Newspaper Page Text
HOW IT WORKS Instances in Which The Tribune Money Back Guarantee Produced More than Financial Results. By SAMUEL. HOPKINS ADAMS. -.-qu-i.tlv in < onvera.ti'.n one of our friend* aaka: What artuall. happ^na wben ? peraon aen_? ? complaint to The Tribune -hat are lb. ?tepa. how doe? it wni-1" A. tua! inatanre? -and their aeiiuel- mean more than generaliti?? They vimalii- the MonevBark I...arante*- friend? unvanablv ?m Why dont ?ou print these detaila" So we thought we would And. from time to time, we ?hall ]\rre ia thr - tor f Step " **'?" inS-BBCe Ki which The Tribune I ? ' . a sat;-factory adjust? m? M \. R M, purchased a- Ws h"^" f ,r ? - heels gave ha the uppers. Ho took the shoes lack for repairs, _? : | . ' seling, no ? ),. the repairs to the U] peri Ui taljr, it aras thai the l n ?';r,-<- <"rcr- Mr- M* -- 'i value from the shoe.. : , T . Bureau of Ii gal it it. H-, letter em ? ?anacer wrote fll | I the process of prr pj, -, ippers are i ) dried out in .'?<-h mann? le remind ' given I ; ? f that he had referred th< itter to The Tril I . to whether he had r, ceived hi. be wu satisfied of Warn desire "to do , .;.-,.'.?:? - thing in addi ? ?1 II ' '<- jU'l_ ?ase - i __.- of .. sd this lettei to Ths . ?hcthei ta be willing t t?te an opinion. It ..'.? ? ? the same time offering to refund him the , -, . ? u have him unsatisfied. Mr. M. still prei saee the derision t.. The Tribune. The ?. ned it- the . ?? ?? ng extract from The Tribune 1 a cea nil the proper weai ing qualities : ? thai loreover. high p i] parently ? foi - i ' : ? If we at ? ? e act km ?'-..i the amount paid ?.ut bavins the ... ner amoui a Bring a proper poinl. We do not 'A r asked to do more than they spare ?? say that the burden of une. . ? pon you. . . . Krem our point f ? _??? and the dut* of s publisher to >? had by ) . sritfi hi? advertisers il ? ?1)." Why He Was Satisfied. BCCept this offer. He wr ? ? ? u tion was srell taken and that II everything that could reasonably be expected, and then t, . the amount paid for having the si ,.. , Buch "the ..- in m? srould bring the net , ? p. r point bey md any r? asonable | -, ; . | ntee; and, i . I cannot eonsii ? ? ? Howev. 1 .???renate your letter, and am more tha Mti ? tin -trength of The Tribuna'a opinion, Mr. II. declined Wana makar'a 'r-1 I ' :'k' that bee ? ? I that his trem? l . ? ? ?? , Is of th? ? had and reaeoni This ' ? ''P sode. Most h_ ? are not only endoan but are quit, willing 1 be facts are duly preat nted in com? ? ... ?rm. Pre. of the difficulties which arise ...... ?! tha fair minded i .-? to ??hi gether." One of the eh. The Tribu .? Bureau ol ions is to bring complainant (or critic) ,. . ist their dispute if possible. Where the pur . ..inly. Where t.'i?- -t..:e i- wrong are t?-!l v .,-, Brith i ... plaii where it i-- ? intent, and not by Trustai? d everybody ?-l- ?-arh. the facts in print. Hut the moat B____fying service that ???? __h an adjust* i . ? i that between W a rea enable <-u^ ...iwr ?? t with i-. -t"i?- which is ariUing t<? go furthei thai it - ? I to ro in ? ? -el ? -1 to ?give satisfaction, and i . ... ' ettled "ti a '... erstanding and good P, S< !'ie i'>: o? the un pire ia not s ways si aorr) a? the rartooi "*? v * ? Proof Against Showers, Not Rain. ty s . girl il the better ??Mi at? .-? | immer *"it*?-g in wooda and field- aa the i'f an inquiry by Thi I bune Bureau of Investigations- of which that anihi' never heard. Not that the Bureau of I ? ... ? alrj ntth its >i.te? bureau, The Tribu?.? i i? ti Air Kund. Indeed, il Baa Um latter, in thi<? case, which i tained the small But th* biewi of war cams from ? Tribune i ??. who thu" te ipi eciation of what th?. Bureau of ln\ ' hail done Ml H. M. S. purchas? : . a piona silk ? ? raincoat After wearing it half a dozen tunes ?be ms.t,-.???? .i that r w.