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The Conning Tower \ Notlci "' ? ?i\ . ? . . . ? ? ' |? -- With infin ? ! iles cntli ? ." i A It'- t be tru ? ? ? .,? .... moral sens? . '? 711' ? the 1 ? - . iff aw; ? . rule. ? ? .'? ? n ' M< ? L. VV. D. Wsilted, a D ctator TH, Hlir-l 'I PARLIAMENT?ENGLAND "L\ JEOPARDY"?MINISTERS vl ,, PERENCE? LORD KITCHENER'S CONCERN SIR .SQ11TH .S HOVSE 01 CO MMONS?WHO IS TO SAVE THE ? (?I -, 1 ' ? ? ? - ? Mil He allowi '? r o longer f a quell ? ? nn.wei end of the ? ?***; no ? s one of i ? I . ? ? I . id "in J?? a, t y '* ?'a? al " - that er _. w ' ? I . pub ? I B n - *'?"?"? r?. at the Labor < ??nfrr.i?. ? las i f ?f ?. t? ' ' ? [ ^"Mfct r what J will I . . ., , ? ? . ? ? eos lead? complete fact some suthoi e it. ? ?' this b".l> * Lord Kit . . aftei "Tl event which tance." I - it ? tat? ti i m vh ? ? ?? this cou try. 'I ? and ths Miniati ? . quala. M r. Aaqu ii I j .... gatea 1 pi? . . '. :?- b< I-. ?? : ? Kitchener th? ough can be <-i nte? ng The) offer 1 . to ae? ure rt ? Labor R? Ut the COUI Ii the i ment I frank!] their n? ? I tet? es? an attem] I tional - ei-. lee. l . r. old mood th attem: I Hi.-. ?-rritnent - are | ?-?, It,:,.-! t abinel once more talked of ? ? ? ? r 1 - of th i pi ll ? ? ? tti.ode of toi ! a ? ? . greaa a< ? of the ? , theii fi ? the pr? .; to eon?cription, ai ? i t?> call it, Labor m Ml .1 ?I Th Revol itioi ?louse of I "Hi mon i I unwithdra Kitilunir Is the Greeted Concern. ? Loi i.nbor Conferene? ?. ?. . . ? rat impoi ? undry repoi ? . ?? ? ? ? ?aid i ?. | ?;: the other, and then or au enl rei : ,*?? : ' nfi ? committee, snd ? ? , reeruitii ?? n ; ? : ?. e the great ncern, but ' ? M. n ,,'?*??< .- "great saxisti . a; not s frequ?: t.t Lord K tchener's 11] A? . ? i, i ? ths Laboi ? onf? i much 'deeper t the 1 ' ' ' mmoni ii? i,a- told them, in . -i ns. sad m ? . ?? i se ? In ? ith a Mia . ?..? adept ii . ? he 1 : '? olun ? i.i i ad ? England is th ? Hut logic Is no ba?i- for a piidut.on, ? ? ? .. . all. O ? ? ? ? " le r? ... ? ?1 Ce p t S ? ? . I I ' ? ?' - l ? . . . I ? ? . 1 ? ? Bt ' the Ho e uni I let? bei 12 I .ne. Will He Become Dictator? ' only one con d i 1 I h earl ppi ry proceedings. 1 ? ? I i I do not b? i won. 1 rlghl a I-, lie, ' I erty, ! lost m of rar ao ? t r. tor new Wa era. Pitt's i I If Ml Pitt, ? But 1 ' ?l ?: tsquith usurps info his own I--: i the au he muai ial be ? ?g... decii n Mr. ??? h eh Pn and then m En) upon lied n . o de light ai ? ' bats anil ?,; ivrea ia i ot nough. . ?? this t Nal id for Ych:i->- i ? I- tl G. W. .;. PEERS SON TO WED Lard Henry ( bsrlce Beymoar Eagsjfd |o Lady Henrv GrOSVCaor. Lot-.,, n, Oct. I i w P ni" .. ? .- ? ? , . Chart? ?? ninur, I th? Herl I pi Gi gest i ?.'. Lord H.i African war. Hi? elder ? Known -.n Amei irmouth, the title !"?' ? t'armoutl , ce Thaw, of Pittsburgh, the m.rn . ?* led later. Lady Helen i irosri ..'