Newspaper Page Text
J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Buy i ?M Amerlran ItrtMt? lOfl ??rollan Weher P. S P. Com. .?.0 I?.i I? Terminal (on. ?i Isueyma < o. I'M. SO M.I.... I, A ?Vitro. .5 Conn. K\. - l.i?; Tom. 100 ( ?mini tin. 1 11. ?il pit ,ni?- Her or tlt?i( so ]> ?on du? Ible V? Kmplre ?.???I * Iron Pfd. .V> Kn.nt.liri Ipi-'nanr?. 2S Pidrlil?-l'h? ni. ln?uranre 30 t.rn.Pul !>.?? , ! .;mi nt 100 ??arlan?! ? ?ep?eetlea 100 ?ira? National Teluiitosraph .*> Home Inamanrr 100 II.??. ? Kill.urn ? ?.m. 200 lii??r?<.H Itand Con?. I'? Internal i.'in,. Salt 5'. .'5 Ja?, nutler Pfd. lo N. ?\ York Mii?il>ull<lln. 100 Nev? tmmS /ln< 23 Phelp? n.i.licr S Co. 100 ltr?..l.ll. I!, a I. ulii Um. SO llemln?tnn Typewriter (AU iMtu-i) Bf ?>?iiiIII M.-iniifui ?urina M Safelj ( itr lit?. X M|. I 23 Singer tu'lrn, I H ThompafliistHrielt Com. 1 200 .Viirtl linking ( ?m. J.K.Rlce,.Ir.&Co.WlllSell SB Amerlritn Un?. 30 ?.merlo?? ?.a? S Klee. Pfd. .' i \r? ?pin V? .lier I*. ? P. ('?am. oil llain.x h a .VUeei .tu llu?h Terminal ? om. loo ( ,,ii?,ini ,i _ I i'..iliitln.-Itrri.r<|ln? 100 Ka??trrn Steel < cm. IS Kmplre Sleel S Iron Com. S Pfd. .3 Y .? lillas ( om. 100 l 'li National Hank 23 (?rrinan \iner. In.. 10 lia. Notional Bank in ilpirri?.?! Bree. Pfd. 100 International Salt 50 tarn. Hut I?? (om. Inn Mllllkri? Mr??. ( om. A Pfd. 51 Mldiale Steel (Ol.ll 200 New Imu Hhlplmlldlns IS Nullnnal I'.irk llpiok 30 Nile?-|l('?i?riil l'ond Com. 100 Ne? steree} /Inc ?.'.-> i mo. i. ? vi li,?,. pfd. 100 l'aritl? ( "ii-l ( om. IB Reininartim TrpewrKee ? VII Issue?) .3 Seniill ?liiniifn.turlne ll. ? I .1. ,? ill. r ?til .-.o i mli >?. -..-. ? <??... I.,l .,? _ \l:,,l...,r 1 ?Vine'??-?(er Ka ne il ma ?. J.K.R?cc,?r.&Co. Ihm?* leSl 10 Sll II . 7s 1 Louisville & Nashville Railroad South & North Alabama Div. Gen. Consol. 5s due 1963 ! Secured on 200 miles <>f important main lines of the i Louisville (*. Nashville Svstetu. | Followed by Sr2.0t10.000 Stock r^in?? dividends of $%. Price to yield about 5% S.ul for 'firrufar T-ftHfi" tRcdmondado. 33 Pine St. - New York I recommend the purchase of Babcock & Wilcox which recently paid iti 126th comecutive quarterly dividend. During the pail 25 years ihe company ha? never pud leu than at the rate of /' < per annum. Contract? ha.? juit been closed aggregat? ing ?bout $19.000.000, on which a large proal iltoald b? nude. Ihe Company has a capitalization of $ i J,(?00,000. all in one clan ot itork. ?nd h.? no outit.r.dinti debt. I offer a limited amount at the market. Inquirir* Solicited ERNEST SMITH 25 Bro.d St.. N. Y. Tel. 974 Broad. Driggs-Seabury A-i eM ?'-'nt'*. re'-' aiul i?"'? end.r a llroag ?r..l ?mres ?i. p ? Iti? rompan-. ? viar order?. .!r-.dy ?non - In r.asln?;. Ita Meek, ?hi .: I...? r-.'-nt., r?..Tried a ? a r la ?. ?? !?::..,. still much l,. lea III Our latest market < l.-cular No. 03S tells .1! at.'iut it Thl? ?a*ne circular also civ., ?at'- |i ' at?.ut Mldiale steel Amer. Hrlll.l? Mff. Co. Standar?! Motor < halmers Motor Inl. Mercantile Marine i s. UarM a neat and o:her ??-'it.- Inli?*. r.?l mining* issue*. Wrttt r ....,: See? fot U Harvey A. Willis & Co. ?KatahlUhed 1901 > S2 ll'waj, N. V. Phone? 127-8-1 Hro?d. Henry G lews & Co. || 13, 15. 17 ?nd 1? HROAO ST MIMIJUO? N. V. ST??( K KMH.NOI.. Stock? and Bond? bought and sold on commission. Also carried on con? servative term? Deposit Accounts received subject to check at light Interest paid on daily balances. INVK-.TMKNT Sl.( I ItlTIKs IKIUJI.II?' I l.TTKKS OK I KKHIT |.l.\l I? <?N ?IIMHIV IMI I'.KIS branch ornees ? ft 7?i.r.! Ai.. llr"i'Hi?> M W'nrr. n Hi. ?to? Situare H ? o . ?? ItKlyta. Aroer. Lt. & Traction Com. ??etna Explosives Pacific Gas Com. j Witilamft?nkr&fokmm ?' ?? * ? ' h um tseetname i am Mall ?HJ. Phone Aim? llanos rr ?a f ?? i?m;/i:rhi i**m Union Trust Co. of New/ork s?. ?.ROADWAY V.fh ?? a Mill - t fUl At ! ?lib Si AH??. lB?*??at on l*'..esll. lets n I ?cm.:. Caardiaa. Trntii, it:. A1J WALL STREET r?*ad* SOW, JONES BULLET.iiS I TICKERS Investors read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL rtSKSl IAL MF.KTIM.H. ( ?MUMS t \VIP (II ll. | TU. 'rV T Mc' ullo- li rur.'spy and Tr*aa'ir?r. firant ?"?en'rai Termin?I. Men Terk (V>. ??-? :., mi. NOTK'K t,r ANSI Al. MV.I7TIN.? plata?* take no?:?? ?h.? th? annual meat !r?S tft ?h? ?<?.? et. ?].,? ot th* ?'anadian (.'ami? CluS. In?i'?'l for th? purio??? of ?|.a-lT??T l>lr?'?'<??? ?r..i Ir.ajwtor? of Kla>< ?lee ant Ira wee cling s a-o otSot t.uaineaa aa ??X pr'.eeoriy "am? ?.?for? ll.? ?'???ting. *iii m> held on il?? nth d?r 'if Nev.aber lili,, at ?I ori,. la r.'i'.n at ll.? of?), ? of ?fias rtirtttitfiy ?< li' ?If???'.ruh '?liarlo. ?a... 'a V. T M < ' I.IaOCIt H*.r.??r/ and Tr ?aturar DIVJi'Kx'D NOT!? KM TMr PI I I M ?s ?OMPA-VT. uniiii-.-.n so )*' A ?ase.-??ari? . >?? r?' ?'.??? ?1?; ?a H"l "r*ntr,i?r IS, !'?:',. I* - "* * tetar? a* rmm sa'?.*??,??? tn-ueer sen. ??M.aj.0 (a -?"a???,. 1115, ty I WtX?il/l'.JMtE, tm-rotirt. I MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT War Industrials Leid in Decline?Railroads Hold Up Well. SOME FIRMNESS IN COPPER STOCKS More Gold Comes Here Through Canada, but Sterling Goes to Lower Levels Failure of the Steel Corporation's quarterly etatement, excellent as it was, to come up to market anticipa? tions had a discouraging effect upon trading yesterday. For a while after the opening prices were held firm, then distribution in the recently inflated in- : dustrials was not well absorbed and there were some fairly heavy losses in : the war group. Railroads were com? paratively steady and the copper stocks resisted the downward trend of the market. In the last hour selling press? ure was heavy, but covering by the short interest caused a little upturn at the close. In 1'nited States Steel the maximum loss was not more than Pi points, e.nd the close, a shade UUOOI i""1. vas only a point below the nnal figure of Tuesday. In the first hour there wes considerable buying of Steel and it changed hands as high as 16. 