Newspaper Page Text
Sparsks from Hammer of'Queer'Auctioneer THE RED FLAG OF THE FAKE SALE IS GOING, GOING-GONE? Recent Round-Up by The Tribune Has at Leasl Discouraged These Farcical Sales -How Secrel Signals \re Worked b\ a Trained StatF ol Operators ?n (.haraeter Paris. A pe raen who hum* U> hay er s*l*\ any goods, ,, if .m .i ...... - l'on ' ? ? - BOB. ' -"ihrr ? ? or jra-uluUnt ts \ | I w jnrttended , or by any tf the ptraet?ee? kneten as meek ntte* Ul?n ... ?., mpritottateai im a tfafs prison nut exceeding Di the county jot* net exceeding one year, or by n /?ne . . , n. . Bit, Of by ' th Itteh tint' und imprison - idditiem thent.i h? forfeit:- liny hr, nn* he may hold to . nn am 'tien ?* r --.nil t.. forever dieqt l fi m r'""- wing a ?cense to act ' ' '"if. ?43, Penal <'o:e of the .-ta'- .?'. New York. Th, Itl lure, "Aui-tion Thi? Day." in the warm Octo ' ? n window marks the limo as .".-..'.O. This ? o literally, *?. liks nearly all tht other poods in the . the time may be safely stated as mid-afternoon, nea the ail abl?se with nnahine. Notwithstanding, there i? a rival that of sev? ral huge electric globes. The 0? this illumination bring! out to tne uttermost the glitter , : silverware and jewelry as it la exposed on the ? ? In the hand of th?- auctioneer. He is a fat and humid I h<- sweats profusely in th?- fierce white light that heats upon lis throne. Toi -ar. in the cashier's box, sits a not unattractive arranged back of her, all Sut concealed by hangings, tan I the goods to he foisted on the public. ?Some ? -o or; eomi < rest purchased outright by the operating ???er the lowest class of junk or eltt Btputable cheap | .' rade, by the art of the auctioneer, as high-class Aa il "dead hour" of the trade, there isn't much of a crowd. U . .1st the scant dozen representatives of the "sucker" public are three "shillihers" or "shi?s." A shill is an accomplice and f the auctioneer, whose rule it is to oiTcr m< ck bids, according to ret signal system, and otherwise t-. stimulate the puhlic interest. m... anee Wears the cat of a hand musician, with the letter! A. I-. M. "ii the collar, and carries a tromhone. (The "parts" are < ftfti well in this force.) Another, on the rear fringe of the crowd, is a middle .'ia:''-! woman with a chopper's parcel. The third, a is undei the auctioneer's very nose. Pipe in mouth, an off-duty -. who will presently substitute for his partner, wanden about He is playing the part of the owner of the goodl now (supposititiously) being auctioned off at sheriff's sale. On his perch the fat auctioneer wearily waves a suitcase, upon which bidding ha i .. Suddenly he leans over to the negro, with an angry ? if you're going to hid, whynt you bid out loud. The '? id ou' loud. Said two follaba. r Two dollahs! Yah! Had the half three minutes ago. '.r your mouth shut. The Nttf bill Guest I pot as much right to open my mouth as ,'.iy. Money talks, don't it? An'1 got the money. tioneer ithreateningl>)?Show some of it, then. Negro Shill? I'll show it all-right-all-right when I buy. You ain't | '? fair show. You're s> dis-ca-riminatin' apainst me. That'c BgSaJnsI the law. Tl:. ''.n'? you talk to rm> about the