Newspaper Page Text
WITH PLAYS, IT IS THL SURVIVAL OT I THE raCHASTENED WOMAN" is sill I i HASED T?iL WITTILSl Fred Niblo Is a Plain and Fancy Trail-Hitter Hollt-day He I*- -Merely Living Up to Hi* PtMt, Which Has Bisen Bounded by the North and South Poles. B) G] K \l I MW ? 1 ' ' I ' ? ? ' ? ' ???m fou s? ?..neou? ?' i Deleted 1 ? eased 1 ? ? accept s - . ranee t' . .. ' - ? ' - . - ' .hOB r?. ! arriv? ai.?,! ? - ? p ? - ' ' i.ager didn't i .-. Il melodrnn ? turn? thru I m an h ge?! help - ? ? ur? on t me the ? ? - ' time in Loado I ? .-.-??? - ? "In : ? - '? ?curcelv a sq -? ?. of Afl - ?.- l!l /.Ulli'.-. . rounds Asia. Europe, an : - ? . ri "way u:' : novel ' in "t . '" lleve, ur? th only rla<e? I ha the sad .* m.icr. 1 : ?? f.r i?? h ; ? ' "You ?] ? ' ree year? ir ?? . ? s es ? ?m month? . ? ? theatrical In Hai .... 'Wall i layed thirteen I thing ' ? : ? i | .. ? ?' ? end. when ? tre?. * - OSSS, three line ' -? ... ? In the Some day, ?a; - go back an i lian ? strike their Holl ? ? Ight Hear! ? th? be IT to h thai Fred N'iblo 1 last drop ever; . go, Lydia Lopokova Seeks to Find Fame in a Bandbox .. , .; DR] ? -' RANG. In. Yerno: S $1, earning t i ?g his l eei a mu ? ' ? t to the 1 ? . i ? ? I hap ? ? ' ' a? she So, no, ?k n w a play ' ? " - ? ? i It was S ? ?' at ?he '??urinj. I now ambl-1 : I ? k I layer? who oc x Of ci ? . s aided me very much in ur- i ? .. of these dsm ...... ? ? IV? ' n? ths fill-'-, i r ' . - 4. I ,? veil ii i i..'. to Baal ? ?.1 say 'Dja. lid you pronoui tei ? . i.-. ?..'. ' " laid Mil Lope kovn, ''..?? ? ? ? ? pence in th? ronun I pert ear of the ? ? ? itch it. ? -uit cracker? for .th nn ini nd prepared "How did you pronounce 'Johnnie'0" lly. i ? GALA FRENCH PERFORMANCE Will Be <.i?en al the Metropolitan N?.\?mher I. \ ? for ?lie ? ' I Frat? rn.'lle? d? ? ' I ? ' ? ? ' ? en one a? | ' ' ST NICHOLAS TO OPEN luiiii,?1' Maj Skala Batardaj and I !.. r? after. ? ? ?ature are pi show i ' ' '". ice. also he :. ? ' i Triangle Film Company. HOLMES AND ELMENDORF Roth To Be Heard la Trarelegaeo Next Month. 1. .? | lorf will pier. ,|e liur ton Holmes into New York thi? BOBSOB. Mr. Elm? I ?rf will he hesrd at i'arne gia Hull on November 7 and 8, and then on t. . .?day even aad Mot d Hi topiea a ,i! be "The Bril the G - ! OUI I,Oloi, "Holland, from i ? Held ? ' ? ,i. m lloli . ? i , , ? Hi? ' \ el loa it ' 'i ' "SHERMAN W \s RIGHT." liait* Il??iniiUiJi and Jeun ?jhdljy in new play at the Fulton. Drawn by Lambert Guenther, at the Thirty i aatre. Old Fi ms and New on the Screens This Week ??i, i of the Ain" s Gril fi th spsc! ' " **??" for i?dep? . . :. an Ii ee "souee for t!ie goose, ssacs for th<- ca? der," ?.-.." ami ta ... ? ,. ? ip the c nibinu ? i lye announced foi ? ? nine BBd all the Ki ? rbocker Theatre, The Griffith eontributioB is th? fir?'. !.i:u i leys . the Triaagl? ?rill present. Ed , ? me a motion picture ma ?.ml I'J! teach moie blati i. ? ates than instractors ami text books cob drill lato the mia?ls ol pupili ,:; a month" beeomei reality in ??li.i- Martyrs <?'