Newspaper Page Text
BELLEN ENJOYS DAYS IN COURT Smile* as He Leads W >'. * Through Mazes of Ne\ Haven Deals. EVEN HAS KIND WORD FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Benin- 10 Prosecutor*- I hippcr -_ith Rcp'^'.ors and Alert a< .11 Hmcs. ? . bit hash] t' ' ' - ?? frei - , *?<j n thi aj ?_ri thai I -??? on* sst th. t th? N a. u.en he -,.? Rv.tsm, could ... ... ! .... ., ? , ..,.-.. V, ' . ? riith - - .. ? i .:-.?- ? ? | ' . ? Jcr. ,2 _ ? ) ? ' ?'' the he?..; -. ' ne* like 'hem, ? ? * ? ) had ss aff? ? .?PS-tats ?re his pnrticulcr /.. ? torraj I sis slssast his ? tat .s rot taa only thiag . ? ?. -\!-.o knew or th laghl "?? er. Th-.f expected _. , ? - ii hl ** aid b* bitter n?__:r. - I . ? - agaiast whoia I ,. g r the caatrary, he is most them m .t frier..!y thsn ml W-ui . l.k. to have him k 'y ?_ not to hnv. luncheor. ? rrf witS ?ne of the-r. ?s i- tti th? T.?..- lawjrsr, m hose {- ? r ? -.;rt ? r ?dar? on ? _? been _ . ;. * tl IS not h y witl r th? Mell-iTi Attitude Criticised. B?"?. n __ tl " ? too ?? .. So, too, M _'. ?. fr m -, ? * * ?: nur : ,. ? ., | ao^B-?A?.,..?. High Class Dependable Furs Newest .Models, finest Qualities, Lowest Prices. Glossy Rich Black Fox Muffl from 14.50 to 4.5.00 Scarfs from.19.75 to 65.00 (ienuine Skunk Muffs from.23.50 to 45.00 ?Scarfs from. 9.50 to 50.00 Natural Raccoon Muffs from.14.50 to 22.50 Se arf s from. 9.50 to 32.50 Red I ox Sets from.19.50 to 45.00 Lur Trimmings fro.m V2 inch to 4 inches wide in all the desirable Furs. (iloves New Shipment Just Opened I p. Women's I Clasp Washable Capeskin (iloves, in Ian or Ivory, with Black Lmbroidery; spien= did \alue at I..50 Women's Washable Leatherette (iloves, Oauntlet style, with wrist strap, in White, (iray, Biscuit and Sand, at 1.00 Special Offering of Women's & Misses' Suits Tor Monday and Tuesday At $ 1 8.00, Values to $27.7.5 I hese wonderfully attractive suits are made of fine poplins, series, ^ubardine and broadcloths. A most attractive assortment, richly trimmed with fur and braid. Colorings arc brown, green, na\\, jjray and black. Chiffon Velvet "Special" About 250 yards line Imported Chiffon Vel? vet, 40 inches wide, in rich, dark, two?toned colorings. A choice and desirable lot. I ormerly $5.50 yard. Will sell this lot, ?Monday, at 2.35 $8.00 Blankets for $?5.00 FOR MONDAY ONLY 4?5 Pairs of line California Blankets, ?*4 and full sizes, which regularly range in price from $6.75 to $*.00 per pair, Pink, Blue and Yellow Borders, also Plaids in Pink, Blue, (iray, Tan and Ked, an opportunity seldom presented. Limit 3 Pairs to a Customer. Autumn Underwear \? omen's .Silk and Wool Combination ?Suits, usually $2.25 ?5c $2..SO, marked to IM ? 2.25 Women's Cotton Combination ?Suits, excellent Value at 75c, specially priced, .50 and .55 Children's Combinat ?on ?Suits, from .50 to 1.25 I BYoa?ww.fc\i?u*? Qttrt Sts. v I! VH1 lA - .1 I'll i-A IN T1IRKK IM ISK.S ? gin the govern me '- '. ich con : .?-r> cy I :il!i-_"-l ? din clora and of tlie railroad. ? - - ? ? : raili - ? ' i n ihe at hii Th.* ' ><??(* thin ; <?'?*,? vincvd then 1 ? ?o. Lat< ? ' * V. ;,??-? ? and tana a w i 11 by whic. ..-*.? i'r.,;.ti',-i '.'????? thai COB v aeod thai .... ... | . having ? ? ; i v ?? i ? him r.trr || : if I Ih them mai ? ? i;, li ?? ?? !??;ii? JastlScd. vhy it ii thiiT V are ?o ?'? ? ? -.' by N ? ? ? ? till . rhit? elephat - ... r ' icisc n in :"'?! i?. ing htm ... th? . : \- ?? . . r - l 7 -? .i tl ? the old layi was . I i, il ca. ??en ? to 1 '? r ??..-. ? ? mon? ? i to ..'? CUtl Ig ? i ' e who i ? fol " ??? : .' I he '? ?-: HI :.;. hi.