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Our Landlords Raise Dust Instead of Rents on Lawn Tennis Courts foil IS FEAL I ESTATE TENNIS WINNER Defeats Roy D. Richey for Championship Title in Fina! Round. TENANTS CHEER AS LANDLORDS STRUOOLE i R. Holt '* Victor in Class B Sin? gles Played at Forest Mill by Land Salesmen. By PUD RAWTIOSNB. If JOB 'ftiJi bobbles around tai T?ar fie: -- ,-\' ? ^k when ,' **t Attr.trd* '. int. or il his face ex- ; mutt mi ' n ?'. time he \ '.tzit bis *at ? ? his ---r.? above ' .? ?esd, ! - be . stita j remores ar ! i going M ant fOOI Mrta! In h a i." | tl I I iii'e almp'.y beet . ? ? in tno an .i? ?i^t* Board :" ? sv York sad a? ! fata : the ? it of his muscies. The real sstate nea wont *.-n? t.. thi ffett S. !* Tennis < .ub, a'. Foroet Hili?. Usf Island, yesterday, and engaged in ijr.oJi atr ? ? I the clay courts. The ?aha it Casa A and R ?ingles were ?or. by Theodore Roosevelt Pell and P. Holt, retpective.y. put a itop to tf.? d'.'ubiei competition, wlta Benjamin M. Phillips and Stanley lies" ar.d R"v D. Richey and E. A Alhlsy ir. the f.nal hiackets in Class A ind four pain out to the leml-tinals in San B The day was balmy erough to lure forth quite a gathering of spectators, among: the saloohers :s! per lor.? ?h^ bowled with vindictive i.nd ?mdish glee every time OBO of the player- sail bail. These mis I i 'o Ve ??, who adopted this method o? tttiag ' | I the me:-, who col? ee! the reati each aontb. Istthil street from the en? joyment of the reiil e?tate sthl? ' I ifeoti 1 i; y I1 Etlebey in the ft] el : ' d was iwirded ' e silver c Hismtie of the real estate champion ?? ? - i,f the beard ll ' I.:>" and un Hlftlhnesi bj I - ' to the Real Eitste B York cheer, which *tti*. MBicwhat us follows! "Rah. ral rents are going up! bi( Are we bSBf 1 I ? 'he big cup! mal sstate rea estatal I'.ah. rah. rah'" Pell di I Bot gaifl ': - trophy wltl futt.rv ternooB oa the e re? doubla'- . who i ?t . ough ?efeet? ? mane his great I .et on the ball, ??'.er where ? its. Witboat ? - the with y M. Isaac -he latter ??r. to defeat by s score *\~0. ?'.mou? Pell bscl troks was ?: steh ? mposalbla '?o St*] - MBt down tfciiid? ig was the r.ext victim to ata defeat st }'? H'l Bg a '***'? SMil 1; ? ' ho had come throngs inals in the top half of the draw ' -i - :. foe? 1 the bckhsa Ml w? aranaed up by tkii time ? d his greed for the big s-.' r?f ;r i on, to that h i moot I .i score of 6?0, * I I ?- champ?es real Mate law . ? r of -New York Holt woo 'he Claas R singles cup ! Sting, in turn, I \ i i 1er, Le Roy Ceeeatrj and Lee, the latter ?t *r? 1, f. -, In the final round. In the rr.eai. time, while the lot sell ?U basta? and suburbs Istatastai the real estate rac? Jwt men were I Bg it eat in the o?bles hii tried to win another cup in the .'?'? A red a Ith Jamei G. Clin, bel ' -?ted In the semi '&?'. rour I '? ? ' ? y ar.d K. A. Ashley, ':* r-.e---. \ led in one set be Hm Of dar'a ess. 'I he winners, whom '?'?Ifcs?f! h-* I i "Gold Dust Twins." ?sssd ncing style by a ??ore of 6 |. ?bbey si Pell had severaj slashing ' d from mid-court, with *?sler a- | heavy work l winners had pre I Harry I'nrk-r and S. " " g strug M st ?5 I, - 6, although Weaver Wwar? bo fa .1 tried his tolas, pair out of ? ? ? ar.d Isaacs reached the final \l ??/?at -.p- an end Tredwell at and Tucker |f mew i 4 They may face ikatj and Ashley this afternoon for aJ** * ?? ? ? -. i M~?i'ilr? ?7 7? H.- . . ?-? tT iWigH Ilouthtn? 22*? ?'?? s % if. n*t i te fault. T R. I ? ? ? ;. ri ' ? . ? I * ? le. Ce Il ? ? l ? S- 4 ?fl i a. }.., .. r> 1 * r. a Tte?ot , e f , 2 . t? U$ d?i??t>-l ?*?''??'? rnrtm. ??I. 1' ?? 1 f'ofl" < . . .M . 1 I..JV. . ' ;.l Whon ordgring ??y OURKE'S Guinness "??t piacos torvo it txclutivtly ?ottiod by-E.?J.BURKE LAWN TENNIS STAR IS EDITOR AT COLUMBIA Washburti, of Harvard, and Strahan, Ball Player, Honored. Watson M. Washhurn, the forirer Harvard lawn tennia star, and John C. Strahan, who war captain of the Am beaehall team two years ago, were honored at Columbia yesterday, when they were elected to the Columbia Law Review board of editors. Roth are sec end ychr men in the School of Law, and election to tha law review board is BOM o' the highest honors a student lehievs as ? result of his first year s work. W'aahborn will be eligible to repr^ sent Colombia on ;he courts ni?<? ... but asi.', yesterday that he would not play, for it would take too much time from Ms itodiOS. StTsban however, WOQld te barred from playi.ig OB tha Columbia nine, even if lie ?le si.