law. I'm running this aueti G i and talk t.. yourself. do on, now. (?it! ? Megro Shill (making a slow exit)- I got as much ripht here a anybuddy. I aint done nuthin*. I got money to buy with if they'd give e, followed by the other shills. and apostro? phizing the flap) What are BOB doin* up there, purtendin' to be a fair play auction plajee The Say, look here, my man, You'd better ? TIm - . VVbo are you'.' Whatll I move on for? "ii I went in there to buy. and the fellah ? ? i don' I d right. I say I'm entitled to a If I am da ? I. Tl e's stuff there I vanta bid on. i ire have got some The ^ ? . crowd) Such prices for good sw. If I hadn't -pent s I n y money Th. \ , It's toug] i mai to see hit stock going for nothing. Th" '- . . Oh, lata y! If 1 te ?\ ?allow Youth in the crowd What? : I ? I !u Musician Shill?Fourteen, and wort ' (Tht crowd, caught arid fooled by the or m ? to drift in, I the tui s of er thu attic i enticii b; ?<? inside, the youth who inquired al?! i tl taken in hand by the pipe-Bmoking supposed own?-?- ... tin it ??itches the fat BUCtloneer'l eye. That humid worthy Irnittediatel down t)i?> pr:.-'?:?? i tmerarhaun, which iwbodj bid for?in the absence of ths) shills an '? "play up.") The And knees What's that" ? want a railroad watch. I'm ?'lick over his shoulder) ?I t, got ? railroad watch" . ?n the SB?B, please. Might bt ?*? ]\' ? (Turning to the mutidan shin, Vn? ],n" '?'' ' ' ' ' rward) What make would you prefer, sir? 1,"W!"'1' V> Elgin or What. Oh, a Time Ball Special. w,'n'''K' ? ' ?? ' !? .? - m Beems to know what he ???ants, l only hop? we ha ?;?.,? ,-??, , :,ft. (y(, ,;?,. ,.,..,,., Wo haven't: Oh, you've got one. Good! (Opening, p |.,.,g and holding up the watdL) Now, ladies and geoti?tinen, here wt have a wonderful watch, I don't ki ow of a better one made anywhere in these United ,,!al"s J? ' - ? " ? ***?**, ItBatetTBBd by the Brotherhood of Loeo ;m,tn" ' ' ' ?*? ************* )emttt, Bon-magnetic, and adjostad Wh?" T'*"' w t"::ua!;',',"i f,,r t<n *??** A parfect ?mekaepar, W>r w'red?f0' thl' v"'y ,'";" ***' Lot N* >? Whantmi offered? >? himini offered? The Shill ttakinp the cue of "NV 7." whi,h ? (,:,,,?., ,, wh.c.i he is to Start the bidding) Ten dollars k l Tne A.nt.nei'r Tea ?follara, Ten ter. ter- t?-n_ "' V '? fiction,.,.r tto the Act mi? A,,,-., . ,, . ? fc! : w.??"?::t,;."V:rL,??..?*** I .' ! Yen i I ? ? a.) 't tell nie ?hut to met U,r ,t I'll ,'.,.? .11 i *?>**'>m?mm*:L2^?'? .?our * ?t?Acs?^ ? 'v, I favOf lashody Vm here tatlr. L ?BJ I"' *l'"l;ir- '"? The Youth Y. The Shill T'a. I The A.ici 141 For tweiva . . , , ? , t, r>>^> i.??b a? .a, u- . ' -i? tlu're. IBM hack u the ', please. C willuu.d oa ^Mk4. IS R B WARD ESTATE $5.000.0 Uife i,ei? Half, with Charit] Ir?. ?ton, and ? l.l'n-, Kenia'niler yd We f the Ward Bal .- i i at horn? t.uaker Ridge 1 Oetobei - .... ? : I $ transi the va the n - ? il | ? ? I War.I r res hi? wife one half estai thi h? r s I -ercr.d part ' ' ? ?? -he ist ..' ?oon ai ' ? i ? ... . ? i i - ? . ? rs wl timi ? Ward a ? \ k'ard B. i? t* FOE OF DRUG TRUST WINS BIG SUIT HER: Jadgmenl by Default Taken ! Blacklisted Firm Again*! National Assot A pro c ' ... h ; ? ? ? a f?.i r.