-, e nal fla I .it me - tel n ii e mfot abl? if they did now h? t at at . ?triol upnn them, no . 11; hi ebl? n the v i ? i un -..<? y,'U Icok it. worse I ? m he you are b tnd ? ? I I : ; Voll i hin?, and his words s ? ? ? ? fore ??-i- .,u? \ and ? the r? cord. w Ita?.* acts ?is ? sther. So fai Hellen ha? i . very On the eoi rary, he ? . moi t fati,, rly -n ?!. ? i la?o r ? ? l eta red on th? gro rth ? Hi i , ut.d in th-- manner in Teas law? i? algio-1 an old Kindly, in ?.,:. 7 tlong the . wh ? h '.!?.<? government hi .': ? ? not "I ere, - ? ... .. B. |t| |i ?., a il. i.?... *..-..,, rs rosdin ? padie, snd ;.- ? re ? no t? ? . ( 'lie wrong qu? ti? r, <- put to ? ail I not "?,?.'. up <? mine _ ? -.n ,' on thai m '.\ mski th? questioner .... Newtown Crash on s sunny Therefore, he ambles al" .g, raising his voice from time to time M lawy? r for the d'fencc pl.a.i fur mure power, only to ilrop it again into the easy tone of ? man telling his littl? grandchild hi? geography ;esson. H? la having -i gooij tim? ; 1! of th? tune, and the d? Bishow are not annoy, d -.'. It ?asi not now Later, when he ? . ? testifying to .onie acts of Ed ward D. Hobbin.?, one of their number, By not be so complacent. The truth ;s, they do not min'l M? l'en ? ' st. ml quite so much as they do RobBins in th?-ir midst. If they could comfortably do so, thore i? r.o doubt ?at? at least of those on trial with him would turn upon Rubbing with k?-"n enjoyment Robbing is not and hsi not for I E *SB popula?* with tliem. Against him i he- government admittedly has more evidence than sgaiBst any thre? f th? others. And they feel that I -. any chance they are convicted it will b? beeaua? evidence admissibls only ;?-.;.ir.*-1 Robbim will be considered them. True, the court will instruct th? jury not to consider this svidsnes against bat, si Jsmsi I orrigsn, dean of oil Federal reporters, ha* ob aervad, "the jury h?sr_ it, don't it?" MRS. HARRISON A STUDENT Ex-President's Widow Taking Drama ( ??urne at Columbia. The widow of a President of the i'nited BtatSS ?h i? -t-.icr.t St Colum? bia University. Mrs. n?-ii;<imin Harn ?(m, whose home Is in Indiaaapolis, is .-.pending ihe winter in New York with her daughter, Khzabeth, and is fusing advantage of the opportunity to re? ceive weekly Mistructi on in the drama from Clayton Hamilton, Every Saturday morning at in o'clock Mis. Harrison goci to Room t'ilL'. Behool of JournaliMi! Huilding, where she ..its with seventy other stu? dents, and makes copious notes while Mr Hamilton diSSSetS matters thi-a trica!. In the classroom yesterday Ifrs. Harrison was qaitc willing to ex? plain her registration as a. Columbia itudsi !. "I have always been interested in literary mattsrs in general, and the ?; particular," she said. "That is th? main lehson for my nre.ence here. Then, too. 1 am a fri?-i.d of Yr. Hamilton, snd admire him greatl-.. "Pleas? emphasis? the fart that I am in New Vork solely SB my daugb ter's sseoaat. 8h? wished to tai??- a course ,n short story writing at the She is also taking a bus - ness cour??' at BBOthef Collog? W? have leased an i.j'i.rt in-lit for the win ter, sad then W? sliall return to h dianapolis." Ol ?? of the requirements "f the Clay? ton Ham.lton dramatic eours? is that ? -hall write a one-art play. Mis Harrison srlll probably blossom forth as a playwright in the near fut? ure. Mis. Harrison, before her marriage to the ex-President, was Mrs Mary Lord Diauaieki a mece of Gsa? Hat Isoa'a flrst wifs, Bha was | ;<i Mr. Harrison in thi? city sft?r his retirement from office, Ihe.r daughter, who i? Mi?. Harrison'- only eh Id, was born Feb. ruar] 11, liST. HEARS CHARLTON ALIENISTS Italian ' ourt Cuts Short .rgBBSSBtS on Wife Slayer's Insanity. i ,,nio. Hah, Oct. tS. To-day's ses ?I the trial of Torter Charlton, the American, who is charged with hav? ing murder?