1 rade authorities con- | tinue to tell of an increasing demand for steel products that threatens to produce a runaway market. Steel mak? ing pig iron has been bought in large quantity, and in the trade there is ex? pectation that iron prices are at last to get up to reasonably remunerative levels. To the securities market, however, it was'tiot SO much the nctua! condition of the steel industry, now taken a? the criterion of the war order business, thai was of interest, but the question whether industrial protits had been widely overestimated. Publication of the Steel ?'orporation's report seemed to have been taken as n sign for un? doing a number of speculative ventures. Vague talk of peace, while not taken very seriously, added to the uneasiness in the war group. Baldwin Locomotive, Crucible Steel, the automobile stocks and issues of equipment making concerns and inde? pendent steel producers generally were under pressure, with nii-ximum losses of 6 and 7 points or so. The railroads bold tirm longer than the industrials and for the most part failed to make any important losses on the day. Anaconda led the copper stocks, ris? ing at its bept 2 points above the close of the ?lay before to its highest for th? year. Rumors of better dividends in piospect helped Anaconda, but expec? tation of larger export purchasing was the sustaining influence in the copper group. Stoiies of further foreign con? tracts placed this week failed to sus? tain the munition stocks, but the cop? pers had not been inflated as have these issues and hope of an increase in for? eign buying had greater influence. The expected shipment of gold by the British government from Canada came in to the amount of $5.000,000. Ster? ling wa? weaker, getting below 4.61 in the pound for demttid, nearlv a cent under the lowest price of Tuesday. Ex? change on Paris weakened with that on London. Too late to affect the course of the market came reports from Washington that the administration would support legislation to modify the anti-trust laws and allow American manufactur? ers to combine for foreign trade. The ( events of the last year have taught us all something, ami even cur statesmen at Washington are beginning to realize that business prosperity is something that should be consei-ved instead of ; discouraged. AYRKAOF ??V THF IKIIII. NK'M I.IST or ritma hails. rxtnher '!'. J esterriay's close . IM.lea October 26. 111.408 One nt-eh ago.11S.1SI One month n?" .Ill 8KII ,lul> 30, 1911.104.425 IliKli for September.112.918 Low for September .107.200 High for August.109.133 Leu f"r August.MUOSI High for July.105.S50 I ow f..r July.101.918 High for June.100.217 LOW for June.108.28? High for May.11I..13S Low for May.101.32(1 High for April.118.508 I n? for April .107.267 High for HOTCfe.108.108 Low for ^2ttr<?h.tSSJStt High for February.106.7S8 Low for February.101.192 nigh for Sammatt .i?is.p?3 Map*? f?r Januar? .103..MIT High, thus far, 1918._ 117.017 LOW, Mm? fur, 1010....101.If?? High, full ?ear, lew full year, 1914. ISUOBS A\KK\?.I OI Mil TKIIH \KS | |ST OF TH Hl.\ I, IMHVrill AI ?v October IT, yesterday's rinse 91.9X9 Oeoohse It. o.vsoo One M.--1. ago. 97.21 S One month ago . 92.911 July 80. 1914 .87.4t7 High for September. 92.900 l.o.\ for September.Sfl.,00 High for August.89 280 l?,w for amana . soias High for July.?s no? Ix?w for July.SO.218 High for June. S.VG8* lx?w f??r June.78.813 High tmr M?}. SSj8S| I?w for .Muy.71.479 High for April.85.185 |..w for April.75.844 llig?i for .Marrh. 75.151 I.OW f?ir Marrh.70.094 High for IVbi uary.73.328 Iao-* tur OeOcuasf. tSAHt High for luiiuary .7.V918 i^,w for S?mame?. ?o.779 High. UM! fur. Ill:, . 99..IM) Few. IfcUS ISffa I'M', .89.542 lull >?-ar. 1011.8I.SS4 l.?,u. full yrmr, 1911 .87.421 I'll A.k I < i < -1 ? i ? i ? 1.1| 4 '.. 4 7t 4 .'..', * ? t RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONDS iQuotei] on a i>> r entagc tuiUi Mo> Rota I- . Atlantie Ceoet Urne : ? ? , beltlmer? s ? hi? .1*l?."a 4'* . .... rut? ru?,.-? 4>,-6 f:an?<ii?ti< I ?? I ' , . srolli ?*? ' i ? " ? 1*1* ?* t. fi.eamu?k' * OBIO.. VU M 4* . 1911 ."I i*A, Ina * ix. <i?.i?u-?:?* ? . t I, * N <? i?l?-'z? b .... ?i,: 4 ?o ??1. v r i A H< I. ? . r,.?, 4 71 1*1?, ?aie a. HuSlwfl. 19~ 4% . 4 ? trie Ksllroad .1918-3 4*4.. 4 ?i 4 . H?e kins ValU?... ? '. 4 ?. ? . Illinois Central .19l*-'a 4S-K..4 10 4 Ii l?. Ill" II' ,-. ' ? 4 14. .-I Kan * V? Ml- rl : ? \ , ? . . *%?*.. 4M .N.rff. i. . ,191? ' ?'4 :.- y ? .o l.un -. ' 1914 ? t*Aj r,?ie..' I l?l|.'7l ? i t SO 4 I*, i *9 Itallirey ....m* i? ?.4 7* 4M? 4 ? ? 7, ? ? tU 4 ti ii, < ? ? THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1915. ' Total nalea of alocka Wednesday, 1,091,309, against 1,141,400 Tuesday i 902.COO a week ago. Steck Lirhange closed a year ago. From January 1 date, ItMSMM, against 16,106.100 a year ago. o*a Shsrea Quotation Range. ~>?et !?*?_.-..11 Open High Low Kino! ehge. BidJ_A? Alaska Gold Mines....* 2,10m 334 33% 83 334 S 33 3? ? .Allis-Chalmers Co. 9,s0O 43 431-? 41V? 42 14 41*4 4', Allis-Chalmers Co. pr.. 700 71% 74 734 734 <- 4 TI H 7! 4 Am. Agr. ( hemical.... 300 71 724 714 714 ? 4 714 7S ? Am. Beet Sugar. MO 654 654 di 644 ?- % 64 6-1 7 Am. B., S. A Fdy. ctfs. 300 1034 1034 103 103 - 1 103 107 8 Am. B . S.AFdy. pr ctfs 3,70'J 200 213 200 Ml *13 212 220 Am. Can . 6,300 63 . 634 61*?, 614- 14 614 61 7 ,Am. Can pr. 100 106% 1064 1064 1064 ? 4 1064 ICH 2 Am. Car A Fdy. Co.... 19,800 88 B8% 85% 86% 14 M en 7 Am. Coal i'roducts_ 500 155% 1554 1524 162% - 14 1524 161 -- Am. Cotton Oil. 600 SS*? 68 61 '".1 I 61 il 4 Am. Express . 60 111 111 111 111 1C7 115 -- Am. Bids A Leather... 1,400 13% 134 1J%?. 12?* % 124 13 -- Am. Hide ? Loath, pr.. J.ioo ,r.:;. 6ft rr, 674 4 574 57 -- Am. Ice Securities. 4'M 26% 25% 24% -'?4 - 14 244 21 - Am. Unseed . 7,400 27% 23 26% 27 l 27 27 - Am. Linseed pr. 8,100 16 174 46% 46 - % 454 M ? Am. Locomotive . 12.8 0 704 72% 86% 69%|? 14. 694 Ci? ? Am. Malt . 10,700 74 10 74 84 -14 84 I 2 Am. Malt pr. 2,100 30% 344 304 34 - 4% 33 33 4 Am. Smelting . 7,000 93 66% 914 924 4 924 92 7 'Am. Smelting pr.! 300 1094 1094 1094 1094 - 4 109 109 5 Am. Smelting pr B_ 100 *24 824 824 824 - 82 : 82 ? Am. Steel Fdry. 4,100 704 70% 68 66% -14' 68% 68 7 Am. Sugar . 