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T. R., 57, TIP-TOP, ROWS FOUR MILES Takes Bully Tramp, Signs Photos and Raps Admin? istration on Birthday. SAYS GERMANS ARE EXULTING Pleased Because America Has Not Dared to Even Speak of Wrongs to Others, He Says. [From a Suff Corrraimridw.t of Tr.? Tribuna ] ? r bay. Oct. 27. Colonel Roose? velt fed caro to the four winds to-day and celebrated his fifty-seventh birth? day with "big stick" abandon. He row.d four miles with Mrs. Roosevelt, took a tramp in the crisp October air and attended to his duties for a few minutes before dinner. Colonel Roosevelt was found in his study aategraphiag photographs of himself, by roejnoot of fond admire?-?. He answered with the usual "delighted" The Tr'bi n,< re? porter, and his features broke into that famous smile which lias become an in htitution in itself. His face reflected the best of good health and his eyes -parkled. He did BOt care to be interviewed, as a matter si principle, Colonel Roose? velt said, but h>> was reminded that it was his fifty-seventh birthday. "It i- aa ?' '.egral part of every Bowapepeman's ritual." he was told, "to inquire into th* interviewer's health. Hou- ll years, Mr. Roosevelt""' The ....... spitulatod. Feeling Tip Top. glad that my fellow are remen, bering me," he chuckled. "I'm feeling tip top. Doesn't it look us if I'm aide to move about?" He IWUBg i. - arm chair away from ? i. the gm fl shaded lamps that cast the only light in the ? it un inj :,:i.,-seventh lay I u; limbered a bit and took Mrs. Roosevelt for a long row. We took lunch along, you know, and had a reg ular picnic all by ourselves." Mr. Roosevelt referred to the fact that he was devoting a great part of his time to writing en the international situation. He was enthusiastic when he was told that his articles in the "Metropolitan U .. ere exciting much attention. "I am glad you read my last ar? ticle." he said. "It describes minutely ?.he weakness - I feel exist m the atti? tude th" sdmlnistratioa has taken toward thi .*:on. I am ready to back up what 1 say there in regard to the n lk-and-wster states? manship of the American government during the lasl year." Mr. Roosevelt pointed out that the' execution of Mill Csvsll by the Ger? mans in Belgian wes to he ranked with the otl r atrocities perpetrated by the Kaiser's forces m King Albert's and other soaatl ?B the high seas. American was powerless to in- : terfere, the Colonel said, and referred to the passage in one of his articles. Saya Administration Is Terrorized. "The administr?t.on thor terrorized by "he Germ?n?," said the Coloncl. I has taken refuge in the world-old neutrality be? tween right and wrong, which is al? ways so debarmg lor the man practis? ing it. '.? r??-.:l? ; exults in the fact that in America democracy has shown itself so Utterly futile that it has not even dared to p\ erroi gdoing com? mitted agaiast ethers, sad has not dared to do more than speak, without BCtiag, whea '.he wrong was done against itaelf. We shoold shun as we should shun the plague the production in this country of a popular psychology like that which in Germany bai pro? duce. : ? that bei ? leven moi ? Turning from national and interna? tional ma'- York State, Mr. ? ? bi wou'd make gay eonneat on the woman luf ' .the eve ef ele.' He sniled ai : "1 have already done so. Look up I .en .juote me." -.n enthusiastic "pro ' llxhibit A a' the Colonel's Sagamore Hill home is an ambitiou*- cake wita fifty-seven candles stuck in it. It was presented to bins by newspaper friends of Altoona, Penn. OLD-FASHIONEDVICTORY TAMMANY S PREDICTION Smith and Swenn Sure Winners, Sayi Tiger Secretary. - I rotary of Tam? many Ha!';, predicted yesterday an "old sed Democratic victory" at the polls Tuesday. While he declined to estimate pluralities, he said he was cor!.i. the entire Democratic judiciary ar.d county tickets would be elected by an overwhelming vote. "Because of the general public in? terest In the propose?! new constitution and the question of equal suffrage," he 'it has not 1 i iry for the Den expend any efl . -.rolled , togeth? ? ket, in ? Tuea ijority. . can? didate, faai inoninons In? ? ? ; ?