Newspaper Page Text
WOMEN DECLARE PARADE GLORIOUS Ifter Remarkable stm\. in*,. We're Sure of Vk tory, Says Mrs. (ail. TH ill CHATTERED, Hi ] NONE FALTERED DfCP s nceritj of Marchen lm. Inlookers, As Mrs Whitehonse. i itreamers < ? Bot, m i - ? l il .... I fists, | ? i .Var?. ? Ml- I i" - - W ell, - ? imphal ? i i ? ed to ? ? ? en in ? I ? ? ? ? ? I <.f Ihr I old. Praeti ? ? ' ? "II rd to do . H |.i -.': ? I h ? . ? - !?<. It Airain. ? ?t.-i I , ",' DP Bad liri?! ? ? how. ?. ? '. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - rt.r an . I ' ' ,Ali VQ FOB MARKET b ****. Learheoe ami Ceaesrl Uaeag * v - i. i ion i-.- i..-d_>. ??M ?i larket, ?hich ? ... ? ? n i ?? A pro ?>!_.k ' v '.. H ? ?ill line _nri . .'Mb ' T ' ' M APOO TO DISCUSS MERCHANT MARINE . - tar) to Add;i-a-? Meeting ol Political Scienc* \ca lent) ted States m ? I ?neo in the < ' A - 'ary of th?' Tr. ? ? ? \ ? . ?? ?? tutor i - -nher 12 on "Wl I Develop o '? Marine." ! peak ' ? 4 .. | .'. ' ' . ii can i l ' ea Senatoi ? - \4?!! be ? ' f th? ' ? . ' ? Pennaylva Professor H -jink ?n in .... I r, ' ' ? Thoma?. i ? Colnm ? enco Kelfi Pai : . HABVEY SKUNS WHITE HOUSE "l<i<?.,ine for \?si?tanl President." l!r Say? ..n I -ipital I Ink?. Washington, Oe! i i,.-orttp tor of "The Nor ho is i etii lo ha? I gg? ?on for ! ney, ii . Pre? ? ?* ?core linnRirig over from , nel and th? iai f the Ns - ? kl a D | the I '.!V 11 7' . ral ! M Wes? -? .if'f?-nce division i ? -?? iiiiRly denied ?hat ? en at the W) :-t HoBSS or in ? ? ? r the s tant Prea In ft .i"cu'.nr refer? ? iirticit- ob Oswald ' ii PENNIES I*EW: PUPILS FAST ? ???i of School I aaehes l?creseos and Children Bay 1 ??>> 1 un.I. ?. ? ? ? f th? ttos of th? Ai , for Impi o? ing I ? i deficit of ? t* ?...-o i cos? in con iucting . ? ? t th? ? ' ? i larri ..*. the school children have pennies. Th?-; ? ? ' The deficit repreaenta a loai of one ? ? ? ? ? l m ? ? r. ichooli during the ] be servid law 1 yW.A \ S\ .:?: ?;..--._ ' ~ Wl? Woman 7-uffrage Patty. Noon ; .. | blind (It! i P *.'? . ? ? rr.ii - ?'? :-...?? : tt. 4P.?' - . ' . . h .. ? ? . M 4 I - ' : ? i ?..,. 8 t. 10:30 P. M.? 1 : ? . . . '. " i luto trip from ? 0 V V ' 8 P. a? -, 8 P. M. I'alsi-a. ' ? . ? Jaiin - I ? P. M. v . | ? - ? ? . B. ?Vaia. 1)1 ' ?? P V -? DMNrtlnl' a ? P. M ?. i a ? M !? M , Y M ? ? I . 4 . ?alisa. ? 8 P. M \ 4 8 P ?? ? p. ?i ? 4 ? 4 sut p. a. ? ? . B \\ I f M ? ? \ M If. I ? . ?I? P. M. 4 ? ? n I 8:15 P. M. ? ? IS P. M ? * ? Ml 4 41 .. ? . V a. ? 4. P M 888.1 - 10 P. M 4 ? ' ? . ' Women'-? Political I'nion. Sooi - - '?? >: - I. hm Mil Wl ? ' ?? ' , v. ? Ms?' ' ? . I ? ' H.OO' 4PM Kanals.rlal l?i?l * I ' ' ? , fa, , ?? ? ' . . ? H ta I I . ?. a . M - ' ? .... . ? I | p M . .jal ? I ! P M 8 ..... ?lia. I . a a 4 'arm ? ? 11 ? ? r i ? ? , 10 " .'.' PB - a a 4 ... , 4' . ? ? 8 p |a tin Ml M ... 4 ., Mlaa I i hi! Aim to p a ?. . .: ... a "U. Hi ..... r U. I'olitiral Kqualit? .??.??? iali?in. ? , ,' I . ?., .< ?? s ? r - a I I ..,.,.-. - ' THEATRES TO Ali SUFFRAGE FIG? Campaigners lo Plead I Votes from City Staue Wednesday Night. BLAZE OF ACTIVITY WILL CLOSE CAMPAK Man) Meetings On Culin; \ppt*al To Be Made by Vote Restaura it. ? ?_-.??? i I - ? In all . \< ' I in menih party will ? ike suffi The;.