100 112 112 112 112 a 4 1114112 8 Am. Tel. A Tel. 1,000 124% 1244 1244 1214 - 4 124% 124 20 A.m. Tobacco .1 100 229% 2294 229% 2294 % 229* 231 Am. Woolen ctfs. 200 .".24 524v 524 524 - 1% 61 62 ? Am. Woolen . 4,400 544 55 524 524 -24 634 53 7 Am. Woolen pr. 100 97 97 97 97 4 964 97 8 Anaconda . 49,100 764 784 764 784 flu 78Vh' 78: - Assets Reah (o. MOO 11% 11 11% 184 - 34 8 ' 12 8 Atehieofl . ?oo 1074 1074 106% 106% 4 1064 106; 6 Atcbisofl pr . 500 101 1014 101 1014 - 4 101 101' Baldwin Locomotive Co. 89300 130 140% 1304 182% 6% 132 132' .'< Bait. A ohio. 2.7011 i,-: ?34 92% 93 91% 88 ?t Bait. ? (?hi?, pr. 100 75 75 75 7.". :-? 75 75" Bethlehem Meel . 320 (60 560 166 ??'.t 21 828 860 8 Brooklyn Rifyi.l Tr_ 200 B6M 864 86 86 % 85 86 ? Brooklyn I'nion (las... 200 in2 134 1.12 134 2 1864 186 B Brown Bros. 100 K7 87 87 fc7 - I 8G ?0 80 Butte A Superior Cop.. 1,700 85 66% ?I 81 4 61 65l. :< Butterick Co. 100 804 304 804 304 4 304 .12 I Cal. Petroleum pr. 300 414 414 414 414 4i4 43 10 Canadian Pacific .: U00 178% 1754 173 1734 1734; 174 3 Central Leather .I 9,900 67% 684 57 674 - % 57 4 57* 7 Central Leather pr_' 200 1074 1074 107% 1074 4 1074 107* <hes. A Ohio.I 3,400< 6741 574' 574 67% 4 674, 6T? - Chicago Ci. Western.. 300 134 16% 13% 13% 4 114 18*. Chicago lit. West. pr.. 500 3'. 4 34 4 84% 34% 4 34 | 34%, 4 Ch? Mi!. A St. P. *00 924 93 924 82% % 924 92*i 7 eh., Mil. & St. Raul pr lio 128% 128?S 128 i 12! ? 4 127% 128M ? :i.. R. I. A Pac. 11.70 17'.. [8 - 174 174 - 4' 174! 17'| " C. St. P.. M. A O. l'.o|ir,4 int'? 1164 1164 14 116 120 ('., C, C. A St. 1. 100 .".04 504 56% '? 80 63 60 ( hino Con. Copper.... 5.7* .1". 504 50% 4 50%; 61 4 Cluett-Peabody .? 400 69% 69% ??" 68 ? 69 69M (o!. Fuel & iron. WP :-.* 59% 66% 67% 14 67% 57 4 Col. A Booth 1st pr... 100 54% 64% 544 644 4 534 544 6 Consolidated Cas .' 11,000 111 14?',4 1 ?0 148% .2 1424 1434 6 Con. Cnn . 1,700 101 102 100 ,100 14 loo [101 Corn Products . 4,900 204 80% 194 194 4 194' 194 5 Corn Products pr. 900 904 90 4 90 90 i 4 89 90 Crucible Steel . 37,10o B9 99 844 86 4 86% - ( uban-Amer. Sugar ... 1,900 117 121 117 118 i-14'117 119 10 Ti., L. A. W. 100 2124 2124 2124 2124 \ 24 210 '216 Den. A Rio Gr. 100 B4 64 84 84 4 8 8% Pen. A Rio Gr. pr. 160 18 19 19 19 fif? 19 194 - Distilling Securities .. 9,400 474 4*4 464 ?7 4 464 47 20 Pome Mines . 12,600 26% 27 24 25 24 244 25 4 Electric Storage Bat... 208 71 71 71 71 4 704 72 - Bris . 37,100 404 404 39 394 4 394 39% - Erie 1st pr. 6,000 564 57 56% 564 - 4 .r>5% 664 - Erie 2d pr. 400 '.74 47 17 17 4 46 4-? 4 Fed. M. & S. pr. 106 504 504 604 60% 49 51 6 General ihrmica) Co.. 20 345 345 315 345 - 340 36n 8 Gentrnl Electric Co.... 2,600 1794 1794 177 177 -1% 177 179 1.eneial Motors . 200?867 367 366 166 -9 864 366 7 General Motors pr. 100 1124 113 112% li.'< 1124 1134 -- Goodrich, B. F. 11,800 71 78% 77 774- 4 774 774 7 Goodrich, B. F., pr. 1,100 1114 1144 1114 1144 ^34 114 115 7 Gt. Northern pr. 600 1224 1224 12)4 1214 4 1214 122 4 (it. North. Ore subs... 8,900 50s. 514 494 50 4 M 604 16 Guggenheim Expl. 1J900 '.74 68 674 67% 4 674 674 Greene Copper . 500 39 39 384 3X4 4 38 86% 5 Illinois Centra] . 200 108 108 10? lO.i 1 107 109 - Int. Agricultural . 500 244 214 234 28% 14 23 24 Int. Agricultural pr.... 1,900 544 614 634 614 4 54 644 Inspiration Copper ... 47,100 414 454 444 464 4 464 454 lriterborongh-Coti. 2,900 224 224 224 224 4 224 224 f, InterboroiiRh-Con. pr... 250 7-<4 78% ~a 7? 4 ~H 78% -- Inter.-Met. 1.100 224 224 214 22 4 22 224 5 Int. Harv. of N. J. '<<?' 1 io?i \<ij 108 108 14! 101 109 International Paper . . 900 114 114 11 11 4 11 11%, 2 International Paper pr 700 424 48 414 414 - 4 114 48 10 Internationsl Nickel... 1,400 198% 1934 190 192 14 191% 195 6 International Nickel p? 100 108 108 108 108 ? 1 108 166 Ksn. Citv Southern. . . 4,000 28% 29% 28% 29 29 264 4 Kansas City South, ur. 200 624 62% 62% 624 62 624 B K.ngs Co. El. L. A P . 1.=- 1294 1294 1294 1294 1274 1284.! rate .?Fares < sold. 100 6 Kresge Co., -- Lack. Steel . 8,100 ? ?Uke Erie A Weit. 100 Lake Erie A West. pr. . 200 10 Lehigh Valley . 8,200 ? Long Island . H5 10 Lorillard, P. 300 5 Loula. 4 Naih.?.... 100 Maxwell Motor . 19.900 7 Maxwell Motor l?t pr. . 2,900 ? Maxwell Motor 2d pr.. 11.900 2 May Department Store? 800 Mejiietn Pet. MM ^^^^^ 6,200 100 MO 100 20O ??00 400 POn 200 100 4,0n 100 80 .Miami Con. Copper.. 7 M., S. P. & S. St. M... 7 M., S. P. & S. St. M. pr 4 M..St.P.S.S.M. Leaied L. Mo., Kan. & Texai. Mo., Kan. t Texai pr. ? Minouri Pacific . 2 Mont. Power. Nat. Cloak 4 Suit. 7 Nat. Cloak & Suit pr.. Nat. Enameling tk Stpg. Nat. Enamel. 4 Stpg. pr National Lead . I/?-"? Nevada Ton. Copper...I 1,700 New York Air Drake... ?00, New York Central.' 4.900 N. Y, N. H. A H. 8.000 N. Y, Ont. 4 Weit.... 800, Norfolk Southern .? 100 Norfolk & Weitem... I 500j North American .| 200' Northern Pacific .| 1,800! ? Pacific Tel. 4 Tel A Penn. R. R. 8 Peo. Ga? A Coke... 6 Philadelphia Co. ... P., C, C. & St. L.. - 100 4.000 900 1,400 10 Pitt!, Coal . ttjm B Pitt?. Coal pr 300 .'.?eV?ed .Ste?l r ?r. 21.600 noo 100 8.2'i0 6,200 12,600 6,500 100 700 400 ?S00 100 400 300 l.-*00 800 400 1.2-0 A Pub. Ser. Corp. of N. J.j H Pullman Palace Car... Ry. Staal Spring. In Ray ?'on. Copper. 8 Reading .| Rep. Iron & Steel. Rep. Iron & Steel pr.. Rumely .' Rumely pr . St. L. & .S. F.! St. L. A S. F. l?t pr...' St. L. & S. F. 2d pr.... St. L. A S'we?t.I Seaboard Air Line.I Seaboard Air Line pr..; 7 Sear?-Roebuck . Mos.? -hrfT. Steel & I Open. ' 249 '-. 84 u 30 784 24 a. 182 Vi' 127 84 10**4 64% 624 8!) 35 120 % 127', 74**. 54 14 4 V 67% ?<:i 109 ?4 34-8. i-2 61 154 148 100 81** 30A. 194 1154 72 112 i 43'? 68% 119 4 17 60% M 104 74 Vi 111 166% 49**? 254 79% 63% 103 4 54 6 *?ou?hen> F'aciflc . 4.10O 4 South Porto Rico Sug Southern R. R. Southern R. R. pr 5 Standard Milling pr.. ______ 5 Studebakcr .' 22.900 Studebaker nr .! 2,100 260 K..100 1,200 11 12 Tennessee ' onper - - Texas & Pacific. 