< ?s and the ur.",. ' ?? : sopport of the Citizens Vnion. lie h*s conducted a dignifie?! rampaign, fi personalities, and this has insured the support of a large ? vote as well as that of many Republicans. Never in the his? tory - aunty has there placed in the Held by ? ' ? ' . ? : .t.lican ?? 'ron ? Ig ;. .?*. regard la BS a jurist and a lawyer asad? to possibility ng. even tnough the ranks of the P.. pub!,can party were sot hopelessly divided betweea Mr. Ifeee " PATROLMAN S TRIAL PUT OFF Mar? Arroaed of Attacking Tribun?? Re? porter Will lie Heard Saturday. -? ?mat at Petrelssaa Michael Meraa, Sader arrest for pprtor ei 20, came ? the Tcnbi t of A Joeelya M agro I ' '.. it was ad ieorn? rdaj naomlng, Mr. Ifagratl both he and his Le fiat hier, wer? ?1 ,ii a fi,order trial m Genera) | 01 i* and wf/uld be unable to sp pear for Moran BOTOld L 'rosa, of ciiurisel *i,r 1ti?\ Tribune, consented to I the ?/ij''</<j*i*tiitriL BABY LION QUARTET ARE ZOO'S PETS. Helen's four cubl favorites ol i ;illdren who visil ilentral Park. WHITMAN TO VOTE HERE Governor Will Support Woman Suf? frage and Perkins as District AttOlU . i-.-. leanest to t-.c n Albany. Oct. 27. Governor WhitttBl ivill ge to New York on Monday to re? main over llli-ction Day, when he rote from his home residence. He an? nounced tn-night that woman suffrage, i-i,| constitution and Mr. 1'or ki.n? as his successor as District At? torney would receive his support. The Governor will go to White Plains to-norrow to take part in the dedication of the Whit? !' monument, and on Friday he u turn|to New York to revise of Engineers. HERRESHOFF ENDS FLIGHT IN ASYLUM Grant of Habeas Corpus Writ Reveals Golfer a Prisoner on Father's Plea. r Trkrrarh te Tt.e Tribune j Philadelphia, Oct. 27.- A petition for a writ of habeas corpus to show cause why Frederick Herre?hoff, golfer r-nd member of a prominent New York "1 <? Bg held unlawfully and ?. 'rained si : of his liberty in a sanatorium at Gladwyr, Montgonery County," hai been sllowed by Judge Pattei ion ????? 1 will be argued a? soon a? Mr. Horres? ? enrar.ce in cofirt Although the petition was gra' '? today and Friday of last w? .. ,,r the hear Ag, the pi did not become known nntil to-day At the same time it wai al Berreshoff fled here fron New York ? , . . i being committed to an institution at Hast i -thc-IIudson at the instance of J B Franc! Herrei million Instead of l hie father, Her reshoff, his frit ist, gol into trouble and : iy m Moysncn sing pri--',;i. The young man was here several doyi before hii father located him. Counsel for the Borroshoif fam? ily took the matter up with Judge Sulsberger, who ordered that HoiTOS hoff be brought before him for ex? amination. Court attaches, it is said, found him in the cafe of a Broad Street hotel. He was arrested ar.d sent to Moy amensing prison in a van filled with petty thieves and other', who WOTS un? able to get bail. Af'er a night in a cell, he was returned to Court. ,i Sulsberger theo committed him to the Gladwyn s?natoriaux The Inprisonmenl ol "Freddy" oc eorrod October 12 La' il was kepi qaiot until to*daj. HI n If? and I had previously petitioned th? iprei rourt of New York, charging that "Freddy" wai "throatei ng and sbu sive" as a result of over-indulgence In stimulant". The elder Herreshoff said in bis j e tition that his son begun drinking when a schoolboy, and had continued to drink ever since HerreshofT'? S] Ic nerves have been so impaired that he will never again be able to ploy pelf in his former style, it Is fei.-. COCAINE WAS ONLY SACHET Woman Held Four Da\s i:t Tomb- on Detective's Mistahe. The mistake | SCtivO, who thought some white powder he hud found on a tat nty-two-yiar old girl was a habit-forming drug, cau?ed Miss Helen Campb-ll, a dressmaker, of '?:,e, West Twenty fifth Street, to be de? tained in the since October 'S.'.. With another WOBSaa she wan arre led by Detective Kir*an, of the oarcoUc r'juiid, st did Kighth Avenu?-, sad '?s^ held by Magistrate Deaol for special Sessions. feeterday Assihtant Distri^ Attor riey Lockhai ' Infr.i med ' ,i ' I ing, Kemochan and 0*Keefc thai the Board ef H I analyse I the powd? r m i found thai ... hei Ob I. reconnu ndsl ion lie just Mmi Coi phi Thie la the thu.i itaaes where linilar mistake bavs lieen made and SUOpOOtS made to suffer unjustly. It was suggested to the Court M Mr. Lockhaii that a chemist be provided for the District Attorney lo make Immediate examination of sus? pected drugs. PERKINS ATTACK! IOSS AND TIGE? Former Assistant Workin* for Tammany as Well as Swann, Says Attorney. I'istrict Attorney Charle? A. Per kins ?poke at fiv<* meetings last nigh .