Newspaper Page Text
The Conn nq Tower re> iv i Ml MBER . . ? ?. - the et. ?. ' - A It P. ne tl at I harlis Cana am ' I Tha' I cry: : 7.1-:" FRO*?: THE OF VERSES. II ! Her . IS Round, ..oro . echo of tl. L H. R. vs raaaembar correctly ? lid the 8 women enterai ; S O? women et:* ; that bo many women ? . : . B*s er trance inio : at womnn's place was Homer. r~~ LOCAL NEWS eve'g. - ' cvi ? ? Yes, say we nge was in the city aving f 1.1 is ill town for ? leasant caller Friday ? ? rings, Va., ? fid Itrrn. ?? r ran into a ties, and cut her eye, but is all o. ic. again. re giving a mixed it) Heights set to und that vicinity lol.cil . g ::! I inion and we don't ? itei and tenor, was ig and Mrs. I r. trip 1 rtaii able. ft er a bus. trip to entt rtained at the bus. is getting v r Koma ui.usual and un . ? lay niL.'l.t. I ? VF WING i ? :? was 1 rend wit li .'? -nn, \\ i ?? , . Broun. Bab. I i\. nt si th? returning pro?, i": ?'? [worth shares k -..hieli they have ?jolij ? ? ...... ? ,,n ,,, i ?., 11. The | ."'I of us. "WIIV. I Si! Ml VOTE IHK STITKAi.E." n. t r .1 Os iiie?ri?i> next 1*11 eaal at* ???'? to make the ??"men i?e the ?*<iat for all the eaatj r-> to make Bf politics. I'll ?1?? ??y ?lut? at the jm.I 1 - ??? I ? 'o ?? I 'ti?it roll? aero?.? thi? beiijtw.uH land anil Ir??- Sal I'll hi i raa -< <? ?hy ?onun ?ant t?. juin tl.e fit.'1 t il I kllgf?l ?hen ?n>hi.ilv let?, a hurirh U..n RM r ' ? ? h lata th.- plu?? lli<* ; ? ,. ?Il ill lit BSHSl ?.? ? ?? hv I luITv Kaifja ?|,,,UI<1 j?.ir. the raa taha h?'r ni??t?.r -a- ?antier a: tnstt ?.ml tin' f ri? y i ....r,,-.?. i esnnei -i. ira* t.tir straogi i ,?i t?. ni-? m tvitk U-. : - ? l'-uri'l the messy i w,m i.; i.,- hast t" ? -"i'? o? > o thf roaatr?/ ?.n?e a ?ear sad um?. N?! - ??' l'?-|i?C tirmly pre-ataed ?f?in?i ihr ?- tatet ?.n the job of f r, - However, if the) ?vaai tas ???t?*, the burden ..f affairs i.? tote, l ?rlah thi lad el link: ?.n Tacada* I ?ill (.?us? tin haca. ? . ilai j i ay " it or mot.- a pair foi tribute to fund ?ay, at hlS did Urih,-. ? . ? t | M1 1st of the ? ..''"?mi it." | foi . ! I NU. ..' down front, ?? tha* ; or.? .i-AAKi/.. ? r -ting *a . -n.? M re. t be the only '?'"<-?? v*1 '. well, If i Take in your .. F. I'. A. MISS BARTil?T WEDS C. pkelp: Dr. S. De Lancey Towi I Pei forms Ceremonj \!1 Angels*. MISS POWI i I B 01 ? BROMI i Flti C .irrit i; US l hristi I" Dennis ( . vtcQuade, ? " ? i . Mr .venus at . -. ? the R? ? t th? I nd Mrs. I ? dseoi ' y? Ho I The l.ride, who was i. ?-, SWS] I h r : . , " w h i ? . i IS 01 I ? rai ' ilstsi .; lull trimm'i) with fur. .. rid est i . . " ' l-r?.;..-. t ths , I- ?' , Hit It.a Mayas, Mis? I1 BIT, ' I .. tan, ' ' Mice Gertrud Go r?o:-,, of V. . si] dressed silk? trimmed ?rith i and fur woi . ? and esi .the; on H. Clapp, of Wa?hingt?>' araa beat man, a d the ? a H?allam Boj .i, of er, of ri... : I? Iphia Henrj Blair Keep, ol Chlcayo; Alber i Kdv ' ' ? . . N. Y. City' Joh 1 r, James W, liowar? l isrrtnea M. Marks and VYallats I>a 1 ! After thflr return from their weil I triji Mr. and Mi Phelp? aril ? Knd Avenue. Misa Ms 'er of Mi i West Ireet, was mar lied ? horn to Edward Ti Th esrsi i erformed by ths K?n I. Ken ? i ? i'-- ? :. I .or; i ? I. Th ? house WS? dtCOl The brid? who wslked to ths temporary ?It? . eh iff 01 -''.rand : of pesrla, ?ritl eourt ti i f aihrsi I eloth. Hei I ille waa fasten?