Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE Your Money Back lf You Want lL --. I.uiionaJ r_g?, lust Column. I E\\\ So. 25,180. ? . , rr*s>?. ISII lt< : i ? I - ? ?I Inn W ?s rw^^ ?T"*^ -*** - Ht ?ma^SsS?kwSi - '?> E __L__k ____*__ ?. ^?l__^^i __". ' TFT"- --. __-?-?3 /irsf to Last the Truth: News - Ecitorafs - /. te rarement s MONDAY, OCTOBK1- 2.*?, 1915. * * WEATHER i ? i.-: T.? n\T IMi It* MOBROW, \M? H I *? . 1 ?m.?'f_lt,rt . ? High. ... I ? ?r. ' . 11 ? r -, ?irt fin T ut?* 9 PRICE ONE CENT "' , tort See "- I ?? I ?I ?,? H? I.I I .?.?> < ' *? I ' - n. UPSTATE TOWNS OVE SUFFRAGE SMALL LEAD Fanni ' ? v"' ,vAs :' I a\ >r 5 IRE '?( IDLI) Glen- 11 ie East, ? ? ? " ' .. d. - ' ? farm* ' ? and R lent; timen i Suffrage a Live Issue with Glens Falls Voters - Gtal . Woman ?gfngi ?"w0 or ?SBisationi si ?>' f?r si . ? . stlrrtd HBSadaBOBt ..... lira. Loyal aaty "Wl tr- '. No irork i nf th? p*rty'. Iocs . : e to Nr* ', | n ade. Gi(-. com of abou* It on the upper Hudion. Boomi ???retch acrona the ? ?7 :o catt-i? flostiag logs that are the mills here, ? pro . BBMa ii a We?-: SB on the 'ir. cf '..-? ? -.\oman sufTraire li i i.r-.ous qoss! *.ment on tbi lubjec: a;;-ara to bo evenly di Striw \oie in Paper Mill?. A itrsw vote takes in two o.' the '* . r of en ,- women and 42 oppoied. ? - ? lnter of the . was made, Ofctf-e V. mi n, th? tsadsnt, SBii ii the ques ? vident BBS tl '' .- ng to ? '? ' tn? dipin ? ?. how ' : i ,j!' 3 a'l m only ?:x '*? of I undecided. ? where ?- for it," or I BBS Brill ever ***? my vf.-.,.,- .A,.r. ?,,,.,, ((?j si the msfl Uft the ? the ?uper "No" line i. porter for hii b." ' ; .. man who to vote In ,,T'r ?' iracst" he asked. Too Ma. N | ?ta-rs-in-Iaaw. ;'fr ' ? ntloB of rot :;.an of miJ I am going to vote sont" the iuper -r:ow th? answer ?? *" '? ??'? iirnraiii replied. %_?_*** ' I know," he con rtmarka to the *. a.oi.e married j"' ,Ff ' | v mother-in II y wife "'.'?? ja, * - ?)' women work ? fhtherly employ? ijyi S ' - be kept in th? It . . ? i. j * ? .' ? i ? ?i the taaA? oorisl li.'? . : woman ?uf i-. A.'*- :. he wanted his *at. Bataltte-al being few weeks ?tated: *t*iu , ' * the vote a ' '; ? ddle aire, intro? ?t??? bachelor, M.:?! h? was >ur ?fill I " "don't ?..'" char ?! ?" K"?' *"* about ? 0 II1SI.V j?,',*' wrsadv." mn7_rtl ' ' " ' "? afternoon **???,,. r m'? ???!-,,'*'" A *; '?'" majority ?Mm ?'"? da "'-' for, 24 opposed, C**Wi?<it<l oa ?np* i. toUuM 4 FIRST PHOTOGRAPH OF ZEPPELIN RAIDER OVER LONDON The negative of this picture wn= brought here yesterday by Miss R<?. o Strunsky, who saw the bombardment and sailed Paul The searchlights can be seen pointing aloft It was estimated that the aiAnip was a mil. and a hi l the tim?>. 2 mmm here AS DYNAMITERS IF. GERMAN PA" Captured by Secret Sc vice Men While Mak? ing Bomb. Two msn, believed to be agents v In a r'.ot To dynem::?- plan manu.'at.*i:r;r.g war munitions for t -? arrest? ;- *car Weehswki ;. Secret Service men, s companied by Captain Tunney, of t New York police dynamite squad. T! men, who gave the.r r.nmes as Robe Fay, thirty-four years old. of 27 Fif Street, Weehasrkea, and Robert Ekho r ir.-law, of the same adilre. were captured. It II sllefed, while ma a pa'ch of ST? fsr Numero-.. - :n (?ennan and lartfc- sup; ? ??