- s beei on *?ti<*_ a large e UMgen : . rei] ? : abls thf.t?..v Wedt ? ? been gii tu ? ttai ,' i .irk Baleh, chain ? tte? ? ? ? . ? | . v Will Blair, Mrs. J B ? _ an i M ' Ruai? Amona t- ? the -,.- ? ? _?: t bo Mr-, i harlei 1 ITai 1rs. H?. . Mrs. M. .".' Mar--?. Mra. Ro - . Dr. K-t-..-,- ne B Dai Ii and V.r.?. Jan n . A] of seel \- ..! , the I luf . ' ? ; plei d ihowing. U hi. | 1 ir. I >h ? ? il ? I Century, Mr-, Ai koai Knth. r ? | . . Misi Port .,. u PI iffrag? ? : ten hi thestn .ht plai he Bi - I W ill ?? until El? ?uro th? \ ill I.?- an .,. Besting I which will bi o'clock rning and li . ? t nil '.-!.., .. bv M Florence Brown Cotm__-i, of Arkansi . Edna Perkins, of lilis ". redo; Min I* Lee, ? ' \ r_ii .: Mr-, Hsr Mi I ? I Vorce, .if ? ihio; Mn M bel i1 I un , Mrs. David Mel ana, Marv Sew? 'A -. Mr Mareare! Chanl \ :? Sterling, Mi Keep and othei i. There will . i am eorpi ai 'h. noel ing. To-moi i it Si 15, a m?-?-' ,i ?nd Avei in- ! ? -._ for the ftral time, by Will Irwin, Pa . . editor of "The Surv.v," SI I ivory. eld |a Cs negii Hs fu Frday evening. Spea be Repreaentstiv? ; lo; Rabbi Wi t-. Mr Snowden, John W. K -D? ? .1 Raymond Robins, of Chicas Mn Carrie Chspmsn (utt will j>r?"?wl all who est i th? Votei for Womsn lunch room i 70 v.. . Stteel s ill csl a leaflet i titled, ' ? t snd ?_ hy," and tl ?uffrss rge will provide i on, whif will be It- A ma will eel 870 caloriei foi 25 think he ii _;i-tt:!.._ a good, iquare mea or he will rret 1,020 caloriei for ; eenti and fall to r* .-?1 iz?- what s lot i . i ? he ,- tm alloa in alone w :!'i soms good food. 1 I anj ease sr?j givins .? th? :?'-al will I??- satli factory. _ _ CONGRESS TO FEEL SUFFRAGE P0WE? Workers Unite to Urge on Mem bers Advisability of Aiding Anthony Bill. Suffrage workera in eighteen non tu ff rage itatei r.r?- preparing lo jon the movemeat foi aii ameadmenl t> the I ? ? i oastitotlen which ha rteid by Un Medill Mcl or rmsn of ths Congreisions ? ?,., of the Na' leaal Amei ieai u on ii Suffrage Asaocistiea. ITi . - .,. ,? Msine, l onneel icut, Rhod? i nd, Maryland, Ohio. Indisna, r. ? .... ... t ?*,:,, Alabama ... Kentucky, Nortl ?i. Michigan, M mu? Nebraaka. Mn MeCormick perfected last mm itii r ii (.Ian l?\ w Inch . i I'. | I ? I Senator e ! " did nol ret i Mondell amendment h ,. i every new mem ber ' "-,'? ',i BBcertaii I.?- mail?- B* art- of the BOB! B ? ' for a national amendment ..- two ni.'nli? r.-, the mi!'-.- .. say, during tiio i-.!?.>> preceding tl.? .ut?- on ,l ? amendment at the la - i?m were o one u-. i ewed 1 m theii d tricl ? ? ? i, tter ar?|ua, i ? ? ? , : one, representative orgai ..atioai of each d trtct, will be ?.?-1.1 a?? a farc w? II rets nder to tin. Senstora sad Repre eni>?? ??<?- hoi Ij I efore they llgtOI Noi SB ,-'-r \i", ? * ? date fei thess I ?_ sway parti?-." whi.h the Con will I-?* invited to .. Mr?. .1 ? that th. m- dem onstrs ths form of ej will be me? ? ??? - froi . ? i , local ? p, -t. fai .i \\ i,. ? !?_.? he Be| r? tentai Ii.- ,,r net, reaolutioni ??? < be adopted snd preeeated to him u-k:r?fr fer In-- sapper! h>r the Suss 'hony amendment. Whea ths nstionsl convention of ths laffrags ? meets in Waahiagton on December it t h??-?? reaolutioni will be preeeated to ? ongreai in a bodj. tates a hoi ? women ?l?> not have full lUffragC hav?