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PARENTS BESIEG FINLEY SHEPAR; .itlicrs. Outnumberiii Mayflower's Passende 1 ?st. Growing Hourly. TO MORROW ?LAST (Al I f OR CLAIMANT Meaawklk little John D<?i- v 104 Playi Happily \b?>ut the (iround*. of Bi?aj I.?-t?te - 'o be a? pron ? farm ? - i a deri ag i fat)-' lei menta ii i . i . ? . - ? ' ? ? ? , Rtl ? - ? - ,-- . rail III ? nions ? i . . ... . | ? [-. when th? mi! ' ? - ground? - as a i Dmj Relief Campaign. I ? ? ? ? ? nrirh. ? ? ? ' '.. will ( SIL VE R Sterling & Plate 3hi -fHaiiP ?icautiful Df?'i?n? The artistic puce illustrated is 5\ inches ?high and the diameter at the top is 9'? inches. Made of Nickel Silver, heavily plated, in a richly cut-out pattern, making a most effective gift, as well as providing a desirable selection for the purchaser's own table This Compotier is just one representative example among scores of beautiful new and classic designs shown at the -INTERNATIONAL Store. An equally broad variety of Compotiers in Sterling Silver also on display. Whether it is an artistic gift, simple or elaborate, or practical pieces of Silver for the home, the International Silver Company's stocks are always broadest and most interesting. You are invited to visit the store at your convenience, to look over the exhibition, re? gardless O? whether you have a purchase to make at the time or not. International Silver Company rag Th? MERIDEN Co i -??Nt-shed l?852 49-51 West 34th .S ?MrouRh 10 68-70 West 35th Street. New York JOHN |)OK VO. 104 \S I "IM B? ' A^ SHEPARD JR. j ihe former Halen Gould and her husband; his playhouse and ma work si en. 1 und? gathered - I a ' ? . . 10 - 2 : ? ? iah Relief ? ... Woods Promotes Four. ? la v an ? '?'.y.t : : 1 Young, ? ? ' ' ? ' ? . ?igh'h ? OB, WILSON MAY WED WITHIN 3 WEEKS Miss Wilson .it White House?Daughters1 Com? ing Stirs New Rumors. ? ? Waahlflgtofl, Oit. 23. Th?* nm ? '?' ?- \\ ? 1 - n,n .. Isflghi - Mr?. !. ? till "* ? ;. and M r. and M r i. . 1 ?- ? 1 a ?on, h i?.- i:s \v?,i. ?i ,,? .-?. . ? . ara i ? pected aoooi In * on in her quiet ??ay preparing her trousseau. She i? great;-.- amuiod a rumoi for I er, i ! ? I. n * I the' trun I ? ? The "a* ten noted among her fr ? i . client tost? 1res? loves rich materials, anil th? whom the has patronised for twei yean sdmil cannol be d She ? ? Even oi '.-.?IP -! ? bays is!y ?n h r .i,, il is ?if tha . When fun are in queatioi .-?re fail entei large! nto her tro . i ,? lofl and .' . !.. nrid ?n?*!*, ?s woman lovei to find in ol?1 trn-ik- roof long - I cen pocked away. .i?'hly a view to ? ? ? a gown for ea ? veral diflfli r goa i other on?. Mrs. Gsl! hai riot been thr victim of er White H ? that 4400 land t?. ipi 1..I on . Ion?; time ? ? ? - ? evening gown? ors ????.???; 1>. hi.: ifiil In?-. . '.'? .- : ngtoa and Ne*? York. She hsi BSV? r worn many : ..? B .li ?id.I fan .?- ths President gives Galt i? open to the ?am?8 atten? tion from importers Biid ?in - n. H .*? bridei Laongwortfa an ? nounre ?1 h- - I nirik? rame waa thur> ?he .ice of ni ?f Tunk? eves .i.i -t. r I ?i on . ' ? ? ? ' ad ?!! her . robe and a :,... ? ? ;?? in Mow rules I in .the I of tl ? -ution. 