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in U. S. NAVY LEAD THE WORLD, URGES GARDNER Presen. Plain Too Weak to Match Great Britain, He Warns. ST1 ? NGTH SHOULD INSURE SAFI n rs Other than Bureau Chiefs Shonld Be Heart?, sa\s Baj State Member. eon ? ? ? - ' ? ' ) . ' a ? - -, . ? ' ? ' ? I ' ? ^iiii . re Eafoli I I"!' i ^ BJ ? ' ' ' I ? ? ' - ' ? ? ? the n? s In ni ...... ? ? - ? - - ? h th? lepei f i ? , ? ? . ? ? i i?? . \ ? ? ? Boi . ... twenl ? Il ' ' da O f. I rea ? ? ? ? therto < ? ' I ? ? lion appti? Man*. Misled. He *-n?> ' ? . tl ? hti ??**? -, . ? ? ?.. ? ? II l| ? - I ..... , .. ? ? y ?it ? ' ' ? ? ' ' - ? ' ' ' \ ' Real \ii if the Rear ? i ? ?. recen! ? ? ? ?. S. SEAS TRUST TO HANDLE TRADE Government Joins Ex? porters to Protect Neu? tral Cargoes. BlM.Mi.SS MEN S..L REDFIELD New Company Will Operate I ik? i Ik Netherlands Device Open t" All Shippers. Plan? f?.r ? ids of the I nit? 'I . trust ' omp .' ;. ci I. I?. ? nterfl rence " re SBBOOBCCd I Itiel'l of the ?i.psrt ? ? . 11" ? i i , partn i I. \ , of the Department of and il nu.-: . any. will be i \ . ? ?. i sou i real < . ? ndle the Atnei . . ? , . . ,,? Holland Sec i! while It would m no aieal m gonizal on nor the govern? ment, n close 1 ? m en I - of the ... operatiOBl a ers and neu To Shield Vent ral I nnimerre. r? fa i ;. I II Bl . woold sssurs the Euro] eon ? aient? e4|,,,--, g heiliger? ecre tary Redi I I re I ? . that II 1 list port e be I and officer! ho! the opei. ?'.-/ impart il ? p Mo ?Uli. ial Heeoenitiiin. "TK s??l?t ?II "? \ ? ..... .. ? . ? ind it ? . ? ? ... p n." " ' . .... . . slresdy have be? n meats of and Ra?ala A i ' .... s gives by I'nited Bl ? ASSAILS PREPAREDNESS In. r. .1 .intr .nut and Ifovy a Step B ?i ..ward. >.:? a Dr. M. II Hirrl?. raen, i I - - ? Vf. H. II "It ha? I.e'ii S ? ?.??,?? ' " '"'"' '??* ? ? . ri.,, at largo ** ?j t' Al w? have ir' ,, ,., ?.assre toe? t .,,. . ' .r. ' P.ta. la ic? o?-1 m:\\ n , i*?.. Hoar. r * ?r . |PMl ' ! 3R* Au?a-jfUl.: . ' ' ?* .'.,^-*? i\ I ya??, *?^aW??'^XirVH ~" ! - --^A^?N*' The Final Wonder of the Phonograph ? -^laying it yourself WHEN some great mast? ?/w?? music ?i his violin, /*?* feels a greater joy even ?tir own, for you .ire?only a er. Would you thrill to those music strains as /?( does, and fed a r.ipturc jome? thing at least, approaching His own? Pur a record of lus hud the Vocation, that marvelous newe t phonograph which allows ?o :Av yourself if you wish. Press the wonderful Gradu?la device and ?give vourself up to the musk '? Under vour pressure comes harmony which p nds to every shade of your music-feeling. Now it softens to a sigh ol tender beauty. Now it swells till the contrast thrills with its very quality *>t lije. With one record you the sensation o? the violinist, and another a flutist, with .1 third a singer? and so on through all the joyous range of music ?beauty. You are getting a pleasure never attained in phonographic art "till the \oialion came." You are hearing these waves O? swelling tone ?ndullfd, unmufilcd; fur new ?nventi.