?i Hei ? '? ' i _d< Chai : ? "FAJOL-. STAIN'- AT ACADEMY Frederich Peifj Sees sa Btei of Mys .. r\ s??rv . "Tl-.. I tail '?' ml'??? ihown for ? ' first 1 i al (uiie yesl ... p. 11 _i ,l| of SO ? ? ., , I . pictui ' Emile a I.e Fredei P ecn in ? ? .Miller, ! '.a* : t? phen CHARLOTTE WITH SOUSA Sunday I'.ntertainments a! Hipped -BIBS and ( eatery. Chariot ! ? ? ? . ' . ? ? ? ? A H ? ?\ i.H tl um . i i ?. .? ; WHA- I- GOING (in TO-DAY. ? ? i *? ?'? T ? ? I- . ? I ? . II? r. . i - ' I' I-, . - ? - ? i - . ? - \ ? 1 ? ? I . ; i ?? , . , A? I-, in. i . ? ? 1 ?? *? i )' ?? I ?I?. GOOD CARPENTE? DID TRIS PLA' "Mrs. Boltay's Daughter! is Brilliant Exercise ?n Dramatic Technique. RITA JOLIVET IS AT TOP OF HER AR Marion Fairfax's Comedy I-. I) signed Chiefly for S;?plusticat ed Nembers of the Public. "'*!r* I Mar ?Found? n the 1 . ? | ... George M the I - . V 4 : '? H.? ill ?WOOD BROl .V "Mr?. !l?,j..n iti iplead -i es I Ths bow play ! i sil :'..-4. 4? i. ? h as - produced ? i la s d ? ; ? t that re i lot, \v? found our . rj withoi i, broi ? ? there was oai pired ai foi a mi ? h a marked liaking - bul 44. ?oui i mueh rather fe? lt -,..-.-'- Deughtcn Wethii bal t.. the p',.-? - ?>??.? the do? iltioald Inqu re of sset pr? ?p? el i member "f the sud ence, \ ' ?? ? m a ?ii'iius- ii-"*,.,| |?( son?" ?v i i ! !?? no need to ask til ? ee flies oat ? ' ? ' Itory Heals eh'.ef! rl o has bo?con ? ' ' ' en loi ? lei that her mother an . ? . ; drama I .-.-?,, H iar?; extent wil bol? 'm ? . bat f" pis) ? srs bt h eh :?'"?? Idas thai th sil kiek down s dooi third ?ct. ?> . tantrumi ? ? ? net "M ri Boita; i . did piece of proof that nothing bu point of vie? mod) fro* 11 ag< d| . Min Fairfax'! play eoul in half an hour t I a curtain ? i ? - *-? ? * boob .. ? 44,, .: i be a pitj for it ia t ne a comedy te mat ng worth while. Th.- po the go is men I onlj i . .?i ii ?? New "fork ? ? ?- have almoat alwayi imiited oi ? '.i ver; i "T! Incuii'. ?" i on? of the fes dramas ths 4... ran remember which ha- undertakei treat th< woi lan lightly Then r? g bita of pat I In "Mrs. Boltay's Daugh ? humoroui Ths wit of the plaj ii pro l'oun ; the ? bierva ? r happy ? ? Pew play? pro-. ,de half S re -i ven inch In "Mr Dolt? Rita Joli? et, ai rra, Dor ika, und lueeeed In enliating ai interact and .~ym might i .? i la)i.) ". ? h too hai?'?> s touch Annie Hag I All un na! ral mothei. Antoinette Wn ? dec dodly ? ue, Adel) n -'?'? i! . Harrison Huntel n gentlemanl; immoral -? Forr - \! nant quite t hi ever a< t Bei dt ? n an estr? if pi ? ; . ?...; , we think, I ? slot ? trutl mora oi losi nr.-gl? etod In th? drama. It i obU nda that ths worst pi i '.. ? In other wordl the eharaet? r with impulses of oas m rt . be de Ired shoe? - nothing. Thas, the immoral Boriika immoral In it? t i ?? -?? li a fat mors at - ?lian the tWO --.-ter? 4vho hava kept tl.t>ir ?lely at . ipease of hi rs. Joba Farrsday the BSBfl tO ' Is indebted, ? ? : orten Mich as ths ? d Pagi. i -. or?t of ntimontalit?/, ws ? ? . ". : ? ??. ? . ,i ? ? i ? ?.. thinki ihi ? ' - ' ... -. el ion of Farrai i P?roi protesta 1 ? Up ii rk ?if thi i ? ? ' ? I. . . , : goes I .. ? .. ? :' ?s a ?ub ? Dated a rathei hai "? I . . ? ? i rotter s * ? ? sgi ' ? " ii - . .. '? ? ? thai si si her Bewsps les? r eould tint - . aa ? ? ' ? ?''