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WOMAN DODGED TEUTON SOLDIERS Snspc ted -as spy. She ?Fled Belgium In a Cheese Seller's Cart. DUTCH SMUGGLERS TOOK HER TO SAFETY Ifter .* Daj In May Mow, Mu ami I :,v I r.iulcd ?t Night. ... neaped to l ? - Y im . ' ? i ' ? ? ? a? ? Fl ? ? n ? ? ? om th. ? - ? - ? . i ? ? ? ? ... ? ? . F* Director., .. d. I' ? . .a 510 away every ? *i ?m don't luv?- in pay >J5 Clothe? when ? , . entend $25 Mon? ' r ? thai tee $15 and ?avr tli ,t 110 ' ae up io-d?y. Monroe Ciotlkes v 42d St. & Broadway 2d Floor Fulton .St. & Broadway ' 10 Court aSt? Brooklyn. C-APP-T itoNPIN!? THt THO.S. J. STEWART CO !? id si . \rt? York. m ?n( - ? ?AN t I j ' ' o - .??. THE ORIGINAL -as--} MALTED MILK ^tffiS/ THE FOOD-DRINK FOR ALL AG-ES TAKE A PACKAGE HOME NO SUBSTITUT?. IS "JUST ASQOOD" .?a4.rj.-s;' .iai/' ? ?Uli it i-^co nsjenjem In/ Per MONTH ON PLEDGE \X> OF PERSONAL PR0PERT.T Uli I'ROVII'IM LOAN MX.1.1 Y Op N'l.W YORK. M \MI \l I ?N. ?. ue. cor 2:'h *-!r?*<M. ? . . . 49th Sts. . Av . COI 124th St ? .1 Avs. ! Ml Hi .. ??( BRONX. Courtlaudl a? , cur. HSth St. Itl>4 Smith SI. ??"r LlvingstOfl St. : Av. cur. DebCVOtM St. Pitk:i A. . cor RocktWl* Av. PER CI N l i HAROED ON LOANS K1 l'Ail-* WITHIN rw< ? Wl ! KS rROW DAM: *. LEADERS IN THE \\ AH RELIEF BENEFIT. -*am*p\*J*W Left to right- -Miss Anne Mor^nn, chairman of the Vacation War ?? ?. and Miss Maude Wetmore, daughter lor Wet Vacation Association, wl planned the pro ? Basar de Charl?, for war relief. BAZAR FOR FRENCH WOUNDED Mi?.* Anne Morgan and Mr?. Ethelbert N.i.n Preside at Rit/-( arlton Revue. The id sr da Charit? and Revue des ths benel I of the French | r:cy Lund was held ? I | mult; ballroom of the Model? wore evening wraps and gowns by Ceorpette and ?' Paris. Lawrence Grant ? -':?* ?'. it had been re ISar will be held again ? ? Marcan und Mr?. Ethel ? ?. ' f the ba atti wai r.,rge. In ng to\ p that t fron Par s, and dolls lents. The revijf t? in the main perie Is, between t.' -a IN HOSPITAL TWICE IN DAY Girl Also Get* Third Treatment for Lainiing in Street. Reicht a twenty-two ? . of M I.ewn Street, **, '.. ?very imihuianci? sur . having been attended 150 times in tho last two :: record <!.'.> > ? tei day. She ? ? I met ar.d was taken was fonnd apparently fit ai 129tfa Street as i ?V ? na? ? ken to Har? lem 1I>.- pital. A- ? covered i-. tion at Broadway and H eel This tine a docl i'incent'i )\i,* pital attei ded her. A \ n the po froiB Z6I ? .* .1 - ll ..,.., ;,, iir Murp''.-. Reich with and took i,?-r to Gouverneur Hi For two Teai h hns been rd with a pecv . ? Inch ? ????.i ndi d h? r. m non? ????r she lort of m ? icioasnsM. HAMILTON?CONGER WEDDING Navy I'nlfnrm? Brighten Ceremony at St. PaaPa, Washington. . ?? t . i Bastea.] Washington. Oct. tS. Blahop Hard? ing officiated thi_. afternooB at tha m?r i lags of Hisi Harrist Gw d i Conger, daughter of Mrs Charlotte Conger, to Lieutenant Donald Wheeler Hamilton, U, S. N., which took place at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The bridegroom sad in1? bist man, Lieutenant F. K. M Whit? ing, and the ushers. Lieutenant R. E. P. Elmer, Lieutenant Lavs de Treville, Lieutenant FranK .LI I .uten ant A. S. Merrill 1 ? ? ? M I. I'i yo, Lieut? nant J. M. B, Smith, En? sign II. C. Van Vanish and I nsigfl M W. Larimer, wer,- in full dress uniform. U. S? Beauty Doctors to Restore Dame Liberty's Gilded Youth Careen down. Trimmed with Soot and Old Point M<> Will Be Replace by Coat of Paint, to Set Off Coldleaf Meet. ! ? Liberi that weather ..eaten 't the torch ol gasei sign Reantly at Brook .? caught the h.-ihit from h?-r Nan York sisters ?rid i? goinc in for the ufe of cosm?tica Beraped of her green? ish hue, and cleansed of the most and ?dot which have collected in the fold? of h?