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HIST! LOTS OF GERMAN PLOTS IN IRVING PLAC] Something About Baker and George J. Nathar Attempt Made to ( ontravrrt the Impression That th moil?. Harvard FVofe.shor Conducts R School of Playwritinp: in Hi.** Cambridge ( lassroom By HE>rWOOD BROUN. v ?than, the it "?:!*:? g ThotnaS of the (iran7n. in his mos ?n of the uttei barrai ? Sam York's plays, belabor Pr ?sorgo Lien-? Baker, of Harward, "How r.?>\v about thi Prof? -, he who hn? been ?.res? agente? t Say, peri t?o* '" writes Mr. Nathan Ii t rciicer? p; d his product.?., not ii ??: re, wi i thi mat or may not hav? .. ?5 i*. the -caaes of She)?lon and Rallard. but fresh fron !? ?? ? ! ? ral le pt fossor done nm ?*.:. I, ti '? - rama? 1 doobi it. I taugh! numerous young fellows the facile trick ol ? taught them how t?i write plays1 A different ltd vastly. Has one single dramatic effort containing phy, an ounce of ?ober theme, a dash of cultured wit tlOTI an?! penetration, come directly fron .. tare chamber?" ' 'he ijnpreasioTi thai Professor Bakai plays rigi I Such is not the cas'. (;er,rtr,. Pierei .. busy one. In Harvard University, His n >..;? ?p (d at len^t three cooraea. <~b.e ?.f those Ii ,-. ? I to teach pjomothing concerning th?-? technique N o is made to teach philosophy, cultured wit ibly this habit of ?nicking to a subject is a common ..'. failure. Wo recollect that we obtained not the ?litrhte-t lee ami fall of the Ihitch Republic while studying any. a week for English. 47, Professor Baker never pare tin.o to teach philosophy, cultured wit or observa had taken his course in the expectation of learning It ?In ? Tie. Hut, as Mr. Nathan -a>s. "He has ? ? irnerous young- fallows the fadle tm-k of building show?." 7 ijr building i= neither facile nor tricky, but difficult an?! ? . ?-.?:[J ho Otbaarvad, grc? on to draw a di<stinctkni tie and ] i, but the diff?rai?*? -est? npon ?-mine arbitrary which Is not important. -\ show is ? play. ''Ham '? ins America" in ;> Itteacr ?i*-?/ r?*.- Is s ' sever pre-, ' I ? fa Mi than his 1 i i srs of Nell" a th? ? t Sheldon ? l ? ? | icted ? I - II .: America." whin Ml ?ras begs 1er ] ard left Harvard. 1* ;? Believe Me, Xbb? tl Harvard V. in aparar?! "Nn Di i author. ! ?? Sit . igt or ? ? .- I aays. He ' . Who ? g p.ctures i where such a . ? sp? fron Bei Il \ou ?lav re Vick? 1 ? H 9 seing "The 1 ?re i m - i i'orni ? ne Normen ? ..ti that hi i .... .. . I I. I tract ? I ! ? i ere s n the s? ' ? the I ? i team play ? ? M ? -m In ? ? "The ? . I torrid ?an the of an laico ? I "Had? rhs Bee? ? V - Bis ' have there'i - to taj th? sacred? ?te" another test against such ? coun rcum . ' I AIR AND WARMER \.?'\ Hi.paa.Kid's Net? Farce at ?he Kltingv Tur??,*?.. r snd 're on Bg?El? ? The '.uthor ?? ? ?j hslpod a i '? ? rs ?wattles ? The cast i? a notable BBS, r ?rt?cu faret h '*?dge ' Morgai liai toi R? ? ? -Jix?imJlrt-.rj-*' in. *H; _7lhe. Z?tema ? J^CH^uceo/ Jay ?e./usy?2 ?>Co Are You Ready, Carmens? Then Let 11er Flicker ?ire cominir to town. ?..-ra' I tht an i 'I heda Bar?, at ? ? ? ... ! tie t-ini forcea of William Pox. Ths remises to !.. i clos? com . ? to tutn OUt ths l"" idvan? '? ? ? R| pla] e.