10 I ? xas Co. 4 Third Awe. R. R_ 4 Underwood Type. Co Union Rag 4 Paper.. Union Bag 4 Paper pr ,000 800 1.100 1,400 300 800 100 8 I'nion Pacific . 4.400 4 Cnitfd Clga? .I i/'00. United Cigar of Ai 7 United Cigar of Am. pr United Ry. Investment United Ry. Invest, pr.. 17. S. C. I. P. 4 Fy... U. S. C. I. P. 4 Fo. pr. United State? Express U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 7 U. S. Ind. Alcohol pr..! U. S. Reduc. 4 Ref.... ? !U. S. Rubber. B. Rubbber lit pr. 3,500' 500 700' 400 6,700 2,100 100 1.70! 100 100 13.-00 100 U. 8. 8t?aal..*.7T?.T... 170,100 U. S. Steel pr. 40 Utah Copper Ya.-i'ar Cbemlcal 800 K'.S'OO 4.900 1 m 19.900 Va. Iron Coal 4 Coke Wnba?h, \v. i. _ Wabesh pr A. 11,500 Wab??h pr B. 19,100 A Wells Pana Express... 600 Weitern Maryland ... 9mm 5 Western Union Tel. . . 1,100 A We?tinghou?e Mfg. 68,908 7 Woolworth . 1809 7 Woolworth pr . 100? Wheeling 4 Lake Eri? 1.A00 Wheel. 4 L. E. l?t pr. Wh?el. 4 L. E. 2d pr. A Willys-Overland . 7 Willyg-Overtand pr . . Wi.scon.ln Central . . 1JA00 1 .600 ;i,)0 300 300 7V |% 10 74 1A4 17'? 394' 157*? .v.? S 984' !3! 214 HO -0'a IM 4 116 844 11% 168 614 91% i 2d 186% 05** 9 4 114 2A 43 284 M ?H ' 1204 10.5 3 554 106 854 115'? 70% 494 7.?4 13% 46 4 27 U 1204 324 704 724 1124 122 34 114 ? 26?'? 1094 35'i otat.o I! gh. 2494 64% 12 91 78 T? 244 1824 127 86 102 66 n% 894 354 1204 1274 744 64 14 44 M% n 1094 84% 91 .'7 154 143 101 824 204 194 116 72 1124 434 yj 1204 47 ?04 3:? 108% 111 160?. '14 25% 804 M 1034 54 8 4 6 10 1A4 174 404 1574 60 98% 136% 28 '. 62 804 183 1194 34% 11 17o 81% 91% M 183% 83% 9 4 114 264 43 29% 514 S3 130% 105 I 63% lOrf -.; 116% 7 '. '?? 61% 73% 14% 474 28% 131 32:'s 804 74% ll?'a its ? 18% 6% 2584 1094 83% n Kan-?*e. . Low Fin-i! ?494 2494 81 81'? 12 12 30 31 774 77'*. 244 214 182 182% 127 !'-'7 804 81% ?94 '.'-,: il :4 61% 524 53 874 894 84% 88 1204 1204 127 4 1274 744 744 64 61 14 il 44 4% 67% 58", 83 8:; 1094 1094 33'a 58% ii'j 654 654 15 15 146 147 100 10'4 81V? 814 294 294 194 194 1154 1164 72 72 1114 1114 43 4 43 4 5*14 584 1194 1204 454 46 80% 80% 374 38 j 1054 1054 72 4 73 111 111 1664 106% ?18 4 49 25% 26% 79 794 63% 524 103 4 103 4 54 54 74 8% 54! 54 10 ! 10 74; 7s? 164' 164 174 174 394 394 1574' 1574 59 ?'.O '."(4' 9H4 184 135 4 21% 23H 80 614 80 >? 1"7 116 63 13: .??et i rh-re. ' ? 9 4 ? % - 14 - 4 - 4 - 14 o - 44 - 1 - 24 14 4 14 4 4 4 4 4 _I 14 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 14? 4' . 4 - 4 + 4 ? % - 4' 4 1% 14 Bid. 225 81 11 ?.:-> 77S 244 177 4 125 4 814 994 614 ;i 89 3441 1204 125 73 6% 14 44 63% 62 : ? 834 '.?O 66% I 15 146 , 1004 81'a 30 ! 19 ! 115 71 ' 1114 43 : 58 4! 1194 46 ? 764' 38 ? 105 73 HI 1654 41> ' ? 25 4 79% 524 103 4 54 74 64 10 I 74 16 ! 174> 394 163% 594 964 120 7:3 4 61 Ask. 250 814 12 32 77 4 26 183 4 127 82 100 024 53 894 35 121 128 85 5 4 15 44 5?4 83 IM 83% 92 66 154 147 1004 82 304 22 1154 73 112 44 584 1204 414 80 384 107 73% 1114 167 49 4 25 4 794 53 ! i 104 54 84 64 11 74 16 4 17% 40 1574 60 984 1344 23 4 614 80' 1794 117 63% .- . 14 1654 165 4 604 61 91 91 6% 4 % 2 4 4 4' 179 180 ?734 6:; 4 134' 134 165 168 604; 61 26 135 -33% 9% 114 36% 43 27 J94 68 118 105 3 16% 106 844 1154 704 ?;:? TO 13 4 464 27 4 120 32 4 794 714 1124 122 8% 11 5 2.M l 109 4 86% 28 i 1354 63 94 114 254 13 284 51 68 118 105 3 55 4 106 64% 115% 7! 494 70 144 46 4 33% 12u 83% so 78% 1124 122 5 4 18% 54 250 109 4 36 4 - Vi jj . 14 * 2 4 3 4 4 - 1 91 7 25 135 63 94 11 -- 254 43 2s 4 50 67 117 UM 3 554 ??. 1''64 106* 84% 85 1154 1154 93 74 27 1354 64 4 9% 124 264 43 4 28-4 61 69 119 108 3*, 554 4 24 4 ? 1 '?-. 4 ? 14 ? 4 104 ? 494 70 114 464 284 119 32 4 794 72 I' 494 "'_' 14 4 464 284 120 33 80 7-.-"-. 1124 113 ?_ 3 4 124 54 2 Id 109 36 124 I 14 64 250 109 4 374 CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Pronounced Weakness Among War Stocks Oi! Shares Firm in Quiet Trading. The outside market yesterday de veloped an irregular trend, with the war order group generally displaying pronounced wcaknci-s. Midvale Steel ended at its loweit, 89'i. a loss of 34 points on the day. American and Brit ish Manufacturing, Priggs-Senbury and International Motors each declined 3 poin'.H. Lake Topado Boat, common, was active and lost 24 and the tirs-, preferred 2 points. International Mer? cantile Marine, common, ended frac tionally higher, while the preferre I fielded a fraction. Kelly Sprini'f.el I Tire was ;. strong Hsue, advancing 1B points, while the new stock, when is sued, improved 2 4 points in activ ? dealings. Higher prices were recorded in th" oil shares," though trading was com? paratively quiet Standard of Califor nit went up 4, S'ardard of New Jerse 3 and Illinois Pipe Line 2 points. A few of the copper stocks were mor ? BCthrelf dealt in at generally improve 1 price*. Kennecott Copper, however, lo?t. h point. DfDI STRIALS. f',*nl ?.-, n. Hlg'-. low !.??? 1.410 Am BrH Mfs <l O M '?'.i Tan i id ?'.tryK? m? i''! US i-i n? : ' ? ,n Nnt Gas '' i\ I? 10 '?? ? -.IS I . '?'? "*'?* 1 me *< be* M C ?lit. Ill i i i-'. |M HUmOop K ?*<> >??', I >.:? -;? tramp i li>1 >S *'-:. I ?'. ! 70 *t>omlnloi H "i ?: ? *'?'. ??'. ','. ? imssi - ab :?'- Ml IM M8 ?? > aet? rn Hteel.. M 48 ,.-1 I' il n .. . ....un?an I mo I '?' ?Hall SWim!. ?-'. :'? "1 NWI ?HenSe? Mfc ?.", : I *H?a BAA.. M 1 ? ?Hi. iMt,,n . I 1914 1"'. I'.'. 11 '. 19.808 Mi i Her Mm.. l.'t !?.? I "t 11% ? ?so i"f . *'?'* a% mtk *i~? !.. C Ir ufs . 4". 4 41 tn i.tAO ?In? Vn'.es H 4. 4 1 4* ;.. ?,\n |,r<f. ?.? i*, ti? M tU (al .o.,lai, Il ; f I?, ?'?j HI ?\ ?...-. M| I p'?eM T.v, ?, IM VU ? Se ne? lit pf. il W Il <vu ? u, w I il IM4 18 "'i IM M,- .-?, ,.rl 11'? H', 1^4 lft ? U I 'i ?! ii ... Toc Bue: Il II ' : IM ? le :-? p?et r< M 11 11 ?. <m\ War. ..t,l ,,t Kttt ?'?? "-? Hi < ? ? Ml l' aie Mo. I M% 'v ? I ', Il 4 i t?'? ??Mm ? Ref... 'i t, 11 V ? n . ? r -,', ?,% :\ r.-. ? i ?tUani Motors 1. HS i ECO si ri ,- .., m .-, -, :?, , ? HH Jeeei h l*s i 14 I? i>?, - i niiiln?- Itojl ?3'? <"4 47 4:', I Ml ?T..?.?!.., it.- 1 R RU .17 8? I n* Trienal? K etfa t-, fi SU . , m l'a l't'f Slmr . |H ".'