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MORGAN BETTER; GUARDS DOUBLED Financier Receives Win istcr. While Sou Go?s to Office. PATIENT ( HEI RFl U VISITOR REPORTS \rrives ?'?> Bedside i . trau d P teeth es on Put*, at Easl Island dato. - ..... it Mi ? an nd is ? - ? ' . ff.v ? ? Mr. Hin1 ? . . i . ? mistic .- i aaaL ? ? ? ? ? iuh's ? ' - ? - ? ? ? ' . ' ? ? ? - been : ?ton. ? ?? Belted ? .?.I ?lur tl r.^ ..' ... been betweei ?' ?' 7?WISH RELIEF CRUSADE ON *tn> ' la ??> Heeat ?.?> Il?>ui? i .i?-. il? r So . con ? ? ? . I i ? ?"' ' ? I | I I : \ ?!. Natural Silver, Natural Cross and Natural Blue Fox UR collection of Nat a, I <?,' ^^ ural Silver, Natural 've. ~S\ %y - ^ Cross and Natural Blue Fox iX^Vj^W jt \ Skins, iron, lowest to high \ est grades, is more corn? il \ plete than ever, and at ?I . ' Y prices to suit discriminat i *j ing buyers. j I wo Skins constitute .i V Set?and can be had from $75 up. fl jaeetoi?fy <-TluTter? 384 Fifth Avenue, H? i ista .'in?i .'J<?tii Sti dn ? !? \ SCO-i 1. Ml,s SHKPARD AWARDS DIPLOMA?S. " ??^???????sesasta?-^? eption at Lyndhurrt to motiiert of her wwing school children. ?m~_ ?about four ha? Ired persoaa were . . ; ' rd t ?j ? h ?? i en atti r?e i is 1 iward es. Shu had planned to take her newly adopted ion with h?-r to introduce him to the mothers, bul v/aa dissuaded by a teacher, win. feared a crank might be i : ent After the giving el di| aere folk .land's sad refresh? merits. SYRACUSE GREETS "BILLY" SUNDAY 'Whife-Livered Sinners' Quake in Anticipation of To-day's '.' >f Shots. ! . '? ? ?. .,. iyracase at i ? m ih<.- , .-orteil ? . i..acock, V) h i- ... ubi tei ? . ... .... I i o ri . ? : ? ? . \)\?\ I ? -,)?; in ve <!???? ? -, i ?? the Cathol . - ? ? l .: anil an- ' * ev ? -i!. The iWSV? r. ? ?'.??- ige -. t'u' Rev. .1. W W? I it hi in it :..! Universalista li ? 1 I light. ml - - rabie proport ioi ? to wail ... j The ? ?? ?.'. :.??',' .-?? . 1 SEEK CONFESSION IN BOM PLOT Federal Offirials Expecl Daeche to Turn State's Evidence. Thai Paul d do ibly of th< ? Gen held bj tl..- I ed I .ment on ? f con roy munition I ??:.:'.. :.. turn .-tate'a ev. ii, nee ,-... -.i . d in the "bomb pi it" ; ? I sec >i?I ernmeat oficial?. : i:i, hoar-long eo ifsreaee An isl /? ?gner, att nty foi ?-, ?.iiti Joiiii C. Knex, I United it? District A orney, In at the I'l'l eral Building, it ?.. - araed that ? ng Dai ehe righti in Jci .i leraT coart tl ??iii_ht into this jurirdiction for other Nur :.: ? d. From a government ? the all? aras ? . i a ? ne;, Z gner, I ,????. ?. denied tl st hi el ent had t the other i '1 he i ; e, according to Mr. Knox, has completed agaiasl the five mea, the information '.\;i! h>* i-r . and jury on Wedi i day. Indict? he return ? ? I 1 baric Warren, Assistant Attoraey ' cneral, who arrived h.-re ye-terday from Washington to taha charge of the : nation a id i j !.>'. ia bu half of .:;;,, intimated that the govern? meat would next show it- hand In Bos? ton. Mr. Warren started for that city Bfteraoea, Meen while, government eAeiala are working on new evidence, which, it ia ti nda to .