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CORNELL FINDS WEAK OPPOSITION IN VIRGINIA POLY Big Red Team Charges Into Southern Eleven for Seven .Touchdowns, |THA( \NS' GOAL LINE M VI R IN DANGER Barret, and fool Work hick .it Results in Easy Score. r i i \ ? ' ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ? '? ? I quar ; ? ? i ? i ? ? ? - ? For i Brooklyn l> bcliool Game ? ' .nnual tain, a ho | ulled i ;: . r. ? ? ed the ? ? . their i . ? ays. ? first ? I, and t over t K. ii ? I 10 vard It fore he . ?own. i both it? ? i A '. * ? '? '' . ? i a '?? '.. *'' : bo . i ? ?, * ??I ? : r i. Klee? - ?? l MClym?r Remains with Toronto Team ne, ?ill tlOf..i i V -. next - asking V ??I aft ' Ntfstr. i BELMONT BANKS ELEVENTH >v..n Two Races Darlas English Ses ? on?I Niniiii'in Ile.uN I . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? '?-.?? ist ] ? I ? ?t . ? CRESCENTS BEAT YALE AT SOCCER Hay Ridge Players Take I end at Start and Hold It Till Finish. I the length I ? ? ? the i ? testn st Bay Ri Ig? yest OOn and ? f 2 goals t I ring twice, ale * ? ed. [It tally came aft? I iy In the second ; ? i contra half, ai ' rty ;. aids out, which lat i . ? ? ?'. Bailed past Ds -. ? Jack! in ti.. i : ? ? ?am ?h the. McCl? . up. . ? ? ind . Lee ? effective 1 N Bled ? ? tip fi ? -loh. ? - '. Il H ... - : i '. : ? ? !" igle . I . ?. .' ,.-i all? ? ? OUt ? lj ? : - ? - I ? .. '? f ... . I ? . PENN WINS AT SOCCZR i - by Fiai !'!;?>?nu in ::,! I :-.-ania : r hei ? ? . I f -1 t o I I ? ? ? Pennsylvania ? ti in R R. 1 . ? Lou? i. .1.1 - - Ivanlai \ ; UNION TRIUMPHS ON DROP KICK BY ROSECRANS Goal from 47-Yard Line Only Score in Game with Rhode- Island. SI 1 atatetady, N. Y. Oet M. A drop from the 4 t by Tubby ? :an? ?nable.i Union to defeat ? tirti-rnoon. ? ' i k eh ret mads on ils ths drop alaer Poly iii Troy last year by Roierrans t'ood foo?bsU. ', I State a as ?trug ? i? .? ? territory throughout ? ildnl ?.*., i. after In ion i ed ta i ?Und tima ti B ie lins held mblea orrurred that caaaad ths i score . end of 'he gams I i o f...ward pass to food I k of punch nt th? i'f ? from aeoring. G l ?? B teuf, ? v the wind ? hsl - lifted ? Held, sndlt i . yard line red. third parlad tl St t'nlon ? three i nt lifter three at i ruf panted G? ,r leather i and'* r ! line, After Girling fs '? sad ' in, i.?? eerana diopped Lack to kr'.; The ball mi I? d prt - between . ? for the only f the prime. Roaecrani ai d <.irline- excelled - I. ahila '??f ??? in ob the win| i I I ? ? . i I . ? ? ?.. line backs an I ? ? a v i oi : ot. i. '? ? ; . ? - O'Brien rterback shone for the Rhode lei? am. ne-up follows: n ..........U 1 i :. : ? ?? ? '? . I ii . -,-. B. j :. ? | R. |1 r. i Rhod? Island fltat? 10 0 ' v f per - . .. . WESLEYAN SCOPES AN EASY VICTORY Tiles Vp Big Total Against the Worcester Tech I le\ ? eyan with Wore, -ter Tech . win ? in tho a? ?i the and raeed : on (jot in a . i evsral | down Har? king s 86-yard run. A with lona run, but wa ackled on . lie cirri- i the I fill It but W? ileyan, i scon g only inter? ?. , mce, I i the Mar for the vi?i tor snd wsi the only man to pane? i . i oa and : ? lor \\' aromar] sad '? n? up follow: ?. i ? ? tt?r (I i. I '?? . i. , . . !.. :. : i. i: . ... q s .' .i- n it. . At n h b. m I ? s. . ? i fot slbot : .. Harmon Hin?