-?i for election to hi at office. Addressing a larg ? Bg at the Yorkville Casino, L'l gbty-aiztfa Street, he said: "The failure of the Tammany can ?t? to attack the manner ifl whic I have conducted the District Attoi r.ey's Blllee : b sur- Indication ths Tammany can tind r.o true ground for criticising its efficiency, and it i efficiency that the public requires. I Judge Swann is elected, the men whoi he will appoint to conduct the variou , bureaus in the Criminal Courts Build ing will be workers for Tammany H;.ll and not workers for the people of thi county. "!!<? said that if he is elected to 'h District Attorneyship he will be the at sy foi ? fendant as well .. . ? ? .' : . .. wa. i made it ? gats all charges care m order to prevent, if poaeiblc an innocei I n m from suffering im 01 t; e disgrace accom i by an Indictmeat or the filint of an information. "Judge Swann proposes if elected to reorganise the staff of the o?Mce. H? gives no particular reason for desirin; snob i? reorganization; none other thai a political reasOB has been BUgg** '-' ? I think thai fad li lignflcaat, and oni which the people of this count? .-.h<-n making up theii ip nds as to low they will vote nexi lay." - to the cai ' Praal ... . Mr, Perkins ii I Ir. N i is concerned, a* : . -, f :,? .1 ;. Syjng a r-'le which dot ? deceive any thinking man. It d. not deceive Mr. Moss himself. T<: paraphrase the eaprosslon of thi fatuous, old Tammany chief. Mr. Cro ker, it might wtll be said, 'He is work any's pocket all th? Why Mr. Mes?, who has pride?! himself on his er.mity to Croker and Devery, should now rally to the caua? of Murphy, their successor, is s gnei . jj : all Mr. IfoSI can BOOt explain." othei t ' etiai - ai ? hid M ? P i , | i the Pro frees Ca Avei le A, m ' the 7th, 7!.t': ... ' : ablica . BROADWAY FIRST, FOR PRETTIEST SWEDE Rich Girl Called Here by Won? ders of While Way. Plie's the prettiest girl in Swe.len. And she admits it. Incidentally sha is ? : ths wealthiest Her nasae is liny Helgeson, sad ihs arrived pester? ?? r sad s ?rige retinue ??f servan', ob the Prederik \'!1!, el - "1 have come to see your Broadway," Ml s llelgi : bs re ?... toe '"' Ebbj ? ? ? i "id.. Bei ? s Neptune p i oi poi al i"n. The arrival <.t the Frederik VIII marki'd tin ?"id of Captain Anton <i. Thomaen'l 3'.?'.?t h voyage as a com? mander. A great celebration awaits him when he next returns to Co;,? n liatcen at the end of his 40()th voyage. In In? 'hirty-four years' service as ? 'orr.inander the veteran captain has ?ailed about 1,?",00,000 mile? and carri?-?! 126,000 paaaeBgera. '?'i ia is prepariag to make a great drivs ?bat i- expected t?, begin early m the spring, according to Albert i*. Cincinnb! bo rota : ? -? rik ?/111. Tl e oven n ., r " from Jap aa, !.. ?id, ai d 600 .i . p. trainii R n mea ia the u,. ,,f IVwld gun ? i ,i ? ?? factory Ib Raaaie i? bu?y munitions, he ad led. Has Poewel, ?im has representedthe Amanean Oll Company Ib Petrograd for the last tour years, declared thnt there i? a feeling of unrest an?! dil ?ati?factior with the military authori tlss throughout Russia. MATHEWSON SENT TO BENCH i i-trai?-, Ureadj there, Finds Pitcher Blocked Trafile. ristophor Mathewsoa, take it from he sporting writer, photographer, author, actor, golfer, er marl feel erday took up a ne-.-, pursu I court defendant. He Yorkville court before trate Barlow to face a charge of Bg trafic by allowing his auto? mobile to remain in front of the Iin perial Hotel, where coal trucks were ? to unload. "I'm afraid I'm guilty." the versatile ball i ? I, "but I ?lid not|mcan to delay trafic" The court then found bin i '..l'y and impended i TO MAKE SING SING SELF-SUPPORTING Change in System of Prison In? dustries To Be Proposed as Result of New Inquiry. In answer to Dr. Rudolph Dledling's recent charge that prison conditions in New York are "steadily d?t?rior?t- i inga" several bits of good news for Wurden Osborne's boys in Sing Sing WON nude public yesterday. It was