Newspaper Page Text
5H.LI-. .N MAY GET AN MISSION H ? He Will B? Cos ,1 at t spitsl 1 ox May Cross Border. i 'patch Me* i 11 netsaas s- . . . ... me. from ? ? ? . < ? ? ? . ? ? traai ' -, ? - ? ? i i . . ? night ? ?? an Vera Cm "i-- ."? I h_? reia'inp? ?'??xi-ii ar.d tie I ??'??,! S'at?" I the ' ' ? befoi i let af t'r. * ?| the Ton a thi srt al Qoisraor Mill?'-,. of \ ? I i ' r_i. ?-? I le.-f?. in an i fl i-nmii.-. ? ? . < sasal Willie.? w ^? ? -. Sers Madero, srldaw of Fran eIan, ' i SSldSSt ? ? ? ? ? ,|;i>. Mr* ?. i i '-?enta no I Mrianza ?ri.i u h. hi , "-,;??,! h i . , , at urn. in M hirh ' t,r ' ' I I ,?' ' ' i>_Te,! ? I'Alt'4 V Direct U> 4. ?* _.. II -5 Minute? ?fresa 96th Street, 22 Minute, from 72d Street, <i\ I s" / k'l I r 17 Minute? from Grand Central, I Minute? from Brooklyn Bridge. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|||||||||________________l The Great Autumn Olimax Sale Presenting the -Lowest Prices and the Most Astonishing Values of the Tear in Every Division of the Store TWert is ALWAYS enough difference in your fsvoi in Abraham and Straus prices ovei those* ; make a trip to Brooklyn worth while. nday's pri es sre so much lower still that you owe it to your pocketbook to come. i find how quick, how casv. how comfortable it is to TAKE A \ XPR1 ? direct to the A c. S. Private Subway Station at Hoyt Street IAH _ v ES FROM TIMES SQUARE1 Budget of Monday's Offerings .'? $27 50 & $35.00 Fur-Trimmed $12.00 to $16.00 "Lily of France" Cor Bn_._e-.-_ Suits. $17.50 & $24.75. .sets, $3.98. .^ .9 Pieces of Cut Glass, $2.75. Women's 25c. Handkerchiefs, 12 l-2c. each. f-'-ee| r SOf I er US T?,'e ....:*, Misses' Fur-Trimmed Suits. $12.98. Men's Socks, 9c. a Pair. -s? ??? ,6 *nd ,H *?? . , , Men'? Winter Underwear, 59c. 22c. Priscilla Hams, 18c. lb. '''?*??'?' IS ,. , , o i-iii A. I I CL* L CI r'c" "OUI H to A II). . I >nly onr* to a cus Men s Percale ohirts, ode tomer. Store orders only. ?- .tro? i ? ?? Bids hir. Tioor, Wool h Bovs' Kaiyon Showerproof Overcoats, pia{e an(j 50 Calling Cards, 89c. isually $6.50, at $3.49. Store orders only. ^ ^ m bm! 65c. Muslin Sheets, 54c. each. *?. , 2 y?s r?a- n -r Th'.r. pioor, arooi d 50 Callir Store orders only 89c Mecalinc Satin, 35 inches wide, 5,000 Boxes of Stationery, 7c. a Box. u* **. y.. r., ? r f.- Reel I 50c. yd. 89c Inverted Gas Lights, 55c. I Babies' Siort Frocks, 39c, regularly 50c. $5.25 Boudoir or Desk Clocks, $3.75. 1 ' 2 HjS. ? - * 400 Smart House Dresses, 59c. $6.50 to $7.50 Damask Table Cloths b.w.- c-?.?.-. S4 98 each ^c' Montauk Assorted Chocolates, 15c. -iz__ _ x 2 x ? yard; $6.15 Iris Pearl Opera Glasses, $4.95. No. 3 Cub Cameras, $1.95. Listed at $4. - . . ? trel h dg Women's Underwear, 14c. ?,-! ?iity Store orders only. Pound. ^^^^^^^^ Store orders only. f reel F ???>? ? .atro Bids Men's and Women's Umbrellas, 68c. $2.00 Silk Velvet Handbags, $?.00. "?? '? r* ? O.? B If $1.69 Dinner Gongs, 98c. ? s' Silver-Plated Flat Ware at one- $2.49 Box of 50 Cigars, $1.75. U leu than regular price* ^ R?bbon Loom Ends 3c> to 29c. Yard. French Prints, 59c, 74c, 98c 79c A & S Lining Satin, 58c a Yard. $22.50 Seamless Velvet Rugs, $18.75. 