-d his wifs. ?as given over largely to the repasts of alienists. The for the prosecution read a . report, which reached th?- con? clu-ion that Charlton was entirely re? sponsible mentally The expert for the defeaes argued that ?he prisoner was ?I sible. Roth desired to amplify their written opinions b> oral discourse, cut then? ihoit -, ...... th? presiding judge, . deposition maile by Charlton in Hom York ihOltlj after his arrest Tins deposition was rsgardsd ss ? . , s b? rail?'-, slthoUgh ' sdnission th?it Chsrtton ? ?... it did ti"t mention the epileptic comn into wt^ich, ucconting to a later deposition, he passed after com 5 IN ROOM HEAI TALK ACROSS S! 5,000-Mile Wireless *Plu Message Sounds Distil iy 3 Feel f:- ?n Re c'vc PARIS AND HONOLUI LISTEN TOARLINGT, Second Series nf Exper?mi Mort Successful. Fr " .Military 0 hi if ?' ' is. .-:*.ir..i r.g three fed eeiver, Lloj?!!.:? kmeriesi ? . T i ? word ol mitted bj ?? m .- \ . t ompai ' . .i ."????? . pi? up ,n i ' ? ? tatioi the Eiffel 1 - ? . . th. ? . ! ? I' and Honolulu at I l i I i With Mr. 1 I at the t arere R< sr A?lm n B< a h sad L tenant Loada, ,'.. re ? . < ' 8 }'.:.i h one, ? !.. ' ige ,?;. 1 l.C I? . Official confirmai in of tl of the experioyati arith Pan? ?raa ee ved la? ? Bi * fi ora LI? uten ? Colonel Ferris, of the Preach an . technical director of military ra telegraphy. Traailated bj I. atea Commaader Savlei, United Btal attacha al Pana, ,* read i "The first sarlsi of experiment! ?Tun?- gave no rcfult?, probol '.;. ?? -cat of electrical perturoations, aatara very intense at tl I Ths s sob leries, in October, hua achte? greater ?ucee??, it baa bees pe/ssil to hear an.l oadorstand very diatiac and repeatedly such word? rs ?.no. t\ three, goodby, etc. 1 he r? though imperfect, ht?* extremely lot es?t;ng, nii'l ihere is ?vcrv rib >B ta Heve thai they will lie improved upai Aekaowledgiag his recent talk fr? San Praaciaco ts Weal Oroage, \ Thomas A. Edison iobI thli telegram the eompany yoatorday: "Accept my hearty congratulntio on your woaderful laceen ni eonae? ing Sen York aod Baa Fraaciico telephone, und my thanks foi theprl liefe of talkiag scron ths eoBtiaei I heard bath 'he voice anil the mai perfectly." M'KAY SILENT. AIDS HAY1 BofBOOS ta Affirm or Kent Thai ?Nal. liste Diopatod ?Inter. Douglas I. McKay, former Dope Polica Commlasfroaer, yesterday, a! tl rehearing into the charge? on Brhil <x-ln?pector "Con" Haye"- WOI di mi??ed from rhe departmeat, rsfast to affirm or deny that in his prooOBI ex-Cammiaaioner Waldo had instruct? Have? to totee h eitioofl to take tl Initiative in closing u diaorderl hou-e, after Huyes hid rfftlSod !?. cause of Waldo's orders ta raid th house when oniered by McKay. Deputy Commisaioaer Godloy ths announced ihr conclusion of the r? hi unrig and granted a motion I Hayes's counsel to Ala briefs. SINGER FAINTS ON PIER ll.iughter llring? Neta? of Father' lieath in Belgian Army. Learning that her husband had he,-*: killed arhile serving in the Helgiai army three month. ago. Mine. Blsii Rutuherra, for man? roar a ??nabs i Metropolitan Opera Company collapsed on the French Line pier y, tl ? ? if -non ,if?er the ..i rival ?if I., I'.iurnirii' Her dauirh!? r. Mile. I!ru:i l-ilila Kutacherra, arEo ha? ?,a.ptl lag maaii is Paria, brought the tragic new? Whss ths IsBdiag posseafen iaa thi apera llagar ilip iron hot daaghter'i embrace aad rail BBConacioai ???? arai coa Idei i ble ixt I imoal Kutschcrra war re? ?'