Newspaper Page Text
Owners of Yankees Discuss Their Club Donovan i<> Manage Next Year, but Man) M\ * Is" Will Be Dista,.. Il \\ E DECID? D TO BUII D l P NEW CLUB Rupprri an?! A.*-: I Naai? Th<i v. h" Have Provt d I ?Harc Bttytng Man; ? 'ungster. i . j! gOMI Bl MTl ?nkeca ' ? || ? ... ed 1 as a ' ? could - ? h-?.? . ? - ._.-.?? ? I ? ? ? ? ? !ai?l : ? Heat ? ? '? ? - ? ?'.an a ? ' other ? I poor j ? .: that ? ? I ? ? r clubs in I ...ton. ? ? .? . ? ? ? ? , p a sti ' to s? ? ? i ? ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? ? - ' ' -_ys 1 **- Cieal .leal al ' | ? ' KENNEL GUIDE ? > ' ? a? > ? -, ? HAGGIN SALE WILL OCCUR THURSDAY Ballot, One of the Famous Keene Thoroughbreds, He ids I ist. ? re, v | - ' he El ' ? ? ? Powers-1 ?4.. , ? . | . ... ' ' ? , - . ' ment? !1VM ' ' . - I ? and Fir? Pratt Springs ?Surprise on (ilen Ridge Links ? ? ? ?. the i . ? -. si | with ? - ? ? - .-?? a. II i : - , I'. .a-'. II \l vv.lkrr - f. - I 4 I Hills Golf Club. - - rdoi ? . the I - I a \ Tri? ? ? ? i-.- ? .? i 4 ()!i??? State Loses to \\ isconsin Team .* tato oi ? ? gi ?A* i ?coi vas made ii th? Byeri eircl? ng goi Pa - made wiien Byeri i ? ? the Ohio tea? and th? ? wh? Stavrui ? g the | Some Soff Money Goes to Lardner i:> KIM, \\ LABDX1 I <?n* -i ghl la the ateek of the ?,ih bnna-M? .?' .?.il n?a. ?acre. . . P, \dai.a. ?In- New ^irk poet, enter t_|e-,| ( llriKif?.. <. I?ale\ and .our SfBaal at dinner. In a casual WB) I -t bfOBghl up the ?uhlert of He ssenl leaed the Phlllise. "Nt-t a chance." said me. ? aid vir. Da BJ. f?M i ,i. . B bad | ? en I hen? a trlaunl | "Slipping," said I Bi -C "III hark them." ?ai?l Mr \dsma. "Te ?hat rite-it." _?kcd (. ? ?'r,-.K?. "Nmie ?our 'igurc." aaid Mr. \,l_ni?. "hut 'ou'll alee ha?e to aaaae ?h<- ?lui? that's -?'ing to beat t hem on' "Uro.iU. n." ?aid ? . I'.ricn?.. - UroiiJUn." ?.aid Mr. Pale?. I he Bra. ea," ?aid * t. "Ml thr?-e ol ><?u are ?>n lor lit) ,|iir " ?aid Mr. .dam?-. : I" dinaei bill ?ame te M.75, m lad?Bg I I- Prodi I" 'he ho. t? Hut he **?*. a good, game tella. at I ?asi toward sa Whoa we s?et him il., Iir-t da] of the ?-?lir. he linked et he i ?<? ??anted .? chsace i?> ir?'t ? i?. -ore.' ?at ?.aid. "M hi. h < lu h d<? > ou like?' Tos do the pi.kiiiR." Mid wa Well, we ere aoa in receipt ?f kls ?ici I. B-comaaaied b> the pith? Mae, "I.:"??? coaie, nothing ga^n." I he Bsoreli When yoa yes bet on _BBfball It? the other Roof do the picking.?The I hlragO Tribune SCHOOLBOY GOLFERS IN CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Guley, of Yorikcrs. Lpscts Dope, Winning from Brifger. Sehoolboj golfers began : ? ; tournament on the public tfi ndt Pai .1 > ? atei day. .dditiona ? i d, as oi . riaioa aras sa ? i., . ?, ?. t, ? -i t?f ker p iriginally planned ais? teei li-? of the aurprisea of the day i flrieger, of . by Hubert Guley, of .. a n being 7 and .?.--. a r ?. I,.:,"??.?. in. Its ? ? ? ? . ? it. . ? , . a ' v H ?Wiill ?,?* ? ? , a- I a- ? . ? ? ? Harris. 4 ui ' i i'.