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f irsi Week ofOpera ?Season at Manhattan for Pavlowa rwrr Snrpu^srfl Hrr?r!t ?n 'Varmen"?.Superb Prr formancr of *'l.'Amot<* dpi Tre Re"?: Coming Work's I'mummmr. ?The first ^^ ?r?rk of the ti-n- weeks1 Mason af opera and i^jIpI i Manhattan Opera House has proved consid?r? able" i*' " successful th;m some had anticipated, and Oscar jTft"i;: v old tettle-ground has < xperienced a fainl ?iti glory. It would be idle to suggesl Hi I *kr M ?' attan wall ever sec again those Olympian nights, i-jaj. |i, i n Opera Company has surer''ltd m present nances of opera fully ta good as any American ];i.:i, . . ? :i ol reoi'tii yea!- outside the walls ??!' the Metropolitan. 'The Blind Girl of Portice' was an un fortunii e opening, as neithi r the ...irk nor its presentation mi cause for public excitement. It had to !>r jjjven because of Mine. Pavlowa, and wlial success it ob? wonderful dancer brought it. I Aiimre ?lei Tre I.e. howev? r, the skj di ared ??id *.}.< company gave of the Montemez/.i ??pera ,-i real 11 j?j?j nuance, revealing two fine artists in MM. ?ajdanoi. and Mardones, besides bringing to us a new .- rs. ... Herr.' ' '-'"'?' '"' skja"i Li!, but ? ,-n. . I ? - -. who ! . ring the I ? as d?fse i. .tar T.^t lo .1 of i bsauty, <v ? . .,. .. tit tat ?.rit M i - ? - . is in the Hal -formed is "Tost Mm? it hart jx s Mi > i 'ad si i: HoaSC yitr at t spring a -. sssj il -? srs ?jt<. . list its -- We; ;o- i ' sJtj ? -hen s an letropolit aV nee will have ?? .ranee j ' Cavf.i as Bar - -i i- appear i bt ;? -. ? opera will *? peart Includi .-11 Mil. r. P. ?roni a rsoio At a ters. Agi will t V'illani, ? i ? rto Moranzo ? ? ring fo Sti -..".d dive :.'? --. und tl ? ????1 I -?rs'r. ip i r; -i (.a-.- I OB) ' - -: RF Do ." ?c ?'i.olo At i '. i. .i t Ballet Russ? >.- ? a . -era. wit SB i grad. a Re" " - ran seal, and wit Luisa ". ?.,;., }', ? ' . -.i .' '-' . r rr.i.e? which they in ??nrres ? ' raatinee "Pagliaeel ? '?'nrrnivf dm 1*1 " ? ' and will ?erve t .... "Sf?i lyric soprnn - ? r, >.(,? e the i"i ? ! br Georg "iicnvallo op ?:? . a .- . .. \ . ountry at ti .... f I ?- all th? others I . | ,.. .. ? . ..rtnance on Sntur ? i brins, forwar? ??tai asms cas' ? al ... e. Musical Invents Cas! Their Harmonies Before Pertinent Personalities? ?'" -.s !s on the pro ?**'" ' - de Go *****'* - ?\eol an Ha.l on No ?Jfber ides'a i BW opera "a*!** r? Its ''r?t A met ? tl ? M' * ropohtni ?" ?? | a Rpanlah i * *'? '? working upon a sotij *** ' de ?.ororzs. ? ntalna more 'han . and th? < _**???'? ? by ?li'ick at. I .... : th? ??J*ad r BW N nsoatlern 2?p ' . s ?h?- third notable ? - -eiisbor?- of ' ?. .,-??;?'? 5J** '?' ('arpenter. Ta clase ?** r*" (ioiortl has ri o?.-h early .?rorka ol tere, d'lndy, ***<*?,.,, , Jluie v .. etabrteh*! CarnesTi?" Jr' T* '? ?at first an \p\\rP*-*> "> ' ? November IS, mL *' Saturday ?'" tattaei i aA??,?r.?*l ... . ?., **,*, York, Hunter b.,,*? ?' ? II '?' ml* '?i Vom ttibet IS. ?S-,1'1* '?' ? Welsh tenor. 1? ? Li ?Mm? ?W ' ' /' >?.? ' " ....:?? at? j/. ..'.. - ***>!* limai*? n?rn? ha? b??n for I sei ? irtis! ? ? un? - w nd ? ?? : - New t ha ed its activitias ? .1 tonr. I | ...j, Barrer? will re-enfer .?e: ,i. not alone with the ? lia ? r ri b il also w th tha Trio to, harp .Ho. Mr - - !oncerti Will be he'd, a? heretofore, at "he Belaaeo Theatre, I of a number of ?he date-, to be lie Little Sympl "-.y, .??und- Il.- 11????' mber i". the Trio JaUiuatr l| ? Barren i n emble, Monday Barter ; tho Trio do Luteee, . February 28; the Sunde; ? ening, March 12. The mus!? committee of the Mac lb, of -.4!.;ch Walter L. Bogei-t anees a.? th? opening ial ? ison n Brahms pto ? ? t i.,, a og cy-le preceded by a short group This will be given ?? ? ' club !? mi en Election Day, fit *??-. i Ich Meyn, barytone, I eontine de Alma, irai, piano, and ? '.::, reader. I te tl - 'act that sha is to ap ?' title role of "La Tost a." ? i.r.d Opera ?.nd Pa* - ? any at the Manhattan V."??dne?day Bight. ?or.g recita! rsday afternoon on poatpom . ... I ?'???11 give his first al of the ???so:, r' Carnegie ternoen ? ' ? 