Newspaper Page Text
SUFFRAGE NIG1 IN SIX THEATF Large Audiences Cl Between Acts Plea for the Cause. COLLECTOR MALON TALKS AT PLAYHOl i.rxfu! Of Citv Ctovernr Bachelors Vot? PI' Fvplained at Casino. it was sai -? t in ?ix o city th<-itr. ? la act? sacb well tmesra leaders a? Alice ? ?.'i ' ' r. ]'r. Ki.tharin. Davii ' la Peahharat ?nd ley Field Miilone BBplBiaed wb' i''l be | the ballot. In ?; I yellow and v ?"rom do of bo ' bet ndj by ? ?rumen in . veaiag ge P'l.'iit for ballot. theatre! where frage wa.? : i 'Oiik'th of tin half | rat time 1 have 1 to thi' tl ? -ill" '? . ? ? bar:.! in last r rs whsn ne d dn't go BBC ?vornan nirht i tl '--ly. iys where n either nue:.t? or Si . mat from mu? pera, frem me t| re seem? doubt 1 now convinced of the importance the f -I!.'-, i ??;? " ?? !..?'.?? girl?! " ?a man ress in of th? joke, yen hov?? mispronoui get the no bal t h e \. 1 nex ? ? through tin- i ?uld be ? . but not once los ?he slippei? ant: At the Hanhatt House Ai Pavlewa smili : ?. with it? s . sei: its mai ? ? - ? to ? theatre comm frit?. her influ?: theatre maaai ? nu... ?ce w r her the . The X.B . am - in.cut of ' ' Cfiii : Brady in trod u Cellectoi of tbe cu,-- last wht riv?, sst pla in pell t of '? SW of .-.:? rest and "g: ger ' why wemsB ihstuld be allowed vote. At The Pia; foui placed at th I the Buffi plata, "li- ileh, chaira f thai Be. Raymo Bri ?tl - BroWB pr' ?' : age / ?oc:?.-. and : man <"att, after h efforts as chairman of the great cai ai| h-r b we:. Hay, cha man of tbi t* - .^7er. The applause the ' ml I ne. wen ' th au.! : to the ban . ? ? rta:n thrllliai ? ?... carts sgala ; Beaevofent A of a Nation" Dr. Ai Moore, la i stiOB the police service ?turda* ?arade. At the Caeino Urs. Bea !.. ? party of s musiatratioa bachelors, nmor.g the Alexandet M. Keogh, of tl ;i; ? hief Jaases P, Bai mett, of the Bureau of Fire Preve; tior., si ,-r.uel Hotensohn, Assistai Corpora'. .?. Co St Maxine E l'ot'? Tr srs '-1rs Villai had ? ??ox Mr. and Mr Har. i Jaaet Lyle, Bern St. ? ?m s i Miss Elisabet y Pu*- sad Meu Lyric. * ? r*ed to ?urTrage h Mrs M . Bro-am, the part in her boa Inelad . Bag'-, , Mn Harrv i. " ? loba Per? Mr? . - ? ? Au.tra'.a, '? ej '?? ? -.-.', J V.'yl?' and I -.-an. . at ?he Vit? graph Ti? aitb u part] llMludiag Mr '-'.an Vile, Ml and ' ' ? ?. B. C. Nor ton and M R I!. Hee?l. Th.* expresa? ?! them * be betwe? s r.ot begrudge on. iffi . [ist galaxy. IXCTUU ON SUFFRAGE < athcii' IPeeaea UraageTaUiea Whai In'r-' blaea en! Has Done. Ai erganaaatiea el I -i * h -,. i r womer ? t. favor o' woman ?uffrage will heai a lecture fasta ?vening on "Wh.* \V',m '?x. :?,..n wi*h the Vote on th? ait ?nd la All Ceeatriei ??her,. :. . Ar. Bnfraachised." .Min ?; ?f VVaehtagtota, is th? ? Cathetiae's ? BBditorlam ' ' IBCiat on, til ffllllam L. Per, y, ph.; ? ,,< ,h_ wl;) ? .- ? It 8:1 , to the publ.c *?'' ? rgaat, who ta, ?ad . "' a Tl ?t.rday that ??a Bit if ' - ?rch toward '-tlrpge was or.? that permitted full M '?, Individ pref? r.r.ce .She '?"' *'! thi ad any deft erarA ?rome?is vote. *.an ?uffr?,' . mor? b? ar gttod fr?.m th? religioBS itandpe.nt rar, rnari ?uffrag?." Mr. Pr.nder ?v??' kaid "I? !. a pol ? cal ?ni ?orla! arop? ,' mn be argued only a? .?I?., Thaj Catbo r (hire?, take? no ??and on tbe rriMli-r ?n?l al all r.ox ?fit-miior*. both prie*?? and I laymtn, to a^t on their individual npln i??na In thi? m??t.r I know leeayl ?p!?r?!id and representative pne?t? whe bell.v? In woman ?i-ffrag.?, and wi ?, | wit| support It or IfcTeashef 2." j To y land Wonders from France To Aid Fund for War Victims Mme. Charles Le Verrier, who will bs .1 chftfgc "? ''"'i at..'. '??