Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Stock Market Gains Sonic Credit by Reception o? Steel Figures. STEEL ITSELF LOSES BUT A SINGLE POINT Studcbaker Makes Ready the Way for a Possible "Melon" for Common Stockholders. The r.?<?? by the s'ock n?rke: disapi Mstet * ? ? ition'i qu?rte- g? ?OS regarded in Mma ? ,!"" },e-t Hiiv. i jrcnt ' I since il r, Moen ?ue? ?'" -'? '?? ?' .?.-. r?r ?t si '. th ? . issues as Hp.? ? i I i icibls Stool ami, - ? ! common itself le?; n the day At on^ -? it had actually ?how: Kp. ?videnc? t the i ?ra ef i tome of th wtr -? | he honey ieM) I maa pcne ?' i places, h? . - cd decline. ?\ee'.' '?:?' menl erfect _ Studebsker Trepare"? the Wai. Thef ensiOB aben* the a ? Stuoebaki resta ? a leu I P7 to 188, later I Sp< aistors l^ ??,?. ?? .> ? bscrihs te ?tock n lieu of a r^a! ct'.rn ? ? -?? were wer*1 of |h? -' ' '"? somc'h ne very much better, :!??? ilrst feelinp iv?< o?e ef tment. The full state SU ??? i r. showed that tl ' ' I Irish, but, if ill sh. f-.-^k wai? beim: sold ?:. i n'- B pr brine ? appros mately the t? f its out ?tsr ' ? 'vhich amount ? paid e-f. ... there, eacepi cur? re. ? itanding; psny - -' capi? tal, of and with 1 the pt? ferred itoch to stipulated taken cup- of, the ?ray would he open to d'-, - ?s much in ex ce?? si I pel eeni SI " - ;rt-e'<,r The row? was ? | - much the price of the itoch has discounted whatever is to tos fich specu latoi M\?tcr> of the (Upper Stocks. Copper Btoeki have been ee i ??? the peace times in . both partie?, rt ... . ?lay Anaconda performed much 'o the satis^actio: cann< I I .e copper ? i.? n whole rr*-. ne? of the ptimisl ........ e re ? it the rd to un.'er'ta-. I why tradiog. End of a Pr ifht Pream. n re wss s ro? Street Hink ha ' been J. S. Bache for the National I ty Bsr.k -ip nn alluring pict m for i j New Turk -i the m*\e-. r*'-- world before the tul I corporation, the Cil Bank ranches alfeadv Bombay, Cal? cutta. Sine 1 .Han? kow K Son Proi "?-.?? Dollar ? vhin? ? brie' | Patorson n ll: m?rcv-i ? foreign ex"hanp<' si lasl he nV,!<> ? ?h drafts drawn Sfsinst N'a-^t York, instead of London. fct -'-.rarely, the rumor was de? nied. Poor I'nion Pacific Earnlnjr?. Union Pacific's September report ?as I'mr,.; p.? much of a surprise in it? Way BS rt^rly earnings. Is a rrarket where the railroad stocks -fored mor" prominently it might *Mi!y have haH r, depr?>-"?;n? effect on the trading i of show -i decline of $10, *M. and, aotwitbetoudlai a cut in ?;,.. . ???]?. *. $4.362. More thon ' edootod from net '?ron le in tax"-. h the nthl rnd'd with ? a ? '.he InereaM la proi? waa only ? -tca?i. in operating income only $!.''. A* t?. Prophecy. Tha ate _? ?? rket hm had its ful! ?hire sf m, and without deuhr ?? ? ? ",a> il got. i . rhuman in Jeu ?fen?;? ??? perc - 'hat many tl k?ve he?-, ' ? , ? ought Set te ? h? wroni'" ?err. wl 0 law ? ,. f o ga for b nar'ti* that had I th? srmarka <?' **- ? un 'ed, 1st ene? They ?W8 right as ' ?wo ild nol he" ?> aayiaf thai - : noi hoop *? r.i\r? ,,, forever, and ?hat ?h? *ifVe- greater would J*} the ?ma?) .t* had to ??ar* ->e ? , . .r,jth of the SSjrto? J* Is sorest in ?r to be wrong Mi to I rtght too i tat " **IEP WALL STREET NEWS. S?h?rt R Levett, ebairman of Uh *', mm it loe of 1 'Mon Pa *?? Kailrood Company? began a tour *? ?' eompaay'a lin?-s. ..I* *** anr.onnrH yes'erdsy that .i ***"8'?'e? i? being formed to koI?c t p1''- '?? '?-? 11- annuel m,-?' J*? ff lh? Tri b ill ion hmeltinir a-t 1 ?Walepmeot Company. Geer*. H IfcPadden, who -*a? /?? ?*tiy ?|er>,,i , dirertor r,f th, Penn r'T*r; ? I'ailroad CofflpaB/, has beei meeea a member of th? Ir.a-r?r com ft:, t0 'ur'*'"J l*'? lai* htiduipn Ali?fl TrtftianfM Restricted. a..."''}*"* "f 'h* (:?Oon Kxchanr-i ','!'". >'/ ? vote of J'jO to 40, ap ?W\'r\. ''" '???'''Iments to th?- bylaw? ????? limit th? activities of alien men, ,fg ?'