Newspaper Page Text
Shipping information and Marino ?Sews of the World lUIANJ ?n, OMIN. SI 1 Wl Ri . .,! I GOING -I i \M" R i ? . ? ?-. - TR \\sr\? Il H' M Ml S. ? V I ' I . ? > - N I ! , t ? ? - A ? ' . r A - . ; I. In UM !? T H'.' I . . ? ' ? ? j.. I I . a> A ? u , a - ? ? . I Itsr I t . I ? Sparks from Hammer of 'Queer9 Auctioneer ? i.ntlmirrl from page 12 The Woman S hill it" a careworn, neatly bul poorly dresaed traman whom .1 forward I come here ? ? , | i lb, ain't that a to it! Th? iking up th? '?'? ?:>'.' That's the only Like 1 it? The Skill (to the woman) f lookin1 for a present for your c - weller. The Woman (?doubtfully)?I don't know. It depends on what it i Shi!!?Oh, it'll be cheap enough. They always Bit here. . a beautiful lady's watch, sold in this : a chain worth .s'i.T? if It's worth a this watch and chain? 3hill (who place of the departed hill)?I.. .1 might make ;. that myself. er, my friend. It's a 20-year, ? ?rit! \ liant movement You know the Wall ? i the Vi] . . made by tht same Fen Th? ty, d< n'l traste my time, i won't ? i ave to take it. Well, he don't have to take It. H? t uni? 1 ft a't stand l'y. Mr. .. Th? ?it, tli?'!:. That'll hold you. Say, somebody give m?- a decent this or I'll shelf it. Th? IA Shill Two dollar- (aside to the woman "rummy") 1 ? uch on me, but I just had to bid. Do 1 bear a rise? The New Shi fty. Now you're coining to your *-*,.* . Iwo-iifty. Two-fl i ? fifty. Two'n-a-half. Do 1 hear the three? Who'll , The Woman Shill (to the rummy) I.n. I haven't got it or I ? that, ? Three. i he Au?-': neei H Bang! I will i pa verj I silverware a dinner set Th. R You'd be lucky to gel il anywhere in thii city for |125. Tin gentleman here know.- good silver. 1 can tell by the way I ? It Make \ "Ktimmy" (the ?? ?tive customer), who ems to be from the South I thi Rogeh'i silveh, auh? The finesl \ adruple plate. Nov. who'll start rith a fair bid oi th Line No. 14. Gen Rogei vare. Shill i<-.-i?. "Line 11" cue) Ten doll 11 ? . . ? ? i with prol ? ? . lian '. What I ;, bid i ' ilver like tlii>? Fifty is the least it ought to be . give i .< a ?bid on tl It' the chance of a me. bo the bait i I ? n dollahs. '?even. /?,'< ? leven i'm bid. Fifty it ought ? /.. '.??.. i riirht on th? Job) Twelve neer Twelve*m otTered Twelve, twelve, twelve dollahs. Twelve, twelve, do I the thirteen? /'?? I ?.car the thirteen? (To an imaginary bidder) Thank you, sir. Thirteen I'tn offered. Thnt-teen, tlmtteen, thutteen, <*nly thirteen dol?an for thi.