Newspaper Page Text
EPISCOPAL BOAR PICKS DELEGATE Seven Bishops Named 1 Attend Panama Congres on Christian Work. NO ACTION TAKEN OP FIVE RESIGNATION Plan to F-vangclizc Central ai South America Not Affront to Catholics, Is Stand Taken. Of the flve members of the Hoard Missions of the Prot ?steal Ilpiscoj Church who resigned ! .<-.'.uy at t prospect of S< ?*"dU'i t0 * Panama Congress on Christian Wo three were pre4e.1t yesterday at t meeting of Ihs board, but rtfrtm from voting. Seeea delegates w?. chosen to attend the congress, b witb no power to commit the board cooperation, mid the board took 1 official notice whatever of the resign tions? Bi?hop Reginald II. Weiler, of Fon du Lac, Wis., who led the revolt on tl ground that Madia? delegates to Pa ama would be an affront to the Romi Catholics, sat in nn adjoining room ai took no part in yesterday's sessio Bishop G. Mott Williams, of Marquett Mich., and Doaa Seiden P. Delaney, 1 Milwaukee, attended the session, ai the former took ; art in the discussion but did not vote. The Roe. Dr. Willis T. Mann-tig. rector of Trinity Churc New York, and Bishop Alfred llnrd.n of Washington, did not appear at all. Tbc seven d< I igau 1 < ? ted to a toad the eoagress .it Panama next K ?' ruarv ?',?? Arthur S. Lloy. president of the Hoard <,f Mi? ?Ion I Bishop Hiram R. Hulas, of Cubi bishop Lucien I.. Kinsolvlug, of Bn Zll; ] \ - 1'bt. Of Pal ama; Bishop C B. ' o more, of Port Rico; Bishop '?'? lv of sw Bishop Coadjutor 1 Vircinia. and Bishop Henry D. ?vt of Mexico. Kiiggfliislloa is Purpose. The avowed 1 ? ?? <a? of tfa is the evangelization of the 1 end South American republic* by tl-. Protestant dti.n. nations, and th conditions "testan Episcopal delegstes will nttend we? get forth In h I : 'i" I 1 committee, of Kinlock Nelson, ts was chair nan. Tr. . < adopted bv th board "In lead 1 ? ??? - ' Trinam saagisas 1 1 :th th understan in th official bulletins of the contres*, it 1 to be 'along the .-ame general lines a the Ldinbursh noetiag1 (the Worb Missionar; irgh ii It'll' . i ? : ?? noi to ' legislation on ecc'.esiastical qo? or evi-n on matters of missionar; policy.' "'It shall be the purpose of th. Panama congres-, to roe? element-? of truth end goodness ii any form of religions faith.' Itl 'ap proach to the ; . be i.eithe critical nor antagonistic, but inspire* by the teachings and example of Chris and that charity which thinketh m evil and rejoi" iniquity, bu rejoicetb in th" truth." "?All communions or organisation! which accent . Divin? lev lout ami Lord, 11 i tl e Holy Script ures of th? I meat at the 1 p?rpeos Is I : <~hrisi prevail in Lat.n America, are eordlall] invited to participate in the Pananu congrr-s, r^ 1! will be heartily wel corned.' " No Power to Commit Hoard. On the motion 0? Ii shop Talbot k amend? 1 by I Mann, it was resolved: si our dele f gates ko for confer? witl no purpose, sutl of com mitting this board to eo-operstlsu.*1 Bishop S. 1 homss, of Wy? oming, futrodt .- r?solu tion. whi? h "SU ? the Boat sions api... I mittee to draft : resolution ? Majs use bis :? ?! ienc< know champion of Chrisl 'he lui tan of Turkey with s view to assuag the ravin-, ,?:? persecu tion now Inflicted by tl 1 Turks upo: their Am. 1 -'cts." No official 1 con was taken on th< resignations of the five board members which created an important division between the II:^h tind Lew < hurch ele? ments of that Bishop Q. Mott Williams I action be taken, but Burton Mai ' New Haven, pointed oat tl .' 1 r-:*i- -a-;s r-.ecesssry. and i ? I bimself a? decid. ed to *ueh a step. The Jnen in resigi r relu? it ion vetiag ] ? ? remn.i Resignation Intend? I OS Protest. Bishop Beg ? Id H. Wt : r, of Fond du Lac. Vi ;.,y ihat his ? ;ii the strongest protest he could make against the action of the board in send? ing delegates to the Pan-Protestant congress. "The Board of Missions," he ex? plained, "is elected by th" general con? vention, which B and this board is thei roetly re sponsibb' I ? the cor %<?;,. tion. At I ventio-i. held I ? ? was ard of Missions ?? ,n just ?Ufh con', r. .i t0 b, held in Panama " 1 ' iss ?he House t.' the ?earn? ers 'he print pie re?o!u tion was therefore the coavi 1 reasoa the vote of the B? . - I ? ? " ? -o send delegate? to the Pan Prol itant Con? gress was <iir" ? to the wishes of the which refu?ed | .iution re'errr-.* ? Participation in a ??ongre? that hn? for Ho pun Central and 8 . ild be 4 "new re.- of the Anglican ? ? Well? "Never before - an ? ffort to convtr* Bo man Catholic land?. I am emphatically against the principio of rant:- it "?ruin warfare over the esrth." Bay? Delegate? < an Only Talk. Blibop Nelson, of Atlanta, who in? troduced the resolution defining the status of th?? d?leg?te?i who were elected, t?ok ?he ?tend yesterday that because the House of P.,?hops had re? fused to allow ? ','? seat t, 1 couacll for legisla! .. action and th? shaping of a missionary policy, that Stan?! ? the board tr,,rr\ ?ending delegate? merely to ' and without, any ; "I deny absoljtely," he ?aid, "the SSSJfeptles of thesi men that tl pre?* woiil? ,','te. ?rid ..' , missionary %,?,. I take this stand 00 th? basil of the bulletin? announe *eg th? meeting of th? congre?? Men 1 !*?? **lxit "& u " P??