* Vorret ' i Royal H - . Dartmouth's Weight Overwhelms Amherst Green Eleven Fails to Scort However, Until Well on in the Second Half. I . i-.'.r.i: I U. T ? ? Amir*. Mai?, Oct. 10. Amben :? d by Dartmouth tin? aftei ? \ear? by . ? ? of th rclat two team. Its to* rat I : si ' I '?? ; ?. t. ? i tls. It am I !.! ai p?r . : '...'. Dali wlta its ? to the man, arai aide te ass its crash , ted sdvsntagt. la ihi trohei ' eleven against t)..- of It r telllt ana ? ? ? i%. d gall nil: bj ' ? ? ? ' I powerful Dartmouth backs . playa. Dartl try fot ward ?rti'.t's. bul the Amherst 11 ? ? ? ? attempt? and ' ball awn;.. erben Dartmouth 11 ? ? m goal in t, git ,- tmherst .11 on it? I ? rti ; braced ti ? i | - r. . , low, and Dsrt put < ?H la play ob their 4 juiJ ; i ts Aral touchdown tht thl Am? : ? . V. ;rk off II ot.d hall and low raced bm.?. U Limit. | 1 month's 40-yard line before he coulf ? pped. Hut on th.- i.. .* piny She rich fumbled and Durtmouth re covered. I hi Ore?-;: baeki thai ?ta^ed n march down toward the Am ? goal line. ti hN I put up a |-an,(> tight, une tmouth rambled n but thi Green men rOeesrerod every tu - ' gained on every fumbi. . Aft.-r Am : for no gain I 10-yard lins It was j I ? yarda for offside. Dartmouth brought the .ir for tks firs! seoi ?v.. fourth down after three ittS | ? . : -<-d tin' . . third period ended with the bnll in Dartmouth's p??-?' Am Dart .'n wa? penalised oa the I ret play in the leal :. but after two more plays I'aro ..!. Hin* through ikii t?cale for the touch i . . Carolen ami tackled him on the f.-yard line, but the not' be stopped. Tow ?? ? tackle sad had to be tahi r tks gane. . .- I fora ard :, WS ' resulted i ? . received a long raced U n yards for the third Dartmoath made its . tally when ii lughed through centre from the :i >??r?l ime. ? d 'he i.i?t ? i amberat II i.i. l& T........... K . u a . WMmsre? i- . . . l '? . . It. 1 v. ?. ? a ? ; lco? ! II ,...R. Il D imel .t _ ii ? A ? ???art' * : "ih.m.I. Tin?, ot ?;??-.., 1? B -a^h I Almost a Day s Work Bu Law, wlii. tv.<> t..'i a.,d kicki-il two gOt?I against Williams. Colgate s Lightning Blasts and Rends Yale's Hopes Again ? i.ntlriii*., fr..: . '. bat Neil goal. It WS feat ; Colgsts on the Jump, iff ' f sis ten whsa a i was ?ride-awaka fall on the bail for Colgate si 28 yard lins, Three rasl i ted siseen yards, but a peaalty for holding neutral ^?.1 the "ffort, so that West tried ?. drop-kiek irom the 35 yard line, which ?r?ni astray. For tha rest of thia period and all of the second the buttle *a- evenly V.t'e, if si Bg the i work, par- the line. The aeeond half wa? all Colgate after the first few m. . .te-, whea Yale's one glowii | : lit? r Aboli kicked off, ! ? good forty yard- and Anderson famblsd the ball rolling ? . ??.'. At I but In their a:.x;i ty Spencer rushing up saved the day for i la team. I oil tu the taming . for after thst the tide ever fiowt i olgBtt NSBI tl end of the thild ptl Odi with the bi near ' ap it fora it which offered the threat "f a forward ra?s. Ir;*tei<.i. Anderson was thn ri fot si end run, when Weidemann played him well and forced him out of boua ?iadersaa <.