. left, with her di. ighter, in a Utxicab. Lb Touraine aroi delayed ia erossiBg because she left Bordeoai aritJ IM itokera, iaatcad of the u.?ual 22o. Thi compoay c?>ul?i aol obtain more i>< rauaa ?.f heavy enliatmaata for the war. Among the 101 I gel ' I I'M ward Salisbury, of Chicago, n ? riocoratod bj Franc- ft. r VOl tool ser vice with the ?tn'iu SOCS eofpi at l'ont au Moasaaia. Rs pacts la leturn to the froal MOB, Four He?! Crass sarsas who took care of the r'irst ?rounded brought m after the bombardment of I ?tank irk also were poSSOttgei The) wer.' M.?s Eva Johaaon, o* New Hovea, a* ; - ? Miaeea Helen Barclay, Lilliaa .?? land Margaret Hoggerty, o! PhiUdel I phia. SLAIN MAN FEARED DEATH Had I'hoto Pinned on Shirt, \ntiripat ing Trtiublr. Felix A Patrin was killed in a res? taurant at l",'t We?? Third Street >??< terday ai a result of BrBBt the Histrict Attorney'.? office bollOVOI I? an Italian feud. Inspector Faurot ?l.-tsiled a ?qua?! of dotetrtivoa '.?? looh r??r two nun believed le kavs done the killing. ? 1'atiir.i lived ?t a h?>t.-l at Bleecker and Macdougi.l it root! Ha area I? ra tiffed S) s pholoaiops sf bimself pinnetl inside sil iblsi BBd he .r Bg ?n th.- back tl.' in Italian: "If anything liappen? this will tell who I am," with bu ngnature. arre-i t i __? ?*? GIMBELS-"5th Birthday Sales" n?iMf Achievements! jircn Welcoming the Final Week of the Month With Very Exceptional Offerings ?? Wor. en's Suits At $37.5< fe*$> '? ?J, v ^7 ERY perplexing, cur copy is (/ , ,-W/ v\ i perf? '. "?? .-. ' r" is com? i ..-?'' ??'?''?\^ * .it"- (I vi'. M'-- \ " ' - Av original -iVv_?^>-'? ' ..".t is ol -,__?,_. . _ aft Lustrous Broadcloth Lavishly Trimmed With Hudson Seal Even -tro had to leek .it the price to dctermint the diftcrenee?the ? -,. . . ,-,-.; hing! I - me taki id*?.? .:?? cf it and at ?he came time select one of the :i rteit i u?tg '?'? th seat on, as shown in the eketch. Over 1C00 .Vera :n's Suits ?P At $29.50 Broadcloth ?I itei al of the moment for fine i .loth v f " r of the verj latest v : models were received i-.irt in for .his vile, and yo_ will agree for quality, workmanship and ' le the) are equalled onl) b) spit at t ' '- and I; i $25 ar.d $29.50 Suits Are a GIMBEL Specialty ! Third Floor At $25 Broadcloths, Pi lins, G dines, V.l. i md '.'??'? i ' coa s that are fui ?? .? d ti A great divers ? ol st lei which to select, a< .1 :-i ever) wanted color. M Sel Upho'steries and Drapery Fabrics a. R rfuced Prices ANY thousands of yard- of the most want- . mat rials, expressly gathered for our '. Ah Birthday M_" All much below r?gulai pnces, although whole prices are rising rapidly. $4.75 .nd $1 Tapestries, now S3.75 and 85c $3 Double-Face Vefew reduced to $2.65 $3.75 ltr?oo ted Striped Velour, now $3.25 $4.75 bnpozted Striped Velour, now $3.75 $1.50 to 33 Damasks, now 95c to $4 $1.?SOand $2 R-V_rsi!-leA_ mures, 93cand $1.35 85c to $1.-5 Crait.nan Canvas, 50c to $1.25 Plain Color S?k Velour? at, yard, $3. FIgarsd Sill? Vslawia at. y_rA, $5.75. Figured . ..mi? 50-Inch Ve? lour, at $3.7.. Mercerized Cottor Velcur, _t $1.25 an - $2. Georgian Firure. Velvet at, yird. $2 New Striped Velvet., new color-nj'., S_ _?). Fifty-Inch Mcheir Velou.i at, yard, $2.95. Sixth Floor 54-inch Black Broadcloth, at $1.55 yard A BRIGHT, lustrous fabric, thoroughly sponged an-i ^^ shrunk. The correct weight for tailored ______ $1.50 Ali-Wool Diagonals $2 Ail-Wool Cheviot Suit at, Yard, $1.10. ing_ at, Yd., $1.35. Width 54 inches. A fine, firmly Width M inches. In brossa, woven fabric in green, brown, green, g.irne?. BelgMa blue, I ?upe, taupe, plum, navy blue and black, light and dark navy blue. Second floor __!!!!li??iil!lllllil!!?ll!?ll;?l??i!'