Newspaper Page Text
One Ray of Light to Light Way of Moguls Baseball Players1 ira (erniiy ( ontemplates No Demand on Clubs. NO MONOPOLY IN JUMPING CONTRACTS t ? Likelj to Offend as Piayen Salaries Are Not Inflated. Bj Ji ROMI Bl .m ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "We ? ? ? I ? ? ? ? .1 ? ' ' ' re no1 ? r-iinii - - ? i. ac ' ' ? ' ? ?? a ? ? ??? de Ty ? lei ? ? ? . notl BOtion about tli s - - ? i the solu ? i ? runnel tch and .... res a mor:"' ? for the ... nner eoi ? - geti '.tie ba'l ? would no" I on B , nor I ii the ? ?he run ? EIGHT BOXERS WILL TRIP WEST Knockout?? Enliven Bouts at Crescent Club in Amateur Tourney. ' rh boxer? and ?v . ? . ?' ? ? r . ?, i . ' ' ? i. n th ? Bai I ' ? , ? tie i ... - t! Of the led with act . railed upo- i ? ner. ? ?. 4 1 : ? ' ? a * ' ? - - . ROARER AGAIN PROVES RIGHT TO HIGH HONOR Picks Up 132 Pounds and Wins National Handicap at Laurel Track. Oct. ! tl .... ... ' ? i r n> ! I i p si ? . i hei K ? ? ? ? dicap ? ? ? tl . ? nd. In the N the ? resti ? to the pole ? ... mei I . mark I til 4 *? ?i e the other? were \ I ri, whet )'? ? ? ' the end I ? champion had ?o ? tl ? ? ? ..-??? pted to run But ell TWI '?-illrli tl.ore ' il, ? -..rice were ? mi I ? i da m..1 a ' h ?? ?.-... .... leffersoi ? -. . ? the one to fore.- i ? ndicap went Fi Johnson's t ock o' th? Wa ?. ?red i. return to good form ? . ? ? ? '....k the Mei | and R. .1 i Paul a ob the li I - - the day witl ! th? first tac- ?r? :.t to r rani Pris? dier. 'ii. Monday the raci-., .. where the M Joekey Club will ghr? an eles I low C . . id the rac.-. I i . , | (Il T ? I A 5 -" ? third tl.' - ' ? ' 11 ? i . ? * ... i Iti . i . till. 1" ? M W?lk. . II ? ' I I fill - ? . ? - f? :o . ? :.<?? aient I V . ? i Ut] ' ; ? i . ?? M *?*?? M I-. - Htrn i ? . ? ? . I RS) ??? ! . S I ' : ? I. , 1 ? . I Rntrics for Monday at Pimlico Track ?' a . ..'.nil? Sam? mi .......1 ? ' _ \\i. . " ' ? ?' IS _11J ??' ....111 ? ? In an I Out - ? ,'?<????? ? t ii i = i Hand KiinnliiK ? 1 ? I 1 s Maxi . 11? - ? . n ? . I I - i Mar? . ?? ?'.,-? I- I Mils ? . : - ? . n i . ti ? ? . M ' ? Ihsn Allai ? * ? ? - . M . - ... - "r . I ? rl? i ? . fOl ' ' lUaeai | .. ? ? I? Perth 1 . -i Capablanca Coming Here for Chess Playing Tou r ? lay Electioi pi | | . ?. ]? k un Junuury S FOR BEAGLE TRIALS Laag lalaad Faaclcrs to Send Packs In Virtinia. ? | r.. >..'?? . of the prominent re?i?lent? of ion m tbeii coun? sel! ? ? . ? ? ting ag ? tl I ei in Amerites fn ' ? r 1 i I. Maryland, New V"ri. The eritrv lie! i? laid t.. be th< e?t in the hi?tery of t! ? aeaiiy one fr:en?i? from all point! :r: the I ?rend the next ten davs in the hills of We tern Virginia Two Likely Entries at Coming Horse Show Dick Donnelly on J mitre Moore's ConfiiJenca. GALL TO DIRECT BIG KENNEL SHOW Succeeds James Mortimer as Superintendent of Garden Display. LONG IDFNTIFIFD WITH SUCH AFFAIRS Is Well Known Among Fanciers and Followers of Amateur Hunt Meetings. At their meeting on Tuet da) the ?? ? tminatcr k. nel lected Ceo' I , | >ndl nt of t hi ? m the ? i! p 1877. II oldest of a4 . -. 