-eci to do so. because of the new eligibility ml? applying to the major sport?, whereby graduates of other col? leges ers not eligible for Columbia teams. Carey Winner in Stevens Lawn Tennis Tourney The an-tuai Stevens lawn t*nnh tournament, which was started fou. ?reeks ago with more than forty en? tries, the lardea?: c.n record, came to nn end yesterday, when Carey defeated I-?e ?n iitraight set?, at 6 -0, ??4 and P 7. \ week ago the same two players ?. and when each had capturnd one set it was judged too ??ark to continue "he play, which necessitated a post poneirent of the match until yesterday Although the contest was won in straight sets, It was marked by fast ploy, Carey barely outpointing Lee a!! the way. In the semi-finals C ?rey de fea'ed 0"Keefe 6?3. 6 -3. end Lee de foated Appleton 6?0, 8?6 nnd 3 -8. St. Paul's Defeats Carteret Academy Clever execution of the forward pass helped St. Paul's School to score an easy victory over Carteret Academy, of South Orange, N. J., on the former'l ?it (larden City yesterday by a score of M to 0. Trick formations baffled the academy boys, who succeeded in breaking up only two of tha ten passes tried. In oil they netted- a total gain of 196 yard1?, one from Waterman, the right I tackle, to Kieser, tie right halfback,' covering a distance of thirty-five yards in the third Quarter. Dietrich, who \ usually was th<< pivot, worked in per? fect unison With Rogers and Hendrick? son, the speedy ends. The line-up follows: S- 1 ? .-if? <??- PuSltKai Cart?r?t ' Ito*er? .1. ?. Omermsn i .L T. Hrotr: ??? . 1. U. Austin <i-.<r . C . John?"-. Ingll? .l< '1. Dobb Wn.rnan .F? T. Ilsrils Uetulrickaea . ? I . Eaton h .u B. Eckfelrit .1. H B...B. <?ali?-y KI*mt .H II. B .!???<?! I'o Ktrrarl. i-' ?.J. Oallat? .1 ?r.a- Dlfrlrli '. . Kie?-r RefOO I'? K?ntr! ?I til fit? toui-Mown IU*1. 3 Beb ? ?---..r.? :.: WarbaM*. l... . It? I?-* a, ? ? Kin-' Ki.-T ; r ?tAeOae Ai . roi Bam* fr>r lUrrli II. "ere* J i S ; -,? Columbia I'mpif??Smith, Veratnt H?l ai Bail?, Williams Time ? t I n'ei-.- - lit* mlr.ut?? Cullum Hall Cadets Defeat Commercial High [Ht Te.tinpli to Th? Trttnin? ) West Point, N. Y.. Oct. 27.- -The in y'S Cullam Hall cadet sound de fsated the eleven of Commercial High Alumr.i, of Brooklyn, to-day by a score of ft to 3 in a well played gam? on the "plains." ; ' The hiph school 'ads led at half time by I to 0, Woodworth Kicking a ( from placement fr-.m the N vard une during the SOOOnd period. I ibnrfl score! the < sdefs looch dowa in the third quarter en a 25-yard end run around Dutomplo. T he line-up folloa -. A-,-. i - i Com nirh A'.Tmil I. E ? ? Duwmpfc I IT l.yv-li ..- 1 ., . J i-1 . !l ? - i? s . ' . I. t ..... Olatsmajrar . It E ... . 0'PhaufliT.?w\ a it r? is :. h h . ? s h h ?*v**';'",.[ i n thm?m***3A (,; QU?rt?r? T?', tt.tvj'.?? eiM-Ii I I ii? ; ' ? ?? ???*r<.*?\ mm Ai-. - . | - ." i. 4i ': in pia ?meal Wo -I i;.'..... . .. '? i.,-'?r l'n.plrs?< adst M ruaran n?a?i llaaaeiai] CaOM Ht?m?r. f"ii> ? ?KUbum for Waleh; WtnfleM f'r 1> U tapie CHICAGO DREAM; PEACE IS NEA IN BASEBAI Tale That Sinclair W Buy Giants, However, Riles Hempsiead. By JF.UOME UEATTT. Chicago has entered it? guest a? how peace will be brought about twoofl the Fodsral League and organi base':,all, a: d the lurm'.se, according organized . k?ebi? is all wroi.g. it Beams BS?Ttalfl that before unotl floral hoise-ho* !? preientad to a mi ager or another mayor pitches a b, opening n sea?on, the warrtog fictit will have. SOBSd to BOOBS undcrutanui Hut according to the principal?. I fight still has several rouads ta go. Ihe Chicago tale waa to the effi thai Harry Sinclair, owner of the Ne till Federal?, would buy '.he Giant?. T National end FedOaTal ?BBgUO clubi BroOklya, St Loati, Pittaburgh a i' -n, are consolidate. The Buffsl ? Pods will Ji with ths Buffalo ! ternatioaali ICaasas ( ity Fed? will be w? .:? ? ... the ha:;. Americsn A club, while t? ational liSBM will rotoni ; ' Baltimore. That's t Way Chicago tolll :*. John K. Tener, president of the N tionaJ League, said laat Bight that, th? ?va? not a word of truth in the utory. Harry N. Hempitead, owner of tl Giant?. BSSOrtod that Hairy Sinclair, millionaire, hud not enough money bay the Giants, aad that bo person hi mads any sort of an o!Ter for the clu Mr. Hempitead i? ill, ni-d in stat ment 4vg? mad? through John U. Foit* At the Federal League oflleei .7 in ?au! that poaee ? the last thing ti Independent? were ?eeking. The only Statement that to any degr? implies that there may bs SOms trut in ths ?.tory is from Auk??;.?? Bemoan chaumaii of the National ? immiaaio When seen in t incinnati yeaterday Bfl asked ul.nut the if?."it lieniuanii .an "I can ?ay nothing; er, rather, 1 h?4 nothing to ?ay. Hut it is a ?tory woii printing." Whether Herrmann thought It ws worth 11 r i i ? :..