?eted ?fier November I After ?a*lk *l>f>"*>*'i*i tor admission to ??Wl*raVip w,|| hp renu,,^ u M?.. ??rlUBf^whether ?r Bot ?hoy ere i 2? of the I ?lud Htslea. and slim H"^rs ?hall not he entitled to hoi I 2?? ** *2U ** ??* ">***-?**? of the ?*<aar,(? <t, ^ ,1/|n COfltracu. BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1915. Trading In bond? on the New York Stock Exrhange Wednesday amounted to 84.719,000, again?! $.>.2('l,<?00 and $4,17ti.OOO a week ago (Stock E.cliange cloned a year ago). Total from Jannar? 1 to date, $697.4.31,0o??. againV SI2?. 66S.000 in 1914. GOVERNMENT BONDS. I. Igsrtt A M Ta I i is?! 111! STATE bonds. N T <*aj.?J 4'4jS 111?, MUNICIPAL BONDS. N T ? ?. i . - -. 102'. do ?' .. 41 *" III ???.s ISM . MS IM .1?I1S . I? .123 , RAILWAY AMI M UK ELLANEOIS All .. IM A .\ ' ? Am A?- ?*'.. _ ,1??. 4? ? ? '.:'.? MS Ara H a in. i i .-? i. a c Am Tri A T?l rol 4? i ? I, <Hi - Y -, .V3 coi i a i '. . M . ? ' 4 <? ? ' . 77 ? ?th 4? .100i?i I? ?? ' ... .'. . ? . M : ? a l.-l. ? ? '. a ' ' a - - I" I . - IMF ' ** tni a r 4* .... {,('?8; 4- ?; ?>>? M .4 - , 4. . . 13 \ 8 St . a *> ? -' I. ?. i \ ? ?? \; ? P ll 77'-. ? ? -, IF ? , A ?'?ll? 4? -p- ?I ? dor, ?: A? U I ? ft 6. N - ? |?f S. S3?! ?? -, dn s Ij ?s st;>d 8 ! - ll do 1???0 ' Til f p SI ?? t? U a __?*?*?a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*a*ri.- ? ? ln* [Ill ? . I. ?. ? rf ? ;.? il. ?,? ; N V Air ll ?V? 191? :?? i? ?o ' _ r. ist ts i ]_ _ ^^^^^^^_________t ? ? - r ? . - i 1 ?? ? . a '. ? :" - . 01 T.'IS. ?'.. CtV ?3? rfg ?I ?; ... { _Blr 4a All ' I lit ?I ... 92 Ha * i, H p ! ? ? 'l ? ?" .1 Is - ? - 44s '', i I ? Del' . i. it ?i r* : t ? '? I_ . ?3S 1.000 . I! ?.-)?-. I II It.? 44l 3.1/00 : ? . 734! S . 17.' 1 "00 ?anaati 17... . ;, -, lau n '? ' '??? i'-? 1 ? ? m it ,\ w 4s a s???r. 8 . - .' I ? a ? n .. ? . H% - Bel KM . . - Urn 4s <? ? 100$ 100 lien _ MS .. 71 , ?lu . t- ?s S?r A ? ? .. i ?. - 11 . ?ja*fB*BB^^^^_ NY ?a Til I I i??J??Jj)T??jM \ i\- Is . in? .. **********. M " ... 95V? . '- '" . , 1 s ? ally A I 5. ' ' sr ?s .101 ?i i s - : 4 ? ', ? . - ?? l.'HM) ... HS MS II ? ' _ ' . . : I 7 . ? ^t^t^t^tm.. 000 _ . .** _ .100 l'..'1'iO . 1 ?? A ElNb . . PsV 1 South I? r ? ? ? ln:ia, ? ?'i?r 5s Cm*. . 12 000 . . __T^^^^^ . IT M V \V A 11 4?4? ? - '. I 100?? '??" ? I ? 11 ... ,1 do 1? 101' ???4 1d 4s a- ' .? ... SHOK *f^^H Owl it K a. Bkg '. ? DM .v .I COO Is M M 104 - ' _10?H a slpd .103% Great Nortl (%? Ru?l A M?1? lr*.c S? ? ? : . ' .. MS ... .-?S a n 0 - a IS* ' ... 8? m_______m_m_m_mmm? MS ? ' . . I S 1J I -. ?8 ?I s. ? . . 1 ?a 1919 ?. . ?%? ?4 ? ?I -' . f?7>? . __, . . ;no *" I Witt ti" '" ':' . A I- rr*. I . io?S' inn : 830F . " <s? .. ., M?r ?S? 2.00- . , do rtf 1 d ? ?? 4 . ?0 ? i* ? et* 103'. < .4 ?-.? . '. '* . . in;?, I - I It 4. '?Ol, < l?B^I.BtH . n:inp ' - I'? ll ?on . Vs 1 f .*- ' ?? I - r a .'.? - ! l.O? - . - Na? ?a ? ru <.r Ms lit ts 10.' Ill 1- I . I 1: ? _^_M ? MS ? ? ? ? ? - -,% . 1 m ' .'.?no __________ do 81 ? I _^_^_^_^_^_^^m _H .? I ? '. ? ' ' ' loo?-? _ Ml ' A S 4a 11 ^t^t^-^-^ma___\ ^,8JJJJJJBBBBBJBBBBBJii7, **? ?linn S. ?4 ? ? ?I - . i ?I . ' '-I l.'KHi ---------- ... tS Kim < '? l'.rm ?i ? ??*-??. I 8 ' ' ''?? _.? ?? ... 95 ? ? ' . : , ? ? . ; , . - ? " . I on? .1 - ' 1 .'? <?'?? . . a. mi . 1. -. ? 0 ?*? la? I f"\ '* m__ . : . '? ?? -I1?* ?,0nn .. Uh V.I of K T ?Si . ^___________________ . ? T ? . . 101 *?, ? Tl '. M 44' * ? ,\ " I ?. '?'. 177 W, ' .. IMS _ dl Pf .?8 f p "-?.noo ? 1?'. . ni ? a v. . ? 1 ?'. ?? i ? ? I ? 1 at; Si 1 "00 GOVERNMENT BONDS. 2i reg 1980 . 2s coup 1880... !?7*2 81 reg 1018_H'l :t? ctiup i!?is...i"i "? ?!? rag 1825....109 eoap 192.**?.. .109*14 a?, L's Pafl T!? rep. HM 2a Pafl "?'??< rctr. or,'?, .1.? fan SSI reg.100% M% '???' Pan '8J eoup 1004 Y. ?tarday. A ?? VtVk Tui Bid ? im 101 io;? ? 109*4 ? !"".'. ? 86% ? 100% ? 100% ? PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES Ceneral News and Earning* of Various Corporations. The Third Ave nie Railway System re? ports operating revenues of $'J4?i,706 in gross for September, being an incre!i?e of $11,571 over the samo month in the preeceing year. Through effecting a reduction of $41.781 in operating ?t penses, not sasntags ef |8M?014 were I ?'. greater than a yeitr age,, equal t'i a gain of nearly 18 per cent. There was exrendel 081,184 for taxes, a de crea?? of $1,118, and the gross income after interest charges ?ras 8841,178, ni fxpnr?ion of $84,268, and tho net In? come available ?a< $128.702, ? mart tiian w?s reported last year. Burnings for thl throe mantha ei . Is rn yp, n decline of $80,912 from the ?ane period a year BgO, and net OBOf ? |, to $1,128,687. I.aclede flos Light. rr.e report of the I.aclede C,n ? Eight Company Of ft, I^>u.s for th,> nine months ended Boptoaaooi M ihowa a decline of $17.100 in grogs earning?. ' Which amounted to $.'i,:i7n.901, com? pared with the ?ame pSri?d | ft St ago. s>t sarnlnffs, however, mude n*. ? e ,,f 1145,888, to 81.848.888. The company expended for interest charges, e'e . sod fox on *h" pre I stock a total Of 81.187/786, leaving a ?urpius balance of $ eg 1814. Southern I tililie*. i?, Soothers I lllities Company re port? gross open ting revenues of $96,601 fur September, ftti InC. nearly 'i per eonl tttat that in 1914, I harge f.,r open;' Ofl SB I were increased less than 1 per c?.nt, Sad net earnings, which amount?.I ? 180,744, wer?- enlarged more than II BOS eerit. Interest on outstanding bond?, ?inking- find requirement r? plaeemeate end roaowale, et?-, toi t\'?M'?, leaving a surplus of * I ,".?.." 1 a |00C of over k per cent, and the I..i anee after dividends of $M87 ?>n the preferred ?tori? was $K,7.r,&, a decrees' of nearly 17 per rinl Newspaper Timetables Best. Freno* L?ek. Ind., Oct 87. The' American Trafile Association. In ena rentlon here today, contended 'hat the be?r war *0 place railroad timetable?1 before the public waa le advert???- them i in th? oewspapers. BOOM FOR OFFICE BOYS Can't Supply Demand, DodOfOS Head of V. M. C. A. Employment Bureau. Mr, Employer, If you would have your telephone answered and you.- !<? t?-rs mailed, do not discharge your of boy! Th i ^ is the warning con? tained ?n a siiiti-ment made yesterday by E. M. Dennison, director of tl e Vf* ; Bide V. M. C, A.'s employment bureau, certain thai the American genu-i I . ',*r boy ia rej.idly becoming ex? tinct. The shortage In tl become so great, be ays. that many ofBc? ni-.- hampered by the in? ability to obtain intelllgl ni J lUtl . . ' ?? oyS may now command th? ' OWB salarie". "While some of the shortage Is due to the beginning of the school lie eonl iaued, Mtl si sri ,-i* for the 'i thou? sands of boya have tl pp? I Into formerly held fa ' sand ?net i n work hav? ing to do with wnr supplies end silled What r th? ws can? not upply th? demand." HEAVY PURCHASING OF FINISHED STEEL Deliveries Get Further Behind Pifi Iron Bought. A continued influx of orders for fin? ished prods ? ? ? trade publications. Thougtl new record* arc predicted for the month in pr? lion of iron snd to? I, the Milla sn to in* fulling further behind in d< enes, pig iron SriSOS SI Rftter, stool-making iron in excellent del Bad more purchasing of Othl I -- \. ? v. .', soy: A . ? t , . I . fi re hetr,? I , . ? ? 'i ?r Ptet In I |. ail.I |.tlr^? ,'A .-,,.? I ..<u .??i!? ? e >,, maintain !.?'.. ?aalmn i i "ih<- iron Trade fcevlow* will soy: i | o* ?line ??..,. . ..i. ?i?l ntii.1 l*?iilnp l.-e,,-.? W- ti,i,ers ?ra i , . ?I.r ' . | I' . || - i-., a I rrleea ? i ii..| .m I flnl?i.r.| | . .?-! |.l?>e in ?1*?l nxktni pla If.Hi In (tlff-re-il "., Il ?' I liier? I,*? tie? ,|.? ,, i ti? i?liet VPHea Iron ?*? r?Hre?.! . ... . i,.murr i. Itlll p.rA lu.tmim* ret |he ?r-sip NEW STUDEBAKER ISSUE Trca.ury Stork To Be Offered at $110 a Share. A. R. Erskine, president of the ?Stiileliiker Corporation, announced -????r<lav ?ha? Mm cf?mpar>y> treasury ???''