1 . | in th ' ' except ? White H - eau i? BBS lorie man ' ? -, the i ? Vr.-.t ' Mr?. of the msniioi I pari ol resid? nes .? living rooms srhei ths Wl ??? House POLICE DEPAP.TMENT. I".. , M lo Um na-? ,. ? r, ,?rt II .- ?' .-al '. ?. '.a 1 I ? It , ? s ? . . -? a* ? ? '? P. a ' ? ? ?' > ? . -1 \ . - '. !? ? ? Ttmiiorsrv A??l|nm.rt. , ? I ? ?? tt-.? ' - I I . ? t |). Il ., . p , 8 PI. .?' I ? . I ,. 1' ? 1 p. m., ?i . ??* " . ? . i Edward B II',.. ? ? Isa. M? Laut ? A4.ltjnm.nt? DUronllnuerl 1 . is Bru ? .i II ., ni 4 p ni iK-t. Ira p: ?. Tr? . - - . ? . r- ? - ' ?' ? Il ... 1?.-| ?. ! \ I ? : h . I 11. 1 - ? Il ' - \| ? Patrick Dot? ? ? Ira,-? oT Aban- ' :-?? Heal V" ? , .1 ?|. " . ? I, I I | m ? ; ... 1 ? ? n , ? 'I ,ia? 4 lufuat I 'Il m .. || , , i. i ?? ? .i 1 d?J, ? ,?a. 4 r ' " ? 1 <1sy. 8 S 11, 1 ?:. i I . ' ? ' - 8 | " Applistlon lot Full Pay A.?ra?rd P . - M - : ?. .1 Iron Sii.p'ntlon snd Rritor.d la Duty ITll . - ? ? ?i ? |j Sii.nmUaii Iront Dit] Without H?, Il i Julio. , '*'' ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS !? - ! ? ' I B -'8 I Wa.l ' r ? ?' ' * AHM? ? 111. ? li I IN ' Imp ??i '??. ' ? ? !>? I.AMI 111 -?.' ItLAKEI i -, Ma I a . I? Pt ?u 1 l/.i l: ? ala l m !. w HlaAllK.N IMh Ii.l I? : a Maj I I?? IN W ni? II. 11 i . . ? ?'?? .-? la .?? Jala 1 ' Iliad I U M ' i -i ? ? 8a a .?? ?/ M M. IIKHMAN M *" IL ir .'- I ! ? I J..IIN W M i ? . > ? ? ai* um n HAiiri i: ?. m . M l \? i VI. ? Hi ? a. " 1 . 1- - '.. Ill Mill.?II UM? ? a. ?I '?! a . I ?i M . ?? ?I M I I '1 II J'.IISsns | [ p , , I l (?KM???, I Milt I. IliU \-? \1> . ... I ' ?1? . ' I ... I 8. I .' ' 4a. ? ?pi W ?1 1? It M \\ 11.11? LSI ".- 1 ? .?I Art I. to .... " ' *? < ??Air? it r navEMtiRi -a I a ' ? ??. , j \\ ? i ? ?, , t\ II LI.??) i h 4?! M II.MA ?I II I.Ml - I A ?1 ? ? I I" l"l? a ? ?.?>?,|i| I I I .'A ,, n? ?I ?H H Hlt?l I .? II .V? ?I ? I ? " I. I1IPI H .;?.' ., : I? ' I WIM IM?Uli 4 .. I'KM.IJ |. .N J t ?I ii?..-4 i n HKI ? I II lt\l II 'Mllll, .4 ?, IIH 41 ISLAM? a (?i ... p |. , . ,?? t ? AI MIN ?, lili. K -1 I'M N - 4\l\.s|,?iU IK?I ?ILA.? ? . . .HI? IS? II II I.M\ H A TV 111'H ..? I I t?|i u I'lNOI R - t ?l,M-rii,.- ?. ? HAM.I is IM< K.a t,l.UM ..S \| KAHM - - KAIll 1 t\ ? - CM Ar I'M . ?,8 I a ? a I'lAIIY. (?as? Art-, rusl M. ? ... ., I.,?IS s I ? a?, a 111 ..?I 1,1 i .,..? ??? a - - I ICI' rilAS? ?t. f lllRSI'l I a-l Art . ?v? Wx ?a.flsi? s-o?i. ?a II, ISM, fot ??? a ,i 11 .?INI 'i ? 4 !*fl - - a lar II '. . 4 I I - -?? A" ' t a ".' I S? ? ? ? ' 4\ ' ??? ' ? ? luilaa. i . .1?'.- . . ? :? ? .. ? Julis ? . ? . arriM? : V?tT I. 4 - ' ? ' ? ? ? la '.. s.,? n ?: n. ls?4?v||' i-'?-..! Hu-.aii - i Vil"- l'AII.AN. <J<-a I- 4 Suri ? H ' ?MKRON riet* r-, 1 nr. ,ar * a .a-1 ?'?? nal s?, s . . MU I " Alt'l! \ 1 ? > M i ? ? - ? met s' . ti.aa it Si*?loti - I,? a . a ? a - * ? a- ' . - . a. .a . ' t ?.? '.a- ?iuam -Ail I D .i BaUTta. Il ' -a 1 . - I 4a' . ' ? . . ? . ,. , >' . a ? - - ' ? 'I ? ... I?,. I , . ? - i .h. , ; I ..ipkios.uls ?ai , Ns-a .?-r? ?.ri \ 'SUICIDE FOLLOWS TELFaflRAM I |i?mdenl Woman Rod Married s I'sther of l*??ur. Hroodiri* over MBI tTOabls 'vhlrh I ..ii!,| ii'.t rrvrsl to her friend?. ? .?? ? y ? app, of Bpringfield, . illod b? rself b gai earl ? Mi|f Is her I'.'