<i? Hit Taathdatra. '1 ii" -ai-." for1 ? sy. He itart? l for tl of falsa list? ?ra, bat aud ? ? ? i about and dash? d . ir to the rieht, behind the n ? ??'?.? rs inter? ference. ? sptaifl Aboli b ok out Savage. Neil son cut ? M slat w ho tndsraoi I, dodged and tidestepped hi? way clear and covet -.1 forty?! os yarda [or a toad ? i IS t.. 9, fuel was added to Colgate's burn aaged :-.- In Yah ? St lened the ball as i eai surd line, i -hot a ? Hut cate met befoi I g pei the acore Aboli thea t from .... punta was ! ? \ ind a man ! l si] "j' .f boaads on s . 11 i i.T.1 lias ?Thsi i as ru.?h and two forwsi i/sin. the Colgate ? SO-yard ^ed sn accurate goal ? 1 hit mads the scor : ? >. snd ?.. ra m the Colgate thi ? Another t b\ was bl ?.Ked, snd then, ji, ?or-- :? -? blew, Wat had b< >-ll at right I ib atol raa thirty ti\? >ar.i" t-?r ri He BS thrown ou' of b ur.ds on the 10-yard line just as th* w ended the itraivl Nothing; Illustrates more fore.I.'.;.-, perhaps, the difference betweea the two slf than the fact that Yale had pOSSOSSiaa of the ball ?o little of tl . - * it f tel r . f'.rmaitio ?d the ball I forward aai te ?n oa i .. ted. I'enalties Without Stint. I'enalt ei were mete ! out ra'h.r free? ly, and Yale was the greater sufferer. but comparatively fta fumblea marred ... I gate ta lee lost ih? ball How Curate and Vale Lined Up I.. I'. ? . | Ville (0). >t.-u.?r? .1 pfi en.I JSeacloi *,?.?? ,.., .left l:i. Ue llal.lriicr ?.?mil . left a. niir.l Kent ? i.n..i. . < Mire ,** kite 11.?M.m I?kIiI Kiianl .?.In M.r.l . Hi.In la? Ue Win Nefleea icia-iit est \\ le?lemaa \|.i|.-r?on. (Jiinrierlinek .Wllaaa Bpiaeee Lett imifi.n.u Uaite llul.l>ell. . IllRl.t li.llfliai k lli??lnl,i.'l.l ?,,lli. . Iiilll.i,. k -...ill *? l>> |htI?i?I?: ? alante an? 3?is 1 tile . U 0 ?I ?I? 0 I.efrrie?Mike 1 linni|i?on. l.e?ir|et..4?n. I niplre?< arl Mai ?hull llrtriiir?! I liiea 1111111?Tim I loirp... ?,. r'ielil Jll.llCe?Her. in. I-r 1111 -el ?ill. I.i.i, h,I.,1111??Veils,,11. \n,Irr...11 I.I goal?Abatt ?* cigale, II..11011. fur H'eet, itoiieri? f..? Speaeer, Mutkio- f.?r 11.ii.1.ell, 1 in. h lee BoOeetoi .Hie. Bled gelt for Mssele?V, N.nlle f,,r \4.iir. I,ale? for lliilitr?K?'. BaVBgC for Hlggta? I11.1I111111 lull tes ?.?in??;.'. Kin. fur ?In 1.1..11. Miller for ?Mille. ( luir, Ii for \\ ie.ienu?n. Tune of perioil??IS ami I" minute.. ?m loose handling to Vale'? once, but on 'he whole the men from Hamilton ..... .?-.-r inren? ? ? olgatS gainea lixty yard- ar. I a ? i by the use of the forward ? \ . ? ?rned not a yard in this ? e play In rather . the fen tint? tempted M ko Thompson ama eonapleuoui .? haga black eap Re band!? : well ;,- .?.'.i ?. and so far ai eould be MUS made not a single mis1:. The Coiga'e men In crimson jerseys looked for all the ?world like a Harvard team. I ? ? Vale line averaged IPS pounds, but it seemed that tl.?? meet w?* not made of this weight. There were time? ferw ?r?i? charged well, but .lurk along this line was not uni? form. (oli wn a cheering delega? tion of possibly 1 men, and they .- I ?.11 by themselves on the gr,ii.r.?r. in the gsth ? of niki.t- It was a happy ? .? tnrkle "n the Colgate team it Yale tw? year? age, '.?,. ,. ','?'