17, ?? I'ovla Frisch, a soprano of .* French training, ? ? ? * ? ha? v ? ? Paris, Berlin, Lon i ii ; ? an musi? os heard here In a pro . - at Aeolian Hall on -.. '..? - ' et 10. ? ?positions by Bee ? ck, Datante. Boi i t?pate, .' Gretshaninoff, Schumann, Brfihms and Schubert, and ? ulstaaea of Jean Verd, pianist Othat recital? announced by the Mu -? Management, under ? - Mme. Krisch Will be Il rinde the first appearance f Miss Winifred Christie, the Scotch I si it, ht Aeolian Hall or. ??lay afternoon, November 17: h tal by Sascha Jacobson in the si ?' room on Saturday November 27, and a pro gramma of ?on atas for piano and violin by Canton and Edouard Dethler, ? the Princess Theatre, on Sunday ig, December B. .lohn McCormeck will give hl? Biet V-4?- York recital at Carnegie Hall next i :"?ernoon. He will be heard at ...... n Headern** of Musi? the un day avoi , Albert GroRorowlch J?npo'?ki will five a song recital in Aeolian Hall on ?, November 11. Mme. France? Alda give? her annual il in CarnegT? Hall on Tues r>n, November 9. "Tho Joy bv Woodman) "Her Rose." by Miner dallup; "' ?? Monde eat Stupid?." by Buisl I'm .-.?; "'.e t'.'ti v i RaehmaninoiT; "Amant de . ." bj aiauky Konakoff; "'[>? V?,.i'.\." by Rabel', and a ne?v song by Friink La Forge, the composer-i i ? Vmc. Alda at her re citai, 'il! lie ?m 1er programme. Christine Miller ?rill give a son? re elt.l it, teolian Hall Tuosdi Hf'. : noon, tic ? n-bei IS. .. nr It*.ere. 1 I. new b.? n ?lnj*tni* I orlag soalously, i.rid wi?< ?? ' ?' ad?!e?' ta pi B ? and app-e Wiaely hersuse ? ??. i ?ay to learn how tl an by taking p?rt In Beers of the ni?' Juliui ! ?v-, : eaidenl; Mr?. M J. Kaufman, leeretary; Mn 'M. Heinoman, tieasurer; Mi? R H ? '. i'.l Arthur Pfor7 ?? 44 ere fifty BSt year, 'he firs* of ?he ? : the officers hat there will be ion th!? season. ? of Hadyn'i **Cr< ?ii. ai the first ? the holiday? the sini ? p? paring Chi latmai u i .?-ii ?!,.?> will entorta o ? H WOUld ''e intei esting I revival of the old eas? terns of the < ' itmaatldo la out vil - a 1-ere they are So much ?? the eltjr, S*eryl, whe will give ? song recital in Aeolian Hall on the i.i- as It.? ? Pltl?batch, who i? I p tudiod in Paris with Mme Uarchesl nn.i ('burles W. Clark. a. Brasilien pianist, aftas Cniomar ?e, i? to enter the Mew Tort eonCOli field at Aeolian Hall on No? vember 11 She wen B BlOl p?i/.e for forte plaj ?nsj al ths Pai Is Coa? n 1012 aft? twe real af with Prof a Plaza Theatre I ..? I be Better Won-, a';." Will b* I'lar? day? of the ?????>.. with "'i*.' I'otrwva la ?v.. Madonna" a? ti ?? proj. ? ? I,. . aiag Thai Vaudeville i? also riven. (Left)?ntaggtl Tevte, sppeirlni it the Manhitttn Open House. (Centre) ?Olive 1 remitid ai Tose? at the Msnhstttn Oprr. House. (PiRht)?Ann Swinburne, who leaves f.pcr.i for the concert ?tage. Genii 11' Agariril, tinging 11 Aeolian Hall. _4> Boston's Musical History Written in Programmes It wat fifteen year? ago that the lcgei | "With historical and descriptive note i by Philip Hale" firgt appeared upon th title pape of a programme book of th Boston Symphony Orchestra. It ha ?tood there ever since, and the ret? I volumes which it embellishes can b counted one of the treasures a library eoBtaining then A ??v" thessaroa of histerisal Bnd erli formation, combined wrth faaeif sometimes fantastic speeulatiea, are, end to a renl lover of hi?h cla.? music the pleasure et readiag then is secondary only to hearing the musi to which they open the doors of mean inc. Person., who regard them a- ? nit; natter with which to while swaj the internist th?- llcton con certs shew llttls appreciation si value. Thay ara no! to bo absorbai thus haniatdly, and the ?art tnat con Certgoera as a rule leav? thern them I the) succeed in gtttint then which i? BO! ah\;-.;. | the BBSS IB Ne? Vork ' makes r fortonst? 