. the Alamo." The Of 'he combined Bale sion ??? - i sloBghter of th? de ? I BBd th?- response of ? ? "Remei r th? AlamoI" ate faithfully reproduced. in "Matrimony" Jolis Dean dieplays i? qualit?. of comedy with her ?roll :...? :.? As a wifl loeiag the love of her husband. arouKO? his ? tl I ItOl v te r , ?.., . g Howard Hickman |l the nd; i helms Baiter, tbe gi haired little girl who is ?o pleasiag in last week'? "Ths Disciple"; Louis? Glaum, recalled OB the "vampire lady" with Dustifl Fiiriium in the open?,' |] '!. JtarbridgS complete the supporting company. rd Sterling sad Rosees Arbueklc ?ne featured l'y Mack Bennett la "Hi? l sther'i l' ol tepi ' sn i "Fickle Fatty's se 1 squstic seeaes emphasize the laufh i rovokiug situation? of The play? BegiBfliBg this afternoon William Fea will preSOBt at ths Academy of Music for four days hi.? first detective moviflg picture, "'ihe Pautily .st?u::," ? ilnptej from the mystery story, "The Widow Le Bouge," by Emile (Jaboriau. I ? ? dei ich P? i ? . ?? ? miimbereo** ?* hov ? g Biads ?i notable lucceoa in "Dr. the leadinc part. In - ipportina eompsoy ar>- Bisar dCB, .?alter Miller. Stephen (?ratton. 1 srejr Lee and 1'ixie Compton. The photodrama was produced for William i ? | '?'. Davis, Resident? in the vicinity of the Will ??m Vox Rhrereide Theatre, s1 Broad I way ?nd Ninetj sixth Strict, are ?ageriy swaitini the ihoarlag si plsyhouss to-day, to-morrow, Tuesdaj and Wednesday of the phot???!rama "The Soul of Broadway," for eue of its big ? ci ?.. them epportunitv ?,f SCOiBg themselvoC OB the screen with Valeeka Baratt, it? ?tar. r. and Mr?. Vernon Castle me ap peariag si the Globe I ? "The Whirl of I ?'.>." They nre seen in this motion tun Monday at'ernoor., bob, Thursday after sftaraeoB BBd B ?: Tlie I . ttefl by Veraoa < ustie. Pricea ore PatS tO II. Hoher* B. Mantell, one of the for?* "f dramatic art, ??ill - icreen debut Ib the w Of William FOB at tlit- Academy ?if ber 1, ?le ?ill !.,. lap ported by Mice OobovIovs Hamper. "'I he Bliadi.? De - ? < ??" i.a- beoB ? ? ? i*il as the vehicle. Blanche Ring-, the popular musical |y ??tar. will make debut as a h roen artie.-s ut the Stran?! Th( " 1 be I Sakee liirl." hii adapta t on of her great musical comedy ?uc ? < 4?, will ht the main feature. The Aim ptoduetioB was naoe by the Oil vit Moroses Photeplej I ompaay, sad I by a 1 irri-st Stanley, Herhn-t Btanding, n Daviee, Harry Kisher. jr., Robert I>un ! ..i. Joe Ha> sad Si d .i< Gn 4 i swly arrived lo' of Kuropean ?ar be shown, u 11 h event?, in the Topical I! The musical programme, pre?en'<d an? der the d rection of * arl Kdouarde, ii , i varied gad interesting one. "The !<ir!i of a Kation" mu-; tl-. I.iher!. Theatre, ?vhere it be^ri runnii . for thirty-sis ... . ? iigi ? : :'u! narra tloBS ib America -?i te the opening an?! '.' u f the eai The great battlefields, the ssss ? on ?if i. acola, the lurreader of Gei Lei i ? .1 l "i-iiit(ox, ar.d the thrilling svi i.* - m Ki? h -? ttled th? i leitiei rd in ths flni .'. ery i?sUc? ar ng of thi sal Iob late ere the in?.'1' lights m th.