Newspaper Page Text
NATIONAL CITY BANK EXTENDS SWAY TO ORIENT Buyer, Through National (itv Co.. of International -Banking Corporation. ro IV 1 UDE RUSSIA \\!> S< ANDINAVIaA Dollar Exchange lor Europe .nni.1 lar I. st, as \\ ? ?i as Latin Imerica. sr of ? ? ' ? ' - ? ? - - ? Did ' '??'t, ? ? to ? ? ? - ? - ? City I*!?-?..'? policy al ?ipanalon 1? un <J?r?tood to BBake doll?r ??change th rr.e.?um fer financing th? lmporutl Of r? mmoitltlei riot on!*r from : it Sliea lut a'.?o from Knrop? and th Far Kait- Owing to th? great deman f? r dol?an existing t h rev. g-r out th world the dollar !* at a premian?, an ?equently Its purabaetag j>o4?rr l ifreater thi.n un?ler normal eondltl ? Per the paat yt?r the National City . etc ! ?? a clearing ho?.?? ?redit iBfonnatloB in behalf of esporl er? .-f th? South Ameritar. eOUBtrleC ?r.l the United S'ate?. The cor* '? a.i? able to any ei?"-r*. er \4ho eon.rnunica'.e? ?-k Th. r r the fon en bu?l ' t! ? Int? ? giva Nil si ( si '? aba] Calcutta ? | " . Kobe, ? u i ' Street * I ?rated ai i e .? ?.eri' ? er th? eral i. r to th? i. . ? d mil Bank t>> - ADMITS SHIP ISSUE MAY BE ARBITRATED B? Met than *<> Settle by War. sir Edward (ire*, Werts. ? - rhe Fore .-. Fer - the ri| ' ' ? ? ? : last. nh un ? : ? ? addi ? it ?v ;J ??I?? ? ? r.?' i. . to tie tar." ! - The Rritlnh ' goods '?? ?Ian h 16 ? . 'the Hnt ? ..-. the * . ?.ten?! . goods ? ' the 1 . ? Great Bi I ei the hich 4va? prohibited by ernmenl BRITISH EMPLOYERS HAMPER RECRUITING .. ' .*! to Keep Places Open Ranks Fill Fast. '"?.*-? has boon n ? :r liting through ' a e< -?, :???-' "The Man ? -.* ? at i? higher rate than th? ?' el -'arles ronfront ? ? the ? ? . ' ?' Lord ..... . ... : - ? - ighout pre] ? ? circular con ..):'! 10 btl ' r< n.e." franklin Simon a Co. Fifth Avenue Tlerts Clolhwg Shop 8 West .38th St.?Store Floor Men's Sack Suits For Young Men and Men, 33 to 46 Cheat Approred rtistnm tailor i:i"tl?is, * Imported ?mil domegtlc f???.l?rirs. 18.50 to 45.00 TO-DAY at Special Prices Men's Hand Tailored Suits Weaves Silk Lined Approved Custom Tailor Modela ? button models of.the newest invisible I lids ? ombined \4lth Strip i, Pencil <>r Coi Strip? - becked Velour, Oxford Vicuna, ! Twee?) or Nary S 20.00 Regular Price $27.50 Men's Silk Lined Overcoats Wint> r Overcoats, Chesterfield Mo tel ? <- < >?. ford, lin? (I * tirough rd. 38 to 4(T? hi it. Special ^*/?i*?' TO DAY at Special Prices Silk Lined Fall Overcoats Hand Tailored, Chesterfield Model Of Uaarii os Oxford Vlcunaj silk lined I I nut, i. sp-ciui 16.51; AiusTinr. luu.wT). aa urbe returns to the Premiership on the resignation of llen? Viviani. BRIAND TO HEAD FRENCH CABINET < M tinned frnpi | .;:? 1 lary. The new combi* ' ? , ? . 1911, M. B ? -d. i-.-Otled Pre ? ? -. ' with him f the new i MM. ? I he Briai 1913 ???ns, ? . .??? en 'or ?i l 1n hia mini?! ? . i em! in the Cham I ? . . : ? in tl . t was rej? a* !': ? ? 1!. ?ra? lucceeded by M, Barthon, I. I tel, another politician ?in-sent recomtructioa. The Barthou ?.?.n \'-:!'? be mem ifficiently clearly I lical-Social I tion, I? IM. Ca .??ux and J ' the term ol ? ? ? fror.i t-,4 0 ' ,.and ? rm pari il . . . r, i ' . . :.'i i, and ti ? - ? I, M. . the 1? t, the b i . ? I t ? ? ex-Pr? '-ir: . . . i . ? ? ? . ? ? : I.e. If J fiar? old, i eighty year? old, Pre mi?*r, 1902 t ? 1906? ? . pp dataient to the new Cab! BOt ' I unusual intere-t i? that of Jules Can.he:., levonty yean old, abo wa? ap pointed Preach Ambeisador to Gen us far bach t?M April, 1907, and 4? im n . d in Berlin from that date : . i itbreak of th? war last yeur. Fra nc o Strengt h e n e d, Thinks F, R. Couder. I r- li rie B Coudert, tl ? . awyer, commenting ?it nig : ? ? ? ii a n which ? ? ? <. ? genei i finceo, and thi ? ' ?'It tly at I to And now little at! I >b wbi paid to th? Ul : ranee were being ..?nier Gel and hii i, who com ol ? ? ' ? the a "1 :...?? . , Kite iment outi ? i ? . ? ?? t countr? tsell at. Pi . w?th ?m t port ? . ? ? ? . | u ? ? I* of the ? ? ? ' ' and able law? yer, wad natui ? "'! hi !?'