Newspaper Page Text
3*-tii Coil.*. tiiaf to I ??t-the Truth: WsaiS ____teeSS_i ?Advrrti-ements. .1 M.\l ?'? mm K .4 ISIS. ? ? ** - Basan - pi _.-__-: ? ? - sr an remate r. ? , , . .... 1 ? , * i ? - ? f ? .. ? ? ? ? SI S - ?' e - i . a. * ... ' * ? > ..ii ?an purt-hasp me r?-han_i?r _-?.rti?.?il in IHK .RIB1 MI ?nh sbvilute eafasy?lor If diesal afa? tiefl re??ii!l? in sin i tun 1 HI TRIBl-VE -faaraateSS tt. \>a\ ?mir ?___>) ha? _ apea r.qu?--t. No rcrl tupe, no ?|uil? blir-c .*? e ma.e K<*7>d prompt l> If the ad ' \? rt.?? r tliH-a. nut. Suspended Animation. se from Califoi thai a ? Berke I -, the other day for This, it i.J intary sua i. " It may b. ? I ? ? ord. ? ? .?> into a; : ? have ; Af teen i rea ? . ' the 1 lity of < ? ? | ? ? ieai s of protection on which . - foitk In efficacy of peace ??ion. , ? irai ? en ths war d, met again and ad? ? ? igh the a i at it In the Senate and the .' ' ? ? to increase the army, and the y wa- such ' ; in Otd nary. ' ; nger, i mili I ,..??? to hold its ? . rd of. ? -. '.?ri-likc it < Why England Should Be Saved. ? ard a . ...:.. i . i other explosion; .'t.or of ? . ti? ?:? '1 undvii.;.* 'y tow V. ? - ,? rmana and for thai ? I . I ? . ning it ara inarily . ?? . 'I hi Acial proofa tha- ? en out the a ? ? ? ? ..;. fall chroi and incurable ? ? pren ; an Ingenuity of a nosm to them i ? ? ething all others to it will ar.'l them I ? . i. ? .. Italian but 1 ? nal ? iah, but it: Ii ana o? pitj i ' i pid allk " a_h "for her -ak?'." In tin piril it ?*?? ? ? . who un- t., ?.; | ? ! . . : for '\.t>.. peoplee" who the igh i..?t fighting I ? by the evil eye 'hat they . _? : - Qerasany 1 . in the rijrht. M_.rk. haves?, thai th.- Bngttsh them rea are not for a itiomc | ! Irish, th.- Beata, the men , f Un? an of Britain'- alii? I, . have keen aemplete H it the Eng. parlor inteiii. -???rely con g that I . .-?. ?.. . " i* .?* stht?.- ?t I " a'iti that ":h< mnsses of the pe??j I? atara than ever." ' ? ? ' ? <?!>? by the pewer ??f Sir ? if it u?ii- ? trol tin Engi . tality in ti f the Ei Ih-h | ? .? ,,-i.-ihty. whatever it Is, BOUld I sat o? the worid, ?; I hoped that when tn?* day COUtaS ' .'...;?.. . \ ? ? ?r irift ur.. ? ??-..?? : i The Spirit of the Suffragists. bt about th? for the bal . ?? . yes! with aunah and mo an hour mad, bravii g - raw vit.?1. then to march fr ? '?Hi PaVk, . thousand.? of women d s I ai -1 task even for the rep : s turdiei ; ' - the to ?. ? . . \, who were in line. Evi women who marche?! showed the pni eipk of equal suffra which ing admiration and si port fp te malet "t* thii gi have n? rer hud rnake i ? for their piivile ng. In the face O? a i-piri? like that ?t BBCI ? '. a*- tl?f anti-auffrag that the* coming of equal suffrage can iy bo delayed. I ai ;. pe having een 1 he impn sive band of women who tl alike r.iimber.-. in bearing, in determination i iiffrage fig . . ? til Jt is won blind, blind to the* history of the ? xtc pari lion in goveri itk to ths i.ature. ? women will come in this stat Ihii year or in some future ye; ii not i tant 1 " ? women ther selves B I '?? the state. Men of tl ? ? . I . '. \ Whitn.. suffrage ? ?? ? day declarei tlf bond, half free It is certain thai no dt-moi-i ;u-\ can reeve its full? ' i which is a demticracy ilf it- peo] franchi) * '1. New ,? '?'\ ??ni w< ? . ?-. .-m are the state, shoul bond, halt' free. Pedestrians and Street Accidents. Il rill ? ffend ver) ? j o our pedei told by the Police Commit r that they are in large n ? . for the streel s lenti con monly attributed to vehicular traffic. Y? this ? i?'?'ii,*-'i?'il m Ins quarter] . ? to be borne <mt by s analytic inquiry carried on for two month by the P epartmenl ? il oln i unjusl or wanting In plausibility. Setting aside the casualties amoi Iren, upon whi-h the report dwells a ?i. it must be admitted that petiet have been slow to adap ? - to cuirenl condition.