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SPORTING SECTION F-OOTBAl l. RA< ING I \( HTS ?Mbtme SPORTING SECTION BOXING??LAWN TENNIS?GOLF ,, nM ,: PAl.ES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1915 PABT II K>l K PAGI Princeton Displays Wonderful Form in Beating Dartmouth figer Eleven Scintillates Both on Attack and Defence, with Accuracy in Kicking Its Most Valuable Asset. B) GRANTLAND PICK.. - ? ' ? ? VI ' - \ , Stars. ' ? ? mu?; h Tib ? , tvhrn - in the ' ? ? ' ? . i ? ' i . ..rdr.r. M T|j ' \ - "*?:*... '" ? 1 ' ?Kb. ijjj"? ' .'--..? ? ' ,- i ' :; 101 I M ?. ' t-trr I this garni - ays. f- - ? until th? a ?L?r?* , LvaBS b ; u. r r YOSTS MEN TROUNCED BY MICHIGAN AGGIES - Everj ?bor ? - - id t\\?. ? - ? d the ? * < A ? ) . ? .. I - I 1 '? COLGATE SCOPES 107 POINTS?A RECORD Harr ''oif-u'e'? h er th i s al p. ? . ? 'led up 47 pot t * th? . Troy made on';. loa n?, boti. on ! Mil ra.nd the ol on. ? ? football I ?; forward Ively, Darcy Beats Gabby in a I-as? Boni ! ! ' ' Star Swimmer Alade Union Track Captain . ? ? ? YALE ONCE MORE BOWS TO SK?LL OF W. & J. TEAM Blue {-leven. Outplayed at All Stages of Game, !s Lucky to Score. VISITORS COMPLETE 22 FORWARD PASSES, Vgainst Bewildering Attack. Hlnkey's Men Play Straight Football. With Dire Results. . .. . this after r.o >n for tbe I? i f>s many yean the name as 10 to ? ? eei ? ' ? play. on (and Jefferson came t?> New 1p . |Bt O? their ability to , ? ? . backed their opinion? B ti ' Vale llippi I 'trd. glv?Bg pan football work ' \ r ? lid r.i.t at ? ? . ? ' ? IB. on the ? . I forwrrd : ' ? ? ? bull and ? .?ntliiiiril ..i? pe ?? ? r I ! Results of College and School Football Games EAST. Caraoll H*? H-rrard 0 < n'jrnte . 107 Reri'?-:.,er 0 Prinretoa ?M Hartmi.uih . 7 Tun?. II Bestem . ? IVash. <B let..IS ?*?'?? . " Lafayette Id llbrighl l? i dotobla 11 Bt l-swrenre . 0 Springfield SI Veroi nl .0 ^r,,,v Goorsjetoira . S Prkln. \ Mai - rthasurs .... 7 |?iitaburgri 'eunaylvaala ? 7 Haml-toa S Hoharl ?? . .'-..??i? . 0 Maine ' ' i IS Hoi) < roe? I \ In ?'?? ' [' *"?' ? ? 7 I ? Virgil Poly. .. ? U BOOB i : IM ' o t-heral 10 Wealevan I Maaa, tgglee, !7 Worcester I ??<???.. 0 ( ..?.> ?i ?urknell . 0 Mlddleburj n N??? ilenpehiro. S 2] Hteveai I Johai Hooks 62 M'ashiagttta .... I , . h ?>., Mahlenberg Q Colb) M Bewslela ?? Havrrford 21 S.Y.Uaiv. ... I 4llegliaay ...II Roche?*?? . c Triniti ' w.ili.iii-?..0 Geuyeborg .. 18 M. John ? n Pean Slate 18 W7 Va We. .. ? Delaware "' Woat'a MaryUad S Catat?la. ? 11 VUlOBOva ... ? CanMOJla ... <"? < il> 6 WEST. CoaeOOB* ; Purdue . 0 DoodOB ? ? ?B ?BBtl ? Nebraska M Notre l?ame....*!? Cam 12 ObawUa ..I ? ? , M| ; ,i -,., snot : iteatarky -Mate 1 ,',. M lows IS St. laoals II Dom*? ? ? i'.,':.;,:.: \\ .Zl >*...? ?? ?????*???? : l linoii S'arthareot?iB ? Abmb 14 iHoBoerl ?? (HCOLBOY ?-?5ULT& ,, ..,, . . PhllHpi ?ad ' " -'. ' "?;'"' ,1 ,, . . i i lashag . M Joha's Pre* ; . va|, KrrahmeB Kidgewood . 25 St. Fraacle I rep S , ,., ? -...?ut? I '?' " -'""?' '" * ' ri"1 ? p.