% M :, ne, .i j-, j,. ,. h ,? |d ,-, ?U |? ?Se pref H ,',\ r.s f-1? ? : "n , OU 1% 1% |U ! , im v. ?vi?.!.a n ... i-. v+ w t% K 4 '?i ?WertS Him 4 4 X'?, 4 STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES i inoi? i> i..... - u? m? ins it Irnllsna r I. . . ? m no 11? ? ?." ". , -- u.; i.-H mt nlfl" ?I IV . 1 . 4?i| 41-, 41? ih? n P I. :34 :ji m io tot t?, i-, ?,. i.n mo ??o ko it - XVi si? xt? '..n ? I! ?? N I -- 4W 417 ?? ? ?? st.,i, i n ?f s \ im m? MIMS?, ? " 'Alaalu i .i. m II ' . i . i , ?Mita re i si ?M II I.8M t Mi in, r, ?s ?i? hi? i^,iK, i". i\ t% m j-. |.8M*?Heoll M , M roo H.? an ? ..i n r* 10% ?'?, 1?S ?.ooe RMte ?? ? /.-t? 4-, 4*. 4', t , 188 Bull a N v t% 2\ M XH "Le*! .;?" ::?* ' "*' ?U ''? '*? ?* 40.0OI li URhimy 7 '.l 7 . i?,?mO ?!' ,1? r res C. 48M t. ? H 4J!, MININC. i?.?.? ?i'u ?? . eapet B ? ? M -' ?ml || Sno't IS IS '?? ''? ? -i n n | j Hi ??, Mfe ?i.. .77 ?7 ?7 .. | l ?... . ir,, N,,, cap ?S t% ?'? p ? >- i... . i* fen .. 1*. IS !'? IVi ?H? ... Mln ... t? J '??- L ? ' ?? I: ..... .? . ??a ?S ?'? a1??; ?es iu r.!-, i .t ... u; i1? is ill ' ??'t **8 ". S ? ? ?tKewgMa ... XI n 81 .... IM.UHI; Mia.. M IS ?"-' ? 1 "?<. t>lcKln-Der . St ?V? "* N I MS 'IMa ?? Mln ..SI 71 :* 3 f/y) ??Mother l.-l- V. $? >? ""? 1 an ?i\bi Elue <?. L M M ?"> ? ?SI New I tali Hing S 74 ? IM NI iMlns Mil . . J 81 r't ? US .?iiro . s ?: 1 I ? 100 ??it-. Can Min ? M ?? ? ?I .p,r- '?:. -i-, K 10H ?o', 7" HI ! t,]? ?atenta K- Mln. 4?? C? ?S ?H ??V) ?.*Sll..r Plrfc . > I ? 3 ' l.tat) Stan lard mI-I. m i??, |tt IS 200 Sl-V8nr:. ?4 ?4 1? H 21,nr,? ?ffflucce.? Mln 6? TO V. ?7 , ?,., ?Buiperatltti i M .? ? 7* .?S 600 Tono, all Bat IU t%* t*g a7? ?..-) ?Tonopah .i-rs, 4l 4l 41 ?1 USTonopeh Mil 1*4 EH 6?. SS I.MS Trt-Bulllon '., A 4 vi : IN ? i.p ,i Con 73 75 7: tr, I BONDS, lOO.o-v. K-npi ? .j i- IU 1" IT? IT1 ; *l i. I a - - - i Si . I i? pm ?hsr?. JKi 'Militan! -?v?-__ INACTIVE YESTERDAY. IXIM sti:iai> Hid. A?k HI*. A?*.. Am II M rf B 1"" leflsJI fllg pf. i^ f,? i- . le* ? .* i -int pei. ?s io .. , rl 1 ?? .? II I ?Van II I" M M 106 I ?l'an f. EMM 1.7 .,.?. ITof Si. y IVfc ' ??'?ri? OU.-I* 1". ., V Tip.ii.-, || 17 ; ?do l.-t pf ;?; > ?r.? ?i ? ?: M tu ? i ? l pf ?5 ??-. I I- i?ne Mfg 1? HIS ?i'ar Ka* C ?? :- *M Hi. ? I 7i :3 ? Ont K.lry. It !???. i ?rblate ~.\ 8'?, ?,lo prff fj :..'>, ?Io |,ref ...? 1.? ' ?li'. ills l?l Co ..f C. ?V. i? t , ?a i*, i i<al??/?Bi ?? ??n. us '." . HiMixa ?tAm ?"om. s 0 ??i;ol,-lr?<l<| M IT t? ? ??Ail? Di.i 37 t.? ?tir?.n II'..:? 71 T: i ??Mig i "w-,? 3 ? Is 14...?? i 0B ?, S ? otila :?? i i ..i in, ? on ?'. '. ' ? .. i ? . .. ,. ?* ?Wh K C ? f IS IT*I ??'.; M l'i -' I HU.XDM ?Anjlol' f,.? :.:?. M Urar-rn rae? l?S ' ? I .*! M n Sa .. 7?i INACTIVE STOCKS. 'Ihr follotving table give* the doling bid arid asked price? for ?lock? which are listad but which were not dealt m on the Stork Exchange- Wednesday: it-1 a a n i. A?. ! A.l.m. ?7i| ?M !-'? '< W ?tlwii'.i M ft A A ?:...?? ' ! '?'. 'I- 1-1 |f N Am 'l.-l -?' J ??" M pf ?:?:s il A ('?Ma I' l' iH's 1I-*S l"Hllsr.|. I*, pf in M.] A i ? ?Ml l'7 '??' 1 ' "s >l. '..ay foa, T.i. N)?Z An. I.?. " !?'? ?'? " I" SMf ?!?', An. --'i :?' B W? .1 IWa ?, | An Hag ?t 'i ' Mi '.8i i.' I? po T b | l'-i' - ' ?- j All. U,|. I' |'l - a ' . Ill ?.. Ill A. talan l-i l'7 13 M I A I pp. .| ? : ? Urn : - i. ?ash a I..IJT I -, |-,r..?n Hi..?- ? ?.?*.- ? ?.?- i.. i- ir.-r ?? gg M -af M ?.-.-,. li.fpl..* Mln IS IS ?!?> 2 I prr? ., ft uuit n a r N '??'? s y i. a n ?US - ? ai M.? ? ? N.rf A \\ ft U u: ?a-?. J I. pi 7? *? ?'??. -la s I: . |? cm ni s ) :: r r ?? A ml. ?; ii? ?rnAHATli? 131. IV Mill Ca., :\ Ig ? Mi A Aitoii ii'i i., |,| ,,r , i .,, S? |.ref 17 Va IVII? Hlfa.1 I?; j. ?M"?IA|I? Bil?? M'? llalli, laslltrr lia .1 ? CI A.?!l. pf.. Tl 77 ,|? pr,f ?J . ?'.. A M '?IS ??* |l?a*?.l 1,1 if I; ii?, .1?. lat pf ?. ?'. ' I?. 2-1 pf |.. ?a. l-.mi Tuii .. !? I* K. k I- a- I ?, -, l r-, I ap|? I I" ?" .Io prsf ?? I, ?? ?m mi.* pf na . -i i. a Mw pf m* ii l?. I. |..f . m> *7 ???.r. M |.f I 'i |>. I A llu I H7 II? ?? J- It B?g if l ?, II?) I? Il A H I? '. -a ltl:\IA<i .if. 1 ;-, l..i I.Il m 1 '? 1 ' ?'.i, i Mi III ( t;i, -,. In? I n ll I ' T.i A I' I. T I.*?* - I? I? H A At ? ''a T Stla A \\ ;( |i ,i I i ? 11 ' ' I'. ?' K T Vi. ?) |. I M A H ?' '? ? T. S- I. ?A- i?, 4^ m c .. ? 'i i r,-.. if ist no ?.rai.l.y M R '' ".' I . Is praf | IU II?, k Val l'a I il-ar T?| bf In. l . I ??! I n I?r\fi?ht8 ?.I II) I llsr \J r.f 117 II? na, \,~f M lut llsr? Carp ??! *" II K ii i, AIM _ ,p> praf ? III .1. |,rrf ...1 4 I ... < aaaj I" 44. ..i, I, ii. i.r?f JO , .'.. pr?f . . ? ?I K< ftliA M pf ??? |Wr.i l|,| pf 4? .J Ka.ik A I? M l'? ?v Air Br 14* I?. daprot \4. Mig iai Pr m ? ri?. BALKAN AFFAIRS UNSETTLE LONDON War fcoan Declines in Active Dealings Americans Up ? Discounts Firm. London, Oct. 27. The Balkan situa tion was an unsettling factor on the stock exchange. The war loan de? clined a fraction after active dealings, hut Kaffirs were steady and Brazilian rails and Grand Trunk shares were strong features. Mexican rails were flat, as the recent advance was consid- ' ered overdone. Consols were un- | changed at fir?. The new war loan closed 4 lower, at 98%. American securities opened higher and then advanced under the len?i of United States Steel, Canadian Pacific and Krie. The close was firm. The Bank of England boutrht ?7?fl. 000 in bar gold, shipped ?15.">,000 to the United States nnd ?100,000 to the Con? tinert and earmarked ?75,000 for mis? cellaneous purposes. American ex? change .was unsettled, (able transfer? opened at AM and gradual!'.' improved to 4 6t%. Money was plentiful :o-day, but dis? count rutes were inclined to be firmer on the Bank of K.ngland raising th,-> inter? ?t rate on sales of Treasury bill-? over the counter. Mor.ev loaned at 3 4 to 4 per cent. Discount rates for short hills were 44 to 44 per cent; for three months, 44 to 4 15-1?'.. Gold premium at Lisbon was f,.">.00. Pr.ris, Oct. 27. Trading was quiet on the Bourse to-day. Three per cen' rente.? close) [| centimes lower, at 61 francs. Kxchange on Londoi, 81 franc- 150 4 centimes. LONDON a OSING PRICES. i mSm n. v. -4"IN-i MBt, '.'