*?. It i idle to deny this obvious fact when th of eighl or ten years ag dered. At thai time traffic of a! m New York was shockingly chaoti? ? h playing reck ? the atre? ts of so busy s towi igh, bul the cs way in which drivers ai d ? ? alike we*:i on their way wa itizena from all grea citic.? abroad. * the e) traordinary refora ? e la-1 few years. In few eitii trail i- anagemenl moi ? ? .?. New Y. ?-I. to day ai ?";.i a ? ? affic i- concerned, only s i ei ? ago th.? poli? s were helpless 1 th? ; ice, they did no! und? i how to control traffic, and when at las arned the rudiments of the- busi the drivers of vehicles refu i ? o ..[..rate. They often defied the | i imt uncommon spectacle s . M"',v. en a policema a truck di: te of affain i - fortunat? - ? learned the impor to the traffic ruli mpart those ol snj othei in ti?? world. ?London ii not ?nor? ? il lik? B country town . ay. But while- the drivi B havi ? . adapt ib? ? modern require led in the old way and are ai yet un-wil] i ?., seem still to be dwelling in age. It may well be thai tiny have than the driven ;.- mend for the drii lean ? t" comply with the sant s Sooner or later ? sary to enforce are i ipp sed to ?jovern p?'iii ? .1 bo j. ey tree! have appan ? I j m rked ?Bond? i ? ii ni j.-' ??'"". ? ?' to rnake oas "f Um streel . i res ! there will be no order end BCC?dmta will i continue ta? multiply, Mr. Brady on Woman's Dress. Prom two pulpits on Sundaj Be\. i T iwnw lid Brady dei? woman si iff rafe as "an insult to Co,!." His principal oj i ? to th.* current stieg, wai on the high gr?ond that ;t .??i effoii -if ?roman to entei s for which the I reatoi di I not intei ? ?natter als?. ,,s a question "7' ' '? ?pediency, and in this ? ' ? ere Until t- have any ham! In politic ? :>t. < ;. ? of judgment,* and bj ?if pro. ing w \ at be raiicoiirod to be "the i - I) without judgi - nougfe to aaj what th-> ? ?'? and where withal they will be ? . ; | tied. The with which ? ? ? dictum of fash? ion and oh--' In the ephemeral aai tot Lai idiot irrent is ii dicative." \> d then i"- arent on 1 :'= ?in(l ?riahed the women o? m his pul ? ' ' \. I . il them, "should a ?i areai feather- on her in id ' Dot any oti?. think they ai ; ! Imafii i the Venus of Mile ... ? ach?es If you eluded, "b< ? ou ask t < > he trusted arith the '? ' \:-.,, ethei ras a I laah ng sort a sermon thai Mr. Brady gave them, but i- was one thatffeuld have been given arith impunity onlj from a church pulpit A heckler under ?e?. fovorable would have thrown hi- words hack in Ma teeth. Why should 8 man wear a M if', ihiny ? epipe on his h<_. Io Does any 'hitik it handsome? Imagine the ,,,!? ? -.t d ' ;.u; the aboul woman's slavish conformity in dreaa the better. Women often drees foolishly, bul a* fh?-y have some Individual freedom and latitude in their f"A- ? man has virtu? ally none by comparison and dares not adapt his clothing, except in the most In details, to his personal convic? tions. How many men would be so bold ac to renn ev< tht ? ? ttls buttons they have won: for generations In the of their bs \ ; ? lustratioi of whal l"- conceives ? i Mr. Brady's sermon was Court Review Unaffected. What) tagonl m toward the new constitution has been built up nmonp* pollcemen and firemen by tin- s'i.tement that it would deprive them of court re view of dismissal tases should be resr by thi declaration of Mr, Mi ? Bteinbrink. Mr. .teinbrink was ?? nized ai the spokesma for these city t ployea in the Conatitutional Convention. He W S em that their present priv does not rest on any constitutional affirmation; thai I net constitution will -hange the mandates ?>f legialaturet and courts on ti bjed i iota, and that under '''?>*? home rule provision ? re? f local au I endes I hai g* ? ?! em? ployes the Legislature mijrht *till provide by general laws for court review o? ? municipal employ?---. The mer ? ? irt re. iew I do not < ' i ' ' ' tution shall be adopt, d. That issue rhere It has alaraya been With tht Leg il ire and the local authoril " _nj attempl to ei I : t tht ' tution on thai gi due either to ignorance or un tcrupuloui Equal Pay for Equal Woffca .un.