-. ? : ?? a ? si . . . - 4 up S_d ? ?? ... ?? m . a ? ?? i I IU__ , .1 ' Il -ffllll? . I] ? ? ? . - ? ? I . . I ' Apawamis Club. Bj waj of rariety, membera of the ? ,ii hand capped at I or I?-"'? artn? r allow? moi ' for a four-ball foursome a oom icorea count Gaines Gwat th? ham ..,! .; I Pool - ...i with .9. 1' ' I ? 9?88, the ke?. I HI I.' .. - ' I I, I- - \ I". u ?. '?-.?? ? ? I , M r. h. y . Englewood Country Club 1 iniahing sll aquare, S, 0, Mi!;.-r . .m .- .? ! SndiCBp .1. ?< e ? ? ? .? I ( . I Inly ?i ) >-r? tunk pa rt ? r illy wind. Travers Beaten Again In a Four-Ball Match Pair.-d with Anderson, Bowl to KirUby and Carler in One-Sided Tilt on Siwar.oy Links. ... . ?.fn ? a ? ?? rday -\ . fell V. G. h on . i e v. ere ?ever?! con! Iferenl er? I? ? ' ' ' . ' . ? ' ' ... . ' . V . ? th? ' th? ... . in line t* - ? ? ? ? ? a. ' tarases rouad u.? gallery bad ??til?. ers red people, sad thi . as th. right?*?**! A- '?el -i?I I ? ..oulii after all," b set ir'i . by i?-.-- ? . eventh hole "I > . . ? n if th? would . ils aim ? I )i:s bob! - troll? the most coi iten! f th? oar, an : IM, obtained ? rj 80, ? as H i " -? ??! the latratioi oi ho? dtAeult .. -i oriip. coarse, it i? nentii I ha| the pro ? ord i- . I, aod ii ..I-., hap pem to be the sreslrui ms i v. be "pro" holder oad '. owing are tl u ? nenk rol un ? : a- I vtar 14 4 4 1 "44 a S 4 ? S S S S t?S . I 4 t 4 '41 ? 1 4 4 4 4 I ? 4 ? *. 41? B 4 ? ? t i : a Cultt | A' t.,S'? ? 4 ? I S S S S?B ?-1I ' l.i nii'i ai ? SJXDS ?a n ? H ? ? ? . . ? ? ? . . i - lu ? ?4 u ?;?ie? > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t a 4 I ?: ?i ?? 4L la ?44 Likely Winner at Coming Horse Show J.ihn A. Hortford'i Gosaip, with Walter Baker up. Good Swimming Material for Yale Teams This Season Newcomers Make Up for Loss by Graduation?Boyle After Indoor M.-.ra.hon .Honors at Boston. Meet. I!? L DI It. IIAMM K.. Viiie'.i rwimming snd water pc team? will make a ??ron,, bid for i tereollegiate honori -.^.i.- ??-a?on, d .-pit? ths loss 1 . gradoatioB of McA!?* ?mu . Bnith sad Hoodie]. th. -,-?. sta :>r. i t? t wiiiiipr. ol ' ROSSOU DeOB, Of BoOtOU, the it.'.* scholastic 60-yard record bold? .. ? ? Saves, sad hi? a?i?l tion to the squad p ... make v '?!?? ha? equall? he in! ... rk for tl SO he ? only prove a like] saadidate foi hip I also famish the ne? sa to cob p -lay team? Captai sad Alexander ui fast -printers avai .? . Por 'be ]ni> ;. sni swim ths Blue h> p. crack performer in Rosener. La spring ? ? bed a Ithln Shryock, of Pennsylvania, at the ??ii tai. sad h?* hn? grcstl) Irapri rs liaee A Shrj ocl boat one mina! tei ? . Ko en? r ibbj p o. eroa rival ?".<-n to Vollmer, < ? ohm ' ..- ? ... ? irese? he !'<-t forions iwimmers, aad the th all bu' Shrj ot and \ ollmer Hoj ? .-?il arour??! men v.!io mai i? Bsajaaiin is Yale'i lesdii, ?l.v.r iin.i there are hume who belie? him capable of itepplag lato McA1?m nan'? eoampionship hoe.--, lie will b lUpported m the dual meets by eithe Hewett, Peteraoa, Fob or Link. In pluagiag for distance none h? ?i r sttaiaed the -L..'i of Smith, bs Landatreet, Beat, I??p??v an?! Ward ar progressing rapidly. 