- beOfl a>ke?l to join this linee ths Cea gresamen from luffrage state, voted almost unanimously for ths nm.nd : ? I Bandits Call Victim a "Piker' "Ytu.'ri- a i??l_?? ?-."" four held Up MSB i... Aerea? proprietoi of ? Brooms Street, im? IB nf _?'? ' ?? 'I ?? and .. ? i i pro. pod him up ? ?, wall si I .res foei ten-year-old : th,- assail ??. ? i ray out th? :. mirror. <_r BEI .(.I.W GIRL MAKIN?. TOK? ??<,N* ' A( ? Handiwork of ancient peasant imiu-ti-y "f Little Kin?r-l..n-,. which is n??\v being railed upon to relier? diatreaa eanaed by war. TRIBUNE SUFFRAGE POLL. Place Canvassed For. Against. Undecided. Cens Palla?Pinch Pruyn's Paper Mill !8 24 10 International Pa* cr Mill 2s 18 b New York Central train .14 1! 2 Ni ;,<ira . 9 1 S Bast A-irora?Roycrcft Si'op .11 8 2 Warsaw . '. 22 16 4 Farmers . 10 0 12 Totals . 107 78 41 UPSTATE TOWNS FOR SUFFRAGE < ?Intimi?.il tram pane i l" indeeided In the i>ulp making sad g department! most of the v. ? ! ... aim! ? qual i uffrage. In the Dl Op the sentiment in favor of the ?UlTrsgS iitnci,d?nent u:i- simosl . !? ip ir in tli<- blackamith -li<?p voted "Yss" la th- itravf !.. The inperintendent of ons ?hop ->.i'i he believed Warren County, whieh c;m usually be depended upon to poll ?? heavj Republican vota un Blatters "f ^??.it?? politics, 44?.u'..? turn down woman luffragi i - ?? eouuti ?<ta?lors, bs sdd ed, were nesrl) all oppose?, to the ire era are optimistic, ? ? meal for th? >r growing daily, A whirlwind nniih of their campaiga is planned. A promin? arorkot li com ? . 'rom '.. 4 York to-morrow to lead I rally. \ poll ? ' ifl the imokiog rnr on th?' Montreal Express which leavei the Grand Oatral Tena'aal ;?t 8:46 a. m., tahas when th.- trau was tunning from Saratoga Springs ta Fort Rdward, ihowod thai ii wars far ?cm .-m luffrag??, il opposed sad '?' aade. eided. A raaideat of Port F.dwar?!, who waa ? ? ? .. i. said i;*- feot?d hia neigh boi i favoral towai d i i tendii . ..?luv. oBsaa, and that tioi retarai from ?h.' place ?imili be heavily Ib favor "1 n ? woman's rights." iai?l 81* eld? - "i't rounded ott nppor lip. "Whj ihouldat M \ ".niii.iii broagat n.e ui>." Polls in Three Counties of Western New York ' 'i , ".- . t. A ?-er M ?' .,..??.- of \\'i tei Sem York B a majority ??.' City and country am combined in thii total. 1ak< f Warsaw, a b-auti ? tali towi la las heart "? rapor ? ? , ? .,..?? . ? i t th? ?ditai the first ? ? - . ? * . ? ? '. ? ? ? ? ? men ifl thii town a I . had :i big elab but the i t th? ! :,ti.-. rha troabli niads t than t ?? ? | them. But i p of men r.n.l > DU wofl*. I . ".-,... itt ' ? ron ind 1 .--?nia-, fairly g ti mai In the ri tore I < as tweoi ? ?-1',:, ? ? . ar?-* roe, sn i 1 John "' "'??? lVhy, what'? th? n.if r wit . -.'-i * The?, '.-'? boaad ?,, i || \\ '...,- |.. mu? want to be tug leadp.i foi "?' I left 1 ',???_?? ?. a d?bat?* which ! ? ? . ? ? ??r ? ?? for It." ?aid Hii oth'T "Are 'tu do it ?*" "Vob !??' I BBS," hii eompaaiafl me.!. An .-I.I. rlv mai ? ?' ?! the la ? ?. .! idea Morton sad Aaiei nan Jol u ? ;ii ta\?.r of laffrage sas* tha.Bf aras one of t! ? ? fragist sditors |b th<- \?!,,,). eonnty, An heart ?e-irr**. brought h total of tweaty-twe far ?'j' 1 rnv ? .. ?? nnd fi'Jr 44 ho how th? -. ?roald ' : ? ? ?a. r. !...