'hut the pob lisher, C. A. Ellis, in Boston, pu ? ? year's ?enes into sound binders' boards , so that those who know how t<> spprt cin'.e them may get thorn after son is over. In a way they aro siso > compendium of Boston's musical his tory, for Mr. Huie, by refsreace tc earlier performances, keeps h.s renden advised of what was done in the lor.? ago, as we.! ta and? :- the consulship! of Gericke, Paar, Fiedler and Mac He keep-- alive, too, some of th? always suggestiv? writings of his prede. i | William 1'. Apthorpe, and in his "F.ntr Actes" ke?;ps us abreast with conten? poraiy musical lilt rature at home and abroad. At th? BBI.Bg concert of the choru? mafntai'.ed by Celanbis 1 niverslty i new composition by Frederick 8. COB? verse will be performed. It it called "The J'eace ripe," end its text li taken trom Longfellow's "Hiawatha.' An official announcement says that the music Is "modern in treatment, Indian in atmosphere, with a tine apnrecU tlon of the value of melody anil full of dramatic sipnifleanre " - The Clneinnetl Symphony Orchestra ' has .iust been made the recipient of a nasjnlfleeat endowment by ??? a of If. Cora Daw, of Cincinnst!, which. it in SStinated, trill amount to the mm of The endowment comes at a most opportune time, when thai - I Itabllsb the previ? ous seconplishments of the oi ?in a solid basis, sad offer a tirni foun? dation for b wider developnei I in the future. Again, it aril] make possible the r?siliation of the dreams held fer this cherished Institution of th? Quten City, eol onlj by a large sei tien of ths public which has been loyal in it? supp?t?, bit by the -mull group Bf public aplrited rnen and women v.ho unselfish iy and gener gaVO of tbeir time, el erk.".- Slid money to promete its success. 'Die ? tul?.win. tit cunes a? the er 00 the part of ,-': s ''" ', wbi. wsa on? of the wealthiest women of < inclaaatl, Of her appre. ,,? the importance of the orrh?-?tra to the city arid of her eel I et OB of the of supportiflg it. i bar?es DalneraS] the French tenoj. '.vbo first appeared in this country under the Hammei stein miniiremifit, has sailed aboard the Roch.imbeau for At' Stlea. Maay reports have been circulated during 'he last few months to the Safeci thai Dalnorea was at vari?os times ?rouaded, crippled oi killed. But. like th? ?r. Dalnorea has satlived these rumors. After a ?vs naaths' ?ajeara in ?be hospital at Careaaeane, where he suf fared trotn rheumatism, he ira charr-ed. and lofl for neutral ground ? . i .and PHILHARMONIC Soch-.ty. Tue Philharmonic Soeiety of New ?foi k a ill in.' i"- i sard m th ? city during the com <?* * ? i 'the i ? tra nahea Its bbbbbI leai throat England, appearing in Bastea ob Ben? da>. Novsnoei v Carnegie Hall on November in and 11 ths PallharssoBls ?rill produce a aav? oHy ef lallte proportions Arnold Schooaberg'a 'Pellsaa and Htllsaade." a symphonic poen after llaet? well known play. The technical diffi ciilti?-? ??re ?e enormous thai -''r Strsnsky has had te straags twenty rehearsali to Insure ad?quat? prepara ' ion ' ' ?era one hundred perfoimers and :.??? nuneroua nev el Por the Philharnoi rts of November 11 and It Josef Strai k) hai arranged ;? Biegiamms devoted to Haydn, Spanish vi? Pablo Casals, be | mg the assisting artist, FRENCH BENEFIT PROGRAM Gala Performance at Metropol Nnvftriher 8. PaTther detaiis regarding the | performance *n be (.iven at ra House on Nov bet '* Indicate that the evening : ?iirk an e? i I met icen ho pi II go to the ' ral I --te?. Is I . OUI '" 1.1' Um i v. offer foi - ??.! p MRougOl de Li V" Uli lireure will make her lir.t Anieri appeataaes Claud? Ben? diet ???.?ill i sent n one-eet play. The Op t'ornique ?rill be represented by Ml (luirandon and Mareueriv H 1 -.'.ill (five her French i ' tationa, and Melvill? ?-Bills a II p the piano. Other? ??ill be And Mary, Parquoa, Leo l'oth:?-r. si .1 Ii trer-s end Mile C.errick. 1 "Maraeillaiee" arlll be ?ung by a pre inont operri star, yet to he annoutic .Iule', .lu u eran.!, th? FtOI tl ' sndor, will be present ANNA HELD IN SERIOUS MOI Teat of !V??rk In l'rench llosplt, Bring? Change. Anna Held hss been through tV War snd Anna muy ?eem an impr libia combination, but over In Fran ths tot have been working ??de sido since August a year ago. N? Mi?