*.? - BS I ?ale ?ho4Ving grei. Imaginative genius or booanae it ws to ?orne degree true, Tho Ai?ocia*e Pre?? fails to state. "Slim" Love, a lefthander, r.l" ll and one-half feet tall. Is the my *?. ou? pitcher ths Yankees hsv? draft? and 4vhos. aame, fur fear the Peder? would gel him, they bava ne, t secrel Laos is with ths Los Angele-? Pacifl Coast League club and i> said to '?? marvel Laal year he was .ho !.. fectivs regular pitahei la t1? Coos League. He allows i an average of on 1 ; l 66 ruas per i iao?iaaing game. Waehiagton tried him two years ?ci> but ?ent him back to the coast f?-i more sensoninfr. The Yankees are beginning to worr\ about I.ove. Although they have sen! him B dozen or more teli-gram?, he ha? BO! yet forward sd contract A year ago Wail IngtOfl Mcarod from Lo? Angeles ?he title to F.hmkc, ? phenom, but Ehmks Bevor reported to (lark (irit*h?h. Instead he signed with the Buffalo Federal?, much to Griffith'? re!i? f, for Khmke turned out to be a flivver. The afaakees ???nt Love, however, and ?till are baaing that he will join them, ile has iigned an sgrsem? at to play with New lark, but Is he?itating about putting hii aam ntraet, Love, they say, is incrnstant. Chrietopher Mnthewson was in the Torkvills polies cour* yesterday, charged with leaving his motoi car In front of the Imperial Ilute! snd block* insr three truekloadi of ?Wal for which the Imperial1 collai bungered Matty said hs , was guilty, an?! Magistrats Barlow said the gues? was right? Beateaee was ?u?pen?led. Ran Johnson hn warned ple.yers be longing to organised baseball that they must not play with the Fed?. Bues Weaver an! Jim Scott, of the ' Sox, to? k par? Ib bb inhibition game ia VI i. icka, 111., and played against a team which included Grover Gilmore, ??: ths K..', si I ity Federals.and l'hilip i bouinardi formerly of the Tip Top?. Han doesn't say what he will do to the ] ayers b bo thu jeop ?rdize their profesional standing Wenck to Rule Boxing Game with Stern Hand I _ Commissioner Made Dune Come to Time at Gardei ?Ritchie Not a Light weight. ? Fred A. Wenck, chairman of I ! State Athletic Commission, is s m of deeds, nnd the longer he serves I , more he convinces the boxing enthu ; asts that he means business. He to hold of affairs at Mi.dison Su tar* G dea on Tuet I ?r.d prevent what might have beea aa awkward s ? oa. Dundee guaranteed Ri tel .. ami when the amount of bbsb s heai failed bo eome m> te i ? , the champion , n redact loa < f J.eXt, whi? the ?attei naturally refused to i! 1 h"-. h iiiHiiaK' , mad* a few sutemente, mid wound i I y saying '.hat be would not alio i Lundee to bos W?>nrk h?ard of this, however, ar proceeded to the dressing room, whei las gave MonUeth his choice of alles ; ing his i; an to go throueh with ,h r- u*rt, , r ).i-, ? ;. hur? "uspended for u fini t period The! settled nil ?11? suasion. Then there ?vos a dis (,ir the v,' gfal '?' the men. Kitchi ? i- i,t<*. "id. of the <-,'l retor, hut Wenck ?-?s not - that all was m I, and order. ! tfa cr in-,: of the rinn and mud h.m weigh in :?!! over again Like wise he attended to the weighing u Don?os ss a precautionary measure. "'I here will he no cause for com ? slat by tha fan? at these big bout f the commission can prevent it," sun ? ? a yesterday. "It is my IntOUtioi ?-, be present at all of them, if possi inil I will lo?,k aft?.T the w?lfar? I <? ram? to the b??* of mv ability I may make a few OUOmleO, hut one bal U SXfOOt that." Freddie Welsh, tie world's light w? H'h*. champion, sat at tin- ringl a I watched the two meri SOlooted by tril i> ?i epoonente for him In sham hip battles. He need have bo foal OB ?M score of Ilitchie. Willie la a blossoming welterweight, and could not mak* 133 pounds at the ringst?!*, nor, t'ir that matter, 18ft founds at 8 o'clo k on the afternoon of the battle, to aave his life. Ha tinned tha ?e?\.? at 141 Va Bounds I on Tuesday and looked trained to tl WBI BOl an ounce snperfluoui II h "-. bl finely mouldi bo ly, and h? si tsred the rini? wi evei y ?<? ce of I I ugl b. He is i longer a light we ght, and If he sti styles hin eight ebarapion ; parading under tal ih'ri- Was S distinet difTerence I opinion ovei ?: ?? .- iteome "r th< mat? between Dundee end RiLchie. Sever eapable Jud i red : bat the ri| snorting finish of Ilitchie entitled hn to the honor?. It was pointed out > 1 h-Tribune thai Ritchie mad? sahoroi b, and at the SB Bg OVS But i I is also true ti.?: his i' ?? was for oui Sari] pen.i I of th.- match 11 ? ? Bp a lend o points whli ' dowr , what might ha? happened in twr ; three or a thoaeand Subsequent round 1 i ?> .mmaterial. The mutch was of tei i rounds only. One of those who do not exnctl; at'ree with The Tribune is James A Gi Inore, president of the Federa League. Bethought that Ritchie wool? Orla, and let this ttlumfl decide the be? Scrry, Jim. 