36 ^h" ^lc t ? j u ' ? _ Q . Cuticura Soap, Usually 18c, at 15c 500 1 rimmed Hats, *p?.yD. Stor_ orderl onlv Quantities .--strict?--, to I H0.00 to $1 )00 Samples (wo fo ? cultomer< hcn . ? nn ?i a __ ?I__#.' t? nn Geo- A- C,ark'8 SP?o1 CoUon' 200 Yards, J2.D? to $4.00 Untnmmed Hats, $1.UU. _._.____ . 1 m no Black or White, several Numbers, $2.50 Ostrich Plumes, 98c 1, Usually b 1 c. a Dozen, at 4Uc a Dozen. ? ' ' Store orders only. Quantities restricted. Taffeta Silk Petticoats, $2.49. r . - f *? ' . Store orHrrs oniv $3.48 Gillette Safety Razors, $2.46. Store orders only. Quantities restri. tc .. $2.00 to $2.59 Lingerie Nightgowns, {CQflU/,.. n ' .^ r, ' ' t-. 29 $3.98 to $5.98 White Organdie Flounc ings, $2.25 to $2.98. .1.25 Hammered Brass Jardiniere, 98c \yomen's $4.95 Shoes, $3.35 Pair. 1 .I H . T . __.___. . Men's All-Wool Suits, $9.75. ^ Imported Chiffon Broadcloth, $1.29 Yd. Silk Lined Corduroy Negligees, $5.69. {-Piece Dinini. Room Suite, $59.00. ta * $1 98 Fiber Silk Reefer Scarfs, $1.59. ' .nil Bt?Js Men's Suits-to-Measure, $22.50. Al - |( measure additional charge ? . . asary. ? $21.75 Bracelet Watches, $14.75. ....'-?? . IB le 58c. Sterling Silver Photo Frames, 69c ?nly. Street I ? ? ? ? I ? Women's Street Dresses, $9.98. - to 44. Regularly $1.69. _ . inche. wide. r. ?? f ser, tv??? ni .? Women's Stockings, 10c Pr. Usually I 5t. .... Bide Half Silk Crepe de Chine, 27c Yd. .6 inches wide. Good Books Underpriced. $12.95 Dinner Sets, $6.75. Complote tor 12 poople $1.24 Roller Skates, 85c I or R?iys and (.ids. 1 . ttemt ic 1 $7.50 Blankets, $5.98. ?__________________________________*' " kbies' Ruffled Embroidery Flouncings, Lace Curtains, 29c to $2.39 a Pr. 49c Yard. Men's Gray Mocha Gloves, $1.15. 69c. Stamped Nightgowns, 44c . ? U K. Gold Jewelry?1-3 Underpriced for Monday's Selling. Women's Kid Gloves, 89c I wo ? I.i"P Si/es t. to 7' 4. Striped Outing Flannel, 6c a Yd. In 10 and 12 yd lengtha Table Oilcloth, 14c Yd. . x 4 width Store orders only $5.00 Sample Waists, $2.98. ? and ^H only Women's Fine Coats, $24.95. Regularly $32.50 to $59. aas. NAVY LEAGUE ! DEFIES BRYAN Demands Apology for Al? leged Slurs on Roose? velt and Abbott. CHALLENGES HIM TO INSPECT BOOKS Association Restarts Statement That It Is Subsidized by Ar? mor Plate Manufacturers. - ? ? -'?.?? U'-.1 iagtoi <>. ? ? | ! ?.'. . Ros *s- ? and Di Lj n .1 Abbott ha.. I 1 in? "mslefsctoi nr frost ? tl " class by V.UI?SBI JSBBlBgl according to the Ka ' ti a itatsnsnl ? -?.jr'nt. ? ? . , 1 Its I I ff f : un Mr. Rrysn The league wsata ts kai Mr. Bryan 11 - ? alral Dewey and Csrdinsl Gibboni siso malo*" I I wit ?. ti "bit : plsti ' in?." for the 1 . 1 oss si mi itaii 1 ,. elsmoi of wm ? ? eby improving bosinesi n tumor plate. "Among the members of tha ' ... -, itatot many of the :iio?t proi nd re cj'erte'l American citizens, Including Admtrsl Dewey, Di Lrmss Abbott 1, Theoaor? R01 a- ,! a hot! " ' others." A Isttoi asa lost ts Mr. Brj 1 ,'.i-. by Bocrotaiy A H Dsdmun N'a-, y League, r.