-al infernal m ? ? ? ? ws a eonfli eats I There were five of thes? machine which, the | ? .. arc mines, 10 ?! pi in a harbor could 1 up with them. These m. coi ling nspeets mo**? nearly perfect Each h? ?n uttachment whereby it could be fas er.ed to the outside plat?? of a ship b mtuns of a piece of wire. Thers ?as clock arrangement in each mine, with srirs so attached that ,t weald come i contact with the propeller of t and set o.'f en < One 1'risoiier a (ierman 0__cer. The police ?aid that on?-- of _.< oaers s In ? ? that he wa s Qsrmsn officer anJ thst they wer .'. the Key cus : for the loi on steaii ll | ? r.-s o . cry i ? war. Oae of the ] - to d< hip. Bes ? end fall i ., wsi I the ? ? nd st sh:]. s wirelei ?ear. eas7-bour. sten-t ?d to . .. told las whei , n Taaaty sa Bsraits, it wss said ?hat I last Apr ?r. ,!. ? ? ?it- Warn Item Cteee. Wh? i " ' ? . I ? ? I ? ? lie pro! I ? * were inr:?- ? poll? too'- I Union II . . . . n- d I they _? ? v meats f< : ay dec?an I ? i? cth Genaas lafaa ? Jl.- else said he was dor oa ths bat ? ? i tie of " ? tbia count I Ilnilaml-A i dtti {m m . ttt i Genasi ????? nl ?t Ro"? . from wh.ii led a? s : iTttsi arltl orderly eeaduei sad bribery. Sch-?l. , rdsrlj eon ? He said he sided Fay laac I The ekargei wars preferred to hold the Luuiiiiurti on t/*t* a. caluma S TALK WITH rLEET COM?N Captain Buliard Says 'PhoB?B| tu W.i BtMpi Onlj Awaits Apparatus. : - tala W. Bullan1. ? deal o? the nav . . - .-day that tel phonic communication between tl Navy Department sad war vessels n of instailii the necessary apparatus. With the ? equipment the ship! can r ceive spoken meSSBfSl from the Ar'.in t ., : tstioa, but are i.ot able to ren "We are able to communicate w*i .p.? now bi nss I ?? : sis Ib Bailar??, "bi v holds many add The per ? knows exact.y tu whOBI he il talkifl direct contact is e?tab!i?hed, and reply eofl?Sl 1 nek immediately." Newport'"antis" appeal for v0t1 ? Wealthy Women Taxpayer Want Rij?r;ht of Suffrage on A! ?V.unicipal Question*?. : r.. i- tgrpf ? ? . - ] !, ; . 11--. 21. With svowi ??iniTg the women ?v i? have . igned the api.iai, a petition : Le?an eircalattd among the women ta> payer? ?>: Newport for signatures tha it may bs MB? to t.'.e Legislature wit tue request that the women taxpayer It- allowed to vote on all municipa .??n?. Mrs. Frenen Van.lerbilt and Mr< ?ohn Nicholai Brown, both BBtl-SBiTrs .- the largest taxpsyat i, the '?'>'. have sipt-.e.i the sppts! ( ? hai . .i aro Miss 1 I? 11 1 llasoi , I? sd? ' ? port Ch ?'? Leseas ? 'i.-!, daughter <-f L?i ?Ml Fell I i'eckham an. ? !1. BwiBBBTBt. The pstitioa, ?vbieh ?viil go to th ,i .i.- in January, ha.4 airea?!; i ten ,-: sd b) iiH-r * thBB one huntlrei h it has been in c.rcu 'iit:??n only ?? few days. Then- ?.r . laxpaysu ir. Newport wht ! ay in ta> 1.84, Mr?. Broin . , a*, ! Mrs. .'.'..'uierbil * Despite the fact that there are sev sral ' i ' ?ve not h.B'i s '? ? . ? ' the Newport Im provemeat Aiaociat'oo, which tarter for Ssw| ? es a proviso foi women taxpayer! -. eting. ^ AJJBOBg the .thrr vomen taxpayer? ir Newport whs are Isttge evatrioatore tt ie moni? i . tressary ar.. Mrs. (.'or . ?lius Va-iderbiit, SB wht?se property ??? }? '? ? : ' - rgtst sBBi m Newport il''..::..,'?.:.,; M,* Jsmt? I.aurei.s Va: Mm. Mrs. 0! \er !1. P. BslSBOBt BB. Mrs. Hsi BMBB ( lolrlchs. FLY OVER NEW YORK; 40 NILES IN 27 MLNUTES Bad Inventor Make Quick Trip from Patertoo. P. i . ths "bird :...: ," w :?? Schmitt, lavsator of the which they tool? ?,. flew fron tha ?r\reols Coontry Clab I V J., ever .*. ? -.4 York t? , Loag l-lund, a disteaes of twoaty-ssven : ?ilny aiteraooa, ?.mitt were sitting . ' ? t .