- i i * he employ? op to the salary standardization which the Budge! ? . ighl t" be ed bj Mayoi Mitchel's insistence thai it must include raisin) o? alarles, when . us well a- cutting overgrowi That, of course, > what salar; t?ndard . contemplates; bul it Isn't what ? heads have undertaken ? , .-. at the Mayor's di ? ? m, will lie rectified. '1 in.-, city tieetN badly a revi ion of the payrolli. [1 eda the elimination oi some of ti reated foi politicians ami assigned by politic! I favoi. II to ha . o? the inflated salaries de . hi re 'he pay is com mensurate with the work done. B I II it afford, in justice and decency, to nd able employes doing ..?ork of a i ? ih!?- of being "atend? ed" with the arork of other d< part an the standard rate. It' th" thing of merit in this sal? . it is the fair and ? application of the "equal pay t - ? r equal wo . pie. That inevitably ip salariai as ?voll a< lav elling them dovm. On such a baaii only ? ? can protest who Und them ? 1 unworthy of the salaries they nff\\ draw; and for them there is not like? ly to be j7 . .thy. Hoa tsd tbs ? ??? ' ? : i I-1. : t.-ike thing - . - ?. t,u *. ? '?' Bat, then, Mr. i !hareh '.1 might A hint Blssing w 11 n h I ? What Will Tiny Fight0 ? The Triltune. Sir: il..,. -, ?? m .- ... ,1 raffrage. The ? I ? \t m Jar* Feet at tbs pells, are re orgaaii ig foi gooc*. sf it Bat what ai ted, ? up!, r. iavertebrata atti? tude . ? ??.??? hj aterleal maudl , ? ntallty of tl te ei ? Will : ??. arith open aaiad ami ; jtium, !...? ia, Italy aad Serbia srs : : ^-h t i nj_ 7 tm!I pain, as the v.omen "?' ...'?- gsialng, equality, ? ' .'i .i.ty, to fighting . i"?!i alflak ami SBt it-1 the mule voter, and those stupitl ghtly tu ra then the i.??Il..t. Two .. ? . naaka ?i light, hut tare Stupidities will nevi-r make in intelligence. ?ARGARET ASHLEY K-ik.TKi.n Hi Oet -?_, re?;, Cause for Thankfulness. 1.? lbs Editor of The Tribune. Bin Ape?pea th? pease aad preearedae * th. eharch? - srs Itesi con eting get te thank Qed that "Britai my weald, sad as all v. h it ii..? i. rytk lag ? .?-i it rURODORE MI< Hl L m teklya, Oet It, II STAND PAT NEW JFaRSEY Old Fnahioncd Ideals and Vicious El?ments Form Strange Part nerf-hip There, To th- f. ; tot ? I Tl ?- Tribal * r j u , v 44' "i?*n of Now Jar? sad ipli ' ' "'r'" ' points, ... -.- nded pel ? ' ?. .-. . ??' e political 1 sot I p_. The air.? have gaiaod bo. Imply bold, f"r ?? ahorl I tand pnt poaltioa, Hint even *li*?t In . I fur then, by powers that ou I I bring a blurb of ?bar.., to their .foCOO. Had artsdaa. sad iatall .?? ace d??waad th?* novemeat, h?.<l tn?-n soaesroad ?b ths wel? fare of ?rorkiag wasssa sad ?l eoaated chil? dren be.n ths onei to sel I "? ? ugani?t u? we rnig ? I ? ' ' A? it Is, i IghttM ' I men and " agree that i-x'iv saToii i.i isi be mads for ths of helpless hutnnnit>. for whils say S] ? mffrags aopeadi for its sil apoB thS individuals mi?! politic? that ?loon BOtOd New .Jerfev on (>ct,.t?r-r 19 grave ?l.n.?:'It io th?- -t?tc threaten?. ? rea.oa.bef a ?tory on?-?? tob! of a prurri ? | old '.arly who was told by lier fia?*oi thai ? be content n ;n-:. itatS Ifl whirl. God had placed her. ' \ .'' tl ? Bged rrea'ure ; I I ll I ?On a-in?' BBYthing .ill.".' Jersc. ' II ?lnio?t Stroms a? if tin- ??? I I ? . M'iie?? and justice will Had Neu I- rsey before lone snd in th?* moan time we ?-. "ir.<-n ef Now York mii"t work burder and i.-.?- ?".ir State from a limitar fate on N'oveni I er 'J, in?! our g-.od mr-n mu?t help u? an?! 104 that WS I..-.? fuir piny. Should we be de? feated, 1st us roallae thai prejudice ?nd old lied ideal.- arc mir W0I I IBSBaiOS ?B the Empire Stat?, i.ot fraud r.nd irjn ? (IAKU1KT T ? oMSTOCK. Brooklyn, Oet 20. 191.*.. Too Much Suffrage. To th<? Editor of The rri!ii;i?r '...?.- thai the Buffrsg? "? ,...,.. ,.,,. roar r? will gi.-?. less ?pace in vour valuable papof to Hin! tbeir activities "? Tour editorial! und report? of their camps SVS 1 ? ?-.