.m n? n board I I... ? gtan I * ? i Mary Bhenasi ( th? . aid Mr?. K:iii|>|i h??l beei 1 foi t i aek, aad i ad b? ee - ?i ? ?? I ing s telepi um Up. .- ,,? came, on Oetohet tl, ih< bottoms d? ipottdCBt. I'he message, signed II. Knspp, rssd. "l?on'' I..' fool I h Think Sr. *?"?', 11 ?-iid I? til r." 'I I r crimple?! fragments of th?' talsgrOOl found in the room >.-aterday be lids thi body The wurniiri left three ?eale.l letteri M .'? Kr .;. ..f 107 I ninth Si ? st. to whom oaa a - . , .a.-ii, laid ths ds t-l --? ' man v.-?? ?"??-n - hi s thirtj m.- ?. ??-.? ? ,?..- ?v had ma i Idower '.' rh 'n .: eh i.'.ir. r COLUMBIA MEN EARNED $103,0. Selling Blood for Trans? fusion One Source of Revenue Last Year. EMPLOYMENT BOARD AFFECTED NY WAR Outside Places fall Off. bat I uto-ring and Dticlsg Help Many | .. 11- one's wav t ?t? is . It for mo-' ?? ?". -if ,? -.i tii? report ;- i ister Paul C. Holt? ? . ?ri . ? r '".-" ol ut reai ? ..? for . . .. . I - ?. lodes '??? incini f tl h- '? i , .... ? -l(f '.'I ? ' and tendiBj .- ? . Il ?I a few ' I : ? , ? ? ? ' ' ? ity. ? . to the effect ol in retting ? Y?r_ _? "??K.S.? ?un -.. . "?? AFRO FLIGHT TO HATTF.4H __*_rtr_ |. Try ".-Mil. Trip fliB Albany for t urtia? |>fl/f ' ' ' *" ' ?;'' ?lai. ?"?y :_o __S M K.ndriei of \ ? Um tvsL ?-' 1 -?S ?'?"? Kourt aa_ um la! TkereX r ? ?______ *'?*____' ' A ?>,__?_ ha '- '_? - rem\T ???* _k '.. ?< a? !'?''? 'I"": '? ' , __?i a'. y* il-. -jL. -? -_i_l =T? '-^ ^ffl tern Brother 42nJ *nj 4JrJ Siree?. ~)*/?daf/?i&i Avenu*. c*_ aD The Latest Styles in Women's Apparel etna-bodying even decree of fashion in design?, matinal, trimming ?mil coloriiig, will l?r found in our lar?:?* assortments of Suit-. Gowns and \\ raj)-, shown on the Third I loor, at reasonable price MOST UNCOMMON EARLY SEASON PRICE 1DVANTAGES ?FOR MONDAI i our m i. In Tailored Suits iirjartli design???- and hand tailored, In ill? A \?liiiir. with velvet, $27.50 Women's Suit fur .-nul dr. '?trtial Arm i 839.50 ??f liroadelotli. fur .iiul lir.inl trimming, Copy ?if Martial Arm nul :i)..<l?-|, Women's Dresses of ?erpe?, broadcloth, tatTiti. crepe de ( hi?e, velveteen and Georgette ?combined 119.75 47V 3450 Dancing Dresses ?if ne?, taffeta, fftoa de I ondn - satins, Boirce and mrt.-il brocades, 827..50 & 35.00 ^ omen's ("oat fr?r spoii and itrert ? in s large variety of dCaUrablc Bateriala, ' S21.50 Smart Coat? of rr]m;r ?}?* lame. *, .1 \ ere en. OOrtaBWOy ami plush,with large fur ? ?illardndoiif.-, ?34.50 ?? 15.00 Tin* Fur Department Third Floor, ?Has for immediate election * lii.^li cloaa assortment; of lnr and Fur4ined Garaients. Fnr Motor (!??ai-. Scarf?. Muff- and Perfectlj Matched Sett in id?- late?! styles and uio-i reliable tur-. from I he m<>.-t in?*\prn-ive l?> lln liiulu-.-i ooel piece?* in \<?Lrn?' thii BCataon; ?also Fur l'?*!t and Trimming?*}? Motor Robe? ami I lour Coverings. most vm; \cti\i: n.ia: \l)\ iNTAGESFOR-MONDAY,IN Hudson Seal Coats Caracul Fur Coats effectively/ combined b? i ? h Skunk, , tlirrr-quarter and full length models, Reaver. Kolinsky, Ermine and Fox, ranging from the inexpensive gradea also plain Hodson S.