? like winsIng that game all over again," he said. PENN ELEVEN FUMBLES ITS WAY TO DEFEAT .afayette Team Outplays Heavy Rivals, Win ning 17 to 0. : if a ttts'i lose of I ' ? ? Red at | i r..r- (.f IT to 0 ... tea? -. ' t a heavier aad .?upp d.-played B plucky bran i the punch. tim? . ii of a ? .. .it.d al i Jersey as ? ob the A crowd of II ? ?. in? thoasaad Boj and a I ? i ? I of Lai isr t contest 1 by Ideal areather en.i f a still t wind did pre? luring .he ; Pen.n ? it i ral Jit? yai . I i loaras t " ' | ' i i r a : 11 ; . and two -'ich - iron by Barry ?re? i ? f..?- i.afuy. tte'l . .: . down in the I . In ju Iging t ? f the ball, f r he wat uncertain on reeelTing punts, fro? ? - :>,r a ires h n?k the onslaught . - '? I lueeeeded Berry in the -? snd for a tims it teemed that i -1 ra. Timt sad . i ?acK carr-d the ball down ? :.',' II aould be last on i. thst play Oa oi had th< . .:-'<m on La? ? - '. yard line wrh the remuin tanee to be geiaed in the ?down. The bail win hurled o\. rd past I !.. ? - th ' e-round, and with , ? won because it ad : . I . waa 'hreat fter time Pean aras : a , .id or 10 would i a first tetra, or per , . ?i and ths pinchea t Pel ? ?.' 'i . Bad . leped. up: Peni ? i 1 I. ? . Rum . ? It ? H H l. H. B Rosi .- D I ... ? ? ? : . , :- .- . ' ; Kingsley School Eleven Wins Over Horace Mann Kinc'iev School, which ha* no; been .!. fea ?' 1912. d ed lb race Mann School by a score of 27 ?.. 1 at El ass Ft !'-, N. J., ?..-?. i du-.. Ths Horace H ana teai heavier th ? It rirala, but George, I'n derwood and Marsh, on the K ? throogh to break up ti.e attack, oid-faahioaed football was played by both elevens, Horace Mann being successful in the only two for arara psssei attempted during the rea? ? I Marsh, the Kinsley quarterback, ? : n touchdown early ?n the Best period, when he blocked the ball on the ' 16-yard lias, Field circled right end irter for a 20-yard run and B fl Arnold, the Klage? I.--.- halfback, tore big holes in the op? ng touchdown- in -. eond atid fourth quarters. fumble on 'tu -' .-a--.! lu.- Kingsley ichdown m the fourth p iriod. The linS'Op folloa u tlon. Horace M. it) i.i i - I. T. '. ?> . !' .J?. .1. .Il T. . . SnlrT>n . i: -" .Q. n i. At i. H it . LI tm . . i' it I. SstaJ Ooala ... ... ? ? . Stevens Tech Eleven Is Prepared for Columbia ? - : am, ij .veil ; leased a Ith 'he wu.rk that 'he men have done during ist track, n..I be feels thai ths iqaad la in . : ipe te meet Colam* bia Ko practice ?h held yesterday,1 some of ti .- ? sal to Newark i tha ttat| aid K?me. I To-morrow will be Aerated ta a re-; : of all the plays to b>- attd on ii.y. . I tuen have beet tried on the reek, sad althoagk raaj sot t the Nsw \ a . ibt y be g : i Doa ? tackle of lasl > ? it . \ ,i> been osed .t ! r? f t. tackle, ' I ???:. another '.???? . .nit at hu' :? in good ut. ex'iec' a the engineer!. FIGURES OF THE COLGATE YALE FOOTBALL BATTLE Fir-t Half. Yale. 4'ulg.t?. (.round gained hy rushing . M "0 .11 lu S First do??n? b> ru?hing . 4 4 2 ?? Tunis . I 1 I I Average di?t?n?e of punta. ,.i .11 .?ti 34 For??ard pa??e?. 1 .1 2 3 I,round gained on forward passes. 0 6ft 0 0 Forward passe? completed. 0 2 0 0 I. .r->. if I paaaOS incompleted . I 1 I 3 r'iirwaril pa??e? inter? epted. 0 l) I 0 . 20 U ?s 24 I'eiialues . ?S I J 71 I,n.und l-.