- how that Robert Fay e re .-.-. o ved In a plol * i l low up Britiafa erulaera on- Sandy i ? ? ng the aea for the .if German linen ti?td up at ? n. ? | ? .??! r'>:? ? '?-;*? : I y the ..i Loi don, ac rices re? : hat I- > ? B a hsrmle eharae? . Bgaged in the lals ol ? m< Ming \- hli I ? ? ! d -'?;,'i-'.. want to America In September, 1913 after a few month a1 atay In "con? ? . !. i.. 11 Fey, i ha ? ier tter, .vr? I -ir Devriea u merehsnt, of 42 Han. I . Nut . i . ? ;. rday told ;;>-cr. be Bad 1 f'.r ;: long ? ? ? . be of unsound mind "I knew Fay anil hi- family la Ger? many ten years ago," Mr. Devriea said. "He cams ta nu- in May sad I >ld me ? , beea discharged from ths Ger? rmy after bsviag been w? :i".l bad com? t.. Americ i I i recapcrate. i not tell m ? anything about his re! misiion ia tl-..- e? In fact. 1 believ? that l.e wa? a? '-er si? fieisllj charged with 8By secret misaion because I happen to know l. antece? Hia mother died la aa insane m in Meelheim, en the Rhnie. and Kay himself has besa ??? i ? rrstic ??ver ainee his early aehool days. " Fsdsral sgeata said last night that Devries'a statement is not takea ssri? oasly. CASTS $1.512 IN RIVER; HELD Woman, Whose UstM) Junkman Saved, Is in Observation Ward. Mia. Mane Anderson, who ?rrivrl her?- Friday SB trie K i i.-i lanlefjor .1 from Bergea, Norway, and ????;,.. threw a package eaataining 1400 krenss i $l.f>1l! into tin- wuter while th ? iteaattr aras deth.Bg la Bieehlyi i^Kiii to the ebeervat?aa ward at Cilia lalaad yeatarday, Medical, authorities are puzzled over her cate. The package of money, rOMrversd b] a junkman in a rowhoat. is at the Detective Bureau la Brooklyn. Notii lag il kaaWB ahout Mrs. Anderson ex cept that her destination . SBSBSahSIt || the Wt st. U. S. Envoy Introduced to Sofia. Beta, Ott M Loarla B?satela, the ? sa? ? rea Miaister accredit |s te Balearte, proseatod hs en loi ? day. The "short ballot" ??ill help le ?un ???iitr.iic re<?i>onsibilit> ?m the Gavertsai for the ?u?;<e?? of hi? policies. It ??ill abolish "invifaihlc foicrnment." Vote. for it in the new constitution. I 'Store Open All Day Tuesday, t:lection Day ?.-. ? rr, ? ..-? "Progress"?The Spirit of the GIMBLL Store "I'rnt'rcss" GIMBELS-Auhority on Correct Dr?ss for the Horse Show ^ O plat - m Nmv York is thrrr a more magnificent colic ?ion of coetum?ea fr?r this vorv occasion. Antn.?paring this big evrnt. w?~ are liavint; a apecial display ir. mir ? I,ird Moor I ?Veas Sstlone of coetuinea that ?are have speeiall? sr lretrcl for their appi opriitrnrs?. Amonij thrrii are many o? mir P?t/|| (Iriuin.-il Mmlcl Suit*.. S ion t<> Si to. Pari? <>r?(tin it Hodel Dresses Sinn to $2i)u. \mcrtinn H odd Dresses tram the International Faahton Shut*. $100 m $250. Aaterlcaa Hodel Salts tram the laternatleaal Fanblon Shoar, $123 u> $273. Beside* these we have < opici and adaptations oi ir.anv t>i the < hoirest o? our imports that are priced at $35 to $57.50. We cordiall*. Invite voar irisrjt*<rUe*i of these gorgeoui Horse Show Lestuinrs. I hircl Floor. THANKSGIVING TOUR TO WASHINGTON Leave New York, midnight Nov. 25 3 Days?all expenses included?