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^The Speed That Counts Is the Sort Used in Crossing Home Plate BASEBALL WAR WILL SOON END, IS PREDIC???I, Man ( lose to the Federal I eaguc Ov* hits PI, ks Jan. 1 as Limit. LOVE I OM1 S INI LU t 01 '? v - Heralded P ' ? - : asi n*. Pif:rs . ? - . - ? ? i ? but - . te owners f seven f th? ??? * ?' - ' ? ? Our ': t-V? si ! Ulen b* ' ill. Uur itrr" si J*W <i . approved :?r thr cad - ??a* 8l:... \\,.?t ... ble. Its ? r ' ' ? ? I{'"'- I': BT COM NNV t'^W.y " Il ?. 0.a lour itVV.r^ ! A-.c ltren tt41stSt H?res Ynr's Most Valuable Homer Letrts aaS ??rise ??, n,,? iae bits el Ike : ,,.i? U,-,1 .,: , ?lint ,m WO* pin? li.s ?? ' , . rr<. nt'.j ?? I , f ,,,.,ier. SS4M .?!, ?, ?III- vi?l .. BHtof ?Betas** ?Be Ball in ?er ? \ . ? xtaa nu ???' .... ? .i- ii,, the i balk] , . ?.'...,>!.? - ..- ut ih? gttmmm? ii- piaja,. rHn up ?? I ,: , ? ,.i ? rell, i saasl? s. , lilil? 1 ?; \fl<-,| ... ,1 ? 1 i ? ?:.'.-.. .:?' last - - ? '" I . . football n ?. r to the N ad all ? WEEGHMANHOPEFUL OF BASEBALL PEACE -uns Out ? i Wore . avorable. ? ?11 of rnoet I ? lit) in !0 I/O ? ? LLOT BRINGS $S5,?G0 AT SALE p Price :<> ; at Elmen Dispersal. ? 'Ah;rh . ?. . I ? the i I of 1 ? record A '*? . while i . 1 ' ? 4 a '? ock st ? ? ? UMPIA CAPTAIN TRIED A! C'UAFTER ' . ? | y I ?? ? n A ? .. Well. ? i ? ? ? the , t the i ' ? ' ? n i ? ? ? ? ? ? i ? " ? ? i ? ... ;.. .. e b<M DODGE BEATS A SMART FIELD OF TWO-YEAR-OLDS Wins Maryland -Handicap I! indlly- Action Galore in Selljng Ra< es. ? ? ' ? ? ? !'?1 l lho?o ? ???a? accoui ? ? . ,t ? ' place, hi ? was protect? *. mon Mui i?*:*ing a vit?tlv lmproveil raci ; lev? ? D. J. Leary < i ? from S of ? ;. but i sr, 1-.?- arai Living ? ' ? U a ' ,-' ? - - I - ' ? 5 t - ? . RALPH DE PALMA MAKES 106 MILES AN HOUR Practisi for B I ir Ra< . ! Sp - ?' ? ? ? ? r ier. ' ? ' . raeing car? l - i ipman, U.S.? S.i Too i - ? . ?i i?. ? i ?. ? Entries for To ; at Laurel Track ! . . ' i a BlaVI ... - ? p ? ? i ' 4 -la - ? ? . * ? ?,. n i*.i Jporiliihi &G rentlan? Rice ?i:- Old Oaken Bucker. H i- ?'? ? * ? ? i art fas seanai ti ?.? ; ave mbjsbJsssJ In all fats i ? -, <;,? m .p. 11 iaar to my i baaisaed nap; ? . ? ? ? 'sat, ; ' \ I uaiVers, .e I, ne covered buekt re Who crashed 'hr.ju:ifi a line. I '*"*' tprintei ? VU : i whole loi winter ? ? \ I \ t ha ma I have i , ? ?,,., IS ' * IB he r',1,1 ; But 0 ? >ne again, abovt even lona booten-, taken buck-era who fore up a line The old oaken Sttdbsrs, ike. iron-bound f,ucfc#rs, . i- Intlloek naehed buckere Who tore -up a lino. l'aie bas lier r.ands tied. But ...?id ar:d Princeton graduates and undergraduates believe ,v.a' La ?.ore. who was isked to play upon a team by a nun mainly responi hie for bis ? i nol lesereing of ratastatasssatl There sri and Jostles .?re abare all techni? calities. This Le Is OBS O? -K','.ir,g only for Harvard and ?? - i || done. Old-Fatahionecl Days ' Risj bet in .71 an y ways I like the old days Kirno was decided by the seore. A ?t by an error or n ! a snd wai n by a hit or a fine play. Hut now this has all ; rams played II d eidsd by the "break?." S "'"..?? ' Skill, training, speed, cour? age, power used out by fat?