-. - much -in th?ir favor, ' ths 11 sf ths i elemeat opposed to them, tl si been a surprise sad dlsappolBtmoBt t?? s eon reader like myself. I ?up; " ' . your policy to publish the the suffragettes write to you. but after i.iief-il rrading of them with a very fc.v ex? ception? 1 BBVe failed to find one argument n favor Ol vote?! for women. On the ron trary, each letter has ridiculed tiieir op 1 ?puent?, and in mo?* iastBBOBS ihOIVB much malieo. Do they expect t:. iaflaeaes the men 4*'.i-' rot? ?ii.'.- wan- ).-. lefa language toward t!ie women ^if their families? There are. of course, . trht fill * abe wool tO vote, i" ? will be ;,r ?idvnn'age to themselves h'.' WS judge the party by their work and their methods, . In mir opiflion, Hre rontrary to every ? '? :.! of true womanhood. No, it'? th? Hilent vote that count? and win?: it.'? the majority that win?, and the ? ?v may be trusted to lie right, el??* | great eeaatrv would boI have auuie th? 4 ? ieri'iil progress it ha?. GRACE I. STEVENS Brooklya, Oet W, ItlS. Morals, Marriages and Women's Votes. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Your corresponden?, L A. Ru?lmg, sroaes ironical in hi? questions regarding tl.ffects of Wiiman suffrage in th?- Kar .?"?st; among them Is this?: 'T? every en<* divorced?" It is cause for congratulation that so far divorce has not becom ? bb m the laffrogs itatos, bat anfort 1 there appears t?. be b drift in that direc? tion. SB ad 1res ? 'i< liverod in TobI I in this city a few weeks sgo ths Rev. B. '?'ill?, of Los Angeles, stat.',I that that ' American of all 'he large of the Halted States, having a larger native American populatiofl than any other, and yet he said family life had become ?o demoralised that there is now one divorce :r marriages in Los Angt-lea. A.? Dr. Miiis has long been a rooideal of that city it is presumed that he know? v ' be affinas, Par be it freea ma to aaggeal thai there i? any eaaaaetioB beta oes woman -sutTrago an?| th. ? Hut Il it not a curiou, coincidir ?? I -.? m the t of the suffi le this ?frOSriag disregard of :i. 1. i 1 Hem York. Oct. Si, 1916. The Pot and the Kettle. '1 ? ine. . : ? 1 tato ol ? ? fork over 1 ? b oman ?' at, lei us hope 1 ? i. be ? il ? ; ? 11 majority o! ?'? ' bj SCBtimoat, l.ut by reason: riot by prejudice, bal by logic, that ?uch an lesil not bo 1 b) "arguments" like the foil s pp sa rod in your editorial of Oe er 111 tbeir Net Jersey ' ?' It Ifl the ?he "i?!"' ?? ? ". are all the ?1 roeool y>- in 1 ;?ri.? .1 sad received the punishment which the com ? ? the proper portioa . ? er anil the coir ipl 01 ??' If yo.i .., tually believed that edil the 1 writiag 11 ye 1 ihoeld look about you and appraise the mental calihr??, ?> ?? civic virtue bi ? der? of the ?uf I' ' you t.nd ? ? . !.. political inour.*. ' B?ks, rogues, no convicted or uncu corrupticni?!? sdvocatiag woman suffr. ? PHEN P. THAYEB, Yoaki r . N. T . "? ?? 22, till Unrefined Methods. : tor of The I 1 b No better eemiBBU! could be upon the striking portrait- BB JTOUr front page to-day one ?>! ths Democratic boat ..? the other of the suffrage loader than that supplie-' on another pa-?- * !?;. the . ? Is ' girl?" ho wer? te dll lib?te :r,iw tiallots in a theatre II iae a*l make any difference how retnied people bogifl by being if the> stoop t?. win by ufir.liied methods I . . rig >4.".ir^ gtrh n itortliag eostamoi in . d 01 daagerooi : 'Hew beau':. '?'::' What kind OS .I"?'- ail til- '..). ? , I? BI BHNELL !'?.,ce hale. It. I., Oct. 19, 1915. VOTES FOR WOMEN S,,?. _,.,n,. Cri*!-*?. A'Z""""" ??*? W'"nin?" " 'hr QU","'n "' ,qUa' SUffra'" ,,Dm '"* T*-?J Contributing I.ditor?. I '? the Editer of The Tribune Bin i w'.uM like te thaal fat -!r.rereiy si m'- tads en ths suffra.?- ajasstlea. ' g Hae irle.ful reports la "The Sam Voik T:t,ie?" ef the defeat In New Jersey it ? ,-?. ,? comfort te buy yeoi*peper, kaew? ;?., thsl thers woald be is it soma words of , ? ? uragenent, I ?rn .- id tl ? "VetSS for V. omen" had Bach . ? ? ,, It Is s far big i ted by them than to ha I threagh their a ilataaee. Every good woman roald havs beea Hshiim"*-!! if thess ? for?es had favored the emise. Their Ittaeka en -.?t?man Iu'Trnge ?ad th?