-i? letting in the rain tt\ wore it in a li_li* > A ' ?i.. she wai referred to the store's l.ureau c- , told: "Th?>-.- ? . fog proof and . n.>-e? proof, not rain? 1 f?" I * it," said the purchaser, "For my pur pose?a I . thrown away." ?n?i expressed repiet, out said that nothing ci.,:!,I be ?i. | ????'. guaranteed. She further f : ' sd, to which Mrs. s. ' eosne tisemenl f"- $18 -a. and w? -ht'Wii th. , , '.oufrht. The Bureau of Adjust] Y m r to its dt i, that, ?n th?. ;, ?pi h | uurantee, noth g could be d * *' **?**? '?' Tbe Tribune guaraates and knowing that Sake A ' " wees Tribune advertiser, ?though that particular raincoat adver. ************* '?>??? '"* tfp The Tribun?.), ?he made a complaint an . ?sfl ? M___ l:: the gBI-BBBt When It Resched Higher Up. .he coat wav appraise,! a< a good quality of Bilk, of pood wo,k T?t R '-VP0 u^'' n'^l!V M dUBtare. and excellent value for the r?*>ncy ?the appraisal figure was $ik>. hut not ?raterproof */": It k. Of curse. advertis,-d as . "ra ? -oat *' I ' 'h., character are -..nerallv an,.V-o,? ?'.r/ hen ." 1 ' "t,,,,lv ? : ** ?* art i. le -he does not care for _____?_ tha? ? ?? ? v too jrlad to eil age or credit the .oat " One finds out something every ?lay ? :.,. world of nierchandisim Jn the uinoce-ce of my mu .1. I bad supposed a ra.ncoat to be S COBt st commerce has over ruled 'he dictionary, and s ta.-cat u .. , oat deeigned to keep out ?lust However, the main point ia that lira. S. was wholly ahtisfied with the given by >aks * Co., whereby ?? obti sd s guaranteed rain < ? BMogn to have been srith ?? i ,.H,, 0f ? ich should, in the first instance, have practised the "policy ?' mptly nut Into action b) Secretar)' Saka sa soon as I :'her up." ?ntributior. to The Tntnitie I-'r<-.-h Air |-"un?i ' ? "'?? f the Bureau ol Investigations' ? -; ?? life o? j .? wouldn't s___mi a raincoat if be nw one. WASHINGTON MARKET OPENS Rnaooliatlfd in.I It Sarpaaoei \n> ?.f r.uropc. **??? Mark?. ?? ? . , eritable fair? . ... tbe ? en el form "f . ? ? .-' ? ' ? ,. . c?l?br?t? I see ? life ?" " ?\,'?k with ipeochee, Marin.- i cer'8 an?! demortetratioBi t?. house ?? " The marke?."' RorOOSh Pi??.den' I ?aid last night, "is super h?vr ?eer In treeteiH "r Kur" ? ??? The inte? i r bod with til? sad whil \ modern refrigera', r plant ?-. til? p'.Hf-e <?'. the iceman, i Art, rot on '? Biedere ?amtation il in the fir.? rank." ' ? i- human intl rest lac? 'rif pro., a-?? n? continuf?. Thoodon ,? boob solliflg eho? ? ftj years, i-? still ' ? inety'yeun old Logo*, how? ver. ? eiT"* lOrVOW. Hi? collectif.i, of ? .,.-.,?. frr.rn all part? of th< tre\4 too rare and had I i ? I veil .! Mi Hs Sett o at the .- ?n per?.ii. her o? lei a., . V H...?.??'? bas h. . ? the Civil War be gkDi ,,,,. ;he departan of the mi?r ' .., sl ? ha- ? ? ? ? MR? SCOTT WINS ALIMONY .Vifc Mi-!.-*? CnteHj ?harpe ?frain??! Aaso.i.ile of Sumner l.ersrd. Lorn? ?. bar! Scott, who ii as?"?ri??rd imner Gerard, brother of Am idoi James r\ Gerard, a*1" ?'? el e?tate venture? ,.. . Mn Lutie Wilson Scott IIM a m-.nth al mony, ponding ?rial of the sin'. Mr?. Beott, orho n daught? r of ,; e ?lev. snd Mr? am Peyton Sett, of Dallas, accused hoi husband of cruelty, ??vin? ? allv |ef*T hor with a thr?-. I ? mli -1 ' ?' v.a? -gradaated from Harvard ; Re is presiden! of the Hasco LuildJBg < ompany and the Ken R Company. Mn. Scott alleged he began irea? her SOOB Bft? r the I . :.;-.. ?,i. i ?et'.her 12, 1914. She said leparated le? i ral timos, bul til?n?