-'.'.. i/lll, to irret a Hobart. Morton i ; Bari Bf ami -, M Ubi ib said ; .. ; I a after* Schmitt." ? ??? ? ? sii .r.d la a mini.? ' ? iier they telephoned to \. . Clab that they had arrived PX ?,.. Ifl t?< i.'-y -' ?BB min i..y Millmaa will ?ail f?>r Italy to ?..'.- Avars. 11?* will t?. \ .. cent Amu.-, Bad Hi? g?ptaitt builane. . i Girl Who Dodged Zeppelins Describes Raid on London ? Her Life Saved by Tribune Man's D- lay to Write a Note, Miss Strunsky Tells of October I 5 Attack in Which 164 Persons Were Killed and Wound '1 By ROSE STRUNSKY. [Mm 8trunakt) arrived in this eitg gesterdaa on (he American Un? ttoamehip St. Paul, the first liner to reach .v. .? York einer the last Zep? pelin raid in Lontlm.] It was about 9:80 on Wednesday evening, October 18, I had como into the hotel in this busy quarter of London to ask Gordon Bruce If a certain cable from The Tribune had come for me. "Not yet," he said. "Perhaps it is at the office. It is only three blocks uway. We will go there.'' We roso to go out into the trebly darkened Streeta that is now Lon? don in war time. "," he said. "I forgot. I must write a note." It was the miraculous hand, stretched to guard na from disaster. I sank down into the great armchair in front of the warm fire, as such armchairs and fires have been for the last hundred yean in Lon? don, and fell rocked in the ancient, peace:':.1 security of an English in Interior. The pen scratched quietly on. when, in the midst of this peace, there came a sudden his. and sputtering, and then a crash ai d th< of the falling of many thing.. It asemed somewhere close?at one's very feet?and so loud, like the hurling of a giant thunderbolt. Then, again, a hiss and sputtering and a grcrt crash. This time, _] o, eery near?just in front. I felt that if I could pierce the wall I should see it--the great sput? tering fuse as it came hurling through space; the heavy, 300-pound bomb, its enormous breaking up as it touched the ground, and the flying pieces of hot shell, tearing through the aralla and windows and falling upon the men, women and children out there upon the street, it erould have fallen upon na, perhaps, but for that little note. Gordon Iiruce hail looked up from hi., writing at the first crash. For a second it was diflicult to grasp, then "Zeppelins !" we saiil to each other, looking about the room for shelter. "The lobby would he the best," he said, and we walked out and stood against a wall that was not i". din A "Z-'ppelin gong" was ringing in the hotel. "Every one dowi order from white-faced waiters, trained to be British and >h> their d In the lobby iteeli, .'.ear the door, a group of working aromen, I home from their long hours of toil, had mahed in. not without having undergone their baptism of .hell and glaaa. They . . group, with skirts torn and burned, with fashed hai _4 '1 out --till with pain, and fa ? d with bl< od. '1 lid not fall faint or ban up against one another. They stood Stiff and a'.one, crying aloud, us little Children after a t Little I'Sfe Holds lla?ln for Wounded. The servants in the hotel soon brought ehal ... :" water to wash their wounds, one little page, especially, with a great nun,;, buttons and a proud littl. chest, trying to perform the feat of 1 ? enor? mous basin of water in front of a woman s.? that her tv. g, stiff hands would sink into it. Hut she, ali oblivious, sat with h?r red banda stretched straight in front of her. weeping Blood. Thi ? had ?aid before: "1 know what to do for 'em ' '? irate. '" ? " 'Em" meant the la?!ies, and he kept the tray gUl ? - r ad Continued on |>.?