!!i???^ IflM^ i||t|i?|ia - Monday "'The Famous Annual GIMBEL "BON MARCHE" GLOVE SALE? More Than 50,000 Pairs of Fashionable Gloves for Women, Men and Children at PRICES THAT ARE POSITIVE REVELATIONS E lne rented Selling Space?Entire Main Aisle in addition to Specials Displays in the Reft liter (?love Sections?110 Salespeople?Mail, Telegraph and Telephone Orders Filled. . ----^ V.\ ?. I( )i 'S conditions abroad ?uni in this country (some exceedingly difficult to surmount) hare com? bined to mak< Uiis the mos. important "Bon Marche" Glove Sale that GIMBEL BROTHERS liai c ever announced. Through the farsighted, aggressive work of our ...ris Burean, _ nd <u?r home buyers, working In co-operation with leading Importers ni t!i . -. have been able t<? gather the finest, .md In every way positively the most extraordin?r) collection <>f Gloves thai have ?-V.-r been offered t" the N?s York public. Tin- quantity is lar-..?-, comprising slightly mor?than 50,000 pairs, and demand -.?.ill be corresponding!? so. Theref___i at urge promptest selection. The Gloves are superb specimena of fine Prend) handiwork, and are in Use prerailing shades. At tin ir special GIMBEL prices they represent tin- rarest values imaginable. Many t-u*-1 ??ui?-r. will pun-has?- n dosen pairs or mor?, either for personal use <?r else For _it't giving, particularly at Christmastime. m i ?_ J Women's $1.50 French Kids kin Gloves, lust arrived from France, if purchased to-da. QC? from New York importers their retail price *anuld srSafV be ft.50?or more. Black, white and tan shades, i .'Lisp. Black urltta heav) white embroidery, or white with heavy Mack embroiders. Women's $1 Glace Overseam Gloves, hesli from the steamer. One of the most ama/ B| "7Q values ever offered in a M| 5iif. bast becoming ?me * Oi? nt the rarest and hardest ling ot gloves obtainable. Black, white and tan shades Women'?$2 Finest French Kidskin Gloves One ol the aristocrats of glovedom. < |-ie pearl ??1 ?.E* clasp, r *:. ? 11 e sewn? seli and contrasting backs V ?*? ?**-* and '/?-Inch COntrsSting hem. Black, white and p istel shades. Women's $2 Sport Gauntlets Strap wrist; white, tan, .ra\ and pon .ce shades Self and contrasting backs Nine s?,,.-,., would place the ralue of these gloves at (tS.1. $1.45 2 Women'? $2.50?16-Button Whit- L_mb ? aMa Glove?; I clasps and buttons; selected = skins; plent\ of .'rm room and length; = .?.ear;-, and cleansing qualities *. . = the best. *pl.HO Women'? 20-Button White Kid Glov.?; I made in I ranee, from re.) line selected = skins. splendid value Bt this <tO "JC liiiii?iiiiii?iiiiiiii?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -i Women'? $1 12-Button "Duplex" W_?h Fabric Glove?; white, grsj pongee; line t'.r shopping; a little ^"ap and water I d vu hase a DCS pair ?if (jioses e?. er. das. Men'? C?pe and Suedo Glove?, ta and >;r_\ Sued. GloveS; all sizes; i icellent values. 50c :a;? 85c Men'? Gray Mocha and Tan Outicam Cape; Mocha Gloves, at this price ire a rar- ? i.s; :n_d( srlth ihe same exacting care is | _ though the\ _ere to sill at twice the priv- l^ I he factory calls tiiem seconds"? qcc "^^ Surface marks here a:ul there.... ?**? | Children'? Tsn Washable Cape Glove?; ?= soft, pliable skintj all sizes; ?trout; ft? El? and durable. ?5c ^ - Eight Special Sales Tables Across the Rear Aisle Will Be Ready Tomorrow Morning for This More Than Wonderful LEATHER GOODS Sale The Sample Llaesaa? SatallLats tram Several at the Highest Class Manufacturers in Amerita at I?.