- reconciled Mr?. Scot! alleged that Scott hu ted her in th? presence of fri? rrvaati ;?nd fnquentlv itruch her, -',.;? ?tiiil thai Dr. Charles H. Id her -I ?? wo? ? her life I cool to live ? r husband. Seo! ? ? .', h -? I '' Arch.ha;.I d< n ? I g th? stem? | hi had irged Mis 4 .'h her husbsnd. ner (?erard in sn affidavit is ri ? sr seen Sei 7; ill treat hi? ?? f? Another friend testified that he alwayi regarded Beotl SI I total ah - wife having allowed thai he fi ? si intoxicated PICK UP TWO AS BURGLARS Policeaiea, Pendin?. Du?> at Suffrage Panda, Dlocovei .iW-scd Thieses. Patrolmen < ol en sad Wolen, of the Weil I77tl reel ation, mad? on burgh tat! efore going the . .ain Hrooks. a n? irr?'. WBI dened with bundle? s ben the i ? ;.rrosted snd it ? .n- the ? ?? i.a' i ' ? ?. : i ..hi ,i -p.- o? ihop on Pirtehunt ?\ve. ? ' .. . t....i been : obbod Whil? going ? " ??..'. the ownei of ? obbeiv i oben und Wolen encountered h waiter, who in had found a revolver black s? k on s chai i h -? ros taurant. <)n the wail er iggeel policemen srrested Arthur L. Sheldoa, a sal?. . i ched, ? he pol ice is id, pocheti res eal? ?l a quant i I i eluding a marked ? anadian dime, which wai ideatified as the proper.) of I harlei I Me) er, whoi? i ? 1344 way. i,-, er w'.iicl ?li'ii und Hi ?ink ?were trate Con . HELD JN GRELNGOODS CASE Man Offered IIS.SBS Bogas Mon?-? i??r S.i.UOii. *-?i>s Kx-Pugili?!. Pi saic, ' . J., i lei .'A Sam uel Green, ,. tw York < ou! n?" root, I a a? held in - " bail here ?in*, attei BOOB o,, .. i barge ol BtteRI ; tan. ... ting 1 he ?.-reen Pol i ?' is) Green i am? ?.. Passs Snd told Leo l'a. ? i . S foi li.e: ? . il ? state hei e, thai for SB,OD0 I i s . . him I 10 000 ol mi p. could ma., which eouldn'1 be te d from - . i ? ho wen! to New York with Crec?: and ui a ma rinne Greei . d would produe. ' in any d? - nd quaatit). Bahei an appointment with Graen hh.i con I Suited Police > <.|,!a.ii ?.?uni ?\ ? .-i, i ame u? keep I he appointment be was arreated !>y Captain Turnei G reel had fa eat paper sbo il ? CHARGE COTTON FIRMS STIFLED COMPETITION Growers Claim Partition of 1er ritory Held Markets Down. I :...,! Wasl ,-?? ? '. -, ."!. Parcelliag ?.ui of territory n tabs ' aiolma? and lienr ttOB bayen ur^.i eliminating competition between the buyer? aid i.. .t. rially redo? log l be prices pa 'i'e grewen bovi boei charged m a I number o' somplaiati t.? the Federn. ii.-..i. CommlaatoB, which resulted to ... :. th? announcement thai a ?-.??????p. ui|r investigation would be BUhIo, The qOOOtiOfl ??a? laid before *h. tri.1?. a ?im m is? ion by <'ommi-.sioner Harris, a BStivs ut Georg-ia. une of ' the ?tat?*? offoctod. Many of the jrrow ? - addressed the complaints ??? ,Mr Harns, and he in turn laid them 00 , fore the eommisoioa. Obs of the eompla.nti alleged ;hat the price paid for eotton Would frt , qucntly be half a BOOl a pound more in 'tie territory allotted to one buyer ihai m adjaeottl territory allotted to soother, demoastratiog the lack of competition between tbl buyer? oper ' ating- in the two territories. It was aMeped in the complaint?, th? practices were parti? ularlv ob ? rabie in holding down the mar? ket? of important communities, vir:u I ally ?tiflini? all competition in the purrha?e of Ike prn-cinal croo. Dr. Hill Denies Woman s Charge. The Rev. Mr Jolin Wealey Hill. rr,.s .?lent of the InternationaJ Peace Forum, tiled a pe?era! denial in the Supreme ' fOSloiday to the breach of prom iss brought against him by Miss Lucille CoviagtOB. He denied ?very lllegatiofl made by the plain1 R - CoviagtOB, who ,vg, fonaart] ?gar Of Dl Dili's lecture bureau magei for her alleged sr The promise, said Miai Cev ?? ? -le in July, IS10 I" srried a lecoi d time .. grown son by hi? first m??r | nags. TRAP 30 WOMEN IN GAMBLING RAID FRIGHT KILLS ONE Police Uncover Chain of "Pink Tea" Poolrooms? ?Take Ten Prisoners. BEJEWELLED SLEUTH BROUGHT ABOUT COUP Wife of Jersey Storekeeper [lies in Apartment After Wagon1' Take Guests Away, One married woman died from h hemorrhage br" igtil on by hysteria, end ether aaatreaa, upon whose diamonda Bashed, left their ten caps and made for 'i.? eacapea when Lien "Honest I'm," Ceettgaa's asjaad ?,f detectives broks lato an ?? I DBI in en apartment house at 101 .v.