- und the ex? perts and the playera I Lees than nol rig VETERAN. ? raies, ' rtakt, brt * r i? puni i fas bank, -...,.. ? . ? ' .,?e." , larvard vs. Princeton. ?Y? . a non-eon itaat, "*i-at Princeton Ii itoing to beat Harvard." W" have never iSsness along this line. On t over other years in the ? II irrerd should rule slight favor? ite. Not from what 1 ? '"? ?hat s likely to happen In the coarse of li.-. nee. Hervarl, ' y the dates of the Princeton snd Tals, R , ., fran what she his been. Thl material ther? lb; N first class. And esa be dep? i I i rest. Harrard, however, will meet 'earn than she "spects ted In elementary play and one that will have a i. ? ? Pi ? ??? I SB eleven of a quick to profit by mistakes as Cornell was. i - will be making these mis? takes In her ' r that 1 an will fall heir to another such "Mathewson a fair trap ' ? rao I that Matty Isa"! I.; |t Is | ***** ,u 1*1 the ^HnK of thl? Th Fullbai k'a Invi u i. i. | ' era ata, l>, i ? ?? dome to hoof, I ? ? there ha If 1 ? . ml *il roof. In the i uture. I, ths crsck chess player ?e the Tal?es la-day far prafessioaslissa. It ; a pul and during a hard ? eaetle with a kaight, ne th' I '" p,ii ?ithout recom ? rtsmsn Hut is there ar.y of an amateur than Hurry re * Dundee Now Baser for Bout with Freddie Welsh Admits He Won. hat Pays a Tribate to the Prowess of Ritchie?Expects to Coat Champion. Bee! ? ?t faee va . ? . t m?'. ? ?* ' ? aa that h? ? ? : ? ' ' ?I ..... lain. ' . tpecia m ' ? ? . ' ? ? ? :', : ? t. i?..- meat waa a right Il sa I went in at hit.. '... jre*. ?wa> from, fur : i srfeetly. Still, I ITS, SB it wasn't io ? So? next is Fre-l .1. 1 i f. h s* la IBB ? SCS a:. 1 I He knows I a . h as aevei eoaaeate I te I get him evi ? .! boa.t Its ehampiofl cf tl.? the Indiana ? .- I t ?? - '-. . .- I ?? leading ex I , laeh a.? a .' .ut a rap;ii 1er? Itch, declare 1 II i wh?-n not rather tha't ? ....- ? ? ? Bg bee Bl the New r with a pe ' ' ? fiel him ??h? the r . ,-h h? B with it . m a', y . man ..- ? ? - ? a ?-. - right lllow. He may ir ten . ? .^ i-,,n ng in '.he Mean may be panful ? you. MRS. BARLOW SETS RECORD ON LAKEWOOD LINKS Leads Field In Qualifying Round of Women's Golf Tourney. Mr?. Rol lid S ?' ?' rood's goll tournant? ? I WOfltOB '. n ?cor? TMs sise - record for the I r:k?. Tho near?-?' Bereofl to her vr?? Mr? H. I.e. v.? BtOCktOB, of Plalnfleld, medul winner laat fOBf with Bfl M, bal yi?r taking ' " :'or the roun ! aere the or'> women ab?, to g?t less than a hu? Ired I. a k ^ w ' ? !'? ':>.*ri ore p n, m.y | oui of, an i V il not an eipe 47 I at n .... I Mirk ' ? . "' te, evi. nar. ll?r card WBS a9 follow!; ? I | I Ml ? 3 ?????! 5 | ? ? ?' The ?cor?? follow: Following Is the draw: Mr? H.r'.o-.v v?. Mrs. Irving, Mr? Potts re, Mr?. Bwrenee, M'?.? Randall ????. Illas O. Pickhur?l?, and Mr?. v?. Mrs. Stockton. After the medal play an approarhi?g and p-it'.ing conte?'. wa? ru: r lirat hole, ai i the pi le I to M ? < Bfadelaide I. Randall, of F ,-. 1! - ? ! a fir.? ft. All thr.-u of His? Randall'? approache? wer? well 01 Lrret-n, and OBS WBS ? ? lied -he putt for a ?. i h" Miss Randall wsj Mr?. Barlew, uith a 0 i ;..IIT ? ?t ? l; ?? - ?. it ? Mrs M i.-..- I - ?? ?'??;.-'. . " a Ft? ? .-?-. A - ? ? - 4fra \4 ? . i ? .? ? ? . .. ... ? ? ?? i ? : . . i ? . Ml- I,at- I- ?--? : ..? I ' rHIBO I IOBT -, a . ? ..? 