- soop-perb et. Il oupht to be eighty by now. IM ; util Shill Fourteen. ??? -Now we're going Fourteen, foil : ' The I i r ?Fifteen. r Bang I Soldi Pay the casiiier, please. The ? ? Southerner, a-- the auctioneer g on to the . ? tice thil litt!'1 set, sir? (Showini - i-. pitcher, ?? ? i I'M go mi,rl ?rith your d 1 don't reckon I wart to bid any more against M n. The Cathiel Maybe I car. ft* it at private sale with the owner. ? 0 '? .-'epher.s. Will you Step back here? Owner?Want mel Ii uterested in the special silver pet .?" ba can buy it privately. ? rwi. r ?with a aben It :i?.;'t regalar. ? i ? star I'd take a chance thi once. You car. hav? that set f?,r thr?e ai d-a-half, and 1 refused ftvt for it yesterday. irathcriritf the Juak ? .-. ami thank > l)< .'.l- "rummy" y' i the watch, in? ; ' ?'\a'"in?- Ut , .,, ?,, tn, ript fur putting u; ling to th? -,,.,-t eodt in ?. If t!i.s Us ?aithln Ml hi-trinn.c I '?'??, -t when the t bid high ? Dough, the article .. :?:. !? : CO ac ' ??? paying the trashier. ' ' '? of the . ' ' 1!) h I.UM.- ? ur ? '-. auction busin? tht law mutt be ? ? . It la all arhe ought to have been a ? oi.t. piajring upon tht uiverta] motives of ity and ? -, ne his i>rey; curiosity to attract th. in, ?I II ?1 ' I > ? : . ? ? ?. V, a I m -i I .MERS \i I OR? IGN IHtsXTm. ? ?? ? ? ? ?. ? <-, ' ? 4 I ? ? | l *l . "i ? ? ? I ? S / ? 1 : ' : THE WEATH] B BE] I l ore. aati sad R? ? "i is for ; he I ..~i I ? i tity-timr lloui - ? ? I. Lawn . ? t . M ? I ri ??'. Ll Bat. ?ts.tM-n N?w Vsr? ..... i . i ?? r M,- lind. DM let ( - ' ? ? - | s . I . I ? ? w or? lai i:-rr,r. ? - ! 1 II a ii, ?I ? || 41 I . I ?I - ? ' ? .l'Iiii?. ? [i m *.?? -a Murridity. 1 ' : , | | cupidity to get their i oney. His simple bat ?veil contrived drama has ?pied universally by the craft, until now one fake auction room is, general!; . ;. lik? to s ?thei . - th? ta p iverbiatl peas in a pod 'wen the carefully farce ivith a --erious purpose?and too often ;. si-rii-u- result for th- bo ' p?raetically the s.-un." in all the "ma characters may vary, and the ahilla personify various types ol "rummy." What type of merchai I purchase! by I places is sufficiently indicated by the following pui made by the Tribune Bureau of Invi itigationa. ARTICLE AND D*S8CRIPTION. EXPER1 APPRAISAL. Bracelet. Offered, to e* ril enough gold ?our ai a "blind package," not to be opened ing to pen Prai illy im ? : i f. arid described by i neer ai ' om? thing which rata all, at fi om 12.50 to 12 76, and i for any youi g '. idy t rom fifte? fifty. R< mi mber, it's m ai 11 yar j?i'!i!," l'uichased foi The Hull tine railroad '?.? eh, item Th? .1 "Two ad wii d and it? - ? to si) : ms; guaranteed to pa i r.ulr.....i ell, ? tl balai d. Th-' ? . nine ruby jewels; ca or two ? ? . 