-' ' ?iiares, will ? ? ? ,." ??, the com toekho.deri of record at the cloie r 20, at 1118 a <*i? may ?uhscribe to < up to 7 ' the'r fron tl ? i!e of ' of it? | > M artet 4% m ta 3?G BOAiRD DROPS C?MST0CK TUNNEL ?':*.;? Railroad O?d stock Atea Str. '? 'i Lift New Si ? lief Admitted ? BBS? ? . rang is! ? . sa the Stack . p, :? ?? ? ?? ? ?? - Of ? B, ..a? ye? I ' .: list ht ? ::rd Of I ? ? of th" share . Iissaari. jr., tsaaa ? xpiained iha? the -*. .'!'? r." ?'?pv.'-i.iir. l'or iharei haviag a par value of j-J and : |1 a : !...r<'. He "l h? n rats iras one pOB ?ho par value, toes Tunnel I to mti par hun . ?;? B r:.-.' : ? .,??..., Ired, it can be i ? sb raad? Bg Ib - itocl selling nta a shara rni.!,i taks nine.-, for tho reaaofl : ford -.? p- -, a eoiai its which, ?t ? ? ?!, ?rooaattrd to mor?? 0 per cent of tho pi ?.is." Mr. i action taken pi ?? ? to Hating the Ms ?. ??? they \v:i! )n- trsded la boob. Ths . ? Th?' . ? ?rninir com nglist terd ? . ? secu ? ? mit! i Coas? . Trust ? rop ? ' . ; ' ? ' Pi ddil pond 7 per : ?took nr.?l eomiBOB ;? i:-i Iras ' lerment ' ? ? ' ? ? ' GANG ROBS TRAIN IN OKLAHOMA Ten Darkii* Bandits Tic Up line for 7 tvo Hoars, but Get Only iAOOO. . \ bmad ->f t Tasas ' l.ound fr'. ?<? -lav, tie'! lip thS Ik'HHTiI ths paseen-.'^r?, anil looted three .n tin hour.?. Th. y ?ont hack a ?lctn- l freight tra.p c?imin?< shind sad placad ;ho frolght eran Si Int erf I ri nee. i . ?? ? rafai ? ? ? ! tint I ? . .i j,,-., belag ? ? ? ' ? Bl <>r !'.? ' methodical <?f forts, th." plant area! airry, and they took .... :.. on., sofa Thras ?*>th< r safes .lotio?! their explosivos. '!!)?? men nade no effort raalli or j asBoagara, Wh?*n the loot from the wrecked rafe-hft'l h-r>n paekad away the rob In"? thanked ths train eri'W, ?sishod them "(loot! nlgl ' ipp?Bartd Ib OB foot. ?ame train vas hold up in sim? ilar mar,.per ,..i ?? f ths ?tm* place, 19, 1912, when ths baadits t $7,500 A renard red for th? convict ion I I ! " band. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Tran.l.r? aid Aa-l.nn-.rta. ?'? i: . ' . a . T r " ?. ? ? . ? - I II 7 It!., Mill P.PIMSOgW Tstrsorsry t"\\,. r ?? ? : J F ' ? " ' ' M.-4-.rtl,?, I: II ll -, - Y i ' ? . * . I I] . a ' ! ' |Ifh -, ' ? < I I. ? .'.-.,?? lit -, ! 1 ?? ; ' . ? A;.I" Ulna tar full P.? ???ra?.*?. 4 . A4?a?c*n?mta in lira Im. ? 'I r ?? llsr?, . I . 1! i 4t ? ? i 13th : P. 4 1 ?. ' r VI : J J II ?I ll 11 t : Y I 14. I ' , Vari 17 i' J 1 ?. . ? |, | . ''?.', ' ? ? II 41 Il n u . |. II I"" rr?l- ?'? i ? ? M J ' ? k II 1-th. W -\ p- i ' -I K< 4 ? !!. . r p. liMir ?., ? ? i ' ? . ' i ? ? ?? ? . r.T I II ?V " * ' , a ? , I-, M i.-su?, I? . M * ., ,...;. II I? . KM .' . . I ?? I^arr 1. , ? v , ?. .4 ?mai li a |?ti i li-', /hit I ?ll? .." . ' t u u Ml i , c i . ?V l> '.- IM: T J 1 n -,i, i- j H ?a '. ,, * ,? la 35 M ' B- I I I ' Tr.r I ? i . r r ' r..?ye?iU (ram till?, .Ithiut I'??. A -?ii? If? , - .1 rr?|. A I! \M'n.-|l?? I'-' I (l.alh li." o ? ? aVCMBj. Trif III?. HuM PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat It Irregular and Lower at Close?Corn Market Declines GENHLAL MABKR i BPOST. WHEAT. ' ???r- ? ... ? - ' I .. .- 1 . ? ? I * !- .' CORN. MB - t -,.-.. . - ; ,. ' ' ? . '. - ? i !:? thai the .- ,,.-..-? ? | . I ? altered. , ' ? - - r r ??port ?i Um (mV, v.-, ? ,,.... tape w?> . I ' ? OATS. Ttiere m a Win? nt ',, | \ ???? m?rV-t f,>r oat?, f :? I / - - ? . ?,. | i ,. ?l ra < ; eniwintH lo No 3 ?rhlt? ? ? 1 I were ,.|'-. I ?; - I eitoAiy v, ra . . ta'.or. ?VI. ?Mli IM : Weslata, 11.88%, e i f V? -| NEW YORK PRICES. Opea n-?',. tttm '?-. . ? r . . CHICACO PRICES. I Wtttel . i n ??- - Lois . : I n > ?r - . I . ? FLOUR AND MEAL. fl I - ? ?' . '? - i ? * i I ring ' )i I . J ? i it < BYE M hi t . IIAO vi U I ' . J .1 . ? ' ? . ? fl.,iir ? 11 I PROVISIONS. Earlr In 111 .. . , ? . ? lay. K> I'iKK . ? ? , I ? - ? I ? |i, ?? - I , 5 .1 CH?CALO PK0VISION8. - f ,r I o-- Ii. Janiiarr .... I TX ? M A.:. IN ? .' ... .... 1J?T 11.14 IS ?8 ? COFFEF. Cot -.? ? ?.'