-t h? p.nsltie? . || .13 SJ 23 Kumhlei . . . .! .1 2 2 I,round test b] fumble? . Ii 0 0 0 Hal! lus? h) fumble? . I | 0 0 rumble? rt covered . I 1 I | r.oLF o" nn at s I in. inr.i'l V.r, U ||| |.. ? ? . ? i;?er.i ' 'he '.. ' 1 ' E. Ho ? ? i . . ' - H F. Srr . F. r a ri ism .1 ! ; . ?;. Del ? . . . . ' W. W. II ' ten, '?-' ' ' I? s Hondera? b, ' sttai ?? ga. TIGERS DEFEAT LIGHT ELEVEN FROM WILLIAMS ? ontifiiieii teem paga I ?he moment he gol the i . ? with won.lerfui ?hill I'rincotoa Men Numbered. Princeton roi lideral all who fol . who 44 ?? d food, bad different ???? ? . '??'? rae bered. The) wen re .?? of pint. and ? Amer ei | II ? , order, At leaal ftheir man wore 1 .r blamed ly the critic? on ? ' ; lay, V. Iliama WOB tl r. and chose to defi ? ' n goal, with the i bach Pi ? I n k iked elf, and Willlai ' 1'h" Prii eel >n men smiled. The mar- I Would tail Bl But a distinct irpriae a The march did not start. InsteaO*, the ? ? i i . ? : ip, and Will lam the hall On downs. It could not gam, however, and IO0la OvertOO punted to \ who came back to i'rinceton's 34 ..ard line. Then followed a march thnt ? only wh?*:i I.a Plai te recover? fumble on the 4 yard lire. I.ate in the '. period Le aber! in r. soven 1 b fumble ?-ii the 8-yard Una, and eari led th? ball over. He al??> kicked . al. Karly la the * h i rd ??ua: t.-r Frineeton took the ball . n th* opposition' yard lin?1, and in ?? ? n plaj ? through to a toachd rn, Law carrying tho ball. Law again k:i-k?-?l goaL In the fourth : ' ig? ra got ball on Williams1 ???' card line, and i :;erce attack, dirccteo ehlefly a: Parme lee, went ?ver in sight rush* . Moore rig, Btill lat?-r in thii isl period Moore made his pectacular ru.i -h tho Williams field for a score. :?? fol '.?V : ? : >n. William? ?">,ii .i. U. i ' f . :. ,....L rl ..' . ii .i . .It. T. u ?:.i_ . ?j i? . .fa II . . n '.' h .. . B . ??-..:? IU Ith . Moore - ? llttl f T Y.I1 . . j ?foi I, of rrlnli nit. of Oartn ! i?i 1 J ??lt." - TRAPSHOOTPX ON AT NEW YORK A. C. Fifty-five Nlmrods. Compete ?n ?Matches?Culver High Gun. Judging from the attendance at the onening shoot of the witter Sea? ttle New York Athletic Club yeeter liav, this i? going to be an exceptional fear for the ?port. Fifty -live gui competed In three contests. The prin? cipal -.hoot \-.a? ?t IM targets. Prises were offered for the best handicap Bl I icrateh gunner. The winner el I former trophy iras il B. Knight 1 :,d b eard of 77 'JO '.<: I he high ?cratch g-unner whs I?r. Culver, who "killed" M out '?f a | ble 100 blue rocks. Dr. Culver won the Variety Cap. taking the trophy with a lfl out of 'a!.'? targets, F. II. I.o cutelli was tn?' winner of the special -Loot, with a full ?-ere of ?? target a, ?hooting with a handicap of 4. There was a Hallowe'en party at the club last night, more than MM being present To-day there will be a at Travers I ?an.l It will be the Ire! Sunday ihoot in the history of the or? ganization. The gunner? who did better than 80 yesterday follow: HPBCUta Ml'.'.T ...0 TARi.KTi IHM.H si? ll a ll I. Ratitri ?;i iviliaa . ? A \\ I ?rr.? . -? 4 t s a. L Barn. ? \4 III in.. ? 'l l>. H. \l 4!, W II I. . -?:? . . KAI'?" ?II. '? It ?I --:-?? a ? ?I i: ll i it? ..... IS Si i is.. ...... I M ? ? ? , . ., :. ... .