Newspaper Page Text
EORDER TROOPS DASH TO BATTLE IN TOURIST CARS : Raid Spoils Con c. i * se ?pe ? " -.utos. N ?VATI WO! NDED \V> \ V- NOT ! IVE urpris ? W.xlca I Whei R ,,l> ' I Trail !*r! ? ., , . ?... ? .1. - -, ; ? ?' : h e re me ? ts. ??. arters ? ? ? ? "? ? ? : ? I I ' . . .,. minutes I ? fai a? ? ? led fi"-A-r. ? ? ? | | . ?any auto ?m ? the military i tei at? ?lashed :e in , ? ra be- , lo Grande. ?-.t of : ? ad by aw* com 10 in motor car., I cavalry. tracts of all of the rel.ef ? ? .? I and fled. Lisa ' Truop B, 3'1 aneara, four ?? . nr.'. T. R. ? of the 6th miles from ? rard the ] i.g place of Mex . ? Mon Mexicaai ar. , arried. It is _r.dir.g the irprias attack. ? t -i, by ? : who ea* rack. Ke ? ? said there seenu-'l anI in the let 24. A -harr fifth t ?".inr,l of \' . ? menl ( ( arranza Airua Prieta. Sonora, il , srly to-day ? :?? hi. Can aral Call? - .... a c inin, ? ? ? troops , . ? ? earri i ? DYNAMITE AROMA SPOILS BOMB PLOT noke \if .i i i H: ee Stick, i Vacant .partment. ta. boead te ? ? | fus.-, Bal ?B the te?e ,- | Oak ? of th? dw*U*rs ? _ I trning his 1 ? ? Brodas, lyaa .':? ? ? ' The ex ' rapped up m h ' IBS MAS ? - e I ?V,e fu... a -, ' ? they ? ? ? t th* I '??| bomb ?a? ,v. T?r? th? M to p.?cea ORA ..TORD REPORTERS' GUEST i ? . ? ? . ? and \ . ? , ? rd a sill I taineri Its h Max Villani, ?ho sang * ' ? | *er of I ..?i un ? ? ? B.'.et n . ??i, rd, who ?a* his as? _ia'.? at uty Hall. ) LILY ?. W THY riERF TO TO-TH I S. '.'-?-. , back ai 11 11 ? ears, : U . mdy's . "Virs. rh< HUS3AND TRAILED AFTER 38 YEARS Soldier's Widow I.earns of Dual life. Sues for Dower and Loses. Mr?. Mary A A. Speer, of Qttsburgh, BOVOBty-two vi-ar? o!?!, had not seen her husband. Wi;':am Barer, in thirty ? year?. ThOB she learned that he had moved to 'he Wakefield seel Bronx an.i had prospered. Sh? also learned 7ha* Speer, a Civil Wai ? I eran, who had not llvi - wife since 1-".'., had been ? life, posing a? the huibeud of another woman. Information el?o reached Mrs. Speer that her husband had : i i several eel? i ' ? '?'? ? laSld to ! N'ew York Central Railroad aBd?the New York State Realty and Terminal Compai ?.- ? laii ? rial the two c l for her dower inter ' ??. an ? had title to ths thei .... ? given to him when he purchased it. Spoei net being the legal ov ?here wai no dower tereit foi Mrs. Speer, and Juitice OofT h? missed her salts. The two def? I corporation? have become o?vners throufrh arrangement ?vith the holder? of claims BgaiBSt the pr? ? r, who !.a?l brea a so?! Rronx church, .lied in 1906. He ' ? Til le-i Post, G A R ;????? ' Mary Sp? ? * the ti r of thi ? She ... thi ... - " ?? , in ' ? Speei - . mid Sh? ? ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? I!., told her to to ? ? n? SI ? net -1 heaid ? .?. eforo e eommla n .