187.60. Purch i -- I g th? i ? ? ?? iinal wouldn't pa ? in ' I'.. libly worth $4. Il nted a all ? : ill. Sis W. A. Rogen solid illvei tea? rked : i ? gularly told foi 12 60. Pur? Duplicat? : ehaaed for 60 cen? t atore foi I centi the bal f dosen, Lady's watch and ehain, worth |1&M Plain bn . Won't wear a month, for watch, 18.76 for cha da '? ? perhap . -c I ?8 com : i karat with Vigilant movement, Price, |! iO Pair of solid gold 14-1 I r bai J . the lap, Pare 2.76. Sold Mb ? d ' -..' ?7, i Fountain pen. in solid I4-karat pold. The ? tates that tl i Thi.? was a ciinrni .- the cap be- M ? n a in ted in . t ?? i. . 4 icw the !?-.?_?.-nd , ... while conceal gold ing th gniflcant qua : irth <r down th? II look ?, made to ? ? ."?! ad of these artiel i ere burche ed al l'i ? Broadway Art Co. auction rooms, at Is? E I 14th Street. Other rooms when similar pur? reren idean those al Pearl Street and Part Bow and 131 Park Bow. Charges have been mi de agaii all three places by Tribune rep ? I he Fourteenth I conducted by two old-timers in the fake auctii n ? . Jo ? ph Marks and Charles F. ?). Sorgues. Maries was auctioneer for the notorioui Louis J. Abrama, who was arrested, convicted and sent to jail several years ago for run? ning i mock auction at -i" '? a.-. 23d Street. Sorgui . hit ;. ociate, was formerly auctioneer at 15 ? i I L4th S reel when the "mock" rooms of David Brill at thai addri . raided. These raid? were instigated i y Commissioner of Account Walistein and conducted by Chiel I : nun? i- John P. Kenny, who ? ??? ovei ' destruction of this line of fraud It was througl te first an ion convic? tions on record in thi d. For a long period aftei his successful proaecutioi the fa il hed, and il is only v that ii Im- bri a ?rain. immediately upon being < ? I .... complaints mad< against the auction rooms, Mr. Kenny rerana-ed hi airtivities, ami with his staff wi'iki'd in cooperation with The Tribune. The result was i temporary closing of several auction rooms and :i subsequent regumptJon pf business npon a basii - cautious repre entatio Two auc? tioneers, charle.- I. Schaffer, of Pearl Sti*i ?? and Park Row, and George Silvia, of 131 Park Row, are now held in $500 bail for trial, on ? chart*? enting article! offered for sale in those premiases in violation ?f the statutes, and several (?the: auctioneers have been cited for hearing m charges which may result in the revocation of their lie? i tea, So, for a time, th?