-? with . si I aha eanisi bios Boma. Mrs. Herman Hslms, of St Dsvld'a Peni . wss matron of honor. She wai ids, trimmt roa? eolor ? d wars a hat ol '?'ne chiffon an'l ailver \:ici*. 8h? i... [act o Th? ttei ? *s were Mrs, A W. I' . ! Mrs. Irvin Dsy, Tht] ?pre n ros? eolor bro eads .'n hat? of ailvsi cloth, trimmed with roBa eol r calf ' ? ' risd old-faal qneti <.f Mlip on roaea. Pi ? man SBd ths DSheri were Robert J., Joseph I. W. Paw? era of tl hi Ida; . I Burp? ". ? ? Bnrpee ir. and Hermsn Reime. Mr. and Mrs. 1 ?111 live ir rirooViIinc. Miss Hi I ufhtst of tl man ? . ? ? ? !!? v. .lohn : g eeremoi ! n r?-. nip of . Mr?. -; ? ! ' i brocaded ?i, trirnme'i with rose r><>int luce. .'Ill o* th? bi I ". ? ? > pink tniletn 1 ' ? , mu? car I brother*? j Mr " ; "e in I l WILSON AND FIANCEE SEE FOOTBALL GAME Motor to Naval Academ) Will Come Her? Thursday. ? ' -- SI 1 Norman <?uu. i Mrs. Gall snd will, il ? '. i Pi i rinc? .???, ??? III pei orm the ? ? a fi.-tnc.'e lia.! the I on Re ? I : tO Co I rly, went t . .. Hall ? , men and . vYaah? ' : atari td to ? II ?rill ? ' ? : ected for 1 ? ? Lltatafhter ?Born to MY H F. F Wo Mr. and 1 v ?Yaodl " ? ? If a..?? ? at ? ' -'"ii -I-.- araat? ras futios i Ih? state , , ? ? iir?' 'iiiaa i , ?.il?- "im" on lite ne* Mtsftl tLt.'H MlaS.S GH \' I G. WIN A ter O? Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. ?. itiant, who is soon to be hrid? Charles A. liarry, of Toledo. of ?GRATO OLD MAir OF CANADA DEAD Sir Charles Tupper, 9.., Shone as Statesman Half a Century. Ottawa, Ont.. Oct. M. Sir f'harle? ?.. died to? day at Bexeley Heath, England, ; year. Noah of h-s death rame In r. cahle dispatch from Sir i anadian High < cm r:?*-r, in London, to Sir P.ober' ? icr. With ths !'.;-? I.on! Strathcona. Sir . Bpper ?hare.) t!. la'l <iran?l Old Man. In I ? ry of political lif.' he 4V II rely Prime Minister of Nova Sco? tia, minister in the Confederation <"ab idiaa Iliich Coauaiasioaar in sad ?Premier ol thi* Doniaion ' pinada. He was actively Intcreeted i*i th" ei 'nr.rernent of the V.'riland ( anal, the drfpeninir of the St. I ' hannel and the improvem??? th" Intercontinontnl Railwag, SI well ? eonatractioB Of thS ?'anadian by a privat?- eon Sir < har?as atas of Ameriean extrae aneeetors haviaa tattled In . tta In ISM He arai horn rahsrst, H. >., on July 2, 1KL H? ? d raedlelna at hdinburgh sa I pra iaed his profession at An [n that ] ar he area a ? en ? iva i eat In the 1 ? Pai liai ant, dt festina Jo?e;.h li.???-.-, leadsi of r ho No ? . i ')?? ? ? Prei 1er in lt9A He entered the first ( ? ...n Cabin.' tei tons, an.l in IS7S became ?JVorka. li i i Department of l'- ? I became it? Aral ? In : ?