'I the h the ent? i ? . i . . | . nntil the lat? i ?er? '.?? iir. (mil ?rill tahe the place ' rid by the ' amc Ifortin . i foi ms nj Application! weri con dered for the in i" r ?. - * i ;? i.mi,her of Ihe promi dog ihov) managen I ic ehoiee wa? laigel) influei c< -I by tl knowledge of the dutiei sained by (?all t aid to Mortii i a 1 ? luperin? tendency since '? H ?His n Re ich, of the Wesfmi ?tei Kennel Club and ehairman ent the formai not - appointment to Gall y< ? ' ell I own in dog ihow und ?'im! ? Ho hai ?>? rved ? I ent or al? lant .; ? ? many dog for the ? - He i? an aasiatant ' 11 Nal Ion ?i! Hunt and s eeple? has? A ai l -Mie.* 1907 has been clerk <?f th ?if th ? Meadow Brooh Hunt. I Hunt lib ?I'd the Unit ciation. ? ??. ." -'.?.i Gall '?? York office? of the National Steeple and Hant y t to .?i icuai my plan i The W . ? minster Kenn? ? ? ? ? . . ed an.I I do not think t ! ?? Beiiel -nitt-e has any eJ ?'? tatf." Mr. Cannon, Greyhound, Retains Aberdeen Cup Ifi i n on i. gre*hound owned by \\ B Flack, of Grand Island, N?-b.. re ? tie to 'h.- A bl . ili'cr: (up in ? ? ? ' p-.e run Boat rice, Neb., I th? Lone Trail, ims, of Ku reka, Kan . wa i rum sad for? feited the ' ? ? to H ;?. the Beati Ice Derb) ill H? owned bj 0 I Life, ?I. . <>u ied by Mr. Life. ' In ? .?p. Brand, own? b) ?. ". v-- Oaklaad, Iowa, .r?l, owned tvei) <\ Jones, of San I'rai ?isco. ( omplete List of Coming Dog Shows rin' following i- .' Il t of th< .-hoi?s to be held during the i year I . ? M . ? -. 4 I -, . K . ? ? ? : i . - i *. . ... ? ' ? ! a I I ... I s j - 4 . I .1 l'ai Xl'l . 4 ? ->.'?' , . 1 . ? M "... . al .?I I'll 4 a > 1 -Outrai N * ? i .4 si I tl.a \ 4 I'- - - r.,? .-,. . . ?..... ..r Assent a. ai :>?? ? fi . - . ? Watermen of City College Change Training Methods Now Working Regularly am Promise to Give Their Rivals a Hard Fight in the Coming Meets. B) I de II. Il A MU.KY. The a egB of ?h City of Sew Yorl ? daylight. They evidently ? ths I evei sine they joined the Intet 'Collegiate Swim ii have been das i to lack of ambition, and Instead sf n ctice only once in I while, as in past years, they Hre nov traiainc faitl ad working rc^u Isrly. A- a natural r, lit, progr?s . ht - beei made in ??? i ot Hi|uatics, an? Lionel Maekeasie, ths coach, la conn . i for the first tun? rnlng and water i. teams sbl? to gire all 1 I .ird tu.-sle in th? ? ?? irnament, i sptain lIt her, Huyes. ". .. worth und Schoenberg at.- ;?.< preseni the l ... .. ? ... ? :..?.?- tor the lifty yard dash snd ih i relay quartette; Bar? th snd Adleman thi , I ? . idred yerdsi . Wolf, Kais? ? and H ? ?? ? mg a wimmere ? Jon. - and Anerbach the ablest plongera Greenbaum, Clemia, Lisbarmaa an.I t'h;-.n-bei- the eleven -. faaey diver.?, and t iptain Babor, I taiiior, lie Howay, Schroeder, Auerbach and Mann? htimei the itrongtst aattr polo play Mack'-:-,- . proi . !. however, atid it may o m tun., to take part , import tat mi at The National Collegiate Athletic As pleted th? revisioa of ail rule- governing rarslty water spur' j and i- t.ow seek-- ?: tro- eo operation of controlling t aporta t.. i ?. ?? them uni\ i ? -, ; .