--! 126th Street lut?- yesterday sf terii"on from th" estai ment and oi.,'h . alleged poolroom m the ? mtir circuit ;.t it;:' W< ? |28th Street the police *<?o_ ten prisoner. " ven arome ..'.'I ' men rii-ir_re?l with keeping :?n?l main ig gam h ing hou_ea. rhi after non?:'? work, according to I.u-ut? nal I marl I ha end of a moving gambling hon--*, i'in by women tor ?omen a piare where mothers, wives and daaghtera playe?! 'ho races, v. Ith th.? ?teaming bras? .?mover, teacups antl auction bridge cards to cover up the real nature of the The lowest bet ..a. $1 and the sky was ths limit, a? anonymous letters of com? plaint sent to Polios < tan i Artiitir Wood? ittest. The vornan who died in the poolroom i?. ?ircordirnr to .nfirmation her friends gave the paliee, Mrs Emaas I ?-? thirtv-aiv \e_r< eld. Wlfs Sf 111 II I at 260 v. est Twsnty Si I I i iBbaad is ?aid to be the ma of ? i;.,-.?- ?h<>< atore m Ji ley Cil ? . u hen th?- d? tee broks m th? deer "f th ted to _o to tha li tel. she died from a hemorrhage at 7:80 . Woman BroagBI XtSout tour. Wh? i: taken to 'ne West II house ?ho ten prisoners k'_'-e the following information sbeal ' . ,.|v? ? : l??-h?.| Dore, widow, aged sutv-fivo. ,- 162 Weal 128th Street In a.l. *i.. ? , I,. -, for keeping h ga_B aase, additieaal charge of being ? , mm? ? ?? is asada sgalast h-r. John Colemaa. 'hirty-nme, 162 RTssI Man Ramsey, -htrty?siz, Baya ?he ia a nurs?. of 107 West lJ'-th Street. r Sd ,'"? i he polies have reason to be ? real i ae ?> Bodkin. Kate Peterson, fortj, an ex>atore de ... i.f 200 West Fourteenth Street K\c!yn Littlewood, tn"'.y, ray*, she ia moving picture operator, of 1J1 West i ? Mrs, Am.?i StoltS, :;fty, ef 171 K?st i ,'.'ii. Street. I be Broas, Law -, twenty-aevea, mu.-. clan, m 107 . tat 126th Street Katherine Gsttings, Bfty, of Til Avenue. Margaret Smith, twsoty-four, aervaat .'.i Dors, at 162 West 128th Lou - _.moni, thirty-eight, of in? s?-< oiid Avenue. ' redit for fathering the evidence " ?rhlch Chief Magistrats MsAdes i-,_u.-i aarraata for thees perseas, who ai? ;?; leged to have iaitlated women in:?? gambling, ko?? to a woman Mrs. Ada Brady, aiacs January an acting dots. tive aergeaat fu "Hiaaest Dsb < ?su gaa's Btaff A Travelling "?'Ink l'eu.'' fot Baverai week? saeaysaoua letters have he.-n coming to fo.tigun, Veiclag complaial Bgaiast women who were ciiHiged with reaning gambllag plac.s in Harlem with robbing the a res, BIB? ??i sad daughtsra sf aasn who eslle?J themselves the tradespeople. Beery let? tei ef complaint came from a different addreai I oatigan turned thrm all over to Mrs. Brady, a .hon. stocky little Woman of forty, who hau nerved twelv. yean .?? a police matt on before ?h. 'ook up deteetive work Te assist h?r a? a eorreboratlvc witaeea Bet seaasct? ad irlth th? Police !i?*i?artment. .he . leeted _<-r friend, Mrs. Mazy Gartlaad. dressed themselves in finery am! ? iwelrj and bogaB to attend the "p.-, tee" parties, which wers held one day at the Rasase) weeaaa'a saartaasat, i I26tfa Str." ? . ? -, Je] _? Mr-. Dere'a, i-- 12*H_ .-''red, und perhaps tr. las _'. Ml ? Stelts's, in Th.- Ilron. Mrs. Iliad\ found thHt I a woi I usually eau.- -o 'lie M, called card part) early in the afternoon; that t. y played taidi until the race? began, an.i that then they devoted all thei?