*<? exhibition at <>\<\ Knickerbocker Club Huililinfr. Dolls sad toy? from France, of all ulres, sorts SBd descr'ptions, will be shoWB nudci the auspices of the I.a ? . rund when the exhibition for the Relief Fund of France is opened next month at the eld Knickerbocker Club !? II Fifth Avenue. These SSO mads m France by disabli li sri and women ti.- *?? out of employment or upon their OWfl : tes by war conditions. T: ? und?I the personal 'ne. Charles I.e Verrier, of oho li?' come here fof this pur? pose. idea of the doll and toy exhi? bition was . MMe Valentine Thomson, well known in Paris as edi? tor of "I,a Via Feminine," the cele brated newspaper for women. A corn? il ? ri was formed by her to promote the plan, asa? C ated with her bein? the Baronne de Launiont. Mme, Siiuterro, Mlle, de Marnier, dnunhter of the Duke de "iimier da ChoiSOUlj Comtesse Philint.e de Las Cases and Mm.- I r Verri.r. It i ?* as the delegate of the ^sion that Mme. I.e Verrier has come to America. Her husband is presi dent of Chiptal College, in Pnris, and was in this country four years ago, he lectured for the Alliance Fran nii | Several interesting features of this tion deacribcd yesterday by Mme. I.e Verrier at the Vanderbilt Hi I, where she is stopping. Among them is ii series of historical dolls ti'p is after maay of the world's most ?S IS persons. The eOStUmOS for dolls were mnio by Poucet, the ressmaher. There are "Fniry Tales" dolls, which represent the myriad heroes and he roitie? of storyland. rs nre ?? of the most I ing sets is that of t!i< Biers, which depict each of the i.rmies asso? ciated with Frnnee. The wife ? f ths Governor of Algiers ha* contributed a Set of dolls dressed as Arabians. This reprenants an Arabian wedding in an in house. The support of the French govern? ment has been given to thi? enterprise. A ?'? ierntion has leen organised ex? tending throughout France, arid all the government d.--par'mer,*s ?ire e.. operat? ing. There will be n yearly c i tion in tv." creating of new do! toj EDITORS STRONG FOR SUFFRAGE ( ..ntlnuril from paga 1 Schonectady. with the city of the same name. .'.mon? the BBti-Suffrage stronchob's Albany, both as i - a county, rai si Brst Other i tres are Troy, Cohoes, Watartown (the 1 n R. Mrown >, and rest cit] of greater N'ew York, is ? sd by both sides. Dintjhumton is Ifi Bg i eol umn. Most of ths suffrage strength seemed to lis is smn.l town9 and rural commun:* W. . editor of "The Fn 'I lirer," of HufTalo, and a politician whose word on election forecasts is ? led as excellent, believes that the vote in Buffalo, which is almost all of Frie County, will bo close. Other suffraelsts believe Buffalo will lolfl the su" ruge column on Flection Bey. Another t?'egram from a distin? guished edito- and politician was from -, of Albany. His tele? gram wa? characteristic, ft read: "Editor of The Tribune, K. Y. "I eppoeo woman sufTrage. Amend? ment beaten in Albany. "l"!;tor, Albany Journal." The t*l*?rrams, if published in their er.tireU, would take ap two patten of tl ? nee paper. Appended are some, both pro and con, selected at random Cuba Allrgany County) -I nhall vote agninst sufrage, but the amendment will probably carry our town bv a threo-flfths vote. Elmer E. ('onrath, Fn?? Pi ? Binghamtoi Broonse County? -This citv and Brooms County will give the suffrage amendment a majority. 1 favor votes for WOmOB as constitu? tional rieht, and will vote for amend? ment H K BoUthworth, Hinghamton Press. Whltnpy Point 'Brfom? County) We favor aroman suffrage and it is coming. Probablj wi not carry this s Reporter. Jams towi ''hni'';,-.ii;iia Count fa\ or In my Judg ? i i . ',i*i 'f'iwn and i i i tauqua ' ounty. Edward L. Allen, Momias i Blmlra ''hemurig County) -I per? sonally favor womnn suffrage. The amendment will carry in Eimira and BBC County bv a vote of ?ero to SUS BSi Editor Elmlra Ad ??r. Hudson 'Columbia County) Am op o woman suffrsif. Amendment wi 1 l,e (?ihtfn in Hudson bv 2 to 1. Cbarlea E'sclstyn, Editor Republican. Ik-,h Iielaware i ounty i Suffrag? srr..i riment will not curry county seat. ? ty wiii vote no by small m? PsrSOBally even yet undecided. A. C. ? r K.xprews. I'tlhi (Delawar?