-. ;-. .' hi el. 11.1 ?? f..r th.- nmittee on aqua) ici te con- ull with I he ,t. ? - ? authoril ??? t.. fo a und? rtaking to the n< i doubt that the work I liahed In a ? that the k.-- ? I . ? ? . I ,-....;, .I, vised will militate t.. the best ? I in d. It is to be hoped therefore, that the ? ?a will meet I ? rit tl ' national organisation I i intent I , trat i It n.. relj lima at hi iag ing about the voluntary adapti? ill colleges of uniform rules, m order to pr> - ? ? Mil i D i ?.. claco, th? for warn? ? .i- d< i la a at ? diver. . ? . - I oa ti'.- - i'.j.ct : "I perfoi Sut ro Bath 1 the ( I .. ?. . . i the greatest i ?? :"? .- : il | re." w I not have te ? '? ramini thia >ear ?'han. - of the team, ia 100 J Bid ? ii'.der BBS 1 ?. for SB) . ' eg? oppoaeai at th. i at 1 Lehman, of Pent I ? erait has be? ? . rvsr, of 1st? te pe I ist ? ir i i.. e. I 7 t '., ? * ?o ii.che?. the best 1 ,*? .n the cnam laaei I The Public Sen... : Athl.' ! iBBBal switn in ng teai natnent, w Inch coald m 1014*11 It *..'. consist of s I of dual meet?, starting daring the week af November l"' and ending iry 11. Th? team - ? mp 01 ? .?.ru., will be awarded te the high . vi inning 11 I number of . . i, and the ii ?!'??? idual titles will ompeted foi on the lee? ond i rida) In March. In th? op? ling dash Townsend Har? ris Hall wiil face Bay la.iiL-.' tiltil schools entered for the tour? ? ai i De Witl ( linton, Boys', iiil, Corrim.'.ci.ii. Commerce, Manual Training and Stuyvesant E li -ii Lee, of the Kiagaton t yg? . London, the nil eteen year-old girl wh?. ???.-i acclaimed s world beater by ind'l Spelts when she rwsm sov? tend ird figures a few 4? ? fil -:.?..| the opin? ion that -he is the greatest diatance 1er of her MS ever developed in eonntry. A few days lince she covered the classic championship course ..- i.r-'ut Hi ;thin. from K?-w Bridge !.. Putney Pi? r, in the Thames, complet i: _- tfie Bv? miles and sixty yard< .' m< aaarea In i hour 11 minutes and liZ-i leeonds, and beating badly the women'i record. The ltrmsh au thorities believe thai it '.?ill be <? long time before any fair rtataton ?.r.- found to improve or. Mis? Leo's performance, The newly organised water polo team of the Piedmonl Club, of San Francisco, is after the national eljimpionship. It ha joined the California league, and eta to Ural eloan up the home rival? and then tackle the leading MVOBS of other districts. The team la made up of V. H Armstrong, Walter Spencer and Lean, forwards! Have Do?ean, (li orge I.incer anti Ralph Kendnck, backa, and Kay O'Connoll, goal tender PHILLIPS AND ISAACS WIN Take Iteal l?state Double? l.H??n Tennis Title After I i ? f Set?. On the same courts where he ha? I.n the victor in many h hard fought -, Benjamin M. Phillips added an r lawn tennis title to his lengthy itring yesterday, .