Newspaper Page Text
* J ? ? I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ' - ? ? ?kale Dissj. II? Ighta. ? ? ? ! ? - ? ? e and ? ? which 11 left . from ? ? Strum ? ? I) ,. ,i., ? v ?.-run. ? ? ? ? . . . ? .tions ?i Koe ? i ? Pro Gem ns in Athens Sec Jlicir Hopes Fading ?? I I ' I ? Burea riiis del ? ? ? must final!) a ?I? ? ? ? p ' " ' lent. reason oba? ? ? ' ... ? ..... ? , ? . an sita a fsvoi i ? of the Chai I il 11 t vote of < med til ? K by no meal ... . flee ? ? ' Baikal ' - bodea m> \ ? th? part of the ! ? ? ? gov ntracl - cf the p? wars hai Isys. SAYS ALLIES V/OULD WIN WITH RUMANIA I ondon Writer Believes Bnchai est Intervenllnn Would De? termine Greek Action. | Cata I? Ik? TB 0 c t. 31 1 ;, . ? rvii ritei i I I lay; "Thanks | ? ?? a | lie? are coi i ?? h i ch will . ? .nd mav yet ? - clearing up ?>: i ard the solid ro-or : ne aecl ? Frsi il Velei and I'.-kub, end that action, ca take 1 ? n Thi- would pi? ? I ?? I .... -, or of th.- -'? ? ?. rj ? ? lugh i et equal l ? t ea which the ku i oui 1 ? I . "Rub ? be mad? i ? . ?. ? . intend t.. *?r- .,, the 1 Buchsrest r,,-,, ,i i.. tl .; point, th. Rumania woaild also determine thi ? WANT COURT OF N MJTRALS National Pitaes Federal toe to Petition w klsaa lor lli-i?>. Pleni the 1 ? ? ? . ? ? ..' ,on. raaaaaaaj la .?gainst the ne? ronatl tatlon. nial la It? il i> a goad n for adopting il. il your ?ote. The New ICHEL UNIVERSAL TREAD A New Casing and advance making One Quality Only_ The Best ne prtrr? i, . ? meet mail* I -ala I-? II it-?!?-?-? H nt Clrt'e ** TEUTONS FORCED O?TOFVOLHYM; RETIRE IN NORTH -Abandon Vast Quantify ol ? ipplii s in South, Petro id Repoi RfllklAN LINI FIRM SOUTH OF RIGA ? ter **? Wis*i \ -i ! insiigea ( .?;"? i Gal ; ? ' ? and have fore? ? ? ? lal the ' o' that il I n ii about sa mili red th of B .-... 44 I', II '. {',. i ii: . Th ? -, had n .. facing a t i-. In the southern sector Berlin reports ' tahen Russiafl posi - ire of .1 an Bouncei ?hat the .i - ? IAL Th?' ' our force?, I ob era baah of ? ong night i ? then with.ire.v. m ti ? ? other . . . \ " ? ??! Linsii v i ? ? captured IAXLET8 TOP. ALL BRIT ??ir . .."i VtJri f.'r lervb ? iri. i ? ?. ? ? ? ' ? ' ? ain. claaa ? BRITISH WARSHIP SINKS WITH ! 55 ME ?pe? i Collision Oil ?A lipoll ??' i r lut! Trench* s at Dardanelles. Oae hua leed ? ;.re re por in i i ? ;i the Bntl Hythi ?'! ?' ? - ialll] p .. i Hytl ? * i.? mude to d st4 tem? at by -he Britl ? ...?: BBBillarj : Arthur Bit ? ,.s on tl l.B. \ -.he collision ?lie hr ? man, in additif ? i er? - Three officers and l.'.-'m ? - .tinn from th Turkish Wai I Ighi announce lardment by the A ?': ? Oallipoll p<nin*ula ha raved In certain tranchai ?m ths - ? rt vving. Ths itatsraeal stays th.-? n In ? by the ? ited 1 ? two b aa ? alte. il. toafarta our projectiles hli on? ? ???;.???? sters ? ? Is led the detona. rainut? s, out isd at hostils I r ?o| i w? g intrenehmi I enemjr'i lire ? v?'. . hroughout Thars. ? ? ?. 'i*eir ar ? ' ' ???. attach . I :?? has beee ' , . BOB ?'- BB i n thousaad ihelli - ' . (II collap ? I Sad .1 Bahr took Iment, hut r artillery. Boys of ? 