- atten? tion to the hit.hen, --here the tele I'ti'.ne. lacing chaiti? and bi,i?kniuker wars BSBSSalsdL After the race? were over they couiil remain to play card, in the evening if they _o desired. An? nouncement of the place of the n. ?? me? ting was mad?- u? the women let. for hon B gTeasee in renn. IThen Lieut? t,_. the door of the Ramsey anat t men*. .. the -ccond floor at 107 W'e-.t 126th Street, y?-?ter<iuy uft-rnooii, Mr-., itr_<i ?a- in the kitchen, where she says ..iinonds wa? making the book and Leslie ?b? collec'ing bet?. Detectives I had ntirrou.'itled the ?p?riment house while Mr? served tea - women. About thirty women of all age- ??? In the apartmen*. Some of them Shrieked, other* fainted, but BBS them got down on their knee? ami begged the ?(elective? : ot to tell their famille. 'hat they had been fout;?! there. CestlgBB explain?! that he a .? - looking only for those persona sj whom warrant, ha?! beOB ?SSBeS li comforted the frequenters of the plao by t? Hing ihem that they would I ? nutted lo go as BOOB a? their nair.t and addresses hail been taken _J| members of the party were ,irn .1 ,ip a-.ain?* the wall while Mr- Ural, picked out these mentioned in 'he war rant. . Detective Arthur Johnson accom? pli.:.d Mrs. Brady when she arrested Mrs. Stolts at her home. |?| Ka.t IS9th Street No BBt-BSU of the mov? ing gamnling circle -ere found there. t_ th Detect .- Haghes, Mr?. Brady waited St 162 West ?_.'h . treet until Mrs Dors sad Celeeaaa cum.- ia. The\ were arrested with the ser\aiit. Mar) Smith, and taken to the l__d Street house Ail the prisoners were bailedexceatiagMrs. Ramsay and role, man. \" charge had been preferred agmna? Mr? Casey, the woman who dud at the Ramsajf ajiaitment. L?r. Braeu?!, fiom H irri-rad t-o lata the prira?e rd the bo. patrol the stut Deputy 1 ? ' nm missi'i gee-- F.dwsrd ! -i gg ? ' the Police fi, . .... ... ,; ted ? ?estigatlarn Mn. Casey i de a? h ut nigl I ?? Q? ' sy. 1 er l ???band, a?-.. | ? ? ng the body, ?*"l '?' h.? wife I ad had heart disease fat tars \ear? sfld that pi- IcIbbi had ?rained her saalBsl th? dm ri r of luddeB es citemeal .. 0/itneseOI were examined who sain thai wheo Di Jennings tried to par ?nade Mrs. Caeey to be taken to Har? lem Hoopital, ?h? nfused, and sei?') a rele?.??' slip I.??'" thS BU.BB lance lurgooa, Mr S. nil said thai he WBI pOI '"'? ? man had died from natural reuses. !!-? hraaded n fal ?? i rumor ?i,H. Mn I Bsoi wo ? frightoBod to death Sl 'he light of a gUB drawn by one of the de!. IB ?B th? 7 p.. i ' TETANUS FROM SADDLE MAY KILL KUNTSWOMAN Riciiiiy to Hounds, Mrs. It R. Roberts Is Infected. ? ? ? ' : from the - to he . . ? r< pon ' ' ' tetsnu H. Rad prom en! ? ' . ill at Gi nova, : hree ...... . ??y- Mi ' r B. Bute of Mi ' bun! ? SYRACUSE AWAITS SUNDAY ?Prayer Meetings Propon fat Saidaat Troll, OpsnlBg Ort? ?"? i-. i- . BvrM - Everythiue? is ? , ?rai hundred prayer meetings an b? h g h ild in By - every nighl The eit ? churel nS ? g ?he ? ? ? ? . The evangel!?! due hen some time thi? week, and ". ;; i". direc .. . ? . Senatoi prank ing the revival the campaign will ?? m thousand ? in th i march the stre? I aber aacle Lai ,,?? ? from Roi ? ? er and Buffi i- line ? PI gelis! bsa sen*, word that he ?ptefld to ojuks an at!;.. itartlna with the sad ?. n 1] !'nc. 13,000 END STRIKE AT GENERAL ELECTRIC Accept Offer Made h> ?.ompatn lie lore i lu y We ni Out. . nectody, I Y., Oet -';<. The strike ? ? eh ha in sa cari i on v?u< c Ocl oh ? ! b OuO emj thi General El? Compi ted to mghi ? .? agreed to i he - it'll nu i.*. the ii.? i'? gaa. be < gol ? nine and a half hour i., t and per c* - reas? othei B per ??< -i? wage in p '..