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Beautiful Women From Other States Join the Suffragists of New York in Silent Plea For Ballot . Great Parade Proves We'll Win, Declare Leaders of Women Men Favorably, Says Mrs. W . k. ;lt. Jr.?Watch the Wonderful Effect. Dr. Shaw Acjy; . ? >:? a -?< "?? 1 J ?'? very J -ood on I . ? t and ?T. '8? ? ' '' I 4?. Hi? ?* ? Lament. er, i ? . ? ?O? ?? ? ? ' -T ' .*?** ? made ?w ?fa, .1 ' ' ? ? ?adr. -. ?. .1. i h "' ? ha?e ? ? h und sau ? i l*'-'*- ' ?" ? i ? ?..? ? thai ?? . ? oui ? ? liquor i Beliovee \\ Will Wia. .Mrs. Joan Non . ? | ? ? . ? . ; ? our city, ?? . ly nfter th Low mac ' "We have i.ll we ci u got ss ' ? , ?n, "bul we are wit 44 omei .'u t l.ecaus ? we si - h lawy? ench womi '?'.. l re? cl ? IV? -4 OUI? ? i and the ' . \ ? ? ail] b ; - ? neb, s Will be fulfill? . . \ . . Bays Parada Will Ud 'Ihe chief marshal of nil the i . ? sun ? ? be ni It," ?he su the rrei , .. wh? frorr ? . niBtl s litt!? I am con that the women will win i p . . "What mpreasei me mo?t i? bow ? an ?ay that women do not want o. i to .- ? ,- parade, , while ? watch "The vlsualli ? sien favorably, '. jr. BoUewa Parade Will Arnuie Men. Il ? . work Bi ?c tile Paul S -:-f ' ; ingas! ?urTrafri.-t In p.'trail?'. women are going to get the vote this fall. those ows of iK-loriou? .- I *ht-n try to Katherine D. Blake, who nur ?hailed the division of w.?men toocbors, "U e ?a ill 1 uni con V. hen more than 'J."..'i t. . sre (tril?Bg t.. march for the cause, de Novembor is im ble." '? *."? ??'. MISS Mar ? pros? nts? Alaska, p'cli those wonderful ??vith heads ? eoming on nr.bly, like an in? I the? s 11 ?uc resting ?urh eour . >.:' New Votk ( ity are .- to day " II?.pel ul. Says Mrs. W.inthrnp. Jr. BgertoB !.. Winthrop, jr., said) 1 ?-i fui, but of one : -,'t gat I Vtlll lit tl:, ''.-'? ?i of time." "Th? i this crfiwd who nre y I I BV?1 ?'.?.!. ts SOS n are paradiflg," said " B| ? : ' "An.l I'm proud to -?.v that I'm a woman to ?' the great majority : g it? t:ue heart by I ? ? p--..;?p." line WS ? ero jrreet.d ? ? '.' BOS," ??.in ob, "bat 11 of lileaes which shows ihone>' land was the highest sp ? ? Bid isl IOS, who carried ?'. ' ? 1 win. We have f ths BOB w '"?!d only ad ? ?? parade will do ,..11 the ? -? VI that the mujo; ? f the women of thi? city are ???ant the vote." ? ," in an UStoi I tone from '?! i.'urn "\\ l,v, how could ???? ? foolish question 1 There ' ;. loubl in my mind sa overwhelm ? i- whole crowd is with there BIB Bl 'tiany watch | n>* mor.? in fact, don't forget WAVES OF CHEERS ALONG WHOLE LINE Women Spectators Applaud Men in Ranks. Whittles Shriek and Bells Ring. Soon after 2 o'clock yesterday after? noon a irrnup of women on horses ap I'.-tr.d la th? shadow of Kessler'? Jew? ish Theatre, at Hoastsa Street and d AVSBBS. Immediately a tre? mendous crowd tralher.d, for sloSSt trt ?'? ? -?? fsssals "? ossssksa." aa Pointed Comment from the Crowd Humor and Praise Drawn from Spectator?, by the March? ing Suffragists. "Many are the feet that are wearv i the march to chanted on< ovsrooatsd m?l? ? ppod UP und dowa to hoop warn?. I gotta get it some time; whr ',41, ? .- Why not S t '? ?' n ..I ipori - "" ' that woman wheeling a - smiling, too!" ? o was Mrs. Vas I Kotiert, fifteen "If '.turnen take .?urh that I ? ro gel aa tint one there, it looks a. if a little thing like a vote wouldn't be too much of a reward." "O?OS them the rots so there won't have to be any more parades; they bastases, commented one al ? ?W, Id ra'her I ?.han march. Women ?houldn't have to k'o out la 'he street like - "If women from the _nest families in America .ire willing to get out in the ? ? hi 1 line up with Mary Anne Anybody and chum wi*h her like a ei? t?r for a cause, it moBBB somethiag." "Huh! If women wsnt to vote they'll I at ? to wear more sensible elotl snorted one man. "Why, de they vote with their clothesr came a guick reply. At t.ip- Women from HufTrag-o Htatos reprisent them near hea.l of column. In oval?Mrn. BnulfoH Green, df Connecticut. SBS grtssslod Russian veteran called them. It was a ?trance sight. Street urchins fnutrht for a chance to pat the horse.' flank*. Heads were stuck out of windows and appeared over the edges of roofs. Pedlers for.ot their pushcart?. WSSBSB In wiir* forgot their afternoon nap and policemen shouted to keep (1 a ?urging crowd back. I'd Bocead Av. nue the women and men marched srlth h mass of colors and latoS-CBtlag music. When a national air wus ?trick up the men, rt them f,.re.,-- ? I *. ?ala d to the tip. of their toes and cheered with abandon. Hund-. - ? n fell into line after ?he r?galai I I had passed. Fa. "n ? ! and set - _> house bells were rUBg. It seemed as ,-n had :,L--r, tBTBOd ?