??? taiBi m?r a? far apart Ifl th? I | and - !...'? I ? ??.'? Right ? m .1 ??..-.? ? . ? ? ? -lit of ? ? | u r , . S te " al ial .n II , ?....!..'. . . ? ? ut gersaaal iadjaneat salg." TO CHF.CK WOMEN DRINKI Condon Commit!?-?' to Investigate leped Bxcessirs Tippliag. 1 i ? ? '- ;.-r I - I ? It? ntei of ?I FAMOUS LONDON CLUB ON BRINK OF RUI War Tax ( tust s Flood of R ignitions Bar Profils Small ? " ?? t.? ) I,on.Ion, Oct. 28, The impend .: of h large Weal End club t the fact I ire on t ruin if the si til lies mi ? i to al1 m rerv ?ich cau ? me. impo. >'. eon pled . are faet euttl si n: revea . the cl brand of eigar has sivei p'.?c<? . ; irchaaed out.-ide. Th< by whom the cluh wan foi I .,.r, | ;??.- now , ired and I ? have a mem? brsl 0 felt the plneh ? ? ? ? ? : prices to ? ... ... ? ; ? 11 a me ? the ein at cost. 1 ? .-..ri> ;. v Obs ef I , ? propose ? ? ? ? : ? . . ? DANIELS SEES NO WAY TO FIX F-4 BLAMI Doubts I hat Constructors Ca He Held Accountable. .-.?? H.i-.-t j 1 W ash ? . ?? Oel . - The respot slbility for tl - to the submi lia last Mnrch mu rotary Daniels sai ay 'hut he eoald *%> noth t | i the report of the hoard of inq . ? . the , .,i .ne Ca ? (?e_l ,, ?h part ?i re,, . f ? ? ?' Tills Bi at I "? .... , | ? ... . ed to Mi ? He r.ed to com -, hut referred It to thi - the report o ? eri i not ai i rom I . tha ? I, 2 and leri? been withdrawi ? ? .. ? ,fc., I , i ? . ? i,. ?. ? .? BRITAIN TO IGNORE GERMAN TREATIES Br >acht s of Faith Warrant Stop. Dedans Orey. ? : . ? ? - ? ? nue, I ho: ward t.i. . .. ? eoi id .. : | and ' . i moat, of course, be ? that the | ? gaos? ? the Germai aro of ? t meet l ? ? ths 1 M : ? ? i i iolatioBi oi iaternal .... I NOTES DEFINE U. S. ATTITUD ON WAR ISSl Official Correspond? with Bell ige re?? Govc ments Given Out GERMANY DISPUTES SUPPLY SHIPMEf Armed Merchantmen, Censoi and Arrests at Sea Amor Subjects Discussed. U'a-hlngtnn, Or?. || a secon at of what ha* com? to ha \ larlj kaown si the United States ? ?'.'-. W'i to Hook was issue - ' the Stats Departmeat ' lm| ortaat diploi ?s'- the belltgi governmeata ..f Europe slaes the ?'"* of the ' '.ment I The eorreseoadeaes with ths (>e fiment ted by Ambasi STSlopod as a ? ? of a ruling by 'he C States 'hat if was a violation of for merchant ships to ] American ports for the expre?s put of supplying belligerent warship ->.i lie Ambassador's r.oto said: "The position taken by the go\ ment of the Uaited States as to th. Ilrery of coal and other necess to warshlpi of ths belligerent s' titutinjr s ? :i... opiatos ' :" the Imperial man government. . '.u.nal law. Th- Im| ? lins set for'' litiOB OB this | in a memorandum which. In rompu .? th Instruetioi I have ths hone forward to your excellency." This m?morandum read as follow "1'nder the general princip'.ei 01 ternationnl law no exception car taken to neutral s'ates letting material go to 'Icrmnny'a enei from or through their territory. is accordant with Articlo 7 of Hague Convention of October 11 I concerning the rights and duties neutrals in naval and land warfare > r, a state avail itaelf of liberty Ifl favor of her enemies, I it, la sccordsnes ??? ith i i ?rally accept.-.! in international und confirmed in Ar'icle. 0 of the conventions above cited, place no Htacle to the (ierman military force dering contraband from or through teritory. . . . Insist on Clearances. "In spite thereof, various Ameri port n'.i'.noritic. have denied chara from American port to roSBOls of merchant marine which w. . . ! pe,!, : to I .erman w ' i entrai pori A ling to ' cited, ?i i."