? '? I i..1-. Boi whi n, in au a fear at . ich of a | that th? poopl? ? ? r.urnl er ? ?? erities s ? * ? . ? or.?., \vh?> I am 1 i has? ball rej rt? ?-." laya M thai ! mon. ? New York Sunda) !!? ? "H roasted n eoatii Miss Bai for ! am .? ?nd ?read I i g thai baseball r? ? ? l.f ? Sold, is tl A.'un dly, ?!?-..r I id) much "' ' Il r ^?r- I) " and ? 'Mid ? hsaael " MISS ELIZABETH HIBBEX. Daughter i t pri o? Princeton University, whose engagement t.. R iberl Maxwell S? tant profeaaor of Latin at Princi ton, in i ipft NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYER! "" and "School fo Scandal" Next on Grace George's List. "The I.inrs," by !! ;r Jone will be ? given oxj gsn I.;. ' | any of r? -. ? . ? ? 'The New Yol i ' ?? ell Mi? 1.. rday that s.h ip to : ? irtory promlae by I "ii Novem her ?. Art a ?,.,???,.. eoatent wil ?ii ??.?:. i th? Lang ? : laved o - After "i I- 'will come "Tb ?i,dal." ??nd i' is I "Tit for ' thei ? opera ? ? d it .... Oresi 1er. hsa wril ? . I | i \ ? r .. : ted th ' i I Pouoda end i I : 11 ie< "I I,.- it the Vita t J ? : rl Blachtoi . ',i I,.- press?t. Both "!?'?? r ai '. v. armer" and "Tht 1 | | Selerj n | I '. ? k, wil nga to ? be SI > :: l' ?.. rj Hopwood'i . ) :... BBS. ! ..Tic of th?' mo.f promi r be? ii i-,i mored to be Gei ? War. ? ft, ".hi . and ! . ?' illy in '. I ? ? .'tie of f>ro ? - | Judy. A " I _ her i ? I all of the fail sex t r floor, . alton yestei ? . \* ?'. . ? d ? ? ... 7.. : i ? ? | | a : r . York They ? ' i the ? ' "Hip il : CHLT.CH GETS FOTTHTAH Glft of ? ..'. 11. i Bwerdi Dedicatsd at -str..-! ( hepeL front of 1 treel -. ? intain, . I i 18 rea ? . .?in. avers sen ago a a:u tain was en f Old -rinil ?. ! I Q Phebe ? irelin? Cothsal Lawrence. BUTLER IATTDS VAN AMRINGE ?seih Lew, Tee, **'i?-.iks al Hseaerial for Ei Dean of < olumbla. lohn Ho-?ai i * a-, I . ?: .-r-- ?1 i ., ' ? ! y. ltd d olea Murre. But i r and preaent pr. ..?,-: of tl th? Van Amrii ??? memorial in St. i' ? ? ( lhapel. "If I were ask?d what - I d <x Mayor Low, "1 . it il ths body of ? i| ,-.- It? . - and pressai red by the ? vii lit OB I of ? havo been with us. Prof? Vsn A mringa a as pe? t of thoss gether the | I ful ire." "We have -?? ? | a grow with i ?? . Van Ami : ig t," laid Prei But 1er, "and a _ nim 1 e coll? -i-. He t what? i hii r?-.i.a with the charm t f a gr< t'.i'y " TUXEDO AIDS ITS HOSPITAL Benefit Tomhatoae (.??If Tournament Has Main Playera, It,. I. .? ?. .. e . i . Tuxedo Park, ... V . Oet 24. Mr. and Mr- Frederick l>. L'ndei i.I enter i a party al th? el lb to-day. and Mr. and lira. W, II. a ned Mita Sag?