$20 Arrive in Nrw York on return, Sunday. Nov. 28th. 10 P. M Other Tours to Bermuda, California, Flor? ida; leaving any day. GIMB?.1. Information and Travel Burcaw' Third Floor "I'rt.'n ess" Real Eccn?my to Buy Furs Now D LV before the present sto? '?s is ? that! >.-'d. .is the ii ' ." I 6 dent'"! demand for luri hfjfl ,i I ?ran 'i prices, '.vhi' Ii ?trill affect all Future orders, Tishcr Set, $125. Siher Fox Set, $500. Naturel Bisse Fox Set, $29$. Hat i les hip (j ray Fox (wMt? or dyed i, $100* \ attirai !?> cd Fox Set. $44,50. Saturai Cross Fox Set, $75. Taupe Fox Set. $47M. U hite Fox Set. $>t2. lilac k Fox Set, ?27.50. Specially Priced Fur Coats Hudson Ser.l (<l\ed musk rat) Coats, $6$ to $295. Arctic Seal (dsed coney) Coats, $55 to $155. Muskrat Automobile Coats, $55 to $125. Hamster Coals, $45 to $150. I'ony Skin Coats, S25 to $12.50. NOTE?We have a very large as? sortment o? novelty Fur Coats of I h:d son Seal (dyed muskrat). Caracul. Mole Skin and iVr>ian Lamb. Third Floor "I'rtiiiress" Exquiriie Lace Blouses Of Cobweb Fineness At $5 THE gauzy, filmy lace is of exr?ui ite fie rign, and whr*n combin d with hern .titi lud P.r h pink crepe chiffon to form the wide veste?, revert; and culis it is almost ethereal in its daintiness. Shimmerini, through this transparent loveliness is delicately tinted pink satin ribbon that en? ir? h s low-r part of Blouse. The high back <'f>l!.ir of lace and crepe chiffon rolls soft from the face and would enhance the beauty of any woman. A masterstroke for an effective finish are the dainty pearl buttons at front of Blouse. This Blouse is one of the real Creations" c>{ the season. Thiid Floor OTHING more forcefully illustrates "Progress'1 than tlie rapid growth ut' tin- GIMBEL Stun* in N??w York. In five years this Store has solidly entrenched itself in the public's confident??? end builded s busi? ness millions ?if dollttTS in excess of that annu.ill v done by stures founded generations ago in the m? rtropolis, "Progress" nt every step symbolises the grovrth of th? GIMBEL Store a st?ire of ideas, (dealt and ACTION! Fron the firs! hour that this GIMBEL Store was planned, "Prog? ress" has been constantly ass elated trith it. "Progress" was one of the foundations of the first GIMBEL stir? morc than se* en decedea ago. Ami no GIMBEL enterprise has ever been ,i:..., ... rj fron that teord of spirit of endeavor and action. As one of Hie founders of the New York GIMBEL Store recently s-ll(l el i electing attended by other members of the firm and executive In ads: "November is to be distinguished by a sale for PROGRESS. It is not to '>e the style of sale for the purpose of able to annou ice your having a sale, out because it ?3 based on merits wort1 y o? special attei.l.on on the part of the public." And there you have one of Hi?' fundsnentel reasons for t!i ? inecess of the GIMBEL Store "based on merit." What else but ''Progress,'' energy, rndeevor, "based on m? rit." could rear mh!i s magnificent store, stock it ?rUli $6,000,000 ?rorth of near'm? r cltandite, and