'lummy Murphy, the veteran lipht weight, who boa fought then si! and d ?? ? well, is sb ' ?? BtOI the rmy Tomny said that, ilthoagh he wa litaated in life, aa I had ?* fair store el the good thir.K*. ) believed he eoull I BB s'-nie good purses for fighting sons of the youngsters. Leach Cross declares that his brother pulled a bono in making the match w th Andy Cortes. "Not that I . think Certes BBS bent me, >ut you have ! to hit him with a blackjack or some l thing before ho r. OWI fOB are In the ruin* with bun He's one tOUgfe bird,' ? said Leach Just now Leach i I busy extolling the nianv virtu? ? .:" hi brothel Marty as i *i r "'I hsl ? ? 1 ??? ill lick many a good ma'' before he la finished." do i Losch. "M? lent a Gibbons for lui' h? .i itrOOg, fnst and can bit A ! t ? r a few more months he will i b<- ready for tin- h.i; f? Hows." Joe I ??'..!,?? is now business manager ami match maker of th* American I Sportlpg Hub, with hfa?|i|ual.'<ri.i at S -liier'* Harlem Rivnr Casino. I T?e SPORT-, LIGHT?** Football's Mother Goose. Tom, Tom, the Pipera ton, Won the game with a long end run; Thim* is no idle, joahing dream. But he didn't play on the Eli team. Humpty Dumpty played football; liumpty Dumpty had a great fall; Hut Hump*y Dumpty bumping the trail Had nothing on Michigan, Pertnsy and Yale. A friend of ours who has kept track of baseball averages for a good many years decided to tabulate a few statistics on the war, using newipaper sosres. j ?Is maintained count on the prisoners reported captured day by day from Euro POM headquarters, with this result: Russian prisoners, 18,000,000; French prisoners, 11,000,000; English prisoners, 3,550,000; Germun prisoners, 14,650,000, and Austr'an prisoners, 9,780,0u0. "Th? total la close to ?O.OOO.noO captured so far," he writes, "since the wer ; began. That is, if we are to believe London. Berlin, Vier.r.a* Paris and Petro- , grad." "Yale still has a chatre to attnir. the heights by 'eating Colgate, Princeton and Harvard." And WS have a chance to attain fair literaiy renown by writing better verse than Byron and better prose than Thackeray. The football championship muddle is being cleared up. Tha only team? now left in the running ar? Cornell, Princeton, W. & J., Pittsburgh, Wisconsin, ' Michigan Aggies, Colgate and eight or ten others. The chances are that by the end of the season we will have only seven or eight championship clalmanti, one of the lightest crops or, record. Footballs Sad Lexicon. (Revlie'? witli F. I'. A. running back th? kick.) cee are the taddeet of ponsibl? computen, ?tigan, Pennay and Yale', ?nil as the morgue wktT? the -eorpss ?f a gr?mpas is, 1 ihignn, Pennsy and Yule; Sins that are. heavy with anguish untenable, B "It vp of backe, who are brittle and feththle, Built up of forward* whotee ?me plat) fa ksllable, Michigan, Pennty and Vale. OnO* they were there with S u-inning ferocity Michigan, Patinan and Yale; <>nce they trey,* t> lenditk preeoc ' | Michigan, I'cnnxy ami \ Ones they were there with tht rathe? unatoppobU '?nee they were there with the halfback* untloppable, unce?but to-day who is ttoet ot'ttn MOftyMhfff .ti tchtgiin, I'invsy und Yale. 1 he Eastern Championship. There is no part of a chance at.y eastern football championship will be decided this fall. If Princeton comes through and boatl both Yale and Har vard, there will still be Cornell. And beyond Cornell there is s'lll Pittsburgh University and w. & 3 Harvard arid Yale are already eliminated from any mythical title But Harvard can still take high rank by beatirg PrlnOSton. This buttle upon Nas? sau's emerald sod should bo one of the frre.-.t foothBll duels of the year, for Princeton has a regular foot',all machine this fall and Harvnr.! will b* quite a different Harvard two weeks sway from her last defeat. Any bnttle that feat? ures an Ail-American meeting netween Mnhan and libb, tt Is slated for more' than its share of thrills. The western tanple will be as keen fts the eastern one, for M. A. C. will dispute the main sprig of laurel with the conference winner, using Michigan as Exhibit A. The time ha? passed when any one chumpion eleven can be picked. The field is too thickly studded witfa good OBOS to award the laurel in any one undivided lump. Consolation. i/)/ vuithie noon, upon the wall, ?