* "? Ion shops will probably do i careful tra V As they cannot be both careful at.d profitable, they ma t either revert to theic old method^ or g out of buaness. It' the former The Tril one erill be on the watch. If the latter, the public will profit is>l :;i CTION. CCOUNTANCY / vtsisa CI ASSES FO?MISQ THIS WEEK . * \* \ NFIRMSHED HOI SES TO LET, l??tl(?)l OH ??1 M ?Ml \ ! I \v Fifth Av., Facing Park. Very handiome extra wide pri? vate Retidence for sale or to lease, unfurnished, for three yean at mott moderate rent. WM. B. MAY & CO., IH I ifili It?-., at ?r,ih st. _ ?PAUPERS wan n u I < ' V, I , I I Ht M II H I II Si II ? .,, : n;.si n . im i ?? > ? ? I' aiiu .; | _ HELP w I.NTED Mal?. WANTED, i; lar] ?? wb letale gro? tdditi .nal sales men, for City trade, with experience in tin- wholesale grocery line. Ap ply by lett'-r, in own handwriting, t:i\ ir.i_? agi . ? -, married or ?.?l'inexp?rience'. Mi-" i. abl< ta furni h bond arith I ing ("inpanv and be prepare?! te furnish fad p references. Addre - X. X., M, Tribune <?liice. m n, a . I. ? - ? . : ' - ,- ? 11 . ? > ? - ? >. a-. I' a Tr lui,? I , A v - WllW \ . ... II il RN18HED IHM SEH TO LIT. i ' . ? ? .? a-. 1 \ - I ?? . ... ... i. RESORTS SOUTHWARD HO An ?ttr.rtivo trip, nn??!e <!.''?. ?r? hy the initiation ?<f a new service The Augusta Special to Aiken and Augusta Lrnving New York Daily at 1:08 I* M. ; man. ?????* | m. 81? ? ? , srvira : ? , r ?, ,? ? ? ,4 11? . r. -__. ? I The A ne ?* i >;?? lal I? thi t : ? v?,r Saaertptlva lltai I /, LftteX?, -h__\ Uli ri \ I I I I i R '.VI 11 \\ ? *? I .??r n . Hark. Draravlll?. Nfw York U ***iim-imatju,,r .. ?. ;imj GALEN HALL HOI II AM? >?M loltll M. Ml ?Nil? ? II V. \. J. ..... 4 I f e\ till ,1 ! t . ..nil ' ' or -.ilil? , , |. A .? |OI .1 - 4 . . Il . S i ' ?et ? III K.ftb \ . i ?' n Sq P I. rOUNO IT n 1 M'K'r Laurel-*n-the-Pines Will Open Nov. 18, 1915 FRANK F. SHU?E, Mgr. i \ vwoon i ?hk.k, i:m.ii:?oiiii s i PriTtti .. M - AUTU.aNGOLF Al S ockbr dge, m?.ss. Red Lior. Inn?ik-.Uon Hall. ?Cmtrtl Mouse "??.-he. ? ?- ??>.[STetrj Sei '?.?*?). rfi". r D?J (\ ?'- '7 '?'-'' '-'? l'PSTRA \_\ . ?, . ; ? ?.?- . IMATI teaUs (.AiijHPi:. , MlAumnAi.Ataeaaae. flllt UAOtaQ ltb?.<r*; Olfl nf TMf WORIO (ii)ar[i.oriM!nb??i.:!.iilx:ini .\ r.'. v ??TH CIT*. . N. J. 9>.r,IHi, IISMISII? JOUIS H j*/ KJ TE- SONS COM PANY TR A Y MO RE ? ( Dl STR. BOARD. ' WORK W VN I I I' M s le i - ' ? ? - r i ? i . I . ? als BO? ?ai, vi.-i r.\i; Bl ?Ki PAB" M i - i n | I . . ait DOMESTIC SITl ATIONS WANTED My le. 1 ' . , 14ri.1tb ? GARl'l . 1 1 I s I > ' '??...? ,-- ? . m 1 Female. \ .. ?, 1 : :- I - - 1 a S I 1 i - $1 - M a , ? .4 \ n..: V 4 . \. I " 1 ? IIAMBI BAI Mit 11 WAI t ? . " . ? ? : 1 . n win, ii\Mil> WAITIIE? - . . . . 