oct. 2'.'.. "The Dally Tele graph." with a gift of 1.000 shillings i $250), has started a shilling fund to provide a memorial statue to M ?? Kdith Cave!!. Sir Georgs ?? Frsssptoa. ths sculp? tor, ha? promised to execute the Status as "a labor of love " MlS. Humphrey Ward, the RO. proposal 'hat Queen Mary take the lead in 'he name of tie women of Knglaml in 'he formation of a national commit? tee to erect a m?morial tabled to M'~? Cavell m St Paul's < athedral or WS - minster Abbey. A memorial ROliVCe for Mis? Cavell Will be h.-!,I "i St. Paul's next Monday. KAISER BUILDS LINE TO COVER RETREAT BelglMI Forced by Germans to Work On*-tr_cti_K New Front. Loados, i?'-'. _'_' The Antwerp cor ? of the "Teiegraaf." accord ? -n a Reuter dispatch from Am ?n, ?_ys: "All rej i rts from various d:?'r ? , ? workmen are building a 1 the Scheid* to pro fai ths eventuality of the Ger? man:- beinir obliged t?> reteset. ' That they ur ? alreadv nr.panr g for ? uch ?. possibility i? rstherod b> a ? roi . ' IBS 1 ill Bru??ei?, ac? cording to Which all ex-"eldier?. for !.. - ;?? ?ben '7' ths livll _u_r?l, and a!1 men of rr.ilitarv aire were ?um SMBed to report themselve?. Hun who obeyed the aurr.mons WBTS i - ted and ?ent to an unknown de? OB." Four Gern in Ship. Sunk. ' is r.i Get 22 The British IBB rrsriie ca-.p_ ..*". ar BS1 '..rmen ?hip i ??!.? i th.? IV.*..- . be tig carried on act .ely. The ?tr.king o? f?>ur niore German i? reported, the Hernoe?and, l,lt] ton?; I'lauen. ton?; Ren?i?burg, _,?'.__ ton?, and Bee? ua, 1,241 Una. CYPRUS OFFER IS REJECTED BY GREECE British Foreign Office Receives Answer of Kins;. ALLIES SHELL BULOAR PORT Warships Bombard De deavjhatch and Coast for Thirty .Miles. SFRB PERIL GROWING Bulgarians Near Lskub and Fortify Sal?nica Road Against Attack. ' n. <~aMa _ T*m M in? } London, Oct. '__.- Again ?.reek caution lias arithatood the A'lies, an?! King Constant?ne*! governs?-! by declining th?? ? .Ter of ? vpru. and other Britiah indu?- *: ?? ' 'em torial and financial, has thoira itself d?fini'- . n g to put itself in the path of the Teuton-Bulcur niennce in the Balkan.?. reply of '?reece to the offer of th?* Entente Powers reached the | Foreign Office to-ni^ht, and while it ! h__ not 1'f.n made public, i* is he llevad that King Constantina and Premier Zaiasia has?? tln-ir refusal tu retorn to the al'iance with BerMa > on the ground "f the unccr'ainty >>f ? Allied triumph. Thi? new defeat for El I diplomacy, T.* al_o..e*v : ed, is hut a new redection, i; I ? opinion of oh-ervers here, of the general w?-akn?\._ of th.- Alli?e' n>i! i tary pod i the Nfear K.? t Only through ? ds-isis. victory, so proof of the ability to win one, the. _ '? observers maintain, could Greek <>r Rumar.inn cooperation be ???cure?!. Instead, n'l the _____ could show nt Athen? or Bucharest was a fruit j less peri "1 of ?even months at the Dardanelles and a landing at Sal ! onica, which hi the eyas of the G;. ?h-I. General Staff, pnnu-e? to he an hasard us and aaeettahi a? that at Gallipoll. The Allies were not even I M that the Palkan eovntries would net he overrun in turn bf ?M forces Of ths 'entrai Towers ?,r their Bulgar and Turk allies. Sorb Hanger t'ndlminl?h?-d. r'-- ? I this ffl ire emph??'red by 'he pre-? Nt peril of SefMS, aVhSOB fate bow ?nival <>f ' rhl re ? ll]T pushing OB fl the Bul? garian? are firmly establishiBg them? selves across the southern lines of com? munication, from wh'rh each day will make it harder for the Allies to dl? lodge them. Already several Bulgarian d!vi?1on? ar* rS| llted a? ben.g rushed info Kuraaiiovi, the eaptBTS of which wa? announced yesterday, to fortify the town aKa.ns*. ?!! ed . Vhils other ? ns are a ! . .- rap: ?!jr on l'skub in order to clo-e ?he last re mslniag avenue of communication. Berlin report *.-7_* leatk ef .-'trum nitza troops ??:' the exp?-i tioaary force have been driven acros? th? Vardar River by the Bulgarians, but whether thi? i> a definite repaies for those cent to ?id the - , - merely a local I ? of the b"r 1er, i| not di?clo?ed. Not ?lace the fateful days of the re ? ? ? . ''um Mobs, wees < ? ? ry hour was : * . '.ef ths an? nihilation ?if General French'? ?mall eo__B-i i ef s ?itu s1 sa sees I I ? ket Ig, Every on? i? fully B 1-OSJBBeSS >>f Ser? bia's plighl the | ?iu?'s that hang upon Balkan victory or de feH'.und un'll word received the! the I ? hhve come in contact I ? ',r at sill he little relief. While the .''??i?nica oporatiOBS are thus hidd?'li. ths Allies have begun their attttek on the Bulgariaa coast. 'i tetagrsSB ttmtt Ath.etn tonight an? nouncing th:.t Entente warship? had bombarded Dedeeghatch and the shore to Potto Lag ". a distance of thirty a SSseitS no damage ? Nn buUetifl ?>f the engagement ha? BBl bv the Piase Bureau here, but. in the ah??*nce ?if any. It i? SSSSSSed .Mark ha? the double i- the railroad to taatiaeyle, ?*?? eh parallel? th? eoaat, and of eeveriag the landing of Allied troops to operate againct th? Bulgaria! Ma. kennen Still In. _SB_B_L The - -?? OerssBB advaaes contln BOe slowly, Bertis announcing the e? , t bl??! I real Armayev. i.n ?rid fp in Sa!e\ac to Seviaoi ac and I i thi Mes*? 1 ave Vi '."?-? ai th this, ! fesses full ' 'ting la vadees The menses rathei tram the Bui 'garlan?, ?ho ha.e bow e.?ta:?!i?he?l j them?elve? oil tl-e Nisi Salomes rail | toad for a diataac? of thirl> miles and