*ir un I'Mittinir exertions against allowing Woman to havs a rales la ths mMliiig ef laws which , tO control ths lives of her children show ? they f?-nr her. ? aalooaa honored "Votos for Women" : 'ii their big their p?treas to defeat the ,?r. andi A "machina politician" has aetaa sa : that he Worked iigainst it, not hec(?-i omen wers incompe'ent. bat be ths "mschiaes" would not be able to control lhe:r vot.s as easily as the v?,tea of the men. Men whs hate "mnchine politics" ought by ? me |f any of them are left *ho be '-:ig.>. *<? r?.?iii.-.e that esped? i istles SB ths ? <... mai need hat a that warnen i ? ?! their home? if th??> ?na little rets ifl regard to laws I eeatrel their babie? and their home? An old admirer of The Tribune, MARIA GORE SHANKS. -Ottenvtlle, Staten IslHtid, Oct. _0, 1011 Too Shocked to Argue. To the Editer of The Tribune. Sir: You have been advocating woman suf? frage Thnt la your privilege and no one has i right to object. When, however, you at? tribute th<* overwhelming defeat of woman mi fr.-/?' ii New Jersey to the bosses and the "liquor ring." I am moved to question the of your statement. I hu ? sen eeaseiona of the influence upon my individual action of a bo.?, or a '? qaor ria/r? :>'??' meet of my seqaalntances, fur as I have been able to leurn, ?ike myseit, toted _i;a:r?-' the suffrage BB-SBdment, and 1 'have ns doabt that then srs theusaada liks u- If ths !" 18? - and ths Iitjuor ring were actively working sgainsl the cau.e the) '..i doabt mads ths majority of the satte larger, hut I am convinced that the better ele nu tit carrirtl the flection. Fty "fetter ele-' tuent" I mean th? people arhe de set hang around saloon* and who src not under the control of h" ?.-'??. When about to enter the poll* last evening I am a Jer?<"ymani f was aecos'ed hy woman, who invited me to stop and talk w her. If I had not already been irrevocal Opposed to .'.oman suffrage the incul'-itt wo; hivt. terasd me against it. The idea B_ I w.fe or Mat? i- or daughter seCOStiag stmr BBSn for SB) reason whatever, OS harangui ? men in the .*. '"? aheekiag to me, arul I mors I ksivs ,-,*ii and heard el aromes n t ? , . ? a more spps ' t *" their ha ag rel : hecome. H A HEWITT Out of His Own Mouth. To the Editer of The Tribune. ( : I an; qaeting the following cxc-rp from an art ids given out by Jam?s K N gent, who led tho anti suffra-*-. tight in N* Isreey. "New JoTBSy leads off in tn* light for ?ai government and na'.onal politr.-s, the pun of the home ai?_ the protection ?>f her WOS ,/,| Women in 'he home and BOt m po . women the greatest moral force in t| . en ' OBwealth, the protector and g . their children, I? what New Jersey votei stand for." 1 real,-.- .1? not think Mr. Nagent cou! have written a ?'rongep argument for w-oma suffrage, although thot w-as no*, what h meant to d". He Is like nine men out of tea they all admit that women tiro''1'-' 'he purit of the home; that they are the greatest mon S, and that it 's th??ir infl.eii.e ths gni.|?M children properly, and je- the) del 'h?-r-i the 'i..- greet era] of esertiag ? fluenrr. t.. s. SCHLESINGEB Mea York, Oct. 20, No "Womanly Woman" Want Vote. To the Editor of The T?ibune Sir: Three cheers for Jersey! I am prou< of my nativo state, which las voted agains the monster of woman suffrage. If the women would attend to their homei and families matead of flying over the coun try in automobiles decorated with th<>ir co! ors atul making speeches in the streets, th? country would be far better governed hy tin men sad there would be fewer divorces What they vunt any more rights for I do not know. Surely no womanly woman would want to he represented in the government, and they aroald muddle things most heaatifally by la t-rfering, as they usually do. Yellow, which msaas Jealousy, is a mo . appropriate color. AN OLD-FASHIONED AMERK AN, ' New York. Oct. I'D. 19If. What Defeated Suffrages To the Kiitor of The Tribune. Sir: What defea'rd woman .-tuffraje jr New Jersey 1 Wilson that'.