*?r to eesfer eaa ?alb sbeultWthmg oa earth and la TWELFTH CBNT?BY CHINESE PAINTING. "A Ford," one of Bahr collection, on view at Montross (.alleries. the heavens aboye the earth, but they cannot do anything. We're not going to put oarselvsi & thf> ''t-'-11 of con detAation by accepting the resigna i el thssa i'y? menbera of tho board. " G?M>n*S Zabrlshle, n mrmhiT of Cal? vary t hurch and on the Steading com o? i ho Dioe?tss of Neu *iork, lav that he approved of the . of the hoard in seadiag dele gaws to Panama. '*In so doing," he "the Church in no way aligns itself with ? ? Pi testant dinominn aor in opposition to Roman ?a? tho?cism. It is manly a meeting of all denominations, *o which Roman ; Catholics are invited, to discuss n.-oh- : lems of missionary 4vork, and to elimi- ' nnte, so far as possible, the difflcul bid) fitch hat experienced in tho past," The meetine c.f the Board of Mis? sions closed with yesterday's sei? end the delegates eheeea aril] proceed to attend the eongresa next February at Panama. Ke farther action will be taken m regard to the resigns! TO REVIEW WEIL-BLACK CASE Supreme Court Will Take t'p Wc?t Virginia Suit. . .:?-? 1i?:.uiup Uurcau ] WashiBftea. Oct. 27. The Supreme: Court decided to-day to review the ' i OS ted case of A. Leo Weil against j Judge 11. K. Black, at Waal Virginia.' in which the alleged interference of for Hatfleld w,?h ?ia action of the West Virginia Public Service Coa* ??n is involved. Ths SuTirein?- Court of Wast Virginia ?y aseided that Mr. We:!, as an Ib ths Ualted i sflssBahls ta the lava, of V* est \ inat'er BlTsstiBg the procuring of testimony in a caie : ? . - ral court. Mr. We:!, .???'. i..! affsrad to protect lie Service commissioners i of Weat Virginia from los* in the ' even* of their losing their places on j the tominiesiea because of having ap peared aa witnesse? to disclose the f the interference of Governor rith the action of the com-; Bslssien. Th.- testimony it il alleged Mr. Weil wa? trying to procure wa? that the isiOBBfl had d<*cid?'d against ths ?-.' Light an?! Heat Com ?' tha dct.-.tion of Governor Hat li r his flat ultlrastaa* that must be adverse to thu ?company under peril of loi? of their on the commission. ELECTION CLAUSE AFTTRMED ? Petitions for N. Y. Nomination? Muit Represent 5 Per Cent of Voters. Albany, Oct. ??7. A lower court de? cision upholding the provision of the ' ?a la-A requiring petitions for la dependent nomiaationi for borough of la Nee York Ci'y to reate i sat of the veten was affirmed by I Sflrt of Appeals to-day. No ex . :on of the ruling wa I banded ?int. n. William R. Wil - r;'ion as the can didate at tl I BB BS)d Ii.?It-pen deal '?'? ; .".rties for a mu in ths 7th District of Brooklyn II? i| tBS candidate of the . bition. iBdeptBdenci Ltugue am! America., parties. Hi. deaifFBatiea a* ?h?- Jefferson and Work ingmen's candidats was contested by | the Republican organization. HARVARD GETS $142.000 Jame* J. Hill Gives $12.',000 for flat tee ership of Transportation. Mass., Oct. 27. Gift? to " r "": ' '?? '?? rsity ?mounting Ut ng one by J?,?. s J H ill ,,f I!? ..'"' -, *.-.? r< sunouni ?I te day at u ' I ' ?>" ;dt nt and fellow. Mr. H ?'s L'.ft. aril] bc tt,i,|0,| tu the i the Jiatria. J. Uni profett , ior?hij> of transportation, recently *S? tabiiHhed. The resignation of Frederick Law Olmstead BS the Charles Kliot profe? lor of land?cape architecture ha? been accepted. Till. COMPANY HK WAS IN. It wai in a railway carriage, and the occupa? t? were ?i-vcral traveller? end a tiste, pompous old gentleman, ?oyi "The Cleveland Leader" Varioui and unauc-, ??ful effort? were to draw hirn into ?oriversation. At length one of thirn ?aid: "Corne, ?if, I know you are un? of u?. Tr|l us what you ara ?ravelling in." "Yoong m?n," in iwered the tormented one, glaring at hii interlocutor, "I era travelling in objectionable snd inquisitive soa-pany, and tf) carriage Is ?full si samplis." POLO IN 1368 A. D. PICTURED ?N EXHIBIT Bahr Collection of Art Object; and Paintings on View at Montrons Galleries. Those who think that polo il a mod em game may profit by a visit to thi Montrons Galleries, B?O Fifth Avenue where there will be placed on view to day an exhibition of early Chinen art, including painting!, pottt-rici bronzes and stone sculpture? collecte? by A. W. Bahr. Among the paintings are two panel Bhoviaf games of polo being plttye in the year 1368 A. D. the peno? known as the Ming Iiynasty. The play ni in colored eoatumea. laclad? wonu'ii. One o? the paintings is i ChiaeSS reproduction from the origi nal, wh-ch is in the Victoria Aiber .m in England. The first exhibition of portions o A. W. Bahr's collection of early Chi r.ese art objects and paintings wa: held in the Isontross Galleries in 191] The present exhibition, which wi! continue until November 20, include: some important examples of diTTerrn' schools and periods, end they are re? garded by many ai worthy of s< noui study The large painting? are hung in th* large oblong gallery and the adjoiaiai ?mailer, sauare one. "The Ford" ??no "Cock in Bamboo Grove," both painted in the Mi-"- period, srill attract at tention. Other-, palate I during th. : . Eagle," by Lu Chis "Ladt anil Mai?!," "Portrait of i Scholar" an?l "The Gods of Longevity, Felicity and Prosperity." Those paint? ed in the Yuan period 1S80-1MI A. O include "Arhat and Dragon," "Spar? rows in Bamboo Grove," "Portrait ol Kwan tu T.ze" and "Lotus Pond." $13,000,000 GIFT, TAX EXCUSE. Martin F.state Wants Knrumbered Prop? erly in Trust Included in Appraisal. William It, II. Martin. 