* ?o much on. ths <au?e a? igaaraal ,?f it ; me stassblod ?croaa n Bold ta tall I i " ?i on to i , . , ,,rt. "I hadn't thought ..f it,' he .aid "\\e don't h,-. s on it in tl . i,. u. A fsrraei i -. the way t. retort "I look I roi , oint of view," he itated :n t i- _ - - Bible abo il vol ? A irr,, ? ? Hadn't rhoBghl About II. "Hsdn't tliought she t il sred "So fragi-ts, thei ?t!" cried sn >lher. ' I i.?- a omen ..;,%., t,,, many i,_:: il. alrei '?They don't do anytl - : y," salt) a 'i, il il. ' I'he ? ir.iadaj i are i'i-- SI for peta. I I i t ii.'' ei? a gel i pe ! ol u il . . dean end ._ - , -.'7 need i vote to help he i nok." The rtir? 1 delivery carrlsr Ka-.-?- i : ?iiit;,, "I'm v ?th A*, h eroaeroi-_li :ti. buteher had gon? ni' ng i ? rif? expia?ned 'y. "My man's ligned for it He's ?il Ight" 'I wenty mili ? *>'' th ? or? of can g nett? ? ivoi It -i: . ?fiat ths only ones who ned msde uj miadi ?tre I ? i.... Th?- ma - -? of I have never been 11 scl sd ? Tin- Bmpire State campaign commit . Imite i ha 11 ? st places Hi? lt is a county ?hers 'ii-- Assemblj rgsi ? rerj itc. The I : peri Ne -??. ' reach I es of the vo_< esi inaei ? ? ? -...k i organising b? . ? '-rat. bed th? u i :-1nion More Podded Nearer ? n\. 4a the c:t. in on .or.ra then . i n.g m the Roy? B i ilale ,- . . ? ? ? ? his print ? Put me i it." . ? it ?. . ? ? In Bata . re. / ? i . ? gea to si I ? i ? I . ? I ' OW U!:* . ? , - 4 CHILDREN VANISH AT ONCE Breefclyn sad Maahattaa Hit i>> Sud? den Diaappssraacs E Idemle. Dl ? reesed psreats i most at one-tmie d il chil . iri old, from ?I 7T.?:. i New York an?l Brooklyn, Satui da ? . ? \? .re Prmi - \ ?? to eh ?.. of -.--' ? 'olambui Avenu . j Hug! ? ? tree! I i ..? si I it? evsa, of 74.'? 1 ?eKaib A- and f ItS Third - rhy ? ssray ai ? ? ? Mrs. Alice I that the ! been |h? that i '. him tu gi ? ' tl _ BI ' . .n. B] ?>rre?l bed ?.,... th. ? lived si .1 i". ? * i lent out for the children WIRT URGES PLAN ON CITY CHURCHES Author Sees N'> Danger of Sectarianism in Relig? ious Instruction. FEATURE A SUCCESS IN SCHOOLS or GARY Speaking in St. Paul's, He Says Children Take Work as a .Matter Of I act. ? ? ihurehei nr portuflit weak 'i?y giona atu -1 of no in? laid Dr. William A. . ?" Schools In -,.,!. : ? ? . grega ? \\ ,.?? i- -.i *, i .- ? ??| I ... how? . r. think it Is of rhurehes ihould tunity, preaent ... | . . . . i 01 ii I ?sry for about tweji ? ? ? .re eh ??'? Iren than ? ? ' ekly Sunday . I ? stt? posit fact, pi ed to find t ? i days. All this work, watch ter mea ind women, is doi during ths extra hour? not u?ed in the ?'Only h short ?ii:?. neo Dr. Blake me that folly ninety per eeat of ? ? Sfld womei of his church, rt Methodiat Epiacopal church, !.;>'i i" ? com? members of ths congregation b. fors th? -. were - irs old. In view of this I think it. important tha' ehnrehes eo-operata with th ? I I '!-. not think it prop? : that the itate ihould take ths ehildreti n the moraiag before anj - thing can be don? for them and hol.i until nn hour when nobody sIm ' IV. .'? e have I . k to the days of Spart:., when the itatS took the il ' ' untry snd trsiaed thei*i r il oui i ? >? Ink. Mo? ? sr eeat of oor chill'' - Sut di..- ichool cl sverags ?ol has i ?eating for S,000 ehildrsa, at ? ? the ci! y of $200 ay? ehild. 