conunand such a vast and steadily increasing patronage? "Progress" In every thought ami set! Thoroughly modi rn In even the tmellest detail, as thoroughly efficient as human < ad ?vor, constant and sincere, can make it: wholly r? prest nt;i tivc in Its mcrchsndise, and employing a system of pricing that makes it profitable for people to parchase here, it is not larprising that the GIMBEL Store should make such resistless headway In a field that pre? sented seemingly itouniiounteble obetaclea. Out of the Bmasing activitiea <>f October, the month of GIMBEL "Fifth Birthday'' Sales, Into November, s month brilliant trith the protnise of still greater achievements, ?till brooder nr.?l more ambitious sai. s plans, justifies, ?r believe, the GIMBEL claim that "Progrett' Is Um spirit of the Store. Welcome, November at GIMBELS. 'Pnoreasf Designed by Maria Guy Copied by Our Milliners rT* HIS charntia 11 . "< eejoette" <?f glitt? inn-; si quins anil jet !?-. .ids with wind "skirt" \n\ edged with tiny j?'t I?. ,ib i- h ' onlj .?.'' nctly n<taj but ft ry i liic ai .I i . ..i. coning, '.->". a i11 a its little I?VI ;? ,i . , I tip nod In-.' - lUCil? fron tii'- front. Tbit is only ?m?- of Hundreds o? New Hate Sow Display eu in Our Trench Salons a: $15 to $28 I'.mtv one is a copy or adaptation of French Model Ihr? CaLLs?Lavish L'?e of Fur o?~ ry < ? I V MM S. is always apte?- wit1 Paris, ?-:'- w nts Jet, Geld <<?"./ Silver Hats ?rinsted -.nth ,.. ms kind? tf Far, l>* ? j .V..,.' f'elvet Untt trimmed with maline. i.ntire Hot? of .' > hat? trimmed'* Kolintlta. White Hats trimmed i.itli Er? mine, New Tailleur Ha?s, $5, $6.75 and $7.50 In fteady-to-Wear Seeta?on <>n Third Floor, I2d St. Side. Third Floor ?||||||;!|||||i||!!ir.!!t||!'|||||l!!ll^ "Progressa $9.50 to $18.50 Imported Novelty Velvets, $6 Yd. r> H II brocaded sod rtrlprd raVcti ran taffrta, latin, en y ?? ("Inn? V and .-hii?..ii grountls, AU the Biost desirable caler rorobtBAtkata. $6 to $7 Imported Double-Width Colored Chiffon Velvet, yard, $4.95 In Mire desirable ihadn is old i"--?-. blue tafeBlqae, lilac, gold, glycine, light blur, e.iriim .1. midnight blue, era??raid, nsosa grecs), feie tr? a, <-t.-. $6 Black Chiffon Velvet, yard, $3.95 Imported Has .1 rich, deep pile sad 1- ii?tabje t.>r dresses, .-..its, suitings, etc. $3 Bhck Chiffon Velveteen, $2.15 Irajported; width 3'J inch?;?. Has ,1 vvniidcrful pile surt'invi very lns tr.Miv $1.50 Corduroy Velvet, Yard, $1.15 Import? <l. und "noUow" ei.t; v.idll '_".' ineli. s [g ?II tll^ Wiling ?hade?. Chiffon Velveteen, a Yard, $5.50 \ ^pieid in 1 ]>? 'rt itimi. \tri..iii limwn, dirk phUB und ?I.irk myrtle. \ rnaenlneent ouitlity, Sascond Floor "Propre***? Pure L:nen Satin D?imask .Se4? Under-Prc QET on-i,is of i el? Hi sa I IS ?v? upUqa. Several beautlfal bi a i\ ira) mid sfrij..- ?tTi els. V ?:) cloth, " 1x6 i In.$5 With cloth, - IxSl In.$5.50 With cloth, '> i\'"' In.56 Extra Heavy All-Linen Full Blenched Hemstitched Damask Dinner Set*. W th doth rOt 70 in. ,. .Sio.50 With :loth, "<". ^< in... $11 ro With cloth, 70x106 in. , . $12.50 Satin D?mn;k Breakfast Cloths, $2. tienstitched, full bletched aid -.i neat '?oral designs Heavy Double Satn Damask Table Cloths. ?sue 72% ~Z la... ?3 *.o $4.50 Sitt 7iX ?" in... .