-. Mrs '.?.? h. Whitney and W II. Bolton i?' Among other? iun lunched a< club were Will, m Hare, Fi I 111 liard. M r. a' ! *'. : Fl id? : - I'. .. the M Mis. ,\ Li " ' '.? "??? ! K I'e dlel I i Misa Ade ?.'Wick, Mr.snd Mrs.. M Ru I ' S. Corbin, Mr. and Mn '?? Louii 1er, Mr a and Gi ral) A m xetl fiursomi ment _as i i pn . i _ the golf links f Hospital, rhei ? ra: ts. BOM - ?re '?' Colliei and w. W. Wal mi , MI and (i. P I't reaux, t? * ai '1 Ml i. C, S. I. ie, Miai Kath u George St. George, M sr I sad L J. rig t, " ? ? M irj Si I -n sad Georgs M. Ruahmore, Miaa Maud ? ai .1 II C. Drsyton, Mr. and Mrs. Dai : W agsl ifl ? ad Mi J. K. Hum. and K. Winslow. DATE SET FOR RUSS EALLET De l?i.igliili--"- Deacers To Be ..t Met n?r,<'';trin in __nu_r\. Serge d< D i__ leg' Ru Ballet with icenery by Leoi i ap ? . I i . - ? i, 11 17, i I was snn? iae< ?I Is I sight, after a i?:- h t will I :r th? ra ts ?estrs s pOW b? lake. MAl tht bead f tl their i - Karsai Ina. A graphic sad ? ?-x : ' rt BBd ' " ' .- . " I Sokolova and Pflati i each :? dai of dis- .: e1 lOB t-ior? f Rs II !??? pre? . or thn s numbers al OBO er two ?r two sho ! I ., ? r l ? ? ' adi " SYNDICATE TO BOOK FILMS Ma? A. Erlsager Pana tlllaace with I'-ianii/unt < orporaiion. Kla I ' .? I ? ! .. . concern are released. 1 it ras stated itrei taking Pai h? en eg? Cted loi . |uiriag theatres in a Inch this i er-, ice baa not I'or th? facilil I, to be illed tai :' ?? ? int-Kla? ?I ic at . \? totie? board will m- Marc Klaw, Abrsiiam l Erla t| Hodkinson und Raymond Pawley. I hs BSW coin: .: the fact that ' ? ??"??? ted 1 the pu posing oi ? i merely been drawn together by a com l_-ii lullpHjatf. ERADY TOASTED BY iaOOO FRIAaRS Theatrical Manager Roast? ed, Too. at Honor Dinner at Astor. WANTS LEGISLATION TO PROTECT THaEATRF Deplores Growth of Movies and lack of Stage Wecruits as National Menace. The i riai i tool spart s the Hot? til ist Bight sad ornlng, sttei a evei Eai Bg Mr. Brad ? had, and. for aw stag? Bat ha had r. ad on the menu I fair was ? "com? dinaer," so be waitrd in pati '? I : r\_ he -.41 , p.'.i.r :? .1 . ? ' r a r.'.im: sr f | ISBBt th-nic? about him lelf. Exclusive of the reversible on -r, Mr. Brady hu ! BO MUM for 11 ? Friera, to - Ina of the women in the boi ? out neariv a thoaMBd Btroag to ' Lim. 1 hOM prSMBt i-' BBtlt :'? d S "ar east that Mmpared faeerah s??me of Mr. Brady's revivals. There ???[-?? tet?n -.ris. managers, direct >rs, "iSM lisent?, m-it .'-i picture magnates, ?onu n tors, MrtooB 1st i, Iraaulic ei and the other Hradv "Diamond J.m " - (.race Georgs Mr?. William A. Bra !y took Ifl the proceedings from a box. ',t>i>r?p m. Cehaa, a? abbot of the Friars, bos?p?l th. BadertaklBg. Hs paid tribute to Mr. Brady u the msn theatrical centre from Fort) leeond Btroet to Forty-eighth Street, and also ha?l a fe?v words for iup in tho stock market. "After ?v hat has ha? done w.'n war -." said George, "he aaa te im?* right thiag st ths show bu?i nos? every time ? its taCkat Wolf Tells Lion Tale. RoBBOld Wolf, wkOM \.0':i.tss ? i? at theatriMl dinner.? to : irn.?h a few "fact?" a!iotit the dlBOO, took up tlie I < ohnn left off. For the la?? five >?'.?.'- M< isrs. Wolf at-..! Brady have gone their 44??y? in lilenM when their pa! ? eroaaod a fad which the for? mer referred to Ifl bil speech but this d 'i sol prevent the exchange of ?jirp-? ar ! o?!? MCI la-pf r, ight. "I can say one thing; for Mr. Brady," remarked Wolf, after he had already said several. "Ilurinj, hs career as a ? laaager ho hu booB mi ently democratic h?