* all. ED. E. TERRY. New York. Oet, 2!, 1.1.. To ?he Rdttet of The Tribone. Bin In your e . Itei si of .;,.;, morning I detect a d pas tien to credit th* machine,,? ths political part m with ths victory > Seo it, <*y A* a cor.-ar.t reader of The TftS for over fifty year? I have letrned to rsase? It for its strati ...- ., ru. ? sad Its setter! But I ? ? < thst ths rssall ?f tht ? asl si ,.. Iff, lersey ? laaaawsrahle sa sa md?. "??hip , rleariy against aoi ? , . tri(j th?t ^ f It te jsnart any da. ., ,.;. r. except, _- - ? ?na, they h. ? New -HT [On Oetobei 'The Tr..-;-e ., ,.. torially: Hers women should vo'e expr.??ed th? r ei>r'. v.r? .on or; *'? - i I? OSe on wh:<il it difference of .pintea, r fair te ??-ten?, . er te seist tha . lt metete *&. chine mad?* " They Don't Have to Vote. To the Editer "f rbs Tribune S.r: I read reg.larly and admire greet!, your paper tl p*f, ^ your sper-?l . . ? . , gthefalgj wonder is na'i.ra' Here . t,. ?t a -run iBf t irk, Acht? ln ear. tturea of tht women who .re - ? ?i ? pn\pjp. suffrage." accomps- raaai of matter exploiting 7he r oppea Hob, I ?m more. _ wonder why in th? aaaM ??er _.artn %? hea axp aiaed am that they will set be affected in the tl ghteet i?t??? by ths aurcess of woman taffragS They may star away from the poll- if they want to, hUaa their d* ar hearts' Do tell them ab?. , FORREST A. HFATR. Rrdgeport, Corr If 1915. A Question of Time. To the Editor ef I I i : Thank you alacersly for ye-;r Hi tonal in rhia moralng'a Tr:hure, "Those Wht Celebrate." There ? a* ? a leffraga worker er a ?? "i . tea' vM'h such foe? is in ita^lf a half rie tory " It is now saly a quettio. o' time, an. while we realize that it will "tsks a littl? mor?- ' IBM tr.'ght ht r,eee?sary elsewhere, there it no doubt at tt i! outcome ELIZABETH CAITO, Somerville, N. J, Oet It, ItU. POSTPONING THE INEVITA? Votes for Women Sure When 1 understandings Are Cleared I ? Editor ef The Tribune. Sir: Before procei I ag t.? comment 01 ?' "T. !'." ? it is interesting to : hut the only anonymous letter among I published 'his morning irai ?Iso the ; nti-suffr**ge onei I want to thank yot: ?our editorial "Postponiag the laevtta leriag the of the oppo?i illy Ib Esses Couoty, the suffragis New Jersey have done ipiead dly. Of coi ? ?? defeat there is s disappaiatmeat V ? that ;t will have muck influence in York. We are not under the necessity Iof imita?ing any one. And now for "T. P." The first questi. should like to ask the gentleman is wh; Imaginei we have iastitated 'he secret b? system in this eoBBtrj 1 The plausible rei . boeauss ws feel that no one has say r ,to know how hi? neighbor voten. I foal q ?.-lire that if a itTTOnger oskod me how I to vote 1 ihould politely tell him thfi Bo, in all pre billty, would "1'. P." How, then does he . demand thai suffragists should tell What they Will do with their votes when ? i;.'t them0 The seeoad question 1 should 1 ? ? - lie is under the ? ii that when an immigrant goes to t OBt his BOtaralisatloa papers he is a what hs ' '"do with h.s vote when I it! ProhibitioB soeau to be the thiag prlnelpelly troubling him. Peeling precis ?i? he dee- about that "sBcieBt and gsn? .nioai swindle," I recentl* vent to so i?. .-..? together ?lain on the ?ubj? and I found 'hat woman suffrage has hod i lolutely nothing ?hii'i-'.ir to do with 1 - i.f prohibition in any state. I coi ? net I -i --. 1.1.7 i' woul'l m? this latter toe loag, sad snl ibis, if "T P ... ;.i ,.-; - i, ,. i ..... ,\ ail ration No II of the Una Bi :'r,i;-" A?. ?? ??!!, he '.'?:!', - ! .. proof whi ' bil mind at reat on this score. I am .to take a leal out of ? . ol u frlead of miae sad tell a litt i - - i ?! . -n one of I os piekel g the g'-e il tlike a year or tWO ago, and ?? of the soaveraatloB ??sked 1? i ?he believed in wobsbb luffrage. -.! th?- girl, "I doa't It's ? !''???? ?: the null. fa I BBd what we women nee ??' SBtOfl ' ;i there on upper Tr'ifl 10, what do 'hey kBOW sboUl lift SOl to have the \ ? ? ? "i ?:.;. fl SB ! S a? ',. ? '?!