??', ? lai m ?n? ? - for the <t?> H.'.r* ? . I ,. - ? I . r..|, jl SI I! - ? ?t two B . . -.'.?,? Sanp - On?-i H'. I t.e Clna* dw .. ? ?r . ? - r ? . . ? ? ? ' - Il r 151 IT? IS! 4 . ? ? ? e.. i . .' i i. .? irr .... ? ? ? f ?' . I.1T t -4 ' ?? Mar . I ?<l * -I I ?4 ....? -- . 8.TI IM ? r? ? ? ?I . - er ... 1.87 T 02 LIT I SUGAR FUTURES. !'.'?: I ? I .. . n?r ?e'l. . Ban?? at . ? llllh. I/.w. - ' . r ... 1.11 8.M 111 4 .lit .%.(,:? i. Xl?rtb . ? An. ,1 . ? ? - UM . ? . ? - tutu? . ?? her COTTONSEED OIL. ? . . ? i ? ' -i - - - .- - Ii y ? ? _ -.,??' r si -???'? <1 - . ,- .< ? ?? A. ? ? . . lit m in i soi METALS. Tl.? loai ?tr??t t.? Ml IM - ?a? q.iK* a." I . ? N ? ? ' 4 :..i-, i t.? -. ' - .. .?'. t .1 ^el'er copper - .?.i ?i a i* ? ? l.- an I is? ' ??<? i** '?*' '??? P ?i. ! ?i: i IM . ?i? fjture?. COUNTRY PRODI TE MVRKF.T-;. I Ortrber SI TIE rl . i HAY AND STRAW. M?r ? ,.-?!?? ' I ' ?? - ? ? . ? < 111 I r l?rea. FRESH FRUIT8. * ?'.''. I - * W ' it:-- - ? ? ? . . thai S. ' I ' 1 ?. ? . i I ? ' ?XI; l*\ rjRAI'K! ? I ' ? IA? ..(.I'M"--,, i . ?IRAN? < < - A\... tu :-. POTATOIS AND VEGETABLES. I - ? . v .' 1 ? - II l I - ' I * ? - - I I. I ? ? 1 ' ' ? i < ? ' - l'I \^. ' , ? ?? t ?i i. ? - - ? , ..MAIN,'. .? , sl'INAril, b? ? : TOMA I MILK ANO CREAM. . ? . ta-\ - ? . ? : 11.4 . ! P.-.',-* .-ream. I IVPSTOt K MARKET. v.,-, v -v. u tarnet a, IMS. BEEVES. y a : '.??_.,-<??'? iifca wM .? u -, i ? ? j?nl?. I I '" ;er : i" !b?. a - r i- Si ' -? - CALVES. ? , :v 50e liwer. - I !-?-?. ?' - . ? i: tl .: -"terl it . SHEEP AND LAMBS. i- i Moi: n ?? -*"v Si ?Wlf to I 14 ?! <- u ? ?? . - HOGS. i ? ???.? Met' ? it I , , ? [1 ' ?? a ?. I.\ ? I -' ? . , I * ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS i 4. , ' - ' ' 4 mi n i. 11 : u u ? ??? ? ?. ?ai- A4 (.114 1 '.Ri ? ' ?? S , ,.,,'? IBa?l f> M SI M-? tl ? Il ' ? ?? HtAM H J llKnK '??h i . \ * la '1 I M V | ? .:?..,? ' ? ? ? . . I l.i. -.p M 4 ?'.. i ' 1,1 S II TII'iMP??'*- ' a Ai" . I ? ?* ' ' n ?nui I? Pran ? . a: ?! lut I.i.-nt ?VlM.IAVl ?V 4 ir..m t.-.rt m. ti? : , .-.i . m u,,m? i n -i ?4 i irz'ii.uu :. a- i i m\? i?ILI .. ... ?t. . ?; - at I - | ? ..ri-. A?! . h Perm.i M.?' I ist A?i l.7th ? '??. f? un. Ur n r. \h:r?-a l.l.'l !' -.. il I !?? I i ! I A VI ? I ? a VA? T ? rJaUCKTt.*?! ??ml? .l.ia.h?l i -*o te i ? ? i- M'iHRI.I.Y '?? i s,?a II H ???I.I.IVM . ?n keplUI. S' r-f-lat "?"' 11 ..II. J* A Win li ? IHM.!: : M mi i p .. i - | P A Su | li 'i AU IV! N?a? llsmp i .Mr? I" marin, hrlgs.1? II. 'i ' .' A - ? . ? nililnf ? \ iltr'l ? . . T .meaaea; - ? . , , ? a I-....II..I -.-: IrtacM Moo a >l N'ehraaka. - i i ', .? ? i , a i- . :.i'r At > tl I Ml. war? ? I A Ii'' ? ' Ike? .1K1HI.II t. *?? i ?r Clerk I. I.YVCII appointment rw M'.v EMKNTS asniw ,.,: ?. \ i.. '. - i ,-?-.. i- ? i n iMbier*? Il?>. ? N T j?r.| fr.?? . Kewall , ? . i i* ? A -I Ma Hi? , M ? ? . I. ? r U Sr* (ir'-a . \ . . / ? I U ,.., \ \ i-l ... -'.?? s . I' i. . N - - It . - , . ? | , , . | . ? ?> , ? ? l ? . I., N , I ' ? \ 1 i. . .- I , |, ??? I., laani Ilnatoi t r ... i?r , ! ? I ? P?i - i . Vr?. rrl 'nr MO; Win; ?>l? Mare U'.anti I. r -i?n ? Ir rv t. y Aharen<1? ?;u?m foe Manli?. < COTTON TRADING HAS STRONGER TONE Gosim; Prices Are I Points 1 ower to V Higher?Liqui? dation Decretset. - ? V , .?, prices ranging ' . - | | lower r he . - Bary ? -, ? tana .? IS ?CR - ol -mo O? -.??eh toi had ??t a Sa* ?? !? ? re hich : i net law often ? ? -- sol r > .??on filmed up . sativo ng ni ? >M boll Lr . ??? ? il:* enssed areai ? hieher .- th?? early afternoon, or '?'? . t.[i t'r,,"-. ;.. .".? il i )?''? ? ?reesed, f illowlng mmora I i some of tiu> Boathern hunk* wars ?<i vising holders to sell their -: >1 eotton, nn<l the marVet broke ha^k below I'u -- riosing tigiirt-1. but steadied up sgaia mi the ia.e 'ruling ?n reports ? -ben- bad been bo material weak? ening ef Southern boMofS sad the re o? ?ro?