^ Held is back In a pear, fui SO I try, but her expent bcob have left tin mark on her. Eighteen months ag when lh? ?alieil for Europe, ?he Wl the gay an?! irresponsible cornedienn tu-.lay, although ths sam? spirit comedy lurk* jusl beneath the s urine ? evidence thi Anna U< Id hai *???? athei ha . ? '. dis ? ?? ? ?.-mu? Anna reached Ne Toril on Thutadey on the St. Lee and plunge?! Immediately into the vu tex. There have been so manv peop to lee and so much te do in that tin that she i- almost Inclined to weisen a return to the battle llae, hoping thi thote nha (-?m ?'.mi eompetitii?? sots But in h?T apartment at the Hotel S? vey, while Ting tl? Toutelles (who a iuz/> llttl? dog) lolled at her fee ih? found a feiv momenta to talk aboi !ier?elf and the war. "f I could hardly belie\-e niv eye hen i got back here." Simultaneous! i eycp? rolled 'u-t us they u?e to in that cnn't-maketi ? .-.?.- " \ vkele ? '. ?' ???? met an I pe< p'e going about their business jus* i the usual way! And then at, night th? lights on Broadway and every where, II seemed m though I w the t'.rst time. ! font, ird weth to keep from crying 'Pu ' th? lights! The Zeppelins ?srfll ge Zoppolin Is one word outside he own language t'r at Misi Hold ?"an pro nouneo perfectly, h begins a I and it la aflss Held'? Par?ala tendency to begin all WOfdl With " - " "i?!i. ?. hut 1 have MOB ?mil the 1 I hk ? rough In those month in France! This I? the Brsl I * the beg lining af the war thir I Iiem been away from there Hospitals ful of mutilsted men t-.vo thousand in I bu 1 ng, porhapa, a-.d : at on? wl oil one Bmong them! <>h, it I? terrible! I do no? care how gii-a' th.v tell >oi are the suffering and mikMt) over then ? ? ? are rreatot thai that "I would like ?o much in do BOOM ng fei .ntry ??hile I am ovei My I S 1 BUbetg S*. Honor? ! i.m air. ? t.o, not a? a ho? pital; merely ai a pla?a vihere women i-omr to f:ni<e things for the ?oldier?. 1 bai?- kept mi took 'h^re t.. feed them, and I pej each of tt?. g for their 44i.ik H .' il II M little! When ! think of th? rooms fall of blied mea, for ? for whom I used to ?ing ?a I realize .low Bothing can be done no'hlng' "But in one 4? ay It ? gn.. \ to ???? tho?e thing?, don't you ''?.ink? If they must be, one i? fortunate to live igh them and ?viteoos them. f.?r it r- one appr.i-iHte and enjoy lite a hen It i< ?II ? ? \- I thi future. Well, for the pres . ? ? : | to her arri? val at ?he S | ? MiSS Meld, the lobby had he.-:? Sim) " red tip with ' i ?-n. each trying . of money thsn ' Bo, Anally, ?he meet avieb, will ?ee her In Lo. An , ? ? ra| pi, ture 1ft, toll*! Per? i. etui ' i, i"-i hap. ? ..".?:. \n?! pe,r 1 ret urn to 1 I k..ep in condition dodging Zeppelin bombi. | (Left) S? huniann-1 leink. to appear in song recital at Carnegie 1 lall. Marguerite Beriza, who will sing at Aeolian Hall. CALENDAR FOR THE CURRENT WEEK. I SUNDAY Cataeg.? Hall, ?"? p. m., eeaesrt by "?-ne. Melba; Aeolian Hall, .'. p. m., concert by the Symphony Socic-y and Percy lirainger; Hotel . 'i p. m., eoaeetl by Onler of Rosttadassas; Standard Theatre, ??::!'? p m., conrer* by Mew Fork Orehsstral Society. MUST??' Aatoliaa Hal . * p. m.. song recita! by Marian Very!: Btli p. m., tal of chaml.ei mui ? b) Mr. an?! Mr?. David Manne; Cataegi? Hall - i- m, eoncert f? th? benefit of 'he Italian ?ar sufforors, V*i dl "Requiem"; I. tan Clubhouse, explanatory talk on Symphony Society programme? bj Walter Damrooeh; Manhattan "pera l! p. m.( Boston <>i re Company, Italian opera, "Otello," and ballet. TI'KSDAV Cernegit Hi ? p. m., leag recital by Mme. Beham?aa-Heiaki Aeolian Hall, ?' iforta recital by (tabrilowittch; Manhattan Opera Hell t, I Itl an by the Boston Opera I ompany. "Madama Butt 'and ballet. WKHNLSDAY keolien Hall,9 p, m., violin recite! by Arkady Beuratii ; Mea hattan Opera II?, i-?. :.' p m., Pavlova and the Baliet Russe; m p. m., opera in Italisn by : i Bi itofl Opeta I ompany, "Tosca." THURSDAY Catnegi? Hall, 8:16 p. m., concert by the Hoston Symphony Orchestra; Aeolian Hall, '? i BL, long recital by Manna Van Dtesser; Manhattan Open. House, 1 p. m., open, bj ?he Boston Opera ''ompany, "Cannon," and ballet; Academy of Music, Brooklyn, lecture bj R I. mi 'I.' programma of the Boston Orchestra. LRU ?AY Aeolian Hall, '?'