*? Th?re wm a wait of an hour at Street, where Womea'e Pol?tica. ?i the line ere.-; rem a .-.'.u.ifton S Oum . 11 girls h ii a of the vision.? . ? the Dolnt where more thai BOB of the Washing:*',- Stiegest ran out o' ?he lire, graiped the girls by the ? ' turn on a tu;l blast sf mjsic ar.d danced to a not of applause. "It i? won ierful," said an old Ger? man. "I am an eld man, but n?rver in mi i.fe have I leOB anything like this " Women sat on taxieab tops, their feet dangling, to earn a better view of the ft ?. red, blue, green and purple lines that seemed to wind in sinuous faah.on ihr. agh '.i.e SVOBBO. The build? ings on Pifth A-..: _?? -v.r.' black with people, applauding from office wir | a ? and doors?ays. Vounga'.ers carried boxea from ' - and r.nted place, t. .tand at 10 cent, a perso.. | A* Fifty->>igh?h Btrsot ? man who ?aid he was !?ier Novia, of Newark, a coniiuc'or 01 ? ?. PsBBsylvaaia Rail ri.H.i. Stod a? Mrs Arab) , of Groat Neck, Long I, pH>sed: "Look at the ?uffragette, boys! And ?he weal i a ?mi -, tool " Ne*, n WBS B*n itod wh?n he fol Mra. il?-!' ?a. hut was released when ihe a?Ked Mac,strate Barlow to let him and. The i les? applause than did II ?.' men . BlSSSSd spectat? ? not cheer them, but the women did. .1 hardclanp'ng : from eon tag of thi - c throng. A B ?? -. . ? i.'t you go home and freeze '.'" wa? i. MB of th? men and women or. the sidewalk impelled the men in the variou? club? along Fifth ? by ?hour, of appl.une Sad hand clap Rogil and the ?nen ?tiner? ? a.:s..,e? and waved their hand? Itera in the ranks. A? the marchers pa??ed the statue at Colum his Cintls, the divi?ion? which broke rink? reinforced the ipectaton and r flr.i?? in the imiling faces - ichiog the end of th? course. that the fini?h wa! near ?l ?? -nen forgot dlocipllas and beyan ?miring Th?, BBOds struck up "Tip ?y" ?ml ths voice? of th. men rang 'it'* a ?hort wav to woman ?uffrage, "It'? a ?hort way to go" Then th.- s threw restraint ssids until trie voiun.e of nolis grew ??renter ar.d Kreater ar.d the long wa? tokofl up by divinoni in the rear. And, i?:ll sinning, the met? enthuimiti reached th? ?nd of their duuaatioiv, Mrs. Philip Lydif. "ANTIS'PRAISE SUFFRAGE MARCH Opposition Leaders Say Congratulations Are in Order?for Pageantry. Mrs. Arthur M. Podge, president of the National Association Opposed to WeSBaa Suffrage, ??sued a statement after yesterday's suffrage parade ial which shn said: "The suffrage parade was most m ( terosring. Its organizers are to he : I congratulated upon the ?ueeess of their ? ' ?*?*. Their endeavor, as shown through ths system o?" enrolment car ? igt for ?I..1UV weeks up and down ?ur stref's and in our shops, was to ? Induce and ponaads many dtvsrSO ; groups of women to march up Fifth : Avenue to show thBt some women WSJ ' d tO vote. la thts they were suc 1!. " trrhing hundreds or even thou-? : sand? in the waks of blaring trumpets i and tiding banners ds Bob prove any ?' ?.?.?? ?lo not. ?already know.; 11 than ever those _hn oppose vote* for women are ask'ng if there is any hope of bettered conditions in govern-1 Mr?. Howard Cunhinj.. 7 ment held out bv thoie who indulge m - ? . ? - ? they issume the re?po! 4 "There was nothing m that showed N'-w York STOBld SB then.: by ti"- di if! i int.. : ? Thors ?? I the o. ? ..p. ,,*? pagesBtry for any guanal that ? rat". "A? n ?peer trie ?he para?!?' wa? en UrtalBiag. A < tn irgumeat f. ? ? mai pro Othen of the a*.' loffrags lea 1er? ' comment?