-; ie ?venl to London ab High eer. Three years later Sir Charles eras turned to l.omlon as High Comn tar ?? \..jir of ?? rv-ci. In Jannarv, 1896, he ? ? ? lia keasis Bow? t el sry of Statt. and ? r soeceeded his chief u> Prime Minister n ai ?vi ? erare defeated in J'iip? ? f that year, and Sir I ; position ui i -..???? :ife, h '. " 9\ London a few years later. I the rast of his life ._? ? as ' ? stioa m iver. ? i barias ?vas made n baronet in : .1 time ha ?as president .. \ ? ? ? rart 1 ion ot Sir ? harlea, - u t.. ?h?, baronetcy. He -?? ? i earl af Otta .. sad li about to leave for th? frOl t, ? ? !' DR. HUDDLESTO.V DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Well Known in Civic Work and I l| !u "ii Tuberculosis. i r John 1! H _.!,l>s?.on. of l?tl West ? ? horn? Il .nia, after an l'.l ' . p. . . He last? ; ' ? ? Harvard in lSt*?S, ? ' ?'. ' u l? h ac 11. Dr, Hud : ? ' t m. to prevenl ; i '. I \V rity Leajjue Guest. .... ? i of the branch. LACE AND SHAWL SALE AT AMERICAN GALLEKIES l'an Collection Also Will Be Dis? persed on Nov. 18 and Ifi. An important collection of old and modern luces are included in tha ? sale of the season of 1 BS Am.-nci.n Art Associstlon, to be held on Monday and Tue-'..- sftsrnoon, November II and If, la ths Amsritaa Att Oal These laces, top I than one hundred camels' hair, silk, em? broidered and lace ithawl?. and a col? lection of antique fan?, are to he dis? : M ,.- ? A. ? i I i ter sad M aa h. M, K ?? tasa. 0 . tha .iternoon of Kovsmbtr 1". 'ho . r :;: th? I I -sa'.. eol I * boras Budkin, a il t -, 19 m,.I -u s coll? i bnajliah china, forttsd by I>r PI? :i-.n* vark. N. I., will bt mjM. l'ii?' collection Inelndsa ..r liiiininiiton, Lewestoft, Wedifwoud. Bsarbts lu-ti ?, silver eanan sad blue lustre and his? torical blue china. Bj idminisl mtor of the ??stair of th.- inte Bsflor Salvador l'e Mendonca, for many, rears ths Brasil. .an Ministsr ?.t Washington, 1? I llectioi 11 ecta, C? iml ? Byron relic.-i ?in.l snclont wsapaaa arlll bs sol.l ?m Wed lay, . '? camber 1. The ?ifilntinK? will bs sold during the season of 1910. DEBUTANTE FETE AT TUXEDO Hallo? c< n Lame? Fullow Dinner at the Clubhouse. [llj Tf.fira; I t i ? M n* J . N. ? . 0?rt M. Ml is .A. i.i land, of ;,,-. Park Avenue, ? Manhiit'an, rhv? a debutant? at tl. Martel dukes, daafhtsr of Mrs Ed? ward Packard, sf Now York, sad Mi I I If '"ter . f M M rs. I-1 .-.?i-i :c i?'? tsi Carey, of i he tab!,? waa dee? hallo' ?Isa and . ? 1 ..-.. ;-, u "re lal I for ' gvesta a .re Mr. ta? . Mr. and Mr< "i B. Dinsmore, Mil Uli ? ?i i n? ( . i J. Coulter, Roi ? , Jam? - <IromwslI, M , Ksrry, Brs lish J. Carroll, jr, rt I:. Livingston, Hagh D ? J. I>ayton Simpson and Andre v i Lord. After * Rsllawsaa ibbm ? wtra plsysd. t ? rue ?ut f,,, trie dance Is ' Bl ?! many of ' house party gas ta among the eolo nista sttat da It Forma the sit ? ' ? ner. A | ' I for the Tai ' sai l?vent t oa ? of thi i of toi s mil . . ? a house party over t] .- H? Mr and Mi ? Will sa J and Mr. si ' French ^ Mrs. Ai I at thsli Eng.tgeir.ents. i ? ttr, Mil atts rence ? i B I' .-. I ?? i'. I ? h ? Mi i ' ? . - I Mi tnd ! ton. ta Ed ??,-.? Appeal to Aid Wounded. . ? n Paria. 4 ? '* * . ? m p am ? ? ' i , - ii ? ? ? ? | ?J? r., :ele Tra.iaa'.lantique. avAA'*.' .(8. .? -\:il GET SORORITIES Interclass Friendships Aro I ?iss Since Suspension, Sa> ? ) ? ? Report SUBSTITUTE CLUBS HA> E NO! APPEARED Dr. 01 Hints Old Son. ctles .'