/ -,/ quit >i, tetne? Whert Winter drops it? heavy ?mil | 'pot roch gr\ en. Bttl when th? SHOW droop* on the map And bring, a muse, At least I'll r.ot stand in totas trop And ettSS and cut*. Yale, for a coach, pot Frank llinkey, one of her greatest players. Prince? ton got John H. Rush, a man who never made the team. Moral -It Isn't always the star player who knows how to build up a machine. It was by her SXC08S?VS sdoptnOSI In the fundamentals that Yale reached her oldtin-.f height Now It is by her SXCeesivC ?c kne?s in the fundamentals that Yulo has dropped so far. Yale taught the football world *ho preat worth of fundamental play tnck ? ling, blocking, interference the so called rudimentary stuff. And. having scattered her tip broadcast, Yale went in for everything else except the funda? mentals, and now she wonders what the trouble's all about. Power Boat Men Hold Big Meeting cd the Waldorf Plan for Circuit Racing foi Motor Boats Meets with Favor?New Officers Elected. Delegates from half a hundred yacht and motor boat club.;, representing th" owners of at least ?J/mi) heat? In th!? am! other ?tates. attend? i the annual meeting <>f Ihe Americaa !'o\ Hoat AaCoeiatlOB, he!?! >.?'.-rdny at the Waldorf-Aitoria Hotel. In accordance with the report! of the varioui' committees for broaden? ing the and influence of the ai loeiation, many changes and additions were made. One of theie innovations li that the executive council will be increased by the addition of an ad? visory technical committee to he com poied of mi expert timer, a designer and one other. The ?eetr*ary of the asiociation wa? I authorised to request sooh section to recommend pnlnl where bnoyi and lights should lie [laced -tn ? ?oc!?tion may supply, if BOO? laary, a limit*?! Bamoer of distiaetive Am. r lean power Boat Aasoeiatioa buoy?, to lie planted by the gorrrnment, in ca??' the government declines to furniih iti own. A "eruiier" ?va? defined a? a hoat that doe? not exceed nina tun?? the ???'lar. root of th? load ?water line length. The rule was formerly twelve time? the ?quare root. The classification for boats which ere to compete for the Gold Challenge Cup In the fu'ure has been changed from four to two classes, so as to read: "26-foot class shall consist of boats 2fi feet over all length, and un <:. r," nrd "10-foot class shall consist of boats 40 feet over all length and Bnder." Thi- relieve? the smaller boat i fren*, racing against the larger anas IB :he !- gh Sp? I ! race?. Vir. re 'heater R. Hoag. of the Thousand Island Yaeh? Club, lai?! before the association plen for ? reuil raring for motor boat?. Hii club has offered a gold cup for an annun! race on the St. Lawrence River, between h'gh speed boats, the cup to be held by the winner until thirty ?l?ys before the next race, when it ii to he returned to the club. Mean? while, rnce? rr*??y be held at Detroit, I.ake George or New York, ?o that if a boat break? dotvn before one of the races or during one, ?he may still have i.n opportunity to race for the trophy nt another moot Commodoia C. m. rltgli?, of the Thousand Island Club, ? ? t the piar., \ h ich will pr?.bably bs acted upon la the rear future. The ..??cers elect, ?i for IS1I were: . President, A. L. Jadeoa; treasurer,1 C C. Finsen; ?i-cretary. T. B. Taylor; measurer, K. K. Lord Those present included Herbert L. Stone, 0. F. Chap? man. Herbert T. Koerner, the retiring president, who received a rou?ing vota of thank?; C. P. Tower, J. H Wallace and R. B. Clark. ?J BIG CROWD SEES RACES OF ROSE TREE HUNT CLUB A. A. Russell's Association Wins Handicap for the Hunters. Philadelphia, Oct. 27. -The two-day SSSatont mooting of the Rose Tree Hunt Club began at Media this after Boon, with an in'erestlng card of ?ix '. and an unusually large crowd ?urned out for the ?port". The feature ,if the ?*?r! SM ?he Mid dletown barren.* Flat?, a handicap for hunter? o. er a three and a half milo hunting course. The winner turne I uu in A. A. RusieH'., Association, .vhich was the only one of the four that went to the post to complete the full courie without loiine hli way. He finished ten lengths ahead of r irert Glenden ning's( Mill Work, while Rradford Smith's (ioutl Friday was a poor third. William J. Clothier's Impulsive, with Andrew Orter up, lost hi? way any numi" *- of tin i li ths tortuous going. Capt i,u K. u. Cassatt'i Spea cirr:ed ciT m the ..; event, the Fdgomont Plate, a high weigh! ! a; 'i can, ll SVSB 1 : .- :ir j. : Ti rapls'i Billy Hibbs, Brayeaore, wiuch was am the running up tu t!ic last furlong. J. ll. LofpOT scored a double, as he had tiie leg up on 7*-p-'arhe?d, and also r<.<!.; his o4vn Bruin De!!?, iirst past the winning post In th? ?Sycamore Iiill? riato, at cr.e mile and a quarter on the flat, for hunters. The Olea Riddle Farm's Mis? Lay captui.'d the Huntsman Lace, nt three mile? over the hunting course. Chal oner ?econd r nd Xe'ephant third. Sixty Four earned brackets In the Hunting Hill Steeplechase, for three vear I Ids sad apward, at two miles, baatiag J. C. Ewalt and Miss Chamb let's BroSSSBB handily. The Member?' Dinner Stakes, for -o'ds antl ututard, went to Swipe, with Mr. Che.ton up GIFT FOR COLUMBIA WITH STRING TO IT Rumor Alumni Will l?uild a Sta diuni on South Field, r I ??'