*d freely on the p was In pn grei -. sad thoj agreed I? thi opm ?OB i !..?? ? ?? ould !" of llttli I ill ,. ?..,. \ ???? Mill Vork State A ? ? i ipposod to WomoB Suffrage, laid: "II was a good p.rade but -.' . -.. me that all t(..- .' frogs itreugth wa? m the middle of th? Thors srai rsry littls enihusi the side* ilk?." Mrs. .lohn .1. r. R I v, vvho it lent t)f the ?.union Clul i which il Opposed to M,'rr:iKe. ?hi?): "Politically I think the para?ie was a nod in.~>g for those who ?vaul ?uf fragO, but it ..ill arouse enthusiasm only among those who will vote for .-?? anyway. !? won'*, l think, bring BOW VOtOS. ! thnk the public !? opposed to women mirchitig. a? i* is opposed to their ipoakiag >-r, street corners." Mr Evoroti P. ffhiwior, prosldoat of the Man-Saffrage Associatioa, refu*.?l to comment on the parade at all. An BBtl, st tinling BOXl to a middle aged Iri.-h woman, who evidently had a daughter ?omewhere in Im?, re marked, "I don't think much of this parad.' " "Why don't ye?" ,-nappe.l her neli?h bor. "Why don't .... intls have one yourselves, tl i s V" "Why should we*" was the answer. "We!!," told 'he Irish woman, "til tell ye why you don't. Tier?? ain't enough of ye." There was ?erne suspicion among the. anti-pauffrais'e worker? that the predi.-t ed number of marchers would not b? in line yesterday af'ernoon. Accord 'tiglv, men '.'.,.r.. Hi! out to cf.'int the liaos ?-1 thoy passif! and determine, if possible, tiie total number who*'- ?-.'.. This count, It was announced, showed al4.'?2f?. The parade will cause no changes in the atiti sjtfrage campaign plan? Meetings are being hel?! every right, and ?|i.aker? will BaMfOOS every po? litical club in the city before Klectlon Day. A ma?? meeting will be held In Carnegie Mall next Saturday night. Women's Earnest Democracy Impresses Kansas Editor Multitude of Witnesses Given I_asting Proof That Joke of a Suffrage Parade Is Over. Says Henry J. Allen, of Wichita, Kan. rty HF. RY J. At.I.EN. Fdltor of "The Wichita (Kan?.) Bea? con." ? ; endous! I'.'a entitled to all the ? ! ? . A? a manifestation of the wide? spread and vital interest in the N-w York campaign for equal suffrage it was absolutely overwhelming. Forty *hou?ar.d women do not spend .i^y* ng ready for a .ve-mile march through crowded streets, and hours marching In a raw afternoon for a transitory whim. And five hundred thousand people do not crowd the line at march, ?ati.fied to stand for two hour, in the hope of gettirg a frag mentar}* glimpse of the pag.ant oc ca.ionally, from mero curiosity. From the standpoint of the crowd', psychology, it was th? mo.t demo? cratic exh bltton 1 have ever teen in Ne. York. In the serried rank? of those who marched were worgen from ever/ e'.asa. They had come to the formation grounds In luxurions limou? sine., rich automohilea, in taxicabs, on 'buses, in streetcars, snd some had walked. Thsy were from every section of New York; their l'ves touched every .on of th to teeming city I their con?err_t- ?: - the csu? for wl !i ,l-, marched all though* of the eon idoratlona that some t i asea ?eparate th>-rn late ClsSBOa was I?.st The vast crowd, apparently a fren i ly throng, was characterized by the. ?ame democratic comprehensiveneas. And the impressive spirtt that brooded over the entire event; that gripped the sober, earnest marchers tn the I Brade, and the quiet, orderly and ap tl) no less earnest thousands that l.r.ed the course, was the ealm noaa of it a calmness that was fa'rly grim. The holiday spirit that charar terizea parade, waa absent. Thia crowd of ?...Of?, women and 1..00. men was on a march; a quiet, orderly march to a certain goal and the vaat mul'itnde of caught the .pirit of thi. fact. The event wa. happily tree from any , of the rowdyism that brought disgrace I to the national capital three year? ag i and resulted in a Congre, aional in quiry as to police control. There waa n new quality in the attitude of the crowd toward 'he rnembera of the parade a significant quality. The Joke of a suffrage parade ia over .r?R TM- RltSTAI RANT IN. gVB__B. _t aaSUaaa ? ?i ?! . -.-I ?*?? I">_--at art _.<?' ?? ihartaa l*_rta friatlena- I SlaSB I>t____<_t )??*!_? Kku. ai I Kl.h MnuviUf leme'.n ?mm l_a da.! ?Mm _aa-_-s r?____a m Hesssa mi mm _*_