4vho prior to his death on January SO, 1912, was a number of Rogers, Peat <t Co., left an esiute valued at $171.000. This valua? tion by the transfer tax appraiser, how? ever, did not include the property con? veyed by Mr. Martin a month before his ileath under a deed of truit. Ttns trust included the Hotel Mar? tinique property, the Marbiidge Build in ? and the Trowmart Inn, the trans? ferred property being valued at more than ?13.000.000. There wer?, mortgages of more than $8,000,000 on the pmp Blty placed la trust with other trus? tees and other item.? payable, amount? ing to SH.?lTi. M2. Ilarris ?t Towne, attorneys for the estate, filed a memorandum contending 'hut il the appraiser had included th ? assets of the trusts tirr.) thsB deducted the debts, it would have shown the es? tate of Martin to have been bankrupt. A balance sheet of the trusts made in I'ceember, liil2, gave the following valuer tui the properties transferred under the <!<?< -I M t?*BSt: Marbridge Building, ??*..2''.0.f,r. I; Martinique, $1, .'???! :-2?i, Broadway and Thirty first .:, $1,482^69; Trosmsart Inn, $r?58, 101, anil Greenwich property. 1810,390. Among the assets of the estate of Mr. Martin were life insurance, $r.3,458, and personalty, 132,081. GIRL TRIES TO SELL AST0R Taken to nellcvtie and Identified aa Schoolteacher. A young woman who tried to sell the Hotel Astor from the corner of Forty fifth Street and Broadway last night attracted such a largo crowd that Pa? trolman William Loeb. of the We?t Forty-ieventh Stit-et Station, had to int?-rfere. "Come on you investor?," ?he cried. "How much em I bid for thi? billion dollar hotel 7 I'll sell it cheap becauae 1 need th? money." Patrolman Loeb told her that he would offer a million provided ?h? would go with him to his office, which. of course, was the police station Or. .'-irnp.on. of Pols-clinic Hospital, said 1 that she wa? mentally unbalanced. A a?..iii.ii who ?aid ?he wa? her ?i*ter und a man who ?aid he wa? her family 1 physician called in n ?mou.?ne to tuk'< ! the woman to BVIIevue Hoapital. The 11 man /?ni that ?he wa? Mi?? Hedwig Klein, a schoolteacher, of .68 rlaiUm Parkway, Brooklyn. MILLS TELS HOW TO END AD FRAUD Independent Retailers Are Warned of Devices Fakers Use. POLICY OF TRUTH PROVES BEST PAYER Medical and Realty ShaVpers Exposed, as Is Window Bait Method, Fraudulent advertising schemes and the best methods of eliminating them from newspapers, circulars, billboards and w.ndow displays were described by Senator Ogden L. Mills to 400 mem? bers of the Independent Retailers of thb Metropolitan District at a ma?s meeting which packed the east ball? room of the Hotel Astor last night. Senator Mills, who was heartily ap? plauded by the retailers when he told of the law adopted at the last session of the Legislature increasing penalties for fake representations of any ?t.nd. said in part: "The new act covers every conceiv- ' able form of advertising, thus includ? ing many Misleading window signs which have appeared with increasing freijuency in New York City. It covers , eveiy kind of false itateutfat ?>r fraud? ulent adv?rtisement, regardless of the character of the misstetessent. Under! the old law the offence was merely a misdemeanor, punishable by not more than a year in prison or by a tine oft not more than $600, or both. The new luw pr?vidos a maximum of $1,000 or : imprisonment for not more than one , year, or both. "There is nothing particularly orig? inal about this law. It has been ailoDti-i! substantially by thirto-n ?tat*? a? a rtSUlt of the activities of the ad? vertising clubs." After commenting on the moral rev-' olution in the bu-moss world in the last ten years and declaring that the advertising buslaOSS liad lagged behind because it was inherently liable to overstatement, .Senator Mills con? tinu...): "The evil is still widespread. For? mer Postmaster General Hitchcock de? clared that in a single year the public was mulcted of more than a hundred million dollars by fraud through the mails. Remember that everv penny of this was taKeii from the purchasing public, d.verted into the pockets of crooks and pirates, anil not only was the consumer robbed, but the honest business man was deprived of his lull .?hare of legitimate profits. "Of all fakirs, tin- medical fakirs who prey on the ignorance and hopes of the aflLcteil are the vilest It is literally true that a maiontv of the drug ' ? la will admit that they became addicts 1 to the vicu that virtually ruins thoif lives by taking some advertised remedy, not knowing of the poison it con? tained. Referring to fraudulent advertise? ments of Long Island real SStatS and "the beautiful oraagl groves of Florida, which are under water nine months of the year and incapable of raising any? thing but mOUgl|itestM Senator Mills said: "A particularly sad case was called Is my attention las*, spring of a servant girl who had invested all her savings in a contract to purch...>c tWO lots on Long Island. She had paul for them on the instalment plan, and when it SMBS to the last payment the company was apsble to deliver the deed. It bad bo property, and there was nothing to be done. "And all this is accomplished all these wrongs are perpetrated, the very mention of which makes ono'.i blood boil through the medium of fraudu? lent advertising. "These are extreme c^ses. There are others, running from absolute untruths to mere mlsstatemsnts. Typical ex? amples are tn.