learned that a careful investigation, Ananeed by private subscription, is under way to pavg the way for changes in the i-1? I-J tri? Si ? Hi :. sn that , risoi ers and the prison will be i] i orting, Under the new scheme it is possible that prisoners ibl? to eonti tbute to the sup? port of their families. Paul Kennedy, of 780 Park Avenue, ; has been engaged as an expert by the Prison Association of New York to ascertain the legal market for prison , products under the state use system. ' llis constructive pl^n for putting the industries OB n paying basis will bei leferred to John B. P.iley, Superin-, ? dent oi i ons, nd it is < specte 1 that efforts will \<*- ??-.-,? won to carry! plan. Another l--? I 'ork '"or the prh-' b? il lg e I narles K. ? h the Pi ?? Reform Ai to ciation. Inder his direction the task of Hading employment for di charged i- i ? i si ready been put on a successful footing. Employers are more than ready to meet the ex-con? vict half way, Mr. Blatchly reports. Each specific charge made by Dr. Diedliag in his attack on Sing Sing was answered yesterday in a long statement issued by Richard M. Hurd, presideat of 'he Lawyers' Mortgage j Company, of M Liberty Street Mr.; Hurd is an associate BX Dr. Diedliag on the i | -.n Commission, end is al?n ;.. I ? ths Prison Associe? . " New York. Be attacks the ?lev: thai pi son r,, New > ork ere d?t?riorai disposes of ??? d ? ? im - ; Sing convicts by .t mrnl ??? militions 'he prisoners bavs Improved! vastly sines ths introduction of Os-, borne meth.. 'ACCUSED DETECTIVE HELD Pri?oner. Freed, Ttlls of Alleged Sub? way Attack. Acting Detective Sergeant Alexander H. HeCoBoghs was held in S2J0?0 bail for examination to-morrow by Magia? '. est Side court He wss chi rged erlth felo? ? i di dared .?.|.i .i. i iked sad i : ?B the Seven! ? treet ?m 'l a? ."lulu,lag I .--,ei| on the dis? orderly conduct charge ?nd was honor? ably discharged li mi McConagh) said that the prisoner had stepped on his f?et in an express train. Manning swore that the detective had ordered him to give up his seat and when he refus? d he whs dragged from the car, followed by McCnnagny, wh? s?rurk him with his revolver, knocking bin to ths platform. Then, he sllegod, the detective kicked him in the fa? bin OB the head sgnn, flourishing his weapoa to keep ?.. crowd 1 A i pe? si |. ? i dnan snd passengers la the cai declared *' ea 1 be deteetiv? ti i M nail ind draw his r? v i, I ?. i i ATRANOnOOF GARDEN1 a A I I afrl.r:. I."- .11 ?AM II I- M [1. Alt.rnMn Tta 4 10 Is t, 10. ."ring. 8 P. M la I] *A. M. hectors ass i srssv CITY'S BUDGET HEARINGS BEGUN Appropriation for ?91G Will Reach $217,000,000, Experts Figure. $17,000,000 MORE THAN THIS YEAR Real Estate Owners' Association Counsel to Protest Against Sums H-* Deems Excessive The public boatiagl "i 'he tentative city budget, ?..-inch bogafl before the Hoard of Estimate yeeterday afternoon, made little progress. Only part of the tentative allotment appeare?! in print in time to be consid? re?l at the afternoon hearing, and then only lome of tho minor city departments were discussed. Consideration of the appropriations of the more important departments was deferred until to-day and to-morrow, and the Boar?! of EstiBUste Brill deter? mine th" final SgBfeS il'ter the hear? ing?. Stewart Browne, president of the Real Eatate Owners' Associations, sers ad verbal notice on the member-? of the Hoard of Estimate that he would file a complaint to-day in the Supreme Court in an attempt to enjoin the board from passing upon certain specific ap? propriations which he deemed exces? sive. Mr. Brewue filed two oomplaiats in the Supreme i'ourt yesterday. In the first he sought to prevent the admin? istration from levying upon the city it? $13,97.r.,CiJ(J share of tho direct state tax, on the ?rroun?! ?hat the whole tax was unconstitutional, because it is not r:? ? ??ed. In his second complaint Mr. Browne attempte?! to enjoin the !7oard of Elec from d tributing sad cojnting ?he votes on the new constitution. Mr. Browne was on baad to coates! almost all the ?mall item! taken up at the pub? lic bearing yeeterday. Oa one or two occasions hi "approved" of the tenta? tive figures, but on one occasion only did he urge an increase in the appro? priation suggested. That 4vas relative to the care of the city's insane. "I heartily agree with you on that point." ?aid Controller I'rendergast, and, looking squarely a*. Mr. Browne, he added: "There are u number of pel lOBS who need to be taken care of." While no officiai figures are yet ob? tainable and ti-n'at.