<! baying si d irs nround the ring on the deeliae. loath era *?',,? awrheta ns officially reported were nnehanged to 13 point* lower. Experts for the day wore 11,646 balea, m.king 1,219,326 so fur thi* season. Hange uf r ?Hxn Kl|h. Lo?. ' - - ? 12 1J IX XI I--? IX.XI IX.? IX. XI II IX. XI IX M : . ? ' ? A.ri.t UM UM The *???? ta Malier, at 1 I ' mUh I ? ? !.. . r I" .tl.l?. with l-r. * ? T, Ut !.??? wk U Raltcatna. . ? ? -i ? "1 ? 1441 ? :?? i ? ? i ? ? i - Kaltlmore ?? .. . - ? .1 - S3 l l'hllKtalphl? MM ?.ni MU < ?? 144 ' . I . . . X.tll 4 -.'I3 4M? 18.1 4?i 1 -, .i | ITI ? Il v-.< i ... ? ,-, . Importa , . v wrtcaa : tetr, ?; ? . . t ? ? mi lia i?o I . IM: Hardi April, '? *" : ^'?. ''?'-? " MM; , July-Au. ? M,'.:.. :.,-. r 1 a- .? H I le) > -, i firm _ LEI. U. NOTICES. ronX SUPREME COURT, FIRST .im..,: Sa Mattet '.t th? >n of th? Pu . -om i i for 1 ? ? '. f 'he State ?r New i ? il. . i i ? -'"i ?"??! ?hall t Itjr of N? ? i .rk. hy th? ? .r;, . f few 1 r.. ter Um appointment of i am .... n-i< et Ap pr?i??i, puraaanl to Chapter 4 ,,f ih* Leers r ?III and Um several ?tatet? I? rv theruof ?n.l evpplOBieatel Ife .ii.. ni ?m?'.? la t- a ?Impl? abeolou In ?"?; to certain prem?ete ittuated "'? ' northerly aide <,f i:,?t .',,??.> i-, ? il '-????-'. t, -1 ..... t, l'irst Av.'Tiu? ati.t Avenu? A. in th? !?? rourh ef .Man bettaa, my ?.f New Y,i<. required f.?r of the construct loa n.alnt? IB IB l.ei B Lilly of ? porti'.ii of a Rapid Tranalt Railroad. Notice I? hi-ie'iy fiver that the report ?\t < barloa J. Lealle, Tbeodore K He Cart h ) d i i i i ' -Sc n-.n.a' Bee, ''.,.ii ' ,, . ? nUJ In the abotre ?biItleo proceedlof, i . dote ? he " n '-n, ..f .i..? . lad in Ihe olBe? of 'h' ?'.??ri? ? . of 'i the 1 lili d..y of I BBld report - ,'i.ui ro the - i Stal e New York. at a ,~p..ii<i Terna, Purl in I hereof, t.. he ii.,i,i i.. and for n- Ftrei Judicial inairi"! al the COBBtl Court HOUM In tin' Hor. ugh ,.f Manhattan. Cttj ??! ' a Fork, ea ti.e ith Of Oetol -:- ? ni tl... op. nlng <>f Coart on that dag, an.l th.?: then an.I ?-, ? '. Utereafter a? cetHMOl ran :i thereon, a n itloa erlil bo maue ?old report t- .* I Dated, Nt* York, ?i tobar 13. 1915. L?MAR RARDT. Corporation Counsel. Muni, Ipal Ii ill,line. Dorousb of Maahatt n. <_iiy of New Y Trf _ iioMK INDI:ms;ty company. Pursuant to fcectlon 71 of th? inauranc? M the ritai? of New York, w?, en? i , . . -n,; BOtlinl persons of full use. ai i al laaat iwo-thlrda ol ua ntizen? nf th? I nil d I lut lea?t one of u? t, raald pi of th? t* ?? ?>! Horn v.,r- ?a ?,- lar? an,| i< iM -ii not i. ?Mo? to loria a ? ? . ni? i-',, a insttraaaa orporatlon to Irani?, 1 I, ., .- :,'., of i i-,. r.y ami -ureiy Iiik.j: .- n. ?? . - aLitlioriie<J un.ler nui.'liM^I'.n 4 ol OeeClaai ?? of the ln.urun>? i.i. .? . b? i .in- ? piopoetd COI |.'-.i-. n le HUMM IM/tilM'l? 'uMl'AM i'u? antoont of Ita capit?! SUMS h. M h? 1*,, Uutidred an.l K.fiy Tboeaand .|2',??.i00i Uoiiarn ai. 1 It? .ipr.n . v . Haodred anl Kifi,. rh( laaad I--. r. Dollar? additiaoal Th- Ipal M.i ,.' corpore Bon .?i . f Man. i. . ?ml Stan of .\?w Yorir Date! .s.-w York. ^-^ lltb, UU. UBORUC C (Al.l.l.l, CLARKNCM fl m.i rues, j-.-? p wahu, a u HoHAl A KENNEDY < lin.n. His TAV KCMPKRT. CHARLE? PETRAri H C liiiiiWAKTH. ALTRED j WOI.FF. A !.-.MM?:i.. il LI.M mu.- 11. C HERRFOKTH. JOSEPH libNK LEGAL N". ICO The New Ha.en '?uiity National Rank, lo at."t la ib? C i> of New ttarea, m th? state of Coniicetlctrt, ?? ? ;,,sing n? affaira A II note ii ..l'.-r? anil other rre,i,tora et the . ?> a- .a- .'?rle.i ?,, i.r.a-nl th? note? '.ni ?thei j ? f-.r payinenc B <i BTODDAPn l-r??iu?ot Dated Aui'.iit 2i ISti _ilTATKiNS. HOWl.ANi?. SAMUEL f THE PMOTLJI Of ti. CU Yolk. b| 'h- .,.a.r of .t.; - i-r. JOHi 'i HOWLAND. FRANK 11 HOW LAND. liRACE 1! BtTTLER WILLIAM A li .W LAND, HARRIET II SWAN EMMA B. MARY !? 1.1 I.V. FRED HOWLAND, .T? ?IIN F. HOWLAND HEI'.HFRT I-. I ,. y. HOWLAND, AHA R FARDER, ELDER E FI ?? ir ? KETERY A.-.-?