'i.... aster p ris ? ntifaJ ? apt? ? i Holt, Mill? r, 81 Rrophy, Gait, t, Black, Scovil Kent and I'.irf. sircad ?-...' mi of playing, and ol I ei are expect? .... r Raymoi j Boyle, of Pittsburgh, i? m anxioui to meet Bostoa'i boot obi dlstOB4*1 ? loor mar? "ii??Vwii?t.r Richards. Toth s ?? BSJtmei t wbbI ^-s*:" conte?! .' I rove I popular uttr.i 'ion. for il will ls?t a .-?il b A-. Boyle i-" Bts i I nf eaduraaee cao ? ? ? ?>' ol troubl? la-* - .imiiH-r sad ' ' .re B SS ? Made i..'i ii> h. Bastea. .' properly supervl el roatost, in ?i pool would. ? ? tic 'i ?? ioasl low si saproB lli-lega'p? :'roin RatgOn Bttafl the meeting of th? latei cgiat*?, Swimming Association this week and -,,.-. . toi) steps to i-ecure membership, Matthew Ssobb, the termal i i I ?he Brooklin? High School, of Bostoa, il devoting ;i few WSokl te the swim? mer? ?if Aiu'm rst, preparatori to I ap hil ?! .' ? I .-' I OCtOI a* A*.:.h poli i or. December I. He --\ tes that unusually prumiiir.i, ?.? Storm? 4 : !?,? repr? ?? 1 by ?. s-tron?: team, I Bptaia T 11. NelliCSfl at. I Norm,!' I.? nick ... , all ar? sad ? ?? Immers. The t.f.t ??.nal ten iwifl. ming championships will be h.-l?l at I'i incetoa ob Pebruary 12. Herbert Vollmer, of Columbia, has i.e.-n doing ?on..* "ast work in practice, an-i ?here !? ! ?tie ?loubt that he will cause the Hot of irtercolleiciate record? to be <-otnpl?-rely revised before ths ISOSflB l? ?.ver. Last week he SWOBI ? irj in ?'?'. '-?' I lecoads, sn I ??ichss ? load .' Miller, maustet of the i'rn ? irrai .-? ths fol lowing ru..-. " ? ?, ? ? 11. ?. mber II, PriBcet? Pn Princeton; Jaauarj 'i ??...? Philadel pbia M ?rk ??'';. a? Princeton; H-h ruary il?, llereersbarg Academy, a.' Mercersburi*,; Pobroarj 21, Lawreoce ?.lle, .t Lawreoeovilli ?he Varsity watermen will fane II irvard, at I'rinr? ton. on February IK. and the N'avy, at Annapolis, on Marrh 4 l?ate? for th. champion-h,p leegue tiiurnament Brill r.ot be decided lipo-i jnt.l ths ?nnial SStBir.hs si u? ?laiss?t** DOG SHOW PLANNED AT HIPPODROME Management Offers Silver Tro phi.s for Best of Breeds. - of all popular brseda '.?ill hold -way it thi ? ? York Hippodroms on i nsa la; and ?Vedne i la] ?f? ona, aherc the I ? ? wll .if "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" ' lharl? I .. i ? ertng six sil? ver trophiea, two for each day, ami all dog !o-. an of v ????? fork are Invited to ?nter their peta. The awards will b_ s_sds by thro? well known experts Frank S, Sternb? rg, Harr, A. Hatter and H. I, Holl To further display the good quali . *!i.- r pal i, all exhibitors will ? , ? ? rtai ' . ?how them th? ? 1 .'th Avenue .if "Hip, Hip Hooray ' " Me ex ia sttached to the showing of INNING FOR TOY DOGS THIS WEEK Motel McAlpin To Be Veattc for TWO Bench Shows. coining we? Hotel Mc v ? h ?>'?? ? ?if the ? ? Poms '?'? dnesday and the Toy Dog < lub "t Priday. Misa Lena Schil ? ? ? i ? Club, has r, ri ,\ ed ,. great i ent i ie - in ereral '-!.i-- l , and the eve?,* |i . - .1 r. ,1 ?