!.'! Actions. ... thru? I of tru ? . ? ? much "ruahlng" and "j - i ?eki of faculty diiapproval .. ? have ? n :'. r intentai ? Ity chapt? i ???? rp i ? -viut any in Gil? the as ? ? o new ? II hn? there of interest ? ? . mi'mental club. and other ? ? ? isatl ma, A Certain I <???? Felt. "The omission of lorority election! ha? brought a w< let from the itiona of 'ru,h -;a.' sad pledge day ?ind from i la form? of . ? _. -?ip. On the other hard, the ' -al organizations ice among eta? ? ..;n??e? far le-?? ??? t and .'?? ult ? In fewer oppor? for Informal i I *-<our?e ? lie format'i . .'o and con . friendships. An administrativa o ?otne lack of that fieial influen?a of the older stu ? ? on the younge? and that aid in th?. d?\ .'liipment. of a ?ojr.d public ininioa n. tas .'nllege which the lerori? tl? - lomel Imei ?'? Il the rasp ?nsibility ? "The problem of developing hclp . organisations mu?t. of course, reel primarily with the itunonti ired from a til. It in to be - the next faw year? the undergradotei may develop some gen? em of orga ? tion a ' ring to the mi - of th.. i edu? cative opport ly for a non i dentlal Institution to give to Its sta> dents." Combined Cour-e Asked. Freda Kirehwey, daughter of Pro George W. Kirehwey, of the Law School, led the revolt twe .ears ago which resulted In their llega. Dean Gild add tion to dis? ? : - | the ee ? lern, recom? mends *hat eoarsas in law and medi? be rnadl a ; the curriculum, aad alao that ? combined undergrade ate aad profeaaional course ? ? be adopted. Continuing her report, she "Beside? the coll?1?*? curriculum, we have bata ring ths pn blara af requin I examina? tion?. According to the arrangement generally In nee, a private ichool pupil .. ? .1 to dec de, '??? I be agi of four whether she Is Ruing to college. If ihe plans to go. the ? put ?:.- the ci . prepartory coarse of the whool, ai dl tingutihed from the general conree, and for several ?. ? ipeeial I her subject?. Bat ?seas girls srs bb? able te decide si i '-i an early age for or again "The result i? that many exc-llent aad ambitions itudanti at the and of their school COUI I few yean to col I ' ' it they are not prepare?!, but rarely have th?- eour? i go bach and I ? ? nations. Some al tempt aid be to adjust I - intr?neo re ? I cur ? lating from ? first rate school will automatically be prepared for col leg.-." N. Y. U. CONFERS 45 DEGREES Bight Re-Elected ta Council and Vacancy Kille?! by New Member. At * sal DMatiag Of the Sew Tori University council last ? ? ? members arara re-elected aad one ? new ?ht i (d were Dr. * dent; Dr, Willii Fletcher J D Robert Macken i, Thoi i H ? ? H. Poi tat end tt Foatei '* ? vacant posi? tion. OfH? re re ... - at, Dr M. 8 ".- ' Meal i \ K. 1 in O ? . I ? - T. .1 I ? A. ?A. Friedlander, < A 1 ir; 1 : . .. c Bol It, G. I Coi ?ell. N. D. i ? A. P. Gib , II. B. il .??I. M. > t., ?, M. 9 W, ... '? - I I. I B hter man, C 1 ?! II . !" J \i . '? i I I WAND .RING FIREMAN FOUND Ml i ?ltat Bina am Head, lie Went to It?.?ton. \ for lohn M ? ' i? ? in account ' | 1 hi a? m t anal it bI loa wi| - ? i i - email sweatshop? ind aertni ? pay meal ?? lui ?