- f. "The Bat! mmo inre .! Stasrl Blacktoa'e vividly dra? matic picturiaB?ion of the bombard ment am! eaptors ol Neu Iforl. i.) tal invading army, continues successfully j h we? k "f unin i ri t jr. ? hsrlt ? Rit 'm- ? ling man oi the produi ? _msri? ean I New York, who . | and dt ? I i-, ? I heavy artillar) and wofully short of nil ? . . ? ? h ,1 u and ravage ? ?? <'-i their mart li inland toward Marguerite ''.nie, who play- the part of a Trii ut-,?- Reporter in "llmv Molly Made Good," a Kuleo Feature. ; eitles of *h'- M ? before the tl h- ? Ret . rment of "The Chiea?, war picturt next Str? ? - ent;- ,- . ha? h.-en interrupted, In thai i i Baturdai ?mil I over to "Tl a Gei of the war," precis? I for four ? 're to rapar - Desalts the ? iltated In securing UlOSS VSI .re will be ?re;,?.- m t he -,. ,li oi Proctor's. ngagemcal will signali/e tl sf the German war piel I the I'roctor scale of p| . The <'?*' i ? trian War 1 I l'i/.e for ti ? Ralph Bunker in "The Girl Who ?.mil-.." ATTRACTIONS AT BROOKLYN HOUSES "Kick In," "Song of Songt" and German War I ??ins. With Richard Ben'netl Rsrrymors, "K Will play a Snt it r*a Shubett Theatre. "Kick In." written hv V. drama of the crook highly aueesaaful in New York Is I son. Soi it of Songs, ' Eduaid S don'? decidedly free adaptation of the Sudertnann novel, will be the sttrat tion at. the Montante. Irene Fei Thomas A. Wise sad Cyril K< lets of the original EltingS 1 tre cast continue m the company. The Majestic Th'-ntr,- \\ for a wees Its .how "The Chicago * "The Gsrman Bids of ths War." Tl a picture- show ths Germsn army a* close range, and hBVS I i eity that thi ?? r i ; in several theatres. The vaudeville bill at the Pr< will contain T. Roy Barnes and !:? Crawford) in "The Magasina as I.a.iv"; "The Bride Shop.'' a ED comedy ; Courtne) ? si es; Ots Gygi, Spsnish rlol Maurice Burkhard:, in "The Hut, . '? ' killer entsrtsinment"; the Bar. Fsmily, trick bill monta sad Meehan'a Dogs. Dorothy Jsrdon, in son m ; Mae? Rosier, m "Married." anil Eddie Leon nnl will top the Orpheum progr Othera will be Al Herman, hi ickfscs co? median ; A-, ..;i ' loi isdy Fear, in " I New Tcsehsr"; .lack Wystt and his h lada and Isssies, wh tfield and Ireland, >7i "Ths Belle of Bing Irene ami Bobbie Smith sad tin? Dsnc lag I.a Yars. ? Gsrtrads Hoffmann end "Sumarun" ' will move for the week to the Mu.h wlck. AWo on the hill will be "i ran berriss," a .ketch; i',i!"t!-.\ Toye, dou? ble*, "ii'i'ti -inger; Wil in "Nearly a Pianist"; I atharin? Hayi Hntl company, in "A NOW I Burns ami I.\r.p.. with dances, and the Flying Ms] IN BURLESQUE HOUSES . orial Maids at I'nlumlilu Said To BS Sensational. The Columbia ThsatlS will offer what il desei !?> - a- "' i "i" show :-i barlssqs i " 1 ha i ? ..i!i| any la Km"..n a- "The dj the al ira ai a G * ta 1 ? lied us "?: demo:-?." Th.. COmpS [iri:-,,-i| ala ' ..i mer ine ? ?. R Fsnnia Jewell, Matty - i : Jsek Pillard. "The Frailes of l'.'l.." will he 'he .,' ?i l??ng liai of well known bar!? imiei cast. Aninn? thess : ? Con? .. l-'rnnk wsssoB, Ray Montgom t;-. Anna Henley, Era Lewla SI ? ? Ryan Th? Hawaiian Trio and R n Travis, sthlste, will he added ires. I ?.? t? burlesqnea, "AI P i and 'TanamH I ? t| i G il i ? ' I ( :.,i_'s 'Hin.