Newspaper Page Text
Picturesque Figures in Women's Great Procession Up Fifth Avenue Past the Mayor Paraderas Shivery Impressions o_ Suffrage Cause on Foot Tuneless I ramp ol R- <tr Flankt ra One of Hei 1 .elit ved Only by Tea, Soup and Com ments of the Crowd. Bj BLANt HI BR \< E 1'.-. be r 44 fagger- who marched in the pan >este i Wash . Fifty-I ? than that near-neutrality t" ardent \ ' 'r rolaetaat, th? i If I I sd been th? in all ?' have dote at all In fact back art th 1 heeli V..' - lewl) . unavoidi bly, I ir.ev ublenei We v? . ? And It wasn't t band? it V?h and ? ? of eti? me fron to a fr. ? ? ' bullet? It er in _i? ?? | tmr. of the It wai ' rid of iati facet a stood for hope It wai Mag?- . the >? th i n k. r s suffi. . Btarch.r _ straightening the the fl BtBl I band \ Theos Moai Wi It _ fl?v it ?_? Perhaps ? Bs _a makiag ?ao a thing that you eaorchi and ?? Quiet;, ai Mot 1 slid ! a B Int? l?ssl parade n my 1 fe, and I I that , w?a goiag t The . | the Fifth A ,, un? leashed ' eat for ? editor had t r.o 'ther one Whoever t ??, that said '.ha* "all you has e to ds foot a'?rr a: ? ?? -,r" -.. | moved bv a fri? reramh . . 1? noth lag a that he ba frage parade 1! got th? inter? BIS bstw? ot and the other It wa? I o'l-loc. ??. ben } e e -, ? | Street. where Ma: ? hailing her BUthoi dubiously falling I i "Journal'- ' Isaasd of tas tit,. more thai I ing our piacn thou? sand? aad ' waitiag to I" a -'..r gaard of ? ?>i'. eoura. But it w? nothing -p? ctac .on trat oao ? der ta prove? half ?i- f from ? ? - it h -t ? ? line? ? l wai t? ? ? . ? r? ? and it ? ? ? ? ? ell ex led hei ra ; for a i ? l i in a . silver pit SI -un id h. The rea \i'ti Itrt-ak?. Thro i--|i I in? "V. ? I ? ? ? ? le till : - - - ? I ad ? a? ? ? ? ? ? V ? ? I. Il . .. ? ...? at at the WOI d do jUSt that, until at the cud of the vista they J May? and Mrs. M PARADE PLEASES THE MAYOR. \ sear ago Mayor Mitchel aid women ?nul?! get the sot?- when the | majorltj s-'?-in-?i it. Pridaj sight he rf- tared the ?hange had rasas and thst Ik- was in fasur of the asovemcBt. Becaass <>f this, Mr. Mitchel, who aaa ths parade srlth Mrs. Mitchd, ?a? the -tost observed of th?- half mlllloa observers of yesterday's para_c aad BBsmad t<> eajoj ths positsbB of a williag eoavert. This was saaalfested ?_h?-n ? baaaer proclainlBg thai ht- would vote for the saaeadaieat waa car? attention, with the ?(?niiiHiit "Qalch work." He as his ?*> ?? lit upon it. aid nudged a neighbor to attract his at I enl inn. OB of their romankind. SI,.., ? ? , ; -he t eme moment . to i re that thii ;,..,. .? a -?rittei A ? l w? ? - . ght the eye the pavement a little, thinly . ? starve I loal ,,,, | .-,| or enthusiastic in ? . r ? '?'? free from .1 . wrt if But sa 1 looked at her i that he had higher dreai ,-. I had had earlier . sftei ? but I took off i ? ? "Thanki i ? ? i e the " 1 i ?? j '. " ? ? i ;,. ? 45,000 PARADE FOR SUFFRAGE ? eatiawed horn page i carls, makinr their appeal far *h :% I ehind all wore ? r this - Women had come from man) ?tates low . plea i ? ? ? received the N? '? . feature ft liai I ? 11 only a fes . . . .... ? -, \ ? . ? ? i ? ? \ . sr< I . indaunted made the ? ? ? Th? ttli .... t? for tin- womea marcher? But as not stra ? the parade had ? ? ? felt ob the ildews - lo laughing **? att? r, this g _?