--peer was compelled to prove her mai rare by mean? riaoi r rec a eh ap ? r i . ? T?USTrW ALIMONIST GETS COURT SHOCK Hatband Disregarded Suil ': lief Wife Wouldn't A-k Hel charle? F. Taylor, S pi . . '? 8 Srars. obtain s divoi ? ? not for ard undeceived him bj i*r Taylor 1100 s month. ? sve bei n living The ? v l 44 ', to ge! i-ause p I t.. ask ( . ar?! that ?he h??l saki I ?' - , va.-r,. he wrot? Mr? ! , "Wire your lawyer t If the all ?for? .' sper?. If you don'; ! ?rre?',.'d for perjury an?l ?? ..-?? not a '-..'... t def? nd ? ' ? si . . ? i . ? . ? ? should ha? ? ? ? ? ? ? BCtiOl ! he learned that s!.. ? 14th .Street, near Fourth Avenue. TRAM ROOF GARBEN t ? ' I'aM ?- ? . s?! T,a 4 i n ,.??. s p. m. i. il P. M. It l .v r i ?it s7*j ,1(U1( |?f .j 4, W. K. VANDERBILT SAILS FOR LONDON With Wife and Thirty-eight Other Americans Is .board the Finland. With Mr and Mrs, W. K Vsi ' amotif the forty Amer R I - II ! n"r Finland ??enr?an' ?if th. Ameri , . . ?? . I I I ? ? | ? ? Th* 1 .'iit-n ciin flag -fiitiy '? '? ? ? aaciaeo by way of the 1 ? nr a:. She esrrlsd 86. passengers n munition, a i rg of merchan? dise ai d ??! ?? ? " mail. ice? ? : rants, Mr. and Mi ard ob the lini '. ries ? impoi ? til nts from A ? n Vnother r Dob Lb - I C ii - ?1 general ( Liverpool, *.??-?> sceompsni? d ?on, Nino. FINE FEATHERS LAND GIHL IN POLICE CAGE Model Stole Downs, Police Say. to Shine ai Cafes ;i;vi Theatre . Too mai tl and ? ? The Bronx, wl I nicht ?. i call ' ' . A ., . Her ell ? Mr. M ' Whitn? An* i allows, ? m, only t!;t ? ? It \v. -1 Il1th ? ? ' . the thing . them. ? ? the gil i ' i ? ? ? ...... Think 1 Killed Voorliees. . nitrhl ? ? liona i hei .lliea. ULY LANGTRY ARRIVES ?N BOOTS I ilk on St. Paul Tumi Aboul Her Polish Fool ? ear and High Skirts. INGS HER COMPANY VND 'MRS. THOMPSON Mar and Passengers Hiltcrli i German Raids and Miss Cavell'i Death. ? ? h boots 'h:. I te h? ri ?h?r -. ? fad h their full value re ai Lilliai ?? ..... ? ? . ?. ? ? ..t.- l'.' gen ; - , :? ?! ...... ? '; rl of tl when Cap! I . ..... , ? the f"0' of re's* ? I Snrroaaded by thirl ? trai ?' . tary, an : ''"'n ' ? play which shs .a la??, her? ? Le : i 8',:p 44',-is dintni ? . ....... ,, ? i :? u- ?? ? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ? I kill? the hearl of London "Il ?vas terrible I -:- ?parir! :? - " -? , ?rar ob mea, bal bow I ing women I?! l.?-',.r.l sboul ' . Ii?h nur?e . " I know pei , mi '-? li. ? .... ? nient in eomparl son a ??|!ia<-fcg i-inl's Job." *.." sal?! ? -:-*k V.'. \\ '.. il ridge, ; i ol th.- rhlrd lv< . Railway Company . ?i riml. i!i- wai dininr si tl I Ril I rhefl 'hi- bom!).? fe!i "This \4-ork of th" Zeppelli ? Is a di? iri oi" thing which seeom ? ?r-f, and doei I ol ?.'rrify the Sir. V, hitridgs we- ? sway in July to shoot prousc in So' Mr ider .Iones, of 21 Ea*1 I ' ? tree! I . > i n i? m ?. ? h frioi r count e, the Bight of the Zepi el ? n L A- 10: ?.". p. m., she laid, . ::*? gave wi rning of the ? - ? eh '?" i!.l be ;'!n-r.!y making its way ea>twaril toward Gen ? j Among Other p.irser.rers on the St. Paul ?rere S W.::'..r.