-.hen. pairad with Stanley N. Isaacs, he won the doubles pionship of the Real Estate Board Tori PI ind hii partner ? ?I Raj I?. Riche) and K. A. ?ishie] by .. score of I ?'., ?'? 4, the na*. . be ag played an the clay court.? af the Harlem Tennis club. Riche) d A -1. !.? y w.-re top ! favorites before the match began, and enl to a lead of I 1 on and i" 0 "ii points in the first ?? friends of Phillipe sent Henry,; lithful ground keeper, around to th? eorner millinery store to procure mourning Land?. If Phillip.? hai no' developed into a play? its pr? babiy I t.. eome an excell? I I trench -ighter ? ? ?? j.r.'-ent war, foi ju?t w ! ? ? looked as if nothing could save him ' ' ? ? ted a tremendous : by I -ii,??' ?. hr:?1 BCtuallV , ..t at i - I ? ! Ashley 1?-?! at l 1 on games, bu? tt.en Phillip? tarted a mstl ? attack at ? ? ' - r .1 he an?! IB six ' n a row, taking tn.- let at ?'. I Fox Hills Golf Club In addition to the second round of match play for "h.- Manl Ittai I'.rook lyn an?l Richmond trophiei at the Pos ib yeetei?lay an v.-,-: ? ? . ? " ? By hand eap ? a- r-.m ??rf r A triple i ??' re altad In \. involving Richard ?- Mamlok, I G Spil l er ami W. P. Jockin, each ?? il, I'e Courcey Cleveland led i i.. ? ii with '.''? -" Ti. Keiults m the borough competition follow : >? Oil. a' > II. Skat. ... ..?:?>... . , .-. 4 ?? I M . . . ' I' l( - 1 4 ?II J l> I . ' ? ' ... ? , . ? -> ' I 111 II | ; . . , . M -, .1 -? -, i, \| , ... i ? 4 o . a '?at V\ M (? ? ?.. ? aaa l ?? atati Val Crane dr?titlg Wild fots). SOCIETY WOMEN ENTER HORSES FOR SHOW HERE Animals Worth More than a A.illion Dollars to Ap? pear at the Garden HARNESS CLASSES UNSUALLY STRONG Jumpers, Too, Will Be on Hard to Compete for Valuable Trophies Being Offered. Hor?e? valued at more than $1.000.000 are ipeediBf toward New York this from the four corners of the con? tinent to compete for prizes worth 180,000 at the National Horse Show, which O] BOBl Saturday in Madison Bqotrs Gardea. In the lis; of 1300 an* ? ? ? reads pul Ii?. yi tar la* : re of? ficers' chargers from United States army tor's, ?it Fort Huachuca, on the Mexican frontier, In iriaona; hackneys ? . Alberta, almost half way to the Arete Circle; ."'betland now crossing ths continent by fa ? axprt ? from the horss ahoa . at the Psn i'i a Pacific Expoai? ? on in San Francisco; cavalry mounts frota Fort Oglsthorpe, (la., and horses of all sort? from other ii..stant points. Never has the Horss show stt. 10 ' SBy exhibitor- from remote parts of this country snd Canada; a ?triking proof, incidentally, of the sentimental which owner? ? verywhei.t upon a bit of bitie ribbon won at this old? it snd greats I of kmerieaa shows, for in few eases can thess distaat ex? hibitors hope to win enough money to defray the heavy i ?>.! .use of shipping their hundreds, or even thou -atids, of miles to the show. Oaa of the terprisiag feataasa of the pntry list is the atrength of the har .