-. it il Ig 1 ? . ' of Slate 'ci t ,i || at the lsa| I here ar.d make a tborotlgfa inspection of It? BCCOOntl and subscription liett. Mr. Oodmnn declarad emphatically thst the Nary I.ea?u?- had nes-er at SBJ fme rereived any contribution frOIS any armor piafe rinjr. ?nd he added that it did not know of the ex i fence , of any such bed?. Record? of League Open. "We have nearlv tw-elve thOBSOad members ir. the N?vv LosgBS |-ro; er." I he said, "and in 'lie WOmsa's BSitloi ' thpre ere nearly thirty thoBSOnd repre '? sentative?. The boOKl of the Navy I-cF?iT'i** are i nd alwoyi lia-, e been open to pablic iaspoetiaa, and we ar_ at al! tinea mo.?' pleased to rende' a finan rial SCOOaat of sarSSlvt ? to any ?>ne who may be sufficiently interested to BBS far fitch SB We moat certainly feel that before Mr Brystl made h-? ehsrgOf of subsidy SBd e?r rup'ion arainat the Xiivy Lrajfue he ?hoold liase called on n - and ' ? ' fcatel the matter. ?Mr. Bryan baa naques tioaabl y i<o-ic va H preat wronp. and we fool that a? an honorable man lie r_: thrin n'--i himself of thii sapartflflit. ?r, eoBTtnce himself positively of the 7 r-.tth or falsshood "7* his ehar?c? and tlOB fOI the he hBK dl lie." League < hallcngc? Or. an. Mr. l?_?!mun'- letter as d: ?'Mr. U 1 .?"n 1 Bl " V? . i '. < . "Pear ?ir: In vour newspaper, 'The i ommoner,' n-id p-. vour pablic utter von hsv? reposto. ? (hot *he N'av. LeSgUC * I - luppoi 'he eon tri I it ?-. f.f inn . . "The Na* .? L tag is ia loath to i" lieve that \ ou would matt. BB? ;,,'!? ist si organ,7?'ion ' nml r.moag ?*- members mors than 10,000 repraseatstira American bmb j.n?i ?somen without sons more aabstai | ? ? dOBCS than vour own suppor., position. Familiar sa ere are arttl - high idsala sad lofty motives which trovern vour action, ani1 Otters ?-? fie] assured that, convince?! of vour error, vou will hasten to make full SBd gSBSrosa reparation, both by voor printed und bj roar spoken word?, for ? I . -vronir vu have ,?.,, .. "We therefore inv,;e von to call at the offices o?* the |eSg"U0 and make full inspection of our bookfl SBd -'vorn ac COBBtS. We shall hold oun *?i secoaat for sll expenditni r. .rit*, anii tO prOSOBt full l.sts of cop tribu*.;"!.- and eontribtJtori du;-.- aworn to and certified sa to arcurarv tad ? i? a.. a. "IU iroald call vour at tent loi to the fad thai the bookl and Bui li?ts of rhe Navy League ,,i t.-nes .ij'ct. *" Inspection sad thst ?? ? ?our* thS fallsst publicity in .11 niat tera ncrtainin?. to Aaanee, and, indeed, to i ttaili of our organ iza t ?en. "Awaiting vour call witl tl-'. v._rrr! est i r.-re?\ i an ? ? rv ? rulj youi "AM 'M R II. DADM1 '. " LODGE URGES PEACE THROUGH FIRMNESS Says Adequate Defence Will Keep Foe at Distance. -?ahaat, Muss.. oct. ES. "Pea i be more surely and better mSIBtained lis firmness a:-.,I <1 ir<-c*n>? ?.? than by areakaeai and hesitation." ?