| M pilan!, secre t.-try ?.. ?-?? Hon l: C, Lambeth, mem her of the Bril . ?? -h spe ea to the Britiafa En i I ?Va . Dr. D. B. Steenburg, of Harvard Red * ? ' ? '? i A Ro is, . of S;oux Falls, S. I? . who I bile flyinp !' ? Re? J A of tne African Mi tho ? ? ? . Cape Town, returning to h;- nom?, in h ?'nee; Hush S. Fullei ? r. head of th.- Belgian ? I I ' mmissioB. MISS OLIVE WHITMAN TO NAME FLYING BOAT I Irai Cral? To Be Owned by Naval Militia Gift of Curtiss. - Oliv? Whitman, daughter of ? r:or nml Mra. Charles S. Whitman, ???ill act r.> .nnn<nr at the christening 1, of tl H ... ... the National Tl " ceremony will be :.,? ?hip Gl 'he \-- . ? tation, at the foo! .-.-....??. Aft? ? Mi?? Whitman ha- named 'he fir-- - ?"' ?.une.l by any branch of itate b igfl !..??? ii i nr no for a horl >? 'hitman. Mayor Mrs. Mitch? ? ' LI ? I ! ? I .... ? a? the ??ranitp the latest model ? i Uflited S II ? R'-1 Cross Seals for Corea. II sea!? will Mrs H s [Tader i ore i Thi? ii the '?. - ? . . to be ? i bated. The in tho Demi her 1. AMI SEMENTS. \MI S| Ml NTS. Rich Forceful Drama in New Triangle Plays Am rican <>r foreign born?neutral oi partisan?"The Martyr, ol the Alamo" will make you understand w!>.\ this country is what it is, and you'll be prouder ol it. Then there's vital lit?- interest all through "Matrimony." Every husband and wife in New . on. needs to see this domestic drama with Julia Dean in the title role. For fun, frolic and deep-down laughter? two Keystone ???medies. I hat's all! Knickerbocker Theatre ? ! very .ftemoon and Evening : | ? ri 5; FIJTDS KISSrNG NO CRIME MeejiS-tet- Dis barges Voath H >" s..lut-.l Behoelglrl Hoatess City Mai ? ? ? statul p roh i b i I . rl Hi vhel ? ' ng f Anita E. Row, .? sixtt -, I,,,, . Mias 1 ' ' ' ' . - ? ??I . . r ? aay i ?aid. "As I find from kissing a i \ P. C. C. DIABETES TEST CALLED FALSE U. of P. Students in Ordeal to find New Index Man1, Op?rations Needles; BrTM I'- ? ? : D tloi I aylor, professai ; ' chemistry, and ta ? Penn ? are nndergoii . - , ? : I - I are 1 : I A patient the usual aug ?? - f th? g th? the test, ph; on operation, hut in ma ' of disbetes t - oas. tar a week ? sugar tnenl rec? . I ? ? ? ? ? . ? . .aide oaa of appetil . :.o ?nj?riou ? _ l It ha* bet an consume i ounces of sugar witho , in the bloc I. Above that I r*aa* in tht amount eo imed ner? JAMES J. COOGAN, ONCE MAYOR CANDIDATE, DIES Merchant and Owner ol Bluff. Overlook! ig Polo Orounds. .la-i?