- wiadoW baits. Dishonest Advertising HurtH. "Dishonest advertising, much as it h'uts the consumer, hurts the retailer as much. Not only are millions divert? ed from him into the ;.o--k<-t o? the thuf. bul the vslue si purchasers through sdvertistng is m diminished as to brlni or sixth of the return bs could expect if the public dared to take his ni? ?t its fice val?a." Senator Mills then quoted n state? ment of Richard II. Waldo, at that! time manager of "Good Housokoep- ; ing," to the effect that less than 2<) per cent of his readers bought goods through the advertlsemeata. "Mr. Waldo said: 'If you and I were running a business in which, out of every 100,000 people visiting our store, 10.000 went away without buying any? thing, don't you think we'd try to fig? ure out the reasons back of ruch a condition? Don't you think we'd firo out nr.y merchandise that was lowerinj the confluence of OUT prospects in what we hoped to sell? There is but ono answer, anil you've got to give it la journalism precisely as you would in merchandising. The way is to build ui confidence in ?very advertisement yo i carry. The public is honest. BMSl bu - ness men UN hOBOSti but the newspa? per nun have been in their business SO long that they can hardly believe it. If they would take a chance they would have the surprise of their lives.'" "If once a newspap. r," Senator Mills concluded, "can establish the policy of truth in its f?dvertising columns, and that policy is recognized by all of its readers, it requires no great stretch of imagination to se?> what SB advertising medium it affords to the seller. "From the steadpotat oi consumer,I publisher and merchant the one great need in advertiste" is absolute sin? cerity and truth. Tb" !:nr, the fraud ' and the crook mu:t be treat, d as the, common enemy and absolutely elimi? nated." Other speakers wer.' Representative Walter M. (.'handler, Daniel J. Griffin, i Charles Dushkind arid Dr. Le? Gallo? way, professor of commerce and in? dustry in New York University. Dr. Galloway, discussing price mainte-1 nance, urged the passage <>f the Stevens , bill now before Congress, allowing the i manufacturer to fix the prices of ar tictes *t>'tl through retailers, "Paradoxical as it may si-cm," Dr. Galloway (?aid, "most retailers favor the law, because it eliminate.! cutthroat competition Ths laaaufacturei i? in a bettet position to Da prises beoauss he has a broader view Of the market, anil the consumer is benefited by having a standardized price for heavily a<lver tised goods." CITY TAKE9 R0FRAN0 HOUSE Foreclosure Mortgage on Property of , 1' ?Kit iv?. from Juatice. Michael A. Hofrano, the former Deputy ? Street (Meaning Commissioner, who is a fugitive from justice, is no lunger the owner of Ule front and rear flathouse at i| Oliver Street The citv got the property yesterday for 1112.000, as plain? tiff in n foreclosure aetiofl biought to , secure a loan of about $:>0,,I00 (,n the premiaos. The action was begun more than a m?>nth ago by the Corporation Counsel. As the total sum due on the property , was more than ^rtr>,7<?0 the city now holds a deficiency Judgment against I Hofrano for shout 123,706. i Shipping Inlotmation and Marine News of the World V?**se!s Arrivinfc at and Dis? parting from Port of New York. Hoagira At.MAss?; BMMfa* ? .1. ata.i.rt. i ?3. Boa?!? Haass. ? M Hiijii watch. - .4 -i r m^ Baoli ?1 ? ? . . IS ?SB ItJ ... I . O -S l} *?*, 11.? ... , .. ! 1 *? INC("MING .STEA*-*EKS. T?. l'A Y I, ..I I ? ?.. : ?I.?: a?.Ar?*r.a..s?l. O-t *. Hun-Am ?Kursta Utuamia. I- .-?.?.. ??vt 19.laura *h?. liai ?Ht I ? ?. . . ? - U.aUl??l ' ? ?? ? . ,. , |?..l l.i.? .... II-.r, ?Kl 13 M f teaus ?At 11 . a-n....t? . , si ..M i>. I 70. JUI a aiad I. ? I. ?Jal U. .? >. n.....apjrn i,. i U ? ? -? ? - i ? . , , ,. ?'?raru.|*n J'.i.i. OH U . "' ! _ Batea .ja,*-... ?:.s. Ott ?* ? -CIN? njDAT, utT'iBKB n, ?Panama .... ?... '? " * -7' I' ? ? ii; . :? ... .?'... I i. i . . I I... 'I'll? AU Trai.apa.rt ? l.s .:. i:s . ...Ga.??loii. ??at II. _~~Z~~ l: ji.r .. St* Otilias. Ort 14. H? I ? si Th mat, Ott U. sATi Ki.A. .i. toaaa m ' ?> ?lurh.u? . .Urn 0 -- .S~T,~ ? ... .?.II. ?>.. M .K. I 4. In.? :-??. Ilu... ?' : II. *?' ' ' I :.l Ii OH. II.?- '? ' ' M IMS?:,?.? . 1.1 " . "I 11. Apaahe. Jaa....l:;a. Oct. 27.... ' I N ?II.? .a l.s: . OUTGOING STEAMERS. I < ? HAY. Man, teamt teem Fur Mus . ????*? EltfOD?. Nsi'lea. I'.ll.n.I'M ?SI 11 A i.a i ?.?, Paiaama UK I? ? ?w ' -I.e. ll??a:ia. Waul . . D ut) ?01 '? Bortiaquci?. nut J.u:.. Inn,a? 1- '"' '" Cll| "! ITuallOlb ;.. ???a .:.ali. S?l - ' . ln ? f.ii. Uai?.'8l... M?. ... '- '" ? KKiuAY. ocnjaana -a. Tus.-ajila. (.UMtfuw. I'ui.arJ- '?" l'io ?> .. rt.. 1. S: J. i. 's. I'.i.l Croa. .. 7 'Jam 11 M ?la Lai.ap?, Jata.uiiillia. ? .>tla.- 1 tiu uu? sA.l Ul'AY. ?'? TOaUaB, IS Ht I'aui I. . . . .? Mi sji . . I'M *m i. Sallies. *.W.IlJ '.a?. . ... ? l'i I?? ? ?. Maasa?s. II...,. ??.?>.? 1...UI. I'. I'lain S u. It an mors, Moarosta. 1 tta ,"> S. itlUi. 1'rli..?.. Km. I'r.u .? 1* ???. in ?'? mi 11? ?s.iaur?-..;.i \< ? oil . Clyde - I in '? l,uaiiiai,a?ai<>. Ta.n;i... Will li:H?l ?' ?,r st Lasula, B.iaaaal?, Sei. - ? ?" , pu Wl. - P.., II " ' ?I 1I..I.II1. '.. rUHqi) ...