*i.h..! i. I'M ! hoy will . ?. Moaday moi ning. Be ? ? i II,, r. eras i | wide ? iy las Internatioi in n of Mi chinists. The producing end < tied a . ami foi . ' -i.'' hi be extend? . ompan) m Port ?? Bj se, Hui., i.iiii Pit! I ' . : . Masi extend to Loi ?'ti.i i it*.. .? ten 231 of the too! deportmei t of the Gen? Veh ' en Eli ,.;,,. ick on of n pal hy . -. ? MISS SIEGFRIED A BRIDE O'Ryoa's Ud Wed? Daughter of ibc I.ate Navy Man '.. port, 0<rt 21. Mil Margi Siegfried, daoghtei of ih. Charle? a. Siegfried, aidea of M?dirai In.ap.ctor Siegfried, of 'he United State? Navy, ?*.., nuir.i.l this morn? ing to Jos? pfa !!? s m er 11. Rivera, ion of ihe latu Benrj ? De i ivora, ol New tt.r'n 1h? ii lemony 'imk |i!..ce ,n the apartment- of the bride' mother at th. ? loraoa i ?ttage, ob Cottai ?treat, th : I.e. Stanley c Hughi 1 oficia! Mr. De Rivera, ? > itenanl . . ? I of Mea i ...i -.. ai or Goooral O'Rya . dward ( brystis, of ;'' '.'i i?'?'..' ' matron of hi The brist. whiti trtmi ri! ..aid ?he carried ? large iboworof gsrdeniai sad lillei ' f-the valley. \ bridal luncheon followed thl .. and then Mr. sad Mrs. I?e Rivera left by motor for Beetofl on their wedding trio. 'I hi v will revide ?n Sew . ? a TTmrn Wt M attftf ? "? / I Strandtiof?rjtf&ff 0K?O P. 47"' Sl* LuCky laatobjir tStttomf, ?1 Oub MiOht ! '.iVs-iJaV. Spe?o\l D-mcers ? fr-?B, l-UJS Soinb-r GfttFtT ! _ Jsta?ixtf* U?KibittoT\ dancers A Danct/ Thrc?? V*.?ior.e Ov^ily D?ncirft Luiu)vwri:ll30A?1 ~ZvH A(\-tr.oot\ tea .4.30- 6 A After Movie 5i?pp*r 6-1? pnvaT.ilt? on ArrsrA-rTVTili _ !n> K VancpTtTi'- i M:52?!.J^Dtt^K.rollry ? - e-^-JSc iMoms MTU ft RECTOR'S Ire. m -Ppnrel See h edtil Relc ______ Th? Mond, and Tueaijj rr>..rt??n'h f-t:?? ? ' . A_>-_? Art of Getting Best Return for Money Expended Is Learned When You Buy Here READ AND NOTE HOW WE WILL MAKE TOMORROW AND TUESDAY -j PROFITABLE FOR CUSTOMERS In Unprecedented Vogue of SILKS Vt'hen ?ere Silk? nnd \el?e1s so much aad Suits? I,.en where wool fabrica t.M ?>r ns an BCceeeef).The grea ?i.rird the aasortmenf. ??<> thst H .'. It I". ion BIB) he sure of finding ju-i ?hat abundance.. 9"s ha.? proeerod for matched rispia? ? ? f all thr ?ir.?ir.-h!e I i-t I hi rnlor von want IS) Heera'a and I' ?! .?, e sure to please. nsed in the mal. in* of Modish Dreosea are employ?.! ?ilk Is used in rorohina ter the demand, the lsrg?-r and more (where fummis a*?ortmont . aheaad >nu ?ant. Staples and NavettlSB la Ihll hBCTeased d? mand **ith SB un kiinl. and ?olor? H yOB rBBBel K? t ?' c arlH cntlos? or to suit yoe :" pel . - Chsrmii _ Satis Striped Taffetas? ? gS of fei ?rlt? bine? and th self ,r,n? ?atln -... f v , rh r'.nru eoBtrasts rucl i rosra, blue or Macs or navy, jrey and black Tin Inch .' . , ,,- >r combine s th. wool materiala some ? Mripf are also included 1.3S and 1.48 ( ' e "laid Tafelte a th and ,? ,,?:'. bal ? fleh dark ' lediBBI color C'i'iibin-ttons In .plen<I..I showing - . inch 1.7.V i.n_. __.-... 15 inch Persian Taffeta? emuisite . -i'h vsrieas color greeada Bueh as light i if-. Clel, reee pink, H Iren,! , navy, brown. .Ia?pe. eontraatlng f.gures in 'urge ant) small effer's for trimmings, or ?" eombi is witfc ethei . I?45 iew Printe ! Satins -fi inch ('hampagne or Hague .- ounds, with * arioaa ever printings large and small .98. 1.29 'rope Meteors aoft dell finish '., , ' dl t-. Nile, Mai.?, i'ream. . U ",. il e, <"iel. Hague Blue. :i. oil? ? . Ffnater green. Golden Brown, ('.">?!. Navy, Bergaady, . Midaight blue ami black.1 .49 Some inter? .tin? ilenis: i aille Silks Paille Silks ' ' i .,,- | Bg? ar Preach I , . -, . .... Bro . Mosa G i hampagne. Pearl Gri . Taupe, else Wh-,*. and Black f* ' s-ii's. M iaaea' and Chtldn , Coats, etc . I.M Faille Taffetas a charming fa'.re reeemhllng fall?s bat ?? Itl i la eloser cord _. _fl rf?n Brown, Heater Green, Midnight and Nov) Bluea rhlts ar,d bit el smart t'.r afternoon go-^ Tw?. leading favorits i'1? * ' fr.r ( 'on?. ii<- < hin<e. ?ride Bortmeat ef I i . i ?la shades for ds evening wear .I .'