_>- .. taSBSM I ******* Alice Barrows Fernandez Do you. Mr. Parent or Mrs. Parent, ever ask that youngster of yours what he is studying? Do you evei wonder whether the curriculum couldn't be improved. Others have wondered?and made i hangen, 1 he Gary Plan, which Mrs. Fernandez dJtCUSOea in bet r?gulai de? partment to-day on Page 5, is a subject intensely dia cussed in New York to-day. Are you well acquainted with it? Ct he CCri bun _ First to Last?The Truth: .New s?Editar?ais? *id\ erti*ementa - 'i Allies to Send Great Army of i .9,000 to Save Serbia; E^?'?'arians Seize Uskub ?vlSH TROOPS RUSHED TO AID IN DEFENDING BULGARIAN COAST ? London, Oct. 24.?T rkish troops are being rushed to the defence of Dodeaghatch and the Bulgarian coa^t on the ??gean Sc3, according to reliai le dispatcher from Athens reaching here to-ni ;ht. Every avad a'.Ie Bulgarian s.! !:er. the dispttch adds, has been concentrated in the | arm whi h i re reported to coa i t ? f sews.*. ?-visions. ! or 14C 00 men. F ur <*' risions ar; underr.tood to be operating against Pirot, Ki:m?novo a .?' Uskub. The I on-.'; ardment of Dc??eaghatch ar.d the Ian V.r.$ of Allied troops t E**os :. u : ?' ?- Bui ?atriani Utterly anprepartd, ar.d ?ir. ure;ent appeal led to Constantinople for aid. jne-er the re?ent military conven ; tion by whi h Tirkey agrees to help defend Bulgaria's coasts. The ? Tnr'.:.. gatltered together ?evcrnl divisions from the Caucasus and Gal 1 lipoll front, end these were sent to oppose an Allied landing. NURSE WAS SHOT TO DETER WO-?F BERLIN ASSERT Cavell Executed Prevent 0_i_ers from Presuming on Sex. -, Oet li. Dr. Alfred F. Zimmenaaaa, -trman t'nder P-crc'7 -..r Poreiga Affairs, has Issasd un s c:nl explanation of the reccr* in Belgium o? Iflai Edith Cavell, i nurse. He prefaced his remai ? ? ira on that he had ass In? ?! sTsry fo( with th?. greatest ears and found ? iat, ?' reg? .-'.".i?'.e. I statement fol ? by the British and the Ame can press that the ?hooting of an Er sad the conviction of _? eral other women in Lrussel? for tr< sor. have created _ great isspressl arvl that WS aro Being severely cri cised. It is, indeed, hard that a worn must b, executed, but remember, what shall a state come which is in m :f It allows to pas.- u:.noticed a crii against the safety of its armies becau committed by women? No law book the world, bast of all those deali with war regulations, makes such ntistioa, and the fern il on?* prefereaee according legal usages, namely, that women tielicate condition may not be execute Otherwise man and woman are equ before the law, and the degree guilt mahei s diffsrencs la the senten for ;he crim<? and Iti "In the Cavell eass I have rseiesn ? nf the i Mir* sad ezsmiai donee down to ths in ... eoni ? court martial In tl world w ould bsvs i ? y other d ? nol ths sel i ? i i ..? ' out, worldwide eonipirs? which SB-CCSSd? ?1 for n:n?> months i | I it ths em 711V to i ? urn..-. CountV-1 Bril lh, B< ?n BOW HKHUi at, in the Allied rank* who OWS their e: '.m Belgium to tl m MBtsaeed, at ths bee I Miss I .?veil. i'lmost Severity Necessary. "With such a situation under tl ?-^ of ths i ring i ?. .. ? ? i- ? ths mo-t <?!? i itrietei ir. i, 'I bs -?? detisi in S . r thsn any other. "All those convicted were fell ? of the si. of the, : I ?? i irt wont into J r ears and 8C levers, i iats only be reifart] meo of the punishable ttoBS. 