-'* Jai |l ? nee ran fir Ma r t.f Ne., fork, died y? ei lav af Hotel Netherlsnd. He was yean Bid. Alth.u* J be? :. iil :""r aee ??ral months, y? ??tack eame sud l?ale, rwo pi ?.,,.,. bul r. thing for him. With Mr. Coogan at th. eme of his death were his wife, his SOB, .I,?- . - ? I ii.. ha* two sobs, w, 'iitr.i"7i and Gardnsr, now in the Harvard La? Mr. Coogan was married 'r-ir*-- ycirs ? l father ? ? ?: .- bluff ov? ? irp- the 1' Ground r ral ?? hsril . . . ? ed th? profei It ws - ?- 'hat he ran for Mayor l | Labor ticket, whea a char., ? " ii i ol n ,- ? ???? led, hi - friends believed, to his di GETS $20 FOR $7.000 LOSS Rallread Bays Art Work?? Were Listed i- Heasefceld duo?!.. ? r of ! author, ha? re rovered a ? 'if a bo_ ?i ,? ,-,,. ? ' an a ..I ? the lost ? If, ha I been declared bj tad Mi ii Da Roehemont'i died before the ? is triad ?I?- Roehemont se ??;???! wboi ? i . ??? ng te travel with I ..... these is. For I Rod ? Ti.-.' trsvell? . ? ? - . :? ? i. made i.. :, artist Pi work and in fon I lesi baa Ml dc Rochem ? ? tends to n?'i AUTOS KILL BOY AND INJURE HIN ?Lad's Brothers, Dazed - Fifth Avenue Traffic, Seriously Hurt MRS. KRANICH CUT BY GLASS IN CRAS \*. if ? of M mh I Piano I Ir Doctor Di h s ' ir rhroug-! i rug Store Window. wire Injured In i aeeidei ... ... ? ?. . sat, nil an uer." se ? i hit I .'. by (?forgo Morton, of 1 Street, as th it Twent lixth Street The b ?ys srere ? reel th of the maehii after ha I? at h . ? badly braisa ? ire of tl I also bad ! up on . ' ?. ?r of the ] Krai I? ii ? o lis a. Bret st. Bregll loi a !..'.,- M from Was; ' dressed their injurie -?? Gangaria, of r?i Tintoi The I'.rot-.x, had h< left arm '? a eai toning! , Com roaaing IMt ? ?. Sha ?va ta tan to Lebaae ? IMS F?cond Avi nui', wsi badly eut sfa tut th.' head whe which h?- B SI r ?! n ty, hit a 1 i tords i i ?;.v..-r. to S( Jamea'i ?i Crawford ? 'or reckless drivini In swinging around ? iharp tur . ;.. n, Long motoi .?:?. by Harry Kiag, of -?7 Avenue, who I id hil hrothe I !.. hind, struck an au'r ? ? . : by .!. Benjamin, of 77. Avenus A. George escaped unhur Hart. ? to Ns IB Rospitl ! arm am! !???:. Dr. Harry M.. James, of ?'.>'?' Hudso -? eontrol of h.s machine a and I afayette Un.. ? rday and ".-?me to - half in sad half out of the bi Its Riker-Hegomai druK i there Both m ichins an ; sts ? ? rs badly shattered, an the window display '-'.as scattered ii all direction Phs physician '-?'a loeksd up st tli" Bergen Street polie? itati -i ob .". charge of driviag ai ? ink. At lu o'clock laat night an automo by Dr. J. Danis Miller, of TO Weil Fifty-second Street fa and Miss Ma) 1 Mi.1..?..-* Avenue, wat the Groad Bovlevsn I Street, when the ?teerir.? apparatui broke. The machine swerve?! Into I -??? The ?romo? I ?? to llfl ! I ?-> ^ p i t.-. 1, luf .- ? THREE KILLED IN AUTO WRECK Three Others Seriously Hurt in Rhode Island Accident. Wickford. R. I . Oct. 21 - Three per IOBI were killed and three ?erlously hurt to-night wh?B a ourinp; car in which .