1 nder prsseat condition* .. position to give ? ;. -? ru? ' on :? d i] 'or the eot 1rs Our plan ii ths ehildren fully .. . iled for ?a least lis or mvob hou*-. n ; laj. scadem e iasti uetion and ' : . NEED SUFFRAGE, PRINCESS SAYS Overindustrialism Makes Ballot for Women Urgent in Amer? ica. Site Asserts. "It is over-ioduatrialiam that make? ths vote neceaaary for women! "And becauas imarica lalfora from over- 'i American women ? ? ballot." s of Prince?s Lass rovich-Urebeliaoovieh, oaee Eleanor wife of s SerbisB prince of here, there snd everywhere, sad author of "Plsasnrei sad Palace In eontradiitinction, ihs says, there ? ..ia. where i."' evofl a ihsdow of ?nduitrialiim ha? aver catered, and women have never ?riven a ? . tha luffrags sad feminin un;. "I rat of all." she says, "there Is no houtility between the sexes, bat there of interests. ''I iss dis? tinction! are unknown we have hut tid of womea, home-makers, sad the i, ?me ITel In nit" of that, or oerhapa I ihould ?'-. beeauss of that, they have all municipal affairs. You iei n every paeit - I ? agiasers, doctor?, Will Nut Ile? ome Sen anl?. "Bal here is oas thiag ths Sen ?n woman a ot do ihs -.4ill not Mrs :i srVBBl 0( a? sales clerk in B ?tore. She ?a ? 11 do ths meaaosi *-,irt of ?' ? ? BOCOI Mry, or for I <?.- - - .4 -,-iout pay, but ?he'll '.. a ion ant. "Here In America, while I know lit out \"ur -'.,r- ige ' smpaigas, I ? that tiOfll are 4 SI ? renl It is an 1 eonomie, ami t;.?- . 'i??f ion. I' la 1 libia for II all." ; ? 1 syei glowed with in? ly, and her low Voies WAS fall "f ? "Ths 'l ?? tioi ol Ot ? k" ' ? -r came, en began to Ii ?-? Berate nfluencs of too much Indua became saabls to po 11 ? heir fam i ioa, and : hei I i i h,??l t-. ?I.? their ihare, And with I ? ? ? :.-..| tin"?"? naturally Ight of ?-?tra privi "I have 1 ' eoallaaed, "that ? - ?i ?? 44 i.rpi-n ?!th 4vho ha\e lived very narrow and protect? : I - 1'i'ey limply know h ?1 ? " i- ?? ? they don't know 44 hat the ballot ???ill plish. Sa?? All \re Ire? holdern. "In Serbia*' th? il eel waa s dear ? me ? eould aot I 1,44i,;, fit ? "there - ah?ol utelj no ? the aenn n whicl . * I ?? w ??-?.. Even ti i pe ?? ? ' ? ' 1 prop. Aad that Is where ind:.-' ?sm" Bat ? Ls larovich, who ! ?"! ... ? ; roam, gi "In-; . ' ... simad, a - hs puihed irtaii a the door? ?y the room. ? ? ?-? r'-na, and the bringi it in ought to be . I!" ? rah -? rbia." 'he aft? r her lm-1' ? ?! ifl .-:> for lier t again, 'is s ?.eautiful natioBal MBtimeal pa'riatisss. Men and worn loi it! -,'-11 That 1? why they -.4o-1 together for a common 1 ? ? lad are corn? il ?.?.r, 'l.e womeB actually shoal ' worn? n now, both - ! poor, ar- ttghtiag, EVOB the ? h 1 Mr. ..i ?? the laaki v I I I trample over Sorb?a, ?he will I wall 1 . a burnini,' eOUfl ? "-;?. I ? the th?* Sorhiatn spirit B4V?ror dies, itei Taft Pr.-is.s Sunday School. Pr. '.?*.-.! 1 art -, pastor sf tha First P sa , burea, of Hluom Held, N .1 . rest- rdaj read a let 1 es Prosideal Taft, ... isBsats at ? ale, bob gratula! ng the church sad S . ichool ob th.- eonUaalal of the latter, which aras celebrated lait ft?