- : . .., . - 1 "?' pita I'ptn na. Ai.i. N .,:.!? . - l.i;.; a. Mall ??>? ...- I Kl lia. (la,., .1- ... , ? ? .1 :ii s.i. llano?, Braoaiwta-S . .. - I uu pal TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. .?imp N T. Ii all p. CJ Jaiai,. Bam < liil.1 U.s Hnltin. I'aiut.J Maru. . T'. .1*1 I a. SSB lla:ii,.i Sla'.v ?.'.a I'l.J Guam in I Philippin. Ul.iull ITU S?l l'ran i? , -US rransi? .-i ........... ?k-i 31 llsH.ii. itpem. i 'i? t l.i.a a. i Philippin. i?i. r'aJi rraodaeo) -.n.-.'i?-?? Mam . Mai 1 Ha-sil m. s.ri i'r.41..'.?.o Lurlln.. Kef ' Jaste, '.-a t ?nj I'MIm lua l?lsn?l* . a - a . !.. No? Tahiti, M.i luaaaa. i i i Km aWaiai'tl nia Sa?? 1 r.i.f -..| Ua.t.1 KoV I ll?...a I S.H10WI I .. A Krall? ."'a San Ira . i \(.| 11 H.waJl. Ki.i Isla I s. ? J?'nl A.i??ra.:. i? a I.....,,..- atil *> .. : rl.l N...a.:a .N it ?I vniuvti) ria?tltm Mil Paal. I SMMBH ??? U ?hrla ! ami I . . . ,7. tu I'u !i. 171>a k I?. - ? . ? a iu BaukaUla IBrl I'. : : . .? ni I! t. lb* turn ? ? ... Ha i ? in alai : ? ??-?.. ?la . ?i . . i . . : u? A.? I -.l-t.l Krult I t,. B l.i u. I, lia .1 lu the s..uth?m P. i" ? ? . .nui ... : t|?!*.- n \'. a m. 1" ?wars. I :- ?. i'u. with i.. I '. In.!'...? Ii- v?. rr*. l.ftw.? O. t i ai. 1 ' . ain? intaaa- K?r .1 .'?.I ;? m i ? I ? \ . : - . I..- I HI, t'o. ?rltll :?? . - U na Lattl.p .1/ . .'[ :li.J Our .|! i. a- 1:11 I ? I l( ? ?... . ?. ? I, la u.s Sviiitisni Ps.-lr.c ?. i ii-iir Stream. P rt A ?in " t II, I? h. ?lulf IU liili.l ?V?, . a .. i . I ,!.. s 1 V?rs i'iii). ..... Ba Si ?:, a.- i. ? ? . - . ????.a? ll ? a ... I.--I .MS i. it*l Ha. - .') a lu i ... 4 17am?.. Bau 7 , 11-. a i li.ll. -.8 IBrl, ?altu-t?. ?Jus*. Il 11 p in a. I- I If, 111 A II I !| II.r at | lu a m \l .. ll . '.. M l?n, II?. Tit l'!|.l?l?. I. ll. ? ,:...'-. : . , p ? ? alt! pap, , ?. A 11 Bell A < i. Pa I 13 p u J. tttp S -. ' in th? Old Quai.atlD. .' ?? i ..."..i, (Hr,, Reasrl'. S..|.t 11, Bs :. A?rn J? ?r 1 ?'. Ul 'a i i ' !7 . Mala Har at 1 ',. Ii Tyler. .Newport Naw? and Korfolk. to FARMHAND SWAM, HUSBAND PURSUING Three-Reel Divorce Film Daz? zles Court in Wiggins-Wiggins Matrimonial Upset. Testimony submitted in the Wig K?iia Ui'.'iiiiiS matrimonial tangles be? fore Justice Scudder at Mine?la, Lone: Inland, yestertloy had all the earmark.? of a lively motion picture comedy. In addition to the interestine; situation? there wai present the inevitable chase ;,n 1 the introduction of a l-.-tler with ? ,-?? ths b .ttorn, which the co n-1" i.'iiiit, v.'r.o had in'iiiied ths note, "supposed were Btcaat far klssea." laits ?era broaghi ly Mr. an?! Mrs. Harry II ?Viaaina, of Floral Park. ?he former Mekiag B divorce, Baatiag John Bars B4, ?? tannband, as BBta ?pondeat; is \?if.-, 4?,;h vheai ha h.?s live? 1 thirty-three yt:ir?, asked for a leparatioa. DecialeB aas reservad on Loth suits. WimiBS teetiAed that he came home aacapeetedly anu found his mitt with liurnlond; tlie lutter left the house ?in tho run ahSB the husbantl ap l?euied, remainiinr uway ?evjr?l days. Then Wi,?',?iit'i isaw h la wife leave i?r t?a-.- .*-'hoiu, and. lutpectina she wtiulil meet tn<- tanahsad. k? followed in an other ci-.rri.i.'i He found them, he Said, and ?!i?i\i. B?ter i!i4ir. at a gal lap, but who* ll""* IB*? liir.i the farni iiuiul ?OBIpad t?ut, ?a un M?OS?! ? clock and mads off through the fields. A l'-'t' i iras Introdaced into sei (ience .tinrh it,?- farmhand had wri'ten Mrs. Wirrini while he wai in a hospi? tal. When sho ?received it, a witness declared, she ?aid: ".?'??I!, if he the?, I want to die. too. if I S should be a cripple for life I would work for him, for ho ii more utie.-tionute than \\ ijcKina." Il-iririond denied ail the huiband'*? allefratioaa, s*"srted that hs had never called Mr?. WiSaaTina by anything but kaf propi r ?mine, and then sdaiitted thai hi Bafeetionate diaBoaitiofl hail .?I him to atldrets In-r in a iet II "1|?| ?l.-ar Marie.'' rii.? Other ?.iiiil.a'i.... l,e Cu.-llliiued, ho often i.iIll ! "i v.'.?heiirt and darling." Mit. U iiririn-t's te?tiinuny was inler ' .m?' vl.t.n she told that her nusbaml hud 'left lu t in Auia'Uat, iyi).r'. taking away iverythini from ihe pine- except a few article? of furniture, s horse with the heavei and S cow. lh? roupie ha>'?' two childre.i. Hurry, st-v.-nterr?, t heater, ftftOSSa. Wi?; Kin? n a retired i?roc?r and i* laid to t.e BBBSISSBi. of $100.000. TO DECIDE-IMMIGRANT TEST D, S. t ommit-iliin Will Kule on Exam? ination? at This Port. i Irma Tla? Til'.iin? | W'a?hinjrton. Oct. 27. Whether . ond-c!u?? paiipnjrer? enterinit th? port of New York ?hull h. per??>nally ex? amined at Flu.? Island a. iteerage pa? ?entrer? are examinad will be decided by m commission appointed to-day by Secretary of Labor Wilson. A ruling Dotnlnten H? Co. ?rlth nul?, Qu?r?n?n? ? SS p -n | A'.sbam?. !'? r- \ UH Texn Oil O* "Un , laraatUM a .-j ;. m. SAII.f .1 iiwk. piri.-u? BaUli (Brl, Uwrpee'.; . N r'-lk ?ni s>?i? ? *?*>; Vr , \ . K', : - ?< '?' '? (UlWaMOl M?lS. ?1. - '" '." ,V Twu;>l.o, lndr?.?Bil.? iBri. * .?, ? Sew UrlcaDl Zulla. llOWI.-'.. 1> ?? R., a ??rjilO? A'?i?. a-. 1 J? >*??" Ul| ilarla. h-.-: a. Ktiiu* (Ur ? VUJl ? i .- \- ?'. ? 1 |{ ... -1. ? r i.-Ai* r r??f'i. .-.sin?. ! . - i.. ... - i-. ' M i! n.r i-, iir,. Hitpt fate. iu,i.?ni. Sa? lai "lie luiai STEAMERS AT FOREIGN PORTS. AKUIVKII. Crnna. (Vt IS -Vul.ano (Hall. Vw Ynrk Ort I Moranl :>r. V.