-1? <-. . l-'.ir the r - aeetiag Of the Toy I ?ci^j ? lub a Bumaei of noreltlea are offered in the waj of an ertainment features ?i? well sa in the competitive els ? and vn.-'.e i _f trophies to be won. Harria A Bsxtsr. president of the dab, announces the list.? open to a!! own ei_ of pots in the K:?st, the club hav iny no regalar membership and draw? ing petit '."?*'? from BBBOBg all oS-BOIS of toy l?r.'' ! ? I he ledges for Friday's aveat aret M as I ?r.^-p Littheauer, Engllah toy i_n.ei- ami Japanese; Misa Kilon La. h, Pomeranians; ?Ira A. Mel .m? Hallev, Pekingese; H. !.. Hot. mar, I :i. ci. balls; A It BTebb, H??.ton ter i h r? and Eagi iah bolla; A.n. Basan berg, sil other breada und uncla?s.:..?,) ?p. nal?. A- un innovation thi? season, litter elaaaea for pappiea iitni?-r three ncntha will l.?- added at each ahow. An seats la ehargedi wl ich includes entry fur one da-?. Pllkington Winner I In Boxing Tilt i risa Pilkingi 11, of tin- t'nion Bat? tlement At! ? ? He-pound . i metro] tat I smpion, defeate i 1 ella St. Jo ie| ? ' ? ? tthollc ? i.: . p.,?in.i laten r boxii Sea V -i r. At hletii ( lab, last r proved too lever :-?i ? ! v- ill j < huile? [_saard, unstta brother ? ??. .. profen liona] light ? appeared in tas ISO-peuod etas? ? his way t'? til.- _aala by .? ? and won th deciding 1 ,! fr. ?. <;...ri-e Schroeder, of th?. - tie V. M ft A. It took ill?' one punch In th? speaiag round to i ? * . ' ? ',_ _. *.'. . ?. -.-... i ud . . . - ? ? ?? ? ? it v ? - . ? ? . ? . , l- vis? - . ? , I -? hr.'itl I I ? . ? i Haut . . ... .-???_? i?i > ?I \ ? i . . .... I . . l-i i .. ? ?-, ?, .... -? ? - ? ... ... .'.,?. -, ...... ... - i. at pa's c. ? ?-. ??:??? I -? . . 1. h ' lt. < ? u . I ? afasia. Y Zallnar. . . . .? '? I l?d J I'rl -. - . ... . . *t . .. ?? ' i ? ?!??!! t__U4a ' ? .' .' .... . . Harris Hurki ..... . ( .. > ? .. . Harvard Fr_-hm-_ Braten I:. 1 ? -. . Wareeeter, ,1.--. Oet tS. w ,..,?. ter Academv defeated the Harvar : Kreshmen eleves to-day by a score of ! 20 to U. The Worcester team scored , all its point!? in the first half, alter , which it v.u. content to play a de I f.nsive game The work of Read and I aptain Robertson ?as the feature _f W ?i caster'a flay. GOSSIP TO TRY FORNEWHONOR? AT HORSE SHOW John A. Hartford's Cham pion Will Add to Interest in Saddle Classes. John A. Hartford and his Rood mar '?? s.ip are out to duplic-ite their sue cess of lost year at ths Horse- Show | Madison Square GardOB next week. Iaast fall the ?mart looking mar entered the novice class for sad! horses on Monday afternoon and cam out on Saturday night with the eham pionship. She continued her winnm streak at the Hrooklyn Horse Show which f..unwed, and later at the I,on; branch affair r.ptured blue ribbon and a chamn'-nshir?. Karl y in Rept< ?her, just to get ii trim for the Carden ?xture, ?he wor tan blues nun a tri-cdored ribbon a Newport, foiiOWIBg that up by takini prizes at Syracuse and tive firsts a the Brockton Fair. Because of this uaasaal reeord th .-? is more laterost Ifl the entry of th? four-year-olds la th.- da?