..* tome i C ''in? ? : of the pi? ? .11 ?easo'i : ' i 1 -. ? ? ' ' .Tu.-' .'. I ! the pi whs : a frlfX t , ? back. to h'? Loi i [?land I rs who has fi tory. Is to ? many year? have pi Kid, end that the trus? tees ha\. j -.- ? bs sreclloa of thi nature, ??p?t?. It is bo. m.i t atepa mnv be tab.? revive the old piani to bull ! a itadlum on a reclaim? in the Ho Isob River st 1161 Itn I but even tha* ii eu! of the Question until it ii demoBitrat? I by thi I - year trial : ?riod thai football is back un Mi rningi:,;. H ... .,, . ,v -.? KIV1AT CASE HANGS FIRE Incertain WheUur A. \. U. Committee i Will l;e-..pen Matter. The re,.- ? committee of the Amn'.-ur Athletic ' niOB hai reached no ? . arding the re-oi i : lag ?f the ca?e involving Abel R. K H.nry J. Smith George P. MatthewB, th.>?! ? WaitlBg to hear the Oplr OBI of the other number? of the committee. it was learned through ?he registra tion committee yesterday thai A !>. M?ller, of ths Swedish-Americaa Ath !,-? e Club, and i ? 1er, of the ?i? have a ? 1 ling a prise, ? ? ' RACERS PREPAPING FOR ELECTION DAY EVENT De Palma Sure to Appear in Harknoss Gold Trophy Contest. Thor? drivers who have not already arrived at the speedway in preparation fur th" Cold Trophy race are expected ifl Neva Y'.rk to-day, and most of them will have their car? on the ?Shoopehead Hay Speedway, tuning up for the big Elect! ?b Day i Thi? rac. is to be S battis of chsni i ?.fis, sa i* ?? * ? ?oi affair for 'he driver won big races during the year Among thoee who will !?p out for practice ure Eddie Bicki .hacher. Ralph Mulford, Dario Re.?:a, Rob Barman and John Aitken. Ralph De Palma an? pounced yesterday positively that he will be in the race with his Mercedes car and r.n' thi BtatS ri.cer which be drove in the AstOI Cap race. The Mereeiles which Ralph piloted to vic? tory ifl the ist I I IS race at In ? sxperteaeed motor troabli In practies foi the A tor Cup, but De l'aima bai beoB ahle to iffeet repain in the mean time. II?- probably will pat !?e i 'ii'!; fai piaei lee 7' ??????m Cornell Football Men Don Their Togs Again [B* T?:??rapti ?*o Th. Tribune] Ithaca, N. Y , Ott? '-'? After a three days' rest the Coraet! football players donned their football tog? and np ? eared in full force on *--:hoelkopf . Id this afternoon. Th? Vanity sras lomewhat oiT form in th? early rart o?" the scrimmage with the ?crub. allowing -. sad Raid goal by taking advantage of a fumble. The a; men. hew. ver, soon rallied, and Hat;. sad S crick re?, u'.ed soms o? the ru?he? wh:eh marked the U.ivard game. Har? ret?, by ?he way, wu? in fine tr.rn, and to have seen him play this afternoon no one would have thought he had been carried orT the field at Cambridge. Shiverick played hi? usual game and the end? were steady throughout the afternoon practice. With the exception of Lewis for Mueller at fuiiback, the Cornell 'varsity line-up remain? un? changed. Mueller wa? unable to gat out to the field <m account of univer-' litj work. Lewis had a good tryout. Bad, w '-h the SseeptiOB of one fumble, did well. S'lver Tag Wins Cambridgeshire Stakes Newm?r?et. <>ct. HT. B. Hulton'? Sil? ver Tan won the Cambridgeshire Stake? to-day. Mount William wa? ?econd and Khediva III third. Twenty-tiv? hor??? ran. SQUASH ASSOCIATION GIVES ITS SCHEDULE Harvard, Yale and Columbia To Be Scenes of Tournaments. The National Squash Tennis Associa? tion has announced the following schedule of squash tournaments for the ! season of 1915-'1<5: November d, fall i Invitation scratch tournament at Colum? bia University Club; December 6. an? nual handicap at Yale Club; January , 16, Qoai B championship at Heights Casino: February 5, national champion? ship at Harvard Club. The fixture for Ci?is B players is an innovation this sea?on, and will mark the first time that th* s*cond raters have held r. championship of their owe It indicates the great strides the game is making in the Kn*t. Th* Harvard Club has added two new 1 .'quash courts and standardised two old ones, while the Yal* Club ha* three standard court!, as has the Columbia rslty i'lub. The Metropolitan League team matches have also been scheduled, anl there will be four Class A teams this vear as against three in 1914. the Princeton Club and the Squash Club having combined to enter a team in th's class. Princeton and Yale are new entries in th* Class B s*ri*s. The team match schedule follows: nm A turn mitehf? <f ur t??tr, ..? m , ???.