-. fi hat Is the Gary Plan t ByAUCE BARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers Will find in this tUparlment a clear and aitthoritatiie anottnt of the Hirt tck??i system, proposed for this city. Questions of ftunnts and teachers will he gladly answered. The de? partment will appear on Mondays and Thursdays What the Wirt Plan Doe?.. It tekes children ?iff the ??tree!? keep, them - holcsomely busy lit ? ?ted] and play for sii <?r _e\en hoii da?. It n\\f. all children |u??t a? n a? adernie work a. the tradilt school, but hi lengthening the sc ?lay it .hes lime for practical ? work, science, elra? ing, music, a lorium and play for all civldren. What the Wirt Plan Mean??. To every parent?a chnnce to his child the enriched educational pert aalt les iisuall*. reserved for ?hiltlren of the fax ??red few. To teachers?no more hours of te, ing: inore feagsalsl work. Te the com.nunity?heller ? iti/< better BChseJs for less ?-??st. t the -. rt t ! a 11 an expenm ould ? " pro !eed furtl ?-r m .* until it ii t< s*.,.l "" "Havs aduestloaal authorises r? ? dora?.'. ths Wirt plan V "S.nee no prominent wheel laps tendent in the country har, appro of the Wirt plan, iheald Nee. ? sdopt it un'.il it has been tried sat. These are som?> of the .?ues'; risked of this d?" * ?as' week. It is notu ? able that ? I icational authori ha? e not iadei m '. ths Wirt plea ?'art Bad er.ti.- an BSSSftlOB. T is an excsllenl ssasspls of baa rut travel;?, especially rumor on the (i plan. A question all uneonsciov transforma itself late ?? issei ? . -hes itaelf ai ti ? public mir.d. In a su such impo-taaee bj public educat : .-.vers anil teachers sho pportuaitr to bass tl judgment of any proposed ehsage ths - I facts, in t rumor, ?tre glad to '...' able to auhstituts so factl for runinr on the particular poi ; 1-7 raised. It ll I I ? ?ary to travel far Und a lehool luperfntendent who dorsei the Can plaa. A few miles the Hudson River m Troy. N. ? 'endent ot reorganizing a;1. th? .-??'????>, ? ? the Wirt pian. Ile started w two lehuols, and within three mOBl begBB 711?* reorganization of all I ? on 'ii,s plaa. He ?lui not m 'o "test it out, It happened, ho ever, that when the regents' ssamii tioii took place i he children in I Wirt led ???t-! a hirl itandard h* per cent his'tier th dren in any of the ot^.-r M I ??? Tins -.vas accomplished la sp.te of i on and distraction due to re. itiou. ( McSgO jnd Ihe (.ary Plan. The testimons Of Mrs. Ells ll' ? one of ths ableat school sut?? . Ms this country har ever BBOl is even more lignlPcaat for the N? Vork -chool at thonties who have cri ??if acad?mie work in ths Gs i, and bass been gravely ee cerned over fres play for children _i eu temed tl. xibility of the sj lern. In B i ?cent visit to the _a Mrs, Ko tag praised in partie 1er ths academic work, the play, I ombii ation of elementary Bad bii ? in th lams building, and t flexibility of the whole lyatem. BI ?i ni that ehe ?ame t ? Gary not so mat uteri ited in tns -chool plants ami ? cational work as In the regular cla vork. Charges that work is net as wi ?lone by pupili umkr ths Gary tysts vers rel ut? I by Mrs. Vouag. On tl ? ntrai y. the laid ihs believed it sri better dona than in any < th?-r city. "I was mad? Intel ee too at tne Kr Sing the n:ir!'. -??_?? r.nd gredei eondu? tod I did no' believe this BO Ibis, sad I was lurpriaed te ?es tl t.i-e with which it ii accomplishsd bei Another prominent feature sbeal tl <?Hry schools ?| ths active way m wlm t.s children conduct their play, I ? hieago thsj play with as nuen ?