-r brants garment, ?he will placo I in the hands of government !enuty doctors who bv ths agency of ? ' fold leaf arid a reservoir full of pi':!.* will ssahs her youthful once A ?rl It ,r? Bedloe'a I?l?nd yesterday - 1 that Liberty "a? more akin IB. It is no wonder thai ? ? ? ? ft Ht . . nchor just off hi ? i;- i i I i r I bed by oui of town folk, wl up 'lie spiral In Ida . and then ? ?? down again, so as Bol te be late for the Hippodrome, 1 ..r more ,!an a generation, the lady bai htr post, while the torch o' liberty .' -he holds out to aliens, journeying hither in search of a hyphen, ha- be ''??me dimmed bv rain and -now, while her fnre and armi have been marked with rivulets of rreen stain, and her dress lins failed in I tl and ? ithei 1 he lady'i ai?? - ara iare :? *"? net--! of the a| plication of a ton of Mids. she has not wi -h?-d her ? smce ihe wai H->-.i':..,i to her pn position. At eloM range the d of her complex on are glaring. Sool and mo?? and green stain give l sr the aaattractive appearance ..f one ? tecovcrmg fron an attach ?f bil louaneoa Her toga or p? plui or wl it> ever her flowing Bight gown ?a called In classic society, also nerds a scrub? bing Latina, the art sharks call the afflic? tion which has earned the itatv? I look ?" though some BBS ! her with a barrel of greea paint Nor de th? y regard ?t ai sa afl ? ither II is the precie ii a. itar antique, and thev woold eoaaider it ?? ? acr.lege t.- diatoi Seen fr.nn B distBBCe, the go.ii^.. looks ratlivr wall n In-: *??*? dres?. Mai "? i ai ; aus ter? ai . ? her greei . non of ? than a ,:? ?? a murk of honorable age, sad perhaps more digrnlied than a glaring new coat of paint. "Cteaa Llbertjrf *aid one of her wardeai yesterday. "Yes, I hear they : !?? going te I don't ka i i ?rill begin." Xo be In keeping ?nh hi. . irroundings, he ? he ;'?! have been be nigaaatly aged, with a flowing whits beard Inatead he was lithe and young .,:. I clad m army dockl Ths govern - met.t cares for Liberty, and it has kept ?le Interior of ths statue spic and ? pan, anvway. "It's funny, though." 'he wsrden pur? sued su If turned toward thi elevator, "that a guy from Pit! ? hould be 'be ove ti. say th.- eld lay laal clean, w.?. aayway. ihe'i always got i New Jera? she?" H, ah? I m- ward II? hi lid ba\e btCH mm*-- *-?-" * '?-* ??????? '-.m.-m. I SUES TO PROTECT $1,000,000 NAME American Art Association Would Enjoin New Corporation. TRADINO ON OUR REPUTE, IS CHARGE Fraud and Deceit Alleged in Action in Supreme Court. Allegatioai sf fraudulent representa. el BB 11". n '?.i, -, [ya the are Biade m an .., ?vhici. \ . r MB Art ?*. Ib Hie Supreme Court for an Injunction ?gain?, the Am? Art Galleries ami Auction Rooms, Inc. it is alleged by the petitioaen the ?!?:'..? dai I ? ara dea ng i itSDfl and under a n;im?> that il ?uflleieatly like that <.f th< lion to cause eonfusion. Ab ,i itan.f ? lal repn eatalioa by am? af the d? fendant eorporatioa ta ;? proa? ? patron that he Bras dealiag with ? hot aad Ba-ore widely kaoa ci'rn il aleo ehergi i hoi i I by, Gastavus T. Kirby sad Jam? F Sutton are ti i plain! ' injaaetiofl pr" to? , ? officers ?,f the American Art As ?oeistion. The ladividual defendaats are Arthur I! Kritzir, Morri! Gerst ner an.! David GorStBOr. The petitioners object to the use of the name now aoed t.y the defendant? or any similar title. It is ?et forth that the- American Art Association wa? founded in 1B83. has maintained gal :it ?i r; i\ Twenty third . .? ? ' iterar* pi 000,000 and has ip< at II, It la alleged the Americae Art Gal? lert? ind Auctioi Rooi . which buiinen at tl : ?? ? ? eptembei 2? with a wa# pai I ii 'a the reputal eged, "achemed I ? ?