-i ..-' ? ?. nt by ?'. fault, -va-. ??*. ered rstei yin t : tatei District I ouri aft members of the Nat on '' >i .>?-, iation, ? I ? l.y 11 John D. Park i - iny. dm neinnati. Amons the .1 fendant! ai ? '?'? m Jay s h . f?e] in of the Cil Hi i"ii ?? a member of the firm of Schieffelin Co.; Chariei C, Bruei members of Bru en, (litchey & Co I^miic S, Coffin and otl ? the wholi lale drug trad -, A.bun Utica, El m ira, Syracuse, Rocht ei an I ?*?*" the an mnl - ' damag? i- one subject lefl l pre . It P.n k.r ai re ?ft Matthews, < for the pia ' estimate tl ?urn \\ ill be i tion li one? of threi brought egal ailed "-1-. Qg trust" b? I ? : I). Park AS? or ullcf,-? ? ence wit h tl e r bu linesi fi oi 1891 to IPtyj by bla? kliating i ? Ina of the other action 1500,1 i, i leek trebling of 12,000,00 under the Sherman law. The plaintiffi ? t the wholi sale association fixed prices, circulate blacl; i? snd oi lav fully ?ntei fere with the I (gists. -,-a NEW CENTRAL Y. M. C. A. TO BE OPENED T0-DA? Brooklyn's "Manhood Factory' Largest Branch in World. Thirteen stories high and the V. M. t . A.'s n? rest "manhood fac tory," at Hanaon and South Elliot Places, Brook I j .?:. '.-?. i ted thi i ! ften I'll.-, r-iiin Abbott mu .lohn H. Moit the principal IP? ?? Servieea ?'-ill begin ??t 8:30 p, m., an? last until fi. The building, the large??? \ " i \ structure in the world ? pad Britl every requiaita for the eomfoii of it i membera. It ii Brooklyn*! Con trul Branch, erected al ;. eo l of 11.600, 000 . ? I ? he l ';?!c Memorial, in hoi ed soi of M : - Will ?m; Van !' Smith who gave 1600,000 toward the fund. ? th?- first ?wo floor? and brich and terra cotta above. On the first ?! auditorium ? ? ma. On th?* third is the natatoi nm with pool "."?xT." feet ( 'r; the fifth are Ihree gym ipper floors ?n e tal th liv? ing apartments accommodating S50 men. In the basemint i? a laundrv. POLICEMAN WAIVES HEARING teaailaat ?if Tribune Reporter To Bi li? 1.1 tor Grand Jur>. Pal rolman M i?? h:.?-: Moran, cl v il n ai aulting Ed??. i -i -i. Dei Tribun? rep rter, on ' (ctol ei .'-r. ap? peared yesterdaj ? ? lefore Mag. i trate i'otii. ?n the Tomb igl hii co miel, i . l >? Barbier, waived examination. Ar menti 4v?-re mu.le for bis appear ?londaj moi i ig, m hen th? mag h ? ? eu ill arrange oi ni ? M Moran for the grand jury, .luriies E, Del? hantj bi tant Di? tritt Attorney in charge of the Mae, m court, and, ? ith Harold L of eounael for The Tribune, ci i r.? the arrangei ? 1 Moi in ha i ',-. on ba lay morning, He waa i . . ;? i hours ?- . lie? Com m loner*! itified of t mil ?n disposing ??f the . . ' ' ? eo . ? e to the ; ? . ? ? ? ? : ... i ii Genera I MORE GOLD ARRIVES <...iioo.ooii Deposit? ' '.?i taaay ?OaVc (?>r Morgan .v. ?'??. Hri' I h fold ' ' ..... terday frorr i ' deposited et th? . ! . . ? .? for the J. P. ?p A Co, and represent ? ? - ? .... r Great Brit ain and Pranee. Il II esp? et? i I 'he coming we i k will witni II additional h.-;.vy il ipmei I Writ h yesterday'? consignment the to? tal got?! received bj th? Morcan firm from Ottawa and London oi the pn ent movement bow amounts t?. nearly ?'