-e figures may bo changed, BStimat? I wen made yester? day that the total badge! would be about $217,000,000, or 117,000,000 more thqn this year. Tin- woald make the fax tau- average betweea $2.12 and .??-M.V The ?mallest reduction so far known is in the Examining Board of I'lumbers $5 and the largest reduction in the Department of Hocks and Ferne? $424,966. The largest iacreaae is Ib the I'oiice Department, which amounts to ?.'..",T.mJT. Some of the o*her reductions and increases are n? follow-: Mayor's oflce, reduction, si,."00; De? partment of Fmancp. reduction, 1*111, Ti?0; City Chamberlain, reduction, ? 1,350; Law ! o -. reduction, 15; Board of Elections, in? : ? 177,164; Munieipal I ? ' Service Com an, increase, .'i.i-:,:;; Commissloa? --?? of Account?, reduction, 131,318; Mavor's Bureau of \Veigliti snd Meai Bros, reduction, $3,966 ; Department of Licenses, reduction, $8,177; Board of Asie? ?or-, redi etion, 1 *vr! Com? mit ioa, i duetion, *!."?: Prei Borough of Bronx, reduction? 150,669; President Borough Ol Queens, reduc? tion. ? 1",04*? ; Department of Harks, Manhattan and Richmond, reduetiOB, *lr.'3,Hi;?; Department of Park-?, Bor? ough Bronx, reduction, 16,065: De? partment of I'arks, Borough of Brook? lyn, reduction, $1.01"; Department of Parks, Borough of Queen?, increase, 17,220; Polio? Department, increase, ''.','7.v:!7; Fire Departmeat, r?? luetion, $87,619; Armory Board, reduction, 14,061; Department of Street Clea reduction. 157,773; payments to char? i'nble institutions, increase, $ 127,900; Depart? ieBl of Bridge?, n duetion, 1144,172, aad Department of Health, reduction, $133,681. The total retlucrinns from 101? in the Beard of Estimate's own budget is SlH.t?T.I. One bureau and live com mittees are abolished, saving $58,530. These the Bureau of Sewer Plan, $12,250; Committee on Social Welfare, $17,400; Committee on the RevleioB of the City Charter, $H,7:!0; Commi'tee on WHY THEY WILL VOTE FOR SUFFRAGE By MARK SULLIVAN, Editor of "Collier's \Veekl>." If my wife is good enough to take care of the dust on this side of my doorstep, she has a right to take care of the dust outside of my doorstep. Government Is becoming concerned more and more with mat? ters pertaining to the home. There are questions of education, ques? tions of pure food, questions of san? itation. Woman haa taken care of all these matters when they con? cerned the home. She Is bct'.cr fitted than man to attend to these matters ?a hen they concern the community. There is only one sane i thing to be ?lone. H is to let woman hove her lhars hi ru.ining the gov? ernment. By FRANKLIN MATTHEWS, As? sociate Professor of Journalism in Columbia University. I believe In woman suffrage, be? cause the parade convinced me. The earnestness of thoae wonderful h omen went to my heart. Any one ?ho would keep that kind of women fron voting is a fool. I have al? ways hern in favor of giving wom? en the vote whenever I hey could prove to me ihat c.?ouk.'!i women really wanted it. and now I am convinced. Rut I shall never be truly happy until I see I00.COO such women march up Fifth Ave? nue. By \Y. R. BJUNUOtDb Professor of History In Columbia 1'nlverslty. There Is no argument against woman suffrage. All the reasons that the anti-suffragists bring for? ward were used as arguments agaln:<t manhood suffrage seventy \ears ago and are disproved. It is just, desirable und c.pedient, espe? cially in a democrat!'.- government like that of the t'nited States. Pert and Terminal Facilities, $6,500; ; Committee on Taxation. $6,700, and Connittoe on Markets, $*,950. The appropriate n for the Bureau of 'Standards is reduced from $114,1530 In I 1915 to 170,800 tor next year. The , Bureau of Contract Supervision budget is Increased from $1115.1*0 to $157,100. The total Board <.f estimate budget in 1915 ?as $623,083; for 1916 It is |608, . lit. Employes' Counsel Protests. Alfred J. Talley appeared at yester? day's hearing fjr the 100,000 men and women employ's of the i'ity and de? nounced the system of standardization. He ?aid it had coma to mean the reduc? tion of the salaries of men and women who had givoo their lives to the city, which often the destruction of homes and self-respect. Mayor Mltchej replied to Mr. Talley's criticism, and pointed out that stand? ardization meant the increase of sal? aries as well ns r",iur':on. He said that the human (lenient had been taken i.'