>ri> Ua l.l-i-n A?-:.-iii? ?M id P'atu-I?. N?w toril VI? la"-! *. - . , ., i :i s, ? ' - i'?-. n^v, v, K .. I--, Ntw y-irk. ... i . o ia ou? m?, i See V'k . ,.- ? ?! ? J.i Florida I'.u.i. New ^ ... . . ?4M ll??lll. do, f'K ??titliri 1 ur?. u.a.' biyrr? iNjt). Ntw York for t?)iir, ! | . . .- : I Kar). >?.*?* Turk. ? i : . Br), K.-? sort Sliifapori i-.:, .4,11 ?'mir ibf). N?w Tor? rt? I ? tn| ?> i ,\ i HM. New York. ? ?,.rk; l'.'tl?. Dues SI i. r? (Itai) K?a I . , ? UMDPhU. New Y,irk. 4?-'.. ???? 23 l'li.,.r. New Tort ?I? Klrk .. it Ort :: Canille, Ne? York for CuU ..1.4 SAQjnX M a, Ort U-* 1? An? K??Ur lOM?a), N?w r?rt i-., \ I ? ,i:r\ Km tagt i.4i',?i... .. ? . i. Brl, it?-?.? New Y?rk). I'ar, 1 rl.rt. Od U Klnlaiunur iRri, (fmni Bagnoll). N. ? fort .i ' .''i K-Mva ?Hr.. New York. A1/I-T4. Ocl H?skin-,,! ??.He illr,. (from New York.. Vla,!l.. ni .1 liartitnil ISr fr in Rio d? N , Tori UMipooL im -i' l'amerntil? (Brl. (from (Jlaa I .irk h. ?. ?, o i Ko*M ifnin S*n Fram-tarn), i.- .. n ris UsftlUn; I an?tng. Port s?a I. a,, A.;,ln t ? Hr . (friHii Situ Kran, l..o fur N.'W AMnfagaata. i ?"lira. New Y irk. I'AXnU? Gibraltar hi U* A:i ? ... illaM. Nrr Tort fur N4- re 27ih. I.Ian?.n 'Ilr-. New i'or? I'jr Tom- Aaaunststa Usafd. m II AI./4r iliutrlii, Net York for Rot icnlaui. THE WEATHER REPORT Forecast* and Records for the Laat Twenty-four Hours. WuMii?'.",, II.? 117. HUli i-iii,. ..-<? prevail? gen ?ra:iv to ,l?)r. . i -.-1.1 ..rer F!..rld? and the li.irtb 'ipi?er luke region, a.n.1 There wu no preotpl'atlon ,I.iii? \\,-,\ mm i iy ?i"i't In ?nit West WssV Xter* mem keocew UwaSse*?me tewdes nl?ht In Nt? Bl 4,41. 1 tm? ti.e u.ldd.a Allai,lie ReMa T-:i,i*ra?urrt '..ate lallga In th? Atlantic a'ata* ai.d !h i lower laSB re*l.,n le al,?it noruial coiull iKiii. but u:u*htip tliey remain much abut? th? M-aaim?! ?ma?..' a<< a r, ,u.-. With ill? ?x.-cpllnii of ?hmter? IbondSI ' ? .' an'l South K'.urlila. fair ? ***.:. in-tall duni.g ihe mat two or tbiM da I tut a I..,- MteMSSl Kli.?r Ti.ur?lar tn thr lake r<mlon 4.1 upe? "!|1'J Vallo, ai.,I ur. Fritar In N.w Knglaii.l ?od Hir mi,1,1.? Atlutle ?t?:e?. - foi Tlinrvlai a.i ! Krl !a. N.,rtli AtlanUc. ,.i: ? rsrtable: uUdle ai lai.ll.-, ^ I real a:?l i.vnb. Iw-omliiS larlkbb'. >. jo. Al.a.,11 ; and ea*t Uu'.f. MOitorsU . ??, ?Ml (iiilf, ?v ,t.e to u??l,.r4i? C4-. Ilk??, rii'rl,.-?? ...nib and a?iiUiw??l hI. I? Tnuri day. fair a>, 1 ill|hllj w?nn?r; 1 i?.-r ilk??, stntls . .i.". ?Ind? T..ur?!a>. lair ai.d ill?i.l:y ?sroMl Nortbr??Uru .!Murb?nce Barth ??! llji.l i.?i,a ai. I dun ..Mm ? For?-???! lor S?*cUI Localities.-BaaMB Wm Ynrk Bao i -. * ii a i ios ni.i.-i.t a Sa* 1] fair and warmer. . indar, easml seimBeslj Kti r air. i . New t.,?land ?nd N?*r -. ? Krl lay. fair ?anu?r In In , . WfMWf N.-w Tort, w...t r Ulctdsan, fair and . . . I ?? ,,. Uli . Ar'<aii?as, l . i ? ? . : i i. XI. 1 .? ... I , ? . \ lr? N ?. Indiana aid Olio, .'air Tnuraday L?e(l Offlelal Reeor?. -Tn? folljmlr.g offlclal it? SI I H ? Iks Weatber Rurrau ahowi th? tl.ango In Hi? '??:,!? ra-,;r? fur ti.? lajt twenty four huun : * r i ?., 11 with the mrmt>ondlo| dat? of laal ? Ifll 1314 191V I a ? IS{ I f. as. ..... M H S a. n. Ul t a a. ? a m '', It'll I ei . 3* .',? H in .. i m.iii If m It .iy. '?7 ?epte,. la? i ar-ea lat 10 |. ? i a?, r .... ?t.'-.i?e f,.r . Ule !?.t ! -, ?. Ill ? .lair la,' tl,:r:> - lot?? j. tn, SI B.iroJiel i Handing?. 8 ? m j?i || 1 p in .'.O I] i I p. m. .30 17 HumMlty. S ? in ... 90 I 1 p. m ti I I p. m .11 Local ForKUt. ? r?. i?.? la BOTtk ? becoming ??rUbl*. to this ?tTect had been put into opera? tion, but wss tsmporarif| snspendsd st the instance of fifty representative! mtic -temnsiiin lineo. The numbers ..f the commission BIS John B. Dea mor?., Solicitor of the It Pertinent of Labor; A. Cuminetti, Commissioner Of Immigration; Frede? ric 0. Howe, Commissioner of Immi? gration at New York; Dr. L?ra K. Spiu?ue, surgeon of the Public Health Service ut Ellis Island, and A. Warner Parker, law officer of the Bureau of Immigration. -? MORE HILLIS CHARGES FILED Court Rebuke? Pastor's Lawyer tor "Washing of Dirty Linen." OharfSS and counter charges were airain hurled nt each other yesterday by the Rev.Dr. Newoll Dwigkt Hilhs, of Plymouth Church, mid Frank I.. Fergu? son, former trustee, whom Dr. Hillis is trying to examine for the purpose of besing Mme kind of suit BMiast him to recover money alleged to have been withheld from him during Ferguson's live >ear management of the clergy? man's business affairs. Dr. Hillis anil bis attorneys filed yesterday alas sAdaelte in reply to P? rguson'l motion to show cause. The Bfllaavita are tilled with grave charges Sgaiast Psrgnsoni only a few of them boing relevant tS the allegation? that Ferguson had couverte?! to his own use ?ecurlliv i mid stocks. One of the lIBdavtts ma?le by Mrs. 1' .? II Boras, a former booliki ip? i for ferguaon. charged that the latter'* handling if Dr. Hillis'.* at?airs was S "swt die. Supreme t'.urt Justice Kellsy, of Brooklyn, befoye whom I ,? argumenta were made, rebuked Chai ea T. I.nk, attorney for Dr. Hillis, as tho affidavit was being ri ?What has all this washing of dirty linen to do with a motion to vacate an Order for examination before trial?" ask'?l Justice Kelley with some show of anger. "The idea oT this woman, (tefsls what? ver her name might be assuming an attitude of righteous Indignation mid tr>ing to make the d-feiidant oui a i? ndler loea Bot recommend itsulf t\> me. I won't allow any i tors attacks O? this kiml any more thin 1 will allow the other side to make them." Dad .