* for soddl? hors-.'S not over 15.2 inches. Her ?on formation, BCtiOfl BBd manners hav. won iier a number of supporters arnon-. the ra a bo skp? et her to . ?I? st-'l more trophies to the list of hei owBor. A floral 'deckiag with ?rbita, eriai ?on and gold as the domiuoo! baos wil make distinctive tl - BSOa's ?nterioi adornment of the Horse Show. The inspiration for the deCOIBtivt scheme is a formal Caglish landscape gBItsOB, arranged against a background suggesting the tintb.-rwork of ar I :t baronial hall. The color effect? will be gained by the profuse use ol natural flower?, both ffOWiog plant? and fre?h and fragrant blooms to b* renewed each day. The latter detail will involve an outlay of Sl'.'luO daily The idea, which it is believed will be a dteidsd step forward in decorative in? terior work, is ths conception of Mr?. Edward T. Stotesbury, wife of the presidOUt of the National Horse Bhou \ elation !? is to be carried out sritk a liait-1 it > unusual in a merely transi? tory embellishment, Madison Square Carden II S itrUCturs dificult to beau? tify. The bold ichoBM adopted could OBly be carried "Ut without regard to ?Xpcoditurs and the daring use of color on a vast ..cale. (inly the dull brown of the famous amphitheatre, the tanbark *hat ha? boon trodden by ?he hoofs of many of 'lie ?Drill'- greatOSt show horses?, will be a familiar sight to those who enter on ths riag promenade ?lia: bos been ?he SCOBS of BO man;, d :? r r. 11 r, g ta? sad ?arforial innovations. All else will in- new. entries for Monday at Laurel Track i iii.-r nt' r. ??? -.-t ? r ? ? ,u fur M 11*1 Boa. J illatU . ... lis 112 ? ta m Wattn in, ? ? . IM .-' lai il -a? ;.. a 14.1 ? l". ? IS? '. |.|. ? r t. i '?>?? 1 II ?,r?iorr ?ha-;,' t il V ! . - - ,-a: . P|| Alt', ?1. ? If , ... ?, ,.. \ne . -, . : ? ' ? ? ?? ??> , I ? a i ?I ' ? I . -. -M. ? ? a. a ' I ?/ .10. I- v'-a ' III - lier. I'M;,ip.|. >? at-. **t- ?? ' s a . i irr l lot h al: ? ' a a - K?l! ? ?a- ... .; : -. . ? rt Bri . i .??I K.?'.?? .19? R ? - ?? 7 1 I :-? la . . I1?' i bm iii.B ;.?.- tern B K"l HTII R.4IK aailli.. tot tSSSS ye*r ? ?n 1 'i?sr! '.. tnn? Ar- : l?l ?liar?. I. Ml ? ! If! ? ? -i.' r an ! ail i , It if TU.:1s ... 7'" ? ..-a!? . . 10? Ii ?*?? - '! Ml et _ 1?. _ ISI ?Lei - ......101 ? - r?-..i :.i. . it? la I I? PI HA? ?. a "'II' 111 ' - a . ? a" la 1 4 t ? <"?l a.--. . 1 '-, Ka. LalfDI .* ?1.1-1 s..i I.Ill I ? ? ' . ?-? *?" a ? p| . i ? ?Oa n n i ? ? - ... let ? . ? _ 100 ? SIXTH 114? I ? ? ? ? .ar , 1 I, sl..l i.p .8-1 ... feutm ?? '' i Boi .. |o: ?Csrlion O. ? "*' M . 10-. I ?Danonrta . lo:s.|.?a . Js?~>r?? . 1?? Harr? I ?aia, ? . ?C?m?Mll. . H'. ?A S?aVlM . . i!0 Total?* .ll'Ma larirt III"??? ...JOT tBu/-*>d ... ..Ill ?Dsi n?> 7 IBS v.4aSssaBBa ^aaaaa usina?. BEAGLE TRIALS TO BEGIN TO-MORROW New Jersey Slate Club Offen Comprehensive Programme rhe -< eend ? eld tr?ala beagl? i under th? the Nee Beagle i . Incorporel . .1 begin at the club's coursing grout and, n ,t. t?> morr... i?,,. .,,,.?1 .,..-,?, tu- continued ant Cheduled ever.'? are run Tk ' take a' lea--t three da>?, and poasibi) feei event? -ill fnn?i?' of [?. - : Bi. for both l '. aad II - eh d | e I .'