-;?:,! I l Senator lienrs ? .I".- I OdgS, in eritieisiag the national ad m an op.-n political letter mads pub c to-night The letter i? addressed to Samuel W, Metall, Rspabllcas tsadi date tor Governor ? f Ml S? nator Lodge, who has been . to take an active part in the state eampnijrr. bsSSaSS 01 tiie recent <?f his wife, arroto: "I need not ?,?>? to ftn, bosaaM von feel as I do. tha' yOBI <?':. -t OS ha? a national as ?ell . -npnrtanre. We are Republicans, I * icans first, and no word ha? come ft u.? as a pHr'- ,01 SadstS, and BS B ord ?ill mm? . ?? lid <-m t._ir_-^ 'he administration at Was!. ington m dealiag I - -'-e danger llflScalti? gi ? _ it of the tor? diet Europe "W. bava not h?sit?t? .,-?.?' | : e Pralident ? be ora? right We boliere at peace taifled, hu' i, ,r d. ep ' obi let I _ ? ? ???-?.? ? ,. eetness t . ; e- ? at ?? shore sll things to kee] with stl si .-,a*. tbat thii sad can he most sorel tsiaed by rigid i of obi neu? trsl doties, by fli ii?-utral rights aid | : snd I ,-. ? for nat ' h will make ? i:,-?r * ? thst DS I ??,.,... ??,.,... be attempt?-?! with impni I Touch it it on Mexican t.'' a tor Lodfte ?aid : "In 'de? , ... ? \e OBI) chance of t< estab | 'mi-rt uas de?*roved by our iatorTOBtii . rder I i sail The anarch . i - OS ? I , j unhsppy eonntry, the destruction of ? . ? f ?. i ? propert) ss : murder of ' ts encan citi- . sre n a large me?? . ? the prescrit administrado?,, who have I place : -'rabie and BOS spoBsibility fur lo>?. sofferiBg mid out ipon the people sf ,v-..- l'nited| ^?ate?." N. Y U. Freshmen in Defeat. Moaat Veni"-i High Behool. ioot ta'i ararrlara iwoopod daws as *h Nem Vori Uaivoratt] i,-- r Field vesterds-. Bfternoon, dofsstiag hem by a ??oir sf i* *" " The \ i*' tor? outplayed the Violet ?lesen in I rsery department. CITIZENS UNION DIRECTS VOTERS Candidates for Aldermen of Much Better Type, Says Guide List. REPUBLICANS STRONG IN INDORSEMENTS Qcacrally Favored for Assembly Samuels. Perkins, Smith and Crnpsey Designated. Trie CitiSatM I . .sued n ??. otei -' Din tory," that tod ! I ovtrabsr I for county ami Judicial oAssi sad for - ? ? ! H?.;ir.l of Alilermen. In ths directory, the Ub?ob ssys that tl.? sdoptlon o:' ths ut--' 7 itltu tion wili make the rex* Lag llsturs very important, ?nil will % inertssed power to ths Board of Alder* : ? ">!' ? . -.? ?. "thf eharsctei ..7' thi sldenasBls eaa - ever been >nal oppor .? ste vo! ng to ??leet n BOBI 'I "f tVldSI in. -. ?? ith a itrong - slss with lorac - mei ths ni rtority ?Ah-, ?rill eoBsider public queitioni on their i, ? riti ?? 'i ?? ? ? ?? rvicei would be of ?i.stn.rt value to the board. W SI hav? indorsed men of that typo, and ui,:?* their sapport by ths votan, re ? irty ?tfihat ' ? ' No indorsement? are made by the Citizen? I'nion of candidate! for the judiciary where ?i-i-re i? no contest Thi? i the candidate? for the Supreme ? ourt. I l.r l'.p f ?fldorsei ths candidacy of Philip C. Bamaels, Pregressivs candi preferoace to I.orrri7 /eller, Republican and Ucmo cr.itir cai lidotS Foi thi M ri'cipa' Ith I'i--':.'