- the older comp n to proip. ? ? Il ii ai lerted : ha! Jocelyn II. Ma called et ' Placa ?: r "un, -, where l e i :. Leve, a buyer for the dl ante. M irrath ?aid he wanted to enter into i for the ?- of 175,000 of brie a brae. Ho mer I that the people he was trying te ? in th i? i als had done good woi ? him i ? laly at eir Tweaty-third ml two rears I lie wanted to be sssnred that it wai ? , iraacs wa given by Leva "It's all right. We are the ?ame people, and we are opening still an I see uptown, m.? ....*?'! S gra th. IN a! o said, it is i ce . "mpany had leen ::. twenty years. LINCOLN'S OLD RIFLE SOLD Gun He Bought with Hrooner for .'."? brings ISU, The I.incoln-Hrooner rifle, o?*. ne?! jointly by Abraham Lineoln a:..I Henry llr.ion. r *.i. 1820, I ;..'-terday at the Anderson Galleries to GeairgB D. Smith, for 1286. L?BCOIb Bad Hrooner, Bid, walked from Bpeneor < ounty, In?!, to ViBCOBBei aad bought the gun in partnership for ?1.'.. It was BBOd by ?hem ifl dl ? ' I until 1830, when Lincoln move?! to Illinois and SO ?bars t" II? bi*j Broonsr, who, li prest i ?? gun to hi? adopt? ? im sold it to I. T. Hobson, SUthoi of "Footprint! of Abm i The political debate? ar.d ?perche? of Lineo- ?: ??**? Dougles in the ampaign - ? ?id to rj ?- .... He a . .'or "?' implied LOWS Of 'he Si ' Michigan." BBS "' ? with nil autograph \f en the flyleaf. I be woe ?? ? i nom I-!|1 coin's oftice also went to lu. a~ m 11 h for $:.(?. A : i ;.- uro of the iciaion ?va? the ?ale, -.. Brei iBO1 . !"i |71, of a lock of of the marl, m a small, it rathei isi '1 !n? lock, it is said, wa? cut froiB i Incola's bead by the em? ? . pi -- Brown si d - ? to J tus < the a ? mei I \ Utter : i ?.ni ll.o.ier to g them of hi? procurii r, accom . * m 16 60, I'ne pale end ? n e WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. Il Y?.-?'!?!? nt Na?trai ; ' . .. 1 . a a i a ? ' ? I ' I | -? i '. TtSmSSm of .1-4 8 | ? i "8 1: a . . MM Ml > > .a- I'. E> m. i -ar Ix.Ua. ??5 K I . 4 " 8 4 ..... I , .4 " ? . ; . ' '.-a \ -. II '.. 4 . - II. ' r> ta ... '. Ii . ?. . ' liUlltaalll a ... ... . a . . m a M .4 . ?ai i "??S. ? 4 - r ?pfoaa.? - . \ . ? ? ? . - , . ... Ina i ??-? t? ? > -, - - ? ? | in? . ? ... ft - ' '?!?.-? " , . si ? ? ? 1 :? ?? ? - . - ? ? ' ? ??- a - I 1,4 a. - 4 a 1 , .Il ' I ? a i '.i . . ? - ? ?Mail . ?... 44 1 ? ...... - ? ? ? . . II . I ..?..-. ? ? r' - ; . . ? . -. u 1 .'a - . , ' ? 1 . - . . '?: I . ??-..??.. a 8 ' ' .' a |, ' , p . , -1 .a- - . 8.1 laj ? ? l a ? li - ? - .- ? ' U n ?. , i , ? I ?' . a Mr.r.i illlj - l - - - ? : I . . ? ? . 4 . I la 1 ... 4. a. et ... . .lus. ,_a a ? a .,..,?...._,. a? OHIO STILL "WET" IS PREDICTION Majority Against Prohibi? tion Likely To Be More than 100,000. EACH SIDE IS SPENDING FREELY Voters Resentful Of Having to Say ??\o" After Having Said it i Vear Ago. t ??,? i ?? ? r ? - i neinnati, Oet luce 0 -i te reverse th? ? ? i ? ? j i ill boI or. . I i ? thai verdict, but will entry a sharp rebuke '? ' forced th? laattS again so soon. I ? ' yser'i "wet" najority was 14,164 out of a total v ??? ?f || 1,100,000; this i [hter \-,it,> the 1 run well over the 1 ??'?.'?<??? mark. ' ssing in a whirl ? .?;.atei then I .. I robably gri a'?# than haa e . ded Jennings Bryan, i heiv to-night v. that jammed biggest auditorium, ami <-x nor Hanlei d Ind ana, R< i Richmond Pearson Hobeon and re of lesser lights ate ?count./ rito state for th? "drys." The "wsts have hundreds of lesa vocifer?se, but perfectly efficient workers out, ama t? ur reformers and personal liberty n.?ti eontend for s nesting on the '. corners, ar.,1 even in the street? cars of every toam. "ne can hardly a block In sumo cities without g ono's pockets Ailed with lit? erature. With all this BCSlvity the voter? are at least on the lurfacs, almost Indif? ferent. Most of then leem to consider ? hst tl I i,'.' ' ' > ear, and whin mo ' .