- has Baver believed tlty, "?in severa! oecasiOBS he ha? tried to be an actor, unce he put on a Roman drama ifl v? h ch a !'>n (inured, but the ?ion qu r th? rot per? formance, Ha alleged thai Brady bit h:m." \-'*i r ro| . ? . Wol:'.in raillery Mr. Brady sposs i fea i words on theatrical condition-. !!?? paid trib ? ' many old-Imera sad te A ? Erlanger (his !? ism.'?? rival), Georgs M Cohan aad the late Charles Proa man. of the later k heel sad then con traated the present status of thin-?'? ? cal 44 itn that of MBM yea: and ! '?:ti'.: the decadence of the ?Irania. "I ?!?) BOl pretCBd 7o ?u ire-est B rem? edy," he -.nd, "in,- ! !"? ?<?.??? the! the sdvaace of motion pictures mean? the merely represent a rohashiag of every old iltuatton that ths theatre has al readj produced. Picturas will kill the I Si lee for the theatre -ah? ?ay: 'What ' ! I?' I 44r:t.* Mmothing dig Bifted nobody srlll go to see it1 Why should I not writ?? playa like "The Fight" or "Ths Lure'"" Warn? Theatre Iaglslallea 'Aid then a motion picture man ron*e? slong and o.'fei? r i : r n pOSlibly flO.OOO t" \4 r-its s -<?'?aerio ?? seei that be .-a:: perhaps writs la s boars. Of eourao, ft la aot the author who luffera, net i? it the ssaaager v.h.> Mr. Uraily sJm laiBOOtod th? of yountf men oagOl to enter the theat? rical Kam., t?. di y, itatiag that thoBam !>er 44.1s t ? si t] ?-m. - a? great ten ye? r.? a?;o. A? a inggestiofl for ne improve meal of Maditioas, he sdvocatM Ihs prCMBM in CoBgreSI Bad If Stats anil city Isgislativs bodiei of s reprs 1 ? ' at r:'*al district. "Million! of dollar, are iflVOltod in ? ?l pioperty in tins distri? I said, "?'??! tho ?? ? illioBi .should be so titled * . 1 ' ? stat "?1 ifl our lew ? ? It is Beceasary ther-' be foolish, Inane, nomeniieal ?egialatloa." Eugsaa P, K;i.r - tiag Sher? iff of ? idaon I oust I s worl i Ib gi serai aad Hudi l In particular, aad then Jim Corbett told of h ? srisBM orlth '-'r. Hrady Brady wai Corbett'i n.:. oad gv ster to the ? hamo on si Ip of ths world. Job H" lg ?, !rv,n s. Cob si ! tuga tu . bo ? ipoaking programme. At the speakers' talile. in sddltlM to sad] - aere Hot* brook Blinn, Charles I!.in.ham. [/is Shubert, Dudley Field Mal?.:.-, J Edward Swana, John H Btaaehfleld, Irving Berlin, Sam H. Karris. AI:'r.'? K Smith, tin* < ob isioi sr AdsmMo, i 1 \ Olcott, Ilamel Frohman and Georgs Tyler. Irving Berlin wai in ehargo of a vaudeville programi fl -".l fnr into the twenty-fifth of October. SEARING TALKS OF OPINION \4oi.!s Deference to I . of P. ('??ntro ver-y in AddrCM at Prag **' naif nur. I?r. Scott Naariag, fonaerly prafos. Mr :-? . of Penniylvania, avoided re ? wi-.h th?- im tut "?1 ia ' n '. ?? i.'es terday. Ihr. Noarieg spok? of public 1 i ne morality .?f ethics i b par? 1 ir, "ind;v .?!u;;l j?' i ? I'.- Near? ii i-, "ii s mal i si ?: ... j . . o| inion ii u halaac ?. uot of in dividual feelings ?n?i fact?, but of pee? plo, weighted In praportiofl to their relative ?BslooBeea. To ho iffsctivs in '.he lon>r run. Lowover. pablic opinion .: i'he logical place for the developmeflt of thi.? int? i? the .?chooi mat r'?'