_.? Black Faille Silks yard S > ?oft finish for all drsSS purposes .1...0 Dacheees Tard srlds soft, (.lo ? el black . i ,2_ Yard Wlds Black Taffctn? _ * left aad iBBti saa Bervicssble quality.??? -'-,v* Special pur haSS Radium Taffeta*? ?of*, lastroa aheen I i a draping quality '.ill rs idlag rashloaahls shades 10 i e ? bought in the regalar retail at |l.7_ Speets! parchase ? ? ? -?' New Fail Ceedareys fu ra ?ranted shad wa, Taupe. Savy an l Greca .98 1.3(1 1.3(1 i / PETTICOATS In Profusion Stock. No, Equalled El.ewhee, *nr Variety and Valu, - grades....!^ itura "?'M* - r.,- .., -' ? ?? thee 1 * ? Bias -aiaiBBfldel -?? ' 2_? ? ?Une .. k Jer,?A '-fords. ng and ?ma-? no.elt____ black variety of f,.Jne?_ ttSd a-,.I Arw ftnng top? Sateen Petticoat? black ard fp\\ ?*?* ?' '--.r/..?^H flare t-*-.nee , g| llllt exceptional fabric really??ZJ PU? and make launder per.*tt|T - ed rightly Irer _r wren, ralue 1 4B other Sateen s ?s??h' Petticoats from ...:? ? . "\j\ft Silk Pett'-oat? taffetasssd alines smart Fall colora ? ? ? - ad '- -"-: I ?_ esrrsct I -?Oft Mis?es -atren Petti,?m? good m aad I that IB? ' .jh Two Great Leaders in SUITINGS and DRESS FABRICS For Tomorrow and Tuesday SIM i 54-INCH : ? 81.41 .UIT1NGS 80 cts. -miner-? manufacturer closed out ? , ti? a* a apee .' price hla sample pieces and s.irpl .- itock <?'? Plain and Fancy Ser^?-?, Vigoureux, Bedford ami Whipcords, Gabardines, Dtagoasls, Basksl Weaves, Herrii.gbones ?.nd ra? rtons othei suitiags....Pure wool re ahades of blsek, ssi y and te ct/lors. POPLINS & CREPES 70 cts. theatre an.i reeep anil wool eombiaed ?of* draping, hign lustre....Men) fsshiei ra, in eluding Old Res? ?lue. Arm; t'!-.-..-. Belgiss Bias, K_vy. j ' <ii n. Myrtle. Amethyst, Pi ? Ha ,? ... Taupe, lin. B 4B How Ably We Are Demonstrating That Truism HEARN'S for UPHOLSTERY Every day in the week, every hour in *he .h ippiag de - sy ing throogs attest ths ?bIbsb eoastaatly o-'i'-'i in thla great basement de? part meat; no room to expatiate on the wonderful BBaortmeata sad values to .. it. i.i.l. but our advice la if yc-u have a need of anything in Upholstery Fabrics Cretonnes Scrims, etc. Curtains Pcrtieres Come!?You'll be delighted with t?Se offerings? HANDKERCHIEFS partateat ???ote? I - a inert ' . ?-SV W a lliaa_i great csA ' ".'Am V.-ii's Novell.!! er.-hief?*? ' r, initials ??w i-'\ spt?y f Vcn's flam ! - , ? ? !.oig'-;!ow '' for -B . \'.> M< 'a ?Atra Si/o Hantik? rchief?? ?t hem? .U M s'a stih Baadkei hief?? ?rders ?"^ ite oi ? ..... Wonaea'a Embroidered llandker chief a reck < ? cnbroid ? whits OS color" eg. .25 Special .IT .94. tVomea'a Pure Llaen H'dk'is? ?net lar-re IcsigBS. .66 Finer, tppenssBst ard la ? ieirn !n?h ft_br_M 11;., te 2.-MI. \Nomen'- < r. |ie de < hi?e llandker? ??hiel? ? bite, m ?'.. c'.oreti er rner; , ?? -i loloi ad sr whit* so Artr.cniar. !act td|B lui. ? . ors, eso'n .M t.ace Trlm'd ITmdkerchiefs -purs Venise or embroidered coiner .?*srh ?o I. Ill ChildrSSfs Handkerchiefs? -h,!,, lii pi ?t.- col ret bordar ith initial ..... ._:.?? lio.s' Initialed llaedkerchlefs? each .V?tj 4* pui ? Special Purchase of 3,500 Pairs Fine Nottingham Curtains nty herders, Celeoial Creeebers, i .a- . ?'' Wln'f. I.,,,.. Beige THREE LOTS?.95 1.48 1.98 One Third Below Value About 180 Styles New Shipment of a Recent Special Purchase of lie.? Sout H_ndLerch?efs Dr.periei and Hanging? Doubla bonier Madras with colored floral designs, in ds at SSt MU colors slsewhers M . ift'inefa 'ream ami Win'? Madra? desirable ?mall effects val. ... Rich Colored Madras in Oriental and ?tinned glass ?lesign Spec. \,.v. aaafaet ?aad unfadable fahrics 1er doers and overtlrape? '"i wiadewa weed brown, *-ea BOB, old blue. Brisases ai d BBS tinting? 