$3.75 to $5.75 Siu 72X101 in . . . $4.50 to $fi 75 SU? 72X126 In. . . .$5.25 to $7.75 Slat 72X144 in. . . .$6 to $9 Lin?-?! Section Second Floor. "I'rtiftress" $400 Black Enameled Hand-decorated Bedroom Suites? $245 *$ ? *? 1 Iff ?-SL??&r rt*el**tSa I ? ? 3 z*~22\\Lm?*SM* .... ,^m NSI'IIU I) l.\ i suite deaigned for ? atosl eselasire Net? York hotel by i aretaaind?rcoratorof ?ntrr national fame. Sine pie?rea, includine t\?in ??5 "Prot/ress" $75 Theo. Haviland 100 Piece Dinror Service at $42.50 |?Vy|AT gold handles. N?eat conventional l>or?|.-r. All pfeces bate gold "n eeuee, N'v.s! lrin.ii shape. $95 Theo. Hav.iand Dinner Sets, $50 Of 106 and 108 pieces. Three-color border. Neat fold i n il ?, ( lioiee uf :i designs. $55 Open Stock "Elite" Dinner Sets, $35 108 pieces I nil, neat gold handlea. Pink or y? How bevoVr design. Sets include sauce tureen. $100 Bavarian China Dinner Sets, $67.50 108 pieces. Magnificent cream border decoratioa on a splen? did whit?- body. Greek key border. All nandlea full, mat coin gold. Sit Includet breed end butt r plat - and ?'! steal ditty!. $40 Aust.-hn China Dinner Sets, $27.50 Open stock, with five-color border decorations in flower detigns. Seat coin ;r. Id bandies. Complete, trith plates in four si/.^ and I m ,-it dis'i? s. $25 English Porc(:rin Dinner Sets. $15 Meal pink convenUend border, gold-traced Inimll? s. pteej English shapes. Extra Special! $17.50 American Porcelain 100-Piece Dinner Sets, $10 ThC finest set we h.ive iMT slinMu fot tile money. N,.,(. border deeoritions. Br sd and btitter plates Included. $12 Domestic Porcelain Dinner Sets, $8.75 Neat spray design. All pieces cesaplctt fur || perseaas. Our Glass ?arej $410 Mahogany Bedroom Suites, $270 Seven parees. Shrral.Bodrl, iMBdsoiaeij inl.dd Ttria bed? ?Ails I loral decorBtibos in robdoed ce?lees. $250 Colonial Bedroom Suites, $198.50 PhrtKjMst Bs?dei MasBttjaay, Daiatpracd rrjaetrui tim Twin li.ilv 5?tventh Floor. $1.75 Six-Inch Cut Crystal"Flower Vases, $1 Many d<rsigns and several shapes Pineal quality. 12-Inch Cut Crystal Vases at $3.50 Splendid for Thsj?tsgiving fotr?rs. Several -ittraitiv? shapes, and l- dinTcrcnl designs. 11 ft It Hour. "Protfress" $36.50 All Steel, Porcelain Top Kitchen Cabinets, Ni.u .m?! tyjdeal ??i "pfearrcat'' La the kit.h.n reeet, uith i.trfr?- hin aas. .iM.iehrd vifti-r mid lar? B^ass Mii/ar totxahaet. AlMintdaisce ??i riH.m iar^pets ?nil aesa, lir. ?Vd and ethm i>.?x. ate $1.25 li| null i Mii.n. ana d $3 4S B,M Bird Mm. .-^ $30 ?In.|asai ?t'a had, ?t 9S< $i.7S Fircprooi Csitr? -In. 8-inrh ?i???. BtsjssalSS m re. It ? ! pitied trtme. st S Mr. %\2S SerTi?. Tr?yi, SB kal bIsSBS? 12 n. i. si/', tl $1. $2 Ptrcoliti?j| Cols? Pot?. ?sicStl plated, iix-cuj., $1.4S. mounted \i ? nn kel ?Itied Irwiie; mtde l<> ImlJ Kot ??ter. al $2.55. $2.35 B'ue Birtl V?|*tsM? Dskci. aastJtj BJBMSBBbJ in nukeli.Uted tri?te. m?de lo Md hot vattei. at $1.95. It til? H.M.r