^-i 4TION . < i .N ,?. K\ MASSACH ,-K.IS. IIH,H B4'II4J< ?NAL ? It ['.??lt. ' ON WA Y, M !..-. N MEMORIAL WHOOt, MiaaioNARY ALLIANCE INBTITtrTE ? ?. ? PEL TAHEKNA?:i.E l'Ht'R?.'H. -? ?''1KT i' . m THE L.. ' 'F..N l'A- , fl OF THE l'IL IIRIM. .MIIN' 1! I? I Av !? MART I . ; H . f ??!? in-,.:: i, BCHOOLS l,e Will il? ' th- te ., School?." and to all p.raor.? ?n-ei^?iKl ?? I, l'?.i:e.,, n.-M of kin or nth I in the Ee'i- of BAM t/EL F HOWLAND, ,le. e???d. ?? ho ?I lh< t tn? ef h'.a |.>:ih re? aldad at i;i l.n'- IltB - I -et. ?!. i uKh of M tata ? ad *i<-etlr,j . l pou rk aa, ?.???'. Un? ?t . ?1Mb of M.mhat- i ? i .ted to | .f the the ? urr-satea- I I ' mi the ? t ten I ...? t?e Hi.: J I he I?? . . C. 'in is?.?:: ?". -.A.I w i ,,,, i* *p\ i ? i? ?th i If 1 ,r i i ne I ? DANIR . ..' DOWDNBT, ..' th? P irr?gate?' ?curt. _?! BLIC NOTICES. *"'.". .p t*?.i A 111? or P.KTI ,.||.| A,.|n<ltl. NI... ' .1 P I' ?.? ?lit !? a? I? ; ?- .. ?n??T :r*g "f IB* Board ?f K?itm-? ? and s.pportUg'*.. N. i a .. ... 4. Hit, the foil.'??rig parti. . To : . Honorai I. "*- H ?rd ?f li.ttmai. on torment nt tn? ttty of Mew ? I ? ?. ; a l!ail..a> ? " tloo.r I? ? .?l^al , . . anrollen, ?tely ' r??nl???l ?.??1 .M--HI, iirl.T th? l.a??' f ih? s ?t. of N. ? ?. ,???.;??? i I ?ur ? / ......... .a'. ? 1 M ? ' .l'an. -, rh, ?'.I ": P?' suar' i S.i'.nii 17? at la?t* Railroad a , ? . i . ! It. i< .? 1 and ' ? ' ' <*<?n g and .?t.-ti rr .1? ? Hoard. ?i, I h. - I U e<?a Ighl, pr'4-H.-g. or ? , ? nance hi. : . i i-i n . f p. -r ?ur ,.- ? . .?- > inn , ?:.: I? ?i. - * "l ' n !? and ? , ,n ami ? .per?? loo ?f ... I?>?? Sai ? |'.iv??r. .. . -i the ?hi,??' M a? ?xi -n . n or l.r.v , ti ?>f I?? ?? ...rar r,l,.a ?y ?p.! for p ,h',|.- ?a? in th? 1 for "at ?nd ?..?. ih ? ? - r' >'?. ??? , ).?.?. in ih? Hor -f Net? York, of .' a , ' ? | "..'11 ? mm. ?i ?? i?uh Ih. ' . II tlPg nl ?eat ..f tin ??-?t.-ri? sirte of \V??i v\ ?? *h?n. ? :!?!? in ?. l?''i along S > Titila ? > i .nt at 111 m th. . ..f N?w Verh and ' v.?. York tight a? ? i. h '?h?- ?t i? ?vtii.. high - ?;. ? aa ? "??! "? Thir i. Th ' ? , ? pern ? '?> ? h h4 Ih?. - ' atan ii fa ??I. . |M"A?r I'lhrr th l .?hi? h m?|r |.. - t vi.? .Vin l>'a'il '. lili I .'?l??nt?al to I. iwnrn ..f i'*'i>''>- :.?a- I "n th. . Wh?: petltMnev praj ? th.t ' p.n I of ih.* lima and I . . I thl? ?ppl III?? will h? in?i caenUtormt, I.- t'.\.n aa i.*i'iii,-d by : of th.- lu 11 road ?i I ?I! <>;h..r In?-- appllraM? tUrr??, ?n I :l ? .?ml ?T giant I. g Iv.n : otutloa - I i*..r? t?tr??pi a? t?. . ooi; I .Ihar. n? ?>f Ih.. Greater N.? ?, , .H n . ? 'it v ?.f New Tevk, s..p.?mi>?r IL 101 NRW Y??*... ItAll.WAl'i i-"MI'ANT. . I RANK III.?'I.:.', '. l?i -i '.-nt At---: I 11 M FlSMKi: retan St..??? of N.n York, Count) of N..? fork. ?a.I PRANK I ? P: l > ?. i ? isrora, I? pn??? an I ?ia)?: Thai ll? I. V .? I ? ? ?tl- nt . r th. ii?? , ? ?r named In ih. I H?m: ? i know? I m. i. Iron of h'? own ki ??? tha i bellet, m I ..? to i'?'..' ma".1?, he r - VI- VV1-: IIPPI I7Y Babaarthed in.i ??.irii i Safer? ??? ?hi? Hat da) of .-'? pi -till-.-r, I ? K I' MiiVI'V N"'?t> P'll'II?-, Nl 14". -.- m ? Aril th? follewlag rsaotutloBS w?r. .h.r? ? ? feresntna ' ?>? ?h? j . S.|i I n. m nl .. in. ting I -h ? i ? I lion u/h e| ?i ?nd lariat, hMtrlnS '- ". ?? ? III. !i ? ,i an I iry la 'Ilrrr' ! | , i h |?.il" >n and Hi. - ? ????.I'll t>? pil-llah?! for ut I?.?? f.. irt.?n - I?. >la> a in i.... in ,? - i?r ,.t New ? or, an I f.-r tea ?!'?' Sara tn :ii? ? -. -11 > Raeord" o ?m.-Ii Sat? -.r imi.ii? hi-aring Th" ?sp?t.- , . laalloa 10 lae u?irn. I y th? partition?* JA M I ? I> M. llANN. ? ?ry. M 'ding , I .-. v??r York . ?etotter I. : I rORECLO?l RE SAtUTat*. arpii i . ..' n rr ? IP NEW H O M I ? . ? ???M.S. plaintiff, -a .1. ?t i .?IIS I.?,.-il ,,t.\ll UaCBB, I" ?If- ?t a' . DO? f in ?in nan.-? "f a tails mewl el feeo? . .. :.i?r?d Ii ... . . a ring ? ! f .,..