-; els SB. This division will far surpass anything teen ia recent yarn. practically eve;;. ? stable in the country being represented. Judge William II. Moore, who owns the larg? est sad most rateable itriag of horsei it. the world, beads the li?t with thini I ihs -?.... y ?:'. ? ;. b'it closely following are J. Campbell Thompson, Jsmsa ?Ox Brady, Miss 1 08 ' Vauclain and Miss Loul.'i Long. Tht latter is a daughter of the Kanaat City lumber king. The promineoee of women all through the list of exhibitors is illus? trated by the fact that this year, for the first time, their entries outnumber thoSt of the nun in the famous Wal? dorf-Astoria ?'hallenge Cup class, for American bred hackney harness horses. Miss K. Visa, of Montreal, ?anuda, who won a Isg on the trophy two years ago with her horse Karl Grey, is one of the entrante again this season. Mrs. Ed? ward B. McLean, of Weahington, ha? . ? OBS entry tu the how. but that one. Lady Dilham. is a host in herself. Mia? Isabella IVanamakei, of Phila? delphia; Miss ?letrence Crafts, daugh? ter of Professai Jame? Maaoa ?'raft., of Harvard University; Mr-. J. liacy Wiiiets, ?f N....V tfarlbara, Mata.: Mrs. Hubert Wadsworth, of GeBOSSO, N Y.; Mrs. John Howe? Inirrottv, of Cedar hurst, I.. I.; Mrs. Philip A. Clark, of Newport; Misi Adele S. ?'ol?ate, whose moth, r was the CoUBtCSB of Straf ford; Miss Anrie A--hton, of Philadel? phia; Mi s Ifariaa du l'ont, of Mon'. polier, Va.; Mis. Payne Whitney, who ts her hasten up.I pomes in the name <>f the Greentree Stable; Mr-, Csthsrins Weatinghouss Fisteher, Mrs. .1. C. Brady, who .- a daughter ?? i Karl of Limerick; Mrs. Frederick Lea . of Weatbury, L. I.; Mrs. Harry La Montagne, also o' the Long Island hunting colony; Mrs. William A. !.. b i of Biya Mawr, P. ? ; Ml l, Ibuger Wal? lach, the champior tennia player, and Mrs. David Wagita'T, are union? ths other women of BCCiety who are show ing their eejnine beaut .?- mid pet? at the ?lard.'ii, and they are represented a'l through th,. show, in classes for' ?:???? ?-, haekn*ys, high stepping har SrseS, tSdd a hoi ? .. hunters and ponies. Jumping Competitions are alwavs thrillers ,' ths ?'.aider; and they hav? a wonderfully heavy enfry. ranging from sixty ia the open din. t0 thirty ai.d forty for cempetitioni in which only army officers may ride Th.- r. ??f 'he Canadian Challenge Cap r Adam Heck, to replace bit original r r.phy. lost through the war in Europe, will have thirty odd contest? ant?. Irer. ... | i lain eti'ry in the broad water jump for the cup pre seated by Robert A. Fairbaira, vire preeideal ef the Hors,, show Aasocia In the high jump, for the cup pre I by Judge the list of SB trtet is of the high rSt QJOalite ever brought into the Card":, ring. The list includes Confidence, holder of tht roeerd; Shj aeraaer, aiaaei of this contest at the last National Rons . and a lot of other celebrities. "Daredevil Dick" Donnelly aril] have the mount on