- h ?.,.,., i. ;? .... I r 41 HatcBlBooa H'i-h o ?J -, ?,,,,.. x,,,,:,? jj.rv.rd Proai I ,,-uimh I Pol Prep . ? Backlej ..II M.-hrgsn 0 V:' ... !;..!' lita -l" l.orkl.n-Marah ? The Days of Real Sport . P.v BRIGGS - s ____J' ? US. - N40 Sir Now, Allsl'T FAiP III Tr i.l r^Ac-MC-p Ca You f _ r~? ' -. n st * ' 'A I ?' I. \ % AM ?^ .^. i '' ) \\n~t-7sfs7- \*m *f$$? ^-A~r*^r<Zr>s /Jt^r fey ? - ?? % ? . A a ; VVa.M ? \ \?\^*?>!wA f WK-? A? I V? r* J^fia^ feS? V\ - . et* 1 Xr?lg^"- - ' VA^ ?i ?'- " -. ^r - **?* --.;- A^~' - - - . - . ? ? ; ------ '* s.'-a"?*^,-''-? '--A-r^" -' ? - ? ... ke* -3? ?*. ?^V' burrs ^ ^W^ ;- A the cpORTLiGHT *%*JP by Gr?ntl?eTid Rice . Prayer from the Field. Gad grant that in the strife and titrent Which all must face who linger here? I 'pot the Field of Hopelessnet? Or with th* laurel twinging near, rpon the world'* red firing line The heittle of the strong and weak? Th? fat* of all th" Fate? be wine? / will not show the Yellow Streak. If Fortune play me fahe nr fair If. from th? ehiiiimi /_?</ ? / creep Up tu the heights and linger there, Of topple thmnward to the deep ('? ?/71 th* rugged path of-fame, Where one man falls?-another mom it? ? grant that I play out the game. Fur there .'.?? nothing els* that counts. Wh.- IBIS "f the old-fashioned fat boy who used to break up V-rashss ami return home in a wheel? ..? * .: 1 jolts came so swiftly yesterday that the situation i? still too complex to be unravelled at any one sitting. Harvard's defeat at the hands and feet of Cornell was the leader, due more to ths rap handed tradi? tion than any deviation from the dope. For Cornell was known to have a great eleven -one of the greatest in her history, and Harvard's course bad beor. uncertain ( Brasil deserves unusual credit for her fine achievement la at last crushing the great combination Harvard, Haugh ton and Mahan Haughton and Mahan alona ?re worthy foes. For In six years now Percy Haughton had loat but one battle to Princeton in 1911, when Sammy White miracled him out of a victory by the score of 8 to .. BIBBS that date r.o other eleven had ever yanked down the Crlm fon flag until Al. Sharps and his fine eleven took Cambridge by storm and pat the inhabitants to the sword. Off with the eld ''? It '?? '" Cornell. She deserves all th? laurel t?.ere is. I ale iie.'eat.s are no longer pieces of news. The Bise, for the time being, has gone to seed. Two defeats b> smaller colleges within two weeks' specs Is fair enough testimony to the fact that things are badly out of g?a: Flt's way. Frank llit.key may bs a batter coach than tht scores have indicated. Bat It Is hard to go b?yond too man> scores Jest as Micbigai. BMB BSBBBd New York were gett ;.fc lichlgaa game as th? one chan, ?'.ict, tiie /hocking report arrived that tha Michigan A,;k I ? ?'? com. near driving Yost's out of ths BtatS Bs Zip sreat another dream that for a Bsosseat ?a? friaged srtth purple and gold In the haxy interim her? is one tip you ran fo.icw keep a weather eye peeled on Princeton. While Yale :s still struggling in th? depths, w? believe that Nassau has a*, last solved her difficulty with John H Rush Princeton is playing more football to-day than she has p'a\ed within t.n years. She has the machine the Bifcterial plus 'he ? plu? 