-. ?- : M ... . -. ?? J h ' Notre P inte W ins I l??ird Fought d i votr? teta br a .i a hard fought game . : tltntes wer* led v..'re the trat half throua gam? th* " ri i r. I i;?.." left end es B ?-ris?. ? ?? en ,-..i '? H ^?uth - . ? ' ?...?' ? ?*. *??: ieaalp ? il ?'? goal. -Bowdoifl Defeats Eleven from Baltes mem -, n ,ie. feate?! l'.stes ?n , ag etS Footbail [.< . ;_, iJ> ft ?core of 7 ?., | la the : aal pe.. .-. i. through tl.. Hi?, run. bringing tho I line. Foster on the ? went through for I I ?*e? I ? p ? of the I ..,', but loot j;r?und ui? asetlj fuuiblc?. DILLON WAKING BID FOR HONORS AMONG BIG WEN Indianapolis Light Heavy weigfii N Boxer of fit/ si m m on s Typ*. IS SLUGGER WITH A SMART DEFENC E History of Pagftlsn l*? Replt Is with Instant'. ?, of Small M?tl WhO Mflttk (iond. ? Mo hsa ? t I are i itaelf ? i ? : 'ornia. Bal hen he was ? as one | and all hor. r for It h la ? ? ? Jong before he w , whose \ . ? . ' .. on? i trae thai - . 1 a but he that la . and ? and box elererly In Wha'ever his defensive S ? ' ' ; th i ' ? forwsrd been ? *:nr a !? .. 1 II punch, i an i "t'P>. 1 a ni .n ..' and Strength at - el? tim ''..r -i ?'.n? hit from i i| ted 'a moat on. Juat now Dilloi con? cerned in f rn i?: ? nt eolnfldet ?>? tc I sat him la Yoaag ths Nesrark lad will have his chime? to ? rhl in Mad ? ?are Gal den. "Pillon |a too mall to be ? ;;.. ? bat the hist the Barba : ' who u; '? ' 11 forget the campaign ? Bob Fit tail . i him by pounds? This II ? t*l ? ? It bn? be i | | .' | ' Athl? tl ? that all spplieanti for a i how to conduct a boxing ? before The ? are in favor of such I ? Rout? have be? ? tiens of 'he r: ' '? Ings. Ted Lewis, sf Eagtai d. Is wsdlng ... it reei -it " i '. of New Orleans, In -t \ oat st 1 Msad .* I .. ???up" fror: l I it in He wa? knocks I t Leads I? not a i. ? I be? 140 !?? .- d? Whv net tight Willie Ritchie, While many or the local boxer? are t. 11 ? ?.- bemi itrrir; the fate that made \'e v Yorker?, declaring ? '? of the slabs here to give visitors first il m thsir ware? i . the ring, ',?. Astey, ths West BftM boy, I? nl'idding alonir to tr? heigh?? in hi? v I ? ?.- I? a bantamweight, snd ; hai ? ? He bas ? ? battles ' i . rn by Mil ? arhs ?re ranked high r? the i t suel a i sreentags i f ?!?. - las - ? '? riet in the?e day? \ ?ht bave r skill of Astey are .' - ? M.'aCk, l'.ee-e Iteese. who r? rttly fought U ads ta a . Mirra y lasted only two roundt w-;th ?istep iBf bov to . .??-'. r-.-.-r? ?mon? ? > ave ipeed ?kit! ind ? -unk bim am. Bg ?be leader? of hi? th A??rv i? a rnt'im?. Tl? i? a gl ' tl-? H i:h School of In the employ of a lawyer Re i? studying law, and th? ?n ? ring 1? u?e?t to pay hi? tuition fe?s lis has ^ ..?ral prf*.'? fur typewriting snd" :. well I ked by h!s employers. o ? ? N. Y. V. Seconds Victors Over Pawling Eleven v v York 1' Wad team ted tht Pa thai! elev?n i ? i ?.ore ..t Il t I Ihv ?f'.er r con. The telletge players were hard 1 by th?- Pawllag l?d.?, who ths Violet goal on several Moot |] illoaarh did 1 "ri<an. ?luar . - the I'swl MADISON SQUARE GARDEN BBt>BBasa| [??ni ? NcTiirbtr 1st. 1915 ?Ml. I II Ml 11? DILLON ^ Wl INkRT I'Kli I M'MIRM.OB ?I in? Itil \ I ? ?\ liai I . .. . !.. in H? I...-I ?.,,n?r. ?,1k? ?