several of the competing horses. In the classes for officers' chargera ii i cavalry horses, I aclt Sum's "pre* paredaeas" ia demon- rated by s large and notable list of SBtrisa from both ths r?galai Brat) sad the National I Guard ef New York, New Jersey and' other ttates. Marston? at His Best, Wins New Golf Titk WRS.R.H.BARLOW A?AIN CAPTURES LAKEWOOD CUP Defeats Airs. Fraser in the Final Round of Invita? tion Tournament. For the second fast in inecoai on Ranald H Rarlow, of Uerisn, won ?he ehlef cup in the invitation ?o-irr.a ment for women on the links of th* i ? end ' o'ir try Cl ih peati when she defeat? I Mr? C. J '? of Baltusrol, in the final roead by I ?ip ar.'l 8 to | A- a matter of fact. Mr?. Barloa '? Be difficulty througaoal tBS tourna raeat, for she how-led over her op? ponents one after the other by tri?t margin! Taking an ear'v lead against : raser, Mr . BarlOW was never in ?'.-inger. and practically -von ?? ihe i leased. She lik? I ? ' swood links ? ? '.?rt that sh?- i .. trouble with the hasards and. like ter J Travii aapecially fanc;es the in ward : Th.. n the other '?* e, Hi -. W I S? of Richmoi ! County, i d to 'he home - ei n by M '?" ? P of Englev rid " ?'? n ' SfeDoi - ?' Pla.ii ?'. >ld, ti-.;*. I ? " ?o go to ?he ere ihe cou umph over Misi Mabel '??. lford, of i ilneident ?v th the final ma-ehe? an eichte?- :. ! ole medal r'ir ?.''. the winner b? ng H G? r Pickhardt. with a card of 1"?' ;? PS. The summary follow-?: 4 1 !' I' : ' , " ? - - ? ' (1 ? . - ? . a, M ! I ? -? . 4 a - IIANDK AI' ?? H S Miss I . . > . .. ; la - ?t-. : -, , p. ? .4 i' ? '.11 : ?O.I V .-:?,? I . . .Mr, I. . .4 .1 ..' Apawamis Club. Two comnetition . were on the carl at the Apawamis Club yeeterday, W, C r..?*? r won the eigbteon-hole medal play handicap with PS 1? 77. the club president, Harmon S Gravel ? I the way in the sween-takes with M -i BS. The scores follOW! ?ANl'K'A?'. ?Mriaa II a; HS W ?' I/~*f . I I D - ? -T ?- 71 7-t I. J I..1I a.? ?i i ?71 i ii m si sais '. ?> I ay. am - ?r.sw . . a4 4V. C. taNUT .If'? it II. MI'll . lit 7 ? C. 11. Hsji li-lmsk . Ill If 14 Ardsley Club. Members of the Ardsley Club took part in the qualifying round for the November '"up yesterday, eight becom? ing eligible for subsequent match play On a handicap basis. T. M. Tay. the field with PS l?i 71. Scores fol? low : Ql amftim; iMi-*.n I?' ? 11 IB. NO r \I r? let .?> . 14 Il 11. II." -a . H II M II J Barth . 9J :? 7. ?'. t.. fei ? a r II ? ? a. M II r B ruiler . ?i 1-' 7:? I. m <;-?.?- . ?*7 I TS i ? n ai. r oran a "in ?rr.? II i. M s i',.-.... ? 11 SJ F I. V. '-.,!?? . 1"1 : T. Jadu . IS M r ? Bprakrr I ? i, T ??ta ....M ,-a Yountakah Country' Club. Planting his standard on the home green, K. L. Frederick won the flag com? petition at the Yountakah Country Club yesterday. About fifty players took part. Nassau Country Club. Craig ''?igate won the handicap against par at the Nassau Country Club yesterday. He finished 3 down. Re? sults follow: CraJ. i ossta.. | .Vwa. D A. I?rtn.. Jr. 5 li.rv.:.. 