< rrious and ? . . tic wi ly, toi Mit? iel GlBStS Long l.i.ic. . r?... i.. d the n ? . minutei b? ., ?. ? I e r t Ads d 1 ? ? i isteri P * . aaraj I rom ; a boa? STSI chance provided. The afternuun ? Ta - "1 a b -, B ? York und American e st ? er;. Chici ... ? dowi ' I i arenue in ai lag ' i e waj i", the h.i_h ' ti en asraag up ha 7th Reg? I pis? .ni; "America," and I" . -i, .., . i ; Just foil . ! i.e.,i,aid i boma - earryii bam er of the l- ?? n at onal Woman Suffrage Alliance. in ths dit 1 nturn, M rs. Chsi Baker, Mr?. M ri Ms -. Ware Dei i Howlaad, Mrs. P er?- garet S'aambei .*. ? llbert i;. ?*. ?, . i. disfl Ida Vera Simontoi P< rei Maekays, ?? \ ?? Carpenter, Misa Kola La F? ?? Mm. Fi Bj?rman aad ? Dorr ?hieb earn ? -.??? a- ,.ru-e. ng Noy? . si Liboity, torel i- tora a t r.-d. white sad blue, n '-.i. Boh;i .1 her was a "America V -: ' n ) .? Liviag 1 p of a dOSOU '"men repre??ii* ng th? ....?, . . ,, , plastrona eh the nted '?i gol i ?? _hej marched ,n a row. thr'r arms .-, | ; . ' ????'?? ? DBS Sid and red on the other, and the _i.. nod ti red, I blas Bohl nd I ? " i Margaret Val? , - n ? flag a golden ?pear, from ? !. . | ?? , | ? romei epreeent i'.. -1 ' ' ? I l ? ? \ ? Mr? ? Churchill, Mrs I eretl i ' Mn -, ? ; ii^o!, \, .- fork reprai ' Edith Wynne I Dr. She? .mona Mar. lier? One ' .tract ed mo?t after;- | f parade was I> -??.?? eg of S year or ?" ag' rrie Chspmsn i latt ? ? -.r! Woman hoaorv r?cognition from tile crowds. Mr. I.I. ? be la pre. ? th? National A IS iciatioi B her ? ? ? as I cHp. and OVOt rs 1 ? * be seed of bei dl\ face w?v? wreathe. ind then a? she rocog ?? -'?,.- knew ??,-.. ??., .- . ,- the Em pi I. of the Neu I Tort State Woman SufTnige j.ira.l. was one that was a magnet for al _t the '"i il.rls from Noyes Dancing School carrying large American flat:. Bottom?Women wrestling with banners caught in sudden I Last of wind. !! -Dcrt T. Carpenter, "..,it of it. carried a .m tlac. As the ?r.-.:v.:* si Porty-tsoeoBd ? ? -, Mr Carp? ni r stoppod a fow ? from thi reviewing stand, and ? - frrmphertt hurried out in the ?trcet . to >?< t her r:---iir?. as ihe ?tootl? ? ' -ere -, her ... .* ? i ?'???? .... hi lar, cans and !>? t*. ? "i r. Bhs raised tiff,' I il its t" 1 railed sad rotaniod - ,-- ' .-..'? ? ?k'-'d 'run rJn It ,..': ??'?'? sf I omSB rcprr .-?'.. ?i sl ioB. They ,. Hag "Wyomlflg the V ote in l-i;*." "' ol ?? \ te I in ISM," "Idaho The b ind blow the hit.* hard ? ???it ??! keep them ' ! ... trade began thi mai - ? ?b'?ut nn! broken the taffo ? th Users end ign h ? batter h.-iinllp tli m. Of coarse, serai I k ? roman whn m ? I ? ? . ?? .t.-. - ribbon ig either th* nrordi "Votoi for ? -t.n, ? -nr.iii.r inset iption. At tl;.- vary end of the Empire State .-. legation, followlog all the IgM : m .men rots in I i ? ign rs iding, "No* For! "Aomen Have Sa Vats sl A ?I?" lr- .-?.- by lbs Brav trste a card inal featn.f the paratto. <itu which attrocl ? ? |8?re mid ??p ri.-i '.-. ??? ? ? the mala or '.mixers ?VOS, '"..?? tailn. ?ritfa you, we . .? loi with you, ne ?. ?? .. why . un'* ire vote wi'h >? i ?" Aoother read: "Oh, men, pl?-u?e .." ?-. e si the vo'c " There were ths ivards, "Prasldsat woman ?utTratre." and .'?-?.- Mayor rotary of Wat ?ir.rr ? ? ? ? i sad ?.tb?*r well kno?n r i said vats for the - . an ?-io?iuent "?'.?mpetent to teach ? ? ? pat? .-?' t?. *. ote ?" \ ? i ..illy potSBt -' us with the children, ?i.iat 11| with the vote." The ?ho Carried thesp banner? rear} ehool ia the graatar cit) A lat-i" delegatioa rapraaaatad Wi hington Irvias School and woi ? d m cap? aad gowni When they ich-d thi revlewiog stand they ?plH ? loable lias ?nil murched that Port) .,??,? i Btrsot, They lim-? they carried t.. ? ? : H.