.000. HILLIS AGREES TO PEACE PLAIN WITH FERGUSON Trace Called ?tm-I Dispute Will Be Submitted to -Board of Three. NEPHEW'S SUT MAY BE SETTI ID. ALSO ! reai hi i to St led One Ji Oppon it A .. r Dr. <.a.l man i eaceni ; it the Re? ?ewell ? ?' PI) i . and i ra -. i ;il in's adviser reed erday -h.-lr art is? ?. te i three-head . ; .00. 1? ' I suit ? h tt -r ... r , . . be arbitrated, but tl racemakera .i?.\ ? returned to th? 1 ? most of it ? a waa 1 led by the pel Maey ' rational I n ?? 1 ?*h. and Dr. S. Parkes 1 dman, ot' entra ? the Church ? 1 the quarrel seemed to thi < ? ? tuatioi * ?? m for .1 qui ? I ? ? 1 efore ? ? ? pi . Dr. Hillis ivri? Informed of this a few day! ago; '?'. 1 l ? ras eon? ?ulted on Friday 1 Pea?-?- Conference ReM. .lust befoi ? ectei Di went to Dr. ( in the ' en irnl ( ongre ? ??inch. II . 1 ned that they did not Dr. H ? ? ? . rito the ?udy proper and Mr!. room off the 1 Dr. '?'? m pre . '? each belligerent. In turn. Tl - ib to have one arbitrator iclected bv Mr. Per ? - . men eh osen to ird. Then ? he three ere to hear1 ?? by n la ? ? 1 wa ? I ho??- mu? h th? . ; i.-, the rhe prim ? I their ? method of ending the ? ? At no I did Mr. Pei go on and Dr. Hillis come Into contact, When the paper 1 departed, A few mil ter Mr. Pergn Iding. Thii g the the 01 .' . 'or, had ? . ? ? ? . en though 1 had be? that the ? ? peaei I have re .lilted. All tl ? connected a Ith the thing about ?t Dr. Watei ? t out of towi terdaj afternoon; Dr. Hill !?? Cadmai kepi it 0 aray al era, and Mr. Fei | ?eld furthei publ rity waa not d? red The umpire - will probablj be named r \\. R..:1. ?? ?'? 1 : M t. T Lark, att r Di H aid da) that they d I ? ol 1 who Mr. Larl t'n?. I--. Dr. Hlllii bi i Mi 1 ? . m r n t. -? The "short hull??'" wll help to ran? c?ntrate responaibilit* on ? ic G?.?-enn>r for the sni re?vi of his poll? lea. It *?ill abolish "invisible governnteajt.'1 Vote for it in the ip?-v? ronsl lUtioU. this wat?? A. thi; /?.'??. *T'*AND pty>-C!.i>p'-N I-' ! . ' '?-" " -? '*' '"-!?-? ,' MOND?' ". l ; A TUEb9*."i : ? mtontsoaY' '-?? "?'' ., THURSDAY SPfCIAl RBNtl ??.J. m.J_ fkipay wtsr mimatn. > GAii'tv: DANC DAM-IMC. "H9fU ) . aj?, '? {him*? X> DANCES tr??Mr * ?, PAmcimc.. tipfe MSStOMtfl J I* -, ,*NC. 1tlr\. {' 1 UINi Nt? -. I / ? j AFT-cKNOON n A ?JO ? fejc j] ,"7 iV am?? movie i_.eum tj-12 1 / r A ?$ ??-m ' '" ' ' imP^'_^ m^?mmo ?O"?- ' 111). AHKAMv.lM?Np.l.", tnns n ,' lCANOCaeil.1 ?ess *?.m? m.-^o^s- fa ma t ion ft rvo,Ft ?f i UfiP . MIS?, f | s*u, ;? .. wpjuf?-. RECTOR'S i,". Rr? ?4'li.a? .1 l?:h M. gnraa nun w:m 5P-P? ?? roa i?? am az m m \ri sa ? I HOTEL IMPERIAL ! - Broadway and .32d Street, New York. ? g ... i.? list ?I? Ha a I?. V ROOMS.$1.50 PER DAY UP | I WITH BATH. . . $2.00 PER DAY AND UP S ?I t? ?? r.xeellent faicilitiea for Bainquets, V eddings, I ),imcs, 6t?C r? S 9 c New Popular Priced Restaurant. 5| ?33 Imperial Home Dinner H '^ 2 *; served daily from 6 to 8.30 P. M. $1.00 per cover. 'J g Ttal Dansant, ?i.uly rxcrpt Sunday, Palm Room, 4 to 7 F*. M. -?a t- ?j ^ Come to our Halluwe'en Spook Party Monday Afternoon in the *^ *_] Palm Room, 4 to 7 P. M. ? Sunday Evening Concert in Red Room at 8i30 P. M. sC 9 WIl I.ARD I) KOCKF.n.I.l.l.R. Manager. ZjJLelltllAaal^AalJ^ SE? -a- ' nfth Avenu. For TOMORROW and ELECTION DAY Ai Vil-*!. Link in a Chain of Offerings THAT HAS MADE US The Busiest Store in Greater New York {Even Though O Birthday or Annhtriarii Date Doe? Not Happen Jtul .'