4 ' "?? .,...,- II t . , M aw, Ursa I'. -I Sophomores Win Track Meet at City College After tho keenest kil - ?day '.he Cil captured the ar?r.UHl i. he'd in the ? ? '? ! ' With :? total of I I. Not until the last event, I ?vas the meet deeded. M arston Plays an Extra Round for Golf Medal Beats Lewis After Pair Lea< Field in First Day of Coan try Club's Toarney at Atlantic City. :n, T. -.-.; ? '. T- ? Tr" BM '. It require? teen-hole roaad sfan liai the Neu Jeree] . ' .<-"!, co'ji? ? ' Wylca ? f the sei .'. a*. At :??;.-. Tho pair ha a ??* scores of 7. '? ths rA sif late tl Is ?fternooi i It was ? i-.?.?? gatherlm? botl ? ?ri that th.- c'.ul bas 1 with In year?. Ou ? re 'han l.'IO entries 11' wem ta from the I rat te? I f playera fi ?re on hand an n division li testante '?1 i?. A B, had ent-red, bu' in inkling of wha1 .i l.y Roins i here ft itei lay ir that, he w.'nt ov?i a\*iew and mad? a 76 ?her?. Ir hi? i . Lewis to-day, Mar!?or i hava won on the horn? green where he silssed a put*, of 1??? than a ;. pi*-! for a 74. Th? ball want In th? cup and carro out again. It w?. * putt much the ?am? In lena;*h that he ? -?? 1 in his snatch with llobart Gard :. the. national championship at * A? It was. Mnrstor. and I.ewl? both ??. ??>'.lows: - ? I ? ? ? 1 ? I ?--IT I ' I 4 ' I i " ' I ? 4 ? 4 4 1 4 ? ? ? 3 s ? j i i i ? - n ? g tva? not ?o low ? ? rere brilliant : Ib partiular, coins' at tha ?event a ths sevsath r ??? s ? for 1, while at rh? ? | : itt from the ? in. At th? ' . . y I ?cume a .? Maratoa, a *h il d 2 at the next, they left the eiK-h ii i el rake to th? ? . ! a chance th?re ? -, Anlihed a ? *. a par 4. sa ntic City fa '! .: tOB ar.d I ? ;. ?'! h??. ???le. A? It M H JoBOe, a rrnm 2 . ? ?? from Frankford, had 77 -.. the -.. ?? he had 78 de ? itt?. the draw tho men will ' Ant sis si folio we i .y vs. er vs. M eg v?. Maxwell, Eadl? Randolph, jr.. va. i'ar T-\ risa, Wr.od rs Pmtdley. - ?C'.rei uf the ? rst thras sis rrasr BtnBBBl irjt r M.i a V'. . ,, ,nl 1. -. ? . --., 44'? M Ml .i-'a-. - , 4 . ? C.lf M r ; . .. . . i. II ,fh ^ , a < ?..- tnr H ' ham I - . . -. I. ? II I. ? -,- ?I ?. 1 ??? ? . <? ; s i . ,...? il : , i. . ... H Has- , > . ? ? t. ? ? i: 0 Mu? ? ? ? - - ?i II - W J I .,-. ? 41 ? ?< A ? 1 . )*. ? ?? < . ?I ? A , I .'? ?? ? . U ? AW. \ 4 ?I ? ,.' II ?4 I . - T > .- ? . . ,i 4 r .- ? . ? ?I ?? IIB . . . - ????-. 'A I- VI.-?...I ?"???' ; r ii : i ? . ?? m ?? ?? 'A J y l.r . ' .? . ? ?1 ?I : r iiir ? su ? ?? ?? ? H B '"? ?-???? MM y p ?r- .. i . ?? ti M r. a i ,,. i ? I , - ta .??,... t: *? -,..,< r . ? ' ? 14 ?? ?' ". - < " ?? ?' I" i 1<- . I A- ? ?' ?' ... ?? . .. . f <? -. -, \l r .1 * ?? ?' 1.M f ?' g w su.? A ?' ? t J Il u ?? ? .' II 1 .. A4 t' ?' II C. li.lM, ?'..? It ? ?.?f I- > . . , h- ?? .-. ?' * i A Html A , ? ? Il> f 4 ? II tl ?? ERASMUS HALL WI.NS AT CROSS-COUNTRY ?ets Team Honors, but Commer? cial Takes Individual Cup. Erasmus Hall High School defea'e | the Commercial High School Yross country team by a single point In a , dual run over th? Prospict Park SSBSBS of three miles, in Hrook'.yn, yeiterda>, winning by a scor? of 2? to It, The bays fought hard for the (?Kin honors from the stsrt, with the Hurt* and Nlua a'hletes rurrmg together better as a team over the Stiff course. Poly Prep failed to appear as scheduled to mn? I it a triangular event. Forty-five run ners, with ErasSSBI Hall represente,! by ?wen*. | ?