'he laatractioa. Harvard may have her Mahar.. but Pr.rcetoi, ... j ?. I.lil-.''.'. When the?? two meet on Nassau sod some two weeks hence, the Harvard star will have his hands and feet full putting any thick margin over on the Tiger wonder, who ?s a player much along the M?han order?posalbly not quit? to brilliant, but onl> a shade o? tve as ay. Among Others. "I see," comments !.. T. K., "where hall players are charged with being money lovers. Are there any folks in this country of ours who are not?" Sure! You can find 'cm in any cemetery you may care to visit for close or casual inspection. The Case of Matl.ew.son. Old Fan, so signed, desires to know just what tn< pitchlag status of Christy Msthswson About as follow?: Early this la-' sir Bg Mai* a smear of neuritis In his left shoulder. Whi'.e this failed to hurt hi- right arm it broke up his pitching motion and wrecked bin effectiveness. You can get the feeling by trying to pitch with your right arm while holding your I left arm down by your side. At the conclusion of the world series Mathewson sought the services of a specialist, who is now doctoring the left shoulder. If the kinks there fun be Ironed out this winter he r\p?c;- to report in Marlin in goo-l con? dition and to he res - turn. If the left shoulder fail '" ? i and a _ irlin work? out still leavea him in bad pitel ?*.? ihape, bs sxpeeti to retire. T! ess dsl ? | "xact pitching atetas sf th? Bl| i theaa. "Willard won't fight until F?-bri..r> " Aaothst three months gone to the dickens, practically ruined for us. "Cornell plans to stop M. uibeta.h." So did Harvard a year ago On Life's Gridiron. At I tried the trick plug.* out I'he mad tu f.'n-v Ment; Bat left end Failure threw me With a loss of forty feet; And when I strung out for c > ? Around the rival lire. Left tackle Diaappointntani Did a tango on my tpiae, ir last, with Fame's coal s ?. llereft of ei cry h Lift. I grabbed the B f Fat? ?mea mar? And cantata tha Innen ttn{ And with t Urn hold ??? th? tot I pointed at some guard, \nd ttmrted up tht field again To make if yard by yard, I haien't made a touchdown yet, Or tcored a winning goal; Hut I have had a corking tune ' n.1 found a cheerful soul; d whU? I stag lieh ______ th? ? -me. \.i blokt ron ever i Tue pleasure of the game. While Frank Moran la waiting for Jese Willaid, he , may have a chance to help kill some dull evening by taking on Jaca Dillon Jack Dllion ar.d Jim Coffey not oeing exactly one and the sam?. Peetke today are ?ong dista ara. foi ward passer? ei gSBtS . Bid. Ths ....- sf ti fashleaed voat to batter his way up and down ., arell nigh e?. t.nct We attll msinuin thst the Best system of football generalship ia doing what the other eleven doesn't figure you have ?c_ idas o? _.._? You .__, ..?. it. Cornell Deals a Crushing Blow to Harvard Eleven Crimson Forced to Taste Defeat tor First Time Since 1911?Ithac? Men Score a Touchdown and Fiefd Qoal for Brilliant Victory. By HERBERT. Coi ? ".i--., Oct. -?'