-h) -Thurwlar. l>?o?nil?r I, Prli ,-e, -, at Casino Marrar! at ? . . ?- - ??. i ..' ? .il . .1 In-, ?'<?!?! I .i Cuino J?i i?.-y n Caalna M S.i?- I ' . .- , {qui . lumhls, Kant-,I it Casias Italian Prtncstan Squash at Hanarl Cutan at Coltnbta titan II tftn init.lif? ,n*re t-am? ..f fl?? . ?' r.,,uni ils. . ? taino it Yale, iMcembcr 14 i .ilun.'iia at [1st n : V?a kt rttoetAeo; 21. Prlneatoa at ?a-ti. lla-Tanl at Ya.? Jaiiuarr 4 ? aall .? at l'i.lum'1 i Prlnisatoo ?t \\\?. 11. Rtmnl at teekoe, \i it HarrtrJ, it. t' at Trini-ato:!. C'ailio at Ma-rar! ft, Ytlt at ?-. l.imhla, CaSla? at I'rlniv ion; F.'riarj I, llarrarl at Prln.'ft.di. Cnlumtit tt Ya'c, 8 Columbia at Ctalno. IMncaton at Hat tard; IV TTarraM at OstaWMa, fSM al Caalnu. LASTELMENDORF SALE ON TO-DAY Ballot, Sain and Hessian to Go Under Hammer at Lexington. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 27. Elnendorf, the fl.OOO-acre estate of the late James B. Haggin, will pass out of existenc ?reeding establishment tomorrow, the stallions Ballot, Sain and n, with sixty-eight brood mares thirty-one yearlings, will go under I ,mer. i'- bably the bor i thai srlll attract M interest st the sal? will be the son i S ?ter-Certto, H" ired by the late James It. Keor ? .I, ben . end during his i seing >???r?-? r. which . i i trat rears, raraed for Mr Keene th.? I aubetantial sum ?f 111 inning the ~-.'-.---, I ! -?r '. t;. a i Sheepsheoil Raj ii i ""? snd ? reateen other races, ... ,? that t-,t,i? of the Amer? ican an-! English turf. I I :s better known as a Is Heoeiafl stands extremely blgb in the lis* of winning sire* during the U"t l?verai <eisons. Elnendorf cams Into existence ?n 11*07. when Mr. Haggin purchased the ? Id Swigart Farm, several miles outside of this city. At that time he WBI loterested bi edlog *hnrnu?;hbroii hor?e? in the Rancho de! PsOO ranch. I ilifornio, but at the time he gai ?? r.p his ranch, In 1901, hs 'old all of his h.irse-" there si BUCtlon, purchasing the nos* desirable of the lot fur K! mendorf. ! Mr. Iliiggin, during the enrlv '.,|V . , ?. i ' imbei ef celebrated ?t*l ! ? f i '.? : '?"? g'-uid -i- 1 ? \rit ;i ,,\e.. end the ?tie to-morrow Includes a num 1 i" of horsSI which trace ?heir lineage to these, although st 'he time the anti rsclng bill whs passed in New York Mr. Haggin shipped a inrgo number of i his hordes to for?ii;n countries. BELMONT LOSES FOREMAN Kalo, Manager of Nursery Stud, Dies of Cancer in Cleveland. Ed Kam. who was for thirty-five years in ch.irgo of AngOSt Belmont's Nursery Stud Farm at Lexington, Ky.. H Cleveland yesterday, following an operation for cancer. Mr. Kain was well known in turf circles, and the farm of which he was in .hargo la one of the most noted n the country. Since August he had been unable to attend to his duties because of the sdvaaes of the disease which caused his death. Lafayette Eleven Is Waiting for Old Penr. Easton, Pena*, f,ct. 2", All through the early part of the week Crowell, the ! \* I eoaCB, hsi continued to drive hi" terrific clip .-i preparation fur the gamo with Penn on Saturday. The ICrinBMgOa have lasted an hour, ai, I by the ose ef the spectral bal! practice has lasted until dark. Every i I there have been drills in the formation? in the gymnasium. Practically all the positions have been settled except at right guard, the choice lying between Ryon, Gaynor and Lives? f, Lowe will be at one tackle and Max-field n*. the other, and the line ? - - set to be the itrongeet that La? fayette has presented ?his year The ciachmg of lisllm has made the men stronger lud ? 'i lall] sad BS a group Next to the game with I.ehigh. this game with Penn is the mo?t important ? on the Lafave'te schedule, and the ; Maroon and White will try to wipe out the stain of the overwhelming defeat , sustained at the hands of Princeton ? two weeks ago. -m Miller, Rutgers Centre, Is Back in Scrimmage |Bt TVlaeraph W> Tin Trttui.*! New Brunswick, N. J, Oct. 27. For the first in several weeks "Togo" Miller, regular centre, took part in the scrimmage work of the Rutgers foot? ball s.juud at Nelson field this after noon. Just before the Prii.cetor. . M Her twisted his ankle and has been unable to do any work since. His re? turn will necessitate the shifting of Mason to guard, while Cole, the Brook? lyn freshman, who has been showing promise, will be kept in reserve. The practice this afternoon was long and hard. George Foster Sanford drove the men at full speed for a half hour of scrimmage. Much attention was paid to the mass formation, which was so effective last year. Sanford also spent considerable time on the defence, the scrubs, strengthened by Twing and Toohey, using the Springfield forma 1 t.ons. Frank Wins at Billiard?. A. Frank defeated Al Schlatter by a score of 17 to. Irt. in the handicap j three-cushion billiard tournament game, I at the Morningside Billiard Academ), | last night. Both players are handi I ci.pped at 17. Schlatter made a high I run of B, on* b*tt*r than his rival. The game lasted fifty-eight Innings- ^ BACK BAY IN DEFEAT. THANKS TO POOR RIDE Buckhorn Wins Handicap Handily in the Mud at Laurel Track. [B? T(-'.egrai?i to T*u Tribuna] Laurel. Md . net. .'7. Another heavy rain came last t ight, aitd just v.'