? p. m., concert by the New York Symphony Or? eheetra ami Prieda Hempel; 8:15 p. m., concert by Qeaia d'Agaii Mr.rgueri'e Bei th the Ruaeian Symphony Oreheetra; Hotel Ri!t more, 11 a. in .-..!; Mauh.ittan Opera HOUBO, I p. m., ?.pera in Italian bj the Boston ?ipiTa Compeny, "L'Amorc ?l?*i tre Be"; Academy of M a n, eeneetl bj th? Boston Bymphonj Otchc tre; - trneg ?? - I Hall, B:li p. ?a., long recital by Mr. Phadig Agon. SATURDAY Caraei i Hall, t p. m., roncen of the Bo?t??n Symphony Or eheatta; keellan Hell, S p. m., ?on?, recite] by Clara Gabrilowli eh; 8:It . m., -??ng recita by Arthur Hirschmann; Horace Mann Auditorium, Colombia Univetsity, 1:16 p. m., eoneetl bj 'he New Yoth Vocal Quartet; ii Open House, ? p. ? . opeta in Italian by the Boston open? Company, "Pagliaeei" #aad "Coppelie"; i i? n.., "Maderas Bu" ?!>," and I' tl THE BURLESQUE WHEEL "Signing Wieners" the kltrartiea .?t ? iilunibiu. The '? ? h' the ? o lumbiu T- SBtrS this ?T? ... will fill a lone; fi |1 sraBl bf satiritiBg the ever Barreal o? ei u m of pati rs m tlie theatre. Vsadevill? sets that em? ploy th? 'tag to ?tir the audieaea 'o ? .11 be the I butts Soortiaaj '*'? \ : ? - \i e I. . ? 1. 1 ? ? . i. 1 Kuth I ... d, Dai?? . Anna K. lisch ai. 1 Billy Eva I the um il in? terlard ti. ? perforai. I he Tarin lie Theatre will h?\e th? Lady Bata r of bur !" at: : ' com sra Wi i 1 I ? ? 1 loud, Cecil i ? on ?, Hui Mai ? I sad Grace D I lift?? ? . 1 ' latid." pr?s? I tas, "A Il in a Marra; ' ? IB ? Music Lea^ie ; ?- geril - itrical Masaa, .-?t ? hav? been M u .. Lernt America va I playheai * f recita tor sil of 1 ?' tgemeat, as w? -.-?..? ? hum sad a ' kbbI aaal - 1 ?-- boahad thraagl tl Aateag ths ar- ?- ?rht will appear, are Bob? I ?' m? ? un.l k- 1. . rleste I I Irets E ???? 1 nden, Winifred Lamb. Alfred Urna. ?-aha'ore de Stef ano. Helen Faith R? .?ers. Hazel Cal? ilas, Sara Garouritach, Svlvta Black Horn Ha Vera, ?"oxtoa-Pergasea, I ?leorce Halrinn. Margal ?Tl "..Wei. lid-is Dunha emian it as, \ ? ? rt g Quartet An- SI ea uiil be fiv.? ??ctuiet b> Walter Damroich, three r instruction re? t? It bi Paal R? i ? ,\?r lecture? ??? Ml Geori i .. additioi . plan are bw mpleted for arle of after? oi Preach op? i a eomis i? Young Men's Symphony rhs Young Men's Bynphoay Oi ? i .t. of New Toi k. snnoH ? four? teal i lader ths direct loa of Arnold Volpe. The OCiOtj irai founded tats Alfred Lincoln Seliguaaa, arpeas of l ? ouflg te read and beeom? seeaaiat? tl th? rlesslet of orchestral repertoire, sad loara oas oi tars thoroagfl ? ii tud; ing for the two concert? presented e ???a i bob. A? his death, Mr, Seligasaa pro I? d a partial SBtSOWaaent for the so ? ety, sad te 'his ii idded th? tt?'i. ?up;iort of ths >? -.r.! of directors, ludet lueh familiar names as S. Mai el Prevs t, Fraai X Area?, ' ? rie E Buahnell, Rub n ?ioldmark. Harry Raws BbeUey and Jaaarpb L man. Ilehearsals will be held on Soaday ng?, beginning October 17. *.ll applicants for admission to the orehes hoald pressai themselves for .n rolmeat and examina? o? :.t Terrees Garden, IK Basl Fifty-eighth Street, on Si'idnv mornings, Oetobei 1 ??? *\ IB, L0:M to it -? ZI'RO OPERA COMPANY. Louis Zuro an'oiin.-. - that he - te i 'he r?iir.l srrsr.geinents for grand opera ?eason at the Thalia rhestre. Among the arti?*? SB| SfS Mis? Leda Krrera, an Italiai timtic soprano, who will make her debut in "Aida" on Sat urda.;. ?? \o\ember 'i; Miss Auid. a .. well kn.-wn in Italy; Miss, : Ssntlsy, nazi ins of ( Gardea and the Centurj npers I'i'iiipiii.v; G ' i Rua ?lan iiiami'ic teaor, ,--? oi leave of ??r. -, ; I roonded during the liega of Prxenyal, who will make his atabal in "Aida"; Laigl Bb molli, another dramatic tenor, making Inn debut in "Carmen," and Igaacio I?el Castilla, of th? Bast Com Baa]. BB? of tl a >-,>i duel ? ?? I BOB Bill begin on Friday with "?ar? men." I Melba and Schumann-Hcink in Week's Concert Features ProKr.atnmc.s of the? Principal Vocal and Orchestral En? tertainments Which Await ?Music Lovers? Symphony Offerings. Melba haa s number of, rtanl ehango? in th? programme ?ii-rt m Caraegia H?ll ?h.? :.. .1 o'elO? -? 