-n was reserved. FORNEY GETS FOUR YEARS lluwera, Hired to Assault Old Man, Also Found Guilty. Pituburirh, Oct. 27. A jury in the! Criminal Court here to-day returned a venlict of guilty against William Bow? ers, of Washington, charged with an assault on T. Franklin Schneider, a wealthy candy manufacturer, last June. Thomas Q. Forney, Schneider's son in law. testified yesterday that he had, agreed to pay Rowers and two other! men $4,00t) to "put Schneider out of; commission." Fornev, George Mcllenry and I!. C, Carlisle already had pleaded guilty. Forney was sentenced to imprison-1 ment for not less than four nor more than eight years; Mcllenry to not less than threa nor more than els years, and Carlisle to aix months in Jail. FRENCH LINE Coaipasnie Oanarale Transatlanllsue 1'iiMii u'K Sailings for BORDEAUX ROCHA,MbEAU, - ? Nov. 6, 3 P. M. LAFAYEtTE. - - - Nov. 13,3 P.M. LA TOURAINE, - ? No?. 20, 3 P. M. THE WEW QUADRUPLE SCREW S. S. LAFAYETTE Maiden Trip from N. Y. Noy. 13 , ''OP 'NFY>KM ?TION APPI T j COMPANY*.* 0FF12E, phone Broud'lOo?. : CUNAR D Ettabn?*eri run EUROPE via LIVERPOOL ?TUSCANIA, Fri., Oct 29, 5 P. M. ?C?AIKHUMA.. KKl.r.OV i>. ?VIA. SAXONIA.SAT.. NOV. JO. 10 A 11. ?Tl..SCAM a 7. .Kill. >OV. 2?. ?PU ?Un Mon?? to Uiai.ii? NEW YORK toLONDON PANN'ONIA .SAT. NOV 11. 11 A- it. ('i.bin }'?.*?#.iger? only ROI Nl> THK UOIUI) TOUR?. Tec i.;', ???..-. to l,i Ml.I?l fr tl- ,..' Ill? world. COMPANY'S 0FFICI. - 2? 24 STATt ?T., B. Y AMEallCAl LIKE AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American Flag N. Y.?Liverpool?Pier 62, N. R., Noon M. Paul <>?t. SO New York Sop. 0 WHITE S1A i LIME N.Y. Liverpool- Pier 60, S.U.. Noon A.linalie NOV. SlfOsaWlS.No?. It t Cabla a I .-.i Cl?a? Peeeeagev? ?als Azore* Ob, a tar?Nap e, (i noa ?mi, OH. l?o. HI A. M. Canonic. Not. I? OmCK. 8 It'll.IY. V V Ted. SOOU He? tor. BP1 **V' Hit *'*-' M *?*?* Waniagu? IICJ it ?,.,.., |U>? ,t .v^n. K'r Porto Kltu > ra ??? A Verein?:? CARACAS ,Ko, < rillLAIiKI.l'HIA N.,t !7 il.UiA! AlHn N . I? /.I I.1A .Not. H Superior Aio?n:n..dation? for Faaatngam. ULI3.S. DAI.M.rr * CO.. (Jem. Mgr*.. 1171 Hanover ti Mall ?treat FALL RIVER UNE TO BOSTON $4.3) LV, PIK H M, N R. it. Fulton St.. Daily. ?t I'M P. M. New I mi,lim i Norwich) I.lne: I.v Pier 40, N ti . It It1 .i.i-t. .11 St. uciii day? only. 5 30 P. M , Pier "o. K. K. it. I. ISO i-t . <* "i> p OITM.lK STATPIUlOMS, SI ?0 Pier 1? K R I'hmie ITA? H?rk??l\. <ltv Tlf^aK <im<* ISO Broadway N " ? ?? .,, T^.k-t i.e..? p'*i, v.,? -1? * ! tours es ? METTRAI. \M? sot:." NATIONAL GREEK LINE i..,| Tie une..1 S ol i ?? M 4...1 n .11 Q d tilla ?....un?, tail, m _ II m ? eln.ll >t. r? ? : i i ,u Ho.a.1 BD A T 11 ? ' "'* l:*st ''? ?-' ri M Au. I Le South An., r.. a i.a BsitMSoa --a Dor ? v, r, ...?> m LLOVU BHAilUIHO. 17 ?late St., N. V. City I It i 11 I I to all roaorul hie ?a ?tli m bj land a,. ! -a lian. 1246 8ro?iiw?y. N. Y. City. OLD IIOMIMII.N I INF. 1 a'l l'ou?t? i" ,n h ad S\?at IMS Wwl I'a; at * p m Piar ?S N a Tai ?S<M Frai.kllu. BUSINESS CARDS. ?AI.H'l I Alll'kt < L A A.M.NU lU-HIIUI t>( ?. ii" .-is?.-1 aU. ?taaoi. uand oc ou ?loor 1551 Bread?? aJl i a..? ?Km a COS * MKAM>c I- IU <?ll? Id fffOIUPH TTPKW'?rrTK? I.Kr.FRH W? II ?;. I.ASS, |l.II; iooun. |? ?jk-i k WKATHfcliF??t) 120 llrn?d*?> lt'qull?M? Unlg I. Rooi 1.131 Reetor IMS_ MM MHI ? AiM" l rtKAMNfl WOUka ?ill.-i. I......1 M *l Vl-Iri FINK m '.:?? 'ViiVKS Hi?iM ,i|ji rABPBTB i'Tii-?. lu-a,. *.c Se.d fr rir. jlar Tel ?,.-? -i-.j gs; fij vi,?? iMk at HELP WANTED. _ Male. BOYS fn.Ui i? m 1 n-a-4 ut m*P, wanted for :. at ?M I- > ?>, u. Ma ?I-..I. av pilon?! a lu,.u?,? An'.y lo PhotnaaoUr, ? ? :,i 5 o'decfc, im ? '. .?k Bill ? - I for choir, ' ' 1 ,. -ri Aiii.y t,. 1>. ?? .., r _ WOHK HAST'-::). _ Male. DIlAl ??I1TSM \-- Il y ?i?- I'ViierVn-e: want? po , p? , r?.-?? or ?1?.uni'*.- y r? QUlrl | . ' ? ?- -?iu?u. ?'. K. ?'.. Ul . a- ? CM| IAPANKSI ' aoallloa ?'- hcaioawofk i-. ,,i,i, .1 j> or -ii?li'. Tul.yu. 11..? H. ? ' Female I IIOPP1 u Hrl?'ii >oii:.g MBBaOi ?luualntcd il.? trad?, e?i-e!;?.it city refer.une?. ! \ i ?lor l.i'., .n,. - Guild Agi-...?, ?21 Madlfm g? M . :ay Hill Ml DOMESTIC SIT? ATIONS WANTED Male. < GARDEXCB M?rr1ed. nn famllv. Garmi-i Amerl rana; agea 31. 11. wife ei.'e'lMit ,ou? or Ix.erd help. man tlioroiigb ?11 tiraixli?-?; ?i?o ?lock, pouiuy. i?e; raferoncos. A I!. 2"s Kail 4ith ?:. Female. CIlAMUKUMAin. Waltre? and T'v.k Your.g Ir'.'i ?|.!.. ei,-i.!..t long rtferanca?; $31-121. C, kll A|. 'y, 1" He,- 111.1 lt.. tl.'.r 1 rt.K.i - 17 'I. Ii..ii S.iiian- _ I CHILD'S M Hi-. ^ u ? Seotsk PraUotoat; IS ii.i.nii..' rolan I '?[ Uitt 'i i?m?j?r'? ? '. n Rui 13d si. third Boor 'Phone MI7 ' klti .. Mill HOrSEKEKPF.R Ne.? Vmankr. for gentlumen: ?iral'igsl ,...., tnl i yeara- 1-- i? r. p?l i'llf or .-cuniry Ml*? Sl.augliii???)-? ' A.. :. i 11 \v, .; ?: I ?I HnrsKUiiHKMt FlnnUh Amerl. ?ti. ?Irong: will- I I ? ,11, Of CVUnUll - .'lli'l.l referi-n.f? lathtl'? I tetAUCJ. II E. l2;Ui it 'I'lioi.e S?15 Ilarltiu. I.OST. POUND AM) REWARDS. umj a m m<i v nr ah??i t sn checks; n?i , valu? to ft der, lar?..