3. inch val. ... :t?? i ? -v i de value .79...Ill Value 11.1..SI? Draperiea r?o inch Oriental, floral and geome' designs Artistic designa'and high art colorings Special....1.88 Parchase Pias Certain Net? from I of the highest class manufac? turer? immense a--ortmeut, nelading Colonial, P.!" Pilot, Mexican, Egyptian and Piah Net designa value.2... .lii Value H tad 4M.ii!? Value '?.and ?9. MU Before Tefl ?.o F.l?e*?here Be Sur? to See Our Stock of These Drapere?. New ."?I ire1- ? '???I'inr.e? floral?. Orieatals, old Engli ih, ehii verdure, tuwetry, I ktneee and ?i' .?rabie blach sad white more than HO Btylea .?pecial . .Ml Taffeta ar.d (rafi- l loth Praperies most art:?'ii- dSSigBS and colors copies of the imported at manv ? - ths price usual 't. and 4. St values.iilt I.inen Tapeta ?'ret unes fruit, ?.?-r.l',?' tapestry and othe: desirable effects elsewhere ?" and ..0 . !. Plain f olor Taffeta? and Pin-, tic? and oth. r ,<.?.! effect- tha* look well combined vi-.h cretonne for drapes or slip cover- rose, r.ile crimson, blue, etc. special.?.. FINE LACE CURTAINS i.- .1 'oit:ette and Lacet Sp', al p'i?,e'"!ij in very Parchase ??ensi'-e variety Price. $'. M ...lis nsaelly ItJt.. .7.?>s . tall) I1UI . }i.i?s !n?rt P.. ? ar.ti Reaaiaaaaee !.._--, I.1IH t.?is ii.M i i :*?*> Wt.rth about _'.', ?,er cent mat? Armure llamas* Portiere? .".-incn tapestry borders value 14-M .ml S.'.'.'m.3.fM V.i*\ er.ible Silk Fro i ! I Portieres two-toped eelorlaga value t:.ii. ."i.71? i Fine \'e!?>ur Portieres rich dado and o'her de^ig| ? Hose and Nile, Ciim.?or. and Olive. Old Bias ar.d Breara an,l .-?the? eesahiaatleaa ralae IISJI ..14.98 LPHOLSTERY FABRICS? 50 inches wide. Pineal Mehsir Pie-i-., - tlao Antiqui V< slsewhers ?SM sad HM :\.ux Si!'_ Veloun i>!...ii or Sgared also .la?pe Stripes ex?|in lite .. ea of reee, myrtle, cr.mson. oii.e. tan. m-ilherry. etc worth U 'm to SI ,"?0 >ard.I .96 r.ever-ibir Pa.i.ark? . Vordere Tapeatriea . - .98 Satin Fin lh DaSBBSks. Worth 11.29 -o $1 ?"?9. Sunfa?t l'r.'atiiible DamssV? broc;?.!?, t!- irn Finc Verdure Taps rich I 1 49 SMART LININGS for Every Purpose at Prices to Attest Our Supreme Velue-Givin_ vnil seeertaseata at all timo, *n* ? here This fact is well k__SB to tailor?, dressmakers and ?*> SB> . retal M?.ire Percaline? Yard wide silk . full line of color?, alao wL black and ' '''.'-*? '?'. -* ??* 1 iaiB| let las ' ?'? sad r? am, .. r.-.i -?es M Rreei -g si _f Mercerized **:?t?^ns Full '??t?4. reg if ?? ?1 '"* T??o Specials in Petticoat Flounces. I* ?1 -cial " ,r ' . is ' Eaaily adjusted ehangaable i,.t. ilarlv $1 2. and ?i M special. ?**?? and j 1 Also Sateen Flounce? ..V> to If ' Floral Lining Sa'lns :'?* 's on dark e'fl* blu'* - 51 inch Blaik I SSjB-lBBS finuli give ? \celletit utility coats.HU ..1?*4. Meecertsad Sateena Full 1 ne ef colors for fancy work. pett-ceat_j ??iiings, bed ?<?;? an.l every o'.nSf ) lining use highlv lustrous - -J? .Hite?* Yard -TIBS I inin-j Satin? >?**?*?** ' ,i a' ' a vs > ? * fOm and green or na\-;, and white BOft lustrous and g??od wear. . |J - to &? medallions or small floral ef fects immer.-?' va ? Valie f 1 PI atiU % ' |f Runfast Pop'in? ai' < liera ..0-inrh Parnitare Rs ipa PI .? l-ne of beat ihsdei -? See other Sunday papers for Twenty-two (22) Morning Specials, on Extraordinary Values. Mi FREE - Dependable Alteratiesl j Women s Suits. IVI.50 sad up < outs. All Oreeeee, ' !?."? sad sp skirt?. I.9B a- _ UP ises' and Juniors'. ?*JI "sB .?II Sale Monday and lues (Lav?until I "?*[