1 re revised follewa: ?a . ?. llaiW ? . -, - , :?? ?I.?-.,? ? 4|- I'a-aT .?a- -r.a et te/. 7 ... ? Ir. M?"! ?stT? 1? . a I?sinn-.?T.-'.| ar.?i ? ? ? 4 .- i a .?.? I. Mr I'- ? ? ? ? '- ? r tea," anil "adle B . am? r .-? 1 m ? nstm. - . ?. ... .Befe ? . ? r?. it-* mi ?rr riu . toposltu Mis. iu-nsa>n. . . ! <? ? ?mit .. . ?? -a .. H . 8 . l>oii?*a?al)o , H i . -r Ms -a I. I . A-"' 4| a |) , A feature of the concert 'o be given ... aider t>: \'ost radam-j? in the ? .ni of th? Hotel Astor this after BOOH will be the tust performance pi p now oral long, "Soldatenlied, lP16,"eea ? 1 .- Langatteth to a poem by a peei wke ha? fallen on . ?he battlefield in the *-vHr. otto Goritx, irytone of the Metropolitan. -, aOCOmpenlod by four '.run. n?.ne?. Margaret? ober will ling ?Vaguer*? "Trtumo," Wolfe "Heimat"; Johanne?' ich, Sttauas's "Hamllche Autfoni- . lung" an?! Hildach'.? "Der Len7"; Hart? M Ott fold, a nuir.'ner of Bavarian ? longs; Cerl Braun, Schumann's "Weh. loch sfetrunlcen"; Robert Leon von Fielttz ?onu; C?rl Schlegel, Mux H.lnrich'e "Velhaliod" and ? ni.'? "An mein Weib"; Rosina i? Dyek, a serenade by De Lange and Brahma'i "Meine Liebe iit Gr?n," and \|"?srs. Semba-h, Arndt. GeritS and Braun 4vill join in singing a group of Gotman folksong.?. There Will be many additional numbers on the pro?rumme, ins the otferlngs of Cari Fried berg, Willem VYil'.eke, K?i\vard Rechlin, Johanna Gadski, Frieda Hempel and other noted singen. The proceed.? 7'roni the concert ??-ill be given to the Uin?l for the relief of the widows ami orphans of (ierman. Austrian and Hungarian soldiers who have fallen in ?he Kuropean war. The New Tetk Orchestral Society. Max Jacobs, conductor, assisteil hy Verlet, ?oirano, will ?ive the following programme at the Standard Theatre tin? evening: .MB" .V-aW I ? r.nLlied"... . .Sch-i- -r. i n a l I ?? ' ' Btl ??? ' '* . i i,i?i" . '? - ?:.{ I mm 'Kaust" a. ? T?'l,.ik..?s?y Ihe Chausson concerto, which will be featured by David and Clara Mannes at their second sonata recital for the vio? lin and piano at Aeolian Hall to-mor roiv night. November 1, wa. introduced to New York last season by the Mali? nese?. The ?Saslavsky String Quarte? wUI assist in the Chausson concerto. The complete programme i? a? follow?: Bnata In Ii minor. Op 121.8?*hijmar.n Bonat? la ?I major. Up. BO, No. 8.JJaethi.T.n ?' ? ?? ??? to I> mtttt, <ip 21. for ?lolln. pis? o and I'rln. .}ii.nat . I hat.saon Arkaily Bourstln, viollniit, will give hie second New York recital at Aeolian Lall on Wednesday afternoon. Th? programme follow?: s MM la U ma.'OT . Brahma sn I Fu.ue la O miner Bach li minar. Bruch M :..i-.. . Rameau t. ? m. .'-/ai Uiocoio.Albert SpaMln. ? 11 a.Wsp;?r '.' ... .a- l'a a . ?VU II Msiuiek . ht i. The concert for the benefit ef the Italian war sufferer's, in which Verdi's Requiem Mass will be sunjr., takes place in Carnegie Hall to-morrow evening. Tiie programme is as follows: FART I (i.aitura So>nr?i'.a. lilt .1.<-hsl>n<aaiiv Villon, ?snealsiis . Br>?rl Philip I'.' -I' r.-'Cfsasfrs. Aria p0 ll.i?-o ,., Vairit ?jloistial Mar-.ln. ? le In O mlr.j-, Andante e ?Uair? Mas Brich Mil. I.U.T..?- ?Visit?. K...1.. sttfe Timlin obhll?at?. . . Massera? Ml,. Ala!? HUH an.1l Uli. iA??11la Collait? . ? . . , 44-arrlor . .Hnrlalfh I.U'. Il'ltt?. .a AU.anael , 1 v.a'i.v Ma.sK.rt I'l.l.l;. It?, 'ixajl I'tt alia ' I'rtina ?'es Ills" *.?p~l! 'I.- UK H""s, Martin an.l Lucille ?'I ? PAKT 11 \eriil? K?<vj'.?m ?lu. Tl;? .lionise, flora I ? Me in ' ?.? a I . ? '.??.'.'!?'..'. I ? i> m . ? . Mia? ? an.iji. ?ole. so Mr? Julia k-itiler. .oniralto. ?lloTsonl Mai'lpp.-lil. Ml r a: i 1' l?. M A. ?u..l?au. . . v Mine. Krnestine Schumann-Heink will give ? song recital in Carnegie Hall on lay afternoon. This will be her programme; A-mi;. Alii Meseta . ? K .1. 44oi.'.n ?trl llsr W.r. ..rer ? ? -a .m Isrb.rM Mln i ?.???a N's'l.' ?nd Ki r?t ills K?-<? .. . I'a.i' u lanll? .1 v lie MoaTOU a Baa. . * I ?. ? ?' I Ira'iia .lun-ti .11? OStntr.. . . a SI ?tu >lnai . Mai Hpj r ? DamM l.rr*'-..'. B II .Inn.. H Boom traak i., i ,. a? ? M ' m.a. ? H-lrs. ?rllh an OLbit.ato at r.. .. i '. ,:.ani IW'I I ? a I A ??.aJmer. The first of Ossip Gsbrilowitaeh's ser. ies of six historical recitals will be ??