.i consid?rai on ia every anpeal that l.ud be. n heard by the budget commit? tee of I Board of Ustimate, and that 'n nearly all ?uh cases the emploje had been givOB the benefit of the doubt. The Mayor declared that the incom? plete ligures m...- in hand showed the increases ver?- greater than the de? crease ;. MRS. KESSEL GETS DIVORCE Awarded Custody of Twins?Stenogra? pher Accused. Justice Lester W. Clark, of the Su ? preme Court, in Long Island City, yes? terday decided that Mrs. Hannah M. Kessel, of li">25 Greene Avenue, Brook? lyn, was entitle.) to a decree of divorce from her husband, Nicholas M. Kessel, 1 head of the Kessel Advertising Sys? tem, Manhattan, and residing at 005 West 181st Street. KesFel was charged with bein- at Hewlett, Long Island, last spring, with Mr'. Martha McCarthy, his stenogra? pher. !' oral alleged in the testimony that r-ome of Mrs. McCarthy's wearing apparel had been found in Kessel's room. The decision of Justice Clark awards to Mrs. Kessel the custody of her twin daughters, live years old. RITZ CARLTON HOTEL Bazar de Charit? and Fashion Revu^ Thursday and Friday Evenings, Oct. 28-29, at nine o'clock, To Aid French Wounded Emergency Fund Tickets $5.00, Including Supper. Boxes, holding six, $30.00. DANCING Tables Reserved for Supper Parties Til a Sie um he I, id nt Mta ? nrltnn. or -,,.i War Mottet Commute?, :im \\ i-v mi ii -.i Pn? "lltv \1 ?ilVKN Bt .1 AMs MAURICE iw?Koa i.i'.a.i: in i.t. | '.\ ii. 1.1: tx ' I -1. V SIOTSRi OKTTT LSI Fashion ReTiie Directed by .1. M. ?...Minar THE BILTMORE MormnO Musicales Manafmfit ?I Mr. R E. JOHNSTON. Grand Ballroon. HOTIL BILTMOHf, at II ?CI. Nov. 5. *.i>. lire. i. 17, Jan. 14, ?S. f r,i. II. 15. ARtlSTf, fN?.A(,F[) I rimer a \l I 1 I . il r im :-'.rr l.nerealo B?rl ?...muni Martteelll i lareoce H ? i Mine Mella? l.nri..? ? mrmeo lUmtm oi.t/i.? ( .?inille I i.i rr ii. I unie (lirell Ml.? lui Uniin Icii.ii'- IVlilerrnokl (,, i.ililinr I >| ine It.l|.|i..l.l \lin.? Ill/Ill Volume ?ii.l'i n.i-iii.1 Oalll i ??m? Hegel Mabel (?arrlsnn Vnilrea? dc MegoielB I r<.p..M ?,Diin?.kr Albert n pololos I'rlnla l|rin|rel I Ii, atiere "?lurrine Ju?rf Huf m.un 'lein ret llcatrlrr So llnllhnlr Vllne Van Hurentiea 1 ?nl.r Ilenirr Mary VAirfel tetettlm?ao l*r*.-e He* . .?? 1:0 f..r * fnncert?, ?Ii.Il? ml? H i ? ' . irl<"a fot lAite.. JJ.e f.,r * <-.K,!-irta. ?lucia boi. I ?. Now on i.l? at It. ?Uxii offlra. MSI llwaj KnaiM lUi.,,. ( ARNK4.IK IIAll.. ~nn. All.. NriT 1, at ?. XMcCNmJH TicKi ta m? ?w at in>\ orricn New gerb ?lirlled from ?e? nml thy I l':?ni?-: Trrrer. Tke I Mi.ll ?'. V'.lll.Ke.i.le,,- Ham BATTLE CRY OF PEACE Vrollan Hall. Th ? I.. ? t-Si.k at > Ml FREDERIC MARTIN ? Ticket-, (Ofl to |1 14 Mft raster m David COLUMBIA. II ?at a ?:?' BurU,?u?. Ma) To 4*1 Uaa. Will Mi enitrt-aeeial luU CARNEGIE HALL ANNOUNCEMENT E Ciwrst ticket l ?/.* opens to-djy foe LMENDORF LECTURES Prices t For five tet?tires. S2.50. 3. 4, 5 PHILHARMONIC ?, (CIETT Or N BW ?' ' ??::: JOHKI *>lK.\?kV, ('"Mu? nu: ? MINI?,II. HAI I. Tn-nlghl at ?s : 11 .V l.i-niorro?v <1>I.) .\fi. 2:S?l. MacDOWELL. Symphonie Poem, "LaeaeeKM and Elaine"; REOER, Vai > ?Ion? ?n.l Fuk'I" for ' >r. h-'atr.i on a Thi me by .',!?'/...rt . :. tanca tu Am?-: n. BERLIOZ, Bcherao "Queen Mob"; TS.11.4l KOVSKT ?th Bjrmphon) Prleea M eti to {. ' Ticket, at ?'.rnegle Hall H"< '??*! ??? SYMPHONY ? o c I OI S of N ? w Ynrla Hlllll: HA M ROM II. ? ..?nlii. ?<?r. M< It Bun aft.. ? '. t It, .it I G H A I .<*. ? t. H reTHAIKOHMK* PROGRAM. Reel? ? ii... um? ?? Mi?? I \\ I! ILL. CABBIBII HALL. .-.. a 4 "' 1. at 3. -MELBA As?L,t..l BE ?TRICE HA MSON. 'Ota!? - ROBERT PASKER .B.rtrnr.? ? FHANK ST. LE?ER.PUa. Tl.k.t? It. 11.0. IS, 12 7,0 Ilex.?? Ufa. II?. Now on ?ni? .it Hoi ? ?ffie?. Mr-. ?! i. ? A I :? Mas -, A II.i i In Pia.- ?