--' tl en Will go our and rots they iteadfastl; refuse to get ?? ? i inent as ean i-'- de ? I apart f i on ' he "dry" ? i ? direct? d not aga nal sithi I i "wet" or "dry"' propaganda, but Very ? against tha 'dry' leadera, -?? tl,.-;. were not content with their laat I ' Og. The rotl i M? keep on saying "no." No CoaverslOM on Record. If there has bren any change toward "dry" sentiment since las? year it , no traces. Certain changes in | are likely for purely political s, but there is no public record uf any conversion from the "wet" ranks and there have been some accession.- to ? campaign in Ohio moans far more ts ths prohibition workers than the n;.-re carrying of a State, even be as rich and impor? tons one. The-ip lenders had picked ' duo as the wedge which should - ? ?..-, - its :.ral mece;- la the ? t great, i ich and popa which i east of the lliaaiaaippi and Ma ? nd Dixon'a line, Do? feat hers will be a check affecting ? oies ma? beyond a doabt a one. oho ii in every respect the ? ?' this block of states to I I th? prohibition principle. It is gOBOeni \ thout hesv) ? ? . ., - rigoroui telligenl tste fs ., erj i fail : ? timenl I business rn**n ?n favor of purs . ? I . e-1 I acal Option Bl ronghold. Mor. I been O'.e ? I ? : with ind was .f ths Ant : for mar,. ,? had ... option law* which make ; fron any lentia liatricl ? , | ? i , t or not, fron any , _?? . eitj or county. ? ? ? . ?,.,,.", rotera ol the stat? refus? inj ref? rer..-e '? ? ? , be made In tl ? titution, on the th? ory thm by .." the busi: ? ? ?Id b? 1 .' with all th.', Ohio is apparently " Lven ir ? i* "dry" ma ? ? i re t la a of proteetia) In fa ... t, packs h ? ? I ?? bai i are si ra ai rear*-. the aeai , . - ? ? er. A y? within a few ... iti gave thi ? 'he t ? ? i - ? ? I ? Gernan elei ? ? ? . . ? _? . room i aad I i bol tic naking and the like. \ i i ? I factor it :? ?? ;tm- nt from ' Ths Pre rgely fad? ? ?** | I ' - frostest vi| . \ o tha ? ? . | ? ? re I To ol s osteal i ? . - ? deal by u h ich t *A ? w?a ? titj . land ta pre GIMBLLS Broadway and 33d Street A tten lion ! M en ! $19.50 The price of an especially fine expressly selected group of Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats The Suits S here "V1,5 different models and 75 different patterns, weaves, and colors. Plain blues, blacks, Ox f'ird greys (some with bound edge) stripe effects, dark browns, silk mixtures? in fact, EVERYTHING accepted as correct by tiie well dressed New Worker of today, in all sizes from 33 to 50 for men of all proportions and any stature. The Overcoats ?d?* **;*? est models in Chesterfield, "Slip-on." imported Raglan and other styles. Most are fully lined with Skin? ner's guaranteed silk. The range of fabrics and colors covers the entire field, and thra latest ideas in cuffs, lapels, gussets, belts, collars, etc., are featured in endless \ariety. Fourth Floor .??,?' '?MS|,.<ar-^a>a; ~The Cavell Case. '"THE HORROR that swept around the world when the news of * Miss Cavell's execution became known left Americans breath? less. But now men and women are discussing it dispassionately? and this calm judgment is more penetrating than the first de? nunciation. Propio or prrmirence of many types give their true ideas of it in next .Sunday's Tribune ?an amazing collection of deep-rooted con? victions on both sides. Whatever you have thought, you will want to weigh the evidence with these alert milds. A reservation at your newsdealer's will assure you of getting your copy. Wn* imn?ag Sfrifamp First to Last?The Truth: News?Editorials?Advertisements