-..' ral sl ? ? furnisl charact ? can it, after al e.l a f'h eon! , n or m m able a merchant cargo. Only when contraband tr: would turn the port nto baaes of G man military aperationa would I unilateral stoppa trade . iseli be?oi ? ? -he er..e the Germans I port i sr iff led at : ? i" '?'? . ??our i . ? Iras : I be Unit States contraband of arms, worth loverai billions of marl This la Itself they an- suthorised do. Hut If the I'nited States wou prevent our Warships occuniotial draa ing luppliea fi im Its port i great Injustice grow-; out of the a thorisation, for it would amount to t unneutrai treatment of the bel sad i-..::--;' its ?? bn-acli of the gener; iv sccetped rules of neutrality, te Ge many's dotril All Treated Alike. The Secretary of State in his rep held: ? essential idea of ne:;' ?omine ' be ba ??? : ? . ; ? treat ia, In thi I . inment, repeated departui territory of mei 'h fuel or othei for belligereat war i-. r ;.i aacertain th.- vessels ?hieb ar thus operating, the government .".a ? to ..??.. tig ite .-er'-.. I? r tha' it might detei min then , or sre sbon ti be, repetition of such acts, but la u! ... -;.'. rara a - ? bant B th? ,.-rman Am .... the Stuf ? ? it the tug F. B. r Yoi I rry pro to the 1 ex, de ? ? : ?? : Stat? la." arered this with th. ? he governs . matter t i| r ai ? . H? Iced for fu ber < on m hich u esttgal it tl , it ap - ? eriei ? i prepan I ? ? . ? ? ? :-rit:-h may he s Bc h rosiI . . \rming of Merchant Ye??el?. The ruling of the Bta : . ? ? e for m? ? ? br ??: toi del ... ..... aatrucl . . . . t the] ? tt the] ? - - t ft red upon, and ? at thei arill sever, under any eircam . ach BB) ? eeael." .-? Vierman ?uvemmsot. im a *^*?f5 i '*? L o *iTTisA A^'?'''.'-' t*-4 4*? 'v>'?-7*i AW -W*A - ?; ?1*7? mf*i%i-s*m +? *-?mt*ime't***>x tort ?ii|pi pi i .- ' ? ? ? lui m ?J cup." Mansion Coffee Best ut 24c a pound (Maklaa *' ' ?epei Money Back on Request Five Pound. Delivered Free AI.ICI. FOOTE IHACDOUOAU i a? On.'v ll'.,m-?n '" ,?*??? ImttSHer" John 141 138 Front Street. mcmoraii'l'im traaemltt? ? ? 'ion to ths "? . ? d that it " armed mercnant ? . mty thai ? I for def? - - ? Mr, Lai ling's SBiwer was I that ti permit vi ( ?ma'1 srmsment to hospitality ?>f American porta ai mer? chant on of ality. The e,r.>rt? of the Btate Department to "h!ain impro. ?hip of ititute a lonir over more '1 sn a y< sr. The hist own in ?4 a..r ? . ? - Am '? and M Inist? r Wl tl Th. . in J ? chapter I ' to the German govern ment'-? complaint that , the port sutl orities i ? ei ? d ? warnifla eonclu l? ter a ljn?; review of the ev .;.-:..... that .... ??'iiin int;' fon ' ' - nv?.ii!..?l nriy no' ? ring I ' ? ? -?ml the livei the p? r ? ? ? ? < aptatea oa the H?k'i Beaa. The caae ( \ .: it Piepeabrink, an American citisen of German taken from an American vein ? by the French cr'i - I ibjeet of lenp: exchanges. The Tr-nt c; In th<* I [vil War was Cited al B baail for the American de mar-,! for the release ? ? p .?? ?. p | rinh teal n** ;? note froi Miniater Delesssl to Ambn ??? Pai.- -: ?'-.- i that Gi n and I r n .-?? * ? rer admitted the contention, although the pi . . ? . ?? ? . ? ? ? et fort latiflcal ?. for the removal of un i neu? Ira] veaaol ob the h ig ? i to h tient ral port, -ven |f r .