>. <"<>rne!l boat Harvard On the gr-, here to-day, ti7i?l the -cure was 10 to 0. That \v.-'.l known pitr-'-.r ai/ai: , iimey t<? th?- eqooilj Broil known trou one?* t?.?. ..*'*. Way batik if. 1911 Sam Whi*o snapped up a Ism I I -i by tala alert W8tchfalnesd m-.le it B?jjssjbls for Princeton to bOjef Harvard. Sine?* then, out a space of three years, almost four, the Crimson has ir,ar*he?! - to une victory after another, sometimes tied, it Is true, hut never (-?eaten. Last Jutie fom*te?n "H" men were .flBBfoatod, iri?*ludini; s'ieh l?u! BTBI i- I;' ??'.'?'. Hardwiek, liradle-- BaV4J Pennixk, an?l it camr? ta. pass that these ?en v.t?*??? this aftr ' im attainst the truly preat team which l'r. Sharps ?\nd llis assistant., I an Kced and Hay Van Ormar.. ? ?;. wti from I;hn?*a. ??*> Cornell won by the power of sn of CORNELLS MASCOT A REAL LIVE BEAR Rivals (?tMhlc?i? rn Sleel in Rise in Valut'. ; I-7 T?>jt?e>li to Tt-.a Ti-hiiti?! (an1; Ige, "-t. -il. There is an old i :.-k in num? bers. Ten times aver a stretch ef ? rnell baa latfei d ? da of Harvard, bat tins ith ginne was the point. Then, too, Cornell hr.d i mas.-ot, a lit? tle black l" aritk a freakish brain und ;. _ tun'a rracefulaeae. Ha wsa itolsn by aome Rar. ird its sb Friday ;, but regained juv befors the i - ?? lor to 'he H"'"'. are bs was greeted with much ~ "Touchdown" is '.hi-? bear's name a-, . he w: , ? . f.thing hs '?.'! when lie jot to ?_:(? :..- tl BTBfl t> half wsy up on- of th?' fOB| ; ? ? aad boss for bii I tor thsl hewai almoat as conspicuous as Shiver 1 ?-1 ', hs could n j*. to dsy for MOO pood aaaa cots ar?- hard to lind. Between 'he hslvea some Harvard SB? dergrsduatei dressed sp as "wonien ia rsllew, bad a :?? ugh and tumble scramble oi the gi \-. -.'n .'i party sf "Aunty Suffi" gowned :-i p nk. It whtled away part of the frigid wait. Betaralag from the game somebody p ted: "Harvard has a long way before meet sg Priacetea and fale.' i far pei baps, The t?--?m . tha finish of s year ago. but it has plenty of power for further devel? opment Cornell simply has reached ? ? The Cornell football squad, with coschi -. ..'?'.. ? sad many fol'ow <-rs, left f"i' home ?. i sveniag on a train leaving here at 7:30 o'e'oc'.. Their reception at Ithaca can be pictured. Billy I.nngdon, of Trinity, han,!'.- ! the game in his BSUa] efficient way. He still :.. . al BUt ths best referee in ths cottfl ? PRINCETON SOCCER TEAM STARTS WELL Stiiros 1 to 0 Victory Over the Cornell Eleves. Pi J . I ?St _.. Princetun 1 ths intercollegiate soccer BOB* rith a 1 to 0 victory over Cornell fteraeoa. The game was not as , however, as the -core would In? dicate. The Tigers kept the ball in ' ?reel!, ter-itory nearly all the first half, ami in the second half they were on the offensive all the time. The vigi? lance of Both, the I'ornell goal keeper, kept the score down. Princeton's only after a pretty pass from Ross to li.rd, who booted the ball into ths net Princeton's defence was unusually | Bl d their goal was never threat Their ??ass work was good, and leSBB '" ?hoot thev should ? *. a formidable team. The full of both teams played well. Powlsr and Bird, for Princeton, were the stars of the game. Dartmouth Beats Penn in 'Cross-Country Race Philadelphia, Oct. 2_. Dartmouth's -r. teem defeated the Hai? ti of Penaaylvaala ever s four? ni...