| ? ;irrne\ on the ge, but 1 more ore ths camera. ill te | . k .1 wiaaat ? ?? ii an b. * h tn lia\ e i,< sa i ?t. * ? m' t !?? . . with Har? battled had le? i. ,, for . followed by that rat ei I' had knocked away two teeth of ? iding man. i ?, ??, of th? ' ' ? . . "t he great - \. i pn ? ..... ? . ?.,. ; II more I ?? title ? rob- . ' " .it thi . \ ? Th? 'i 44 ill be ii - ? - -..? : .'1? tra. Tin i'cnietit of ? ?o an ? . nrire? ? Mill. Ire yon read R?mern ? ;:. 'i ho repieooi talIve of M bo m ? render a i mort Old Films and New On the Screens This Week Douglas Fn ratUlhS, who d.d so well ill! be the feature of I the a' tie Krucker bock. ? He v\ ill he ?. ." a tilrn version of the novel by Herbert Quick. His part in tbi? la absolutely imiik? that be assontd la the (.rifflth melodrama. - -? Barriscal? ail] be mob in oa picture play, "The Gold ' law," and the farce featuri? ' by Weber arid Fields In B called "Ti. BV ?? of i Benies," R? i ?ton? eonedy entitled ? l by Wire!. -' " "The Battle <"ry of Peace." the bijr h shows the de . f New York by a foreign eeatlaaes at the Yitagraph Thea? tre. " Ft r'h of n Nation," which tells a thrilling ?aie o?" the recunst ruction period iti chara.--.: al ! G ri IB t h fash ?. fear rats *.- |1 ase been seen in New York for perl uhich ?. con!. Irene and Yemen ?'astle continue in ? ..? th? I ?h???.-. th? ? ma Ian?*? ? The Rla OB theas afternoons when Chin?Chia i? Bot S matinee attract'.'? "Madame Hut'erfly." with Mary i which has been pr ed hj th? Pamoui Play? n ? ill bo ral? a ted 01 '-er 8 through JULIA ARTHUR COMES OUT OF RETIREMENT "Lternal Magdalene" Will Have Opening To-morrow. .lu:.a Arthur and a play of promise by a ROW author will ?livide honor? at th?- Forty-eighth Street iln-atr?- t,. morro** evening. Miss Arthur, now '?It ! I - bet i is retlremeni tor lixti ? lal, i "?? i.r, the call ol the foot liKht? has flaally boeeam lee ???ud to ? 1 i..b!o ha? already been ?vrit boal "The Eternal Magda labor. K?dert 1! ' 1 ? ? ' s I ? ? '?;.--1 man, TI i : i.? a I o iction, ai;,I ? ' ? tel) New 1 . n t ' ?? . . I ? ! . ???..!. ?-. b A. EL Wo i i.l- i,,?|uired th? . "f the Allejrhanies little is' . ?'Zlfrfjzr. :? JCT22C^e*r'Aehoa?k\A~j^. *' " Aworo @ /YetiersooeX,. s.r.-t..*. ? of the plot, the announ? ?ment n "modern it-ward, tb .- presenl new m ., ? tho a arid ei ? ? ? inca the begii slag of tin.? BILLS FOR SUNDAY CONCERTS Star Pel foi moi? Are l*roml*ed for Attraction? To-day. Three ad.led BtttS I -, In addition1 I? l1' ? ?.' ?-mer? from ' ? " are ?n aoanet ovoniag at the ? i Rassiai -. haef- ] lai - .1 '? : ?.linment at < the H continue? to saaumel ? - ? A ehotoi ' of thr. ?? i ondri d take part I - well < :. Belle S'ton mbaa and Char!' '? -larch, "The ." will be played in New Tell At < re this even? lag 'he New ' ra! Society ?egiti n ?? : mday night ?th i? unJer the rahlp if Mi?\ .Inrob?. Fashion Show on Ice. ? | f.i-l.ion ?hosr. unil.p- ? ? ' ? . J.'ht- W. Alixa- ths nainter, be given at Si ss 1 sa, on Vovombot '? ? which will m what i? ??hst n. skal -..: toi/i.-. : . this s???on. , ?.ii November : S3, ?i ,!i bats ' -i - arlth isatiaa eteniag i?i?u-n?. "Around the Map" Next, at the New Amsterdam From "M? loch" to "Around the Map" threaten? to be -i ??ood leap. 1'n doubtediy it will be good in more than one. "Aiour.d the Map" is one of big musical productions, and promises to be ...r-'hing that. "Mo!, i t. The New Amster? dam Theatt- , BBI bad several weeka of idleness in which to rr for (hs 'tid all is , ? . -?? .? othly. Th.