- Jded !n co i i - her. at d p. bowlder ? ' ' Pr I itlv and Mr?. ? "??'. of Pawtucket, Mrs. John VI re Mn \i le Fob 'atally hu*-t; Whitworth Greenwood, of Pawtucket, ? - an ! Mr, ? ? - ' the ". Ed er, ..f Pawtueket, sseaiied II injuries. The par?v ha?! to Narragansett Tier for the day I Were Ol their way hone when the SEVEH OF FAMILY KILLED Pighth Member Patall) Injured When i i i: CrgsHre tarta. ?von member? of . ne - ? r kill? ' ' . ;r.-.l to day '?ho'' ' ' ? ? nger train ??rueh the an ?? in ?vhich they HIS HIP HOORAY ' SEN-ATIONAL ICi UA1U I f H1PP00RQ*!? ??T WORLDS BIGGEST SH I a *# h AT LOWEST PRICES ?ni * -B.ST SEATS? II mud "?_> . v , < r? II-* PRINCESS PAT ~- ? - ht 81 COMIC OPF. HA IN _fc-i- VCABS ?'" H.r,h If, World. LEXINGTON AiV'tA'A. .*.? lhE NA i LirtAL la?-. STANDARD ? ' "HI:. .1 ? v l IP" LONCACRE ; -, ? ^??_ ?J* i . - . . . < t .LNDAV IVS. CO -CI!U-I5 Bl?i ACTS. saVsK___P_r ANNA HI:LD DALALr. fob I ; BA1 ? - OOLIY STOMI v4. ? j _ \ ? KALiai POLONIAI. 1 , " ' **t . TO-NIGHT ?? a- t..._i.h. EiaM?sa 5000 TO A f s ?V 50c Il !.. Ii OR RACING and AVIATION ...E.PSHEAD BAY SPEEDWAY _!ection Sayjues., Nov. 2d 10 -mils Championship Uinr.inx drivCIS of 1915, I-?-?t_. Bur m-in. Ail_?-n. R? _r nhacher. Mullord. ictscular exhibitions I--, famoui airman. Flying upside-down, loop-the ?I and passenger-carrying Bights. i \ i.v ra VTABI l r. m. \,Inn?,i,,11 SI Im - : tr.lli._c *?__ In ,,|,i ii -inn.i <.,.,in! -t.iii.i. Inri ad Ina t.iiti?.-'?,?> - :. I;..v.- ,?i ermtel, ?it t.. ?'?". un 'it ? ?t_ .?-inn--I"?? Parking -,.,.. a It h la mil. i.-.i,.-ii ||a, un. r.EATRI ? . . .? ,, SPECIAL CASTLE MAT. TODA V evi in ai n R.v?h)n m , n ii Al IXO 1M M lil.MJ ?? AT . I * Ml.NUAT Nil MR. k MRS. ?IN"" ?*' - ''AM M'A Y MlillT a ..) VEKNON CASTLE mi '??? Him, ni i tn ? . i-?,? _..... ,4- ? ?. i-: tun - U*_ .'*. A 11 00. ?NOTE- " ?JoMtaY * st_ns * can "WS Si. , ; ; . .., , . ?. a u.t A . .?. M._ I i, TO-MORROW J"'. Maud Powell _3__ .i ? at Bo a O t?ce ' M I.o-w'i American Roof gj? E. f FRANK HUSH. CM?s AIL SEAT! BACHMAN* A CO. II OTHtRS HFS>HVF> i :ic. is? io*. BANoaos a la? ruse m urn am aaiss WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS i\_ ware ridtnir et Fraser, Mich., sistM ?nil.? from here. s dead are Mr? Rachel Stoldt, h? ?, i ufhtei Pearl, Bather, ? ? ?? ? no ' ?apparent'** the tomoblle, did not ?? - ti ' . tad ..... ' ? IBOtiVI I tl ?topped ' ?' ' Matter? '..'?' ,1 ? . ! ' - ? '? . Iva, "?? i , ? ? .... ? ? . BUDGET COMMITTEE ASSAILS SALARIES Angers Commissioner William1 hy Ur.ging Department Cuts. I h - ??'..? ? I ' Aturo of ?? '?m?, wa? ruthlessly ? ? rec ? ? it] ng offered b* tl i budget. Its mei ??.'?. '.t? AdamsoB, i-n <*f of the tandards, | ??arrn ! '.?: ?r*- ' tter of a ? ---.t po ? under < on ? ? '?'