>? from appef Fifth Avi'i.i ? e a*lie ques-;.>: . "No," era ths reply, "I dea*, believe I woman luffl?sgs. It's all rlghl for DM, i I'vs been to toUegc sad itudied p? economy, an?! I know rhal I'm abuu Bu1 ? ant women ,! v.-. th rP on th ? East Bills srhal de they know obos ... tical scoBomyl They're toe ignorant t ? JAMES R. KFKNK TAYL01 New York. Oct. 2'?, : Suffrage Advance in New Jersey ? s Editor of The Tribun ?. Sir: Woman laffragc dsfsated ia Ni Not a bit si " v. ,? hOVS no*, j " ?jrosped victory, but what _ wonderful ad I WB have made' Next time we .-ha! . win, an?! as the constitution of thl an be amended once in live years, the ttoa need not wait very long. To the yooagOf women the delay may re trying. It III not pleasant to any of u-. Hut we older | workers, ??ho have a longer perspective, re IjelCS to see the won.lcrful change tha* has . -'ii piece in the last ->?.of years. . - ago ?inee the ?late as ? ? *T?'rt to amend the ii'ns'.itut.n. There were other amendments ??ml we ?ought to have a very modest une submitted restoring to the women of the rural districts the right to vote for >chor truste?.- We already possessed that of vol Tir for taxes, bonds and all other matter connected with the schools except the trus tees. We were also and still are eligibl t<> ?cr\e a- trustees if elected by the rotOS I men. Many have so served in th state of New Jersey. Hut even this little .ehool suffrage amend nient was turned down, and turned down han especially in the cities The country district had tried school sucrage for women and the knew that it worked well. In that year 189- few men in New Jer-e believed in giving full suffrage to wrmen, an BOW more than 115,000 have voted to do so What a splendid growth of the sen.-e of jus tics and fair play this show-,! Soon the wav will ri-e ? little higher and sweep them, th machine politicians, out of .?ght. In th man we give our heartfelt thank, t the ll?.iiOO men in New Jcr.ey who voted t ? us. FLORENCE HOWE HALL. Honorary Pre. nier.! New Jersey Woman Suf frage As-, t ition. Oct. -JO. 1W-. Let More Women Work! To the Ktlitor of The Tribune. Sir: I am one of those women who hav? Misved auffrsgs iaevitaktej I still behev so, but It is evident that it is not so imrr.e diately inevitable that the cause can effort -ueh supporters as I I am one of those wh. have left it te the wom-n who had time an? money and surplus energy to make th?3 tiftht It is because 1 believe that there are thou aaada ef other, like me that I write this letter. 1 am convinced that even the corrupt an? the antique-minded could not have produce?. -Uch a result unless a very large number Si men hail been honestly convinced that a ma jority of women did not want suffrage. I think v?ry great numbers of men voted as II ..eemeii to them that the women wanted then to vote. The time for fighting will not come to u* Sgsin tor many year?, hut in th>- meantime l a _ all s'],-_ d igraesfal aaffragists as I ? nie in delag What they can to remove a srreng impression from the minds ?.f men who are wiiiing Lo "give" women the vote "if they want it." In join the party, to Wear lome emblem at all tisses sad seasons that --hall impress upon the brains of those \vl . see it h .-.i.s- aatly recurring of a tot to he abandoned or forgotten. Let the daj ? f? lewtag this '!'-fcat see an im ? ? increase m membership in the suffrage orgaaisatloBa ef New Jersey, anil let ?t be - nal for thousands of yellow bu'tons in apacei ?ia homes, offices, factories, on tne -tre.ts, In the theatres sad in churches at ail tlm? I ari. 1 seasons, ui.d not to disappear fot levee yesrs. This geaeratiee knows what persist, nt. eentlaeeua sdvertlsiag *vill do for a hasiaeeei it trill de it for a cause. [ bel??-ve that it is only necessary for women to convince men that a sufficient nutn ber of them earasstly traat ths vote. I, for BBS, am SShsmsd, >?nd 1 think there must be - like BSS busy anil poor who ha\. not ?'one thsif part because they were too .