- conns in PalrmOBBt Park to-day f 28 | Although Bgfct the Bed an.l Blue home in front, Dartmouth hail traillas him. ar.d th.s tha ?? a England team ? ' ? at ths pace all the wav and finished IM raroa ahead of Captain 'I ticker, s. " '.???! th?- Dartmouth run ?;rs. Celtoa'a tin.e was U.m. 45 l-.s. BOYS' HIGH BREAKS LONG LOSING RUN Three Years of D-f eats and Then Poly Prep. Is Beaten, 2 to 0. Hoys' High School iiroke a run of fears ? ,i>,';.!.? on ron when it the :' >'? Pai -? . ' day by a SCOBS ra came in the BSCOBd ? the opening whistle up to the tiaas ef the BCOrlBg 'he elevens played en terms, with both defences r.g up well under constant rush?-? In the middle of the BOeOBd .ni a long spiral down ??!tl to the 1-yard line, where Saylea. '.he Poiy r._ht halfback, kicked ' ?il ever the fia! line in attempt iag t" pick it up. Hal!, the Hoys' High ? n.i. vk . ?? as ths beela or Sayies. who va? downed behiri.l the Poly line _.fet\. '! he ' hws : i . ? . i. ...........I B . . . it . . i. ? . Heat ?" . I. II II . Mlunlel! >f?-> .1? 11 t? t eoiml* H*] 'ti m .'lin?. ?.....' ?'?-?_ f.,r i Hlsslns Rer-r* i Shear? ol !'., kin ? *.\ .u.-r_. Tims ipt saB-SBB IBs r"-?- I ' punch when the o;??...r* pr?'?ente?l; by th? WOBderfo! ? Kritz Shivenck; by trie ?mai-ir.?,* k. en ne?* with which the mm follewod >. loo-ie ball; by th?? strength <-f a ?'urd* line, by th? dashing work of a hnlli.r.i pair of end?; by the sound iBOfatf H4 leadership of Cool st centra, sftOf I i| tola Il.irrett had dr.ven fn-in th?' :n the fir?t period reeling .-in?! grog re hi the reCBll of s isvage ?, la I , '??< Mahan. Cornell the Iletter Klnlshed Tesm. It may be sold by BOOBS tr.nt H..r\ r.r.i faaablod away th? iTHine; that Csptain Ed i I Hoboa was beret rty ?orre evil goatBSi that the Crimson msehine? ?! I not run with it? usual SBSOBtl while these th.niri had a ksarlag, fact remains that Cornell w?^ ju : eno'igh ?trot ger. just enough better and fast enough more Baished a* I team? 'lined up to-day fur I to be sccepted ss ? fsli bmosbib ka? tere? n i e sr| a: l ?ofeat, irue that the urbaretor, for sueii !. i Harvard i:* ?sed from tim.' to I sad ' i - true .ils?. I Boaed for Coraell to seei i i tos dowfl ia the ? ' ; ,. but ?k'ain too much ?-it? can.'.t be placed SB Cornell's s earned an?! ju.->11> deoervod victory, 1 i.4/4t lili points which loom up ?o large to Cereell men were ?cored on a town by ?'?ptain Barrett after a ?harp, forcerai advoaea for t??-. ?? eight yards la levea piayi and a p.-n slty ol Bvs ysi Is agaiasl Harvard, the reoultaot -,-rai also > Borrott, which i- ?'..?. .. ? ?id before, in the Brst bow mi a!' ? * - ? ... ? drop t h?* i'.i'ui th poi ?"