1 tio?e convicte were doiag Counl bad oi . .id b ?Tvorosl ; i of traitors woald I "I admit, certainly, that the motiv. . st anaobli ted eat of lees for th. rar one mu.-. for th. : I, Whol ? . ? wh?-7 acts ia itl ? ? ?.. i jastlj earry with th Bsnalty. '? ? u 7.ers are several __.r!? who - ? i . f treating . . h s h? . ??? as thir.k: ...... rita in tl ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? I A * f th? and for always the BUI enemies had to be |1 sentence has I.:i car:;- I out to ???n those who r - mo on ? to part in sati rj punishable with death. Women More (lever. I recognize th?'ie pi ? real? n, wh-? are hand ? He ? that I'nm o BIS the hard road of duty .'h.\ . these I . leaii r..v ?, ward etibsri who ???r.. convicted a:1.1 who, according; to IBIS?, '.aw, have frrfe.ted their ?? be ri_ considered, is proof of Low earnestly we are trying to recon Ca. ?iu__J ____. _____,? A. Hums 4 KAISER SUMMONS GEN. VON P!SSIN( Belgium Military Governor V tteport on Miss Cavcll's Death. ? IB? IM ?B 'er.iu*n. Oefc 21 diSBateh t "The London Dally Kxpress" I* ?. ii in Hr.; I ' r.i??in(r ?nd von ?!er I.ancken have bee Impor Si i'.i- i.!|'i ivters t'> ri leath. TURKS HIT TORPEDO BOA Voss??l Damnsrid, Baya * "?instant ?nop! ?Artillery Duels Keportcd. Constantinople, Oct. 21 i via Londoi Oct. 251. An official communlcatio isiued to-day says: "Turkish jrunner? hit an enemy to: pedo boat sfl DJoBg H"lr. The ves.?? was towed to Imbroi Is'.an ! in a darr ii-?-! eoaditioa. "There hive been artillery combat r ear An Hurnu and Sed-ul Ruhr." LONDON RECRUITINC LEAPS 300 PER CENT Saturday's Figures Record Conscription May Be Avoided by Lord Derby's Methods. i [Bj- fab'., to The TrthuM.l I London, Oct. 24. -It is unofficiall Ftated that yesterday's recruiting wa 300 per cent better than that on an previous Saturday since the war begat Pollowiag an extraordinarily succ?-.??fu week, it appears that after all ther may be a chance of avoiding conscrip tion. If volunteer:?!?. Is Justified 7he rredi will ,' te Ii-.! Merby, a confirmed con BCriptiOflist but the tvpe of man wh wields sa Immeasurabls '.ntiuene amoiv his fellow Eaglishmsa. Lor Derbj ? ry largely rspn ??? ti often declared to be the ideal type o B. He is enormen ily rich, ; great landowner own ins "' .000 ?'-re ill the popoloill - of I.are:? ? si orisman, hav ths chief itewsrd o th?- Jockey i ?? - in bora .'. ^ St, a- ?? '..?ne, lie ha always displayed s likiag for energetic woi I A keen '?'.?lier in hi ivirii with distinction ii eventually entered th. i.omifl : Po ? General, in which aflloa as proved si Immsass iBceoss, bsiac popular botl with his statf atid w;?h the public. Since the war bogSfl I.or.J I'erSy h.i been the mo.?' lOCCeilfal recru.ter ii saatry, The eaergj h<,> is puttini in*o the press?t lehems in operatiot ira .?ell for ss. He ha; ? ??'! ail sttempta at getting men b; bodying sad blasteriag, sad haa .-.? irsd is - ? ? ? ?? eo 01 sr it en of al labor ;nio-*.<. A man ?-f ab rseter, ? ? ? i I vhat hi ?i:it of poli . - ?.. ... him as a man he understands an? iiti, and nu* of per rd wil .. ich t?> mak laceesi E-BOAT SINKS GERMAN CRUISER IN BALTIC Attacks Warship of i'rinz A'.!;-! Art (lass Near Liban. I'.-p . ? M. A British sab* marine o| il Liban a'- : . r. p, ?, ?. sr of ths P as Adall ?? ? ..'