1 -! ? . \. ? '. ? ? ; - N ? '. J. - , 1 A. . a. 1 . ;,...: 01.1I. ' , rwtf*' y ... ? ? . U ? -i RM v: ? m \ ; 11 - - ? \. .1. '. . l ? . : 1 Mu.-r. , ?: 1 1 .. !, | ? ? . . : \- - i'i.l -- . . ?: . . \. - I ;-.. a 1 ..lui;! I- .... I-'.;. ? I ? \, 1 ? ? , I st. I .,, ?:.' . ? ,- 1 Mrs. Ma = A*...... H II . 1 I 4 || 1 v j] ? , 1 ... . I 4 .s II \. L'UITI . \ ? ? .?. . 1 ? Af. ail Cot'PI.E ?j In K.,.1 .\ias.. a. . : . W. 1'. 1 .1 I 1 ? , . - . 4 ? H. 1 M., ' ??!.,.. 11... , S ! I .- ?? \ . . I . . I IT .' . M I . Il latatt'i a. ' I Mutin MU ilarn-m .,! Kl'l I 1; . '.- ? 'I - ? . i. u v I 1 . } . '. ?. I_ . ? I Il II ? ?.? 1 - ? '. . . I Uni ?? M ? -1 - ? ? a . , v . a* . . \*. . ?. 1 W ' . a ?tsrtj , . 4 . 1 l'ail t >.. , .? : \ )| . ? ., .. . ' ' a . .41 . ,?rll I.JJ V? Il t Hat I? *,?'.< , *. ? ? ' lani I I M'Hril ; . ? . . . . . . I ? ... Ha? ? \? , . . U ? . a < I , , . . . ... r ' . , ? ? v ? 1 . ? ? \ I '? . ? a ' ' I I ta'l ' 1 l. V1 " ? l?l l^i st.. . I ? LIk,.;, s..',. .'!.. i, ,.. ?1 IM.It NOTH ES. ? . i ? - ?. ? . ? l i ? - ? , . ' ? n th . . i , ? and ? ? ne? . . n ? ? of ? I '->'? . ... m??? n it), of paraoi I ; . '? ,i\ ? , '? *i th? | ? ' v.- ? - .:i 111?. ? ? ? I ; h ? ? ? h*r mutt?-? tvhlcn pray? thai i ?atInn will ? t her ?Ho, - a '. -. ,-??.. r 21 NEW I ? '. ? r. v\: ?NK IIKDI li ?i i F New York, as. : ;.. ?!. .'. tl, .*.. v I ' ? . ' ? th.ii h | ? ; t* I ? ? i .a na ' n:\.\K HEDtaKT :. ?* thi? ' HONDT, . v.. 1SI New ! - there- ' g n fi^m fh-> I " pla ; h lit- li ? I to appear and i ; ' ? i puhl atlon ??< . JAM M inn, *? ii-v. I I I :: fork. ?1 . ? i lil. V!. NOTH l..v m ?ti i * ut ?iMi \ ? oui- ix?. L 1 ? -.J?. ? I u. u, .. . s ?- ? ? ?? ...i a *r, (.,. .. IUI J. p. ? .?It-, ? .... ?/i li.- ? um . at at li m oi... ?,r _, i aie of hem 1 m ?. .?j a I i ... ??! i. ... . . ; II ... lorpurat! ? l?> emit au.B * .... .i i. mi. . , . ? , r, ? ? Mi .!_?.. | ,? ? ? a* i A.i ? 1 ant r .. . '? ?. ?. - ,, . ? n - I an I ' ? ? ? ? i *- J l...aat|<| ' ?? , A ? i. : ia?-i. . I.,.. ' ? . - ? ?? IJI. . .44.. ., t, i "ii ' ?* ? ? il. ??. ?. , -.4 K?,1U'1.. . . HAItl.ta.JJ ?. r ' HOKWAKTU ai r I .... j, WOUrV A i ??* m !!(?.? II C 111.I ? I "I. I 11. JU.'.-.I'II ___. '. .8. _ _ . Hi .. tonal Beat ?? ? It ? : ? lia . ? ?'? . A IIA ? 4 I ? . ..f t|| ? I . I.i ,a inaot K ?. I.. ? \i-i, i'rtai,a?ut 1 a ? :. Au. oat IS. .a.?. I GBU?SfS?Ti:iPi]J? with E?ort, in-l-idin* Cub?. Jimi ?. Pj-uti? Cjnil. Colonista, Coi't R;,, |i?j_ B?.l.'l? Hondurti. fauatema!?. etc. Fare? ? f.r.i CB u^T^ i??c??mi rssorta sad ?Sal -? " r 22 ?a? x7_" by In led I rail ' ? ? "CtEAl IVHITE FLEET" - m January. Ye* ,Ji7 tad mZa CAUFOKiNIA AND fcXfUSI i IONS Touri de lune, w.'li cscorl, m'lidn^ Grind Canyon, Apira? Trail el i-^. R-,orfv,lt Otra. New <;r!e n?. P.