? * - place of lull eng ? ? r, h.-li! by Alfred H- I : ? * ..." .?? . oateatiea. M ? I Iceland 'hat Krv's platte was .I i ? -1 " lepartm? . . !. ? ? a* a salary of ??" , ? ',' - ,-. c engii ? ? r. :.?? a- ?.scaat, ??? of th<* ' ? ? tary, which psj ? |8,600. Commissions! Williami plead? foi the retention of Mr. Fry'? job, declar? ing that it wa. too important for dis hfr Br ;.*r?' laid tl st the '?' i sei :.-I siimlaatiag the Fry job to the Hoard of Ell ".ate, and it wa? *-???! ??. that body by a vote of 2 to I. Mr. Bruere voting in favor ?on. Th?* ? ommissioBor made a vigoroui test sgaiast 'he e*or* to taki . secretary, ?U-clarinir that a ???oner w.thout a srcr<.?.ary wai ird of. The luh-committre ?ravi him the alternative <.f k.-epinK a pri .-.- leeretary at $3.500 ? fear and a department aecrotary, .-?' 13,000, an?! he ? tete : to maintain the pr tary. VIRGINIA LUCK STONE GUARDS PRESIDENT Wilson Smiles When Asked if It Krings Him Good Fortune. 1 ? -.. : ? --: ?.-. ti'irfsu J WsahlflgtOB, Oct. 21. Taking advan ? ?f the perfect autumn Breather, ihe Proiideat and Mrs. Norm.-.r. Gait, flat tit '.v.*::* for a longr automobile ride this afternoon. With Miss Mar? garet Wilson they attended the l'en Our clothing mm .ugg?t *, ?ck at arK-rtismgoj i- ' to 34 diet tve're str< : ? enough to p a. far as w<* like ?n ^ ?^ MM o\?*rroat$. "Big ? . '" "?? slurti, pajamas-, well p.''pared to " ?cero? . in these n?cessitai ^ ^ are ir. tini" to ?*gin! ;? out-ooortl "I lia .SX-;.:;. -Suit, formen, i and children. Rogers Pi it Company Broa _w .y at 13th St Bro_ .way at Warren *r.: Ptresbyteriai i hurtli 'h.i morsitf. haa a~.tea.-4 fee '.me? nt_ P.? aident ?a li ProB 1'i-ji-f.t t__ Miss Wilson returned to ti ??I .-? ?-? "? ll ' !_-. *!'. lire. Gall It is I the .riliesal ?rr.?. a Virginia luck itone la hit cocktt th? .?'.,. th? _?_ of the Blue Rides Mountains. wh?r* Fowhatan, the In,: ir. a:..estor of Un. Galt, ?rid his trih?* u.ed to ws.d.r _?? fore the .i:.- ? tale John Sstit?. The si ras ta Mr. W .lu. several years aeo . Reevei S. Bro?*, ?'h-. Mr. Brown w_- rradaata ?t lut. ' dolph-Mat*..' sad y.r VtilRu . Isata T-i count, ? ? ?i-ship.! itone Miss J? h?i V.mi : to Mr. -Ajrr.. Mrs. Su;, re ard th* Pr*i.4?-t : imils blandly ah th er ?re atked .f the stone bring! tl ISI -'<od i'ick "The Four ? 2roa<J?i| St, Fifth Art ??lam \?.\ rOUI I.F7AHIM. TII KA T Kl.*? \M? -.|<<r?-*r? EMPIRE I .ar I r S Mata Wad al Bat faiptA/ AMSTFRDAM ,v7\!t.t 11 M fil I CTTP 8MEHL0CK IVLVV rtlMO I LIM/rim | WR. GILLhl It holmes. Mon.. N.,?. lit. Sut? T.Wv>A.M. LYCEUM. \? IStl Si Mis T.: ira a 1 Bat Klity 4 LRLANi'aER will m** ETHEL SARSYUOKi..,- AROUND THE l?P FULTON ' "?gV TO-M'W ::'. SKb'KM?N WAS R?GHT .?M?" a mu i .n, B m FII?\K VA\r.H AVTT ' HiK l*l.AY . i*;T DANIE 04 FOLUlt. A N..