?'?c iche To Discuss Char.ty Worl.. "The S'ikCMsity '?: Ab? Hi hing \1 P 1 lie and Priva ? ?; S"? iotiei b- 'he tOpil it tkl : ?" ut *.-..- II litai ' t. to I Leslie rtall, Elfxhty-third Stapel Broadway, la ?sorrow s ght ?A M Wallstein, Commiealonerwoi A? count?, will nre-i?l?-., Tlje addi. .-? ? will b? :?... s. ._ m cuuc.rt. Wyaateaach Clah in Greed ..?rnngt??.. , . .t. ? ? ? Great vear William I. ?s'*jr ted a member ef the I i : Mr >'?*?*? I -hard. Mr ? ? - rtui Si ? . te | relft - ? ' Hr a-.l Hn Ban . I. . ? ii Pit tifie ? *. . has land - . Mr. ? . ': i rna.i and Mrs. RiebSI I II. I I have I CHARITY BAGS NET $10,000 I nited liebre? I Irg IB?? altan, After Sale of Waste. Warns le lesas Mate . ? Char-.* ? - ? i ? ? : numen nou 13,000 ? . ? t? the el< ind the ? 1 r. re are i re thai of the ? rhe United H bree call for t' ? . the h bree I be answered ? - MEMORIAL FOR R C. 0GDEN Letter < am paign on !?? '?' -? ' ?" ' "' for Balldlag at Bamptea, \.?. To c to th - Robert C. Ogden, foi W.'ll '.'. itiai thou ia reek to i memorial building - 11 ? i Inal tute, Va. Ami , Presid? the Depart educa* eommittee, ?rn den's asaoc ite? ? ? gaaised the Hoard, in 1901 ag to 1 the Bureau ?'or public t Southern I ? M to describe the work of *' I parties." -.vh eh ones travell? I loads to obaerve eoi as Mr Ogd? ' LYMAN, COTTON MAN. DEAD Was Head <>f Eight ? eespaalcs sad ?if Boston ti 111 ? urn. . Wall I i -. ? ? , eot I New ?? weal1 hid ag, aft?-r an llln? i? of Al'biiugh eighty-tl ed te ?*-. I Mr. Lyman --,i i ? \. ? i ?_? I ? lianv, . - ? ? ? i the vl and 11 '?'? - - ? ?'? _ ? i v ?. bras sobs aad thre? LYNDE A. CATLIN DEAD Former Sc?r?-iar> of the Illinois Cen? tral Was sj. South Woodstock, Conn., Oct. Id Lynda A. I i eras ary ??t ths lllinon i mad from 18a. to I He eras Judge .,: i'i,',. twelve \ ? Bl - Hs I? ??'? I ? B I William a. Partridge, ef Mew fers, _ sculptor. MLS.. F. II. IMC A I 1. Mr- Pratt, sridew of hr William M ddenly Batarda) i 1'iatt, Waa in I . >ear, I and t ? Jami . a. Bl. Bl I . Church, 1 W'e.s*. Fort) M'ss SARAH uns. ? ?r. of ; tu M terday Ib st. Luk? 's _ , m la ? .-tit at vas knocked do re bj . Her left U g WS .y aiid ? be died - : rj,. DIED '?-??? geB ? . T. U'aldo. Pratt, Frances I!. Underbill, _., . .1 .Mh-.K_.LY At Albany, N. Y.. on s._tur day, ' dene Rodney Me* '?? i the I -th year ?>f Ins age. I ?. ? i . b.r tS, 1916, Frances Helen, widow Of W liiiam If, l'r_tt, M. 1>. F . el? ite I lurch, | Weal ? , on i _.- ..ay motuiag St il .. ? . lt. t.-rir?:it at the Co-.-. fassUy. STOBT Baddeali 0 ?? ? , brief i Fast -iith st., T. Waldo S'.ury. Fu . ? r 26, at l'l a it; In ?.ert:i<-i-.; ;, ..,*? IM'FKIIH 1 tl I '. ?? | J ?. ... ;..... ; ? i o I b? i II? th? an held a di boo, 11 lei Bay, on Moi in*. ? it ] Beat ??*. Gn ? a ? I Ml I Mtll> THF \??K?I?I IHN || *mf. , ? ? Harlem Treln _e<* I , r: j-,.., __i. ??t .i,r... v_;._. .. i___i _._?_ ___ _ _.