-m in sound pro din tion and sound preserva? turn have (jimiruted all tone clouding, all ?metallic qualities. Ihus you listen to vital, rounded tone developments new to the phonograph, even while you are experiencing an AEO?ANyOCAUOS n ..??? h s 150 ? $N -. indescribable music-joy by seeming to play each instrument itself. Ol course, you need not play the Vocahon ?far from it. It will play of itself each record exactly as the record stands, if you prefer it that way. It will, however, voice richer, sweeter tones than have ever phono graphically heen produced before. No! ? his device which allows you to vary a single record as often, and to what? ever degree of stress, you wish, is but an added phonograph privilege, which the Vocation only can give you. EXCLUSIVE FEATURK ?he Sound Bos', wliuh rmbojies ne.?.' scientific discoveries. It produt-ts g richer, deeper tont than any other phono posses .e.. 'The Symphenetic /An acoustically perfect in design jrul material. It eliminates ail phonograph stridency arid the hejurful tonal characteristic*? of all instruments anij voices. / he Sen Automatic Stop With two simple movements it "*.ets" a reioid to ?tup where desired and also starts it plaving. The KenHsticmsry GradneU, winch gives vnu the new phonograph priv ? ot esfrtttitm control lets sou ?hi- photograph, in fact. Tins is a wonderful added feature to what o;her p!i .nographs give, hut vmi only need use it tihen Ma.BBB*/ to. / hmnmitt-tiom oftheAeetiaaX Waben cheerfully ??en of the merely cttrtout at neu .;? BttViMBMf tmctSOTrSbh r.-ari/ijieri. Other wtedeh fnm S 75 pfeese? S ?st. :.:! Petted .:ud Art ?If. n' THE AEOLIAN-VOCALION -TM PHONOGRAPH I HA I CALLS FORTH NEW niAUTIHS I ROM Yoi'R RECORDS'* THE AKOLIAN COMPANY AI OL?AN 1?A? L ? ?9 WEST42nd STREET, ?NEW YORK ?WkOBf? ' -i .?:?; |sn ? , ? mutual inJrumnits tn the -wot Id ?! im, r\- 4aaMaa cem* /ST** r Vt-% t -f?* __, Fifth Avenue, a*7th and 38th Street Special Offerings hkOtxday . Introducing the Paris I ogue of I elvet Women's Velvet Suits and downs Fur Trimmed Velveteen Suits Chiffon Velvet Afternoon Gowns "I)r< r ?Il mod I of Import? d chiffon vrl f.Tiiit, ( ?i i?r^( Mr ami l.anvin models of imported ? iveteen, in brown, green, taupe, prune, navy or -?^ ? ~ I navy, black or brown, with embroidered -, ^ _?A ., trimmed with various furs. Special?\re*-'\l Georgetti crepe bodice over - Special ?-.V.OU Fur Trimmed Chiffon Velvet Suits Chiffon Velvet Evening Gowns ('allot, I>r'<-"ll and Jenny models of imported D I II) lillel modeli of CI Chiffon Velvet, in black, brown, green or navy, with _.*. fr. ^' ? turquoise, gold or black, eml I u I _..-. __,.-. handaom* fur trimming Special <_. kJ.a)\J trimmed *vi Special t) J?t)\J Women's Fur Trimmed Coats "Faquin" Model Cloth Coats ( >! Oiagoi -| VV'i '1 - ' I -?'ir < loth, in mahogany, li Id mouse, reseda, navy "r black, largi roll ? -. 1 !? ? r and ! around cuff ,-f Real H'! m Seal Kur, self -%,\ ?-i/-v color ?ilk lining, warmly interlined. Special am _/??*_-!/ "Bernard" Model Cloth Coats Russian belted (?"??tt. of broadcloth, i:i brown, navy . green or black, full flare, with lu'"1, muflier (.?llar, ?I - p cuff, si 'I >? id? i" ttom border of N itural ??r^ ?-.^ Opossum Fur, *~ir-it>?' silk lining. Special?7_Jr?