* County) Personal? ly fatcr woman sufTrage. Believe coun . favor am?>ndment. It. P. Mein tosh, l-ditor Rcpubl can. Beacon fDutchess County) I am personally opposed to woman suffrage. My wife favors ?t. My ?ister-in-law, residing with us, does no; cart- ?f the never votes. The amendment will be overwhelm ngly beaten m this city. Th?' great majority of women do not want the bailot, I find, (ieorge F. Don OgbtM Editor Ilally Herald. PoughkeeMls (Dutehoea County and horn?' of Vassan Yea, I favor it. but belief ber? is that it will not carry h. Peuchkc? (isie. Ar'hur A. Parks, Editor Star. Coxsackie X'.revre County) Vocifer Mslj opposed. 1 he amendment will be badly Uaten in Coxsackie and the ahole ?tat* W. P Franklin. Editor If aim Little Falls 'Hsrklmer Count7)- Op P posed to sufTrage amendment, but fsvor ndum vote to women on equal suffrags proposition. If 01 per <?<??.t of -,'. omen of rot Bg age favor it. I will be in the afirmativo. Amendment will be iost here.- John Crowley, The Time?. Alexandria Bay Jefferson CcttUtg) Y, Yes. F. Howard Pcott. The ! ? Sun. A\on (Livingston County) Mrs. F. I H. Jennings, who, with Mrs. Junes W, Wadsworth, jr., hm charge of the at;* - ' campait n, < si ?: \ will ? ? ? igs b] '?"| to 71 The iac- thai tl ai : hat the brothei - .-ire circu? lating literature advisii g troten to rote 41 :% MONEY THE standard rate to-day for mortgage loans In Manhattan and the Bronx is 5% to &i%. Once in s while we hare a client with money to lnrest at 4>,*:. If you have s chotee loan In Manhattan that you want at this rate we shall be glad to consider your application. TiTlE guarantee AND TRUST C? ?Cspltal . . $ 5,000,000 , Surplusf all earned) 1 1,000,000 ] 176 B'wsy. N. Y. 17.1 Rennen St., B'klyn. I 350 rullon St.. Jamaica. I "No" makes this forecast plausible. At suffrage headquarters they state nearly M per cent of voters have -iirned their cards. About 10 per cent of votrrs are Italians. They will vote 'igainst the amendment almost to a mi. Van Allen. Avon Herald. ' anajoharts Montgomery County) Personally I do not favor woman utTrsge. but believe it will come event ?ally. Do not think amendment will any our town, but vote will be close as Suffragists Are very active. Warren .-'eott. Editor The Radii. Amsterdam | Montgomery County).? 1 ! personally favor woman suffrage. In- ? dleations are that the proposition will bs liberally supported in this city, ?hete being no organised opposifion. It. E. Lee Reynolds. Editor Morning Sentinel. Syracuse (Onondrgs County).?In favor of woman suffrage. Those In favi i predict it will be carried by small majority. J. L. Kyne, Editor Syracuse News. Oswego Oawege County).?I em-1 phatieally favor woman suffrage. So de most Reepublicans here. Outlook for Its success in city and county very ful. J. B. Alexander, Editor Troy (Benseelaei County). Parson Is BOl think the time is r!p<5 for ach n radical changa In electoral [?, Ran --.-,ncr County probuhl: ipposs sraendment by small ma ?ority. Dwight Hsrdn, Editor Troy Nyaeh i Rockland County).- In .? .-.. ,,?? ... - r immittal on but proposition. Think women will ' ?' ? teem ?md county. Edites Nyack I Jeun .ii Behenectady [Beheuectady County Little interest among most Voters be) dus ' ? local conditions. OtttCOB doubtful. P'robabli small majority for ?;u!Trage. 1>. T. Hill. Edito' New--. ' sinTateo (Bteuben County). I favo suffrage on the ground that every re? son why men vote apples squally ' why wommi should rots Tnls I and county likely to ms |orit? favor of < |ual suffrage J C. Lai Editor Times. I as County), ', Hs f ivers snd ??.t.