- premiere will occur to-morrow night. The new show is a "musical globe tret," and this fact has given Joseph I'rban the opportaoity to cut loose tesaitally. There ore thirteen seer...? in the piece, and sll of them have been urbarieu ?' M. ?'. Mcl.ellan. author of "The Pink Lai;." si ! countless others, has supplied the book and lyrics. The music l? by Herman Finck, b'"er know i, abroad than in this countr>. However, he wrote several numbers of "The Girl from 1'tah." The dependable Julian Mittbell has staged the musical numbers. 'i' toarse, ?here is a story of suf ricient ftrength to carry the characters on the globe trot A wa?.;er of half a million francs figur?'? prominently in the action, and the ca-' . - Berlin, Por* Arthur, San Francisco and numerous other point.. The piece is in three acts. I , e Adler, of the Johann Strauss Theatre, Yienna, will make bei New York debut and her first appearance in an EagHsb ipeskiag role, tithers wiil hu (Iforgia o'Kamey, William Norn?, Robert P tl ?. Has? ! ' as, Tyler Brooke, Pi idenee O'Shea, Prod Nice, Lou i 1.1 .?? ??'. II? ? I ? -4?ill]n. Bl?via do Prank ??. Irvii ? Bi oks, Mariori? .: . Jam? - McElhorn, Bella D'A ibe, l OUalley Jennings, Plora ? rosbio, Jam?**? Keatney, Irtl ii Klein, an?l girls und girls si l girls. "HOBSON'S CHOICE" AT THE PRINCESS EnflUh Provincial Comedy to Have Premiere Tuesday. With Totfcahln already being; treated ?lrumaticaily and successfully "Quinneys'," at the Marine Elliott). Mow York will he shown a new play of English pi o, incial life on Tuesday ! in? sshirs i? the locale of "Hobsoi CI ??." and the play is ?aid to po?.?e?s all the quuintnes? of "Quin neys'." Ths play aill have its pre? miere at the Princess. "Rebsoa's Chotee-" -,? a comedy in four acta by Harold HriKhouse, staged by It. Iden Payne The central charac? ter, a shopkeeper, baa four ?laughter? to dispose of. and it i? his attempts to atraage fh?*ir murria"?.- accetding to his ewa wishes that famish the action. Molly Pearson, the original Hunty in "Bunty Pulls the Strini*?," will he in the cast. Others will be Viola Roach, Olive W?mot DavitV. Harold !> Bocket, V i. Andrew??, Marie Hudspoth, Harrv I Ashford, Whitford Kane, Walter Ptedorieka, Aim?*? Iiorntee, Harriett Parker Bad l:?>b?-rl l-'orsyth Where and Why Plays ? of the Season Contint. ? i i Acting of a High Order To Be Seen in a Number of ? Which Have Been Produced in NVw York Thi? SaaMsfegn, By HnVWtOD HROrV. ? ?.medie*. "Ths Boonsraag," at the Rela-ro, .. the brightest sort. ? .? sll Bated and thor oughly goo-! spiritatk, the play has s ' vile appeal. An exceptional!;- able . :? ? Martha Hedman, Wallace liddinger and ArthBt Byron. "The -red Woman," at the Thirty-ninth S'ree? Thea're. (?.ves MIsb Kmily Rteven? on? of the finest acting ? unties whieh any actress has had in seasons. Miss Stevens accepts Her playiag in the part of Caroline hn<!