-ted. The ti^-ht for mil.vidual honors eras bitterly coatested from the start, witii John Van Helft, of ( ommerc.ul, lea,ling home the Urgt? pack by ten yards. William Wicke, m Eraesias ? . ted I s Vaa Delft, over th" last stretch BTSr the giu* latter ! ad something in rt'nerve, and sprinted away. The samniary follows: ? ? ? r? s 4- - ? i j \ i iHirt. i i i ? : -w v . i .. . ... ? n I j : .. ii. . &? i.k'i . .- ? Mall ? . 4 ........ II I? v . ? i . ? Hl 4 . i . i Uall / 1 4 1. ..... II ?I ? . . ? I .... . 4 ' . - < ? ii i Hi .. s>aa ? ?asear le? . ? The Store for Men Separate Service. Separate Stocks. Separate Building, Broadway at Ninth. 1861 ? 1915. * * s John V/anamaVer l.e^nrT Klling clothing in IM1. * * ? 54 years of expei en I ... Of PROGRESS Wmler Suits We con-, ilted twenty of America*! most entern: of men'i looking ?it the sampli cloth they assembled?an?! more besides; talked with men of gi I tant? in dress? business men. pn men. your h ? ! oui w .'.?'? rur own I, the way it seemed ? ? : made. Any man can he fitted. Any taste can he suited. Any pri ? met. $17.50 to $40 the suit. i >.'?'. , ? * ? Meaning of R E I) L E A P An article of merch.ind.ise made abroad, selected by us from a'! others of iti kin I ss distinctive, and I da e at its price. SOX, for example: Black i i-'tton. natttl d cashmere, ???? lth id -:. r. \.y it! e I ...-?.cd. -, $1 psir. Part of a 'ar^e shipment of REDLEAF Sox '.ist re? ceived from London. !? ,- -i sets - ?? ? i Barbei /'? How Long Are Your Arms? rv I ?ngth of a shin sleeve is a very important matter. [{ ly s shirt here?any : the 30.000 at $1 ? id the sleeves are .. ht, we 11 make it. I . .". ? Sria ItuP. -, Ig ! LNI V;[:TT.vC?ia * ' I l. L Y W ?a . '. 4- w . ..ta, ????p. i?'s a ithiat ?rade by Lincoln? ? -.- ury li'.t little from ? " on. Their style een accepted as correct erationsof men of dis- , she ' ta-ite in dress. They express a conservatism ! takes note of the | es in matters sartorial which come naturally with the years, but their makers radical innovations. The Lincoln Bennett dard is good taste; not nov elty. Their first shipment of the winter styles lias just ar? rived. 12 sty'e? Derby Hats at $3.50 14 stylet Dert-v Hats at $5. 4 styles Soft Hats at $3 50. Here only, in New York. ? 8 ? r .*??*? B ? I STYLE 148 A mi -:hty pood shot; tin Kus ?-??? i ilfikln; invisible lace cye \r ? >? i,-. note the k00'! 16. ; 4 ? a I- ". S.I. The B r? Lire '? rri.-ir? '.|7 -, in I ta;, tr,<7 tktttSt, thr lilt n\rt th,"i l.rinij him. ? * ? ?Motor Robes Special 72 and 8? inches $7.7 5 each. Rendered water-proof by an interlining of rubber. Boucl? cloth in green, brown and blue imported mohair plush backed by rein? deer cloth ; an?l boucl? cloth backed by beaver cloth. a ? * Topcoats, fur overeo its, leather waistcoats, g'.oves, sweaters, jackets? caps. Good selections. Intelligent personal ser? vice. T. M ' - S I 4 . n - r Sf? BtallStaa a a a Q-O-L-F SERVICE. Any customer purchasing clubs may ask and receive the advice of one of our eight golf instructors. SPECIAL Fine green and blue sports coats at $10.50. NOTE. ? Every Simpson brassic in stock is perfectly balanced These clubs are in all weights, have the me? dium lie of a brassic and the scooped shaped sole of a spoon. Ils -r? N.a? I . . .. JOHN W ANA MAKE R