> ? i., i' o .. .' dlseas? . Workers ?liuuld iu|i,.ui. n a,ii a.iuuiit. TWO CONCERTS of high mm Dazzling Violin Playln by Mischa Elman ?n ( irnegie Hall. PIANOFORTE POETRY BY HAROLD BA?EI Schumann'?. AwtktMiIng of t;< Rccolle<ttiOBji of Child hooiL ''. I! I MM II II MT I vo. ar ' Bauer a i ' rte I ?, sL ? ''?j-npar.y. | rata, who m? ? k>- acltool of penpa:etic r'r '"' ..? ta divide their attention bt ht two, i ! . sat a ity of each ?hat the most cas. I of Arl a's d ?-ho t'aptai i i-.'- happ: ? ' rasar away!" Mr. Elataa ?n ..... elemei .. than when ha hrt rill lilsBC ill ???:-., th it thi I rat Svmphon; Nor he araa completely a rtj to ladalsrs his predil?ation io ? with which he could amaze an. Idtr his audience. To the lover of the severe style, however, h? hrs nade an offering; in the shape of Viva! Ill eonctrto In G minor, m which h had the help of Waiter H. Golde, hi regular accoinpar.:^*, at 'he pianoforte .n.l Frank L. Pealy at the organ. / bSBtvoItnt dispensation permitted th? ( araegit Hail organ to behave itsell which i* seldom does, p.nd though i? 'v of color and nuance makes it at iinered consort with a solo voice Mr. Sealy handled it so discreetly sin well tiiat it tarred its purpose ir ng Mr. Kirnan to gire an <-loqueni sa sf th? trsightforwsrd an. noble old composition. Mr. F.lman' youthful exuberance would not per m.t the r. . | ? loai undisturbed!? in the serene heights of the old style but for that th?- discriminating unions his BSBiart wtrt preparad' they mast n?.o.i-i forgive him hla sttattivt emo until tima ha? sobered htl ndgmtat and steadied his tas'. .r aaks of his exquisite tone his marvellous purity of in ? on and his ?astounding tech skill. These quiwi'tea wer?1 all raised to a higher power in hi? tiiunce of the first movement o? t'a cuncerto in F-sharp minor can'?? after. Th.- cempotitior ? ,| with technical d'.ffl . < that it i? a terror to mos' virtuosi. It is well that so f.'W o? lars attempt 11 la public, for al! ad and noble in it depend pasitiaa upon a perfect per formai let I' Il said thnt even it-? composer, laperb artist that he was, was not always nble to do it iustlce ee a 11 doas it jrssteraa) Mr. Etmaa'a playieg must hav? ? -;ie violinists who listened to him i-h brentliless. Without Impair? ment of hi? lovely tone he tOSSSd off the cascade? of double notes like wsll thrown out by the Ifalt or showers of dswdropa ? (B from the trees in the morning There wns much more, equally admirabla sad sstonishlag, no doubt, im? aft? -, bal some one else ? ? || ?bout thnt. If Mr. Bauer's listener? were under a technical sway of equal potency the fart did not so completely tagrosa their attention. For mote than two honra ha hymned 'he poetry of the irtS. His offering!? were many manifold their style, fmm the loaring utttraacai sf Braasts's Baaatt ;r f minor to tht atmospheric Istpraa ?iraisn ,-f Dahassy'a ahatchas. He I Schumann's "Kinderscenen" ? | lonata and warmed ' hearts of many, who were first aatoniahed and then dalights?, when i'aur, three BSSSSBS ago, put Ilia ? inda to what the thoughtleaa had thought w>-re childish trifles and -now..I that they had a place in the ? room and not merely in the i'aur played thorn beaati? . bul riot with anywhere near as ? leal ainsomsBesa si Mr. He filled them with ingenuous .