-.lie. There ia a long and fru.tful i saaac- ah sd. GERTRUDE CARNWELL ROPEINI Craafrrd, N. J., Oct. if, till. "The Crackle of Thorns." "lo th'- i ditor of The Tribune. Sir: Why do the "antis" acclaim the New JersS] rssah as a glorious triumph? Ten per cent change in the sentiment of the electorate would have placed it in the SSJVal -UtTra;-?- sts'c- forever. This victory holds it only until the 10 per cent ia : come. What ether cause has shown such strength or it- first test? Imagine anti-slavery hav? ing made such a record. And yet anti -luv ery legislation wed not nei-essanly tine!, lt could he revoked. Hut who of the "antis" has not argued that eafraaehisiag the women is an irrevocable act? And they exult on a ten per cent margin! "The crackle of theres." KIMBAI.I. O'HARA HrookUn. Oet _'_. l.l.Y A QUESTION OF JUSTICE What Women Would Do with Vote Is Beside the Mark. To the K-litor of Tkt Trhune Sir: I want to thank The Tribune for whi* it has done and il doing on behalf of OBBBB suffrage, and for thi? -T'>ri forum to vhle? v? may all come. While no or? object! '.? t" honest "anti" cplnlon, I sm sorry ts abuse of The Tribune's ho?pr..i!;ty by wist "antis" who seem to think it re.nfore?? their po-itioi: to ridicule women ar'. *r.i?rcpr?i*r.*. them and the facts Mea ar.d bslss? up prttty well, I imag * thst hi? been my observation. If ?ome women ?r? foolish, heartless, vain, lick jidgment, H? .-motional, you will f.nd msny women un? generous and Jt?>t, selfless ar.d calm. Jar. as you will flnd human imperfection? ?s4 lack? ir men. and cher men nismfeiting tkt h:irher qualities. Woman hs? no monopoly?? human weakneise?. for, after all, every worn? l.a? a mother nr.d a father, ?nd ??'try ma? hns a father and - mother. No SeOOibls BUB Will be hoo-lwinke?! for? minute by those porsoaa "? womu in general, because ?11 of then ? 111 from the question. The question I? , .. ? Mj ?? men in New Jer-ey in ?ectsrlag f?W *omi? suffrage ?aid: "It is a violation of the pris ciple of democracy to deprive soe-holf of tb? s ths 1 tvhieb they live, the ; 1 ?? pilled to - ion " rh? - ? ' ??'<*? f the 1 rite,! <?:.'? - .mm??*? derive their just pokers fr-.m the content* the gover* ? On- forefathers declsred that ? c without repre saUtioi ?nd n* ? ,?11, ?o bow! fa it it? 'hat th, taxpaying sromOB ?hall have novo.? n h..w her BOBO) ihall be e?p?nded. Am? ?an ?IB SB, :.orn Bad ' _\ ? ' I badge Of CM 52S raes here ba * ' _\\ :' , -. ? w ?? ? ' tbat. and I say thia without In en) ? J ing to deprivi ?" lege, because ,n my 0? n fsmilj sre m"1? . and they are g too. Bol let American BS ' h# um priv.iige. _.., ,.n bave don.* with ? - am whethe? they use it, what ?ta. t JeZ vheth.r any Isrge numb? ? SBBl Ussy need It, whether ' ' ? '* women, whethor iadlrecl laie 1 ? ?] potent than direct BOOO of tl ??J t,r the mar ??" ?I r-'' ' '."9 on th? que tiOO, ?ithOUg* 1" '"'> \ .toaos the prepoade?. ? '??* J ngsintl these arguments ?nd in f-">r women voters. . _, JUst that mother?, Ifl ttt,?J daoghura shall b? *n> ** Idiots, Insaae a- -I criminal* ' 1, ii just that where men are concerned ? ?Tamil .? "the \atnat the ????"??3 bottai." -nd whoi ? "-<? ^,*a .4, are toid of the "terrible meres* .? th. cost of election-.' * . !? "taxation without "'?^'.^???ta |, H ju-t that one class shall ^?"Z ?.other class: Women are bom?' *??_?> + ? now the need? at homo and dild'<?? tarn ar? the providers; their interest, arc ia m> w"rld oi h'' u n .?i!l be ten b ,t just that woman ?*????" ^ TJ ,,,,:,.,, to sceomplUh the leg.??m? *"? sphere thrOOgh indirection' Woold -^ o sailing reeeel ?round Caps Berate ttma San PraaeiSCO. or SO overland ttatOT lio let ... have the us, of th??"??S don't coi pel BS to take ^e sa-.l-nsj-^ ?a- ma] g?t there es the ?eiheg _~**ji think of the effort, time. WOO* .ne?? ,oorg>, which should be put to l*ttor ?J. , baveatway. bad a soi? m- ?^3 for The Tribune, as it is ?? r> ^ , paper I ever read, and I continue IS ?? l'"K?. legulat reader , A BELIEVER IN ULTIMATE 41 ^-ll* Nev?. York, Oct. 19, 191t?. ^^*****1 ?