> ..MIMAN II ?I I T.? morrow gee. at 8:1.1. RODERICK WHITE r se i. i -?? I I ntm ?i lin* ??m.? ?n.iiiiii Hall, ' Ifl II ?t I CADSKI It. . Hill i Mm. r,o.. to II M .n?.,"' lenl .. I?, nlli unit ?l?alru? II. n -I.?.? rrr.l ???! ?lull Mm?, I'urk I?..... Ilm.8 N . ir,-. I ill I. ?a?? Cattle cry of peace PE T E" R SON finara, ? OoiWiu?, I'arla? ?>?>?>. K.rllal. Aaollaa 11*11. Te-umj at t Imu Mo* Uffla?. V TOMBS NETS SET !N WAR ON DRUGS Screens and Air Space Separate Prisoners from Visitors. PLAN A FAILURE AT SING SING i . Prevention of Smuggling Com bined with Economy, Is Idea of Dr. Davis. Commencinc to-day Katharine B. Darts, Commissioner of Corrections, and Warden John J. Hanley will put ( eighteen inches of air und thick wire screens between prisoners in the Tombs and all visitors who call at the prison. A new visitors' house, with an entrance on Leonard Street, will be formell? opened by Commissioner Dav:- ot 10 a. m. This bo? method of regulating the ng pririlege Is expected to end the smuggling of narcotics, weapons arid tools to P riso aere. < ornitn-i.sioner Doria also bel i rree that under the new - ? i the warden will have a safer method of handling visitors, and that fever Brill be required. A similar ij item of icreening .>:? visitors was abolished St Sin? Sinj* when War? den Osborne found that instead of do? ing away with the narcotic nuisance it rather concentrated the illicit drug trade in the hands of a few unscrupu? lous keepers. A building in the Jail yard, used as the warden's houso up to 1909, found unsatisfactory as a prison hospital, and finally used as a storehouse, has been rebuilt as the visitors' house. It COntaiaa three tier? of cells, with sev? enteen ceils on each tier. Each cell has a steel-barred door in back, steel sides, and a closely meshed wire screen in the window through which the pris? oner may speak to a visitor. Extend? ing in front of the row of cells, eigh? teen inches away, is a row of visitors' booths, each containing a chair. Every half hour fifty-one visitors will enter the stalls from the rear and talk with i the prisoners brought to the cells op? posite. Owing to the thick wire screen, It Brill hardly be possible for a prisoner to see his wife or children In the booth only B few inches away. Each prisoner will be allowed two visitors a day. One keeper will be stationed on each floor of the visitors' house and two keepers at the Leonard Street entrance will take the names of all visitors. A matron and a keeper will be assigned to search visitors to see that no weapons are carried into the booths. It is estimated that as many as 1,000 persons visit the Tombs every day, in? cluding relatives and friends of the inmates, lawyers, detectives and repre? sentatives of the District Attorney's office. I'nder the new system, Warden Hanley will be able to separate the vliitori from those peraom who h... official business at the pnion. a-.?__ AVIATOR SAILS SECBETIT Brother Did Not Know LleoteiUa? Lynch Was Here. ' Lieutenant John Jame? Lynch, ,f the British Royal Plying Corpi, ogjj yesterday on the Baltic to reiu'm , ._ tive service at the aeronautic?! haL in Ilendon. England. He hu iptrit _7 last t\?'o months ?vith the Curtii? cora pany at llammontiaport, N. y.f on bail ness for the BritiaB Kovernra.nt. As he ?va? ?Halting thu country bb der orden, but could not let h!i fpltl tivea know of his arrival or departure! and his brother. Denii Lynch, of Th. New York Tribune, did not know th. lieutenant had been in the I'n ted States until just after the boat iaili<|. The brothers have not met In twelr? years. Lieutenant Lynch waS formerly u the I'nited S?,ites army, and w?i MrT. in-* on the Texas borde? ?h-n th. wir broke out. Bee? ? Bg I 'msiioTi to re sign, be secured a eemmiaetea in th? British aviation corps, and ?pent mor? than ?ve, months at the front ih.Kinr the German trenches. ' * The Baltic carried twelve aeroplane? lashed to her forward deck. Lieuten? ant Frank II. De Ver?, alio s merr.ber Bf the Poyal Flying- Corp?, accompi. nied Lieutenant Ljraeh. Fifty antomohile tiaeks for nu t% the front lined the mam promenii.? deck of the Baltic Bad her carjo in eluded many cratei of automebi!. part?. Sho earrie.l nearly ?00 pinm. pers. SON. 43. BEATS MOTHER. 84 Court Reirrets He Cannot (Art Prii. oner Blllj JOBS Term. John Fay, forty-three year? old. of 44."