? and limilst ? and will be open t? ? Aa a four-? He won I rd Stakes, the P the Ad tacs an.! the Can tu i ? ? - ? , ? that eason, The f? he went t glai ron th? .... thi Re ? ? '?' es ? ? Beside i i aah prises then ? pi present? te ? ara, the sp being given I ur.,i tas ethers by Bdit More *ibii one hundred do??; .,??.? . . - trials. Hog' from Saw Jeraer, Mew York, Pei \ irginia, Maryland, Ohio aad ? iri Will be repte BBt-d . - . -,- winners of the r? eel iptrs s-aie B ii itoga, STATEN ISLAND BEATS M0NTCLAI3 Soccer Teams in Fie! Club League Battle in Title Games. The - I 'eated tl Montclair Athletic Cla_ soccer team. Livlagstei. Btates laland, rasterdi afternoon. The States Islanders tn!!,e,| ? v. ce each half aad won by a -cor.- of i to The line-Op follows: t Pi Bill? I IIOBlCla ? _? ? , Ml Ft. n ? ?.' . .. ?< " Mil : i II I. II I. RoMXhto? ': I'-- - I. R............. Schi " ? .1. Patters Morris Caul inn Beteree i ... BmltS Tim? ? The Cn " ""' Athletic ("lub defeats ths Englewood Field club aoeesr leas .ore of I to ", at Knglewoot yesterday. ?...-?,?. i tit Ena i. Btockma ? ? ? i. a it h ? r : ? I. i' O. R - I R I I. ? I ?-i -i Mack _? . ? ? ERASMUS HALL EASY FOR COMMERCIAL H. S Butf and Blue Disappoints Fol lowers in Brooklyn Contest. At ths hand- of the Commercia High School football team the Ena mea Hall eleven received Its were heatiag in years at Commer?ai Field Brooklyn, yesterday. The Baal aeor eaa '?'?'? te *. the Erassaaa teoehdowi coming in the last few minute, of th game. Evant the halfback, faiasi more than hirty yards of the fifty ii the march to the Commercial line. The Bafl ar.d Blue played a loos game, sad Aaeh terloaie a punting ana a disappointment. Commercial ed to line aiaaehea t?? advaaee 'he bal and tli<- opposing defence crumbled n 1er ths attack. Fragens mods s touch down with ths ?rime net five n old, ??? i Telescher added another it the fir t quarter, when ks recovered i fumble sad .cortil over two play later. Erassaas Hall was s badlj di organ iaed eleven ?n the second half, w tl Bess plunging his sray ts thro, touch downs for Commercial. The line-UD follows: Commercial cm. Poettlon. _i r. v.. - .taT. Medie? Meister . U _ M .'*. ptorsytb? - .-'?'en . K .; . Hunte ( h,on .H. T. Barnabi .it. t. Ttmi Hesterbere . . I .... Harsseh Rom i. n n O'Brien . R. H. I a ?erioni? ?, ? r" ' ' ? ?- |ons __?_< toas ? '?_.? fron . . . Refere? Major HI s? . ? ? st. Hi ? ? ?? sell ? Pwo . ? w ??'... Sill De WiU Clinton Le?ds in High School League lie WTItt Clinton jumtieti late the had In the High School Soccer Leagu. series by defeating Hoy.' High bl ! geala tl l St Crotona Athletic Field yesterday afternoon, in eoi Of the revers?' ?uf'cred hy I nrtia at the hand, of EraSBSBS. De Witt Clin? ton takes the leed srith 7 points,while Curtis and Ers imu ? sra tied ft ?nul place with t peinte each. At half time De Witt Clinton led I.