. THES" QUOTATIONS DO NOT HALF TELL THE STORY: , ' DAY SALE WEDN ? u HOSIERY SALE For Men, Women, Bov3 and Girls. Unequalled AsTortmcnt* for next For Women Silk Hose pure thread ?ilk no I end i nt* ? heel blac eolei i ? sconds sf .50 Black Lists ?ilk nniah ilx-thread I eel and toe double top alao Heavy Blaeh I ottoi leeondi of ,29 to 35 quality.. .18 Blaeh Cotton with and without white lolei also BI ich Wool osuall) 29 . Pine BI I ttOH double ?ole, hei I and toe. ; foi 1.01). I ? i Blaeh Bilk I read he? ! and toe.? '??"? I pa i for IM. Extra Heavy Blaeh Silk Kayser make bol h ma ? lisle lined i und double top I .7!? and I .08 Fine Silk black, white, tan, gl iv and evening and tree! ihades with rter tops.. .OM Women's Blaeh Cashmere Hose.. .??!* Four pairs for 1.45. I.nrjre ?lock ?.!" - to At, Women'? Cotton and Lisle black, rh te and balbi I , in. . .?l?. and . I'.i ?Sati-,fying Price Savings three clays For Children The Prettiest Fashions in WOMEN'S DRESSES For Now and Winter St? Pi leatrian, the Skater, M?t!nie-Ceer. .21 Rib I . .?'? Worth .24. Chiidi ? ' tton heavy ?rol med ? plendid wear 8 to 10... ?- - I I n for US. Hlack wooi i ib ? ..'?_.II? to ,49 '? im weight black - ? : to H.?M ? a .-!** Sim;-.'.- Tailored lir?..8f? Of Serge .il.7a"i Pavoi I blaeh eroae? '? I r front ? rimme I -. :sh buttons fur on cdlar and cuffs. Alas nt thi? price, Yelvefeer. Tepe 'le chine and ?atin dreaaei large variety af !'.i??ian bio ? Ine and full mod.'l a with band) ?>f fur and Silk braids the principal trimming f.-.-i'-ire.? Sample Line of Dressas at mm? prici" Included . ..!?.??- $14 to $18. Too late for del the After, en T*. an?-! Skating: !)r<.??e? of Fine Broadcloth? . Speciii 24 an '*?'-' . .' 1 blaak ?.:m voke an ? h i-h n uqnetaire mA ?in"; " ? PiBier"ajS ers" f ? h iv? pockit l*.ki ~ *k G.nit f.r... ' m?'t itrkn? >?t mod.l ikat ng dre? Skating; I>re?ve. a' . Spedil n.fft Black Vel? e'eet beHst |MI)M nt front - hall 'on fur bord? on blouse?, collar and ?uff?. er," Si the ? I st openli ge, s Gracefulness i? the featur?- of '1 BSC lall For Men : Hose blai reg. -I. i brand double - "'?-?? I ? ? ; and toe. 29 i pr--. for 1.00 ? .,-? -i Onys make. pain for IJI. Silk black excellent ? ? ? ?. . ; ? . 'I I rea pairs for 1.00. Infants' Hose heels and toes Women's Extra Sizes i S ixe cot ton and lisle Mack, white and baibi ggan ..'{."? and . ??? s?k an.l wool black, white, tan. Three pair? of Uc for 1.00. pain for 1.00. white, tan and blaek. . ,16 _'I .US .24 Dress Goods Special Vor Tomorrow and lllcction Day CHIF. ON BROADCLOTHS, 1.00 M Inch and a few M Inch pieces regularly $1.49 lea be1 wo/?! high lustre sponged an?! shrunk Fashion favored e (Jug biofei ME mouse, army blue, navy, men's wear blue, black ar,?l limited quantity ef foreal green and brown. Great Full .Stocks of RELIABLE BLANKETS FURS Are Indi.pensable Now ?nd for Winter? We ?ho??- practical ?tyle??We ?i??