11 i BWMV, T dirwn. H. l> II.*-.')?..'?. S :???'? HOWEBR?SEVEN SCORE ON LINKS Hagen and McNamara Beat Nichols and Smith in a Four-Ball Match. Walter ('. Hagen and Thomas I,. Mc ?amara defeated Gilbert Nichols and Alee Smitii In a thirty-?'\-hole four ball match yesterday over the links of the Wykagyl Country Club by I up and 1 to play. The match wa? never m doubt. Through this success he homebred.? iquared matters with the Bcotl for the defeat inflicted a couple of weeks ago Bt the Groat Neck ?,o!f Club. With matters standing a match each way, it would not be surprising if a decisive contest were stage?! on ?ome neutral i our?,, in the aaai future. Excellence of teamwork ?va:- largely responsible for the succss of Hagen anil McNumata. Both are goo.; putter?, and often Hagen's long driving proved of use, while McNamara'.? ability up and on the greens freqi ? itly was el service IfeNamara and Hagen took th? lead at ?he third hole. Bad aft?*-.- ?"inning the fourth reached the turn with ? nargia of t up. Hagen's 7? on the lixteonth ma?le that m<!?> 'I up, wine- was th" margin they enjoyed when the> retired lor luncheon. The summary follow?: SfOTf HAM.. M. N. .a ". ? i 4 ? : i i ? S -, : SS? tl, ? ? I I I | I | Ml Hal ?: i ?I .amirs I I '. 4 ? * ? -, * *?) I < ? 1 ? 4 4 4 ? : M ?ama?. i fit I S S S S S S I .s . a. : ?.|i:ii, -. ? 5 ? 3 I ? l ?, - , lla.i il at 1 ?t Nai, ai s : i | S I I ? * a l>. I 4 I S S t S 4 U IMMVII.I |t l AKI'S. ? M, h.ill?. ??r.-at n 4 ? ', '. 1 J 1 5 5 ;: ? ?: ? < ? ? ? 4 . t.. ;: ?lut ?? I '. i I 4 I ? ? 4 4 4 S \4at.ri II..- 1. ? ? . ? ? ? I . I ? ? t ?lut ?III i 4 < ? . Il- 4-4 ?. .1 IM 4 -,,. S -a?l I ' M ' I I ' 1? 1 ? ? ? ? 4 4 t. ??? 7? "ni il I J ? I ? ? I 1 ?I N.ip.ra B ? I I II ' - S 4 4 || 4J 7 1 (M .. I I ? S 4 | *? .i ? ? 3 t? j ? ?, ???o-is-ise Easily Defeats Steiner j, Einal Round of Play,* Atlantic City, MAKES RUNAWAY Of SEMI-FINAL MATCH Wmoigfcby, Philadelphia Chaa. pion. Captures Monoriintg, Beaten Eight Field. Atla- ' S". J., ()C,^ 23 ^UW politan . ,,; .:.,.,_ tt| ***? .rnameat ra^? Country Club of - ( ?t, ?TJ ?'?'??' '"" ? *??**** ',* .-er anothrr-S -'r?'*-Tit tellaml ited HtniuT in the ron , '? ?l ?fantas c??tt?j ''*? it??? '". ?mea C. F?m,n, r? ? ock mim. who ?on kin h the spring It. halt "? ?ait of w.m p " r sh did poor work, and lie ktasa. * ..?i or.? he,? TV, ' ? '-?-?'".th mli r?rm- h" u' ? ? ii HtUscaZ ?.r. ^ out "' -rr.ed f?r kttZ t> up. "'"' 1,h(',' '"? ^BBjBqss, and 7 ,.-.lfn# ej, T^' :ueB?i tt* ftksi ' :****At?ul? ? "? St U| ktif, ??U u4 iotV ?'?'rtui in ti, l{ ??lowed he n.e.-.r.l BBBBBBI Ht ??. sa* Bsaaj stopped reached tha ?let of 'hi ?arils. U ?. r.ole ta I The " of thi fim s:* !-' i sli Irst ho., I a ihort putt liv ? r. 17, Minua ira, ?<m ' ed the next, bit cam? to gn >f at the twelfth. T?? "' 'rc '? ' the New Jener champion a winner on th? four.eenu greoB. n. the text division N?w Yortoi were quit? - ..-?