-an it ??a? expected that tho r?ce meeting of the Marvland Far A?s,.c:at:on would close auipici? uily the tr?ck was again deep in mud t??-di?y. Tue .?a.on clo.ea on Saturday, and it i? ha?.!.y poislble that th? going will be fait by that time. A lix furlong handicap for all agea j took the place of a ip. cal featur? to? day Thi? running mars.-.! the lirai de ?eat during the nieetng for Peter Sher? idan', good sprintBI Hiuk Hay. He was beaten by I.'. J. Maofcensie'l Huck horn, srinnor of B rap of i'.?:?!, 44 !i... '. iper iateadaat wa? th I in*. Hack Hay has I botl begina 1 1 s ?p, soi the epeaiai ? 1 k the measure of soms af the beat horses m ?raining. There wa? aa ? ?use for this defeat, for Rice, who h id ths in int. ran him up on the heels ef Yankee .'.?.? ..:.? on 'he tar urn, knocking back badil as a result Passy WaSS*** a maiden from th? Cleveland Stable, earned bracket? In 'he mile rao-, boBtlag Kaskaskia and Bandmaa II. Ro?.< Juliett?*, a two-year o!?l from the Kentucky Stable, scored oval s fli 1 of aides horses .n a mils and tweati yard? a,rair. Then sfter the il. te. Bedwell. Mho?.- Laura 1 - ? be -ted ths wlOBOl ?IOB. *."' to ?fi.11'1. bul ihs ???' 'I sad bough) m for II, sod Tiaiea were other t4?o yoai ' ?. but ih? ? snly I I noes el 1? like r-ge. The ?ummaries f I . ,, ?? IBM a ? ? 'I' >ni? I . . I- 1.1. 11 ? ? farto, 1 ? I - I , 4 I .4 .-. n. . I". r . a. -ai. 'irais' ? < ? ? llftirr. li!? I il 4 ! 1 ? a a * . I 1 1 1 I 1 : ? ?lall I I Tlilr.l r all " ' . ? . - ? ; . ? , . It Wl i*y ...... .... '. :?? . a ? ? 1 . I ' ... . I ' 8 .? . ?li lasa?-. ? J t. a a 1 la?. II . .a Ufa all. rs*i T I siral.M MM I - - I' ? ? I ? I *? ?'? ? ?en i". I ? , ? l'???| It?|S'l 1 u .???? n I l.? hiJf g ;.'?.. ! P ? iMrI ? ? llarrr I I . ,. - - ? sir. .?.? ' 1 Ma a Penn State Ready for Struggle with Crimson Hate 7. in the last prod ??. ?. Mea ! ! 1 be fan the PoBfl li"? to Cambridge I with M .r- aid SB Sa'ur.lay, ths Bias 1 team to-day weal ?".f. ? ' Ifl si ?'-rim ?f ths BOBSea. For more than ?wo boon the sos ths r?-v"i lore again?! the fr? I ? team, wb ?eh has eifere I itrong - I 1 ??-. < ry practice serimmag tero?!. i lesperate a' U a\ I w? re ma?t ta iter ?he weahnessei of the "vai It] ? i' ?"? r ce, sad H a* '? ? ? ? rai well plea ?t.. -?? th 1 a li?"i ths lint string n ? ? - - rail ? Withstood tl I 'IS :'t? ah men backs for ten luce? livg dewas, There v4Rp? a marked difference in ? Thi- lpr.e an paren-' I itgTOWB charging, ?01 t? day the forwardi w.-nt i:.*.) their opponents with something like the rieres sas ?hn? ?vu1 be do? mande?! of ?h?m whefl they fac? the Crimson. Captain We??-!, ?t left ?sek!e, ?n! Ccami - ?. bore the bruBl s l - 'l H ?? r defei ? ? ' ? ? respooeil for the set ' ' fi?-sh men. likewise sties 1 ion. ?? d'd tl ? prapBaTBtiOB for defence agaii ? g fir, : Sliod Harlo-v : ir bll ner?ona! aapervlsien 'er * thoroBgh drill in ?'ir ml. i-'.n Fwine. ?he goarterhacB. ? , ? ? ? lOgh Bute's r-j ? tory of baffling Playi many tlmOB, and tried several Holts goal! in the ?emi-dark nes?. a Entries for To-day at Laurel Track F!R*T m-.Cn ataU 1 I 1 PUS md ? ? N?rr? Wl Nam? 1 ? Pt?n A?: 1-* 11 111 fiat? Oemot Smooth B ?? Ut HlgTodn 1' ? '11 q.irprt of 1 ? 111 111 SECOND HA' ; a tt Ml ? tai ??? .... I , . I . - - ''", TV. I! KV. . m Kl la Hry?or>. IU I ? ? ?? ? ? IIT I" ?<1 . r MB lit ? S ?ratna ich - '?' III ?? i : ? ? ,.m ?1 j i.r:t? ????la .ita ?8qije.ler ?: attw ? . ... IU TTi? Maaqaaiail?! THIRD "... - . n .... ,.,? :, a.i ,p - nt" tt?st * ? p ???? ? ? - ? ?... pria a Hot ? ---h . 1 ... M SlngMoe H HA? C rill. 4IA--.-iI.4Mi H ?Mill Al'. I ... : . ' . ? ? ?VM-n-v 11? . ? ' C.latxlrla . Il ?* ' ' ?Colonel V?anle..-11 ?. 1 1?.1? . - ....m Mureh) i<** , . 10? - .ir IM ? ?????rt'tng . * ?. t* Anita . I? n*r?nit'.'.?. . 17 In'.'.an ?1i?nl I ? ' ni ril 1.4 ->? ? 1 ? M mi 1 u ?a.? p$ ?ant "11? ant mi? su*.???? nil?. fv.p.ilr?<la . _ 14 ?Lnthw . Trovat?. 11 ?i .... s grinst?. ,! *" 111 1 : * ?la : II 4t I Ml I M I ? |. 4 1?- ?a ?? ? .. 1?? All Slllli?? III Ar.'ui.l. . Iteration B ? 1 . Siilf!, Ail-n 1 ' *\ 1 I. 1 ... ?' -?? .ir ? ? 1 unorder .K Ormead .ItH Klal>*?rt ll??.n.14 ? 4.. a ilhseai tltm ' ?i..'> actnr IWaa4 ?au? ICafaa aaui -,fc