-. I gsala to o aa a rasait sf two un Bueeeaafal shots by Perrottl aad Patrick Lipschusts, ti.e ?Soya1 High , ipt tin, aeered frorfl a penalty In the second period. ? -HI? Btinskj . fl K . It H . Ht I low ... I. it . -?.on . K o . sra . C. II . Hants v_-i_.i. if . . , i ?"/'??trick .O, It . K ????' IS . I H R "? ? ??tl ...-.<'. .I I. . ? ?lie* .".I. . U| ? - ? PltsPatrtea M. ? ?'. 1' -? IM l.ln.s I . . . i ? ? KING NEPTUNE WINS POTOMAC STAKE AT LAURE Beats Smart Field of Two Year Olds in One Mile Handicap. ? ...... -' It J ? t -"% ?. st ons ails hit, **?ft .1 th?* A res of the Utiv ?eason and ? ... ^ ... ? i r Thii ... .... - \le"' <TemT_\ the ?. * ?? M Ouuttta?. ? f the ln th" ''''? " ? ?SI rot mS tretcb am turner made ? - ?. *? I lioae Idn " ' ?t?l Kk , . ', "*? -.?rnt... ?tt Blfj. ths vu The - the d|v vu ?' ?*? ? ? ?? ???"?? - -.-? f0.s v, pZ '? '??'.?. ?i h m ?. pn tectsd u? Rfsby Wilie?' t rsss aJSk - ' "jrtb cm -:- Morris, B> ? ?? r-.l J j V. h *?? .-.-?- -.. IIJSSS, Isj bo?! Aj and Abbss irked s ail ? -?ir ptf?. ii ?ndicip, ?f | ?" '-H'BTItT forget te ittp the flag ? ??.orkwi. In I ?IS flot the last milt is ? '. hn Bill - ?"> ?i?! I. ns 13 2-1 Ths bt'i track condit ii resulted is Rotn Igt ths Urn*? but he will be a itire itirttr m the if thi '.rick rtaiim ?Ira -? ? .- m .?? ?. _a _ ?ar.l. mil? a ". - . tmmt ?? I'll'i. ? a- . I -1 Miniaaf. I?! r . ' ?? 'a - . ? ' ' a I ss rv < ' . ?? .iriiat > - ... I . a ? ' ? ' I. ? . ? M - ... 1 - ! !.?? M,- *, ?1 ' ? I I ' P? l?r; M < - ? 8.-1 ? I ''J''.????' ? . i ' 'i.-ta B-tw ? . a - ? ? T? " . a ' ? , . i ' a- I ? . . 1 1? ' . .? . a.? i:a. I : I. Ii ? ? ? i'. . 'a .; _t -as m ? :.'?.' ? on a r n~:r -' ?ei?,, m la .?:..?? 4 ?: -I ?lia? Ma a . s . -, tora ? ! I 80 IS. M ?fill . ;?? asat T?. er..-4 ' file? f I?. -tir.. I . - ? . . - : ti i i '1. SIM) ac ? I . . - -- r als ? *? . Tlrr.s ' ??? 4 ,1a. .la. I'll. Ill ?i ' - ? ? ai-sl. ?? I'- ? ' : a . < . - ? ? pari ' ? :? . . .1 a . 4 ??'*'? ? ' II . ). T- 4. ! . .? ?? a ... II < l: Pern ?. MORRIS HIGH CONQVEBS STUYVESANT ELEVEN Weinhcimer's Siar Pia*,in;* I* Factor in Winning Contest Morris Hig ' ?licsties? of being s com for th? M?nhit tan B? rougl ehau*pieBOBs when it eas. 'By-WO?. Ovsl m ter.iav bv a -ere ?if Is *o ?5 L?M run? by Morris player? ?nd inter?pts-1 forward pat el " ?or??! Jake 'a. er. th. klorrii nr' halfback, pli ivtpm? He circled the en?!* for lor?, ga'tt g ta Murr "" ?r*r Ing quart? .'iO-vard pasp? to i' ?*? but W? ' "??; " ,oP**?'* m,-? and .o ,i : ?*??*?' the quarter Morr ? ? . m em Weinheimer's head, end tt? * ' .'? ?out" _m In the third quarter V* througl yard? SI " " , i ?'"r *?"-''' ? '? .?..t I IIS???? for ? to lehdott ' ? ? - Alt? .*? !? ." ?' ????? hum*** . N*.?*V? nsar f ?? ' ....... t. I an ? -> ? ? THE SALE OF THE SEASON __. DISPERSAL OF THE FAMOUS thirsday Einiendor. Stud October 28 vrnvrtiy ?f ,_, .___*? *t m ***? ON THE FARM mk jimi-? h aAOMV* I Lexington, sain ?-^.ballot ?:;,_. hessiah Kentucky THE ENTIRE STUD OF ????? MESSRS. CLAY BROS. OF PARIS. KY. ior ? asslasjess ?n?i __bo_ss ___seas-Baa ??-?i-??-* GEO. a bain. POWERS-HUNTER C?. Aoctloaeer Mn.isor Arrawle. 4?? fifth A?*. BWSJ