*???' ? liai ari BOBBC ' The Prnz Adalbert ll an ar loag and with a ?!. .. ? . !.. Two ? \. .'1 out frei A rat 1 British ? has?, operated aa '??.i Berth ' !.. 7 tiine a Iint:-h *ub man: i s I?? na ?a era though t ? ?. ? ir sad ? ?ay I?? ? the I tie is said te be KILL BULG-4R OFriCERS FOR FAVORING RUSSIA Sofia Authorities Tata Action to Curb Anti-War Feeling. ?n? <'? Rome, (Jet. 21 . Lispatch to "The Sea -." !.??? 8 i l. ilgariaB sips .: !.. c ?arl marl I abot at Sol antl---4..: . .' . .; . . ' | i not trouble -.o h 'i?- th? r disapproval of the si I ism vitaB 1 He.?Idea these exemplary executions, the* militan esos has >.<-<?.i sits rod and rew provision? pr.i-nulk'atei! t.t:n,r the , death pOBS .-rs, men arid BOB ?combatan.- iprBBB Bjrmpa? I thy with ll.4j enemy or euri<tn$.r wil ?litxBljr. Supplies Gathered at Sal?nica Ready for Troops. TEUTONS NEAR BULGAR UNION Cross Danube and Take Orsovo in Attempt to Open River. _ RAIN STOPS FIGHTING fierman Artillery Ov._-_...._.. NiTb*- No? Hemmed In Fou. Sides. i. , ? n> GORDON COEDOH -V-Tll. RaJoniea, <>*..? quantity of her? since the <!: I f 'he Al Ued e>. ; i army bs aa \aas ?reefca ago ids to the < that the force 1 ' I tha Serbs will proba "'?? Hand i tor I ..? ibu htneo '. . i munitions by the I la Of tons have been sent ?OTWard : lor.ica. Much of Ulli had nirtaiv r<:.-.-h?*tl Nish before Bulgaria elared war, s?, that tl. in no danger of -. ???" ? of suppli?e. Dozens of steamers, their mark? ings blotted * at i". the ??ill paint of war, arrive and ? To copo with this flood the faeil ' I < of this :ie!'!'-i**.?"i port bava been ut? terly Inadequate. A I lock, have had to be ! It, wan?. he uses constructed and branch rail way lines laid. Arc lights have I | swung out over the sitien of the ves? sels, and night and day the unload i i ? proceeds. About sixty thousand French troops, brought from Myti'otie, ! 40,000 British from Mondroa al? ready have l?een disembarked. The utmost cordiality prevails bei .v-?_ the soldiers and the Inhabitant-. .By < ? London, Oct. _ has fall? en to the Bulgaria'-.. Sofia an rounces lo-r.ight, and thus the la.t a%enue by whkl. Ai: Lght reach the hemmed-in Serbian! has been closed. Whether tin- Serba, !"? set on three - .!? . i .:i hold out __. t:! the expeditionary force, at !____. definitely on the sray, h to them is now th?- * | Meanwhile tn? .V; _-? ' .ermans have renewed Muir pressure in the north, and has. ero - ? d I he I >??? Mar Oraoea, below tin; iron Gata, la an attempt to join hands with the Bclgara and oyen an i . ? ? ke] by tha nvci. Additi ?al pr t? raaa la claimed by Berlin eaa. Lusazi-a, v.Kro tha S. rl - h IS. i"-en driren back, and aeai Pl?aaka, where they ha-.?' I.n th. < ti tho north bank of ?he Jesenica Ki ver. The Bulgariaaa are reported to hare seized ? RaaaiM munitions jtora near i'rahovo. ea the Danube, which i ? ' ? N tii Cast* aid? -al>le my.stery surrounds the an L?-en no suggestion that the !._?. iaus . i . ... ctpt by bo. :??.!. \idlr.. BorMa? interna ' ? i up the r.., -??ay th?-y could have IP I be tl reega Re? ek would he i iota ? Perl . ? ..r ?m|tortunc- .?ched at I 'rsovo, ths Gorasaa at> ths river fi?es the |ss> hians i to an aver.ue of ? ' a- the Vial i!? -.?. . ft a".?-r the capture ol Move -?ifor;; ??_. - Oace m ? ; ltd procc ! ir?an if N_-.tipo., S-. stOO sad i wheacs i'|i?d by ra.'. I I ...pie. With this ? .-r la v ' : ? ? ? . turn Aille-? HOS. _r??*n Sal?nica. U ? ? \ estab? lish?-.! that I ? m -o Saloaiea, tT_?r pi Lot buen uiu.h Uea iumix a?. .__ ?.cu?!