? t. ;.; Chafe. 1 '"omtoii? money.... Untlrii V,n . W>? _ fcl AtchlKwi .US lot?., MTU_I Hall * 'ihio . !*?> it PA -! I'mia.llaii l*actflc. 1M% ?T?'i 174-, -f HI f.*ne*a. & <?hlo. . Si'? M 17* ? S Chi ??t WeM. H n?, n , -. 8 ? m M Ac t>t r. y*'. Mm ta% ? *>, l?en**r . Ills ll't KM? . M ?' J'-', ~ i? in- :st pr. ??1 I7U f.'.i, - H Illinois rentrai 114?, IM . I?,*.I? A, S?Nh l??| Mo. Kan a Tes ' . M ', N Y .Vi.irsl . lo7*? 1884 ?'su, | -, NttfolU ?*. W ??' I ? " . 4 Ontario * '? ? . v*', J. ?, pet ... l-.nnl? . *-?"? . -, ? i. Resine v '. M *:?', 4 ??? .?:, -. in . :**', . . ', Southern l' 1?. MU "?', , Union PS? l?t '? i ? ? - - S VI ?'e*l . i- . . > P.?. hanae, ? r* ?y.% ,*?-. \.<. i PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES aw ask.i nu a?k 1 tAm I. * T ?40 X4J i fei I. At T t.r M N I mo \< in* i Ose a b Bec m 70 i Mil I 1 1 w 14 i., 1 ?1 ? liret .... M 75 Se teeM t? '? <? ,v Kl il to ?Am (J * ? !i?X 108 1 N ?> t. * !? 10 ii ?Jo pref... 4? 50 I lo | r*f.SO f.-, Am p m L. a* ?: i No? .-ii iv. ? I, rio pr?t.... 7K'j S) I In | ret .. . M i .?? I . 1 ? ?? <'nrl? p O w li a do pref... ?"4 17 I Vpv >Ia* m R 14'? M Am M & i:i M? 11 *t U te) .!?. pur |.f 11 I? , Hep tty * |. || Se u? v*et M M . le peel . M r. CNSm H"rv. 1,0 ?:. Se col Bdie.. : do pref.... C4 C* ,!? i.rei ?> Col l'on-er.. :.' - l^un ?1 A Kl il? 7 do pr.f... '?'? l?tt I ???<? l-r. f :. fi ?' ?? I! ? 1. M 17 ITR? I, | p ;?^ ? So pref.. ir. njv^ ,?o ?,ret. |/i l> M4.K U (? V K ?In M t linn u Kl li.l I> pf. ??A 70 | ilo Ut pref. ?7 70 r. ni * natta im \vi.t\ tme?r.. il n: t) K U :t tn Western l'ow Il |. Sf pref.... ?4 "i I du pref. M H K..I Q ? T. 10 14 I ?Par valu? Mo. ftis n Mena ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Copper stocks showwl some firm BOSS, but otherwise prices showed a1 tendency to retreat on the Consolidat? ed Stock Kxchange. Anaconda chang?1,! bonds near the close as high as 7S4.' United States Steel was the centre ofl general attention, transactions in thisi issue exceeding .14,000 shares. Com- j mission houses handled a large and well distributed odd lot business. STOCKS. H?ir< <ip.n Hl|h ta*e ittt. v I Ulli ihilmer? .. 11% \\ 4P? M M StA Vert !*,it?r . MS 88? '* "*'* 1.150 .?n.,-1 te Can U% MU II 11? 1 IM A.'i l'ai 4 l.iy M M? MU IS? M An: ll;.l.< A I. P1? II? 11% II? ' .. ? km L oetei .n MH ."4 XTU 1 I In I.- ??? :iv ?':??? .. T8% 11 1 IU If'Vi ' ... Ain-r.. ?n Mil'... ?S ?S f*? ?S, MO Ain ?HusKtnj ...93 MU VI'. 92t? | 18 a? ri ? T-: IM% 1X4% i:i\ 1344? ?PPer :?", M AI Top ? X ?' 10 ', I 14.XI anaconda Copgtt :??'? r*% fej? r8% ifelt 188 Batata ifoeo.IM? 1*8% ISIS 111% '.'? llult * ?Hilo . 1.4 MU "-'a 9Mi 10 lirooklyn HT MU MU MU ? . ' ? ,:, IVirn!..ini. 11% P'? IS% 1- '? ' ??; fina.ltan PadSe.1T! ITS% 1"'?*?? 111% ?l ? f'rnirsl I-rathrr . 8T% II M : il M ? ... A u da MU 11% ". " i ITS Ml Clll Ne... Ii*. 18% ITlj ITS :.;.. rhino ?'upper . ,i?s 11% i ??.. fol i-'u'i A Iron '?-'*. *'. 'i . . . -,-,l ilited ??m 141'? 14 'a HP. 3X0 Com Produit? M ?U 19% 19% X.4 I' i . i- tie.! M to* ', ? - . :?.,. n,.- Kecurttl? *'H ?' 18 -, ? '?? - f ........ 40-, I ?*. \ :??,,! ili l?t pref '? '. . 4 . 740 rinodrl !i Cat "?% -, , TT% 4-, m North?? Or? !,0'? II 50 M 10 llufg. lim- ni l,,p >.n LUI ir p rail? ? op 4'? ?? ', 14% ?"?'; , . i itetrbora i'm . XX% '-"-''? '?'?'? '? S I :.) K.<ii i'm U .ell. is', MU M j ITS Uhtfh v?i -n :? :. ::\ fS .i Maxwi II ?!?'-. 14 *~l hi 8l\ 310 Mn Petroleum . MU S?S H% "-% : tea lltaia ? ppei '?". '"-l? ?"? M N Enaai A BU.. M ,H S? 13 M ?'.mi .. 15% i S UU Itu I s y Cwiral -!?>?'? i???>? i.4 i 1% ' IM S Y N II A II m M ?lu I \ , l"ii IVtinsjrlftnl? .... *9 '? M M ... | ,-. . . MU M% n-? -,.*? I Ai.t !? _. I l?aamaemap** m \ *. _ -f)\ ?_ *??.!?. ?**? 1 ;?% IM lim l'.'pper .... , ;'.47? Betd'ng T- . *.>S TX ,. Bcp Ir..n A si-el MU S4% 53U Mtf KeUttl i.i PortSc '.??*', 94 4 *.,s*., ?? i, ?'0 Southern Rallwa: . 11% :i? I' ? Htudshsker Co . r b IM IM 1 i '-, IM TWn Copp? . >l -.4-, il : - ?, Il .1 i right. XU XU .?, .i. 18 T.'\i? A rartSc P 4 1 4 UU Il ? -:.i I iilun l'i'-lft.- ISSU 1 ?: ISS i {% . IM r H ItuMwr. UU 5rtS SS% H i-.,) I- S H.! . HP. M ?>! -, -.4', !0 .In pref.115 IM 11] 111 !>.M lllll Cepper ... T..', rtU : .'- Tl lie Te-Car Clmm MU 18% 4.<? ii>i, r.iM weit.ntiinu?? B. Ttu T4'? 11% :."? SS M8 Tel?! IllCI MINING. i on; Atuiu .x? .r. :i .?j i V<l,?r .ii? .00 .09 ?i? A Soie. .11 .1'' ,11 10 <.n,i i >i?iu . .. m?i .104 .10 .ie Ml J fi Huiler.s,i -..i .H0 ? t -*l ?'.?ii.43 .U .11 41 M ?tana .I .."o . M I .i r 4'. .4S ,18 .41 . ,. 11er ? N-ti-ti.. .7? .79 .:?? .:?? too Wem b t :."j ri :j?, n 1 , ? I ?ira NF.AV YORK 4 1TY BONDS. V.l. i Uli A?k *' "I.o-'non-.. 1917. ISSU '* l. ,-ept . U'.--,. 10.V, |03% '??- S? ' 191". 103%? IA*\ M'-s. June. i\?>:, ?. l?-:i (? Vp ?",-. Man t.. I i.i . . ? 1% Mai v.N ????.: . |S|% IM% ??'.-. March. l?*4 . MU ?4%a, B?i?t., i:?'." . MU ?-',-. M,.r t. ISS3 ???. ?S :-,'S ?".- m ,i h IMS 'M.. . ; *, ? ?t. M.v-.S.e . )9CT-'M-'59. K>", ?4m, S;... IMS>'M . '.4\ ?? 't ?4? Nei UM . Mi :-?'?> ?3%k. No? . |M4-'H. Il ? -, t3S?.. Min. MM. . t? M IIS?. W^-'it. '?'.,* -- ?^,- i..-?- 40. 4 :>: ? ?IV. ISI7-'I9. ? ' ?3?,k I9M. 4.C? ? . I ?ngeible. reflut?rnl or retipon. tCoupno. IBe.-i-trren Railroad Earnings. The following comrnrative railroad reports for Bepteabei have been :?? i'-''r: Hill i I-? if ilr ? II ???.' 1.14. ttaerpfM III net aftrr ???e. M.I n r, ? ,? 14 SU .. ?UllHit ?If?,-.? I-, ^I?.M4. lll.'re?^. ller.MX; m ?fur u?"4 ll.WUM. Iim'4^ I'.4 I III iVntr?! ?In... IS.TI8.888, In r- *-o |5I7. IM net .fee i.xe. %l lit .11.1 In.rr?,. lOf.lIl. \... A M ..l.tlppl Mllrv <,-,jj II l".e. In , r,?.. I'Jll.lilO. ne? ?fter iiiei #11.3711. Imrvi.j, j STOCKS IN OTHEB CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. lll.Nl.NO. Bals?. tipon. lltgta. 10 Ailventur??. 2 6 Ahmten . M Mu Ai.i.niah . 2 IM a? ,..? z . i?4 7?4 Ail/ona Com ... ? IM ?ojtlr .V Hai ... ?S Ml C?l?UWgf A Aril. I? io; Celiime? s Hee.lM IStiCepper Hing?... Dt,1? .10 bill Huila . US lut) K? ?i..un . > .ta ilian.v . ??S a., li.i.... k . 