- ' "ir- GoOrgS /. MsdallS, Ropah ;'- si ' lats is, iadorsed E?lgar .'? lauer, Republi? can m -I Pi .- ssa re eafldidsts m the i?tii District i Iadorsed fai ,;io Munici? pal < i I'cerkin? Indorsed. 1 borles A. Part . prr.cnt District At tor the Re? it oflle? ??.. B. Smith, better known ?s "Al" Smith lile i S, Il ir.ilorafd of th<* Reps rT didatei for mu cr.urt? m K srs Iadorsed ? - ?? Ub?ob, Jsmei * ' rapsoy, He publican ami Pu ? nulidr.te for DI li el V'"t nay at K . % .lohn Mr i rate, I ? esfldidstc for Regis I'nion'.? indorse ? ? ? ? ??n?! date? for the Assembly ?ere ? e I eet is of eleel ? ? ., rimai . ? to . ?* itore ] natini ; ? ? poai i to i ?*. eleel their m uaicipal ofllc? - ??lud.- . ero; npp?? ,iiv chart? r ame; dmeal eduetio in pi >.e of th. Board of EdacatioB, delega! ng to Hem \ ork City eoatrol ? ?? or sil i officers whoos compemation ma* Fixed ? under the props -cd constitution. I .-?? \ lemblymeti Indrmed in Man? hattan were: Sec? I Ai embly Dis? trict, Joiepl - - ?gel, Republican! nth Difttrict, IB, R^publi .. if net, l eo ? Progressive: 10th l ? Republi? can, ? 13th Districl II?' i ? " ? e; 16th Dis? trict, Abrahsm R Ellenbogen, Rep?bli? ca; ; ITth District, Martin iturltc. Re -. Perry Miller \ rong, Democrat: 21st District, Harold < Mitchell. Republican; '-'.'id ii I! Pinto, Republi? can; 24th Dis! . .' ol, Re can and Pi . Dis Robert MeC, Marsh, Republieaa, ! ndependen? ? l ? .'.-.?h D itrict, Jo? :'- Steinberg, Demo? crat; 5. Col go, Demi trict, Alfred |. |:. SOth Disti -, ? Mi ? sad Fro? net. Ai - Frin . .. AMOCBBBI ??Jul/zvd. In Brofl . ' ' Will? iam ? i - ? ?ndor ? ? ? ? Otl il. Re ; rood in th" S4th Dis? trict. In Kin) ' ' ion of on,- .. --t its, th? Republieaa the A ? ? ? I. The Rej I latos in i ' tldermanie I re- i . srtalfl mu-icipal r the prin- I ?? do ' . given. , The Bid? ?? A . i . 1. Am I. - Am ' l < ? i . I - ?. !? p.-i ' . .1 t a I I 1 . Wlipjsm a I I I- I ! ? . . . I ?. M ? . ?. 4 4 I ? I , . ? tm i. ... I A - '. p 4 .- ? ' I Am I la ? - . BoRnl ?ill \ I.' B.ddle Rookie? Drill il Cold. * i-r winter f ? ? skiei ?? An .1 Drexel Biddle, LansdowBO, a p thie morninjr This was th?? boginaiog ?>f ? ? ? week-end trainini ?- * oi em - hiii.iir? ?I mer. lack!? . lati?M vita ?? gat ?nd '?re SP SB? ici?e? as lael ?' Campbell ?,.l mm part- ' me- t - ? sail nal 10 i?l ; guard, i? in command, ae.isted by j I nit?d State? irmj oific?ra. | SAYS BROKER CANED HER Wife Mac. \?ers H BBS-Bad T?T?S_ I" ?m?>fher Her ?llh filio?. v. ?lltam Richsrdsei iroker, nembet sf the Gardos I < ?If i'1'ih and the Ual* rrsltj ' lb, wa? ? iod for separation n the Coart yeeterday. Hi? . ? ? him With r r ? i ? The Thurstssa w< ? nan in Hobokei Mn .? door lag sparts i ? ?eolf stiel it iriag hot steal ? . I i S< ? ? ,, ,.?. ?ay? ?he w - - IBVSd from each attache i i'i OBS of these OCCSI OBI leged, I. ?r. ton held ;? pillow OVOr h'-r Bad she was I i neph? ? I. Ab ir Mrs, Thorsten silages, her maid i i liea her hui ?I her aft.