\ ! kB?-B Bl l-KANK VA?['M, Tlcnrci n kin CL fl IP '' '~N'' UADPIC wic"T?:r> st rwr.ini? ?i 11! ZIEGFtLJ rr.0i.IC MAKKD HtiH-M Rit ir.lav'n Pir. : 11 A- l ? .. T . ESHEk?EgBa ??:f1?:' ''^'o-'oA.'^D^VMo'RRbw at'?A *' tL?lt JttRI?INFORM .TION" Bv THOV N COHAN A HARRIS GOARAN'tl YOUNG AMERICA ^r_?a*iV' AVKtkWt- ?- "A POSITIVE DELIGHT" ?F ?V RKIIEAR-OAL AMOK Uati ? i i S? \ GAltl I 1 ? "It" TIME TOMGHT. "" . r,m. ?i. cohans ?,- ?? .4 - ... tant ! Hit - The- ^ rai! - KoUiday > j ? ? nu n mi i-- " an ; \ h< i i ro?t " a* i a?! a *?' i - MH? TIME TO-Nir.HT. 8 , p p., w .. . ,, ?,, Ol?. L.B?HT. a ALL LAUGHING RECORPS BROKEN. r., WEHT ? ?T BB*I ANT _.i\ ? mm .?, iP phi? E Mir , i " .i" . l'A . /..LiiiLj ?.< ?t mi*, ant ??? 1" D. W. unlFFITrlJ CA.MJLtA ?*.-. as,- \'.fi!>r ,., , -. ircrraoa .,,, i. ? lilt I I I I I Ii i -. Ill \ ^ML* " . THE HOUSE of GLASS hudson 'THE 8Hti8jnnjuwi?n v ' .m--' j__m_w ? a ? 4 THE SHENANOOAH OF HH." _:t- MAKT BTAM I Th? '"?' * asm. ' "*- " ? -FULL OF LAUGHS ANO THRILLS. ? ! ' a??'? '??' ll?. ! KEPUBLIC "S?" Sa l__ rw.i'i;i?i'HB\4 ... c.ATS SELLING ? ??MKS ?HEAD pi -,Ri: EVERY NIGHT AND MATINEE?. _ I*?*?" OF ?000 f ?B. - V 1 liiaUOr. w,d. S.t. ard tlatlo ; .,, Y LI L U t ? 1 I I?, 1 * U MONTGOMERY & STONE ('HM. COMEOV. F?-? * i- M?-? r ?, -a M... ?ILIA''. O.-UiHlE-?S ^uiu PRiNCfR. !:?-. ? :* Ms__W_d Ssl.a_W.P_i GEORGE NASH ,(,tE S___tuf 8H.BERT. r?. ? i? ___*-__l B-l.a__se.Dsr ALO E AT LAST SA __ln_ Elliott-?. E_ ??'.*' Mata. Wad ?,???? ? ."; ":;?'? QUINNEYS' i voir r - '* *"?' * - "'? ?> iv? ? L. I l\ll_ m , . ... , H41 ,v ] 1 pa, . |g ABE AND MAWRUSS A ?- , ....... , 'POTASH AND PERLMUTTER.?' *1TH 8T. I?. ? II Hals WO? K f A E_-..D_? THE ?NCHASTENED WOMAN BOOTH __ v || Mit? Wot B?l IBM l>_v SOTHERN vi.Ttis PLAYHOUSE';, ... A v GRACE GEORGE JSftL casino, i.?*? ? 11 vi-? ar? i. s.t a a* i'?. THE BLUE PARADISE ' A___ TMP3E DE8IRIN0 TO MAKE EARLY APPLICATION FOR SEATS FUR ? THE OPENING PERFORMANCE iNOV. M.I OF Mr. Arnold DALY IN Tilt: UJNPON Si CI F"-" ?? THE ANGEL IN THE HOUSE" MAI aiti.Y Tu |jn .FF H L. PLUNKITT. I] fAST ?Oth ST. M in?) ii..: tMiATHE IS ST. A Cat. Clr.1. FOR WOMEN ONLY TWILIGHT SLEEP an, l_.".r. >> l?K Kl HT B Stilt.??- -?I \? h l/^,?Wft,!VTi.M._- THE BATTLE fiVA^AA.o; CRY of PEACE *-___ _______ ? Mat Sal. 11 a. u. IS?. Iv? ? CARNEGIE HALL. Sat_\Met JMtal EL MAN - :. ; \ u t ?? : ? ? -, . ' ' ' ? CARNEGIE HALL. T.ES. AIT. SSV. M *** SCHUMANN HHNK jg STEtNWAi PIA. Ol ?I * ?' ' J AEOLIAN HALL T I' S AMIHS^**1 ? ? a aaa LISZNIEWSKA ,t Bo, t-- - Ml., E HALL * _ MELBA BEATRICE HA F SON _-.?,? ROBERT PARKER r m? t>> FHAN< ST .1 ,t? ll.fl I. ! ***** N " a aal? B<?i " *?_ MANHATTA N ml BCSTONGRANDOP5RACC> PA?*} wit?iPAVLOWA BALLET klS:t. I ' at. In,.., . , . ' ' I. \lllllll 111 ? . 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