17 10 Hedl.y . KS I'M Helvetia . ?VOe M Indiana . ?S J) luand Orteil ... 44 1. do pr . 17 ?-i'' Is.e Hoyal. . 29 l?i laaK. . 14 10 Maaon Valley.. ? 2 240 Masa fon. . HS IS Mayflower . 4S ? | Michigan . -S IM Mohuwk . ?0 TT, Ne* Areadlan. a .-" .N?iih Hull. . i..', cal? n? . -?s ? & (Hl ????minion .. M :?? Oeceote . *?? lit- IV n.I ?'r-ek . 17 -.-.*? Quina**. . ?-S l.::-i Mini. ?? . **??? :?? Sl.anrion . T'l 1.104 shattuch . 2VS M Beata :.ako ... ?? ?M South l.'tah ..?? ** 35 8t Mary-? Land 6.5 IM super _ Beete?. .'. 100 Super Copper? ?'?S 200 Tuiiiariu'k . 52 ??.Trinity. ?S 15 l'nion Cm tJind IV? STij 17 S Smelling... ?1 ?11 do pr . 47 690 l'un Apex . 3 75 L't.r? l'on. . 11*4 ?..'. Wolvenne .'-'S BA1I.BOAPB. 20 Boston Kiev ,... *.7li ^4 il ?ton a User-aMa. 39 Kttchburg pr 71 M Ma.? Ele<- . * ?h <lo pr . ?3 ? < ?;.! t.-..i.i:i\ .us M ???'???t End St R> ? MVCEIXataXEOI S ??? 2 M ?S ?S tA IM f-.'S us ? *s 17 ?7 &0e -S 44 IT BMI 14 -% H4 4S -'? m , ios SUS s ? 7,1 U 17 M ?S 3 m ?7t? CI ?S IS 43S ?TS 3 t-S 5?S ? . 13?S 71 s a Its "J Les?. li* M I :i'*i ? ? J? ?74 5... 8 - S 'J 64 IT 2?S fx7c 6 S 44 1/ 29 US ? 11 4S 2S M ios M ?S M ??: 1--S US ? 8 >?* 6 S'?* 2C. 61S l1? 42S IM M% 4 ?0 11*1 M M ... : -'a 1,0 An. 1-neu igW.. 3 1.. do pr . IT 190 AU. li & ?V !.. 73S ?TS d.? pr . 3* M K.'lnon .?*? ?i Ma?. Ga? . IM 7 do pr . ""'S 3 McEIwatn pr .-? tPA U Reec? Hut hole . J5 . Ift A i o.Il? :?0 Torrlngton ...... 3?V* io do pr.a .3J fnlted Fruit . 134 *1J fuit Shoe Ma-h ?'?'. 10 do pr . saVS '30 Ver.t-ira OU .... US MS ?V.,!i??t?!!? iJ?nd 1% BONUS BV.SM Art. 'I A W l 6? T'. ' '?& ".: ." Ma?? Oa. ?'i* ? 7,001 N E C V-im le. ?,900 c?' Ift A ?-o 6.... ??.ooo 'nit grull !%?? i -.1 Western T?l le.. n 7'.? 1 17 .'? ?J-? 23? 69S fi WS li 119 3?S 23 13? 49S 7"'-? US m ? r. -IS S'.'s ai i s v,S ?ni 17. n?s s? S |)Ja?Bg ?9 ta u? is n M 8 L??: ??s M ; t., . I. {??.. 67 u% MK 1. - ? Mi ?S 41 ?7 MM la'l 2S US ?s 7? M% II s M . ."? ?t: i'.;? M ?S TS -?' ? I ?>* ta :ts t: .*?'? l'a 4'.'S ?T 211 ? 'a IMS luo S 17 m - a 23? s-.? n IM M 111% 3?S ItM ?:??? ?. II'. ivt MS r?: :.?S BOOTOM ? rim l'UisiHG. 1?. i. Ask., Hid. Ask. Rav St Cas. . De Meg Metal? 22e :.??? Bohemia ... .'.iNe\ Douglas, ??c 7:'e Ho??on Kly . 7" Me Ohio Copper., 14e 11 ' Bl(44er:i? ;\ l~, l'nlted Verde .'?? I lai c. n?. M? 9." ?'tah Metal?. S?A -'r* lUleetlc ....M PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. S.lra. Opw?. H ?h. Lo?. 475 Am Itvi . 31 US M ?? do pr . a?."-J s 100 Ain smeitln . .. luiff ,\ .-.i?., t - ?-?/ do pr . 1.Ml .1 G Hrill. I ill Cambria BteeL. ta K!.'.' Btor Uat.. ??ru A-'phalt . too ta pr . I? In. Co of N A. 1.155 Lake t?UD Corp ? ?' laer.igh Nav . . 7S-? 1?V) l#h \ al Inn .. I.1? f'R .lo vr . 3-', ?OMlnehlll ... 7 i 371 r?nn Sal: Mfg. II ?Von Stea.l ... lia ce . . Se um pr 1.77,. !??,i: i Etec SM ri-ila ll Tr i c MI i'r.lon Tr.e ... :;77 ''.?it il?. Imp. ?? Wareidi r A .-' 1M W Jersey HIS! 10 V4Y.tni.ire Coal.. ?ifiS 10 York Rva pr. ?? 31?, 3 Wel?t*.-h . f> liOND!? M.SM An? '??a a? El 7* M 3-1 '?"?> 171 & I'eo Tr 4a 7? (.SM IBI ?t-4t? II?? M a : Mt K.tft Til i?t :? 9?S .??'i Nt tren ?S?101S ??" - . .'-.. ;--? ,.1M : o?? i*!i V ?'o?i le..iMH ? MO l'l lia El i?t 6?..i^ T.OOO do 4a . ?o ?.l'JO do ?old 6a .103 I tritt Perk 2d F.?.1"1S T.W.O Ir.It Rvs 4? t ? 73 T.OaO l'nlt H\s Inv fi? Tl^ ais '?" s '?:'. HM MS ti!? ?4S M Ma MM MS MS l'7\ !???'? M'a. 10% ITS MS . n, m 7?S " '. ?3 M 43 t? ??H 66?, 31 S ?S MJA ?'. 111% -'J 104', IM loin Tl M% 6? mi Tl 3IS ? 14 U% *? 7 17S . '?'?'? 111% MM ?'?S 43 ?'s 4-S ? . l'S M MM *"? 4'. l.aat 3lS MS !4S 71% as 8 *. M% tM M% 4-1 M te% ?3 us lo*t 4? "4 *1S; Tt '??'. MIS IM 10-?'? 100 s.? lOJia. 101-s PITTSBl'Rl.H STOCKS. Pairs n,? lllgl.. I.ow. 10 Am Sew?r PIP?. I''-? '???'? M% 171 Am ?** 01 MH.-h MU Ufii ."7 ?0 do or .l-*4 W a 1-14 .-. i ?... un Orna & El US i? ??'? 1 ?? | Int Hr.'44'ing 4', 4\ , M? do pr . 1*S 20', ;? , s.'S I* H?lle Iron.. 51 .'.4 M 110 do pr .119 119 tl? 10 laon? Star ?las.. 7?3 !?. 93 l.?7Q Nat Kireprooflng 11 13 II 77.-, do pr . 23S 2?% .3S 16 Ohio l'uel OU.. at% 15'Sj M% 70a)?is.iK? <t ..k lia? t\ M il 216 l'Itt. Hre4?lng... ?S T ??? m do ir .2os -2s ?ai 90 Pitt? PI Ul???..110 110 110 1.140 Fur? OU . 17% inj KS 10.300 San Tov . 21c aa i.'ii fj B? m McbbI.IM 127? UTU ?75 Wf-p-trse A'.r U..14CS H3S H2?! Ml W IVnn Power. 11^ 11?. IP? BOND.?! 11.000 W Penn Rv 6?.. M 59 99 M ? ? Mi? 4 MS 101?, IMH ' IM so i ua ! ins, u I I.??' IS% "s M% ? -'? 118 M 11% 241? M mi no KS B? KTS 142S US -,. CHICAGO STOCKS Elle? r?p?n. High. 3 Am Ra?llator ...Ml 28 Am Shlpouilding ?. '.':: do pr .t% 5 Hoot h F*l.h pr . T', ?-Vi ? h|c Pn.u Tool. 6? ?9 Chic K-.. ter ?:.. 17?, III l'oui fc7d:?on . ,.1M II Mum Mat.h . .?".!i 1 ? Illlnola, HrKk.... T? ."l K C Hv a U. b-s do itf. . lu do pr . M do pr otf... I'M lalndsav UrIi? 47 Mont av?ra pt Ml Nat Cari tin 11 20 ijiiaker Uat? . 1 . pr . H Bvifl i co ,...lil! ? 7 i nlun Car?-!?le...l7.9 ?-'w Jt? IM lltl.Nll?! M.0M CI |,. i-ity Rv h M : M<*hla u>? b M . ;, ? mt .??>,', S-.: 17% 158% m 5S HI :-'??. m ? ?-.-. - H ui Low. M ? Jr'1* .si MS 11% i:. i.. % TO M 3.? I,a?rt. MS M i_4 ? - IMS ltd .i -7 - 8 11 ? 3" 1'?', IM IM u?, c'j'j MS BALTIMORE STOCKS ??pen ' . ??lea. 1 M Con? Power . I.."i72 l'.ide'.i . i.'tj Klkliorn Fuel 6:7 Kairtnont ?la? ? I". do pr . riO M.rc?ntll? 'I I ..? Ml V ' ." Mill? n il se vr ..'.3S 13 Nor Centn.! .. ?I IM la \\ it ?: Pwr. T.??. u L'ail h>. a El . ? U<?Nl?i*l 11.!"? Al.? C Ai I?"" a .,? '? ' Ihle R>* le. ? '??', -..?au t lu na?t te IMI I.0OU Ci'll Cal r?f ta su : ". i i ?,n c,:.? 6a.WJ?4 l.iS'i ,i,i ('-,? . ?-JS I.isjO Elkhorn ItJel ?'? S) lOM Maryland Kl ta N% I.oo Sott ll A El ' * l?% I.MI Norf .t t Tr l* ?-'i I.SMU H i 1-7 Idg ?a M Se In.- ?? ?1 High? tn n's - s 51 M) II S >i 3 , 24S Lew lio <\ M li :,,. i as M JM -l'a 1 .?: Ill U ,' 7 M M .?I II *i .' ?'?'?S :?'-? h'j lii2S US M? MM M% 'S i? si WS 1' 'a ????'i ?--"s M% MS i :'S MS MS DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Ter.n Penn U R. W Mir. I OU of U..I ? "J An ? : t ..'. tilur .