-hmd th"*.i wen sl touchers. ai? one ?>f the laric<*?t ? ? ill !.?!?? Ilr.x.klvn Well Repre-amled. Another crent rOpt*OSOatataOB ftm' from Brooklya. It loomad .?? if almo? ? ? in in llrooklyt: h?d como "'.er ths bridgOl and through the tun Boll m or.lfi to march. There Wi c iiterallv tho'i-an?!-. By ths time t'. ev ! the Maud it -.?.- late in the sfternooB, posi bly almo.t ."> o'ch?ck. i?n, of their number -.?ni hot ?i hui boob ?raiting in a >ide stroal be low Fi.urtcenth Street for two and half hour?. , The sctretie? hail the ! | isme ixp?ri?nc?. borne o? thorn gnw so cold and hungry they sent other of their number to nearby lunch room for pitchers of c<,:r.,, aid bundle.? " sandwiches. A ?.rea* proportion of th parads h_?i already reaehed F fty-Blntl Street before those last in line c-vei started from tie Waahiacton Squar ne ghborhood. Will Irwin, of the Men' League, aaid ho and hla cordons did no pet . tar ted until after ? o'clock. TI ?? due to I tie henv; traffic on Forty-secon?! Btreet fron east t" west and vice versa. Duriui the tirst par' of the the march er? moved swift!;, because there mat* few interruptions through th? streets. But ss dask casas -in sat commuters began to leave for *!'.?' out ly!n. Boetiooa the polios gavs mor? and more I? v.-ny to eroeotOWfl And thas the parale wan halted ?m< the last marchers held up for hours ii th.- cold This cold weather, too, nfTect>-.l th? marchers. Th.ij .ven- t red befon they reached Fot ? second Street worn out b) th.- eold, although n ost of the women were too brave to shoss it. Even the Grecian maids, ii flowing draperies, filleted about ?? r foreheads and with BBBdalled ( ? ' WOOld not show their plight ' front of a big Amei i arrie?] by members "f the Worn ' party. Yellow !*??><"? tripe. cap.-, were worn bjf ,-. :;',-r^ of the Presa and Publicity Boras tif-u?-1 paper bOBBOta SBd BOsheS wit? pai * . ' 1I ,?'?-. ? ... the parade. New Bochelle seme mor< Oi aek n aidoi ? a It h and lilies in their arms. Ne? fata t? BUad Justi?-?-. New V.?rk praseated s novelty in the shape of a BUad Jastles bound to \ ice, I'r? ?ladies ?h,d [gaorsaes, who wer?- hooded -i- tr? deep black, while Justice Mr Clsi ACS 11 f n ? i.-1- - ?on was yoaag, I all in white. and e:-11 led her US? It -s leal - m?l sword There s a float of t eu p ??-. who plea led "Cive Mot \ "t. \\ e Need I ? ." ??: .' '? I I. It a Kunny Thing The Fal Sea Why lothei I Vote?" Another beautiful float a i - '* 11. ?? ?Vorld Free," with Victory) ?Liberty, Equal? ?-, gad ?' ist es, sad t;ie si. continents. Mr?. Philip Boilsaa, wife *>'? ths art.-t, i a- the \ '??:?? 01 ra on ths float wer?- MisB Theodora Bean, Mr?. Crj tal Eaatman Benedict, Mi Jaaet Travers. Mrs. Alice Borrows Fernandos, Mis? Kiorenee You up, Mr- Florence Maule Updegraf, Misa Frieds robaai, Mr-, Julius Fraak sad Misa Katheries The nun in th?- para?a we ? to arrive at the reviewtag ataad. They had wait?-?! in the eold fot hours, but 'ni?. |ast as eathuslai tic si it" the) had started the parad' i- tcad sf having en,l.d ,t. They had a sun,: which mads a hit. ? Men'a Song Make, a Hit. i m ? . I " . !.. |[ ? .?.? ' I . | . ?' a?. n ? [ m If y??u don't believe it's s good -<>n?; try it to th.- tun?- of "Tramp, ?ramp. Tramp." That'a ths tune ths me i asad ;.'?:.?] da;, S. m ? ".' tin ? ; . raded were Robert Underwood J"hn BOB, Jude?