__.\J "eknny" Model Cloth Coats \ neu "Ji nn, flan mod* I of V. I Vel in navy, green, brown, field mouse or bis Hud .es -}f\ ***(\ tills lined, -varmly interlined. Special sjV??9U "Bernard" Model Cloth Coats The ii w C< -??.'!-. ( oat, of cashmere retour in brown, navy, _:--'n. mob or black; large roll - forminj f Hudson S T_ E_ ' \ silk Lining, warmly interlined. -P-T.ti 3 /.OU franklin Simon s Co. ..... _ow a ^?a/ safe Motuu >< Women's Chiffon Velvet V/rcps ?n rosp blue, greeili pUrple, turquoise or white; yoke forms drop shoulder sleeves: Alaska opossum fur collar arid cuffs; plait at side, back trimmed with four buttons; soft silk lining. Special 42. 50 ftatlkUn 3im0n & CO. Will Hold _ Special Sole Monday A New Model Waist cf an Entirely New Fabric Persian silk fish nrt or brocaded rainbow stripe Cascadeau silk, combined ivith Georgette crepe, in brown, navy, green, Copenhag n, plum or bl It. Special 7.51. Misses' Winter Apparel Special Values Monday Misses' Fur-Trimmed Suits I . Wool ' or Whipcord a. . broa ?!, ,i. oi black- also cfa ? I Newest model i ti timed with fash ionable tut.-., i i 7" _'> wars. Misses1 Fur-Trim*d Velveteen Suits A variety ol the nea di Mil laMl- em. ^ _ . Special Zv.ow >_irt trimmed _?th \. 'le furs. 14 to ? Special 39.50 .Misses' Fur-Trimmed Coats i it Wool Veloui rs Velour, Broadcloth oi flare model the nea colorings; high chin collar >-i various t.i?-li ~Af\ t**-/\ 14 to 20 Special _?V.dU Misses' Velveteen Dresses I,?" .: ? , fur-trimmed models ol Vel a:y, black, i-- .'? coatee mode Moire Silk; th? 14 to 3 Special 29.50 ?Misses' Corduro) Fur-Trlm'd Coati rhe new I 11 >ilar, cull j id bottom ni ???? ? butt":: 14 to 20 years Special ?? V/.OU Misses' Afternoon Dresses ' '( I r*p_ " .!_ com. : blouse, girdls ind F skirt ol a k i i 1 . t?> 20 \ ears. Si .?/*- lo.5U 77.e Following Special Values Monday "Philippine" Night downs Glove Silk Bloomers V /'/''' I si tin ilt Women's Ni_!?t Gowns "i sheer fabrics, entirely band mad. ; ? squi-itely hand < mbroiden >1 Speck? 2.9_5? Two Piece Boudoir Set / ' II on,, ii mu? M Princess S i 11 > -. < ? t i?". pleated t repe d* < hine, in pink, light bita or orchid, yok< "f ihadoai lace, trimmed with -ilk flowers, ?ni?- satin shoulder n'..-i|>.. ( out of shswAov \aee, finished srith nel frill and silk flowers, spvtiji 9.75 Hand l.mb'd Clox Silk Hose / nr 11 innen tiinl Mis.tet In black with whit'- ? |i?\, white with black, emersjd ?>r King' '.iii* < l"\, siso bronse, navj ??r stay witli contrasting color clos. Special 1.35 ? p?ir f??r ..,90. For l\ um n end . / ? Tu B i ar Brit II suits Si gOU t.-, m black, wind, pink or Itlii?-; reinforced Special 1.65 Correct Winter Boots / or H omen and Mittet Bronte K-.i with < loth topa* Patent rAI nlth SsH Black Kul or Black < loth tops; Black Rossis leatket With _r.iy ?>r l?l.i. k kid ??r l?la?'k clotll \**f*t ils* all Black di Tan Russia csli Special 6.50 French Glace Kid Gloves _ ot IVomt n and M * < Om \*t tM'> .:.i-|i Glace Knl Glove?, is wkil . \Aeek, i??rl, chanuMgw or tau, pique sewn with tin-??- mv.? ni I _v) embroider. back, is self, white ?>r blaek. Special 1.15