* true names?We present only the new?Matchless values. Il R COATI.ZU.UH Hudson seal (dyed maskrat) sad Near Baal dyed eonej I fall flare rnoilel- -.-If .?r contrasting fur col? lar handsome brocado satin Un? ir.?: Bought in Eno?rmoni Quantitlei for wool. .. .Blanket? for every purpose ptlea....Eeonon%*\ i for evern paree Purr Wool Blankets? Large si d small gray, white and scarlet, with Contracting border?; *i!:int-? In new , omfa ? o '-?.-- .". It? Lamba' Wool Blankets? Pull i i plain white sold in pal rs, I ut bound singlj. a [th atin ribbon n: lalmon. old I t blue, I lopenkagan and gold. ...Alao rparal blai that equal s pair in weight and m arm'h worth $16.M.14?.?IS Wool Nap Blankets? White, plain colon and fane) olaiil in choice combinations full liza value to I2.?I.,.l.ON Cash hetore market sd ? inee of raw In etery lise In every Quality al every n. recognised ? Inr.-irtrrMi?-. Ba!)y Blankets? ]??? ? a ool an l wool ml sed Il "?; bi i 48x4*0 a h -te with pre* . also BaiSy Blankets? nap borders in pairs..Also delicate ? 1 figured single.... .*?!? Automobile Rugs? Chase plash the name is guarantee for reliability two-color revers? ibles m rich coach tone i 72 and M Inch lengths.l*J.i)s other Auto Pau-.*?. S2.9-? $!9.flH. Extraordinary re oi ? few lightweight r??he?. SMALL FURS EXCEPTIONS. SPECIAL PURCI .ASK Resulting in Sensational UNDERWEAR VALUES (Airinrnts from One of th? Highest ('! i^ Makers. ONE-TKIRD OFF. The manufari arar, i ? thai ? styles at h rag ilar pri., I ec ?use ol reity of lacas, emhroideriei arnl fabric?. <-!o <??! out ? this great concession.0 ? will maki . ?e the wisdom of sharin-7* in the-e special a?h to BI through out preat CA8H-BUYING. 1 ml quality, t fulne i, thorough workmanship ar..l diversity of styles ?vill appeal to women of dis? criminating taste. Crepe de Chine Unilervvear i? a'.o in?, ludet!. Great Opportunity for Christmas Gifts. Be Here Tomorrow for These:? Muff- HudaOB Seal | dyed mil -krat I flat and ball shapes .1!>.I?S Scarf? to match....7.t?N... 11.88 Muff? (lonuine Heaver - ball shape .,'t 1 .!>* Si-arf? to match li.?is i l.M l 1.98 Muffs Skunfa and , Onposum ball aad pillow ni.itf ? . i .5..?*? Scarfs to match. .. ..".IIS to I 1 ,98 Muff*. Natural Skunk and Black Fox new ball shape plain or with head Bad tail.. .311.08 Scarfs to match 12.08.. 2 1.08. 20.08 FREE Dependable Alteration. Women*. Suit?, I2M and up I ?.at .. Ml Dresse?, 7 IS and up Skirts. 1.9.'? and up Misses' and Juniors'. All Prices. MEN'S UNDERWEAR *1 ..".0 aV .2.00 l,arment? Special !.<<* (.la-tenhurv Make Shirt? in 14 only all site? ii drav rich.... However, t? - ia aiVrt? we i. ?? Scotch in a i shirt? ?til dra ilao, In ?.?me Dep't: ? CREVT STOCKS Or WINTER LNDrERVVEAR of All Description? Wlnt.-r and lifrht weight eottor. Shirts an-! Drawers tl ???? .?*?? Derby Ribbed SI 11 ar.d Drswin tari and gre; t'\it*. ?4H Gray Merii I T>r?w?r? or ho.vj* ."?' | - * -?hit* or nal ira tes te 30 inch l.???i Wii t? r V* ? .-? ? So -; Mtaesl wool or es : H.?f'. .... -?'?? Extra ?izes to "I inch suit. ?."i Katar il rli hr.isted .. a lase Kx'.rpi li*s?l te 54 inch l.M Pure Auatral ?fool f?lrts doubla braast and bsel to 50 inch. 'Sam Drawen to match IM Winter Weicht fl rt? and '. ? Two-tl - ??'5 Full l.i Carter a- ; ?? <'1,;'.. , Cotton.. 