\s || a triumph. Miss Christine Nornaa is a most effective foil it? a contrasting character which is well draara sad srell tetad, The play is not without it:? theatrical touches, but its dramatic appeal is undeniable. At the . tht performance stands us ths best achievement of the season. "Mis. Boltay's Daughters," ?t the < onedy, is a clever comedy and well I aged. The persons with whom it i ..... rver, are an unpleasant lot, and Its subject matter makes it neces -aiy. in Jaatict to the play, to recom? mend it oi ly to those sophisticated i hsatregeor? who do not care in the least about the moral? of the charac? ters whom they see on the ?tage. "Young America," at the Gaiety, is decidedly wholesome. It is s skilfully devisad ?tory about a boy and his dog. Percy H.lton, Otto Krueger, Peggy 'Aoo.1 and Jasper, the thinking ?Tog. make up an excellent cast. "Our Mrs. McChesney," at the Ly? ceum, brings Kdna Ferher's engaging character to the stage. I'nfortunately the dramatization ha* been done with little skill, and while ther? are amusing ?OBStatl and good ?trokes of character drawing, the product is far from being a gooil play. Ftht-1 Barrymor?, whote charm and ability are unquestioned, is not very well suited in her present part an?! has appeared to much better advantage. "The Two Yirtues," at the Booth, en? ables K. II. Bothers to remind the pub l.c -.!iat he is a tiiunhed comedian. Mr. Btttro'a comedy .s a bit taUv. but non? tie les.? entertaining. "Rolling Stone?." at th? Harris, is a brisk play, bj Fdgar Selwyn. dealing1 with the adventures of two young I I wastrels, who show the usual theatrical! ?o build SB 'ri fort. ' ' *?Nf ?? 4? candv - hsrtei Ragglei , ?Bl the chu "Ahp ard Mawru??," ?t rro?' lue? ???fui - ? ? "'? L|*k ' ' i* o'?tV a?h and Perlmuttor." Ir, fact ?is. veriion of the sdventurei of \*\ ? lar rhar?.-??r* !? a r?\>r p|,, .J ?* predece??or . *cu?2 ? viierl hv i'.oi t oopr-r M*trrna aa?M '???"', '' '?.'?f '??hlesTl t at of th? | ,. pirtit-J ? drama of the de' ? .- . .. t?^a" ..._i .u. v_ m ra? li r? and the happy ? -,- arr _^A no luceetiful Barney Harnardal-aa, Pota?h contribute! a rot?ibl? asamm aaee. "^ "The New YorV Mea," 4t thi f? hou??. .? a hr-.iltar ? of tkaml 'cial ?chool ... ??'rr,?.TT -' *. a V?a<aa?alT Grace Osor^fe, i "Quinney?'." ?? th? Mitin. ^J lh?a?re. i? a pV?- ng; eom?dy a___ takes Its time. fh? ???.??? -'ly a!_* character of th? f - irur? ?ovlMtaaT hireman is ?*?:: r:av?d by Friaiaa t?os?. . One-Act Play?, The Washington Sqaan pi,,--. J ?he Rsndbox Theatre, F<ftv.aa?L* Street end Third Avenu?, kite _T_7 teresting bill of on?-??* pi.? ?i, tenor." of Maeterl-.r.ek's, u om if tl? most hesufiful tr.ings ?hi?! baj J", heeo dono in Ne - .'ork; ?ttm ?! ksye'? "Th? Antic'?:" has the ??inaiaa," Lvdia I.opokova in a iJ______m Philip Miller's "H?!er a', E5J>y a witty bit of hutoi il kai?Jsam?jM "Fire and Water" .. _ modirtteW at? arros?!ni* play about the wir. Farce?. "Mis? Informa* on." it thi Giern M. Cohan Thra-.r?. -. dow?Wd ???h tU all-pet- ? ?bili'y ?( Eli!? j?!. 44 ho does many th : gi and all of them attractively Th? play conulni tZ d.inelng an ! i ? ? ttl? muiic. ?Met is well sung, h r ? ?? by Mi? Jand. "Hit-the-Tra!l BoIIiday," ?t ths As. tor. Is s play ?bout Billy SurMay bf <">?orsre M ( ?han. Problem PI?)?. "Common Clay." ?t the Repu Vila, a 'a powerful play which treat! of i ? rc:al problem, but doei not ro|v? fc ' The play hai big moments, which M played eggrenlvely and thesta-ie^ . but ieem:n?r!y nom? the le?? ?*'?ctivdn by s cast of well known player?. Jmi Cowl snd John Mason ar? ?nppevtN bv luch o'her erce lient ?r'.o-? ?i Rib? ert McWad?. Run lalsl 9 cord and Dudley Hawiey. ' Melodrama. "T.'nder Fire." *? th? Bsj?SM Tho? I atre, romantii :s?