^-r opposes *i-"'' ? ,.?*: carry thii town. Ed tor "f The lierai?!. -.-i Westchester Com I Person illy opp? -""1 tC a im? Llttls inti re <? ?n s omen suffrage Will be overwhelmingly beaten li rhonUM J. Ilium, Editor Dl Item. ? hnnpniiua iWestchoeter County1. always been in favi r of W1 suffrage, and I consider that wem? ? are fully ?'S competent to t>?ke pari public affairs at men. I feel eoi. 'his town will givo the amendment -, .i :?? - ii Ity Ed? i- Bedell, Ed Chanpaqua Item rarrytewa We?tches?er Count; Favor putfrriRe Tear ?1 Both sides making ??at ipaign. Liquor Intel es1 ? ? pp ?i i : ill, Editors 11 ? An i here is a telegram from ths I editor ii ths si ?'" snd 11 last because it comes from '. y, the last county 'alphabeticall. only I in the state: Dund S, N. Y Ws personally favor woman's rights. The outcoms doubl ful. Nellie McOonSSCk, Editor Ti." ver. Only in WestChostor County, so fur ns the teleg ! was thcrs fight be ng mads sgainst th in by the liquoi i I I Tl ? ont? abor taking sufTr.-?!"1 was m the teiep-nini quoted. SUFFRAGE HOPE INPENNSYLVANL Bosses'Tactics Win Score to Cause?Leaders Fear Philadelphia Is Lost. [Fr-m ? ?-,'.!? rorrraf'n'l.nt ?f Th? T*rtt)??na.] Philadelphia, Oct. 27.?If luffraf wins in Pernsylvania it will do so b' Cflus? it was defeated in New Jersey. Thi! was the opinion expresse?! b le?ders of the Equal Fr?nchi?e part in Philadelphia to-day. Each of thei laid stress on the fact that the Jerse "delay/" a Fragtst will ?peu of it as defeat stimulated instead o depressed interest in the cause, an biought over to the vote?-for-wome ?".-.dard many men who previous! w?re opposed to granting women th ballot. "Th" tactic? employed In New Jera?: drove fair minded men Into the suf frage party," said one woman. All o the otners interviewed indorsed thii ??atement. The foul tactics employe' by Nageai Ib Newark ?xvur.g. manj "i.n'is" of Philadelphia over la th? cnuse through sheer disgust Manx o'.hor? snl ited under the yellow flat; because the llqu ?r interests in sTereS) bad opposi 1 it, in?! because the brewer.? and saloonkeeper? of the Quaker < Ity ?com prepared1 te follow In their foot? step?. Suffragist?, therefore, look upon tin- fir-it i!of?.at of their campaign xvith a-* much satiafaetlofl as the "antis" can feel. Where the Jersey suffragist looked upon the result of the issue at ?take ?a *? ' Btward confidence, her sister of P l/lvania displays optimum, and I mars District leaders are, in rtalfl thai they will tarn their own eampeignlBg ground, ni I heps f'>r a city-.v le victory. No on?*, however, seems to take that victory as ? eertsii It, Ths sul irb.? Olaey, Cheetaul Hill, GermahtoWB Bad other far-flung por-j tiona "*' the city will probably return ' i labstaatlal majority for vetea for w men on November ~. i'eople of the unper riais live here, and *.heie are, a rule, heart and ^oul with the cause In the city itaeif the wards will pr "bly go s? their politicians and liqi dealers desire. With the politic?? openly hostile, Philadelphit is ai gc as lost. Only one machine leader 1 com? out definitely againit the oau James McNichol. Republican boss a State Senator, is openly opposotl woman suffrage. On the other hand, of the candidates for Mayor have t clared in favor of the amendment. ' whether the voter? will follow th? candidates or their bosses rests t fate of luffrage in Philadelphia. ?lute the Democratic machine haa r niained apparently neutral. The R publican organizntion. filling the pU In Philadelphia that Nugent's machi did in Newark, has already expre.