-r having given h,-r .1 i ? ?>? ,: srlth a cane. ONGLEY DROPS TO DEATH Playwright lull? from Wind.?? sf Wilmington Hotel. I ! ;. : Oagl? sger, fell ' dow in his room at the m it. ngtoa, Del., ysstsrdaj. ar.d disd n t: In . '? ? irinute- H?- waa in eharge <-f the "Eton lagdal? waa reeeivios its final trial before ap? pearing ,ii NOW ^ "i . Mr. Oagl ? v?-ar? ... !. lived a: SOI a ? at 112th H.? wifs, Ami Summers, ii kaowi on ' i. ? -tage. r?e B sa - I -'?? di" rector for A. H. Woods. H. member ?':' the Lambs, Mr. Oagley_ (Irai important iu us playwright was In dramat "Brou toi He ap,*<- "The Rector. Garden," in which Duatii Fai i am played. In collai ? ?yitray be adapted "The I. phooi Wrote "He ? "me- rp S'il ' g .i ??? ,..." Mr. (in;- , ? produced this sea?"?: b) the Shuberti HIGH WIND BLOWS OFF FOX HUNTERS Packs Start Two, but Lose Scent in Meadow Brook Chase. HUNT BREAKFAST AT ORACE ESTATE Many Members of Hunting Col? ony See .Meet from Autos. Which Followed r-tin. Hempetead, 11 ? ?? rera ? '?'? - ? ? ? '? i ? for a chase with the pact of ftftoei couples, fol lowed St 1 o'doek by a hunt breakfast to the memt"-.-- .uting colony hv Mr and Mn. W. Rassoll it th< .... i, ti Old -Vestbory, ami inter in the aftOI .... drag hounds, wit ? ? ?Hii.-. placen m the v.c.;! ,*;, of W? .ti Lot.?; Islaad this saturna. The Virgil St St East N'or wieh this mora ng Mori than - , rider? wen Th?; h;<i. trailing difficult ' ? er tht???? _? . , .? . ? ? A bunt --.e pack a a- blew n ,,:f were round the Aral in a a roil prlng and the secoad oa the I ' ? i Mr. aad Mr* Thorr , ek, Miss Helen Hitch mo? Hit ? - Mrs. Af rden. Mr a"! Mrs tlarrj I N'icr.'. ?. H P Whitney and eh' h. I Petera. lit Godfrey. Mr Mrs Roben W nmill, of Warrsa , hitney. ol Ho? ? Victor Mars , <?/. F "*> ? r . I Misa Prat. The h tfast of Mr. oad Mr* .' a lar;;? gather r.g g the ros ? . for S f mils I ear ?? ? '.race - a' th? si i sf Lai | ras is .nose ?ho d.d r ot ride ... .?,.. ..-, ? and ?aw m ?eh of the jumping 600 TREES FOR BEDFORD AVE I'lmting b?. I'ark t?imml??ioiur to -id I'r.ijert to I'eautiful B___M_B Streets Raymond V. lageraell, Park < .mm ? ????' aactios geaeral plan to ?iot Rrooki-, n m:th ' . .n.lred _*. one * nie a,?r.g a thiee mie .'r?-'ch ?,t Bedford Avenue, be'ween .-?. Parkwaj sad Taylor Stree'. ill -rlected Bed foi this ex.enmer,* be eau*?? ;' :? BBS sf "he mam big!-*- ? ar.'l traverse? nearly every kiad of neighborhood. . ? r:..?meat distrist I ? SB le '.al ?cctton. es m this erey ts g to the attention of resit] ewsora is teen kind of I au eiample of ho. - ? improved By ins ?eheme of encouraging all ?'.:-. associat-oas to slant ,_n the creation of a ?pee a fund *" assist i-, 'his svork, ?"omrr, ? Ingoraoll ha? airead*, ?et out se ? ,1 'r?es la rarloaa lectioa? The Bedford Avenue ex large?