-?ven in Aeolian Hall on Tuesday afternoon 1 I?. Russian pianist will devote hi? initial programme to clavier composers of th? th, seventeenth and eifrh inturies, smbracing the Bag? .. Italian, North Cern?an un.I Vionnoa? ichoela The socond pro gramma will be devote?! to works of Bcethevea, the third to the Romantic mpoBOra, the fourth to Chopin, the -.''th t?, Hrahnis ?nd Liszt and the sixth to a Ioiik list of modern eejmpoSOtl ? rogramms for Tuesday i? a? fol I . a ? A mlior .c?rr.po??1 for ?>-. Rsrl nt B.r^a M th. I lit. In (J ni.?ir 1 . la-, 4| -. (insur. iTh? llsr??.-??? ? ? .80? I i. !??? irtl . . 1 .-..., .? ? i ?'..??> A na Sr.ri.ttl I' . ? a I ' H'l?. R ?*?t miP.of 4 .' I V . ?? ? ud KafU - .n. a .. a. J 'r.>Tn f.flh Kl?!'tal, ' a ? Mr. niatla ?'a aai J f. Ba-h ' . ? I... Harmonious B's.-k?m;-li' i ??a - I ?Jan., ] ri ,a-..r lia 1. H mi', t . I' K Ha r. Mona ?? N i E nil-.or !!?..;; ?s-ls'lotiv r mamr, and Msrrla alia Tiirrs at, Mai. f.i 41 i?a Son.;? in Cerman, French and Kni* ?.'.1 he ?ung by Marcia van DaTOI it her r.ii'al tn Aeoii4ii Hall. rhursdaj aftornooa, instead of evea? ?? originelly scheduled. The so? prano, who thi? season become? a mem bet "f tlie ?hicago Opera Company, Will be a.?i?'?'.| b> Kurt Schindler at the piano. The programme follows! 4 i 8,. . .. ... h n.ght. r. am v 1 ? ni .-t? at. er i I... I ? .r . I' i * ? : i fraochi l 44, .. .. ?\lll ..murr oM 1'ira-n. I . - ? I. l'hau.a.,i 1'- l-a: I i . I *' ?' I .- ? , * . a S 4 n- ?:. a ? tmrssmma Hot* n ? VMsui 1 I - i . ir,,n n H Halar? Al-. ' . lav \4 Uva Ian I ? II. ..-pit h .?? s. ? ? t .. . . Bird nt tha Wlll.r-as. K ?i . . There ?re several novelt.e? ?m the Iprogramme which Arthur Ilerichmani?. , barytone, will offer at hii ?ong recital I in Aeolian Hall on Saturday evening. Aneng them are "O Sole!:'" by MVjries ?'e-?e; "Am I fer." by Yon Blatlaa, end ?-.-'." by Waiter Rool ( * ? ? Ri? is d i?:? if-.? j. r. I at del ?t the The pr.ii'rimrn. fs SWS1 ... ? . ?!i .????. ..... ? Ir- i:-- i l'l ? llJlA i ?t lit <k lyn? ? . ? . i ? > I . U-.?? ' "r|ss H .s le- ?. ? J.-. I-.rTS. O?.- . Mi -* ? i-ai L i-'.- tutu >?? i *ep If , . I> R?'-. '. I? 11 .|- W - ' ? l?. . I' I V. . .- H .. ii- I.??. : i ? i r t . -1. ?.!?? Mi the S.? . K H'l.'.'l a- - - ? O Ibais ? a H M ? /?I? L/SSI ?'> ? ?lar? CNnient Gabrtlowltsch will ?'?? vote herself exclus.vely to songs bv :. composers at her roeil > Aeolian Hall on Saturdav after though ths teats trill bs la Qetataa rhsrt will h? two sotes 0 ip Gabrilosritaeh, he srlll pi?'' the contralto's Beeonpaniiaents, ? I groups of aoagt by Rubinstein, Tsrhai . ?... ka, Beted BO, Karhmani sad ?Areasky. 1 llewfag la the programme: ?- I ! 1' a? S?H, J! U W'.r. Ira with You ...... OllnS? 1 - <?? q -, si : H*e.p of > s ; s?, te Herwtlns) ? - '. - . a ??? ?.- i li't '' '? ? ? I . ? UrttAr? i'.- r>..- ? isa. ????, ??.'.. * i?j mil i. BUB? 1st rs.i-i. I iittB !'? '. . ? Ora ttS? It/aa-- ., ; ?? Soa| \V|st*Dl1ed ?? t '.vt,*?.:.?r ;..? IISWTI T?-'.l?r??l*? its Mi ? 4 ?'. r ir-li of - , H*?-Lit; ?'s i-.'l Nil,, f.m i...-?' .- . OttTl ce>ttxh - Kf ;? sp. tfl 1 !."? s r?ah'i Por.? Irsr.s?v The opening of the Btltmore Friday morning musicals will be given In the i;rand bsllrooni of the Hotel B?tmore on Friday morning. Th? programme 1? us follow?: Lirait? .,, . Um? Mr.s Rtrvaai .?Sri? ?- Is ,.... P?f:KV Htiii'utr?, Tint s:.l Wen. st.l Pf?iMlit D*onucr eel ?Ittrr.btr? ? Mr Hiafuss-ir. I- ? jr.. fr ra "PtaUssat' LsaeesTtJIa Mr KaKXt! ? ?Ur TTtu .BuMr.stttn ' ?'. . t . . I'-rtu? T? j r,??? our-.H ut*, ha?. I .sai. tha tsrte. sw?: <?*?? TV ?. ? t?a. h?,, .. I'rr'?:ts.-...a?s sr.l I." Itltat ' ? ' ?? Tnttl U| Scott! r-sl a\. *.-. t * %". tr'.r.m Ravt?J8ir.!".r>S lit? ?. Hi; i| ..s ... ?J??.' ?-1 a rlttltraMn .??jsi Stfauia ?)