-*>i Its antipathy. When members of a party [><>'? water from a hail where they are : session upon the head ot a ?utfraii speaker below, this may be regarded I 7airly indicative ai to how votes ft women are regarded by this particull machino. The dousing which Mi Gratia Erickson received at the band of some heeler attending the Hepubl can meeting in the Redman's Hall la* night i? a wholly new development t the Eastern war bctWSOB nnti and sui fragiit. Neither the open oppos tion 1 New York .State nor the corrupt ritig i New Jersey has ever treated a xvomai of the cause with such violence. Suffragist? said, bewever. that thi baptismal act of the unidentified ant did more good than harm. The maior Ity of the men in the hall denounce? the action xvh<*n they learned of it, am ?everal of them were indignant enough to com? over to vote? for women. '1 h? incident is Significant, nevertheless. W'ith machine politics against them tha suffrage cause in Pennsylvania is more crippled than it was in New Jer sov, through the fact that none of the party's watcher? will be allowed at the polls on Elect on Day. After the paaaaga of the bill granting the ref? erendum adhereata of the cause made an endeavor to force through another measure, granting their party watchers on November 2. Thii effort faded, and the vote on the amendment will be Watched over by antis and no one else. Game as their Jer?ey listers, the women of Ph'ladolphia are driving through t h air campaign, hoping siead fSStly fot victory. Speeches |rS being made day and night in every corner tunUiin 5ALE OF Rugs and Lace Curtains Axminster Rugs, Oriental Designs & Colorings. 9x12 ft.; Value, $23.50, special, at 18.50 8 ft. 3x10 ft. 6; Value $21.50, special, at 16.50 6x9 ft.; Value, $15.50, special, at 12.50 Marie Antoinette Lace Curtains, White and Arab. 3.75 Val. special, 2.75. 5.50 Val. special, 4.00 Estimates submitted for Draperies and all Home Furnishings; prices very reasonable, workman ship the best. Broad wOftMMto? C?i Sis. of the widespread city. On Frida; a debate on suffrage will tak?. place a Houston Hall in the Unlvsrsity ef Peaa sylvaaia. btiaa Elisabeth will>- for squal franchise. Mrs O. D. Oliphaat, of Trenton, will uphoW il... standpoint of the antis. For com? time it wan believed that the uni ? veraity aathoritiea would refuse th? plea of the cause and forbid the con? test, but they WBra finally won over. On Sunday, throughout Philadelphia "Supi'licutljn Sunday" will be observed Pastors of all the churches have been asked by ?he women to mention the eaus? in th.e'.r lermons. Most of them consented to do this. Even the Episcopalian!, nsbally opposed to suf? frage, have enlisted in large numbers. Mrs. Geerga A. Pearaeii, chairman of the Woman Su?frnge rsrty of Phil?, del,'ha County, expressed %l*wi typical of the mnjonty of her follower! re? garding the outcome of the fi*ht. A bij, broad-shouldered woman, with kiss' merry eyes and a co-ira?eoui sent? of humor, she laughud when aiked if ibt believed suiTre** would win in her city. "It's up to r?a men," she snnoune?4 cheerfully "Wa are hoping that they will see flt to yrart bs the ballot It wiil probably DC their last chanc? te do it. Before I es more yesrs are op we'll have a Fedsral amsndment any? way, so the voters mijht at well be generous now. It will b? their only opportunity to glee us 'he ballot W? will have it CUreolveS befor? they htr* another opportunity to decide on the matter. ./AAfc.jl W. ?