- William II. _iidham. . < on troller 1'rendeigast, Fradertc C Howe,, William S. Bennett, William V. Van I Miss Marcare'. Vale repre esentinf* AlSaSkl ?uffrafrls**. >ar, Arnold Wood, Norrr vThitohoosa, Ogden Mills Keid, Herb Parson? sad Everett Colby. Tl.e n Ban ehoorad rHi?? time, not hooted a? when New York rut began to hi suffrage parade-!. Their ->tnnd I tided Instead of laughed ut. liig Six, the Typographical tTnl Was represented by "Print?-!.. they called themselves. They carr : big sign, "lHii.? -Typographioal I'n: First to Dmar.d F.qual Wages Women." The labor ?lvistoB I headed by a woman who carried a gii red torch, and who commanded sco and ?cores of men, each with a i band about lit? arm, and who chant "Votas, votes, votes for women." T women in this division wore red sash and (lurched hand in hand. Sixty horsewomen clattered down t i asphalt not long after the labor div ion had passed. They looked ve ! -.mart, indeed, in their riding hab? 1 and hard derby hats. They were woi en lifesavers in the parade. There w a tiny tot In a bag on his fathei . back. He looked very serious and d not seem to know what it was all aboi ! But he ki?sed his hand to May Mitchel, who smiled and waved his cv hand at the baby. Sign? in Many Tongues. There were boy scout?, one of them troop of colored boy?. There we signs in Swedish, and signs in Hi irarion ar.d Swedish, and ptign? in Spa lob, ?m-l French. Ar.d there wa? a dH gation of Oerman-American wome head, d bv a flag bearer, who B*l flanked by four flaxen-haired girls Saxony blue. There was a moTor car with "Mass ehasett Victory Campaigner" paint? on i?. The little car nad travel!? thirt) thousand miles for suffrage MMsaehusettl lost "animer, ana i campaigners Mrs. Walter (? Mars*, - Brookl ne, and her .laughter. Mil Katheriae, und Miss Berry 1'ottier, < B SB rode in it. There were v onit lawyera, doctors, nurse?, writers, dani ? sctrsssoSj authors, horiicul'uri.? IB! i.'.l Brtuts in the line, em* "i h it rats divisioa, and many in co: tame. It ? like a great costume ha! Sign! ?bowed the women had com from tien? va, i attaragus, Rroome, Ol tr.iio, BalllvOB and other fur awa counties, ss Ball a? from Wostcbestei I ne Westche?ter v? omen were led b the Wh'te 1'?H?n*. Fife and Drum <'orp! ???I "Onward ?'hristian Sol dtsrs" with variations. College wotaen formed a big part o the parade, m caps and gown?. The came from WellsSloy, Vassiir, Snd well known ?ehool?. The Stut* ? Connecticut sent tnnny representative; There must have been twenty bunds n line. One delegation of women carnei the new Now York City flag, which rip pled prettily ia the breeze. The l'.?th Assembly District, fron Brooklyn, wore becoming yellow ant black tln-?ses. Another Brooklyn divi sitM had four girls with big Japanes? umbrellas and the word? on a sign "il.. IBB ----- ill .-hi?e on us November _.' The VOUIIBOOa surVragist in the parada Ait* Paul BodovltS, who rode in a babv carriage tas s?tira route of march. Tin ?p'.<le*t WOI Mrs. Charlotte Woodward 1'ierce, ??f Philadelphia. ?- .-.8-??? MAUD ALLAN A SUFFRAGIST Ii.*.?f to English Militant?, Dancer I? ...m by American Mildness. I . ? . 7:,.' r.'t I a !|.ir-a . 1 Washington, Oct. 271 Maud Allan mule bot ?ffbut as a sufTragi?t here this ?rook. Immune to the pleading? of h. r militant countrywomen, the F.r.gli-ili elossia dancer was won by the milder American me'hods. Miss Allan spok?* at a tea given in her honor by membe-s of the National Suffrage Association. Sb.' always has been a ?uffragi?*. at heart, iahe ?aid. "\'r?t only have the militant? accom? plished nothing, but they have hindere.! their eau??