->. i Iftl, t, dfra-fgned, th? Ref.r?. In ?all t ?lg i ? i will .?Il ai p ibll. ajrtion, at. th? B*i haiiK? - . ?? -14-14 \?sry Stra.t, In Hi- borough of ?antiat Ih-.. It] .f NeO Y'.rk .n ih? I'-li .lay ai i? arelo? >< n... a '<n that 1?*. by I It MHV?r?. A?. ?I.?n??r, th? pr.-mip?? dlr?et?d ?.y ?aid liKlgment io b. ... f All that certain lot, piae? ?n par. ?i ..f la .its Mi- i. illdlns m i itnSv . ? meats ?iir'"'!? .i-.-? I...I. ?Iiu.!>-, and !?? ing In ' li? ,Kh .,f ? ity, . ::,'l?'l 0 rlbed *? to ? ? y s .!?? .f ? ' i? II ' I ? st a Street dlatani two fl1.? f?*.-t ?1er !'r ?.. Ih. . i ? ? r ' ? . ' I " .... - I. ..f gil -t i 11.? noi 11."!.. ...'|.. ..f <?.-i? Hp?i..i..| h* ! Tweatl.lh S'r . . nin nlng il.-1... nor-'ioriy, pareil.I with Pir.t At'ini? and P'rt of ih.. .Ii^tan<? through a party ?rail, on? l.undr?.! f??t t?n !n< aea le it ??atare lia. <?f th? block LM-ar-an Ob? Handrad and Tw?*iri?th ?ad on? m w .;.-? ! nii'l Tw.-n'v flr?? Sir??!?. ih?n''. ?a??i?rly along aal?! o?n?r? lln? of the t..." k ?l?l??H ff?! eight Inri,?.?, th?n?*a s . . 1. ri>, .?K'Ui psrail?! with Klr?? At|. mir and part of Ih? distan?? ?hro.igh a p.r'j wall, on? tritnlr? I f??r tea In- ti?. to th? n.rtherly ?id. of tan?? llun.)r?d and Tw.ntl ?:. Street tt:?r..?- ?a?'?r'y along the am? ?lit??n f?.-t ?ight in. h?. ?., the potol nr lu.?.? f (?.ginn rig with th? tapp irt? turn?? l>a??.l. N?* V'rk. S?p??nii r 7?rd. 1111 HARRT A (?OI?KL, I'.'f.ree. OlaHKT < '? MBTOi K A'torn-?. .'.?r P ilntlfr. ?| William H???rl. II?,rough i.t Manhattan, New TeeB ?'ity Th? f Ing i? a diagram of th? prop ?j ? i It. numtxr ta 11? 1 ......_ N r. n'xpj. i.i? < f Illock. ? 1?V ?". " ?' 1?5' _ : at : TH BTRRBT Th? appro.?mat? amoeat ?.f th? n?n or h th.- ?h<.t..,is?. a 1 pr p-rt> 1? t., up Mid, i? V.,At ,r.?l?.| tlv? and 40'lis till in (?ollera ?. i? i .liter??! tii?r?oa ' h ? ? ? "f S?p'aii?li?r, III!, - * ?nd all? wnn'-? ?.tig t? Two huP'lr?.! s?v?nt??n ami ? Doliere, with i??t?r.?' front ^>pt?m. a la?.1.. r?.?!?th?r with lb. ?ip?na?g of tli<? ??1? 1 n? approxlraat. of th? tax??. aa?ae?.m?nt. and wat?r rar?, or Other ! ?p ?. ? ?r? to u? allowad to th. ??r .ut ?.f ; h? pu -*h.?? ncn?/. or pai.l In ih? Haf. ra?, i? | !,r?. hunlrcl an?| i ? 11 lar. ?ad lnt?r?at. .s?; 1 pr?m:??? Will h? aotd a?il ??t te a t.? li?n ? f Tl r?? hundr?.? and forty.nop aad it ISS laoliar. and lat.MQC I?a'?d. N?tv T.rk. S?pt..' k.r ..Ird lilt, HARRT ? ifOIDRta f!?f?r#?. Th? for.goli < m . ,,?|o?rn#^ l.-'a. i..ti,bsr lln.l. HIS. ?i Ihraun. tlm? ?n?! pl^?? a7?at.d. Nee York. October \%\\ II .RRT A OOlflRL. |(.',.,? Th? for? ?al? la h?*?i? f.|->h?r ad lo y i :?v Ototrer tlth, 111!, at th? s^ma Uni? *r? ? ? Dai :. .v .. k Octetwr Uni mi HARRT \ ?KilDCL P?f?r m ft? I'.Mi?, VI !.. .ill.iu. i.S i .4 ? t .1 .. Up A.N I'l.UM; ajf? Ho.i rah .? John 1' < olialan, a Burr .gat? of th? Count) of ,N'? fork, NoTlt'B Io boreb) gl...? o ail paanson. 'a. Ing . lalm. .g.ipat 1: ..... I I' . ?? a lat. of the ?????ant? of \ p t? i'oi k. ?I. r?a??d. to (riaant th. aania, W.lh vou-be?. th?r?,.f, to th. ? nt ar t .b -r. ?t it? Dim? of tran.. ling -it! new. No 111 Pifa A. ?..a?, ?n Tl?. ?ity of Matt. TorS '>n or b?foro th. SOth -*y oaf Novembw r...? l'Ui-d. N.w Tork, th. tth d.y of Map 1? ASTOK rid ST ? Oltl'ANV. Bseeinaa WMITB A 'A7?B, A?t"rri?>? for l?? ... - No M W.B Str. ? t. Hoiough of Jtlanbaltan. N.w T.,rk Citv IV PI lisi ?S? K or A\ ?.HDfR ?>r BOVnRiT Ml I . I' t f a a" a Surmata ?at ll? ?Vint. <?f N?a r.^lt. aotXrl I. I ?r I . rtsa I. ill prr?.?. hating i-iaitn? < ar. In? . ksp.t llar|?r Is?. ''?'''-* ?.^W?r?? ? Ha- sam? ?Hi ??Khan '!>?-. ?? i., llw .u>a.T'bar? a| iVlr pi. ? ' -i. ...?.:. ?Maatoaa. at Ih. .p.: ? nt ? irir attorn?) J aa t ? la,.. .V. il .Saaaau HuaM. I - . . I .-.?a Tusk. <m or Uf.ra iaa lat .la, tf 4lar l. natat Uata.l Na? Y aa. Um U'.l? da? nl A'ira? 1|||, ? HBO? I. KlYr? HI M?> s IIAKI'I.R, PARI'KB SU.I.IMAN Ml? JAMK? ??lit..*..,'? JOHN ? I'UM Allot.:? for *8v<*U?.<r? N N'Sa?. M. Si????. Borovigh val klanbalU \N?? T?Mk CBS.