^-mi (.nil, etc. It,' !?;?? .ni ir? boW 1/7** bssl Baal Batel Maata?ati n' ^r?eci. Dq ' |J ?nd rf. ^ SOUTH Aft?EKlCA :?:? ?r . I i -, ib i ( aaal > , .ng -H? "ABr C'.un'r ra. l'rru and Bolivia, ih? I-!- '?'? '' ' ' - Lesv? . G ?|| f|_. Hast" Nov. 24. Fea. L ext? 16. Complete itinerary, I.;-:---"lei r .-n-i<i,U? ShOR I ?'.iLL iKli'a) iifli . ??'???"? - i anuT* i ? Hra. . , i . : y ? '? .'. ii'.i'T iioTLLs ' THUS. COOK & SON OfficH i*a>ilro"i ^iri ?teams!,ip Ticket Ascents 141 Bras. ? i ' P ? " ? ' ' ''?'' ' . ., i."'' ? ' '0'- *??? Ba ?,i | |f m tve. tot. ??.Hi i I -'*' ?>f>a?iway i(or. fJJ Jl bliaaaaaia. * % ' ^ ' ^f??AiU CALIFORNIA /^7.?*r? Opportunities Io See the tin at I.'xpo*itlnns The Ptwama-Padfle Expo Ition at San Francisco sr.d the Panama? Ca Ifornia Exposi ion in San I ? in Kremb?r. IAcknowla t the i it n - of a:i time, ths? will probal f not be ? ia ed f?>r fi yvears. Oir toursirjet-adtbJJ Ezpi litioni ' . Bayon, Colora?ia I)-*, . .??'?' . tad iatrr WONDERFUL CRUIS SOUTH AMERICA to the Waa ladisa, Paaaaaa and I Soaall troups having ths ?sattaatnatl ? entrai Amer. a. appears*?.? '? \ : rat? parut?, Jsn. W, reb. 12 and Mar. II. Hit j_???n 15. feb. .. ?. Uta? a ISDEITMi: NT To. ::3 TO BEKMl.'DA Send >' t Bsekttt Deeieei RAYMOND* WIHTCOMJi CO?,225Fifth Av^NewYort i i. ..!?? '***torn?r~^mmmo*m~-*-r? ,i" ?? . ~'*'""*?????a??tjB???a?>??? FRENCH UNE Oeaspagala Ocaavala Tran?fi?ianti<in< POO*I \t -ni? i< r Sai-in?s for BORDEAUX ROf.HA.MBtAU, - - Nov. 6, 3 P. .W. UtFAYEI PE, - - - Nov. 13,3 P.M. LA i OUPAINF., - - .N<?v. 20, 3 P. M. THF vt\V QUADRUPLE .SCREW S. S. LAFAYETTE Maiden Trip from N. Y. Nov. 13 ? '.?-. .i<\! ? . ION ? PI ' v COMr'AYrA OFF! :i. ?"A'..^ ',* I CUNAR gaSsMMM mm FUROPE wh LIVEaRaPOOL ?C.mcron..?.?SUND.. NOV. 7. 3 P.M. - ?. . ? ? tl. 4 P. M SA ?JAI ' ?. IS A. M. o NEW YORK to LONDON pa N.\ .?:>'.'. ? . r MOV IS, 11 ?? M .. only ROCKD Hi:. IVORI I? T.'. R? - - a ? .. to I 1 art" Ml ?Tl ' ? ? ? I C'iMPANY I OFHCt. ? J! 2? STATl ?l.. H. Y For An Ideal V.-?cat!o-?? 0* T) ? .in....-; Tni.-ita? Oeeaa \nyaae I'n!'- icttoni for Vaeatlo ilsta ! Twin ?cri?w "Bcrmucian" Nlf.-t? ??.?ir-.i?< ?infort >H?N \!|c!|l|l,a \" .?.'-. R - It? '..? - I ? ' .S ? A. -. ?. lit II I ?I . -, 1 ... . ? . A II. r in .1 ? ? ii. tul.-i '''??-,; *,\ e?l Inillra. < uMfurula. etc "IClsi I.?* ?It llnei ? | .1 (t. I. 