< about th? Great Wei in Interesting fsi non. Psrii Ii und by a matinee ido! with an Irish accent I and th? German? ?re defeittd U ?? ? Marne Just in tiro? ta bring pane? ?f mind to a lovelj -^sroine. Wi/,'i??? C ? :r*enay i? the V -.-?, Violet H.mlir the heroine, and Frank Cr?.?n sn engaging although rot altogether tri? to life newspaper ,***.?n. "Sherlock Holm??." it thi EksIt?. brlag? William (? lletts biek to to?m Iri the ever popular story of th? si venture? of Puyi?'- great Hetiwflw. The plav stand? up well in spite of ttl ?<*?, and th? thr of 'he g?i ehimoer ?cone is as intense s? ever. "The Hou?e of Clan," at thi Casd-' 1er. is a police melodrsms with I powerful punch in certain lein.i, ll thongh P? pace i? non? too f??t. TU capabl? Mary Ryan I? entrusted ?*??? an emotional role which call? for ? d**? af perturbation. Musical Pls>?. "Hlp-Hip-Hooray." ?t th? Hip?* drome, is sn entertainment which its" ; to prove that ta?te may b? exer?*1Wl ' even in a ?arge ?cs!? production. T\* ! performance il f?ill o' ?urpriiaS, mm those features winch ?re not new ?f for the most psrt don?' h'?''*. *?? ever before Sou?a's H?"d. Or?W Harrold's voice. Nat Willa'a ?okm ?m many tons of handsom?' s?-?n*ry *? among the attractioni of th? Mg Mr i house. _ "The Princes? Pat," ?t th? Cort,? ' a comedv which boa?t? of ? "?'?? f ?Victor Herbert and an ""-'''f'1?* ? fetching performance by El*"* Painter, who ha? s voue to sing,!"? , to dance and skill to ac'. "Chin-Chin." at the Globe, It ___f gomen* and Stone a' th? "?'??; "S mav account for the fact that ?? production is running strongly '? arm it? second ?. . "Alone at Last." a' ?he Shub?rt, b ? magnificent score by Fraai I^har.i Indiff?rent book and an elaborate V decidedly tasteless setting. "Town Topics." at the Century, it wholesome show, made up of s nuasb of tpseislists, a th? ?ta amusing is \\ ?". Rogers Trials lb ganza, Peter Page. Bert I.eilit St Kileen Molineux are among th? pf formers ?host work is pleating "The Girl Who Bnilea," at the Lett acre, is made weli ?rortl ?tails throtf the participation of the pleasant Tits? N'stali? Alt. The book is amuiinf ? times, but it is hardly a? contiittsB] delightful a* the music. "The Blue Psrsdlte," ?? ths r***1 profits by the amusing work of Csts Lean and Cleo Ms I BBBl tuneful but not in the I???! I******'. guished. "The Ziegfeld Midnight hrolk." ?' the New Amsterdam Ro if, is litatl-H after the theatre ent?rtsinmeBt "***** an exceedingly attracti? a chorus. SECOND BANDBOX Bill Wsshington Squsre Placera Ib M Pia)? No?.ember s. Four plays from four la-:gusge? ea* be presented at the Bar.Uboi TB?**j or?- week from to-morrow. In the ***** the new programme of the Wa?*t* Square Players will be one of ?oaiad*^ From the French will come "??'*?**?* by Alfred do Musset ?aid to b? ?** tirst de Musset p'.av ever gives ? America. From th? ?'.errnan. Sehn?**? ler.'s "Literature." "The Honors?? I.over" will be a trsnslation of Roter? Braceo'? Italian. The fourth ?ill btjj* American play, by Alice (ier-'cnbtrt. of Chicago, author of the drAmat?tt* tion of "Alice in Wonderland'" m M The Preach and Itahan piar? bam* been translated by Ralph Roeder, ?? the Washington Square Plavers, Btl the tran.-'.ation of the SchnittUf P?*I is \>a- tltkt Flaut.