-. Ir.iatil St?. W J li 44 II l.ll C |U ?J J c. Wh M C m. w J 0 \\ h In. pt., ?J ? an ? '? mein pi.., 4. ?t laau f M If '.' ????n r*S * K pf.. u Ka.ti-rn Stl l.t pf y K.? oro I % V 3', IVi l'a'. l'V? IS1* l%<* iS?? IS'. - ?alai? Nov. M Nov. S?? Nov. 1 1 lee. I I?ec. I 1>?C 1 !??.. I Nov. 1* Nov. 1 Net U Uev. 1& Sat? Ne? i Not 4 . .. N... .?' No?. I> Kev, l? N..4 11 No? 1 Nov 1 No. 1 U?. 1 ?And 6S P*r ?lend.. rent pt back ?It? 1 N. Y. Firm Gets $5000,000 Gold. Five million dollar? in Hr.! ?a ?owi algaU wu? received by J. P. Anuir?n .? 17o. >? .?ti-rti.iv n in (.tinada in paym-nt of ?uppi es purcha.ied by them a? com? mercial ai.eiit? of the Itntish and Fre;uh goven.mcnti. The gold, wine.? came from r.r.jlar.?l by way of Cenad.-? ? as deposited ut the Asauy Ott'.ce, e.i.l increased ihe gold arrivala of the pr?*?- , aat week to f7,6<J0.u HI and fur the 4?! two week? to llO.OOn.OOO. Since th ? beginning of the year the gold rtcewid ha? been approximately 8326.000,000. Further gold arrival? are expected from England in comigament? of 85, 000.000 or leu in th? near future. CM. SCHWAB TALB ABOUT BETHLEHBI Disapproves Idea of Reducto? Tar Value of Commoo from S100 to $10. Charlea M. Schwtb, in a letter peu yesterday to fhareholders, who *%i signed a petition addressed to hi? ?m. ing that the par value of the coma* stock of the Bethlehem Steel Corners, tion be reduced from $100 par valoe te |10, declared against luch a poll? The movement for such a change is th? par value of Bethlehem shares mp. started by the Stock exchange fins of H. P. QoMscbmidt &. Co., which via from ninety to 11 hundred otheri afliM its signature to the petition. The ta. quest was signed mainly by othet brokerage firms. Mr. Schwab, 1? u, reply, sent to each of the petitii "Ths printed letter bearing your sis. nature, and similar letters from otheri have been carefully con.-idered by tSe directors of this corporation and by lb off.cers, who are important holders if the common as well as the preferred stock. While we have great reip?ct for the judgment of tho.-e from whom then communications emanate, we have ben compelled to consider the requeit whit! they contain from the nunt of vie? ?J the interests of the BethlehsM Stoe! Corporation and the entire body ??> stockholders. "Viewing th? situation from tit stan?!point, it ii our .nanimoas eeifje. Hoi I . -..- d h ? , ?ufe ? ? ?luce the pur value of the shares fraa .ill" ,. . r? "" "Our business at present is large asi profitable, hut conditions ar? unsias' and any readjustment of rapitoliratisR that may be deemed neres?ary can ?ell await the return of more normal cm ditions. "Furthermore, we are in a position ?e assure you that the holders of a ml stantial majority of the stock of ?ar company are opposed to the change" Mr. Schwab ref'iseu to discuis the re? ports that William II. Donner, prwi ?lent of the Cambria Steel Compsiyaad chairman of the Pennsylvania St?? Company, had secured control ?f th? latter company in competition with th? Bethlehem. Mr. Srhwab imparted th? impression, however, that he ?at set actively bidding for control ?f th-, Pennsylvania Steel property. Hi oil) name his own price, and effort? te In? fluence him to pay more will be friit less. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. nsDEUAL aaaaari dmcoi \t hati-i,. ; paper maturing in te.i J?ji cr lea*. I per act ,., to i.P.-ty ,1?m. 4 per . ?All. MOXKT opened at 14, per nanl; HappA. I per .-.Miti l..we?t. l\ p?r . ?? I ?|g. I MM. rei.eNf?I. 1 \ j? - TIMS MOXET ?'s? ne Bat??, :'-toi* pram ' .n i, .*. ' t [? i ? ? ? ? : ir.fiy d?jt. f?r flte an.) -I? BMMM MXai AVTlt.r: PAPEB ?a* qtile? Bultng nt? ? ?'.'? ? -ratttso. \ pet .et t ? ?.KAlUMi BOCSI TnivsAcnon-O rhsnget. IMIXX8M0 balance?. 125 41? IU TW r"il - l'.ea.-'! y >??-, ?.I...-I1 t tf 14?. M M n TKllASi RV \ -, roe* ? ta |Hr*i too ti.? Pub-Trea?iinr Il/il'0?"1 tod gal- el linn F-. lay il IKHKRAI. liF.SFMVE DISCOCXT RATES HJT WIIKWK il ? ' - vt i?), 3 cat m*. ?? I ninety day?. 4; Phllade t>ha fcr tao <t?/a, I pt Um I l . [??a. t. i'.r,?:?.iil, far In ?t?N?. .'.>, \,er r..- up to ?ity rt?y?. 4: SUT ? i.iiiety day?. 4', Richmond, up to ? inety tan. I per cant; Atlanta up lo ninety <la>t 4 pm em I'hPag?. 4 and 44 per - ? Si ienit. to a? ? U.'p .1 per c?nt, |i| -4, MlnMaM* 4 and 4S per ..-,'. Kaeaai Cltf 4 par ml Halla?. 4 and 4't I ?r.cOra. f? k> ?it-,.. 3 C?r rent, far v tor taint ? lU'y davs 4; for ?lity ? ill:. * 1tyi. 1% DOMESTIC BXCHANOE H ???. am: a I.-,'. S. dlaroui.t 111. '?? pr? lu i talad, ICcre apejl?. fr premium; ?hli-a?- . 1 > .Iboaur.t. BANK < IXARINOS Ha- ? MUMM t ? ?> batane??, I7IS.M9 B -?tan?tirtm-m. ISX.41S.SSS; balaneaa. Ill- t.4?! CJ>!<*?-I? .-hange?. I-.S.M.VM?; h?!a. - I 4M ML W? delpnla-K- !,ang?a, 13.1.029,74 * .'.mm. ? - LouU Eieh?iisw. tl-, ?.it.m. tAlmem. u SILVSa MARKKT?Bar ?Uter Is lAtaat nt ?ld. a ?all of i l?d N?w vrt ??title? ??? 41*".,-. in r.'i.nged. Mexican ?tl.'r dsll?. ITHI*-' KiKKKiN EXCBAXOl SMI ;,? ?tehaa? 4? ? ... 4 ?".OS la ?',<? ii.o-r.i t i' nidi I ?MM rr-ivery tiler noon ai.,1 rioaed i- '.'? top i?1<? ?* the day. ?able and Mgb' .???- lonaap-Cmm. i ? n?nd. 4<X<? i-.-- . ibk I.U, e*ttt ? ? ?*. C?l ni*A '. ?IS Oom* <'alile, ? ?ad ntaet? 4>? Ulla Umdon ii ai.hers"!?P ,*. day?. 4.J?, raati da>?. 4 m, SECCRITIES AT AKTION. The following securities *ere xoM yesterday at auction nt the Exchsnf? salesroom by Adrian II. M?ller k Ses: Hv order i ' 11 ? ;' -< "f ?"?rah KlrtaaB. M.M8 Beethm r^ ?? C .1 >?.' ' p* "** Und Ma? and B? len-.'ier . ? ?;*li IT.eoe Baltln re A ? Railroad 1?. M-lg? ? , ,.r , ? l'w March. 1?H'.P '"* -' M*' ..'r' '',*" IT* Z Ml; intent May ?""^ . m ?iWii?ii?' R*'1?? c* a m. 11 M ?hs 4 .], - 1. litil ? Bank . .-? I.- ? H.' - ? ? - ' ?' n* 1 ? eii-ral Cooou ., > *"* ?,.,.,.... 1 uy ,-on.?m. M ?h- - tat m ?' **e*am "?' . . '" '*!* Mallom rt uamf ...5.V ..- - ? ' ? ' . ' I K tmetm* . . Mi',f?<Hmrmrt ' N^. i?t- ?" Members N.Y.Stock Echange Will Sell: Royal Bakin? Powder Com. L?r.a Locomotive Singer Wfg. Co. Am. Druggiiti Synd. Celluloid Co. Otii Elevator Com. New Jersey Zinc Atlai Powder Aetna Exploiivei OBEY 8PECIAUST? Phono 9710 Reotor. 1? *