'I -RSTERS. lor. U.?AZ?L tl I ?XL! *-n AMBHir 14! I MO* OPKU ITIMi Nil i'-AI I'AMU SUKR ? I ? ?i . ?. A:;';-" S.S.RIO OEJA'll.., fJG/.4th ?%? ."S.S. ?VINAS GER.iES. Nov. 18ih 1 M ' ? : ....... LLOYD BRAZIL??.'O ' '.K*yc?1?< V ,'-. RED ??_)'' ?? ", V ; * ! r I' -??i I. ' ? ? 4 ..... , i .Ral 4-a . N ? ' 1' i.l.AK.! I-1?A ! . II M \.: ?? ? I-..? S ? 10 Zl r i A . i ? .:.-'[ ? for I*i- .- -? !l ISB ...4' LETT *?<<?. Mu II fff 13 ?.a . .-ireet Up the Hudson Sunday D rbland t*i N irg Str. "Home* Ramslell" ilia .t, I A U I? St.. I \ || Cenlral Hudson Line SIGHT-SEEING YACHTS I...T- Batten ties nao. I-SS M nr .-. Ill S.S. "C. vv. f*?orse"?& 4'Berkshire' ?y* Pier 32 N. R, Foot Can?! St, V30 P. M.? ? .u? i tira V/. 132dSt, 6 P. M Leave Pier 32 N. R 7.0.? P. M; W. I32d 7.30 P. M. $'1.50 . . *? v.. ?Hit I..: ,|J H-mt ft* *2-50-1 B- <?t?rt-| l??o IGATIONK HUDSON RIVER DAY UNE Vii 'i I ? , ^i i n and I atsBBS ????? St. I ?I, Wast ? si. i m a a ? to Alb??/ l/lrtft He. ,?e?n' A S'-a? T?f I in? ? aaast ?i?:-e?ff?i ?>n- I?.a r.atlass "I PrutAkeemm*. New burgh i r Heat ?\ilaf. ON ELECTION DAY, NOV. 2d, Ktr t...' .'? F.:- . > OSTstJ to W.s. /i.4'-p*:i tt'l n. ' '. S. 4 ,- S> ( I '?'. I3MI? St. H .4, ViP-xtrt. ? FALL RIVES LINE TO FJOSTO.N $4.00 ? i'. R Ka.'ot Ii. dally at I IS P M Maat* v.-? Loados Lia?, ?u N Piar 4", ? ?. > ! io r K. ;: i. rt r :.i St.. < ?? P a S. ?1 I. |, I i:.,- ?? Ptaf it ?t R. rt. . i ? -.'*? t ?i r I ' .:-??> M P M Bridgeport line. -.< I?ys ?nlr.?tt.?i a M . Plat ;?. ft S _ I a | -tsed BOSTON > 2.65 lia Baal ami Ball. K?U M? TKII' ?*? PROVIDENCE UM mil M? ll.ll*. ?s?w. Colonial Line : w??s f: ?il Stv ?. .v. t. :? iu ?,.t...i? i1?-? tl.ut la P3.Su, Mlrel... ?aa.ftStSSti. W . A B4SI Pats? W5i30SI0?^ ??at, ?rs.,??. ?< ' J ?' ' ??I 1-l.iK ->~V ?TI llOOM-., SI IB. IM ilj iinlii.l'n? BaaaatBI SiSt^ S.I Hire.? M\l?r. "TI ' ?^'?Tm'? ?????"x" ,., , PORTLAND ^mt^^XXieeAm?t.Wmem***m ; | \.| > V|| \M-IIII' UM?_| . MI'lo.MFAT .v.EM IE*? EMPLOYMENT ACtStOmX_. EXCELSIOR EMPLOYMENT GUILD S ?91 MAMtAM aV ??.-,.-.? ,pr r><?Mwnc fj* ??1 aUmVmOA?n AV. \ i NATIONA! IT III? \_m I . ? ? ,' *-*-* CoVfs?CTS rAKCN I'?R'-'PAlNl. H ? I AND APAHTI4I?NTI. PlKlOBAl ?*" PlRVIGIOt.. SATISMCTIflN GU ARAHTltl?. MUiSHAV HILL?M7I. _ iVrS KITTY RYA'\ Pr nrietor SELECT EMPLOYMENT AoENCY, _\,_ v. est 1 . tai _bL IIELIAHLE HELP BUPPLIKO. CITY OR COONTKi. PHONE MM Ml) I? N I N LSI OS. cow?BO niiFIl l t*_* tA?.i>.r.t 8 i Id? 1 r- .-..?. in a. :, t ? -uralt? || I. UOKGI ? M a. ; . HI, .?.. |M ' ? a I 4 ??? ?1. N/% ?-? V EMPLOYMENT At.ENCY OfcL :,S0o^CTo8416A?r. AI ?O . U?ERUiVG EMPLOYMENT Ar.ei.CY. 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