-.n " SEAMEN'S ACT ENDS FISHING STEAMER Tauros, Sailing from Battery, Goes Ont of Commissl n Bill Blamed. '?rmen wh ling te |y Elooh ob the Iros Stea iny*a exeur* ?ion steaaier Taurus will receive the following postal canl in thij mornituj'i mall : "Touru! goes out of commission fo* Beacon on account of seafliea'l bill on November 3. You are hereby notified to i-r-iove all your effects from the locken on or before that .ia'e. "FBEDERH K A. BISHOP, "('r?silient." In raakiag this announet-mont Mr. ?lie I.afolletto ? te of vicio n eg that the I- ? I tearn boat 1 : has ruled that the Taurus il a merchant SOI ? paseen-I gen, la the I trail?-, and as ens of '- act applicable to such vea? si ? "When you tak? into con-i'!er,-i*ion ? ? ? It ol ? ough ? at a ' ?' . . ' this bill n- a? parent Bines I the ?rie?! a*, average of ? ? i| ..'" Mr. : at to ?aVaahiflgtOfl jn rUliSg ' : liaeuai A. I.. Thunaan, Bat! ? ??'.v. Sfareh \ that a ? ? ? op. "I ?va- of tl " 'he ruling . aa it tinue to rule that i boat daylight ??.cur naerc re, ia oa a ? r ocean ? "It ? ?fit to drive the Ma*, from , irsloB boats, which carry rni!Ii"Ti? of ; . ? by bathing : to go out of buiini ill ?. p sit " AUSTRIA'S MUNITIONS PROTEST RECEIVED Ne? Note Coatalu Same Argu? ments as One in June. r? r - r ?.? ira I'. ? I '?'? a?:. _? :? Oct. M, Th? Etats Us . ?? I ? *. Saks^Ctonqiany Broadway at 34th Street 'Plume GreeUy 2926. Saks Suits for Men $20 - $23 - $25 i ou can find the selfsame prices in many shops, but they don't mean just what they mean at Sales' '. Practically nil novels are published at th?' game pnce, Inif fhnt doesn't malee all HOVeU alike. r You can get orchestra scats for ativ play in town at st a pair, hut thep're not ail worth it. *:. All of which is to show that it's a good tiling to |o?>k for your information beyond the price ticket. r The tailoring we have put into these popular-priced models is out of all competitive reckoning. ? Xobutlp else lines it no other clothes made show anything like such art in the making. ? Soft roll English cfFccts, fitting close to ?M waist? line; with vests seamed at the waist and finished with soft roll lapels and flapped lower pockets. **?. Conservative styles, cut on broader, practical American lines, but not so conservative ''lit thai we have smuggled a lot of style past the Customs! And then there's the fabrics ? Rich, colorful, new to the minute. and n crowd of thrm, from solids to stripes, from pl.iidi to rlierks, offering a range of choice never hitherto shown in suits of the popuUr-pri. ?< i\ s.irnty. That's the story! A very special offering of Men's Genuine Austrian Velour Hats at $4.95 MM $6, ftp $8 and $9 Made by J. Iliiekle's Sohne. Austria. Austria has far outclassed all other countries in the making of Velour Hats, and the Hiickle firm has forged to the forefront among its competitors. There are very few genuine Austrian V'elour Hats in this country on sale to-day. and they arc held at a very high price. BLACK GREEN BROWN SLATE Some extra Urge sizes suit aid c* for Women and Misses. ? ! leeond note ? t the .'*? uatro-H . . ? ment, .nent of arm < . ,l , ? ? ? tuatl i il Cermany n of neutrality. The note ; . mail nl.out a month bko. The note eOBtaiSS no new arguments. but in in groat part a repetition of the rote of June L">, wh.rh was antwere.l OB'- It, F'.mphasi* is laid on the ?rinelpal contention of th? first note that the estent te ?I leh I dostrj I entered ? . . ter to a trame that a nonaa' scale. It i- probable that no sBSWOt will be made Beeretary Laaaiag's reply to the first Austrian note |a believed to have dealt adequately with the itua ' tlon. For many years the Irving National Bank has kept in touch with all com? mercial centers of the world. Officers of this bank have become personally acquainted with many of the executives of its foreign correspondents and obtain through them an intimate knowledge of world conditions. Irving National Bank Strictly a Commercial Bank?Capital and Surplus. $7,000,000 WOOL WORTH BUILDING NEW YORK