- Ril ??. Girls." it, fompany are Les Hickmati. S.imi i, Ruby ill- >, Sam \\ inro. , . Sommers and Sam Allen. Loew's American Roof. Frank Ru?h. reputed the world. teller. Will he the r' .meriean Roof the tir.t three of ths wset l M? i ra will t.e Baehn . ?mpaay In "Blind Man'? Ruft - a '?'? B Coat i and i in "Married Bl robata, and I gramme s 'Ai ' mr [lingers and Elliot! sa I . Mullen. Wilde Play in German. , OSCBJ1 Wiltie's comedy. "Her Ideale (latte," will he produced by Rudolf I Chriatlaas's company Wednesday even? ing at the Irving Place Theatre Arnold Korif will stage the play (it ?I will h1?<> I play Lord Goring. Jenny Valiere will I appear as Mrs. Cheveley and Kichard Anna Held, Younger Than Ever, Tops Palace Bul Returns to Stage After Absence of Eighteen Menthe^ Ev< lyn NV-^1-it Moveg to ill*" Alhambii? ' ubowska ??I the ( olonial. ? play al I ti ? ? ' ? '? ? ' ?? faaav V J < '"* ?aeehi ls-m ' MM. 'm ' ? B O?a" ? ? Kraut - - ? U r? ?lack (JH. ? A.jaaj! tr't aa? *' ?triaj .. StSml ...? . (?. - ,'. ? " '? Perra ,' im to Ut, ing protiej ? "h?* intr ? - ' ? Kamll. ? ?'?'.<??. h latlf. ' ''? offer rf n natt?; AI tU . o c.-.p.r?, 140* ' ?g ?oai . i -? h.iifllsir 11 eer. who ii ? '? Th? dim ? iarfs* -. Iti. ii char. ?* Hurt ?rill ? (isyiogs") -. Will p!|j? i wer? k C?k, ri y Orinl ' iTltSBt1 le ir-.tii; i pltylit; -'- ?nt? Lall -...C<4 *!M |f> - ?'? a "ABE AM) MAWRUSS." Julio '??'rw' I it wil ? Robert ?"hiltern. rill bs 11 ' i Willy Frey sad H Vaudeville at Plaza. ? i which . ? hown. "S .!?? Si ion ? ? ' I :. Opera Singer in Vaudeville. ? ?' ? She ' VI tit I, ' Edwi i NEW AMSTERDAM Mon , Nov. lit. . riti To-mor w 9 A. M. KiAW & ERLANGER will pr?tent AROUND THE MAP i ? \ I IN' _ I 10 ?*.-I VBLt Of 12V CARNEtHE HALL. Sat All., Or?. 30. at 2:30 Ulli M'SCHA ELMAN ? i .... troll h. Hall u i ?. Vl.LIS Kt-lflL BOURSTIN V, . ,i, II ill I. ? -.! V.i *.,., in it .1. pov: a "frisch .... ?ft Mr DONAHUE I i -i t- :: m a i'harltoa. \| III I \N II \l I . -I I. '< S ?__, ??aA?VERYL \ x, ,,i i _n u m i i .. oh. te. at alia RODERICK WHITE a M -. . ,. e t ?'* ? ,11 I i' ? I . L GADSKI _ Uolaava H?' . >?.HK -"^ " -?*?- * I.. ,tl .1 I ? Mine. !? _ to I.' Ma.i.a?!-i'i?n? I_o_?l-_ Charlton .... . ,M?**f _ , _. ? ? ? '??? " SRI HAL MIT ILlCTIpB II?? *2Jj?L 5TH RECORD BREAKING WEB um Ja$ Prices ???i TO-MORROW NICHT /j liillMH^ C-nslata . | '''ViVh?'?." T^DAY--28lFt^?fVILLLC?-NCttl_ V^JITI.Trr_T7_ THEATBI - .??2 _____!____. ..... Prices v v TO-MORROW NIGHT .'V ELWTV A t*?>V ? IN?! ?? mm i.*?e" ? ! K i-1. i .act. STANDARD THEATRE !? TO-DAY al 3 P. M. & 8:30 P. M? :\.i. ,\ LABI is I i B ?til > I?*} WORLD FA-HH.-? COH.l.trOB. Ci.h -?i rru p REATORC. And His Band of M Mme^M-?A BEHr-ABO. Se r^ 1000ScaUal25c&50c err*r tfj iissi\..r.iWOXAV k /|1 ? J 7? P_0D. s-ssssasak-j I?! ___J_____Fl <?? ^??"?il * r * ** TO-MORROW NlCjlT i\a , k-*lu: u-r-? '."-_*L_-i-?b t ililt-Mf^-! :^a?. 1 WKU AO-LAIOl I**1** .1 -?IN TO-DAT? Co_l.____ V?W-_