-. DOUGLAS WA3 PUT TOVVORK PEGGING 8HOE3 AT 7 YEARS OF AGE. HE BEGAN MANUFACTURING IN1876.ANDIS NOW THE LARGEST MAKEROFS3 00 $3 60 AND $4 OU SHOES IN THE WORLD. $3.00 $3.50 s4.00 *&M &s5.?? SHOES FOR MEN ANO WOMEN YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 32 years W. L. Douglas name has stood for shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price. His name and the retail price stamped on the bottom guarantees full value and protects the wearer against high prices for inferior shoes. They are the best known shoes in the world. W.L.Douglas shoes are made of the most carefully selected leathers,after the latest models, in a well-equipped factory at Brockton, Maas., under the direction and personal inspection of a most perfect organization ? ^??lv and the highest paid skilled shoemakers; all working with an V *^^iv honest determination to make the best shoes in the world. ? A^?v W.LaDOUGLAaS $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 SHOES are juat v ?a A^S^ as good for style, fit and wear as other makes coating $6 to $8, the only perceptible difference is the price. W. L.DOUGLAS $3.00 and $3.50 SHOES hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes for the price. None genuine unless W. L? Doublai /??\a name and the retail price it stamped on the bottom. '-tft+^&yy/'w ^?.??? ?^^;^tat^a^^<r^*.-v?a*??r ; O.'l Naseau street. 7">"> I'.iou-lxv ?v. ?or. ftth St. H47 nroadway, n?-*r 14th St. ?t.'l~?'J I'.ro.i )??;?>, <ur. .'{('ill M reet. I 14!?.") Ilroadway fintea Square)a I ?1IM4 l bird .venue. SIORES MARKED WITH A STORES W. L. DOUGLAS ?14.V2 T.ilr?! Avenu?. t__ir2 Thirii Av.. cor. 120th Strep.. ?'-'TTD l'hlr?l.\v..b?t.i46th?ci47thSts. .'147 Right!. Avenue. ?*_."(? West t' Street. JKBSF.\ CI IV -18 Newark Ave*. ? CARRY COMPLET t LINES OF GREATFR NEW YORK t UNION IIILL 276BeraealtaeAv. I ?NEWARK h:?1 Mr.>;t<l Street. ?I*ATERSO> 102 Market Street. ? ?TRENTON 101 K.-MateSt.cor Broad RROOKLY? ?421 i-'nitiiii Street,eor.Peart. ?V. L. DOUCLAS A3.00, S4.UO AMO 708.710 RrofulxvA.v, ror. Thoratoa 1887 Beoadvi ?y. ear. <.ahm? Avrao* ?47S Fifth Avenue, ror. MthStresi, *s.'>!? MaakattM Avenuo. 1771) I'ilUi.i Am nu?-. S4.SU SHOES FOR WOMEH. Hear the New Victor Records for November?OUT V?'.-?'?>*;" '*'<&'/? i*.* *.- . * ??**,; V.-'si?*.-.: i* cr*.-,.-* m Leading Places WhereVictrolas and Records Are Sold Below 14th Street ideal Music Co.29 John St. Owens & Beers.81 Chambers St. Singer Bros.82 Bowery Jacob Mandel.246 Bowery From 14th St. to 4,2d St. (Inclusive)- - Globe Talking Mnchine Co.9 West 2 3d St. l.udwi?? Baumann & Comp'y- . .8th Ave., 35th to 36th St Chas. H. Ditson & Co.8. 10, 12 East 34th St. .lames T. Cnughlin.544 l\ 546 Eighth Av. Knabe Wiwerooms.5th Av. at 39th St. Michnel Streamer.I 39 East 42d St. Peue Piano Co.128 West 42d St., near Broadway From 43d St. to 96th St. (Inclusive)? Mathushek ?k Son Piano Co.Broadway c\ 47th St Bloomingdale Bros.59th fit Lexington Ave. Sol Lazarus.216 Last 59th St. Adolph H. Mayers.198 3 Broadway, nrar 67th St. Fuller & Bagley.2 1 06 Broadway, near 7 3rd St E. De Witt.I 397 Third Are. M. J. Roth.3rdc\vc. ex H4th St Henry Mielke.1680 Second Ave., ?or. 8 7th St I. Zion, Inc.2 300 Broadway i Any Victor dealer will gladly give you a descriptive list of these new Victor Records and play any music you wish to hear. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $350. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. ?fi^'*^?$gj*?? Above 96th Street? Emanuel Biout .2799 Broadwa) Theo. Arirfon.52 West I I 6th St Buckley-iNewlmH Co.5th Ave. fie 125th St Kranich & Bach.16 West 125 th St Albort Sichel.233 West I 25th St. F. L. Steers Co., Inc.3496 Broadway Lenox Talking Machine Co.312 West 145th St Epstein & Berdy.2977 Third Ave. L. J. Rooncy Co.1 45 I St. Nicholas Avr , Near 18 3rd St. Brooklyn? A. I. Namm & Son, Fulton St. at I ?oyt St. Subway Stat'n. Bklyn Epstein & Berdy.I 198 Fulton St.. near Bedford Ave Pease Piano Co.34 Fiatbush Ave.. Brooklyn B. Guv Warner.Bedford Avr. fie Halsey St.. Brooklvti Out of Town? Hunt's I.eaJinK Music House. Inc., ?2-54 Marline Av.. While Plains, N. \ Steger & Sons Piano Mfg. Co 74 3 Broad St.. Newark. N Victrola XVI, $200 Victrola XVI, electric $250 Mahogany or oek