9*? Wi \.%ak-n All weal. 1.19 $8.00 and SS.50 MILLINERY Tomorrow aad Election Dm/ 6.50 White, green, brown, navy and black Velv? corl?' lilki and hattei ' plush from close ti ? .,- ?tu of narrow r.r m modela and ftne variety of aailoi r? **f Ga naborougha... .Fur pompom ami band?, wini -' ? oi'T''_\ .?-s and feathera as well a.? tinsel nov< nclB???! (.IIM.S' \ FI.VF.T HATS? Black and landing colors sum. arith licht facings dowers, furs, inappy bos - aad other favorite trimm . :.,:. et thanes reg ?i M 3.98 uOMKVS VELVET IIM <r rich f?*' ITS, ? Hr *-"*' ? ta large and ?ma!!. ** MISSES' WINTER COATS Reg H- g Reg Reg Beg Reg Rag Reg, \ alas ? valut value value \ alas value value value value N ? ?lit Ilresses ? .?Sail |1 ? .Bali 11.69 .Bals Drawera aad I or?et < avers .30 89 .gal, ? ? **? ! ? - .Bals .t?."? .- ralas II i?.Sal.? Her. ??! 1.08 .nul |15.M . Ton'omui and Eleetien Das 11.75 . ?. Petti? o.iis ;! ?- .Sale I . ? ?? Reg. value |2.25 .Sale 1 - 1 * UN I ;,:? I I a?. , , rsavelepe I haaslaaa R? g ralue f. valaa $1 Sale . ;.-, ; ' .Sale I .;?.-, ? ?? >ale I , I ?-'*' ' ?nliillalions aale 1.45 h . ?oit 1.03 ; .BeaU . Sale -l.l.'.l .Sa?e t< 8^ ^>l . . ? : -a da 1. - . |1J4*. ' ? I 11. 13 ;? . . I . Sa'e .Sali ls ,4i.S III . ir. ,60 ?i.% '-ill OS lit) ur, ?_i Plain color Corduroy?. Chinchillas an.l Z checked wool piih. ?I* ? i Winter plaida and mixture?.... Smart flan i >??? '"?1T1? ?elf fabric, p'ush fur collars m eOBVC rtible or ' bin ? r, n -';? ? ? '* '? year s Many Sample ?'??ats from two ?mart ?ie?iirner? ln?lu?W. Misse*' Serije Hr? ??e>? atj Misses' Tailored Suits? t A flit Valaaa ta $lBJt?. Ih.UU 'iroadcloths, ^-aharilmes. poplins ., brown, greea an?! blaak i aaaa aad belted fur trim'd col? lar? 11 to II ;.?ars. 14 to is ;., .. Fine weave ?ertre, c.< taffeta navy, br.- ' -.-..?ta'. Useful Xmas Gifts will be in vogue a-^ain this year. ASTOUNDING RUG Values For Tomorrovv and Election Day. Unequalled Assortments of Handsome PARADISE FEATHERS Fountain and Sweep Effects BI ACK AND ?NATURAL 4.98 5.98 8.98 9.98 "d 1193 Special Purchase of Seamless A?min? Rich Medallions an?i small figurad B tan grounds lall ft?] value Fine Worst?*?! \\ ilton Kuj?s? Rich Oriental! and imall, aWirahle and other artistic colorings value ter Uug?.? designa dark to ltB.00. - light i,'t 137.50. Sanford & Son'* Axminster liu.?? I N.'.xlO?. ft. same desiKtis and colorings that are ?hown in | ? high class Wilton? value H1.M. } 19.? 29.?? 17.98 2.98 Chic Accessories to the Modish Hats This Season Freo trimming servi? r if hats and trimming? are purchased here h \ 11 : A LARGE RUGS Hartford, Sanford and Smith'. Asasin iten llJall ft. vulu.- $-??:.'- 'J'j.iis ll.:txl2 ft. vslue BtBJB..MJN UJall ft. value l.l'.?.???). .*J1>.I>**> 11.'1x13 ?? ft. value $-f.?.;,0. .:tl..*s?l 11.3x15 ft. value Ml M 'AU.?HI AXMIN8TER RUGS Smith's m 1 Other M?kers |7sM inch val .1 |1JI MaM inch value IS-'J. N,? Se<ti??n devoted to Kope I'ortiere? '3 to 7 ft. extension be?t clor? t.4t? to 7.?**? lM 'l.t* Seo Al?o Herald. World. a-Unoricau ?or TbirU-oino Mon?n* Soociids?On Salo Monday aad Tuesday until 1 P. M? EaUaordinaa VaUaa.