--:',:. A. W. Brsnd. ?f ?s* An tin nt the lecond iii teen cun. and Samuel Allison, of Xi?. iccountinc tor th? betten ?.fit trophy - loiing to Reg:n?ld Lea?i n the tirst round. Hugh ?V;.?oathby, tk Philadelphia chsmyion. we. t riebt through the b'a'sn t.ght. his viras,* the tmai being; R. C. Maxw? . yf Tria ton. Mauri? ' th? ron? dak ?? th a "-'. .von the gross prii? ia ti? handicap, while M. P. Jones, of Frsnl ford, v. ? ?77, got th? net ?vsri The summary ?nd -?res follow: I . ? : Html p, ?? It > - lut. I:.MO. ? Vu?- . S ata-T.?, 1 - ' 1's.TlaU f., Btltstist 4 ? i IHBMR I Sf tti I -> A ?, BVt en . * ' ami Sail r?a?4 - i.? r s. M i j, A . in i 1 it : i. A ? - t luJwM. t . a . , -U Wal??.. I tt .. . > -41114 -4. W 11?'. - .-.Ii a I up s 1? Sisut. f?na:*4. . t? 1 ,i ?. r . !.. -.<~.'jo. 1 t? nvl 1 a H iten -.-.,? ??tr.l Iss. rsa ? i .it r. ?ia|: 1 I ?<????. .Utnttc bi'ii. ITlsWat I .... \ at w-?t.-^r. I m m? r. A '?_. ....... 4 up si -. I. llHittsr aas ? .- w . a*? Bssataavl ! ..- I .'? at. I ? i . . -;.. ^???-f*?a_-' n. M ?i " * ***** \ ?VnaUi brll H. I. 1 11?*"' -.??jn.l--? berth . - ? u? ot IB iltsrt?. I ' \\-t! . ? a . ? M "O ? ? .. ... :?"'. Ml Is. ' m m u e ? .;? raw A ? '?' ?*?** 111? f . \ ? ? ? ,*>?** ' .ii ?aa 1.-SI II \ WMt '?? ? - -. ***1? ,..??. j W r ?-. v ? '? "*??*** l ? ? - ?. ^ , . r . ??''? - ?*, __.._ B*?t. tit.ii ? *--r*T^ r ?1 Bro? a -l .""g Btlt ? up i t?. A. M I ?'?. iAr?e?s>' beaU HI. 1. I a ? ? ? - ' "*" 11.4 . ..?- -I ?aadaasa ,-,^. H??*?* Msurl.-? H'.e-r I . CBt I ' ? u a r. w n, -i--., "J 2 ?i K. ??. fhtn ? ? ' '. i, n I i ? * .. S * a. H I a . il I II. J. Wei * ? ? ya ,* n j i. i* ?... r' ii ?i II w ? ' ? I |l r r n... - - A GOLF TITLE AT STAB C. J. Turner an I A. < I'ratt ?o Bt??? on Montrlair Links. Asa result sf th? ? - ' "??? "?A in the club championship, t. J. i??T snd a., c. ? ? ;ut,?? final found this week for the taaar pionship of the ?l. i tels r <.o ! ft ?^ a few were ? - ' red BJ ?wMpaUkea, 1' E. Donohos bbbbjj :i :*'tolt?? eck Class ? with toy v> Mr- .1 B. Kiem.r won the *??' ? putting competition, while Mrs. a. ton was s..,-, f.|. icore? and ?ummary foi'Qw "f3n?e ,4 m?*' i , Pratt ml J K. ! * ? - * ? etptii a st s;? ; V 4-< : ! ,4, Il 11 WlUSS ? O - ' '' i t1 I jj | I to P.V'? I Is ... ? ?? J II K , aa># . I SI* 11" ; ' ? kt A It A * - ' ? LASS I , ? v r^B| ti:- ata ? I aas " .. u t I XV A g 15 ? w w n i ? .-i . ; ii B i n i u ?i i ctAM' ,-? a To Bench Dachshunde. II... ?achshu ! ' ub of ^'^.tm hold ,ts sixth m.mber?' iho? **?j Hot, Gregorian on hr i.-.. >?2| I ? t, Muta Ai'."It h.?. 1.:i sWsost iJdge Special pu", will be ???.'^5 ai well as ribbon for : ? I ?<*fm~_a third w.trier? lie -how ?rill ???fc t? membera and their fnenda. t* ?. particulars imv be obtained IT* ^ ?lauptner, 253 Broadway. York .lia?*1 HoiMIn? AH??. Bin?" "a .. 41.14 tllOO.f^/*} KENNEL GUIDB ?il HIN il AKKU iiil.ri.tla. ? ^?jS?J ,-. i%. .?f *" -g, ta? ?1,1,. tumbrr* ?NUI' t"?'' 14-sl-af??* ' mm? BtuMt?. 1U s. Stb ?trw?. ."?. ??