! bj 11 ? ??: tea ui,. n itai ding ?n. in addition to this, Cornell ?hot four other ?Jropkicki ut the Harvard goal posts, O? I i. .e '?* l .? o mi--e.? by sal) narrow...' r.iarg :., whereas Harvard sever oBce daageroaaly threaten...! ??? reached .,h .*. night be culled raoooa ^ llCS. Mahan a ( ?instant Threat. One brigh? dWaOS ??a run.-.I through The stertasss of Bchllehter In pi ng i? fonrard ri!,-s. while .Mahan, v. ho ore? ?.'. .i-i . i ?a itaat threat, ?lipped :?.?.?> snd those sroBttsrfel I sell eada, ?eftl eleverly aii'i ? porticolar dut) in bai ia' down Mahan Ha f a ball I so. would ? rocked sad brokea down wkei l i was forced out of :r.. ,-. ' early la the struggle. Gra-a*. ?!? , SBOS was pared on this brillant back who Is ranked by many a? ?ecoinl onl to Mahan. It looked like a telling blow a? he was carried off the !ield ?rd ? gelier, wavering wn notice?!.'? f?>r |WS tBIBS m.n'jtea, but t'ool, a natura leader and n man that hi? n stSS lees to follow, e?erte?l a lettllBg is, snd then, lo! a BSW w- r.d? was born, a n.w punter HI ?a ho roue to heights li-n.??'. ui dreamcl of. PritS Sh.verick is a ?ophomore, n playing !n his first big game. || 'i.-r.'d 'he burdens of the great U?.rr? *. and Riled m?.st acceptably his captain". shoe?. His puotiof wa? little ihor*. .?' remarkatiH, and for the firit tim? n three years Harvard men looked <n and ?aw Mahan get all the wont of a kicking duel. It ii true that Mahati waa r.? I it I I est under c-?n?i I that mad? punting a ?ore trial on ae count ? i 11 ?, bis '.oi.i.,' g.U and MTBttC n.r earrOBtl I .*. M,..,an a' It would have ?u?T.-re.l n. <-..m pai -.m vs.-, isperieoced j a? he k I of toi vhnenck a Keal Star. Shi* - . lill slow a' '.i ? perhaps a bit BBlteody und? - anil lirais of the wsoriBg raeit ?? un?! t\? " , '.? ' re ' .d. but he soon ??'?tli-il tO his work, and m-.. the credit for li.o victory mu.t g him. Against the wind he never f? ie ! ? ,,-et off lent, twtltiag drives that car ricd at taOMS forty ur,?l y.rd? With the w.n?! he sent away boomirg punt? which gave hi- end plerty of time to cover. He placed ' ? i III, * . ?in. earned football fame, as it were, in on? short houi. \\h. *he ?iotei Leaos ?h. morn ng Ian !:..., remarked to r?e -. ?.ippery * \ pe who.? 11 .. r.?i rI\ .* .t Ii' s go? ! punt? i ?ir-.p h i-k.-r, tOO." Tur-e '.voids csm? bsck forceful'. four or I've hours later, only f< r th. IB! ' me, perhaps, Fntr Shivenck \??? con?n.ruou?. A.'t?-r the game Captain Harret*. *??? wati-hrd the second half ?tretch?-d ou* in a blanket near the side line?, !?? | a*, time? to get back, wa? th. I i io congra'ulate him. lie has ?. k his friends more than once re ? that Bh i verleb would ?bine arben. proper time came, and his . | 44a.? mur?- thin ju r!.?? t??- Makaa ha?! u-i off day. B? i sai I ti and 11 .:? ; procioo? ? soasa ? ??' kful Ca? ..> er , . e ??!? urv' ?. gather it Is H's ouii'piit. 1.1... a? previoOolB mention.?!. ??a? ?rtatie and far from d?'penU?b> Cornell llefence Strong. nut In sor-ie re?pe?-t? he evened the .?core by momentary flash?? of the? brllliaacy for which h? has become I ' ?llr "?? * *? ?*? 0