*, ?ingle task of el .?? attempts : I? wai Igh Frederic H Pratt, who eon tri bated *he funds. B0NW1T TELLER ?S.CO, FIFTH AVENUE AT 30? STREET Special \ alues Monday Women.s Afternoon? (lulling and Dansant (rozvns ~~ 29.50 A large collection of gown? assembled (mm (he regular ?torlt. Afternoon gowni of Georgette crr-pr, taffeta, charmeuse, crepe de chine, some fur ?rimmed Danse (,(,un< of embroidered nets and tulles, taffeta and satin stripe chiffon with touches of silver clot li, silver lac, sib er embroid? ery and rlunestone?. Women's BIOIISCS Very Specially Priced Novelty Taffeta Blouses In plaid,check,Venetian and satin stripe? in the favored shading. 5.00 Tailleur & Dressy Blouses (aeorsrrtte crepe, crepe de chine and liaiidmad'* blouses of 7.50 . Iland-made Trench Blouses Replicas of trench mouses Imnort,(J pxpr(.?|y for ,hl, .U|, \ collection of variou? sly!?** m Tailleur and d.untv hand em? broidered effects o? ?white French v e Ci. Georgette crepe, radium silk and t r\ ~?\ crepe de chine. ?*? "?D\J batirte Women s Daytime Coats si Evening] Manteaux 29.50 350.00 Fashions typifying the .ery latest Russian ityie movements with funnel collar!, deep cuffs and borders of fur. Developed in rich velour de Line. duvetyn and Bolivia cloth, black, wine, green and blue tones in velvet, ruh brocados and met.?l clothl. "Jeunes Filles93 Apparel Specialized Fashions for ihe Younger Set Mittet' Datum? Ctatt./?.?><> to q?.oo Misses' Tailleur Suttt . . . ?<i.n.+- t?.$? *9??? Mittet' Eveaiai Cents.?';??>" fa tjs.oo Mittet' Fai Trias'?Sails., if.oo ?HMO 4i?n Misset' Daytiau Freeh ? ? tf.oo to I Mitsei Costamt Suttt.?-;."" ts t?o?oo Muter' Evening Froths.-',"-??'' 'o ?m%.oo Women's Fur Trimmed Tailleur & Costume Suits 29.50 350.00 Modes that lend to the expression of personality, indi*, iduah/ed types with a note of the unusual and exclusive a touch of ihe diff?rent. Strictly tailored effects in masculine tone fur collared. cuffed and bordered ?uits in broadcloth, velours de laine, duvetyn, Bolivia cloth, f'.nglish velvet. Russian UtO?elt after the foremost couturi?res in heaw sit:n. Kng!i*.h velvet and chiffon velvet. FutS of Quality & Fashion For Women and U'me% The Coatl arc* characterized by their faring Russian lin;*.?. Funnel, Muff, and convertible chin collars; deep borders and cuffs of contrasting fur. Croa fox St t.,.8*5.00 Trimmed Hudson Sail Co&ts.,. ,85.00 \ ery select pelt?. (Dyed Skunk collars. Blue Fox Sfis.95,00 Trimmed Hudson Seal Coats.,, ?25M 1 lute, dyed blue. Border, collar and cuffs of Natural Skunk, Xatural Blue Fox Set$.195.00 Trimmed ?ludst,,, Seal Cunt?. . ?65J0? Beautiful colorings. Border, collar, cuffs of Skunk or Beaver. Slate Color Fox Sets.110.00 Trimmed Moire Caracul Cosas.. I ,~>M White, dvfd shite Border, collar, cuffs of ?Skunk. ft note of Silver ORIGINAL DLSlGNs Exciush t with Bonwit Teller Silver Undergarments . Silver Boudoir gjgg Silver Corsets * Bodices ANNOLNCF.MENT. Bonwii Teller S. Co. flirret special at? tention ft) their department for Custom made Corsets Expert corsetieret will nutke to meas? urer? reproduce corsett hxadeabrood.