> ?Teat Fifty-sixth Street, w.i y... terday sont to the workhoui? for it* months for beating hii mother, who ii eighty-four. In ?;ronouncln? lentinc? in the West Side court M?/r(itr?te House ?aid he wiihed !* were In hti power to lend Foy to prison for ilit* years. Mr?. Foy. with mark? on her ami and body, could hardly walk into the courtroom. She told how h?r ton hid come into her hone yeitorday drank and had knocked unconecfoni. sJETWOOD A SMART COLLAR i WITHACOMFORT^ t_ ABLE LOW FRONT FIAN re* 25? .air ?R'7.3?CT NEW YOKK'H l.KADIMJ TIIKVTKIM AMI -I ? ? KSMEM. WM. GILLETTE n ?. i Monday Nij't. >!? ? I<t. lull It? Ki AW p. i H ?". I i- ?III ?mtal AROUND THE MAP SHEPLOCK HOLMES. LYCEUM. W 4'?' Si M?u TO-dsy. Sal * Tu<?. ETHEL BARRYMORE M'.:,' ? BELASCO te?.k/?Xi? theT?omerangi? HUDSON ,' " !'...'" ? THE SHENANDUAH OF 1915. T JUMMM ST. En 8 JO. Br7?nt K7 Sat.. Etoe. Hay a Wad. | irtc?n F?r . ?-. WM COURTENAY. AST0R *"M OEO. M. COHAN'S ?ir* HIT-THE-TRA1L HOLLIDAY ?*..: . nil H MHl.'i a.. HII.I.Y BOLUDAT." CANDLER ,^:;v^i^Ny^ THE HOUSE OF GLASS ?US MAKY IIYAN S UN <? Ail Am*r. (wt. Urea . t.. i: M M a su I? B?-.<\. 50,. M . |L ?-? ?'piiri ir ' ?' ! ? ? ' K'"' siv. i.L.1 UUL.1V, Mata Hal I... DaiAWad.Mie. FULTON ' T?BT? SHERMAN WAS RIGHT A SEW 1 AH' i: IV :-?A\'K MAM'It:. c&? COHAN'S .' ,\? > W? ELSIE JANISlNFORMATION" LIBERTY V V-T ? 1..i- 1 ? ?? 111. C<C*] ulwMh B y.Vf D, W. GRIFFITH'S filjintlc Ph?t? SptctMl?. 1 -. o? M GAIETY ": YOUNG AMERICA Harris *:; r\ e\0* EVERY NIGHT AND BATINflf ULv/ttf. s(! Elictlan 0a> 1 W,d.. Ml MONTGOMERY & STONE LCHM? MRS BOLTAY'S DAUGHTERS LYRIC ??L a Bn DaJ. 2 IS with RITA JOLIVET E?S? ? :o ABE and MAWRUSS ?POTASH AND PERLMUTTER." GEORGE NASH THE MARK OF THE BEAST. i h i h r R i ALONE AT LAST QUINNEYS' Klar. PmAW-.I Frani L?hsr It I". Very HiL MAXINE ELLIOTTS. I ,a a i | MuSat.Fl?>.! PreOertaB n..rri?or.? laM Ion t-om[ianjr. 48f H ST. #*%*} MON. NOV.". SPECIAL MATINEE ELECTION OAY-8EATS SILWYN A CO. PRESENT {TO-DAY 'THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE' It ROBERT MrLAUGHLIN with JULIA ARTHUR. -?TH ST. E??. I 1 " i - I Day a? W r| THE ?NCHASTENED WOMAN K.'. A 44 ..I. "THE TWO VIRTUES." SOTHERN PLAYHOUSE i -, A >? " I GRACEGEORGE &!? HE BLUE PARADISE r?v. i>a? a w?a l-li CECIL .MANHATTANK BOSTON GRAND OPF.RA CO. PAVLOVVA Kitf' ?Ma-Ism? But?.?-??.' . U . I .1th Ml MT .4 r . Tsniaitt Mlura Uartli > . ? , p . . 8i.o??.?ki.?. ' t.l'i In ?L Voll .? 11. PARK ",,A -- A ? ??!. ?"IWi-IJt OaJir. 2:15. 4,11 1:11. ?OH WOMEN Or,., k uM.V A1 i,.FV nc MonoN ricTi'nn i? in ttaata or Twilight Sleep an.l -VCTi r.?7 IV Kit Kl HT 17 SOU ? iSM\? ,?K it r, KUTir.*. PALACE i. .4 AY. ?; HT Iiallj Mai IS ta II COLONIAL ANNA HELD llirr. FOX ?t Yanral HOLLY, llar-. GREEN A CO.. Ka.'l SAPIH8TEIN. *r-> it I'.r.i- ?thrr.. LUB0W8KA. V.HITIM3 A UURT Mr aial HW 1 l.vt-r ???. it ?iil.iil.trlor in SO? lion, ?iiinnerKin?. rl.iit?. <li? . lui? ,ii? .a t " ?I ? * Pee I Uli _ BATTLE CRY OF PEACE Loew s American Roof f-.f, >*? .".': *',', JULIA NA8H A CO.. ALL ?EATS lU.I-i Hall Mai ? < h- il ?>' . RESERVE!?. I ? ..I Haalawt. i ml t'.i .?? lie. AJo Vv BAND HD X '- ?4 ? ! 4. Pilla 111 MM Satf.?aO? WASHINGTON SQ. PLAYERS ?'fc W I* Bt Phnna B-j?nt t? In I il Mita W*1 Sat .YE.w D?r I n. ni PRINCESS PAT ES. IW^~-, 'BEST COMiC OP?RA IN *-.??? YEARS. ?Clui. Oamtcn. I?. ***? LEXINCTON ' ???? .f?pif?Sf .r. run " STANDARD'""* I M THE SHOtf SHOP SINNERS. ", su.? /.vf' SYMPHONY CM?BfjW*?? Long acre .rw,: THE GIRL WHO SMILE ?Ait." yam. HEU sssrii s?? * 5a Wemee? |CE ballIT l'ri??-*. 1 '" ' Smm ssv? ? -??** mesmjrai: ?SlAVS?* TRIANGLE PLAYS 1 ?Ji?fraMftMfe Ford SI* ' ', , ?.??#.* Kwnln*? ?t ? v! }. tai n M^*w?aTMLr^.*?| CENTURY . >*?;*-'* Ned Wayhurn's Town Topics M SDAT ' ' |W *'?*? ?AS J. _?-a_^ Molber. Wko Lota Teer I" and D?utkttri See BATTLE CRY OF Pgg 5||/ V?RNON CASTLE *** n Tun wiiiiu. ?>r I.IKI ?(?j.?dV NntF ? MOSTOOU1 BV A >T. M... ' < jw? NU IL. i \ . . I ? ? i ? ^* r ?inA.uviii B-M.4IS1 THE BATTU few.?1 jt' CRYofPEAa teU.-'l rtitltirrti'? Mat t? ?? * >% f yl?"* V i*t s?; . ,~r?_ IM> >?>! H\N\,?,';. f ,.f| VKMV NWV l*V I i.N*. ' ' " |??Vrt BATTLE CRY OF PEA# K!SKKTC$ '? - * IRVING PL. THEATP.L . ?TRAND"v:i: .J?1S Jgj? (?eraldins Ftrrai w ' Ui?"