5 Lie to Get in Army, While Eligible Men Shirk Duty h \\ m u V. , lowed b) War Pl?e?ulfl in Vain for Re? cruits and Army Captain Denounces Street Auctience for CowarrJitce ai Ile Cit?e Inspiring Ejcamples. Il ' , ? ? ? g, and oi r in 1 '? ? ? ? ? ,i- a hand ? ? ? ' ? : - the crowd a min ? . . when the ' i ? Arm* OaBcer Moaata Plat farm. Th i . ; liai ihm. ? ?? , ? ? ? ? ? ... ? ? ? \ Widen Pleads in Vela, ??he wsi in deed ? ? ? i. 1; ? ? : ? ? I ? ? ? ? here ene'" 1. ? ?' I 1 ti? Bhaaasfal RecetdL it leal ...H streets that Li record Tor i. i >o thi French langh at to a i h ??? h >? an ... ha bs? dona - more l mi ind lei ? fot a mo i?,. ?. .? 'i inition ?-'t y?t enlisted ! l?o rateh i ? i. at,,i the . ? | into khak ! . . i || a B at- for ii I then; to a .-men. ? we could take ? ?. .... i ? a bed no K ng a wouldn't l'oo.imio .I?-?? in ?may. ?. , Jew a" ? ".M, I admire ;?. d re replj 'We ? thi Britial ell :- i f wot \ i ? ? >u, I apelo ' . tor til ae " ? i -i two rainuti ? i - I , i 11 . job ! Do i .-nu?? ' ? tha ? s go . ? ? ? ??u all can't I ? . lia nerve t : '?.en. ?\\ Is Britain < eating to?" "Hi.-.- ? Do . ? i '.' ? treat it the 1 ... . a/hat I N mini ? Then grow ng all ? ? - ? t i l?.a.le to EBHat tioi men wi ? | f ta t . ? ft ?et ion with ? ? he had com ? ' . ?Bfl ? ? ? enlist An. th. t ata ? ? i ."???. ration twentv ' ?? l '11 ? . re* o' liquor Slid BBS BBC1 ' lal ? - ron v- 'ort shows. i ? . a .. : o 1 ! ; ; K ng ?! e prevtoat yar ...ti 37,000. j FRENCH CAPTURE TRENCH IN ARTOIS Break Enemy's Lines ??'? Iiois cu Hacho?Oermans Gain at Neuville. I ? ? , ' .? have ? - e Germai . lured ?< ? ... froai Pai t tl ' ?? the sorti I I ? v ? ? ? ? ?nt!y ink? n by the Fri ?hat vleleat a'.t iy the enei ? he ?'??: of 'h? i...i?>11,1th, te -?it of Beuch? - repulsed 1 he Gei r to ? ' I Hti' |f t! The I ?? ? muiii'i'i. mention! only ari of m i th? Tl- n . I In th. mu'! i rogri 1 tl ? ?? i . ? ? Thej epolsed by a certain of : ... ? tit I I P OUI ? ? etainii BO *e mad? ? ttl I ' ? ? ' - ? ?n? 'r.rch.a a^i w?ian ornctAL ? in oftleisl ?roTimuiiea??.. ? t.?: *?? ''.r '?* ?"la . .., w ''" ??-.-May srii.1; ? xv-d f.r.s'-j.ribl? a?,!; ? ?r ?'? aaJj in th? repaeAf 0 '"??aaaiu" - leheete, CAP. SIGHS WARN OP 8PI? I neroi I. ?teaiai." &?,. Freed ? ? ?r'*.. ? ?>r ?f tj, 'itary ro-r.moti n ?'? ' *'??? te?. ' '? '.fFraeei C ai fa ovi; The ?xv 7 aeardi Is '?'Kart STORE OPEN ALI. DAN TUESDAY (ELECTION DAN Fifth Avenue? ?>7th and 38th Streets The Women's Coat Shop is now showing ;i selection of Ne/w Winter Models? .Vw Wool Fabrics?New Colorings?New Fur Trimmings?of Woo! Duvetyne, Wool Cashmere, Wool Bolivia, Wool Velour and Broadcloth. 2?.50 to 95.00 Special Offerings Monday omen's Fur Trimmed Coats Velour Plush Coots Beaver Tr Copy ?if ? new "Bernard" model, button to neck, reverti?le collar, trimmed with l>.-iu?l of Beaver Fur, ?nliii lined, warmly ini? rlined. 35.00 Silk Velvet Coats -Opost*** Trlm'i t opj of ? new "Doucet'' m del ef Black Silk Velvet, .lit front, button to rink, nairrl? r collar of Jf? |j|\ Uaaka Opossum I ar, silk lined, int. rlin.d. Special WeVU Velvet Velour Coats > Trim'd Copy "(' .i nett "Bernard" Cossack model of Black Whet Velour, shirred ni waist line, ? ?>r?l l>rlt from sides, muffler collar and deep cuffs of ?rrj ?.) Badger I ur. Special *5V.?T>U Velveteen Coats Wj"J St/aiir?. Trim'i Copy ut'a new "Paquin" shirr?