-al modela cul on to the lineal Moire and Baby? aracul, the newest lines; lengtha i<>. 15?St50 perfectly matched skins, $85.00 to 1*25.00 S75.00 to 875.00 lu?ante Wear t-.l 1 loor EXCEIXENT \ Ml ES* MONDAI Wash-able ( at S3J55 if imported < <>rdur.?v, ?-tub\e - ,>r> ??ulfd nodel, m white only; 6 montln to 3 years. ( Chinchilla CoaU. at $4.95 All VVtool, flannel lirifd. rel-ret collar, l*It ninilel. in navy and brown; - to ? yetas, Imported Handmade Dresses of fin?* nain-aook. kind emhroidercd in yoke and pane' effect, some orith scolloped l.ottoin; ?-i/< s six months to two years, ?it 11.35. 1.85. 2.65 i*; 3.50 Striking Values in Silks and Velvets WlaLL BE OFFERED o\ THE SECOIVD FLOOR, MONDAY, \l THESE LOI PRICES, WHICH BESPEAK UNQUESTIONABLE ECONOMIES ; AnotherKxceptionalPurchaseofImported ~,,-y ? Imported Black Satin, to haches ?title; ?oft ?. ^ Chiffon Velvet, doublewidth;regUaUrly?.00yd, ???*?? <f) ,ll"s!l- Mfc* 1,Mn ; ?v-"1/ir price $2.00 yard, at sI.._lJ Imported English Corduroy,27 inchea wid?-- Crepe de Chine, extra quality; m __?. widr. m in newest anrl most desirable Autumn shades; ^ . - - all tlir latest light and dirk shades; also white, Q -i ajr regulor price $2.00 a yard. ... at ?|pA?DO flesh and black; regular price $3.00 a yard, it vX?0*J Continuation of ihr Autumn Rug Sale In which a special feature will I??* made during the remainder of the month of ROOM SIZE*', in tin- mo-t desirable ?Eastern weaves, at emphatic price concessions, as .the following will indicate: Persian Mahal kirman-hah -Ciurpets Room lises; formerly $88.00 to 695.00 Room li?tes; formerly $250.00 t.. 7711 00 at $65.00 to .50.00 at $188.00 to 475.00 ChitJaCse Hnjis Ui.nrn aises; in very arti-ti?- colorings, at $78.00 to 310.00 hi jar- and Ghoerevans Saronka ami ka-han Room sizes, form? rly $200.00 to 585.00 Room lis? s. form? rli (1250.00 to B8S 1)0 at $125.00 to l?o.o. at $195.00 to -690.00 IVrr-ian Hall Runnen Ionic and narrow; \ allies np I.? .i?.,i 00. at ?-2*).::, to iv.,-,0 A Noteworthy Furniture Offering PREPARED FOR TOMORROW, AT l M M \l. PRICE I\I)l CI.MKYrS: Mahogany Dining Suite. ivory Chamber Suite. :i pieces. bi retofore $225.00, at $125.00 Mahogany Dining Suit?*, 10 pieces; tacretofore $887 00, at -$245.00 Mahogany I lining Suite. 10 pieces; was ?ITO. ?$325.00 MalatOgany China (lusets. Were $85.00 ?o oo.oo. at $28^0, 55.00 \ 65.00 Lvfabogany Buffets, Were i?*?.-).00 to 1 I", 00. at $?35.00, 55.<00 ?V 75.00 h pieces; heretofore ?.'iiu oo, at ?^275.00 Ivory Chamber .Suite, ? pircrs; heretofore $180.00, at $325.00 Knaniel ('handier Suite. s pieces; was $679.00, **M36.00 Ivory Toilet Tables, Were $81 00 to 70.00, at $15.00, 30.00 \ 15.00 .Antique [vory l.ure.iiis. Were $82 00 ta 121 00, at $26.50, 48.00 \ 11 ?t 1.1 mi I pholstery \ VI in IMaPORTANT < ?III HIM. MoM)\,i u\ l i?l Ml If -FLOOR Lace Curtaing iK Panels Vovelty Irish l'oint Curtains, Values $4.96 to I 1.80 a pair, at $3.75, l.r>0. <>.?"><> and 8.00 Kcal Filet Panels. Values .^lti.r.o t?? .'io.imi each, at $12.75,15.00,19.50 & ^?50 Cluny and l'ih't Cuitains. Naines $| 1.80 ?o .???_'JO a pair, at $8.50, 11.75 to 25.00