-i . on the municipal playground hut not on the .chooi playground*. T. lar reaching el iraci r and flexibility ? the Wir! lyetcm are the thtaea tin ' L-reat. It is not a set rule f< , but a lyitem, which can I . dented to each individual." Mrs. Young is decidedly in favor < ths Inetallation of tin- Gars system i ? I cago, ?. it dedaree that it eould n? i ?? dona unies* tome person was sa . loi?-d to tak ? ah u ite < ?,r)_'?- el th ? re : I on. There Is wid? ? rood Bg ' t'on for th?- adoption c ? 'ir Wirt i , . ige dar?. Plan N??t an Kxperimeni 'Rut the ?it -.. a-.n?." ? was '<?! the other daj In s conversation ait , ne of our correspondente, "that th ? arj plaa ; - SB expei mi at, sad then .or?- we must _ ?? tes) befoi ?pplyit.i; ,t." Is it an experiment- l ji-iir ' notai . -- But. kgaorini .'.out 1 ? mental that it i eroai to . ?? them to ?-hi!tlr?-i ?':.?l* "It ia wroa? t?> gies up th? i eve i Is bo >l teat," hi th ths Wirt plai ? Bad for as many hour- for BCademi? a ork as ander tl i item Rdu?.? however, ? lomething t-iore tha. ?I Mats. Ths children uader th? H ,r* plaa are given opportunitiei foi .i,-.,| for .? ot k it, ihop an I .1 ,-.- laboratories) i ? ? I? it as experiment to give shlldrei . ami work? What ib , arenfs think ahoul it 1 ]?*:.'? chiltl playiag now, bal >*-n-t he 1 itraetl De yo i, as pai enti think il ie an ex| t to uriv?- ehil dn-ii an opportunity for healthy edu.a ,: work? in meet eaaee, didn't ye? .ork with tools w:-.eti you were young and wouldn't SOS like y??ur b??y to boVI 'he samt. opportunity' Children have always done these thing? sajoyed '.hem. It Weald seem as if the "experi? ment" is the s-ho?il tyatem that tries to brint; up children w thoul * .p for w.r'r at-,I p "Itut." came the :i_a! objection, "th" Wirt plan ?et- el Idren do the th.ngs that they want to d?. It I much ?,. theif iatereat. Th.-y ?j accomplish a? much and their id -hip is not as high a. it is in the nary \ New .ork l_i\ \Mu? Went to Gary. Perhaps th? fi?;:,..?.-:-k- -tory w,n aa -wer that pe ',* Whea I went to I took With me a who was verv ambitit is to go logs The -chool aathoi iti? be Aould never luceeed berauee he did ? ; [.'.v him elf, h? led a | . itudi Bg it?- I ad alwavi , Im weak hi algi bra, ,--. fact had failed! that it lou.fd as if thai B-hject ?...u? toi . dlaappointod, b??-au?e , . ? .-? Ige er. - and ' ob ri* I rrcisl wort ? . i in 1 ?. ? ? ? . ? ? ? ' ? ? \ ? ? ? ? ? (earned, and ??? ? !'?.. g | 'i J *ee, ginning; thi knov? a ,? v more ?r ? baaebal "p?d ? ? I to; he was novel ? he had a . ? rinn He ha? '-.ding i One ei I prove ? Dr. John D? .- i - more cob? evidence t wlri lystesa reealti ? ?? ? but In aceompliihment Dr. Dewey iayi in '-. iehoola morrow," in v. ipaea to <. .nary public ichoo ' to puih thi ll of school In -' them in. The curr.c i.? ? ? hers ;? n > ??ay of mat sg t it psett g the ? ' ? i l| . ' .et? a Ib liar y orgBBisation has I s to At ?ach ind ? rj ? ... ITicult pupil cannot up-. ? n?ng 1 ? I? an?! the . , get a g t< gather . . . !'??? folly, or doei I tat} We have only * - hard at work I -need that ths children ?re happy at*..I in fiom the po nt of view of tlie toad.or ?id educator, the m S4ter is even m >r>..* v? ? favorable. i ? ? -.?'. m pot eont of all the s? heel ??i I dren in Gary who are thirteen \e?r? Old aie Ifl ?he h.'.er.'?: i?-ra le or sbaVS It Tir.? BMani that th<- majority the (iary school ehildrOB i:'? throuirb school at about tin- -ame rate a? the svsrags papil who :?