-?! rnodel in nuhofany, sapphire, green or black, Empirt waist line, flare :.. .,ii r collar and cuffs of Stable Flying Squirrel Fur, tasad ornamenta. Special 85.00 Women's SuitA and Gowns Fur Trimmed Tailored Suits \\'<mi| Velour, Broadcloth, Gabardine or Knglish Whipcord, trimmed with real Beaver, Hudson or French Seal, real Skunk. Skunk Raccoon ur -> Copies of Paris Model Suits 11 Ion d or Dr. tsy Suits, ??opt ? of Cbtrait, Ji an?, Paquin, ? illot, Drecoll, lam. in. Georgette at 0|K - ?111 1 III' ' Bernard modela ?>f imported cloths, rich fur AS f?t\ Special ?anVatJU trimming! Special ^?5?U" <).50 Georgette Crepe Afternoon Gowns Dress*/ "Jenny" model o? Georgette ?rip?, made over -?\. m i open, r ???. iighi grey, brown, bla? berry, navj or black combined \*ith crepe tit-Nur tu match, lace voke and collar, rrepe meteor >jq wft Special ttamZf ?*>*** Fur Trimmed Evening Gowns "I)n coll" modi 1 of ( 'hiffon Velvet, in rose, tareajttiei, orange, emerald ur black, silver lace upp? r corsage, j. \?. lied ah? uld? r itrapt, bodice and bottom of skirt a f. me\ edged with ;... Cone? 1 ur. Special 4y.??>U Georgette Crepe Waists New Models for Women and Misses franklin Simon a Go. will place m special Sale Monday Women .s Persian Stripe Georgette Crepe Waists A n?. w effect of Persian color strip?- Georgette crepe i.n plum, green, brown, black or ? -"*? Joffre blue, with while Georgette crepe collar and vestee. Persian buttons. Special ?.JO Hand Emb'd Georgette Waists, grrrn, brown, plum <>r n,i\y, mule ovei white chiffon; white Georgette crepe coila, and vestee; i\ T" hand embroidered. Special y ai a) Hand Emb'd Georgette Waists Iteo copies i? Peril models of superior qujlity (a rgette Crepe, in white, flesh <>r bieque; lumd |* ag embroidered, high cr low ne?_k models. Special * ***e? O Two Color Georgette Waists Bodice, yoke and sleeves <?!' bisque color Georgette; lower part of waist ?a plum, black, brown ur Hur gundy color Georgette; collar, rest?e and cuffs of i o jrf\ lace; jewelled buttons. Special I Oat?HJ Two Color Georgette Waists [land ui.ul- Braisl ol Georgett? Crepe, bodice effect, in black, brown, purple, navy ur green; apper part of waist and iteetet of bisque color; appliqucd in **\ a j-*t\ colors to match. Special mC^.Oy) SPECIAL SALES MONDAY Women's Hudson ?Seal Coats With i\t ' r or h s Wecaen's real Hud w Real Pur < Matiraf)? collar and Iteeder of Natural Beaver ?>r Ft? al Skunk I ir. Special | 00.00 Misses' Fur Trimmed Coats of n i ? ' ws. ? "Jenny" Model In green, brown, rote, navy, neld-moute ur black; large roll -ollarandcuffaof Natural ataceeai I ur; silk lined, wannlj interlined; li to 10 reara. Spec?,/ 2Q.^() Exclusive Winter Boots / r Women and Mittet. Four new rnodel high laced boota. liront.?' kid with lupoitefl cloth tu|is Tea Russia calf with chesnpagne kid trimming, Also all bine <>r soft kidskin. Special 7.00 Mi ses1 Fur 1 rimmed Suits / '. Ihtttnct M * 01 VVool Velour or Hroadiloth New Model ? ?tate, silk lined, uarinl;. Interlined and trimmed Blth various high cleat fur?; ?at. s( m?d? 1 skirts; 14 t?? 20 years. Special 29.50 Silk and Wool Combinations / i i iront? ii anil M Ml Pur?- Woo! ami Silk mixture rottihmati.uis. m< ?bum ?i ight, low net k. no ileevt t, knee or ankle length. Specke 1.45 Pure Thread Silk Hosiery For Women and Mis? ? 'Richelieu" ribbed, Paris ?'lox, or plain Silk Hose. Hlaek, u hit?', gold, siK?r. bronze, gray. Ball y and all Celui tu mat?h sliixs. suits or gowns. Special ,85 -* P?'r for 2S0