-. ??rid made one feel the cor ? amasa'a sharactai its tion of ?hern when, defending the little . - i i.-t the att;tr-k i f a Titic who ii thsm ehildiah, bs laid la offset they Were the retro pei-' ions of a / bach on ths .!:.y-< of ualike hla "Christmas Al - ? ' ? .. the ?'age. GEORGE ISHAM SCOTT Da"AD K. red liimK" I Pi i. ? I BO Of I I I tit I ' I UBfa, ? - . i he ' ' .? sn ? Th. ht to Mr. ! :att*a ? ? '? ? ? ., .. B.y-ON WELPY DEAD AT 83 Was Serre??rv of FrgM?h Treasury for Nine *??ar?. Laa4on, n-*. Hma ?Val Reginald Kar'.e Wel?y1. l<ng promi? nent in financial e:r-*le?, .'... : > rate day r.t Malwood. Reginald F.rle .Ve'.hy. First Baron. -.?? ?lev?t??! to the peerage In ISM 'le entered the tr?a?'II - '.'. he rumo aaaiataat financial ?ecretary to the treaaurv '- - auditor - i ivil In '.--;. and permai ?? retary of the tre ? II ISM, hold Sg this poeil ? If ; \ of hi? dea'h he \?a? eigh'.v thrc yean old. He left no heir. ANDI.EAS V. IUH.I1I Poughkeep? le, N'. V. Oat An? drea? v. Haifht. proprietor i ' ?,.. eity'l largest printing BOUM War veteran, d-t ?J "? day ?- - ?eventy-three ye-.r? o! 1 end B mei of every branch ef the Maaeaic Bl un UAM h U i"> in >? Hartford. C Wald ? I!, la, I rmer Mayor of H and one of tin- diitinguiihed .1 1 the itate. d which followed '?? ' ' inteitinal trouble with wh i? stricken on Monday. Vote "Ve?" on the conatitut nm. to bring N>44 York State's liind.iinenlal la?? up to date. MARRIED PARKS JUDSON At ?h?- ? . ? the Raavealy Rest, on 1 toher "'i, Itlf, by th- R? Shipman, Helen York, dsu :? ter "? Mr. an?! Mr?. I!"nry I. Ju.i-?>n, to ??eorge Flton Park?. Notirea . f miintr? anil . l.-.i ? I? - ? ...? be accompanied hjr fuit name .11..1 ...I ir. .? D?KD I?yer, Maud Miller. Mile?. William I? ..! !l. V. ind.1 DYER <?n Satur?li.y, Oeto her :|0. a Plasa Hotel, Hew Voris City, Maud Miller Over, beloved tarif? . r Sidney Dyer. Notice of fui B?ter. HUDDLE8T0N in Hem Yen Cll October SO, .?,"? I SI Huddlestuti. M. 1?., -on of < I II- r.ry ami Susan Hid il? ton and helo-..? ! : ? rid I 1 ? ?lark. Funeral Matrices ?ril." be held on Mondav, November I, al at the LeaOX Avenu- I : *.r .in Church, lllet st. ari'l (??? 1 BV MILES William Dai I 1 Anita II ndrie, -.'i i.:. Funeral lervicaa at All Angela'1 barch, West End av. ai d 81st si October II, at 5;7>ii p. m. Burial a' M.'for.l, Conn. VON BCHIERBRAND In fraaes t. mber L''i, la; Scbierhrand, age M Major Han? and the late M:.r;. ?v ni g 4 on Seh ? i7MM raun THK no?l|i| ?u \ ? I Ml I 1 . * ::3.t st n. 1 , Uoti el ?m N T ELECTION DAY Tuesday, November ?nd A Sale of Pianos & Player-Pianos AT AEOLIAN HALL Remarkable bargains in used pianos and player-pianos? all fine instruments; many in condition like new. Pianos [Used] Pr?tes from S7?S Player-Pianos Used) from $2.S5 Mo ; .. .. 1ft ifft left u <'s Urs us SS do:, n, $4 tr.onthiy The AEOLIAN Co. AKOU.W HAI.1-. ?1* Wim 42iiii St. , l ill- Ai OL?AN \ OC -.LION SALON i t hose i t - .; iteweal ,.J ; . nirgraj 'l * ' . ?. 1/ ''?.'. ?''