> i reparing for co! legs V.y.T. iii'.r ? '? far' that one-third of a!! the pup;', that have loft the Gary i ' sight year? of their ev-t."??*?> are ro?v in the stats Bfllvcraity, la sa engineer in ?, school or in a buainvaa ( ? \- .. ?-.?.mber ?if letton havi v"-en re? ceived comment lag upon thai part sf the ?iary plan wl ich rolatoi to religion? iBBtrnetioa, that ?subject will be t,.k.*:i up ??-?'.?m on Tharaday. Oflly ? \4 inch iive the aams sad address of the writer a II he si? wared So uai b? letters b .1! !'?? eoi liden d OPERA IS REHEARSED AT 50 MILES AN HOUR Boston Company Leaves I rail of ?Melody from Albany to N. Y. Lii?'ht travels faeter thaa s?ants!, M you all know, liut it uocsn't travel ra'icli faster than thl sound Steal ! las* ii'irht by the members of the II tOB Groad . Compaay. Ea r.".-- freos To ronto to Nou v..! K. ... i-, i : ! ? | at the Manhattan Opera HOUSS ?hi? evening, they rehearsed from Albany t?? the Grand Central Terminal parts of t- ?? ? ? :?re to give. The train, which reached tnis ght, b sa .? riot of : for mora than three hoars ?ng ail km?!? of sommation a? H mol -ii oil-!;. As hod bj stations at fifty m:!e? an hour Pea of vh? poraons m i ? station? had the faiBteal id? a oi ths Batuca ? '? the ta eal di-'urbai I son? u ay ! .ae guessed thai the German? were la pi" i - of eapl .i 'hi?' Mew . or?. This Is the first time that i.n I op?rai c orgi there wen ? - OB the train has r.h? ar ???! under ,.?,! ,f the Pullman Compaay t:n?ls thi. m ? that its car ??idea have buitre?! it prob? ably will be the last PASTOR ANSWERS ' ANTI'' Say? Uiilii.? Hate .!??re 'tight to Vole I han H... helor?. Ths I'.ev. Franc:. ThoodON BrOWB, rector of 81 Andrew's l har-eh, Von dellvorod ?? ??ur.r.'/e sermon ght. answeriaf Cyrus Townxeml Brady'? p?och delivero in the ??me church k week Hpo. Mr l'r?i44r-. sai?l: "It i? not a question Of phyiiology, but personality. In di? ? ?'rii.k'<- we mult leaye the anima! pIsBe." lie also spoke of the injustice '..' bachelor-, who represented only themsel es, havlag th.- right ?o vota, wl low i i lb daaghtois eai "Th.- res nit of ?oc:?! an?! economic life i? not t!?> family, but ths Individ ual." he eoatinued, referring t-. ths 9,000 ' ? - i the United FLAMING FILM STARTS PANIC Many Trample aa ."?CO Hec "M?>?ie" theatre on Cry "r'ire!" I ?at 10 o'eloefi ;.i. t n ght 600 p? op ?? hail ci'.*.4 i!?.?; into a mot 01 picture theatre at i.z? Fifth Avenue, Hr< te see th.- Alm p'.ny "Women of the World.'' SomethiriK weal wroBg with the picture machine and the turn bu??t into dam?'-. I hose In tho bark of t-ie theatre i re!" A pa: ic itarted, ami the men ai ru?hed V4'.i!iy for the Theodore Catrana, the proprie? tor, vainly tried t?. ?top ths ru?h. The rro'V.I ?? ou' in MafetV, and though tomo women and caildroB were knocked down an<t trampled on no one w.i- lerioualy hurt, except the operator, wh.,a.' ;'....? aril BOBOS Wer? badly burned. LEARN BY D0l\(i Till. ? UN I ' ? ?', i ? ? a | . ' I . , 4 I MM a aa- 'a:- a , ? l'a a I .???? i K-I..A ? lie? No preparation :.<.??-.'.. i ;?? bacoggg a "learner" m lin? ich ?d ? ? | mai! Ihls coaru .i? week .Uf throttftVOal tlie whole yen I BSl ? . . I 44, ~m ? . ? 8' a 4 ' ? V N. Y. ELtC lRICAl. SCHOOL, 35 Wut 17th Si., New York