>' tn 1.2 I.ess than tsual I'riccs SUCH beautiful lrathrr ?oods ran come only from the very cleverest de ' aorkmen, nsing the finest materials. And such a great assortment?and such astonishing vaiues?are pOSSiMe Onl) through the purchasing resources ?,f the three trreat GIMBEI stores Briefly, tins tale includes ever) desirable article nude ot leather, from a neat little ?0C wallet at 15c lip to a ha:d lome lioo fitted suit case a; 11 Silk and Leather Hand Bags $1 ? ? t ? ?: to .?: ; Hand Bag . $1-65 $i to J; ': Hand Bags, $1.95 Greatest Values in Hand Baggage ?. ,. $3.75 to $50 ! rom the luxurious Itoo Com? pletel) nttfd travelling ba? of heas\ SfalruS, BOS marked $50, to Morocco sea!, vashette and goat- a smart sole leather hatf at $3.75, skin, in black and -"/anted and a erea: rariet) ?>f ntermedi ,l\les for dress a--d Service ; ais.? ate prices, most of them half res;u daint) silk ba.s. all brand new, lar On? entire table "t Hard Ha.s at $1.00. line entire table of Hand IU:-- at $1.65. ?Mie entire table of Hand ?ao at $1.95. i ?ne table "t Novelties and Samples al 35c to $2.50. 1 i,;e tal ic "f Ha-d Ha.s at 65c and $1. On? table of Bags a?d SuM ''ases jt $3.75 to $10. une table of Baies and Suit ?!ases a: $5 to $50. One table of Silk and Velvet Hand Bags, $1 to $2.95. Sample Lots of Leather Goods f;y ,!rV. 35c to $2.50 Hasks. card cases, wallets, coat hanger cases, brush and parses, medicine cases, bru.h sets haiif-er sets is .ases, leather ph.-,, ^ . ^^ trames, leather trass with glass Hundreds of Smart Leather Novelties $1 l ?. h *r* Brush Seta ?n leather cases, leather stickpin case-. Sewing bacs. insets. a".l_lv-s id ?Kindred. 1 ill cr etc . etc. Main Floor, Rear Aiale For Absolute Smartness Wear GIMBEL "Touraine" Pumps at $7 Pair WmkN srlth or without spats. the\ are the prettiest and smartest shoes of the d.u As trim and snu. as pretts footwear can be. "Touraine" Pump* cling tirmls to the heel, lit beautifull) jret accord perfect comfort. Imporleil hlaii jmtent Initiier nn<l hlnrk /.??.. 1.1 r?i//, aim t.laek. jmtent uith uhite jnpirii Slender, tapen-i? toe. hand-turned soles, Louis XVI. heels, excellent value at jr. New "Cravenette" Spats at $1 Perfect titti t>?. smart-looking, rainproof and serviceable lawn, (tras, brown and black._ Second Floor Touraine, $7 Royal Kirmanshah Rugs and Carpets, Reduced !/4 WITH the Dardanelles closed, and hut few choice Rugs arriving III this eountrj durine the past sear, this Sale is of extraord,nars importance?especialis as our PKLsfNT prices (without the '? reduction) ?re as low as <>r lower than can be found elsewhere f.?r . ut?s of e^ualls tine quality. Prices in this sale will start at $22.SO and range up to $656.25 for a magnificent carpet A magniiceat disatsy of these Kurs has been staged on the Si<!h Floor, where their ri.h, barbaric colorings, exquisitelv blended bs the skill of the hastern weaver, can be fullv appreciated Also?In the Domett Ic Hug Section? Room Size 9x12 ft. Axminsters, Body Brussels and Royal Wiltons at $20 ?verv one regularly sells at $.10 to $41.SO The order has gone forth to "clear the decks" ot all Rugs that we do not expect to duplicate Wool is scarce, dsestuffs are going up. and the sources ot supply of other materials hase been cut All ?>f which means that _OtJ will have to pas more tor sour Hugs m the near future a fact which lends very special importance t?> this s.le. Sut h Floor .Broadway and Thirty-third Streets