- r.ward We*? SStk ? oui , pans, 1 Ji* W?i?i Urtih ?: . Nr? York AUTOS USED IN FOX HUNT Dors Seeking Hahbit? Find Revnard bv (lianre. Rohelaml. N. J., Oct. 27. Thii after noon's field trials of the New Jeraev Beapls t :vi!>, he^uri here as u rabbi', hunt, ended up in Roseland, Morris County, as a fox chase. With two we!! known dogs in th? lead, Charnii,>.i for?, owned by the f'harmion Kenn?!*1 of Ili?sdit'e, and Queen, belonging to Dr. J. Roland Teed, of this town, th ? club members were hard after a rab bit. when a small red fox crossed th ? trail. The kooada picked up the new scent, and ssembere followed them in automo? biles, on foot and on bicycles, n--ro< the I'lis-i^u- River and into Morris County. When they had gone ten miles BOres* country Charniion Cora caught up with the elusive fox. The chase had lasted more than two hours. e Mis* Isabel Parker to Wed. (Ilj T, ;<'?raph to Th? Tribuna J New Haven, Oct. '11. Professor and Mrs. Horatio \V. Parker to-night an? nounced the engagement of their daughter, Isabel, to Ralph Somier, of Kansas City, a Yale graduate of the class of I'.MI and ?on of George Seni? ler, a New York banker. FIRE REC0BD. P M 1 f. ...1 1 ... '.Mli ,t J.,?,,, o IhSi inllti.f I 15 4' IV? Slip Oeorge K Holl.kk. |r Hfllig 1 55 H4 ll.t.rv ?i . Harry I?a.,r. Irisln? ,i I'. ', ' l^uiii ?. l.?.pi,|ii, llayn?. irtBtn* 4 I . |t? Wi?t ltHth .t Menu?!! tVtiUchl V *** I l?l l'.g Allrn ?I : |t.'iij?n,|i, tVI.eatopol. irlSln? ?4-- 4,4 Heat Ulli at . Hugh Tlrruej i trtSDU M' :?..? F.?,l IS?|h ?I . XI E f,.?. 11.500 I 4f. 451 We.? 4?ih at . kl?ry Murray. iriSI?? l o* -n? Kidiid?? ?u, loo* y?iko?sio? uuUa* Up the Hudson By Daylight I)e!l> F?.*e|>. "mid... lir?'t Hall ??onne.r.'.iia ?.. all pa>lnt. |. Ih. ???talall!?. Saiato.a. th? A.l'rjuda-lta" Ihe Weat t?r*.?l North A.I thr.,u.h r?|| Hike?. b?t?cei? Nee Tori, an- A.u.nj ac. cepted Mull'' Keat.urant To anil I nal >.??.,. ? Not. 1st. IlrabroaM-. HI., 1:40 A M . W ?|,? ?, ? A M.? W '. J'-l. Bl am. Tub. kers. I ?7. A It . ? at \v,,t p^," N.tabursh. Poughk.rp..? . KlitKltian P.Ibl Cat.kill l'u.Uon ?::tl ** (?II? liar ??iil.ii.?' In l'.'Uabkr.iMLs ?_ liurcli ?r tree. I*..!n?. wmm "?** On !.>< ,;???) I?aj, He? a.I Sir Bstasrl Faitea, .-l'". lal Outfris to \Se?. p, ;ftt ??7-o burfl? ?n.l P.ia.i.i '?'n Im?. leg Drai.r.iK??? Btreet, ? ?o, w .._ .. 11:10; W. IZSth Ht, 10 ..... ?ui,k,ri "iJ a m ' ~~m D HudsonT River ay iine Drannaea" *?i. PtSS. Tel. ?Ill tana?. M. f. ?.S.'TROJAN''?* 4^EN5SELAER" Leave Pier 32 N. H, Fooc C.nal St., It* P. M.? ?1.-....).. IMpja, 'V. Ii2d St, S.S. * - M !"C,W, ^C'X j Morse" & ''Berkshire''\';^ ^?v? Pier 32 N. k.. X_^_?__ *JB_\ 7.00 P. M.; VV. '.32d "" 7.3? P. M. M?iBB 10 ?i. I' ,; .50 $l-50w"a. *250"' Tr' ?pri-? ||.in I ????a? l(i?r ,ii, ,r . ,-. HUDSON NAVIGATION? p.ea BOSTON k,2,|| ?i.i It. hi und Kuli. I.i I Mi ||:||- ?a i. PROVIDENCE $1.60 koi *?i? ritii'. ?:, i?, Colonial Line First rlaa? *? r....- B*< , ? <a4 ?,;i, ?i?>a a' ? p .41 fr. in PI ? i> N* n, foul *".'???? C'ltiHt. i, St ?Il Oui. ta I uaiaa! ?1.00 to r:i.0?i. ttirele*. ?.uipmnb l> ???ti, Din ? Broadway and :.?. ?t Pi?:.,. Sunn??9??1 S3 MAIM; -II ?. ? IM ' I IM.IVVT mMTo.,?* PORTLAND l< .!n. .-?I Pare? All Poli???, i . ...?sut ( ?rt. ? 4 >r :.- \ ? n wi-oiir i.i mo, _ KESOKTS. liaicn Hall in the Mnuntaiis WFiRM-K?ViLLR, PA. l?e?.T? .? t ?????a. fur III. HALLOW tLN CUEBIWIMS should be made .it unce. HOWARD M. WIN?. BHilfl ?.AI.l.V MOI STAIN ?O. F. L YOUMj. gen. bur. ?Cmirfl??DUSC Ci?kci'jooi.N'i.iillalfrst'U. Cru ?r 'ifit a "3? . ? ? ion or?-h?:s CVWubPHYaV., ? ??:?.; ?? j MlWPHY. Mj**W 7STBA AUTUMN GOLF At Stockbridge, Maw. Red Lion Inn?Heiton Hall '?iprll I. '. I ?? i a . rut iiaoiHG ItSiaUl nom Of TIK VOMI ???ar? borouab - ?icnbeia | AT!. V>'!'l(' CITY. .***? f. On* -*? ' ?"???"??.?"???I/, JOS'AH white A sons COnrsnri TRAY MORE ?Sri IN MTU! fTlON._ NEW aOKh ?.T.nhalaaia?. t0mXm?m?mTan\tM THE BROWN SCHOOL 01 II rORING no)?'s<i?.?.?i a oitir^ 0]rt* .*____ .'II U.....I. si . .'??'?? V? ???**-*? Pounded l?OI P? ?II ??- ! onlj? ?"" ?? ' tun? ?it;? ,. ?. ' ''??*__ ! ?i d . i|?p. i and a?? ?..- la. iW ?l ?***? l year? ?. ?k in on? III ?dm'1 *_? ?ami mora. <.f rim ' ?< t'*'r'?.. IB? dUedv-aiiUS? ?Pupil, i-aur."' B"w .... .-??.,.: . . A &'?>.? .??.-..'. a*; At ?? ' ?*?f*' The Clarence H. White School of Mod?in PhotogTtpkj Opens November lit. Kor liif..rii.?;i.ii I I CLARENCE H WHITE, ?JO !.. 1Kb ??. ._? Languages piffiag 11, i-'it .i ?.?: . . .''HTm ?pail.a. I ? \_T_*e _im__~ ? ^* Till: I IM.I \?.K IIHIM -IKTM???*. t\>\ Put;:.m Blata . t ?a. oiia K >???' ?4? "' The Barluz S?h??ol ol L*?V?*???* ? ?m aie! M?, sri?n _t .Isriim l'r^ ? I . A" ??? lit,?*... I...... O? Jai) l. ..' s?l1'1J,T1_t, Ptilla.t laid a U.WI..UI ?... '?'k?fJ3* l .. . si I l'r '.i' I'?""? ll?> ?'?'' ?*?"? |ll_aMat'i.oi. U . I'll) \V ll\J_-mi 1?\N( INO. DANCI.Ni; CARNIVAL ^Vi ??ax. ami ?tv i... i,it.'.i*Ji.ii ,?t. ,:a? ?;-?* ,1,1 Paiac. IV4?'.?.??i a. ua? tt?t SI. M. li?.ar Um. __ m. i A? _ MI'SIC'AL INSTRUCTION. ^ raA?-K?N Ml ^\(iVl^..?l?..!r? instituts or ausicu *bt. ^ B?a Hi- r.t ClM.mMl A??.. Bse tmt^m m. ? m ii. ? il. _I' _*( IIOOL Al.liiHIia_, ii.?r, a?., r-icse l*e?*B?f?"> '-'^tffiS Bupp'la. Profl?a?..r. I ?*?*??'??." ^uaS*. Ulitni'UMi ?ic ?o Coli.?^. ^'^ffSiSm. ramiiiM. Apply ?o Mre U. i. tnomp u rtLTuu, U Vetea ?veteo.