- immeasurably," ?he ?titled "I have actual proof of thi?. I hav>* the good fortune to he acquainted in Downing Street, and once when ! was discussing the ?utTiagetti.? with Pie miei \ quith at s garden party he to! I me 'h'.t, while he . yi'ipathized deeply I t'-i 'he women vsho .veri- ?anely ami ?nl.< r... vtorking for suffrage, he would have nothing to do with the militant?,! i and that they had put suffrage back ml I England many yean." I ANTIS TO _?0LD MASS MEETH5 Senator Hoot and Bishop Greet on LU of Vlce-Presldeeti Announcd. A. a e il -1 ' to the J-rates. rade ye-* >rday afternoon the *tt ince that a ma;< ?? * * ti ,-r B_ ._ held SB I ' tober :'. ?. _:.wtbich fon_. Senator j.. i i. o-., In Lym.n AbbeS, Bishop Iiavid H. Ortet, the lU" ( harles S. Parthurst, Henry L. Stm son, Gfor.e W. asl Adolph S. Ochs will aft H honorar. vice-president-; Others on the list of rite-pr?--de* given out last ntirht are Frtz Achim the Rev. Anson I'. Attefbsry, ChwB A. Boston, Jamea M ?eck. Jon_tHe Bulkley, Francis S. Hani-?. Dr m.-SM Bartlett, John I). ( rimmm?, S B. Csa tenden, K. Fulton Cutt ng. GeorftF Crane, Walter C. Childs. Peter Cora? Dr. Charles I.. l>ana, Shepherd a. ? Forest, Dr. William K lir.per, ReWB M. Donaldson. Charles S. fr-1'-??* Hamilton B. Fairfax i. H. I'owers re? John (ireenouKh, W. D. Goth ri*? Throop (i.-er. Krar,.-:s C. ?snUBA Erskiae Hewitt. Henry "?"*9 Fugene D Hawkins. GsBoral S? ote Heniy, Bradi.h Johnson, ?alterf? ninga. Rosslter Johnson Ethelbort Ida Low, Sim Meyer. John Martin. Hamilton ?BO b,e Jame- A M.cdonald Edwsfil Martin, Chase Mellon. Hoffman MJ* David Ire. Mackie. John U Mi lbs? George L Ntehols. hafassta Nie? Robert OlyphsBt. Peter B.OlMgjH reld < I.borne, hebert h?-.!. I renB? W. A. Purrington. William B. I araaj Ezra P Prentice. Samuel 1.. I an? Louis r. _aaaalBS,_W;llls; ^ ?J Francia M. Scott, Charlea Steels. PJ fM.?r Munroe Smith, the Rev? Henry A. Sttmson. fieorg. *? J*'? ?a. Wl T?Kn..?. '??? ?1 Eyck Dr W. Climas Thompssa,? f,'?n.n.v A T-..I.?. Beary .*? *g Kserett P, Wheeler. James ** "?? S;#rtMr!.TBlcott William, snd 0-* Zabri.skte.___#_. NOTABLES IN SHH0T-ETH English -rtlet to EahlWt Wort - l'ortrait. and Statuette., ta the Huildmg F.Mf? nue and rortyetghth Mreei, je shown to morrow a coll?eion el W*g chrome model, and atstuettea "r . r.,r Preston, an fcngl 'Ha??. -, ?,! \,"Vd7rtsi - ?:? He ha? ?s-.a tea ^, c< Is .ig fiooi - As . h, ^l^J? j,, rr,.lh,?re,,u!. the ?.rand I^e ola. and others .. _?p mounted them that the] form ??"?* little triangular atatuette?. ^ Other sp? >n . ,A.tmi h,,.,l,,o:k are ,i the form 'of tsySg -sure, for r;P?e??e?? pe,-,..*? w ,? broken on the w?V ^ from London, the only per ^(| found fractured when unpa??J _? ?n iron erase bear.... IBS ?* tur." ._ SLIDES FORCE EMBABQ* , ~ ? ??ble ? Morgan and Mallory line. I?*? Handle t.ulf 1retght. Ga!v..ton. Tex. Oct. ^ T'?p? embargoes on freight ???ffl, ma? th- Pactftc Coa.t to *he Ati'betbS? ?,?:i,,l have been declared b> *?* Morgan and Mallory line ? ^ comp in,?-? a? the re?u.t o an -P dented ru?h of bus.nes? fol-?* gj? blocking '?' the I'at'.ama [^??W ? ? ? "* ';: ' . sjbiss? increased ?^?'?"i* OT !, . ?id 'hat the aa-bargese lifted rtertUg. .imm 0, tt**P There is no congestion or car. IB the terminal, here. Stricken Watching ?*rti* Frailees Pratt. **,i*\'' ^JM S3 Fa.' ! ','h Mr-*'. '** ?^ ,11 ?hilo watching th?- *u"/.\c,_.___l! between Kift? : rat ar<i ? V?atSF Mi.-*- "a r flh V..""^**'1. % was hurried in an ?u?''m?b',n* ? Presbyterian Hospital, but on ? there was dead. The body *?* home. I e* m