?si?e?i<r Mr H.ymarc Dust rrastn Doc ??ImsUiU-' . . .Met?? Mm. Rtw?,ll tr..l M: S*nul A fourth tories of "Salon Musical??" will be begun on Friday ?venlng at ?'arnegie ( hamb?r Mails Hall tinder the direction of the MtBrtt Per. MB Bureau. lie. BfSSSatlng t.. the New York public. Miss Phadrig Ago'n, dra matlc soprano. Mi?ts Ago'i. Brill be ?een .in costume, performing dramatic mo? ments from various operas. Marguerite Bertis and (le:, a d'Ags 1 rioff will giv# a concert at Aeolian ' Hall on Friday evening, tvtth the as? sistance of the Russian Svmpho'i chestra. Mme. Bert'a will be heard I In an air from "L'Knfant Prodige*," by 1 I'cbtis?;,-, and "Fantochss." bv tue ?an.e composer; "Chansonette." bv H Morse Hummel; "Magdalen at Mich? ael's Gate," by Li'? Lehman; "I r, orgsr.e'to ?nona per la via," by .'"ibilla; I two Bohemian songs by Dvorak, ?ng . two seventeenth century French son,:?, "Air <.ai" and "Air S?rieux" Mr. d'Aganoff will ung the Staate frets "Boris (?odounow" and, with Mme. Bertza. the due* from "entrene Ouf g?B.M These two excern s from the opera? of Moussorgsky ani T?chalkow sky will be sung in costume. The or diestra! numbers which the Russian Symphony Orchestra trill play, nedtr the direction of Modes* Altschuler. II bs the Harvesters' Song from "Prince Igor," by Botodme; ,; a I'.dian , Song from "Sadko," by K:msky-Kor sakotT. which haa been adapted for orchsstia bv Mr. Altschuler, and "Ar nenian Rhapsodie," by Ippolitoff ItbbobT. These ar? the programmes for Bam? uel A. Baldwin's free organ recitals at the ?'it;. ? < i'.i ???* thlB week: si BOAT, OiTiiBF.R H AT 4 O'i'I/V K BSSMsSM T I I'US.'li. .1 Tl.? Ar.iw.r S? ?ten*-"ll.t i- ft ?n 1 F ?ft? Is 1? mijor Hs-li A i i, tad ? i-' tUntu* . i its I I> . : ? i ' to? lu .?tir mm I-, .rs. ? OBsjsjb" \\. a, a i IM stillT NcivKusra i it < o-.xoca ' ?*.-n.'s Bs 1 in F BBBM BaattrssaSSSSBB I's Op |, Nu 3 Swat >sn tad rasa* In B minor. . Bs h V ii's-loi. ? tlunr )? tit bi A '?'? VM'sr ? 1 . !U ? a TSaWaSt ."I rtBtSBSM l'l A ??*? ? s SVMPHONY SOCIETY. I'ne Bynphoay Society of Sew York, Walter Hauirnsch, conductor, will pre Kent an all Tscl;alkow?ky programme this afternoon at Aeolian Hall, wtth Percy (Iramger, the Auatralian com psasr-piaaist, as the ?oloist. On hi? first appearance in New York this tea son Mr. Graiagor will pla\ T?chnikow -k\'s B flat minor concerto, wi'h or ? hestra. The complet? programme te ?.s follow?: Ms- 'r??t " i m Ritsa 0'itr???. r>a II - . .. o ?.-I. ?ssSBSSai In B Bau ?atusar On Friday and Sunday afternoons, Novenber 5 and 7, Mi?s Frieda Hempel, tiie -otiratio of the Metropolitan Opera Conpaay, will make her first appear? ance of the season at Aeolian Hall. The complete programme Is as follows! Osaastrtft .e^r'si ' ... iVehtm Air trmn Ids IJit/tlhisir.?.-" -itt?r*.n s te a -a. ? Mnstrl Mlis Heir.t?.: . !, Apr*, -ii II Fs .rs - : - ... . i ? .? Ws ? - ci.e it.-kj[irm a us iitr.uiw Bits Mwi:. Walter Hamrosch, conductor of ?lie Symphony Society of New York, wll gfvs in? tii t "Kxplanatory Talk" at th?. piano to the members of the Music Lovers' I'lub on Monday aft?rr.oon a' ' asnopotitaa ?'lub, lUn Fast lor tteth Street. Mr. Hamrosch w,ll tax. i.p the leite, "?n a Perambulator. ' b. .lohn Aldea l'srpenter. which compos, tion appears on the Symph. programme for I'ruiay and Su'iday. \>. VOBBber ."i and 7, In the same I? Mr. Hamr?i?ch will also discos? the ?ymphony. "Komeo snd Juliet." b. Ber lioz. BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. I he' pair of concerts by the !? ton Symphony ?Irchestra will be ?>? m Carascis ?lall next Thursday tvea ing and Saturday afte-noon. There m no ?oloist at either of th? concert?. The programme for Thursday ?\en ing is as follows: ? Osa?sW> m i : ,r Hex | JBjaBBB \' ' ; ... I1 ?r ? r . ,"< s'Jsc ?: .4? t? .-si The pragiaaSBSS for Saturday after? noon is a^ follows: s - 4 .i a- t N . IIm..^^, Ms M.r? ,'?i.. Clin tie.-* Enfantins? Ni?st *f I . M I. iVrstvst - L?aFt? i ?? Us rstJa i^i Uaal Another Theatre for Mots l i e tieav fj | ?,|0|ls theatre, now ga> ii.g up in the Bay P.iilge section of Brooklyn. I tSasMltad to open about Peeember t. The bouse, whrh will ha ? known as The Park, ?rill have a sSanV ; tug capacity oi '.'.?VHl. and wll be th? -ixth ??renter New- Yor> ?b^atre to 1 come under the Mass control Popular xaudsvill? and a featur? atetare will be th? policy.